María Morales Suárez-varela

Asthma and rhinoconjunctivitis comorbidity: United airway disease or inherited target organs?

Garcia-Marcos L, Ruiz TR, Garcia-Hernandez G, Suarez-Varela MM, Valverde-Molina J, Sanchez-Solis M. Asthma and rhinoconjunctivitis comorbidity: United airway disease or inherited target organs? Pediatr Allergy Immunol 2010: 21: e142–e148. © 2009 The Authors Journal compilation © 2009 Blackwell Munksgaard The idea of a united airway disease for asthma and rhinoconjunctivitis is supported by clinical and epidemiological data. However, many asthmatics do not have rhinoconjunctivitis and vice versa. The aim of this study was to investigate if the family history of a specific organ involvement is associated with the implication of the same organ in the allergic child. According to the organ invo…

research product

Fat intake in children with autism spectrum disorder in the Mediterranean region (Valencia, Spain)

Children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) have been found to have alterations in dietary fat intake and fat quality. The fat intakes of the foods consumed by children with and without ASD were compared, and the deficiency and excess of these nutrients were examined.In a matched case-control study, 3-day food diaries were completed by 105 children with ASD and 495 typically developing (TD) 6- to 9-year-old children in Valencia (Spain). We used the probabilistic approach and estimated average requirement cut-point to evaluate the risk of inadequate nutrients intakes. These were compared between groups and with Spanish recommendations using linear and logistic regression, respectively.Group…

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Aplicación del método de Gail de cálculo de riesgo de cáncer de mama a la población valenciana

Objetivos El objetivo del estudio es comprobar si el metodo definido por Gail es aplicable y predictivo en la poblacion de mujeres valencianas.

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sj-docx-1-aut-10.1177_13623613211039950 – Supplemental material for Systematic review of prenatal exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals and autism spectrum disorder in offspring

Supplemental material, sj-docx-1-aut-10.1177_13623613211039950 for Systematic review of prenatal exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals and autism spectrum disorder in offspring by Salvador Marí-Bauset, Isabel Peraita-Costa, Carolina Donat-Vargas, Agustín Llopis-González, Amelia Marí-Sanchis, Juan Llopis-Morales and María Morales Suárez-Varela in Autism

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Air Pollution and Recent Symptoms of Asthma, Allergic Rhinitis, and Atopic Eczema in Schoolchildren Aged Between 6 and 7 Years

Abstract Objective The objective of the study was to analyze the relationship between air pollutants and the prevalence of recent symptoms of asthma, allergic rhinitis, and atopic eczema in schoolchildren aged between 6 and 7 years. Patients and Methods The prevalence of recent (previous 12 months) symptoms of allergic diseases was obtained by means of the questionnaire of the International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Childhood (ISAAC), Spain, with the participation of 7 centers (Asturias, Barcelona, Bilbao, Cartagena, La Coruna, Madrid, and Valencia) and 20 455 schoolchildren aged between 6 and 7 years, from 2002 to 2003. The pollutant detection systems of the aforementioned centers p…

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Early exposure to paracetamol or to antibiotics and eczema at school age: Modification by asthma and rhinoconjunctivitis

The association between early exposure to paracetamol or to antibiotics and eczema is conflicting. This study aims to know whether the early exposure to those drugs is associated with eczema at school age, and whether the strength of the association is modified by the presence of asthma or rhinoconjunctivitis. Children aged 6-7 (n = 13908) from the International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Childhood in Spain provided data about current asthma, rhinoconjunctivitis and eczema. Parent-reported information was also obtained on paracetamol and antibiotic consumption during the first year of life. Logistic regression analysis with eczema as outcome and including exposure to paracetamol or to…

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Psychosocial adjustment in patients surgically treated for laryngeal cancer.

Abstract Objective To assess the psychosocial adjustment in 62 patients surgically treated for cancer of the head and neck. Study design and setting Forty-one patients were grouped as having had radical surgery (total laryngectomy) and 21 as having had functional surgery (horizontal supraglottic laryngectomy or partial vertical surgery). The Psychosocial Adjustment to Illness Scale-Self Report (PAIS-SR) was used for the evaluation. Results No significant differences were found between groups when global adjustment or domain adjustment was compared. Patients did not consider the permanent stoma and voice loss to be the most important determinant of quality of life. Work and family relationsh…

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Determination of pesticides and veterinary drug residues in food by liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry: A review

Monitoring of pesticides and veterinary drug residues is required to enforce legislation and guarantee food safety. Liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS) is the prevailing technique for assessing both types of residues because LC offers a versatile and universal separation mechanism suitable for non-gas chromatography (GC) amenable and the majority of GC-amenable compounds. This characteristic becomes more relevant when LC is coupled to MS because the high sensitivity and specificity of the detector allows to apply generic sample preparation procedures, which simultaneously extract a wide variety of residues with different physico-chemical properties. Determination of metabolites …

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Hospital work and pregnancy outcomes: a study in the Danish National Birth Cohort

Udgivelsesdato: null-null In hospitals, women of reproductive age do a range of work tasks, some of which are known to carry potential risks. Tasks such as working with radiation, chemicals, and infectious agents, as well as performing heavy lifting or tasks requiring erratic sleep patterns have been reported to increase the risk of reproductive failures. Our aim was to study pregnancy outcomes in female hospital workers in Denmark. We performed a cohort study of 5976 female hospital workers and used as a reference group 60,890 women employed outside of hospitals. The reproductive health of hospital workers working during pregnancy is comparable to those of non-hospital workers for the majo…

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Asthma and influenza vaccination in elderly hospitalized patients: Matched case-control study in Spain

