D. T. Joss
A new differentially pumped plunger device to measure excited-state lifetimes in proton emitting nuclei
Abstract A new plunger device has been designed and built to measure the lifetimes of unbound states in exotic nuclei beyond the proton drip-line. The device has been designed to work in both vacuum and dilute-gas environments made possible through the introduction of a low-voltage stepping motor. DPUNS will be used in conjunction with the gas-filled separator RITU and the vacuum separator MARA at the accelerator laboratory of the University of Jyvaskyla, Finland, to measure the lifetimes of excited states with low population cross-sections. This is achieved by eliminating the need for a carbon foil to isolate the helium gas of RITU from the beam line thus reducing the background from beam-…
Evidence of oblate-prolate shape coexistence in the strongly-deformed nucleus 119Cs
International audience; Prolate-oblate shape coexistence close to the ground state in the strongly-deformed proton-rich A≈120 nuclei is reported for the first time. One of the four reported bands in 119Cs, built on a 11/2− state at 670 keV, consists of nearly degenerate signature partners, and has properties which unequivocally indicate the strongly-coupled πh11/2[505]11/2− configuration associated with oblate shape. Together with the decoupled πh11/2[541]3/2− band built on the 11/2− prolate state at 110 keV, for which a half-life of T1/2=55(5)μs has been measured, the new bands bring evidence of shape coexistence at low spin in the proton-rich strongly deformed A≈120 nuclei, a phenomenon p…
Shape isomerism and spectroscopy ofHg177
High spin states in the $^{177}\mathrm{Hg}$ nucleus were populated by the $^{144}\mathrm{Sm}(^{36}\mathrm{Ar},3\mathrm{n})^{177}\mathrm{Hg}$ reaction at a beam energy of $178\phantom{\rule{0.3em}{0ex}}\text{MeV}$. The emitted prompt $\ensuremath{\gamma}$ rays were detected with the Jurosphere $\ensuremath{\gamma}$-ray spectrometer, while the recoiling nuclei were identified using an active stopper at the focal plane of the gas-filled separator RITU. A quasi-rotational band that decays to an isomeric state with a half-life ${t}_{1∕2}=1.50\ifmmode\pm\else\textpm\fi{}0.15\phantom{\rule{0.3em}{0ex}}\ensuremath{\mu}\mathrm{s}$ and its subsequent $\ensuremath{\gamma}$ decay to the ground state of…
First observation of excited states in the neutron deficientN=86isotones159Taand160W
New collective structures in Au179 and their implications for the triaxial deformation of the Pt178 core
Recoil isomer tagging in the proton-rich odd-odd N = 77 isotones, 142Tb and 144Ho
A fusion-evaporation reaction has been employed to search for isomeric states in the near-proton drip-line N577 isotones, 65 142Tb and 67 144Ho. The recoiling nuclei were implanted into a silicon detector at the focal plane of a gas-filled separator, where a recoil isomer tagging technique was employed to correlate prompt and delayed g-ray transitions across isomeric states. New states were observed to be built upon a known 15-ms isomer in 142Tb and the feeding and decay of a new 500(20)-ns isomeric state was established in 144Ho. This measurement represents the first observation of excited states in 144Ho. The behavior of the new states above the isomers suggests that they are built upon l…
Global lifetime measurements of highly-deformed and other rotational structures in the a ∼135 light rare-earth region: probing the single-particle motion in a rotating potential
It has been possible, using GAMMASPHERE plus Microball,to extract differential lifetime measurements free from common systematic errors for over 15 different nuclei (various isotopes of Ce, Pr, Nd, Pm, and Sm) at high spin within a single experiment. This comprehensive study establishes the effective single-particle quadrupole moments in the A~135 light rare-earth region. Detailed comparisons are made with calculations using the self-consistent cranked mean-field theory.
In-beam and decay spectroscopy of very neutron deficient iridium nuclei
Iridium nuclei at and beyond the proton drip line have been studied via fusion evaporation reactions. A reaction of 92Mo(78Kr, p2n) at a beam energy of 360 MeV and target thickness 500 µg cm−2 was employed to study 167,167mIr. A reaction of 112Sn(58Ni, p2n) at a beam energy of 266 MeV and target thickness 500 µg cm−2 was used to study 169,169mIr. The experiments were performed at the University of Jyvaskyla utilizing the RITU separator in conjunction with the focal plane GREAT spectrometer and the JUROGAM Ge array at the target position. Excited states feeding both the ground state and isomeric state in 169Ir, excited states feeding the ground state of 167Ir and the ground state alpha decay…
Rich band structure and multiple long-lived isomers in the odd-odd 118Cs nucleus
One of the largest sets of collective excitations built on two-quasiparticle configurations in odd-odd nuclei of the proton-rich A≈120 mass region is reported in 118Cs. Several new rotational bands and long-lived isomers have been identified. The 8+ bandhead of the πh11/2⊗νh11/2 band is a short-lived isomer with a half-life in the nanosecond range, while the 7+ state below it is a long-lived isomer with a half-life of T1/2=0.55(6)μs. Two other long-lived isomers have been identified: a 66-keV transition detected at the MARA focal plane depopulates one of them, indicating a half-life in the microsecond range, while no depopulating transitions have been identified for the other, indicating a …
The GREAT spectrometer
Abstract The GREAT spectrometer is designed to measure the decay properties of reaction products transported to the focal plane of a recoil separator. GREAT comprises a system of silicon, germanium and gas detectors optimised for detecting the arrival of the reaction products and correlating with any subsequent radioactive decay involving the emission of protons, α particles, β particles, γ rays, X-rays or conversion electrons. GREAT can either be employed as a sensitive stand-alone device for decay measurements at the focal plane, or used to provide a selective tag for prompt conversion electrons or γ rays measured with arrays of detectors deployed at the target position. A new concept of …
Collective excitations in the transitional nucleiRe163andRe165
Excited states in the neutron-deficient nuclei ${}_{75}^{163}{\mathrm{Re}}_{88}$ and ${}_{75}^{165}{\mathrm{Re}}_{90}$ were populated in the ${}^{106}{\mathrm{Cd}(}^{60}\mathrm{Ni},\phantom{\rule{0.16em}{0ex}}p2n\ensuremath{\gamma})$ and ${}^{92}{\mathrm{Mo}(}^{78}\mathrm{Kr}$, $3p2n\ensuremath{\gamma})$ fusion-evaporation reactions at bombarding energies of 270 and 380 MeV, respectively. \ensuremath{\gamma} rays were detected at the target position using the JUROGAM spectrometer while recoiling ions were separated in-flight by the RITU gas-filled recoil separator and implanted in the GREAT spectrometer. The energy level schemes for $^{163}\mathrm{Re}$ and $^{165}\mathrm{Re}$ were identifie…
First observation of excited states of173Hg
The neutron-deficient nucleus 173Hg has been studied following fusion-evaporation reactions. The observation of gamma rays decaying from excited states are reported for the first time and a tentative level scheme is proposed. The proposed level scheme is discussed within the context of the systematics of neighbouring neutron-deficient Hg nuclei. In addition to the gamma-ray spectroscopy, the alpha decay of this nucleus has been measured yielding superior precision to earlier measurements.
