Roberto Luna Arocas

Prácticas de alto rendimiento : un enfoque configuracional aplicado al caso español

Roberto.Luna@uv.es Joaquin.Camps@uv.es El principal objetivo de esta investigación es analizar diferentes configuraciones de prácticas de recursos humanos (RH) que se dan en una muestra de 183 empresas españolas. A continuación se relacionan estas configuraciones con las estrategias competitivas de las empresas con el fin de validar la estructura configuracional obtenida. Los resultados muestran tres tipos de configuraciones. La primera, empresas con prácticas de alto rendimiento (PAR) (37,5%), se caracteriza por un intenso y generalizado uso de dichas prácticas. La segunda, empresas desarrollando PAR (46,4%), se caracteriza por el uso de una amplia gama de PAR, pero con una limitada aplica…

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Talent management, talent mindset competency and job performance: the mediating role of job satisfaction

This study advances and tests four interlinked hypotheses explicating the relationship between talent mindset competency, job satisfaction and job performance. Talent mindset competency is dimensionalised as: (a) value and goal alignment with the organisation, (b) manager's talent mindset, (c) talent application in everyday behaviours, (d) autonomy using talent and (e) development of talent in organisation. Results generated from a series of path analyses from a data set of 198 public and private sector employees suggest that strategies centred on talent management impact job performance, but through job satisfaction which acts as a mediator. Thus, it is not postulated that we have to pursu…

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Resumen: El objetivo fundamental del presente articulo es identificar los factores motivadores del trabajo entre los futuros directivos y trabajadores y reflexionar desde un punto de vista tanto academico como profesional sobre la importancia del dinero como factor motivador. Para ello, hemos tomado a estudiantes universitarios, en su faceta de futuros trabajadores; se concluye que el dinero por si solo no motiva y que es necesario encontrar aquel grupo de factores que motivan a los trabajadores con el objetivo de conseguir el maximo rendimiento. Los resultados nos permiten concluir que no debemos motivar tan solo con el dinero o admitiendolo como principal elemento motivacional. Palabras c…

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The love of money and work‐related attitudes

This study examines the love of money and work‐related attitudes and identifies four money profiles based on a sample of citizens in the Republic of Macedonia. Achieving Money Worshipers (the highest scores on Factors Success, Motivator, and Budget and the lowest on Evil) had the highest active involvement in work activities. Careless Money Admirers (the lowest score on Factor Budget) had the highest external locus of control, the highest involvement, and lowest success avoidance. Apathetic Money Managers (the lowest scores on Factors Success and Motivator) had the highest internal locus of control and the lowest involvement. Money Repellent Individuals (the highest score on Factor Evil) ha…

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Explaining attitudes towards the euro: Design of a cross-national study

AbstractThe aim of this paper is to provide essential background material relating to the accom-panying papers in this special issue. It presents a brief description of the ‘Psychology of theEuropean Monetary Union’ project. This involved a questionnaire study of attitudes towardsthe euro, which was fielded in each of the 15 member states of the European Union in thesummer of 1997. We describe the development of the common survey instrument, and outlinethe rationale and methods pursued in sampling particular conceptual domains. The paper alsodetails the sampling procedures used in each country, together with the response rates andsample sizes attained. Finally, it o•ers a brief cross-nationa…

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A Matter of Learning: How Human Resources Affect Organizational Performance

Recently, a number of studies have tried to examine the processes that explain the influence of high performance work systems (HPWS) on company performance, in an attempt to understand which variables mediate this relationship and to what extent they do so. The importance of the organizational learning capability (OLC) construct has traditionally been outlined as being essential for a company’s survival and effective performance. Thus, it seems important to establish whether HPWS can be considered an antecedent of OLC, and consequently to confirm whether OLC acts as a mediating variable in the HPWS–company performance linkage. Bearing in mind that HPWS represent a ‘bundle’ of mutually reinf…

research product

Análisis del concepto multidimensional de la motivación de logro de Cassidy y Lynn.