Influenza infection is an exacerbating factor for asthma, and its prevention is critical in managing asthmatic patients. We investigated the effect of influenza vaccination on asthmatic and non-asthmatic patients hospitalized with laboratory-confirmed influenza in Spain.We made a matched case-control study to assess the frequency of hospitalization for influenza in people aged ≥65 years. Hospitalized patients with unplanned hospital admissions were recruited from 20 hospitals representing seven Spanish regions. Cases were defined as those hospitalized due to a laboratory-confirmed influenza infection and controls were matched by age, sex, and hospital. Data were obtained from clinical recor…

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Development of certified environmental management in hospital and outpatient haemodialysis units

Antecedentes: El impacto ambiental de la hemodiálisis es destacado. Está destacando la actividad en este sentido incluso a nivel bibliográfico. Los sistemas de gestión medioambiental (SGMA) voluntarios, Environmental Management and Auditing System (EMAS) e International Organization for Standardization (ISO 14001), son instrumentos destacados para la protección medioambiental junto a legislación, impuestos y beneficios fiscales. Objetivos: Conocer el grado de implantación de los SGMA en las unidades de hemodiálisis hospitalarias y ambulatorias del Sistema Nacional de Salud español, para disponer de un grupo de centros de referencia en gestión medioambiental en esta actividad sanitaria. Méto…

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Asthma attributable to atopy: does it depend on the allergen supply?

The use of the population attributable fraction (PAF) of asthma owing to atopy has not been widely used in epidemiological studies on childhood asthma, especially to compare regions of the same country. The present study includes 1039 children from Cartagena, Spain (Mediterranean coast) and 663 from Madrid (centre of Spanish plateau) using the ISAAC phase II methodology (questionnaire and prick test to the most common allergens). While there were no differences in asthma symptoms between school children (aged 10–11 yr) from Madrid and Cartagena, atopy to any allergen was significantly higher in those from Madrid (40.9% vs. 29.3%, respectively, p < 0.0001). However, children from Madrid were…

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Static posturography with dynamic tests. Usefulness of biomechanical parameters in assessing vestibular patients.

Abstract Introduction and objective Posturography allows us in evaluating postural control. This study showed the posturographic parameters that were useful for assessing the functional ability to maintain balance in our sample of vestibular patients. Material and methods Of a total of 89 patients, 59 were healthy subjects and 30 had a peripheral vestibular disorder. The subjects were studied using the posturographic NedSVE/IBV system, combining static (Romberg) and dynamic (stability limits and rhythmic weight shifts) tests. We then compared the measurements found in the groups. Results Normal subjects showed significantly lower oscillations than our patients in all of the posturographic p…

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Bladder cancer index: cross-cultural adaptation into Spanish and psychometric evaluation.

Background: The Bladder Cancer Index (BCI) is so far the only instrument applicable across all bladder cancer patients, independent of tumor infiltration or treatment applied. We developed a Spanish version of the BCI, and assessed its acceptability and metric properties. Methods: For the adaptation into Spanish we used the forward and back-translation method, expert panels, and cognitive debriefing patient interviews. For the assessment of metric properties we used data from 197 bladder cancer patients from a multi-center prospective study. The Spanish BCI and the SF-36 Health Survey were self-administered before and 12 months after treatment. Reliability was estimated by Cronbach’s alpha.…

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Wastewater-based epidemiology, a tool to bridge biomarkers of exposure, contaminants, and human health

The concept of wastewater-based epidemiology also known as sewage epidemiology was proposed by Daughton in 2001. Wastewater-based epidemiology has become now a reality that makes it possible to determine consumption or exposure to chemical substances or pathogens in a population by measuring certain compounds (drugs of abuse, metabolites, or biomarkers) or microorganisms (viruses, bacteria, and parasites) in wastewater. The first and most developed application is the estimation of illicit drug consumption in communities or populations, but it can be used to measure both consumption and exposure to a wide range of substances and pathogens. Its recent application to measure the severe acute r…

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The Effect of the Covid-19 Lockdown on Air Quality in Three Italian Medium-Sized Cities

Despite the societal and economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, the lockdown measures put in place by the Italian government provided an unprecedented opportunity to increase our knowledge of the effect transportation and industry-related emissions have on the air quality in our cities. This study assessed the effect of reduced emissions during the lockdown period, due to COVID-19, on air quality in three Italian cities, Florence, Pisa, and Lucca. For this study, we compared the concentration of particulate matter PM10, PM2.5, NO2, and O3 measured during the lockdown period, with values obtained in the same period of 2019. Our results show no evidence of a direct relationship between th…

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Non-pharmacological treatment of hypertension in primary health care: A comparative clinical trial of two education strategies in health and nutrition

Abstract Background Poor adherence to non-pharmacological treatment of hypertension represents a serious challenge for public health policies in several countries. This study was conducted to compare two intervention strategies regarding the adherence of adult women to dietary changes recommended for the treatment of hypertension in a community covered by Primary Health Care Unit. Methods This study is a randomized controlled trial of a sample composed of 28 women with hypertension enrolled in the Primary Health Care Unit located in the urban area of southeastern Brazil. The participants were already undergoing treatment for hypertension but devoid of nutritional care; and were divided into…

research product

Systematic review of prenatal exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals and autism spectrum disorder in offspring.