Recoil isomer tagging in the proton-rich odd-oddN=77isotones, 65142Tband 67144Ho
Reduced transition probabilities along the yrast line in W-166
WOS: 000406755100001
Spectroscopy of 161Hf from low to high spin
Excited states in the neutron-deficient nucleus 161 72Hf89 have been populated using the 118Sn(48Ti,5n) 161Hf and 110Pd(56Fe,5n) 161Hf fusion-evaporation reactions at 240 and 270 MeV, respectively. The level scheme for 161Hf has been extended with the observation of new band structures and an I π = (13/2+) isomeric state with a half-life of 4.8(2) μs has been identified. The decay path from this isomer to the (7/2−) ground state is established. The yrast band, based on the (13/2+) isomeric state, is extended up to (73/2+) and side band structures are identified up to (69/2−) and (55/2−). Quasiparticle assignments for these rotational structures are made on the basis of their alignment prope…
Excited states and reduced transition probabilities in Os168
The level scheme of the neutron-deficient nuclide 168Os has been extended and mean lifetimes of excited states have been measured by the recoil distance Doppler-shift method using the JUROGAM \gamma-ray spectrometer in conjunction with the IKP K\"oln plunger device. The 168Os \gamma rays were measured in delayed coincidence with recoiling fusion-evaporation residues detected at the focal plane of the RITU gas-filled separator. The ratio of reduced transition probabilities B(E2;4_1^+ \rightarrow 2_1^+)/B(E2;2_1^+ \rightarrow 0_1^+) is measured to be 0.34(18), which is very unusual for collective band structures and cannot be reproduced by IBM-2 model calculations based on the SkM* energy-den…
Decays of new nuclides and isomers beyond the proton drip line - The influence of neutron configurations
Bozok University;Erciyes University;et al.;Istanbul University;Nigde University;The Turkish Atomic Energy Authority (TAEK)
Reduced transition probabilities along the yrast line in 166W
Lifetimes of excited states in the yrast band of the neutron-deficient nuclide 166W have been measured utilizing the DPUNS plunger device at the target position of the JUROGAM II γ -ray spectrometer in conjunction with the RITU gas-filled separator and the GREAT focal-plane spectrometer. Excited states in 166W were populated in the 92Mo(78Kr,4p) reaction at a bombarding energy of 380 MeV. The measurements reveal a low value for the ratio of reduced transitions probabilities for the lowest-lying transitions B(E2; 4+ → 2+)/B(E2; 2+ → 0+) = 0.33(5), compared with the expected ratio for an axially deformed rotor (B4/2 = 1.43). peerReviewed
Recoil-beta tagging: A novel technique for studying proton-drip-line nuclei
Abstract Tagging with charged particles and γ -rays at the focal plane of recoil separators has proven, over the last two decades, to be a very powerful tool for the identification of excited states in exotic nuclei produced with very low cross-sections. One of the key areas so far unexplored in terms of the tagging methodology has been performing correlations with β -particles at the focal plane of a recoil separator. A new technique entitled Recoil-Beta Tagging (RBT) has been developed, this technique exploits the unusual properties of Fermi super-allowed β emitters, which have both a short half-life ( ∼ 100 ms ) and high β + -endpoint energy. Correlating with such β -particles using a do…
Fine structure in the α decay of 156Lu and 158Ta
Fine structure in the α decay of high-spin states in 156Lu and 158Ta has been identified by means of αγ - coincidence analysis. One new α decay from 156Lu and two from 158Ta were identified, one of which was found to populate a previously unknown state in 154Lu. The hindrance-factor systematics from all four odd-odd, N = 85 nuclei with known α-decaying, πh11/2 coupled states were reviewed and are discussed. These proved consistent with the previously assigned (πh11/2νh9/2 )10+ configuration of the α-decaying state in 156Lu, which differs from the (πh11/2ν f7/2 )9+ assignments in the other three nuclei. peerReviewed
De-excitation of the strongly coupled band in 177Au and implications for core intruder configurations in the light Hg isotopes
International audience; Excited states in the proton-unbound nuclide $^{177}$Au were populated in the $^92}$Mo($^{88}$Sr, p2n) reaction and identified using the Jurogam-II and GREAT spectrometers in conjunction with the RITU gas-filled separator at the University of Jyväskylä Accelerator Laboratory. A strongly coupled band and its decay path to the 11/2−α-decaying isomer have been identified using recoil-decay tagging. Comparisons with cranked Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov (HFB) calculations based on Skyrme energy functionals suggest that the band has a prolate deformation and is based upon coupling the odd 1h11/2 proton hole to the excited 02+ configuration in the $^{178}$Hg core. Although these…
First observation of excited states inHg17595
Excited states of the neutron-deficient nucleus Hg-175, populated using fusion-evaporation reactions, are reported for the first time. The spin and parity of the ground state has been determined to ...
Rich band structure and multiple long-lived isomers in the odd-odd Cs118 nucleus
α-spectroscopy studies of the new nuclides 165Pt and 170Hg
The new nuclides 165Pt and 170Hg were produced in the reactions 92Mo(78Kr,5n) and 96Ru(78Kr,4n) at bombarding energies of 418 MeV and 390 MeV, respectively. For 170Hg an α-particle energy of Eα=7590(30)keV and half-life of t1/2=0.08+0.40−0.04ms were deduced, while for 165Pt the corresponding values were 7272(14) keV and 0.26+0.26−0.09ms. Comparison of the reduced α-decay widths with systematics indicates that both α decays are unhindered. Although combining the measured α-decay Q values with extrapolated masses suggests that both new nuclides are unbound to two-proton emission by more than 1 MeV, their α-decay half-lives are too short for this decay mode to compete. Improved data were also …
Characterizing the atomic mass surface beyond the proton drip line via a-decay measurements of the s1/2 ground state of 165Re and the h11/2 isomer in 161Ta
The a-decay chains originating from the s1/2 and h11/2 states in 173Au have been investigated following fusion-evaporation reactions. Four generations of a radioactivities have been correlated with 173Aum leading to a measurement of the a decay of 161Tam. It has been found that the known a decay of 161Ta, which was previously associated with the decay of the ground state, is in fact the decay of an isomeric state. This work also reports on the first observation of prompt g rays feeding the ground state of 173Au. This prompt radiation was used to aid the study of the a-decay chain originating from the s1/2 state in 173Au. Three generations of a decays have been correlated with this state lea…
Direct observation of theBa114→Xe110→Te106→Sn102tripleα-decay chain using position and time correlations
The triple $\ensuremath{\alpha}$-decay chain $^{114}\mathrm{Ba}\ensuremath{\rightarrow}^{110}\mathrm{Xe}\ensuremath{\rightarrow}^{106}\mathrm{Te}\ensuremath{\rightarrow}^{102}\mathrm{Sn}$ has been directly observed for the first time, following the $^{58}\mathrm{Ni}(^{58}\mathrm{Ni},2n)$ reaction. Implantation of $^{114}\mathrm{Ba}$ nuclei into a double-sided silicon-strip detector has allowed their $\ensuremath{\alpha}$ decays to be correlated in position and time with the $\ensuremath{\alpha}$ decays of the daughter $(^{110}\mathrm{Xe})$ and granddaughter $(^{106}\mathrm{Te})$ nuclei. In total, 17 events have been assigned to the $^{114}\mathrm{Ba}\ensuremath{\rightarrow}^{110}\mathrm{Xe}…
Mirror symmetry at high spin in51Feand51Mn
Gamma decays from excited states in the ${T}_{z}=\ensuremath{-}\frac{1}{2}$ nucleus ${}^{51}$Fe have been observed for the first time. The differences in excitation energies as compared with those of the mirror partner, ${}^{51}$Mn, have been interpreted in terms of Coulomb effects and the resulting Coulomb energy differences (CED) can be understood intuitively in terms of particle-alignment effects. A new CED effect has been observed, in which different CED trends have been measured for each signature of the rotational structures that characterize these mid-${f}_{7/2}$ shell nuclei. Large-scale $\mathrm{fp}$-shell model calculations have been used to compute the trends of the CED as a func…
Reinvestigation of the excited states in the proton emitter $^{151}$Lu: particle-hole excitations across the $N=Z=64$ subshell
The excited states of the proton emitter $^{151}$Lu were reinvestigated in a recoil-decay tagging experiment at the Accelerator Laboratory of the University of Jyv\"askyl\"a (JYFL). The level scheme built on the ground state of $^{151}$Lu was updated with five new $\gamma$-ray transitions. Large-scale shell model calculations were carried out to interpret the experimental level scheme. It is found that the excitation energies of states above the $27/2^-$ and $23/2^+$ isomeric levels can be sensitive to excitations from $g_{7/2}$ and $d_{5/2}$ to single-particle orbitals above $N=Z=64$.
Neutron excitations in 119Ba
The neutron-deficient 119Ba nucleus has been studied using the 58Ni(64Zn,2pn) reaction and the JUROGAM 3 γ-ray detector array coupled to the MARA recoil-mass separator setup. One new rotational band and several low-lying states are newly identified. A half-life of T1/2=0.36(2)μs has been measured for the 5/2− bandhead of the νh11/2 band. The two previously known rotational bands are confirmed, except for the higher part of the +1/2 signature partner of the positive-parity band. Configurations are assigned based on the analysis of the observed quasiparticle alignments whose nature is unveiled by the calculations using the particle number conserving cranked shell model. peerReviewed
Isomeric and ground-state properties of78171Pt,76167Os, and74163W
Decay paths, half-lives, and excitation energies of the i(13/2) bandheads of the neutron-deficient nuclei Pt-171, Os-167, and W-163 have been established for the first time. Gamma-ray transitions, ...
