Susanne Schmidt

Die Veränderung des betriebswirtschaftlichen Fachwissens

Anknupfend an die in Kapitel 3.1 eingefuhrten Arbeitsdefinitionen des Wissensbegriffs soll in diesem Kapitel die konkrete theoretische Konzeptualisierung hinsichtlich des Erwerbs und Aufbaus von fachlichem Wissen erfolgen.

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Performance Assessment of Generic and Domain-Specific Skills in Higher Education Economics

Following criticisms by employers about academic graduates’ lack of 21st century skills, students need to develop skills such as professional knowledge, critical thinking and problem solving. Accordingly, there is a demand for suitable assessments of these skills. One approach is to develop a performance assessment using tasks adapted from real-world decision-making and judgment situations that students and graduates have to face in academic and professional domains. Such tasks employ real-life scenarios and require generic and domain-specific skills in different facets to handle a given problem adequately. In this paper, we present a newly developed performance assessment that aims to meas…

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Macroeconomic knowledge of higher education students in Germany and Japan – a multilevel analysis of contextual and personal effects

Recent trends towards harmonising and internationalising business and economics studies in higher education are affecting the structure and content of programmes and courses, and necessitate more transparent and comparable information on students’ economic knowledge and skills. In this study, we examine by linear multilevel regression modelling the current state of macroeconomic knowledge of higher education students in Germany and Japan, while controlling for the effects of key study-related aspects such as study progress and completion of economics courses. We assess macroeconomic knowledge using the internationally established Test of Understanding in College Economics, which has been ad…

research product

Integrating Computational Linguistic Analysis of Multilingual Learning Data and Educational Measurement Approaches to Explore Learning in Higher Education

This chapter develops a computational linguistic model for analyzing and comparing multilingual data as well as its application to a large body of standardized assessment data from higher education. The approach employs both an automatic and a manual annotation of the data on several linguistic layers (including parts of speech, text structure and content). Quantitative features of the textual data are explored that are related to both the students’ (domain-specific knowledge) test results and their level of academic experience. The respective analysis involves statistics of distance correlation, text categorization with respect to text types (questions and response options) as well as lang…

research product

Conceptual Fundamentals for a Theoretical and Empirical Framework of Positive Learning

We present a short overview of the idea, genesis and developing process of PLATO (Positive Learning in the Age of InformaTiOn) as a new, complex, international, interdisciplinary program aimed at investigating the phenomena of positive and negative learning in the digital age. While the basic idea of PLATO originated in empirical educational research, many other very different disciplines have consequently been incorporated into this program, in order to expand learning research and to offer a comprehensive and multi-perspective explanation of learning in 21st century higher education. We draw upon and critically discuss previous research, highlighting implications for developing a theoreti…

research product

Das ILLEV-Projekt

Zur Beantwortung der zielleitenden Fragestellungen bzw. zur Untersuchung der in Kapitel 5 aufgestellten Hypothesen werden Daten aus der Studie „Innovativer Lehr-Lernortverbund in der akademischen Hochschulausbildung (ILLEV)“ verwendet. Die ILLEV-Studie ist ein vom Bundesministerium fur Bildung und Forschung (BMBF) gefordertes Forschungsprojekt, das unter der Projektleitung von Prof. Dr. Olga Zlatkin-Troitschanskaia mit einer Laufzeit von vier Jahren (von 2008 bis 2012) bei Studierenden der Wirtschaftswissenschaften und der Wirtschaftspadagogik an zwei Hochschulinstitutionen (eine Universitat und eine Fachhochschule) durchgefuhrt wurde.

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Bestimmung des Untersuchungsgegenstandes

In diesem Kapitel 3 wird der Untersuchungsgegenstand naher bestimmt und in die einschlagige Forschung eingeordnet. Dazu werden zunachst die wichtigsten Arbeitsdefinitionen zu den Untersuchungsvariablen vorgestellt, die fur ein grundsatzliches Verstandnis der verwendeten Begrifflichkeiten in dieser Studie erforderlich sind.

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IRT Modeling of Decomposed Student Learning Patterns in Higher Education Economics

Researchers have spent decades arguing how to measure improvements in learning within formal settings, where achievements are intended and presupposed, in a reliable and valid way. Repeated measures are required to investigate improvements of any kind. Students usually take a multiple-choice test at least twice with the difference between the two measurements indicating how much they have learned. Walstad and Wagner (J Econ Educ 47:121–131, 2016) presented a new approach to gathering more information about different learning patterns by decomposing these difference measures. They describe the patterns of positive learning (PL) and negative learning (NL), i.e., the development from not knowi…

research product

On the complementarity of holistic and analytic approaches to performance assessment scoring.

BACKGROUND A holistic approach to performance assessment recognizes the theoretical complexity of multifaceted critical thinking (CT), a key objective of higher education. However, issues related to reliability, interpretation, and use arise with this approach. AIMS AND METHOD Therefore, we take an analytic approach to scoring students' written responses on a performance assessment. We focus on the complementarity of holistic and analytic approaches and on whether theoretically developed analytical scoring rubrics can produce sub-scores that may measure the 'whole' performance in a holistic assessment. SAMPLE We use data from the Wind Turbines performance assessment, developed in the iPAL p…

research product

Pretest-Posttest-Posttest Multilevel IRT Modeling of Competence Growth of Students in Higher Education in Germany

