Biagio Fallico
The effect of different technologies in Pomegranate jam preparation on the phenolic compounds, vitamin C and antioxidant activity
The effect of different gelling agents and processing for jam production from pomegranate juice was evaluated. In the last years, different gelling agents were tested for improving jam quality in terms of color and bioactive compounds. The unsonicated and sonicated pomegranate juices were processed for jam production by micro waves, under vacuum and cryoconcentration concentration methods using low and high methoxy pectins, and carob seed flour as gelling agents. The polyphenols content of sonicated jam was significantly lower than unsonicated samples and cryoconcentrated jams showed the significantly highest value among other methods. The results showed the highest anthocyanin content in t…
Durum wheat breads enriched with citrus fruits pectin and flavonoids
Development of Durum Wheat Breads Low in Sodium Using a Natural Low-Sodium Sea Salt
Durum wheat is widespread in the Mediterranean area, mainly in southern Italy, where traditional durum wheat breadmaking is consolidated. Bread is often prepared by adding a lot of salt to the dough. However, evidence suggests that excessive salt in a diet is a disease risk factor. The aim of this work is to study the effect of a natural low-sodium sea salt (Saltwell®
Results of industrial breadmaking trials of durum wheat wholegrain flour enriched with citrus fruits fibre
Use of a natural low Na+ salt in durum wheat bread
Use of concentrated fruit juice extracts to improve the antioxidant properties in a soft drink formulation
Three juices obtained respectively from pomegranate, prickly pear and orange fruit were separately concentrated using an innovative technique, that allow to obtain a final product with high content of bioactive compounds and elevate antioxidant activity. The concentrated juices were employed in the formulation of a soft drink to improve its bioactive properties. Despite a low amount of each concentrated juice was used, the experimental soft drink obtained evidenced a high content of total polyphenols. The antioxidant activity detected was similar to that of tea commonly considered a healthy beverage with strong radical scavenging activity. The sensory analysis of the soft drink showed a con…