Decay of a 19(-) isomeric state in Lu-156
A multiparticle spin-trap isomeric state having a half-life of 179(4) ns and lying 2601 keV above the yrast 10(+) state in Lu-156 has been discovered. The Lu-156 nuclei were produced by bombarding isotopically enriched Cd-106 targets with beams of Ni-58 ions, separated in flight using the gas-filled separator RITU and their decays were measured using the GREAT spectrometer. Analysis of the main decay path that populates yrast states observed previously suggests a spin-parity assignment of 19(-) for the isomeric state, which is consistent with isomeric states identified in the N = 85 isotones. Comparison with other decay paths in Lu-156 indicates that the [pi h(11/)(2)(-1) circle times nu h(…
Identification of excited states in doubly odd63140Eu77by recoil-isomer tagging
The 36Ar + 107Ag fusion-evapn. reaction was used to search for isomeric states in the N = 77 isotope 140Eu near the proton-drip line. The recoiling nuclei were implanted into a Si detector, at the focal plane of a gas-filled separator, where prompt and delayed g-ray transitions were correlated across isomeric states using recoil-isomer tagging. The feeding and decay of a new 299(3) ns isomeric state was established. This measurement represents the first observation of excited high-spin states in 140Eu. The behavior of the new states above the isomer is discussed in terms of theor. calcns. based upon the cranked-shell model and upon the exptl. systematics of other N = 77 isotones. Within thi…
Spectroscopic factor and proton formation probability for the d3/2 proton emitter 151Lu
The quenching of the experimental spectroscopic factor for proton emission from the short-lived $d_{3/2}$ isomeric state in $^{151m}$Lu was a long-standing problem. In the present work, proton emission from this isomer has been reinvestigated in an experiment at the Accelerator Laboratory of the University of Jyv\"{a}skyl\"{a}. The proton-decay energy and half-life of this isomer were measured to be 1295(5) keV and 15.4(8) $\mu$s, respectively, in agreement with another recent study. These new experimental data can resolve the discrepancy in the spectroscopic factor calculated using the spherical WKB approximation. Using the R-matrix approach it is found that the proton formation probabilit…
Structure of high-spin states in Pd
High-spin states of the neutron deficient (100)pd nucleus have been investigated via the Cr-50(Ni-58, 4p alpha) and Zn-70(S-36,6n) heavy-ion induced reactions. For the detection of evaporated particles and gamma rays the NORDBALL array equipped with ancillary detectors and the EUROGAM II detector system were utilized. By the use of in-beam spectroscopic methods 89 transitions belonging to (100)pd have been observed, 49 of which were identified for the first time. The level scheme has been extended up to E-X approximate to 16 MeV excitation energy and I approximate to 25h. The experimental results were compared with the predictions of cranked shell model calculations. Maximal spin alignments…
Lifetime measurements in 166Re : Collective versus magnetic rotation
WOS: 000371740600004
Quasiparticle alignments and α-decay fine structure of 175Pt
Excited states and decay properties of 175Pt have been investigated using the 92Mo(86Sr,2pn) fusion-evaporation reaction. The JUROGAM I γ -ray spectrometer and the GREAT spectrometer were used in conjunction with the gas-filled recoil separator RITU for the measurement of the radiation at the target and focal plane positions, respectively. Two new band structures, assigned to be based on the I π = (7/2 −) ground state in 175Pt, have been established and the known yrast band has been extended up to I π = (49/2 +). Rotational properties of the excited states in 175Pt have been investigated within the cranked shell-model formalism. The low-frequency changes in the alignments of the positive- a…
Quasiparticle alignments andα-decay fine structure of175Pt
Excited states and decay properties of ${}^{175}$Pt have been investigated using the ${}^{92}$Mo${(}^{86}\mathrm{Sr},2pn)$ fusion-evaporation reaction. The JUROGAM I $\ensuremath{\gamma}$-ray spectrometer and the GREAT spectrometer were used in conjunction with the gas-filled recoil separator RITU for the measurement of the radiation at the target and focal plane positions, respectively. Two new band structures, assigned to be based on the ${I}^{\ensuremath{\pi}}=({{}^{7}{/}_{2}}^{\ensuremath{-}})$ ground state in ${}^{175}$Pt, have been established and the known yrast band has been extended up to ${I}^{\ensuremath{\pi}}=({{}^{49}{/}_{2}}^{+})$. Rotational properties of the excited states i…
Direct observation of the Ba 114 → Xe 110 → Te 106 → Sn 102 triple α -decay chain using position and time correlations
The triple α-decay chain 114Ba → 110Xe → 106Te → 102Sn has been directly observed for the first time, following the 58Ni(58Ni ,2n) reaction. Implantation of 114Ba nuclei into a double-sided silicon-strip detector has allowed their α decays to be correlated in position and time with the α decays of the daughter (110Xe) and granddaughter (106Te) nuclei. In total, 17 events have been assigned to the 114Ba → 110Xe → 106Te → 102Sn triple α-decay chain. The energy of the 114Ba α decay has been measured to be Eα = 3480(20) keV, which is 70 keV higher than the previously measured value, and the half-life of 114Ba has been measured with improved accuracy, to be 380+190 −110 ms. A revised Q12C value …
A new plunger device has been designed and built to measure the lifetimes of unbound states in exotic nuclei beyond the proton drip-line. The device is designed to work in both vacuum and dilute-gas environments made possible through the introduction of a lowvoltage piezoelectric motors. The differential plunger for unbound nuclear states, DPUNS, will be used in conjunction with the gas-filled separator RITU and the vacuum separator MARA at the accelerator laboratory of the University of Jyvaskyla, Finland, to measure the lifetimes of excited states with low population cross-sections. This is achieved by eliminating the need for a carbon foil to isolate the helium gas of RITU from the beam …
Decay of a 19− isomeric state in 156Lu
A multiparticle spin-trap isomeric state having a half-life of 179(4) ns and lying 2601 keV above the yrast 10 + state in 156 Lu has been discovered. The 156 Lu nuclei were produced by bombarding isotopically enriched 106 Cd targets with beams of 58 Ni ions, separated in flight using the gas-filled separator RITU and their decays were measured using the GREAT spectrometer. Analysis of the main decay path that populates yrast states observed previously suggests a spin-parity assignment of 19 − for the isomeric state, which is consistent with isomeric states identified in the N = 85 isotones. Comparison with other decay paths in 156 Lu indicates that the [ π h − 1 11 / 2 ⊗ ν h 9 / 2 ] 10 + st…
Multiparticle configurations of excited states in 155Lu
Excited states in the neutron-deficient N=84 nuclide 155Lu have been populated by using the 102Pd(58Ni,αp) reaction. The 155Lu nuclei were separated by using the gas-filled recoil ion transport unit (RITU) separator and implanted into the Si detectors of the gamma recoil electron alpha tagging (GREAT) spectrometer. Prompt γ-ray emissions measured at the target position using the JUROGAM Ge detector array were assigned to 155Lu through correlations with α decays measured in GREAT. Structures feeding the (11/2−) and (25/2−)α-decaying states have been revised and extended. Shell-model calculations have been performed and are found to reproduce the excitation energies of several of the low-lyin…
Complete set of proton excitations in 119Cs
The very neutron-deficient strongly deformed 119Cs nucleus has been studied using the 58Ni(64Zn,3p) reaction and the JUROGAM 3 γ-ray detector array coupled to the MARA recoil-mass separator setup. The excitation energies of all observed bands have been determined, spins and parities have been firmly assigned to most of the observed states. The previously known and the newly identified rotational bands have been extended to very high spin and excitation energy. The configurations of the observed bands are discussed using the particle number conserving cranked shell model. The present study establishes the largest set of rotational bands observed in the proton-rich A≈120 mass region. peerRevi…
Characterizing the atomic mass surface beyond the proton drip line viaα-decay measurements of theπs1/2ground state of165Re and theπh11/2isomer in161Ta
The α-decay chains originating from the πs1/2 and πh11/2 states in 173Au have been investigated following fusion-evaporation reactions. Four generations of α radioactivities have been correlated with 173Aum leading to a measurement of the α decay of 161Tam. It has been found that the known α decay of 161Ta, which was previously associated with the decay of the ground state, is in fact the decay of an isomeric state. This work also reports on the first observation of prompt γ rays feeding the ground state of 173Au. This prompt γ radiation was used to aid the study of the α-decay chain originating from the πs1/2 state in 173Au. Three generations of α decays have been correlated with this stat…
Coulomb excitation of Rn-222
The nature of quadrupole and octupole collectivity in 222Rn was investigated by determining the electric-quadrupole (E2) and octupole (E3) matrix elements using subbarrier, multistep Coulomb excitation. The radioactive 222Rn beam, accelerated to 4.23 MeV/u, was provided by the HIE-ISOLDE facility at CERN. Data were collected in the Miniball γ-ray spectrometer following the bombardment of two targets, 120Sn and 60Ni. Transition E2 matrix elements within the ground-state and octupole bands were measured up to 10ℏ and the results were consistent with a constant intrinsic electric-quadrupole moment, 518(11)efm2. The values of the intrinsic electric-octupole moment for the 0+→3− and 2+→5− transi…
Competing Decay Modes of a High-spin Isomer in the Proton-unbound Nucleus $^{158}$Ta
An isomeric state at high spin and excitation energy was recently observed in the proton-unbound nucleus 158Ta. This state was observed to decay by both α and γ decay modes. The large spin change r ...
