H Devilliers
BONE Sarcoidosis: A French Case Control Study
International audience
Lupus Impact Tracker Responds to Changes in Low Disease Activity and Remission Outcomes in a Large Spanish Lupus Registry Cohort
Associated arterial and venous cerebral manifestations in Behçet's disease
Behcet's disease is a rare multisystemic vasculitis with an etiology that is still unknown. Neurological manifestations may be seen in approximately 5-15% of patients, and both parenchymal and extraparenchymal neurological involvement has been described. When cerebral venous thrombosis (CVT) is the main extraparenchymal manifestation of Behcet's disease, the condition is then dubbed "angio-Behcet's syndrome". However, arterial involvement is extremely rare, with only one reported case of vasculo-neuro-Behcet's disease, characterized by both venous and intracranial arterial involvement - until now. This report is of two patients diagnosed with Behcet's disease characterized by the concomitan…