

Identification of excited states in 107,52Te55

W. ZhangB. CederwallC. QiA. ErtoprakÖ. AktasX. LiuK. AndgrenK. AuranenT. BäckL. BarberG. BeetonD. M. CullenI. G. DarbyM. R. DimmockS. EeckhaudtE. GanioğluM. GórskaT. GrahnP. T. GreenleesB. HadiniaE. IdeguchiA. IllanaP. M. JonesD. T. JossR. JulinS. JuutinenJ. M. KeatingsA. KhaplanovF. KulaliM. LeinoM. LuomaB. LvB. S. Nara SinghL. NelsonM. NiikuraM. NymanJ. OjalaR. D. PageJ. PakarinenE. S. PaulC. PetracheM. PetriP. RahkilaP. RuotsalainenM. SandzeliusJ. SarénC. ScholeyJ. F. SmithJ. SorriH. TannG. ZimbaJ. UusitaloR. WadsworthR. Wyss


isotoopittelluurinuclear physicsnuclear structureydinfysiikka


Excited states in the extremely neutron-deficient nucleus 107Te have been identified from two separate experiments using the recoil-decay tagging technique. Two connected structures were observed on the basis of γγ-coincidence relations and tentatively assigned as built on the mixed-parentage νg7/2d5/2 and νh11/2 intruder configurations. The observed structures were compared with large-scale shell-model calculations and total Routhian surface calculations. Collective behavior was discovered to persist in the νh11/2 band of 107Te which highlights the shape-polarizing effect of a single valence neutron occupying the h11/2 intruder orbit as the N=50 shell closure is approached. peerReviewed