In-beam study of 253No using the SAGE spectrometer
The heavy actinide nucleus 253No (Z = 102) was studied using the (S)ilicon (A)nd (Ge)rmanium (SAGE) spectrometer allowing simultaneous in-beam $\gamma$ -ray and conversion electron spectroscopy at the accelerator laboratory of the University of Jyvaskyla. Using the recoil-tagging technique, $\gamma$ -electron coincidences have allowed for the extension of the level scheme in the lower-spin region of the yrast band. In addition, internal conversion coefficient (ICC) measurements to establish the multipolarity of transitions have been performed. Measurement of the interband-intraband branching ratios supports the assignment of the Nilsson band-head configuration $9/2^{-}[734]$ assigned in pre…
Precision measurements of proton emission from the ground states of 156Ta and 160Re
The decays of the πd3/2 ground states of 156Ta and 160Re have been studied in detail using the GREAT spectrometer. More than 7000 160Re nuclei were produced in reactions of 290- and 300-MeV 58Ni ions with an isotopically enriched 106Cd target and separated in flight using the RITU separator. The proton and α decays of the πd3/2 level were confirmed and the half-life and branching ratios of this state were determined with improved precision to be t1/2=611±7 μs and bp=89±1% and bα=11±1%, respectively. The α-decay branch populated the ground state of 156Ta, allowing improved values for the proton-decay energy and half-life to be obtained (Ep=1011±5 keV; t1/2=106±4 ms). The β decay of this leve…
Decay of the high-spin isomer in 160Re: Changing single-particle structure beyond the proton drip line
WOS: 000286708700015
Strongly coupled bands in the neutron-deficient nucleus167Re
Excited states in the neutron-deficient nucleus Re-167 have been observed in a recoil-tagging experiment performed with the Jurosphere gamma-ray spectrometer in conjunction with the RITU gas-filled ...
Transition probability studies in175Au
Transition probabilities have been measured between the low-lying yrast states in 175Au by employing the recoil distance Doppler-shift method combined with the selective recoil-decay tagging technique. Reduced transition probabilities and magnitudes of transition quadrupole moments have been extracted from measured lifetimes allowing dramatic changes in nuclear structure within a low excitation-energy range to probed. The transition quadrupole moment data are discussed in terms of available systematics as a function of atomic number and aligned angular momentum.
Hyperfine anomaly in gold and magnetic moments of $I^{\pi}$ $= 11/2^{−}$ gold isomers
Physical review / C 101(3), 034308 (2020). doi:10.1103/PhysRevC.101.034308
Blurring the Boundaries: Decays of Multiparticle Isomers at the Proton Drip Line
A multiparticle spin-trap isomer has been discovered in the proton-unbound nucleus Ta85 73158. The isomer mainly decays by γ-ray emission with a half-life of 6.1(1) μs. Analysis of the γ-ray data shows that the isomer lies 2668 keV above the known 9+ state and has a spin 10 higher and negative parity. This 19- isomer also has an 8644(11) keV, 1.4(2)% α-decay branch that populates the 9+ state in Lu154. No proton-decay branch from the isomer was identified, despite the isomer being unbound to proton emission by 3261(14) keV. This remarkable stability against proton emission is compared with theoretical predictions, and the implications for the extent of observable nuclides are considered. © …
Fine structure in the α decay of high-spin isomers in 155Lu and 156Hf
Fine structure in the α decay of high-spin isomers in 155Lu(25/2−) and 156Hf (8+) has been studied for the first time using αγ -coincidence analysis. Three new α decays from 155Lu(25/2−) and two from 156Hf (8+) have been identified, populating seniority s > 1 states in the N = 82 nuclei 151Tm and 152Yb, respectively. The reduced hindrance factors of the α decays support the previous configuration assignments of the populated states. This is the first observation of states with excitation energy greater than 1.5 MeV being populated following α decay in nuclei outside of the 208Pb region. peerReviewed
Competing quasiparticle configurations in W-163
WOS: 000274002700019
Refined description of the positive-parity bands and the extent of octupole correlations in 120Ba
Three new negative-parity bands have been identified in 120Ba, two of them forming a strongly coupled band. The previously known negative-parity band is significantly extended to high spin, while the lower part of the yrare positive-parity band has been modified. From the analysis of the band properties and comparison with the neighboring nuclei a coherent description of all bands is achieved. In particular, a simple explanation of the evolution of the positive-parity bands at high spin is proposed, including the possible occupation of the νf7/2[541]1/2− intruder orbital. Cranked Nilsson-Strutinsky calculations reveal similar quadrupole deformations but different triaxiality of the bands, w…
First observation of excited states in the very neutron deficient nucleus76165Osand the yrast structure of76166Os
Determination of the B(E3, 0+ → 3−)-excitation strength in octupole-correlated nuclei near A ≈224 by the means of Coulomb excitation at REX-ISOLDE
The IS475 collaboration conducted Coulomb-excitation experiments with postaccelerated radioactive 220Rn and 224Ra beams at the REX-ISOLDE facility. The beam particles (Ebeam ≈ 2.83 MeV/u) were Coulomb excited using 60Ni, 114Cd, and 120Sn scattering targets. De-excitation γ-rays were detected employing the Miniball array and scattered particles were detected in a silicon detector. Exploiting the Coulomb-excitation code GOSIA for each nucleus several matrix elements could be obtained from the measured γ-ray yields. The extracted 3−||Ê3||0+ matrix element allows for the conclusion that, while 220Rn represents an octupole vibrational system, 224Ra has already substantial octupole correlations i…
Single-particle and collective excitations in the transitional nucleus 166Os
The mean lifetimes of the lowest energy 2(+), 8(+) and 9(-) states in Os-166 have been measured using the recoil distance Doppler-shift method in conjunction with a selective recoil-decay tagging t ...
Excited states and reduced transition probabilities in Os 168
The level scheme of the neutron-deficient nuclide 168Os has been extended and mean lifetimes of excited states have been measured by the recoil distance Doppler-shift method using the JUROGAM γ -ray spectrometer in conjunction with the IKP Koln plunger device. The ¨ 168Os γ rays were measured in delayed coincidence with recoiling fusion-evaporation residues detected at the focal plane of the RITU gas-filled separator. The ratio of reduced transition probabilities B(E2; 4+ 1 → 2+ 1 )/B(E2; 2+ 1 → 0+ 1 ) is measured to be 0.34(18), which is very unusual for collective band structures and cannot be reproduced by interacting boson model (IBM-2) calculations based on the SkM* energy-density func…
Decay of a 19− isomeric state in Lu156
A multiparticle spin-trap isomeric state having a half-life of 179(4) ns and lying 2601 keV above the yrast 10(+) state in Lu-156 has been discovered. The Lu-156 nuclei were produced by bombarding ...
