Andrea Giordano
La figurazione dello spazio architettonico di Gaspare De Fiore
Dal 1967, anno in cui Gaspare De Fiore pubblicò La figurazione dello spazio architettonico, ad oggi sono trascorsi esattamente 50 anni, eppure l’opera conserva la medesima fresca attualità che fu possibile rilevare leggendola per la prima volta durante gli anni della nostra formazione. Nell’affrontare il problema dello spazio architettonico De Fiore distingue tra la sua ideazione e la sua rappresentazione, segnatamente affrontando il secondo argomento da molteplici punti di vista e lungo un arco temporale che abbraccia l’intera storia dell’uomo, dalla pittura preclassica all’arte contemporanea, passando attraverso la rappresentazione dell’architettura in epoca romana, le dinamiche concettua…
Variational Gibbs State Preparation on NISQ devices
The preparation of an equilibrium thermal state of a quantum many-body system on noisy intermediate-scale (NISQ) devices is an important task in order to extend the range of applications of quantum computation. Faithful Gibbs state preparation would pave the way to investigate protocols such as thermalization and out-of-equilibrium thermodynamics, as well as providing useful resources for quantum algorithms, where sampling from Gibbs states constitutes a key subroutine. We propose a variational quantum algorithm (VQA) to prepare Gibbs states of a quantum many-body system. The novelty of our VQA consists in implementing a parameterized quantum circuit acting on two distinct, yet connected, q…
HSP60 activity on human bronchial epithelial cells
HSP60 has been implicated in chronic inflammatory disease pathogenesis, including chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), but the mechanisms by which this chaperonin would act are poorly understood. A number of studies suggest a role for extracellular HSP60, since it can be secreted from cells and bind Toll-like receptors; however, the effects of this stimulation have never been extensively studied. We investigated the effects (pro- or anti-inflammatory) of HSP60 in human bronchial epithelial cells (16-HBE) alone and in comparison with oxidative, inflammatory, or bacterial challenges. 16-HBE cells were cultured for 1–4 h in the absence or presence of HSP60, H2O2, lipopolysaccharide (…