Epidemiological studies, which can have inherent methodological limitations, are used to study the relation between endocrine disrupting chemicals and autism spectrum disorder. The objective is to systematically review the treatment of methodological limitations and assess the quality and strength of the findings in the available literature. The quality and strength of the evidence were evaluated using the Navigation Guide Systematic Review Methodology. The overall quality and strength of the available studies were “moderate” and “limited,” respectively. Risk of bias due to the methodological limitations regarding the exclusion of potential confounding factors and the lack of accuracy of e…

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Occurrence and removal of drugs of abuse in Wastewater Treatment Plants of Valencia (Spain)

The occurrence of 8 drugs of abuse and metabolites in the influent and effluent of the 3 Wastewater Treatment Plants (WWTP) that treat wastewater from Valencia was studied in 2011, 2012 and 2013. Target drugs except 6-monoacetylmorphine (6-ACMOR) were detected in 100% of the influents. The WWTPs eliminate cocaine (COC), amphetamine (AMP), methamphetamine (MAMP) and 11-nor-9-carboxy-Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC-COOH). Benzoylecgonine (BECG) was also efficiently eliminated (93-98%), whereas 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) presented removal rates of 32-57% and ketamine (KET) was not eliminated. The most consumed illicit drugs, according to the estimated concentrations of each compound…

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La hospitalización domiciliaria ante los cambios demográficos y nuevos retos de salud

Today, the most important demographic change taking place is the rapid aging of the population. While this phenomenon is having a growing and profound impact on all spheres of society, its greatest impact is in the health area, affecting all levels of health care and leading to the need for new resources and new structures. Out of that, in many countries have come different alternatives as well as in-patient, outpatient, and in-home programs that are geared toward improving health care and helping set priorities. One of these new initiatives is home hospitalization, or home health care. One objective of this study was to describe and analyze the characteristics of a population in Spain that…

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A different pattern of risk factors for atopic and non-atopic wheezing in 9-12-year-old children

Few epidemiological studies have compared the risk factors of asthma or wheezing between atopic and non-atopic children. The objective of this study was to determine if there are specific risk factors for current wheezing related to atopic status in schoolchildren. Schoolchildren 9-12 yr of age from three Spanish cities (n = 2720) were subject to a cross-sectional study of asthma risk factors (by questionnaire) and atopy (by skin prick test) according to the ISAAC phase-II protocol. Risk factors for current wheezing (in the last 12 months) as reported by parents were investigated among the atopic (positive prick test to at least one allergen) and the non-atopic (negative prick test) childre…

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Toxicidad del tratamiento de la hepatitis C crónica con peginterferón α (2a o 2b) y ribavirina en pacientes no tratados anteriormente

Fundamento y objetivo Las reacciones adversas medicamentosas (RAM) del tratamiento de la hepatitis C con peginterferon α y ribavirina provocan reducciones de dosis e interrupciones del tratamiento que comprometen su efectividad. Los objetivos de este estudio han sido determinar las RAM que se producen en los pacientes infectados por el virus de la hepatitis C segun el tipo de peginterferon α, asi como su efecto en la duracion del tratamiento y dosis totales recibidas. Pacientes y metodo Estudio de cohortes, prospectivo y longitudinal, realizado entre noviembre de 2002 y abril de 2006, en el que se incluyo a pacientes monoinfectados que recibieron por primera vez tratamiento con peginterfero…

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Food policies to prevent obesity and the main non-transmissible diseases in Spain: where there's a will there's a way

Introducción: En España, un tercio de los menores y dos tercios de los adultos padecen exceso de peso, una condición que genera un sobre coste médico directo de 2000 millones de euros. El entorno alimentario obesogénico causa obesidad al promover el consumo de bebidas azucaradas y de alimentos ultraprocesados. Por ello, proponemos cinco políticas prioritarias con el PODER de revertir la epidemia de obesidad y de enfermedades no transmisibles asociadas a ella, mediante la creación de entornos alimentarios saludables.El PODER de las políticas alimentarias: P (Publicidad): regulación de la publicidad de alimentos y bebidas no saludables dirigida a menores por todos los medios y prohibición de …

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Posturografía estática con pruebas dinámicas. Utilidad de los parámetros biomecánicos en la valoración del paciente vestibular

[ES] Introducción y objetivos: La posturografía permite evaluar el control postural de un sujeto. En este estudio se presentan aquellos parámetros biomecánicos del sistema de posturografía empleado, que han resultado útiles para valorar funcionalmente los pacientes vestibulares de nuestra muestra. Material y métodos: De un total de 89 participantes, 59 eran sujetos sanos y 30 presentaban un trastorno vestibular periférico. Todos ellos realizaron un estudio posturográfico mediante el sistema NedSVE/IBV que combina pruebas estáticas (Romberg) y dinámicas (límites de estabilidad y control rítmico-direccional). Posteriormente se compararon las medidas halladas en uno y otro grupo. Resultados: L…

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Prevalencia de hipertensión arterial y su asociación con antropometría y dieta en niños (6 a 9 años): estudio aniva

espanolIntroduccion: estudios recientes alertan de cambios en los habitos alimentarios y de un aumento del sobrepeso en ninos como posibles factores de riesgo de una hipertension temprana. Objetivos: conocer la prevalencia de normotension, prehipertension e hipertension en los ninos estudiados y valorar su posible asociacion con la dieta e indicadores antropometricos. Metodos: se realizo un estudio transversal dentro del Proyecto “Antropometria y Nutricion Infantil de Valencia” (ANIVA), donde se valoro dieta, presion arterial y antropometria en 652 ninos/as de entre seis y nueve anos. Se aplicaron los criterios de la Organizacion Mundial de la Salud (OMS) para identificar normotensos, prehi…

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The impact of noise on the population of an urban centre in Valencia (Spain)

Acoustic contamination in residential areas is a generalized problem. This paper reports the results of a survey trying to evaluate this contamination in the historical center of Valencia and about its effects upon that district's residents. A total of 700 residents in 11 different neighbourhoods of the city of Valencia were interviewed; at the same time environmental noise was determined at 225 different points within the area of study. In the historical center of Valencia, there exists an important problem of environmental noise and the daily levels clearly exceed the recommended limits.