Probing intruder structures in lead nuclei
In-beam γ-ray spectroscopy measurements provide important information on coexisting normal and intruder configurations in lead nuclei. However, in these experiments the yrast states are preferentially populated so that in many cases nothing is known about non-yrast states that are essential for obtaining a fuller understanding. Complementary experiments designed to study fine structure in the a decays of polonium nuclei have led to the discovery of low-spin non-yrast states in the daughter lead nuclei, while higher-spin states can be identified through the γ decays of isomeric states. The α-decay studies have the additional benefit of allowing information on configuration mixing in the polo…
Recoil-isomer tagging techniques at RITU
Techniques have been developed to study isomeric states in nuclei with the use of RITU (gas filled separator) at the University of Jyvaskyla. The first was the recoil-isomer tagging technique initially, utilised by D.M. Cullen to study the K π = 8− isomeric state in 138Gd [1]. The juro-sphere array was employed in conjunction with ritu and a focal plane array which consisted of several Compton-suppressed Germanium detectors, placed in close geometry around a multi wire proportional counter (mwpc) and a silicon strip detector used for the implantation of recoiling nuclei. This technique correlates prompt and delayed γ-ray transitions across isomeric states and identifies the lifetime of the …
Single-step link from yrast SD band in 143Eu
A discrete γ-ray transition from the yrast SD band to the region of near-yrast discrete normal-deformed states has been identified in 143Eu. It has an energy of 3360.6 keV and an intensity corresponding to 3.2% of the full intensity of the SD band and feeds a nearly-spherical state above spin 352(+) and Ex=4947 keV. This agrees well with the picture of the decay out of the SD band gained previously from two-step links. The angular distribution analysis favours a stretched dipole character for the transition. Due to the complicated structure of the level scheme in the region of interest it has not been possible to place the transition exactly.
Change in structure between the $I = 1/2$ states in $^{181}$Tl and $^{177,179}$Au
Abstract The first accurate measurements of the α-decay branching ratio and half-life of the I π = 1 / 2 + ground state in 181Tl have been made, along with the first determination of the magnetic moments and I = 1 / 2 spin assignments of the ground states in 177,179Au. The results are discussed within the complementary systematics of the reduced α-decay widths and nuclear g factors of low-lying, I π = 1 / 2 + states in the neutron-deficient lead region. The findings shed light on the unexpected hindrance of the 1 / 2 + → 1 / 2 + , 181Tl → g 177 Aug α decay, which is explained by a mixing of π 3 s 1 / 2 and π 2 d 3 / 2 configurations in 177Aug, whilst 181Tlg remains a near-pure π 3 s 1 / 2 .…
Lifetime measurements probing triple shape coexistence in ^{175}Au
Lifetimes of the low-lying excited states in the very neutron-deficient nucleus ${}^{175}$Au have been measured by the recoil-distance Doppler-shift method using $\ensuremath{\gamma}$-ray spectra obtained with the recoil-decay tagging technique. Transition quadrupole moments and reduced transition probabilities extracted for this odd-$Z$ nucleus indicate the existence of three different shapes and the competition between collective and noncollective structures.
New collective structures in 179Au and their implications for the triaxial deformation of the 178Pt core
The extremely neutron-deficient isotope 179Au has been studied by a combination of in-beam γ-ray and isomeric-decay spectroscopy. For in-beam spectroscopy, the recoil-isomer tagging technique was employed, using the known 3/2−, T1/2=328 ns isomer. A new rotational band, associated with the unfavored signature band of the 1h9/2⊕2f7/2 proton-intruder configuration, was revealed. A previously unknown, high-spin isomeric state with an excitation energy of 1743(17) keV and T1/2=2.16(8)µs was discovered. Five decay paths were identified, some of them feeding previously unknown non-yrast excited states, associated with the 1i13/2 proton-intruder configuration. Calculations based on the particle-pl…
Low-lying excited states in the neutron-deficient isotopes163Os and165Os
Excited states in the neutron-deficient isotopes Os-163 and Os-165 were identified using the JUROGAM and GREAT spectrometers in conjunction with the RITU gas-filled separator. The Os-163 and Os-165 nuclei were populated via the Cd-106(Ni-60,3n) and Mo-92(Kr-78,2p3n) reactions at bombarding energies of 270 MeV and 357 MeV, respectively. Gamma-ray emissions from these nuclei have been established unambiguously using the recoil-decay tagging technique and a coincidence analysis has allowed level schemes to be established. These results suggest that the yrast states are based upon negative-parity configurations originating from the f(7/2) and h(9/2) orbitals.
α-Decay branching ratios measured by γ-ray tagging
Abstract The nuclides 168–170Pt were produced by bombarding isotopically enriched 92,94Mo targets with 336, 348 MeV 78Kr ions. Prompt γ rays were detected at the target position and provided a selection criterion for the 168–170Pt nuclei. This technique enables the problem of the background from higher-energy α decays in the spectrum to be circumvented. The Pt nuclei were separated in flight using the gas-filled separator RITU and implanted into the GREAT spectrometer, which was used to study subsequent α decays. The α -decay branching ratios of 164–166Os were deduced from the fraction of selected 168–170Pt nuclei correlated with α decays of 164–166Os. The resulting branching ratios agree w…
Identification of excited states in 107,52Te55
Excited states in the extremely neutron-deficient nucleus 107Te have been identified from two separate experiments using the recoil-decay tagging technique. Two connected structures were observed on the basis of γγ-coincidence relations and tentatively assigned as built on the mixed-parentage νg7/2d5/2 and νh11/2 intruder configurations. The observed structures were compared with large-scale shell-model calculations and total Routhian surface calculations. Collective behavior was discovered to persist in the νh11/2 band of 107Te which highlights the shape-polarizing effect of a single valence neutron occupying the h11/2 intruder orbit as the N=50 shell closure is approached. peerReviewed
Discovery of the proton emitting nucleus $^{159}$Re
Fund. para Cienc. Tecnol., FCT, Minist. Cienc. Tecnol.;Fundacao Calouste Gulbenkian;Fundacao Luso-Americana
α decay of the πh11/2 isomer in Ir164
The α -decay branch of the πh 11 / 2 isomer in 164 Ir has been identified using the GREAT spectrometer. The 164 Ir nuclei were produced using the 92 Mo( 78 Kr ,p 5 n ) 164 Ir reaction and separated in flight using the recoil ion transport unit (RITU) gas-filled separator. The measured α -decay energy of 6880 ± 10 keV allowed the excitation of the πh 11 / 2 state in 160 Re to be deduced as 166 ± 14 keV. The half-life of 164 Ir was measured with improved precision to be 70 ± 10 μ sandan α -decay branching ratio of 4 ± 2% was determined. Improved half-life and branching ratio measurements were also obtained for 165 Ir, but no evidence was found for the ground-state decays of either 164 Ir or 1…
Spectroscopy of the neutron-deficient nuclide 171Pt
A number of previously unobserved gamma-rays emitted from the neutron-deficient nuclide Pt-171 have been identified using the recoil decay tagging technique. The level scheme has been updated using ...
Proton emission from an oblate nucleus 151Lu
Abstract Excited states in the proton-unbound nucleus 151Lu have been established using γ-ray coincidence techniques. The lifetime of the first excited state above the proton-emitting ground state has been measured using the recoil-distance Doppler-shift method combined with recoil-decay tagging. The experimental level scheme and extracted lifetime have been compared with state-of-the-art theoretical calculations based upon a non-adiabatic deformed Woods–Saxon potential. This comparison suggests that the proton-emitting ground state in 151Lu is mildly oblate with a deformation β = − 0.11 − 0.05 + 0.02 and represents the best evidence to date for proton emission from an oblate nucleus.