Longitudinal research in higher education faces several challenges. Appropriate methods of analyzing competence growth of students are needed to deal with those challenges and thereby obtain valid results. In this article, a pretest-posttest-posttest multivariate multilevel IRT model for repeated measures is introduced which is designed to address educational research questions according to a German research project. In this model, dependencies between repeated observations of the same students are considered not, as usual, by clustering observations within participants but rather by clustering observations within semesters. Estimation of the model is conducted within a Bayesian framework. …

research product

Operationalisierung der Untersuchungsvariablen

Alle hypothesenrelevanten Konstrukte wurden in der ILLEV-Studie mittels standardisierter Testinstrumente gemessen, indem sie uber existierende und in der Forschung etablierte Instrumente operationalisiert wurden. Das einzige deutschsprachige Testinstrument, das sich zur Erfassung betriebswirtschaftlichen Wissens bei Studierenden eignet und beim Projektstart vorlag, war der Business Administration Knowledge Test (BAKT) von Bothe, Wilhelm und Beck (2007), mit dem deklarative Wissensformen erfasst werden konnen. So wurde im Rahmen der ILLEV Studie das deklarative betriebswirtschaftliche Fachwissen mit Items aus dem BAKT erfasst.

research product

How do university students’ web search behavior, website characteristics, and the interaction of both influence students’ critical online reasoning?

The Internet has become one of the main sources of information for university students’ learning. Since anyone can disseminate content online, however, the Internet is full of irrelevant, biased, or even false information. Thus, students’ ability to use online information in a critical-reflective manner is of crucial importance. In our study, we used a framework for the assessment of students’ critical online reasoning (COR) to measure university students’ ability to critically use information from online sources and to reason on contentious issues based on online information. In addition to analyzing students’ COR by evaluating their open-ended short answers, we also investigated the stude…

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Zusammenfassung und Interpretation der Ergebnisse

Die vorliegende Studie unterscheidet sich von bisherigen Arbeiten zur Geschlechterkommunikation im universitaren Bereich in zwei Punkten: a) Im Mittelpunkt der Untersuchungen standen nicht nur die Unterschiede zwischen den Geschlechtern. Neu ist die Konzentration auf Differenzen unter den Studentinnen, die sich schon durch ihr unterschiedliches Gesprachsengagement in den Seminaren nicht als eine homogene Gruppe gezeigt hatten. b) Neben der eigentlichen Analyse des Kommunikationsverhaltens von Studierenden wurden umfangreiche Daten gesammelt zu Bereichen der Sozialisation, die das gegenwartige Verhalten in Gesprachen beeinflussen bzw. seine Entwicklung pragen konnten.

research product

An analysis of economic learning among undergraduates in introductory economics courses in Germany

In this article, the authors present the findings of a pretest-posttest measurement of the economic knowledge of students in introductory economics courses in undergraduate study programs in Germany. The responses of 403 students to 14 items selected from the Test of Economic Literacy (Soper and Walstad 1987) were analyzed to identify four types of economic learning: positive, retained, negative, and zero learning. In addition, a survey was conducted to gather data on the students' personal characteristics to determine their effect on the learning process. Retained learning prevailed for most items, followed by zero learning and positive learning. To determine which factors influence beginn…

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Fazit, Diskussion und Ausblick für die weitere Forschung

Um die Veranderung des betriebswirtschaftlichen Fachwissens bei den Studierenden der Wirtschaftswissenschaften und der Wirtschaftspadagogik messen und erklaren zu konnen, wurde auf langsschnittliche Daten aus dem ILLEV-Projekt zuruckgegriffen. Hierbei wurde, anders als in vielen Langsschnittstudien in der empirischen Bildungsforschung, der Studienerfolg nicht anhand von Noten operationalisiert, sondern die Veranderung des Fachwissens uber den Studienverlauf wurde mittels des standardisierten Testinstruments BAKT gemessen. Die Erforschung der Wissensveranderung in der Domane der Betriebswirtschaftslehre war zielleitend fur diese Arbeit, indem zunachst das theoretische Konzept der Wissensvera…

research product

Assessment of University Students’ Critical Thinking: Next Generation Performance Assessment

Following employers’ criticisms and recent societal developments, policymakers and educators have called for students to develop a range of generic skills such as critical thinking (“twenty-first c...

research product

Modellbasierte Analysen zur Überprüfung der Forschungshypothesen

Bevor die Forschungshypothesen bezuglich der Veranderlichkeit des betriebswirtschaftlichen Fachwissens bei Studierenden der Wirtschaftswissenschaften und der Wirtschaftspadagogik untersucht werden konnen, soll im Rahmen des Mehrebenenansatzes in einem ersten Schritt festgestellt werden, wie viel unbeobachtete Heterogenitat in der Auspragung des betriebswirtschaftlichen Fachwissens innerhalb der Studierenden und wie viel zwischen den Studierenden anfallt. Demnach soll zunachst betrachtet werden, wie viel Gesamtvarianz dem within Faktor ts zugerechnet werden kann und wie viel auf den between Faktor s anfallt.

research product

Enzymatic Activity of HPGD in Treg Cells Suppresses Tconv Cells to Maintain Adipose Tissue Homeostasis and Prevent Metabolic Dysfunction.

Summary Regulatory T cells (Treg cells) are important for preventing autoimmunity and maintaining tissue homeostasis, but whether Treg cells can adopt tissue- or immune-context-specific suppressive mechanisms is unclear. Here, we found that the enzyme hydroxyprostaglandin dehydrogenase (HPGD), which catabolizes prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) into the metabolite 15-keto PGE2, was highly expressed in Treg cells, particularly those in visceral adipose tissue (VAT). Nuclear receptor peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-γ (PPARγ)-induced HPGD expression in VAT Treg cells, and consequential Treg-cell-mediated generation of 15-keto PGE2 suppressed conventional T cell activation and proliferation. C…

research product

How migration background affects master degree students’ knowledge of business and economics

ABSTRACTIn this study, we examine the knowledge of students in a master program in business and economics and explore whether migration-specific influences can be determined. We tested the knowledg...

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