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Clinical-pathological characteristics and short-term follow-up associated with proliferation, apoptosis and angiogenesis in a prospective cohort of patients with colorectal tumours.

We investigate the clinical and pathological features related to variations in colorectal tumour apoptosis, proliferation and angiogenesis and the influence of the latter in short-term mortality (2 years); 551 tumour samples from a prospective cohort of patients with colorectal cancer were examined and tumour biology markers were determined as follows: percentage of apoptotic cells, by the terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase (TdT) dUTP Nick-End Labeling technique; Ki-67 antigen, as a cell proliferation marker and density of microvessels (as a marker of angiogenesis). An increase in the percentage of cellular apoptosis is significantly related to the presence of poorly differentiated tumo…

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Clinical interval and diagnostic characteristics in a cohort of bladder cancer patients in Spain : a multicenter observational study

Objective We performed a cohort study in seven hospitals in Spain to determine the clinical characteristics of incident patients with bladder cancer, the diagnostic process, and the conditions that might affect health care interval times. Results 314 patients with bladder cancer were included, 70.3 (Standard Deviation [SD] 11.2) years old and 85.0% male. Clinical stage was T1 in 45.9% of patients. The median interval time between first consultation and diagnosis was of 104.0 days (Inter quartile range [IQR]:112.0; range from 0 to 986), being shorter for those patients who attended a hospital for their first consultation. The median interval time between diagnosis and first treatment was of …

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Quality of life in patients with non-muscle-invasive bladder cancer: one-year results of a multicentre prospective cohort study.

Few studies describe the effect of non-muscle-invasive bladder cancer (NMIBC) on health-related quality of life (HRQL), although patients are mostly diagnosed at this stage of the disease. Taking into account this current evidence gap and the high incidence rates in Spain, we aimed to describe the evolution over time of HRQL in Spanish patients with NMIBC and to examine the clinical and treatment-related factors associated with HRQL change during the first year of management.Observational multicenter prospective inception cohort study conducted in urology departments of 7 Spanish hospitals. A consecutive sample of 244 patients with anatomopathologically confirmed NMIBC, recruited from Octob…

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Pandemic influenza A (H1N1) infection in pregnant and nonpregnant women in Spain (2009-2010)

The present study aimed to compare the main features of infection with pandemic influenza A virus in pregnant and nonpregnant women admitted to hospitals in Spain during the first waves of the 2009-2010 influenza pandemic. This was a prospective (November 2009 to June 2010), multicenter observational study. All cases were women of reproductive age who had not been vaccinated against seasonal or pandemic influenza A. Influenza infection was confirmed by reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR). The sociodemographic and clinical data of all cases were reviewed. A total of 219 inpatients, including 49 pregnant women and 170 nonpregnant women, were enrolled in the study upon adm…

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Desarrollo de la gestión medioambiental certificada en unidades hospitalarias y ambulatorias de hemodiálisis

ResumenAntecedentesEl impacto ambiental de la hemodiálisis es destacado. Está destacando la actividad en este sentido incluso a nivel bibliográfico. Los sistemas de gestión medioambiental (SGMA) voluntarios, Environmental Management and Auditing System (EMAS) e International Organization for Standardization (ISO 14001), son instrumentos destacados para la protección medioambiental junto a legislación, impuestos y beneficios fiscales.ObjetivosConocer el grado de implantación de los SGMA en las unidades de hemodiálisis hospitalarias y ambulatorias del Sistema Nacional de Salud español, para disponer de un grupo de centros de referencia en gestión medioambiental en esta actividad sanitaria.Mét…

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Zinc and smoking habits in the setting of hypertension in a Spanish populations.

The objective of this study was to evaluate the relationship between trace and toxic amounts of zinc (Zn) in biological samples (blood and urine) and the smoking habits of hypertensive patients and healthy control subjects in Valladolid (Spain). In order to compare biological samples, the concentrations of these samples were measured using inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. The limits of detection for Zn in blood plasma ranged between 4.22 and 17.34 μmol l(-1) and were <0.08 μmol g(-1) creatinine in urine. The results of this study indicate that the highest mean values of serum Zn were found in non-hypertensive nonsmokers (13.39±4.35 μmol l(-1)), whereas the highest urine Zn valu…

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La hospitalización domiciliaria: antecedentes, situación actual y perspectivas

Objetivo. Determinar las distintas variantes que ha tenido el concepto de la hospitalización domiciliaria a lo largo del tiempo, para así contribuir al debate sobre las circunstancias que inciden en la gestión sanitaria frente a futuros retos. Métodos. Se revisa la literatura sobre la atención domiciliaria como modalidad asistencial de salud mediante una exploración de las publicaciones indizadas en MEDLINE, LILACS y el Índice Médico Español durante el período de 1995-2000. Resultados. La hospitalización domiciliaria ha tenido un desarrollo desigual a lo largo del tiempo en diferentes países y son varios los modelos de este tipo de atención, cada uno con sus respectivas ventajas y desventaj…

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The effectiveness of influenza vaccination in the elderly in Spain in two influenza seasons: a multicenter case-control study