Excited states in the proton-unbound nuclide Ta-158
Excited states in the neutron-deficient odd-odd proton-unbound nuclide $^{158}\mathrm{Ta}$ have been investigated in two separate experiments. In the first experiment, $^{166}\mathrm{Ir}$ nuclei were produced in the reactions of 380 MeV $^{78}\mathrm{Kr}$ ions with an isotopically enriched $^{92}\mathrm{Mo}$ target. The $\ensuremath{\alpha}$-decay chain of the ${9}^{+}$ state in $^{166}\mathrm{Ir}$ was analyzed. Fine structure in the $\ensuremath{\alpha}$ decay of the ${9}^{+}$ state in $^{162}\mathrm{Re}$ established a 66 keV difference in excitation energy between the lowest-lying ${9}^{+}$ and ${10}^{+}$ states in $^{158}\mathrm{Ta}$. Higher-lying states in $^{158}\mathrm{Ta}$ were popul…
Shape coexistence in neutron-deficient Hg isotopes studied via lifetime measurements in Hg-184,Hg-186 and two-state mixing calculations
Abstract: The neutron-deficient mercury isotopes, 184 , 186 Hg, were studied with the recoil distance Doppler-shift method using the Gammasphere array and the K ̈ oln plunger device. The differential decay curve method was employed to determine the lifetimes of the yrast states in 184 , 186 Hg. An improvement on previously measured values of yrast states up to 8 + is presented as well as first values for the 9 3 state in 184 Hg and 10 + state in 186 Hg. B ( E 2) values are calculated and compared to a two-state mixing model which utilizes the variable moment of inertia model, allowing for extraction of spin-dependent mixing strengths and amplitudes. peerReviewed
Characteristics of segmented super clover detector in close geometry decay measurements
Characteristics of the segmented Super Clover germanium detector response in close geometries have been studied. Results obtained with localising hit pattern recognition are compared with results from add-back and individual crystal analysis. The detector has been used at the focal plane of a gas filled recoil separator to detect isomeric gamma-rays from the nuclei produced in the 150Sm(42Ca,4n)188Pb reaction. Coincidence data from the detector was analysed and the level scheme below the 1.2 μ s isomeric state in 188Pb could be deduced. peerReviewed
Lifetime measurements of excited states in $^{163}$W and the implications for the anomalous B(E2) ratios in transitional nuclei
Grahn, Tuomas/0000-0002-6255-2279; Herzan, Andrej/0000-0002-6736-7638; Cullen, Dave/0000-0002-0041-1606; Barber, Liam/0000-0002-7409-9352; Keatings, James Michael/0000-0003-4271-8021; SAYGI, BAHADIR/0000-0001-5406-506X; Greenlees, Paul/0000-0002-5986-5274; Spagnoletti, Pietro/0000-0002-7674-989X; Parr, Edward/0000-0001-6204-4461; Bondili, S Nara Singh/0000-0002-4096-2429
Excited states in the proton-unbound nuclide 158Ta
Excited states in the neutron-deficient odd-odd proton-unbound nuclide 158Ta have been investigated in two separate experiments. In the first experiment, 166Ir nuclei were produced in the reactions of 380 MeV 78Kr ions with an isotopically enriched 92Mo target. The α-decay chain of the 9+ state in 166Ir was analyzed. Fine structure in the α decay of the 9+ state in 162Re established a 66 keV difference in excitation energy between the lowest-lying 9+ and 10+ states in 158Ta. Higher-lying states in 158Ta were populated in the reactions of 255 MeV 58Ni ions with an isotopically enriched 102Pd target. Gamma-ray decay paths that populate, depopulate, and bypass a 19− isomeric state have been id…
Fine structure in the α decay of high-spin isomers in Lu155 and Hf156
Fine structure in the a decay of high-spin isomers in Lu-155( 25/2(-)) and Hf-156(8(+))has been studied for the first time using alpha gamma- coincidence analysis. Three new a decays from Lu-155(25 ...
Identification of Excited States in theTz=1NucleusXe110: Evidence for Enhanced Collectivity near theN=Z=50Double Shell Closure
Gamma-ray transitions have been identified for the first time in the extremely neutron-deficient (N=Z+2) nucleus {sup 110}Xe, and the energies of the three lowest excited states in the ground-state band have been deduced. The results establish a breaking of the normal trend of increasing first excited 2{sup +} and 4{sup +} level energies as a function of the decreasing neutron number as the N=50 major shell gap is approached for the neutron-deficient Xe isotopes. This unusual feature is suggested to be an effect of enhanced collectivity, possibly arising from isoscalar n-p interactions becoming increasingly important close to the N=Z line.
Lifetime measurements in 166Re : Collective versus magnetic rotation
Lifetimes of excited states in the neutron-deficient odd-odd nucleus 166Re have been measured for the first time using the recoil distance Doppler-shift method. The measured lifetime for the (8−) state; τ = 480 (80) ps, enabled an assessment of the multipolarities of the γ rays depopulating this state. Information on electromagnetic transition strengths were deduced for the γ -ray transitions from the (9−), (10−), and (11−) states, and in the case of the (10−) and (11−) states limits on the B(M1) and B(E2) strengths were estimated. The results are compared with total Routhian surface predictions and semiclassical calculations. Tilted-axis cranking calculations based on a relativistic mean-f…
Reinvestigation of the excited states in the proton emitter 151Lu : Particle-hole excitations across the N=Z=64 subshell
The excited states of the proton emitter 151Lu were reinvestigated in a recoil-decay tagging experiment at the Accelerator Laboratory of the University of Jyväskylä (JYFL). The level scheme built on the ground state of 151Lu was updated with five new γ -ray transitions. Large-scale shell model calculations were carried out in the model space consisting of the neutron and proton orbitals 0g7/2, 1d5/2, 1d3/2, 2s1/2, and 0h11/2 with the optimized monopole interaction in order to interpret the experimental level scheme of 151Lu. It is found that the excitation energies of states above the 27/2− and 23/2+ isomeric levels in 151Lu can be sensitive to excitations from g7/2 and d5/2 to single-parti…
Multiparticle configurations of excited states in Lu155
Excited states in the neutron-deficient N = 84 nuclide Lu-155 have been populated by using the Pd-102(Ni-58, alpha p) reaction. The Lu-155 nuclei were separated by using the gas-filled recoil ion t ...
Probing structural changes in the very neutron-deficient Os isotopes with recoil-decay tagging
In recent years, the exploitation of the iecoil-decay tagging (RDT) technique with,large arrays of germanium detectors has revealed much information about the structure of heavy nuclei approaching the proton drip line. The yrast bands of the N <= 93 osmium isotopes have been identified in a campaign of tagging experiments using various spectrometer arrays coupled to the RITU gas-filled separator based at the University of Jyvaskyla. Trends in the yrast state excitation energies have indicated a transition from gamma-soft triaxial to near-spherical shapes with decreasing neutron number. Recent experimental results for Os-162 obtained with the JUROGAM and GREAT spectrometers also indicate the…
Shape coexistence in neutron-deficient Hg isotopes studied via lifetime measurements inHg184,186and two-state mixing calculations
The neutron-deficient mercury isotopes, $^{184,186}$Hg, were studied with the Recoil Distance Doppler Shift (RDDS) method using the Gammasphere array and the Koln Plunger device. The Differential Decay Curve Method (DDCM) was employed to determine the lifetimes of the yrast states in $^{184,186}$Hg. An improvement on previously measured values of yrast states up to $8^{+}$ is presented as well as first values for the $9_{3}$ state in $^{184}$Hg and $10^{+}$ state in $^{186}$Hg. $B(E2)$ values are calculated and compared to a two-state mixing model which utilizes the variable moment of inertia (VMI) model, allowing for extraction of spin-dependent mixing strengths and amplitudes.
First observation of excited states in the neutron deficient N = 86 isotones 159Ta and 160W
The γ decays of excited states in the neutron deficient nuclei 159 Ta and 160 W have been identified for the first time. The nuclei of interest were produced in reactions induced by beams of 58 Ni ions at energies of 286 MeV, 291 MeV, and 298 MeV bombarding a 106 Cd target. Prompt γ rays were recorded using the JUROSPHERE spectrometer and were tagged through the subsequent α decays of associated recoil ions measured in a position-sensitive silicon strip detector at the focal plane of the gas-filled separator RITU. Level schemes have been deduced and compared with similar structures observed in neighboring nuclei. peerReviewed
Investigation into the Effects of Deformation on Proton Emission Rates via Lifetime Measurements
Studies of pear-shaped nuclei using accelerated radioactive beams
There is strong circumstantial evidence that certain heavy, unstable atomic nuclei are ‘octupole deformed’, that is, distorted into a pear shape. This contrasts with the more prevalent rugby-ball shape of nuclei with reflection-symmetric, quadrupole deformations. The elusive octupole deformed nuclei are of importance for nuclear structure theory, and also in searches for physics beyond the standard model; any measurable electric-dipole moment (a signature of the latter) is expected to be amplified in such nuclei. Here we determine electric octupole transition strengths (a direct measure of octupole correlations) for short-lived isotopes of radon and radium. Coulomb excitation experiments we…
Recoil decay tagging ofγrays in the extremely neutron-deficient nucleusOs162
The neutron-deficient nucleus $^{162}\mathrm{Os}$, produced in the $^{106}\mathrm{Cd}(^{58}\mathrm{Ni},2n)$ reaction, has been studied using the JUROGAM $\ensuremath{\gamma}$-ray spectrometer in conjunction with the RITU gas-filled separator and the GREAT focal plane spectrometer. $\ensuremath{\gamma}$-ray transitions in $^{162}\mathrm{Os}$ have been assigned for the first time through the application of the recoil decay tagging technique. The excitation energy of the ${2}^{+}$ state and the tentative energy of the ${8}^{+}$ state are discussed in terms of the systematic energy trends as the $N=82$ shell gap is approached.