Roberto.Luna@uv.es La motivación de logro ha sido considerada en los últimos años como una variable clave para el éxito empresarial. De hecho se ha relacionado con sujetos emprendedores, con características de mando y que son capaces de afrontar problemas de modo realista y efectivo. En el presente estudio se utiliza una escala de motivación de logro de Cassidy y Lynn (1989) que distingue siete dimensiones de la motivación de logro: excelencia, competitividad, adquisición de dinero, liderazgo, ética, búsqueda de estatus y dominio de tareas. Esta escala ha sido adaptada a una muestra española, eliminando un factor (dominio) y algunos ítems, y se ha analizado el valor que otorgan los individu…

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The Love of Money, Satisfaction, and the Protestant Work Ethic: Money Profiles Among Univesity Professors in the U.S.A. and Spain

This study tests the hypothesis that university professors (lecturers) (in the U.S. and Spain) with different money profiles (based on Factors Success, Budget, Motivator, Equity, and Evil of the Love of Money Scale) will differ in work-related attitudes and satisfaction. Results suggested that Achieving Money Worshipers (with high scores on Factors Success, Motivator, Equity, and Budget) had high income, Work Ethic, and high satisfaction with pay level, pay administration, and internal equity comparison but low satisfaction with external equity comparison. Careless Money Admirers (high Success but low Budget) had low intrinsic job satisfaction and low satisfaction with pay level and life. A…

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A model of high performance work practices and turnover intentions

– This paper aims to clarify the relationship between human resource practices and staff retention by selecting three high performance work practices (precursors) and one outcome variable (turnover intentions), and trying to demonstrate the mediator role of employee commitment and job satisfaction in this relationship., – The proposed model has been analyzed with a sample of 198 employees and a structural equation modeling methodology., – Salary strategies and job enrichment strategies were positively related to job satisfaction. Job enrichment strategies and job stability strategies were positively related to employee commitment. Employee commitment was negatively related to turnover inten…

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Talent Management, Affective Organizational Commitment and Service Performance in Local Government

Talent management (TM) is a fundamental issue for both private and public sector companies. This study analyzes the impact of TM on service performance (SP) and the mediating role of affective organizational commitment (AOC). We analyze a sample of 104 local government employees with three measures of TM, AOC and SP. The mediation hypothesis of AOC was also raised in the study using Baron and Kenny&rsquo

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Materialism and the Bright and Dark Sides of the Financial Dream in Spain: The Positive Role of Money Attitudes-The Matthew Effect

Research suggests that materialism leads to the dark side of the financial dream. In this study, we treat love of money as a mediator and test a theoretical model's direct path (Materialism to Financial Satisfaction) and indirect path (Materialism to Love of Money to Financial Satisfaction) simultaneously using the whole sample and across several demographic variables based on 1,011 citizens in Spain. Results for the whole sample showed that the positive indirect effect suppressed the negative direct effect creating an overall small positive effect. Furthermore, we found a significant negative direct path for rural dwellers, the 30–44-year-old age group, and married people, but a positive i…

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The Love of Money and Pay Level Satisfaction: Measurement and Functional Equivalence in 29 Geopolitical Entities around the World

Demonstrating the equivalence of constructs is a key requirement for cross-cultural empirical research. The major purpose of this paper is to demonstrate how to assess measurement and functional equivalence or invariance using the 9-item, 3-factor Love of Money Scale (LOMS, a second-order factor model) and the 4-item, 1-factor Pay Level Satisfaction Scale (PLSS, a first-order factor model) across 29 samples in six continents (N = 5973). In step 1, we tested the configural, metric and scalar invariance of the LOMS and 17 samples achieved measurement invariance. In step 2, we applied the same procedures to the PLSS and nine samples achieved measurement invariance. Five samples (Brazil, China,…

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High involvement work practices and firm performance

During the past two decades the chain of three links organizational strategy – human resources practices – organizational performance has been deeply analysed. However, the mediator role of organizational structure in the first link of this chain remains relatively uninvestigated. In this article we analyse a model of relationships among organizational strategy, organizational structure, human resources practices, and organizational performance. Through a structural equation methodology applied to a sample of 183 Spanish companies, we will try to confirm that organizations with differentiation strategies are more likely to implement high involvement work practices. As a novelty we will intr…

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