Influenza vaccination may limit the impact of influenza in the community. The aim of this study was to assess the effectiveness of influenza vaccination in preventing hospitalisation in individuals aged ≥ 65 years in Spain. A multicentre case-control study was conducted in 20 Spanish hospitals during 2013/14 and 2014/15. Patients aged ≥ 65 years who were hospitalised with laboratory-confirmed influenza were matched with controls according to sex, age and date of hospitalisation. Adjusted vaccine effectiveness (VE) was calculated by multivariate conditional logistic regression. A total of 728 cases and 1,826 matched controls were included in the study. Overall VE was 36% (95% confidence inte…

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Prevalencia de malnutrición entre ancianos institucionalizados en la Comunidad Valenciana

Fundamento Conocer la prevalencia de malnutricion en poblacion anciana institucionalizada estratificada por percentiles de edad y sexo. Pacientes y metodo Se estudiaron un total de 615 ancianos institucionalizados, con una edad media (DE) de 79,33 (9,07) anos. Los parametros antropometricos medidos fueron peso, talla, distancia rodilla-talon, pliegues tricipital y subescapular, y perimetro del brazo y de la cintura. Se calcularon el perimetro y el area muscular del brazo y la masa grasa. Los parametros bioquimicos determinados fueron colesterol, trigliceridos, albumina, prealbumina, transferrina, proteina fijadora de retinol, C3 y recuento de linfocitos. Se diagnostico malnutricion cuando a…

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Are There Anthropometric Differences Between Autistic and Healthy Children?

Anthropometric development and growth were assessed in 2 groups of 6- to 9-year-olds: children with autism spectrum disorders and typically developing children. In a case-control study conducted in Valencia, Spain, we compared the body mass index (kg/m2) of 40 children with autism spectrum disorders (cases) and 113 typically developing children (controls) from the same area of residence. The sex- and age-adjusted odds ratios for being underweight in cases was 2.41 compared to controls. Furthermore, the body mass index distribution of the cases was significantly offset to lower values with respect to that of the controls ( P = .024). In particular, 20% of the cases had a body mass index bel…

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Síndrome metabólico en pacientes con cardiopatía isquémica. Resultados obtenidos con la utilización de diferentes criterios

Carecemos de un criterio unico para definir el sindrome metabolico, considerado como aglutinador del riesgo cardiovascular. Con objeto de comparar su prevalencia en pacientes con cardiopatia isquemica, utilizando los criterios del Grupo Europeo de Resistencia a la Insulina y los del National Colesterol Education Program, se diseno un estudio observacional, transversal, de los factores integrantes del sindrome metabolico en pacientes con cardiopatia isquemica. Se estudio a 169 pacientes (129 varones y 40 mujeres) con edades entre 35 y 79 anos. La prevalencia del sindrome metabolico con los criterios del grupo europeo fue del 43,7% y con los del grupo americano, del 40,8% (sin diferencias sig…

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Características de los recién nacidos tras fecundación in vitro

Resumen: Objetivo: determinar en una unidad neonatal de nivel II la frecuencia de nacimientos tras fecundación in vitro (FIV) incluyendo FIV-ICSI (intracytoplasmic sperm injection) y comparar sus características con los de fecundación natural (FN), según sean gemelares o únicos. Pacientes y método: estudio prospectivo mediante revisiones fetales desde la semana 12 de gestación tras FIV, al nacer y al año de vida. Del 1 de enero de 2004 al 31 de marzo de 2007 nacieron 7.008 recién nacidos (RN), 113 tras FIV y 6.895 por FN. Resultados: la gemelaridad es del 2,4% en FN y el 56,6% en FIV (p<0,001). La edad materna media en únicos es 28±9 años en FN y 36±4 en FIV (p<0,05); en gemelares es 29±10 …

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Miringoplastias. Un análisis retrospectivo de nuestros resultados

Resumen Objetivo El objetivo de este trabajo es presentar, de forma detallada, nuestros resultados en la cirugia de la reconstruccion de la membrana timpanica y sobre todo los diferentes factores que influyen en los resultados con el fin de contrastar su valor pronostico. Metodos Hemos revisado un total de 126 miringoplastias desde 2006 hasta 2010, recopilando los datos del paciente, la descripcion del defecto anatomico y los aspectos mas relevantes de la propia intervencion. Resultados Las perforaciones subtotales (35,7%) fueron las mas frecuentes. En el 89,7% se realizo el abordaje transcanal. La tecnica medial (underlay) fue la mas empleada (97,6%). Como injerto se utilizo principalmente…

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Clinical intervals and diagnostic characteristics in a cohort of prostate cancer patients in Spain: a multicentre observational study

BACKGROUND: Little is known about the healthcare process for patients with prostate cancer, mainly because hospital-based data are not routinely published. The main objective of this study was to determine the clinical characteristics of prostate cancer patients, the, diagnostic process and the factors that might influence intervals from consultation to diagnosis and from diagnosis to treatment. METHODS: We conducted a multicentre, cohort study in seven hospitals in Spain. Patients' characteristics and diagnostic and therapeutic variables were obtained from hospital records and patients' structured interviews from October 2010 to September 2011. We used a multilevel logistic regression mode…

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Occurrence, distribution and behavior of emerging persistent organic pollutants (POPs) in a Mediterranean wetland protected area.