Spectroscopy at the two-proton drip line: Excited states in 158W
Abstract Excited states have been identified in the heaviest known even-Z N = 84 isotone 158W, which lies in a region of one-proton emitters and the two-proton drip line. The observation of γ-ray transitions feeding the ground state establishes the excitation energy of the yrast 6+ state confirming the spin-gap nature of the α-decaying 8+ isomer. The 8+ isomer is also expected to be unbound to two-proton emission but no evidence for this decay mode was observed. An upper limit for the two-proton decay branch has been deduced as b 2 p ≤ 0.17% at the 90% confidence level. The possibility of observing two-proton emission from multiparticle isomers in nearby nuclides is considered.
Probing structures of exotic heavy nuclei
The JYFL gas-filled recoil separator RITU, combined with Ge detector arrays, has successfully been employed in Recoil-Decay-Tagging (RDT) experiments in order to probe, for the first time, structures of several very neutron deficient heavy nuclei. In this contribution new data for light even-mass Hg, Pb and Po nuclei are shown and discussed. peerReviewed
Nuclear levels in proton-unboundI109: Relative single-particle energies beyond the proton drip line
A level scheme has been constructed for the proton-unbound, T-z=3/2 nuclide I-109(53)56 following a recoil-decay-tagging experiment using the Ni-58(Fe-54, p2n gamma) reaction at a beam energy of 19 ...
Coulomb shifts and shape changes in the mass 70 region
The technique of recoil beta tagging has been developed which allows prompt gamma decays in nuclei from excited states to be correlated with electrons from their subsequent short-lived beta decay. This technique is ideal for studying nuclei very far from stability and improves in sensitivity for very short-lived decays and for high decay Q-values. The method has allowed excited states in 78Y to be observed for the first time, as well as an extension in the knowledge of T=1 states in 74Rb. From this new information it has been possible to compare Coulomb energy differences (CED) between T=1 states in 70Br/70Se, 74Rb/74Kr, and 78Y/78Sr. The A=70 CED exhibit an anomalous behavior which is inco…
High K bands in mid-supershell nuclei
The spectrum of prompt conversion electrons emitted by excited 254No nuclei has been measured, revealing discrete lines arising from transitions within the ground state band. A striking feature is a broad distribution that peaks near 100 keV and comprises high multiplicity electron cascades, probably originating from M1 transitions within rotational bands built on high K states. Evidence for the existence of isomeric states in 254No is presented. peerReviewed
Evidence for enhanced collectivity in Te-I-Xe nuclei near the N = Z = 50 double shell closure
Gamma‐ray transitions have been identified for the first time in the extremely neutron‐deficient Tz = 1 nuclide 110Xe and the energies of the three lowest excited states in the ground‐state band have been deduced. A level scheme has also been constructed for the proton‐unbound, Tz = 3/2 nuclide 109I, exhibiting band structures built on g7/2 and h11/2 states in a weakly deformed, triaxial nucleus. In addition, a third band is proposed to be built on a g7/2 orbital coupled to an octupole‐vibrational phonon of the 108Te core. The results were obtained in a recoil‐decay tagging experiment using the 58Ni(54Fe,2n/p2n) reaction at a beam energy of 195 MeV. The experiment was performed using the hi…
Spectroscopy of the neutron-deficient isobars 163 Re and 163 W using tagging techniques
Bozok University;Erciyes University;et al.;Istanbul University;Nigde University;The Turkish Atomic Energy Authority (TAEK)
De-excitation of the strongly coupled band in Au177 and implications for core intruder configurations in the light Hg isotopes
Excited states in the proton-unbound nuclide $^{177}$Au were populated in the $^92}$Mo($^{88}$Sr, p2n) reaction and identified using the Jurogam-II and GREAT spectrometers in conjunction with the RITU gas-filled separator at the University of Jyvaskyla Accelerator Laboratory. A strongly coupled band and its decay path to the 11/2−α-decaying isomer have been identified using recoil-decay tagging. Comparisons with cranked Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov (HFB) calculations based on Skyrme energy functionals suggest that the band has a prolate deformation and is based upon coupling the odd 1h11/2 proton hole to the excited 02+ configuration in the $^{178}$Hg core. Although these configurations might be…
Discovery of 157W and 161Os
The nuclides W-157 and Os-161 have been discovered ill reactions of Ni-58 ion beams with a Cd-106 target. The Os-161 alpha-decay energy and half-life were 6890 +/- 12 keV and 640 +/- 60 mu s. The d ...
Lifetime measurements of excited states in W-162 and W-164 and the evolution of collectivity in rare-earth nuclei
WOS: 000400140500006
Combined in-beam electron andγ-ray spectroscopy ofHg184,186
By exploiting the SAGE spectrometer a simultaneous measurement of conversion electrons and {gamma} rays emitted in the de-excitation of excited levels in the neutron-deficient nuclei {sup 184,186}Hg was performed. The light Hg isotopes under investigation were produced using the 4n channels of the fusion-evaporation reactions of {sup 40}Ar and {sup 148,150}Sm. The measured K- and L-conversion electron ratios confirmed the stretched E2 nature of several transitions of the yrast bands in {sup 184,186}Hg. Additional information on the E0 component of the 2{sub 2}{sup +}{yields}2{sub 1}{sup +} transition in {sup 186}Hg was obtained.
Spectroscopy of the neutron-deficient nucleusOs16791
Excited states of the nucleus Os-167 have been populated by the reaction Mo-92(Kr-78,2pn). The JUROGAM gamma-ray detector array has been used in conjunction with the RITU gas-filled separator and the GREAT spectrometer to observe prompt gamma rays in coincidence with recoiling fusion-evaporation residues and their subsequent decay by alpha particle emission. By correlating prompt gamma radiation with the characteristic alpha radioactivity of Os-167, it has been possible to extend the level scheme for this nucleus significantly. In particular, an extension of the yrast band and four previously unobserved bands are reported. In addition, the recoil distance Doppler-shift method was used to de…
Probing the limit of nuclear existence: Proton emission from 159Re
WOS: 000240847400007
Precision measurements of proton emission from the ground states ofTa156andRe160
The decays of the $\ensuremath{\pi}{d}_{3/2}$ ground states of $^{156}\mathrm{Ta}$ and $^{160}\mathrm{Re}$ have been studied in detail using the GREAT spectrometer. More than 7000 $^{160}\mathrm{Re}$ nuclei were produced in reactions of 290- and 300-MeV $^{58}\mathrm{Ni}$ ions with an isotopically enriched $^{106}\mathrm{Cd}$ target and separated in flight using the RITU separator. The proton and $\ensuremath{\alpha}$ decays of the $\ensuremath{\pi}{d}_{3/2}$ level were confirmed and the half-life and branching ratios of this state were determined with improved precision to be ${t}_{1/2}=611\ifmmode\pm\else\textpm\fi{}7$ $\ensuremath{\mu}$s and ${b}_{\mathrm{p}}=89\ifmmode\pm\else\textpm\fi…
Evolution of Octupole Deformation in Radium Nuclei from Coulomb Excitation of Radioactive Ra222 and Ra228 Beams
There is sparse direct experimental evidence that atomic nuclei can exhibit stable "pear" shapes arising from strong octupole correlations. In order to investigate the nature of octupole collectivity in radium isotopes, electric octupole (E3) matrix elements have been determined for transitions in ^{222,228}Ra nuclei using the method of sub-barrier, multistep Coulomb excitation. Beams of the radioactive radium isotopes were provided by the HIE-ISOLDE facility at CERN. The observed pattern of E3 matrix elements for different nuclear transitions is explained by describing ^{222}Ra as pear shaped with stable octupole deformation, while ^{228}Ra behaves like an octupole vibrator.
Fine structure in the α decay of Lu156 and Ta158
Do nuclei go pear-shaped? Coulomb excitation of 220Rn and 224Ra at REX-ISOLDE (CERN)
Artículo escrito por muchos autores, sólo se referencian el primero, los autores que firman como Universidad Autónoma de Madrid y el grupo de colaboración en el caso de que aparezca en el artículo
First observation of gamma-rays from the proton emitter 171Au
Gamma-rays from the alpha- and proton-unstable nuclide 171Au have been observed for the first time. The gamma-rays were correlated with both a proton- and an alpha-particle decay branch, confirming that the nucleus decays by alpha and proton emission from a single (11/2-) state. The measurement confirms the previously determined half-lives for these particle decays but the present values are of higher precision. In addition, a longer half-life than determined in previous work was measured for the proton-unstable tentative ground state. The results are discussed in relation to structures in neighbouring nuclei and compared with a Strutinsky-type TRS calculation.
