Alfonso Modica
Aquaculture in Sicily: the state of the art
Aquaculture in Sicily, represented almost exclusively by seabass and sea bream production, together with capture fishery, plays a significant role in the regional economy. On a national basis, the regional production covers about 20% of Italian euryha- line fish production. Fingerling supply is guaranteed by the two hatcheries present on the Island. Twelve floating cage farms and two inshore farms annually produce about 4,000 t of fish. A small extensive production arises from the storage basins of the salt work of Trapani. This niche production could represent an opportunity to realize a new distinctive organic aquaculture, preferred by the consumers respect to intensive produced fish, tha…
Biochemical Responses of European Sea Bass (Dicentrarchus labrax L.) to the Stress Induced by Off Shore Experimental Seismic Prospecting
The paper reports the results of an experimental seismic survey in the open sea by an air gun, carried out to evaluate the effects of air gun acoustic waves on marine animals. Air gun blast exposition was found to have a marked influence on confined Dicentrarchus labrax. Our data, in fact, demonstrated a biochemical response to acoustic stress induced by air gun blasts. Variations of cortisol, glucose, lactate, AMP, ADP, ATP and cAMP in different tissues of D. labrax, indicate that fish have a typical primary and secondary stress response after air gun detonations. Radiography indicates that air gun blasts do not induce any macroscopic effect on skeletal apparatus. The variations of biochem…
Effects of temperature on gastric evacuation rate and absorption and transport of dietary lipids in sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax, L.)
Abstract 1. 1. Gastric evacuation rate and lipid absorption and transport were studied in sea bass reared at 25°, 20° and 15°C. 2. 2. An increase in gastric evacuation and a reduction in lipid absorption were observed at the higher temperature. 3. 3. Lowering temperature (15°C), led to a decrease in the rate of gastric emptying, with a prolonged lipid absorption. 4. 4. Relationships between lipid absorption and gastric evacuation are discussed.