The analysis of perfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) and organophosphate flame retardants (PFRs) in the different environmental compartments of a characteristic coastal wetland, the Albufera Natural Park (Valencia, Spain), is required for understanding the transport, accumulation and fate of these pollutants in an area under high anthropogenic pressure. Samples included 13 wastewater treatment plant influents, 13 effluents, 12 surface water, 19 sediment samples and 10 fish individuals from the Albufera Natural Park and the surrounding area. Tris(2-chloroisopropyl) phosphate (TCIPP) and perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS) were at the highest concentrations in water, 330.2 ng L−1 and 47.8 ng L−1, r…

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Occupation and small bowel adenocarcinoma: a European case-control study

OBJECTIVES—Because of the rarity of small bowel adenocarcinoma (SBA), little is known about the aetiology of this disease. This study aimed to identify occupational clustering of cases SBA as a systematic approach to new hypotheses on the aetiology of this disease.
METHODS—A European multicentre case-control study was conducted in 1995-7, inclusive. Incident cases aged 35-69 years with SBA (n=168) were recruited before acceptance by a pathologist. Altogether 107 cases and 3915 controls were accepted, of which 79 cases, 579 colon cancer controls, and 2070 population controls were interviewed.
RESULTS—The strongest industrial risk factors for SBA taking account of 10 years' exposure lag were …

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Comparison of nutritional status between children with autism spectrum disorder and typically developing children in the Mediterranean Region (Valencia, Spain).

This case-control study investigated nutrient intake, healthy eating index with 10 items on foods and nutrients, on 3-day food diaries and anthropometric measurements in 105 children with autism spectrum disorder and 495 typically developing children (6–9 years) in Valencia (Spain). Children with autism spectrum disorder were at a higher risk for underweight, eating more legumes, vegetables, fiber, and some micronutrients (traditional Mediterranean diet) but fewer dairy and cereal products, and less iodine, sodium, and calcium than their typically developing peers. Differences existed in total energy intake but healthy eating index and food variety score differences were not significant. A…

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[Metabolic syndrome in patients with coronary heart disease. Results of using different diagnostic criteria].

A unified definition of metabolic syndrome, considered a common feature of cardiovascular risk, is lacking. The aim of this study was to compare the prevalence of this syndrome in patients with ischemic heart disease using two diagnostic criteria: the European Group of Resistance to Insulin and the National Cholesterol Education Program. We designed an observational, cross-sectional study of the factors that make up metabolic syndrome in subjects diagnosed with coronary heart disease. A total of 169 patients aged 35 to 79 years were studied (129 men and 40 women). With the European group criterion the percentage of patients with metabolic syndrome was 43.7%, whereas the American group crite…

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Tobacco smoking and alcohol consumption as risk factors for thymoma - A European case-control study

PURPOSE: Hardly anything is known about the aetiology of thymoma. This paper presents data regarding tobacco smoking and alcohol consumption in relation to thymoma from the first case-control study performed on this rare tumour.METHODS: A European multi-centre case-control study including incident cases aged 35-69 years with thymoma between 1995 and 1997, was conducted in seven countries. A set of controls, used in seven parallel case-control studies by the same research group was used, including population-based controls from five countries and hospital controls with colon cancer from two countries. Altogether 103 cases, accepted by a reference pathologist, 712 colon cancer controls, and 2…

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Enteroparasitosis en población escolar de Valencia

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Vértigo y mareo en el hospital: frecuentación, flujo y características de los pacientes

Resumen Introduccion y objetivos Los sintomas de vertigo y mareo son frecuentes en la poblacion, se presentan como manifestacion de un amplio abanico de enfermedades y habitualmente es dificil realizar un diagnostico de certeza. El objetivo general de este estudio es obtener la informacion para evaluar estos sintomas en el entorno hospitalario. Los objetivos especificos son: estimar el peso global que representan estos sintomas en las derivaciones al hospital; conocer las caracteristicas de los pacientes derivados y detallar el flujo de las consultas. Metodos Estudio descriptivo observacional. Se buscaron las propuestas de consulta realizadas en 2011 y 2012 al hospital por el sintoma de ver…

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Envejecimiento y Hospitalización Domiciliaria

Objetivo: Analizar las caracteristicas de la poblacion diana de hospitalizacion domiciliaria (HD), su estructura y competencia. Metodo: Estudio descriptivo retrospectivo. Resultados: El 78,8% de los pacientes son mayores de 65 anos. Los procesos cronicos representan el 46,9%. Para los grupos de causas patologicas, el 52,1% se incluyen en la categoria de otras pluripatologias, seguido de los tumores y neoplasias (28%) y las enfermedades del aparato circulatorio (18,8%). La principal puerta de entrada en HD fue la UMCE (53,0%) y el principal destino de los pacientes fue la atencion primaria (62,0%). Discusion: Los ancianos con plurupatologias cronicas o terminales tienen en la HD una estrateg…

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Factors that influence treatment delay in patients with colorectal cancer

// Irene Zarcos-Pedrinaci 1, 11 , Alberto Fernandez-Lopez 2 , Teresa Tellez 1, 11 , Francisco Rivas-Ruiz 1, 11 , Antonio Rueda A 3, 11 , Maria Manuela Morales Suarez-Varela 4 , Eduardo Briones 5 , Marisa Bare 6, 11 , Antonio Escobar 7, 11 , Cristina Sarasqueta 8, 11 , Nerea Fernandez de Larrea 9, 11 , Urko Aguirre 10, 11 , Jose Maria Quintana 10, 11 , Maximino Redondo 1, 11 and On Behalf of the CARESS-CCR Study Group 1 Research Unit, Agencia Sanitaria Costa del Sol, Marbella, Spain 2 Servicio de Cirugia, Agencia Sanitaria Costa del Sol, Marbella, Spain 3 Servicio de Oncologia Medica, Agencia Sanitaria Costa del Sol, Marbella, Spain 4 Unit of Public Health, Hygiene and Environmental Health, …