The SPEDE spectrometer
8 pags., 10 figs., 2 tabs.
γ-ray spectroscopy approaching the limits of existence of atomic nuclei: A study of the excited states ofPt168andPt169
Excited states in the $N=90$ and $N=91$ Pt nuclei have been investigated using the JUROGAM and GREAT spectrometers in conjunction with the RITU gas-filled separator. These nuclei were populated via the reactions $^{92}\mathrm{Mo}(^{78}\mathrm{Kr},2n)$ and $^{94}\mathrm{Mo}(^{78}\mathrm{Kr},3n)$ at 335 and 348 MeV, respectively. The recoil-decay tagging technique has been used to correlate prompt $\ensuremath{\gamma}$ radiation with the characteristic $\ensuremath{\alpha}$ decays of $^{168}\mathrm{Pt}$ and $^{169}\mathrm{Pt}$. A $\ensuremath{\gamma}\text{\ensuremath{-}}\ensuremath{\gamma}$ analysis has allowed a level scheme for $^{168}\mathrm{Pt}$ to be reported for the first time and the l…
Yrast structures in the light Pt isotopes169–173Pt
The exploitation of the recoil-decay tagging (RDT) technique has reinvigorated experimental investigations of the shape coexistence phenomenon in heavy neutron-deficient nuclei. In a recent experiment using the JUROGAM and GREAT spectrometers in conjunction with the RITU gas-filled separator, excited states have been investigated in the light platinum isotopes. In addition to extending the yrast sequences in 170Pt and 172Pt, the first observation of excited states in the odd-N isotopes, 169Pt and 173Pt, is reported. The bands are discussed in terms of trends in level excitation energies as a function of neutron number.
First identification of rotational band structures inRe9175166
Despite that it is more than 100 years since the atomic nucleus was first dis- covered by Ernest Rutherford and coworkers, many of its features still elude our understanding. The fact that the fundamental interactions between the nuclear constituents; nucleons, and ultimately quarks, are not yet known in detail, and the complexity of the nuclear many-body system compound the great challenges facing theoretical interpretations of experimental data. It is therefore important to focus on distinct phenomena where experimental mea- surements can be compared with theoretical predictions, providing stringent tests of theory. One such area is the nuclear phenomenology of collective excitations rela…
Population of a low-spin positive-parity band from high-spin intruder states in 177Au: The two-state mixing effect
The extremely neutron-deficient isotopes 177,179Au were studied by means of in-beam ?-ray spectroscopy. Specific tagging techniques, ?-decay tagging in 177Au and isomer tagging in 179Au, were used for these studies. Feeding of positive-parity, nearly spherical states, which are associated with 2d3/2 and 3s1/2 proton-hole configurations, from the 1i13/2 proton-intruder configuration was observed in 177Au. Such a decay path has no precedent in odd-Au isotopes and it is explained by the effect of mixing of wave functions of the initial state. © 2020
Delayed or absent π(h11/2)2 alignment in Xe111
Neutron excitations in Ba119
High-spin states of $^{218}$Th
Abstract High-spin states in the N = 128 nucleus 218Th have been investigated following fusion–evaporation reactions, using the recoil-decay tagging technique. Due to the short-lived nature of the ground state of 218Th prompt γ rays have been correlated with the α decay of the daughter nucleus 214Ra. The level scheme representing the decay of excited states has been extended to (16+) with the observation of six previously unreported transitions. The observations are compared with the results of shell model calculations and within the context of the systematics of neighbouring nuclei.
High-spin intruder band in $^{107}$In
High-spin states in the neutron deficient nucleus $^{107}$In were studied via the $^{58}$Ni($^{52}$Cr, 3p) reaction. In-beam $\gamma$ rays were measured using the JUROGAM detector array. A rotational cascade consisting of ten $\gamma$-ray transitions which decays to the 19/2$^{+}$ level at 2.002 MeV was observed. The band exhibits the features typical for smooth terminating bands which also appear in rotational bands of heavier nuclei in the A$\sim$100 region. The results are compared with Total Routhian Surface and Cranked Nilsson-Strutinsky calculations.
The observation of vibrating pear-shapes in radon nuclei
6 pags., 4 fig.s, 1 tab. -- Open Access funded by Creative Commons Atribution Licence 4.0
Identification of excited states in 167Os and 168Os: shape coexistence at extreme neutron deficiency
Excited states in the very neutron-deficient isotopes Os-167 and Os-168 have been observed using the reaction Sn-112(Ni-58, 2pxn). The JUROSPHERE gamma -ray spectrometer array was used in conjuncti ...
Delayed or absent π(h11/2)2 alignment in 111Xe
Excited states have been identified in the very neutron-deficient N = Z + 3 nucleus 111Xe for the first time, using the 58Ni(58Ni, αn) heavy-ion fusion-evaporation reaction. γ -ray transitions have been unambiguously assigned to 111Xe by correlation with the characteristic 111Xe → 107Te → 103Sn α-decay chain using the method of recoil-decay tagging. Inspection of γ γ -coincidence data has shown that five of the transitions form a rotational-like sequence. Excitation-energy systematics suggest that the sequence could be the favored signature partner of a band built on an h11/2 neutron. Aligned angular momenta of states in the band have been compared to analogous bands in neighboring xenon is…
Four independent decay properties in the super-deformed well of 143Eu
Abstract The flow of γ-transitions through the superdeformed minimum of 143Eu is investigated by studying the intensities of four different types of γ-rays of superdeformed origin, obtained with a variety of gating conditions. They can all be explained rather well by schematic simulation calculations assuming only well known statistical properties. Information on level density, competition between E1 and E2 strengths and rotational damping width in the SD well is obtained, yielding a rather complete picture of the feeding mechanism into different regions of the second minimum.
Anomalous Coulomb matrix elements in thef7/2shell
γ decays from high-spin states in the N=Z-1 nucleus 2753Co26 have been identified for the first time. Level energies and Coulomb energy differences between these states and their analogs in its mirror nucleus 53Fe have been compared with large-scale pf shell-model calculations, which offer excellent agreement. New information has been obtained on two-proton Coulomb matrix elements needed in the interpretation. These have been extracted from the data via a number of methods and are shown to exhibit an anomalous behavior for the J=2 coupling.
Lifetime measurements of excited states in W162 and W164 and the evolution of collectivity in rare-earth nuclei
Lifetimes of the first excited 2(+) states in the extremely neutron- deficient W-162 and W-164 nuclei have been measured using the recoil distance Doppler shift technique. Experimental B(E2) data f ...
The influence of quasineutron configurations on 161Ta and nearby odd-A Nuclei
Several strongly coupled bands in the neutron‐deficient nucleus 161Ta have been identified and quasiparticle configuration assignments have been made on the basis of rotational alignments and cranked shell model calculations. The level scheme elucidated for 161Ta highlights the competition between the ν(h9/2) and ν(i13/2) orbitals to form the yrast spectrum. The band structures in 161Ta also provide new insights into the structural features of other heavy odd‐A nuclei populated with much lower reaction cross sections in this region at the proton drip line.
Coulomb excitation of pear-shaped nuclei
There is a large body of evidence that atomic nuclei can undergo octupole distortion and assume the shape of a pear. This phenomenon is important for measurements of electric-dipole moments of atoms, which would indicate CP violation and hence probe physics beyond the Standard Model of particle physics. Isotopes of both radon and radium have been identified as candidates for such measurements. Here, we have observed the low-lying quantum states in 224Rn and 226Rn by accelerating beams of these radioactive nuclei. We show that radon isotopes undergo octupole vibrations but do not possess static pear-shapes in their ground states. We conclude that radon atoms provide less favourable condition…
Collective excitations in the transitional nuclei 163Re and 165Re
Excited states in the neutron-deficient nuclei 163 75 Re88 and 165 75 Re90 were populated in the 106Cd(60Ni, p2nγ ) and 92Mo(78Kr, 3p2nγ ) fusion-evaporation reactions at bombarding energies of 270 and 380 MeV, respectively. γ rays were detected at the target position using the JUROGAM spectrometer while recoiling ions were separated in-flight by the RITU gas-filled recoil separator and implanted in the GREAT spectrometer. The energy level schemes for 163Re and 165Re were identified using recoil-decay correlation techniques. At low spin, the yrast bands of these isotopes consist of signature partner bands based on a single πh11/2 quasiproton configuration. The bands display large energy spl…