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Valor pronóstico de la troponina T en pacientes hospitalizados con angina o infarto sin elevación del segmento ST

Introduction and objectives. Cardiac troponins are highly specific and sensitive for detecting minimal myocardial damage. The aim of our study was to determine the prognostic value of troponinT levels in patients hospitalized for suspected angina or myocardial infarction without STsegment elevation. Patients and method. We recorded the frequency of death, acute myocardial infarction, heart failure, or need for coronary revascularization in the three months after the onset of symptoms in 346 consecutive patients admitted for suspected acute coronary syndrome, excluding those who developed myocardial infarction with persistent ST-segment elevation. Results. Serum troponin T levels were ≥ 0.1 …

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Assessment of the Microbiological Quality of Groundwater in Three Regions of the Valencian Community (Spain)

Urban groundwater development was traditionally constrained by concerns about its quality. This study was conducted in the regions of La Ribera Alta and Ribera Baja and La Plana de Requena-Utiel of the Valencian Community (Valencia, Spain) where population density, demand for drinking water and agricultural activities are high. Groundwater bodies (GWBs) are regarded as management areas within each territory, and were used to establish protection policies. This study analyzed eleven GWBs. We used two databases with microbiological measurements from 154 wells over a 7-year period (2004–2011), risk factors and groundwater information. Wells were grouped according to frequency of microbiologica…

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Prevalencia del síndrome metabólico entre pacientes con cardiopatía isquémica

Fundamento y objetivo Conocer la prevalencia de los factores de riesgo cardiovascular clasicos.hiperinsulinismo, resistencia a la insulina y sindrome metabolico (SM). en una poblacion concardiopatia isquemica (CI), comparandola con una poblacion de control seleccionada sin antecedentespersonales ni familiares de CI y con escasos factores de riesgo cardiovascular. Sujetos y metodo Se trata de un estudio observacional y transversal de los factores de riesgocardiovascular integrantes del SM en poblacion adulta. Estudiamos a 367 sujetos de entre 35y 79 anos de edad (268 varones y 99 mujeres); 185 presentaban CI (141 varones y 44 mujeres)y 182 (127 varones y 55 mujeres) fueron utilizados de pobl…

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Central nervous system (CNS) cancer in children and young people in the European Union and its involvements with socio-economic and environmental factors.

Malignant central nervous system (CNS) tumors are the leading cause of death by cancer in children and the second commonest pediatric cancer type. Despite several decades of epidemiologic research, the etiology of childhood CNS tumors is still largely unknown. A few genetic syndromes and therapeutic ionizing radiation are thought to account for 5-10% of childhood cancer, but the etiology of other cases remains unknown. Nongenetic causes, like environmental agents, are thought to explain them. However, as very few epidemiologic studies have been conducted, it is not surprising that nongenetic risk factors have not been detected. The biggest difference between cancers for which there are good…

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Vitamin d and psoriasis pathology in the mediterranean region, valencia (Spain)

Vitamin D has important immunomodulatory effects on psoriasis in the Mediterranean region. To measure vitamin D intake in subjects with and without psoriasis, and to find an association with relevant clinical features, a case-control study was performed using cases (n = 50, 50% participation rate) clinically diagnosed with psoriasis and 200 healthy subjects (39.5% participation rate), leaving a final sample of 104 people. A survey was conducted using a food frequency questionnaire and clinical histories. Cases and controls were compared using univariate and multivariate analyses. We observed insufficient intake of cholecalciferol (vitamin D3) or ergocalciferol (vitamin D2) for both cases an…

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Vertigo and Dizziness in Hospital: Attendance, Flow and Characteristics of Patients

Abstract Introduction and objectives Vertigo and dizziness as symptoms are frequent in the population. They are present in a wide range of pathologies and it is usually difficult to make an accurate diagnosis. The general objective of this study is to obtain the information to evaluate vertigo and dizziness in the hospital setting. The specific objectives are: to estimate the burden of these symptoms at the hospital; to study patients’ conditions and to detail the flow of these patients inside the hospital. Methods Observational descriptive study. We made a search of the referral proposals made in 2011 and 2012 to the hospital because of vertigo symptoms. The patients’ demographic and clini…

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Prevalencia de dermatitis atópica y factores nutricionales en niños de 6-7 años

ObjetivoDescribir la prevalencia de dermatitis atópica (DA) y conocer las características de la dieta en niños con DA.DiseñoEstudio descriptivo, transversal.EmplazamientoCentros escolares de educación primaria.Mediciones principalesSe realizó un estudio mediante la utilización del cuestionario validado y estandarizado del estudio ISAAC de fase III, que permite conocer la prevalencia de DA en niños y compararla entre centros. Se acompañó de una encuesta sobre consumo de alimentos. Se calcularon la razón de prevalencia (RP) de DA en relación con el consumo de alimentos y los intervalos de confianza del 95%.ResultadosSe incluyó en el estudio a un total de 28.448 niños de 6-7 años. La prevalenc…

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Effect of antiviral treatment in older patients hospitalized with confirmed influenza

Abstract Seasonal influenza causes significant morbidity and mortality in people aged ≥65 years. Antiviral treatment can reduce complications and disease severity. The objective of this study was to investigate the effect of antiviral treatment in patients aged ≥65 years hospitalized with confirmed influenza in preventing intensive care unit (ICU) admission or death. A retrospective cohort study was carried out in 20 hospitals from seven Spanish regions during 2013–2015 in patients aged ≥65 years. Hospitalized cases of laboratory-confirmed influenza were selected. To assess the association between antiviral treatment and ICU admission or death, the adjusted odds ratios (aOR) and their 95% c…

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¿Qué hallazgos radiológicos consideramos relevantes en pacientes con vértigo y mareo? Resultados de una encuesta realizada a médicos

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Factors Associated with Prolonged Patient-Attributable Delay in the Diagnosis of Colorectal Cancer

Purpose The delayed diagnosis of colorectal cancer (CRC) may be attributable to sociodemographic characteristics, to aspects of tumour histopathology or to the functioning of the health system. We seek to determine which of these factors most influences prolonged patient-attributable delay (PPAD) in the diagnosis and treatment of CRC. Materials and methods A prospective, multicentre observational study was conducted in 22 Spanish hospitals. In total, 1,785 patients were recruited to the study between 2010 and 2012 and underwent elective or urgent surgery. PPAD is considered to occur when the time elapsed between a patient presenting the symptom and him/her seeking attention from the primary…

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Anthropometric measurements and nutritional assessment in autism spectrum disorders: A systematic review

Abstract Adequate nutrient intake is essential for health. Due to food selectivity and restrictive diets, people with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) may have impaired nutritional status, which could affect their growth. We present a systematic review of publications (1970–2013) on anthropometric measurements and nutritional assessment in this population. The limited research published on growth and nutritional status has found contradictory results. Nutritional assessment has indicated limited food variety in the ASD population but has not confirmed significant differences with respect to recommended intakes or controls. In addition to the lack of control groups, studies in this area have s…

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Evolución temporal de la prevalencia de síntomas de rinitis alérgica en escolares de 13-14 años de 8 áreas españolas entre 1993-1994 y 2001-2002 según el Estudio Internacional sobre Asma y Alergias en la Infancia (ISAAC)

Fundamento y objetivo Estimar la evolucion temporal de la prevalencia de sintomas de rinitis alergica y sus variaciones geograficas. Pacientes y metodo Durante 2001-2002 se efectuo la tercera fase del estudio ISAAC, cuyos resultados se compararon con los de la primera fase (1993-1994). Este estudio transversal incluyo a 30.046 escolares de 13-14 anos en 9 centros (Asturias, Barcelona, Bilbao, Cartagena, Castellon, Madrid, Pamplona, Valencia y Valladolid). Se empleo un cuestionario sobre sintomas de rinitis cumplimentado por los escolares en colegios e institutos con una participacion entre el 100 y el 75,8%. Se emplearon modelos de regresion de Poisson para estudiar la evolucion. Resultados…

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Drug use, family support and related factors in university students. A cross-sectional study based on the uniHcos Project data

Objective: To assess the prevalence of illegal drug use in college students on any previous occasion, during the previous year and the previous month, and to analyze the relationship between illegal drug use and family support and other factors. Methods: A cross-sectional study using data from students participating in the uniHcos project (n = 3767) was conducted. The prevalence and age of onset of consumption of cannabis, non-prescription sedatives, stimulants and depressants was evaluated. Polyconsumption was also assessed. The independent variables were: family support, age, residence, and employment status. To determine the factors related to drug use multivariate logistic regression mo…

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Influence of pesticide use in fruit orchards during blooming on honeybee mortality in 4 experimental apiaries

Samples of dead honey bees (Apis mellifera L.) were collected periodically from 4 different locations during citrus and stone fruit trees blooming season to evaluate the potential impact of agrochemicals on honey bee death rate. For the determination of mortality, dead honey bee traps were placed in front of the experimental hives entrance located in areas of intensive agriculture in Valencian Community (Spain). A total of 34 bee samples, obtained along the monitoring period, were analyzed by means of QuEChERS extraction method and screened for 58 pesticides or their degradation products by LC-MS/MS. An average of four pesticides per honey bee sample was detected. Coumaphos, an organophosph…

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[Myringoplasties. A retrospective analysis of our surgical outcomes].

Objective: The aim of this study was to present myringoplasty case results in our department. Different factors were studied to confirm their prognostic value. Materials and methods: A total of 126 myringoplasties from 2006 until 2010 were reviewed, collecting patient-related details, descriptions of the anatomical defect and the most interesting surgical aspects. Results: Subtotal perforations (35.7%) were the most frequently observed. In 89.7% of the operations, the transcanal approach was preferred. The medial technique (underlay) to the tympanic membrane was the most performed (97.6%). Cartilage was the principal graft used (82.5%). Complete closure of the perforation was obtained in 71…

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Menstrual problems and lifestyle among Spanish university women

Menstrual problems affect many young women worldwide, conditioning both their academic performance and quality of life. This study sought to analyse the prevalence of menstrual problems and their possible relationship with lifestyle among Spanish university women, as part of a research project (UniHcos Project) involving a cohort of 11 Spanish universities with 7208 university students. A descriptive analysis was performed using the bivariate chi-square test and the Student&rsquo

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Contaminación del aire y síntomas recientes de asma, rinitis alérgica y eccema atópico en escolares de 6 y 7 años

Resumen Introduccion El objetivo del estudio ha sido analizar la relacion entre contaminantes del aire y la prevalencia de sintomas recientes de asma, rinitis alergica y eccema atopico, en escolares de 6 y 7 anos. Pacientes y metodos La prevalencia de sintomas de enfermedades alergicas recientes (ultimos 12 meses) se obtuvo mediante el cuestionario del estudio ISAAC (International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Childhood) Espana, con la participacion de 7 centros (Asturias, Barcelona, Bilbao, Cartagena, La Coruna, Madrid y Valencia) y 20.455 escolares de 6 y 7 anos, durante 2002–2003. De los sistemas de deteccion de contaminantes de los centros citados se obtuvieron datos de las concentra…

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