Carlo Finoli
Variazioni qualitative nel corso della conservazione dei frutti della cultivar di pistacchio "Bianca di Bronte" sottoposti a diversi metodi di essiccazione
Caratterizzazione del profilo polifenolico dei vini Nero d’Avola. Influenza delle pratiche colturali sul profilo polifenolico
Aspetti della qualità microbiologica di olive da mensa commercializzate sfuse
Chemical and sensorial characterization of monovarietal olive oils extracted from the sicilian cultivars collected in a germoplasm bank
L'essiccazione automatizzata mantiene la qualità del pistacchio
Frutti di pistacchio a confronto in fase di conservazione
Varietà locali, valore aggiunto per l'olio extravergine d'oliva
Pytosterols and antioxidant compounds in monovarietal Sicilian olive oils
Changes in Sicilian virgin olive oil during storage with particularly highlighteg biophenol components
Ochratoxin A occurrence in Italian wines of different origin
Production of cyclopiazonic acid by molds isolated from Taleggio cheese
Twenty-seven strains of Penicillium were isolated from the rind of Taleggio, a typical Italian cheese, so that we could test their capacity to produce cyclopiazonic acid (CPA); all strains produced CPA. The production was strongly influenced by the strain variety and growth conditions. Strains incubated at 25 degrees C for 7 days always produced CPA in mannitol broth, with concentrations ranging from 0.02 to 1 microg/ml, whereas only 33% of strains grown in yeast-extract broth produced CPA, with a maximum value of 0.1 microg/ml. In milk, maximum production (1.6 microg/ml) was observed after 14 days of incubation at 25 degrees C. In order to evaluate the presence of the toxin and its capacit…
DOC Marsala: tecnologia, profilo analitico ed aromatico del Marsala Fine
Occurrence of aflatoxins in feedstuff, sheep milk and dairy products in Western Sicily
Samples of feedstuffs (15), milk (40), and cheese (30) coming from sheep and dairy farms (23) or market in WesternSicily were analyzed for their respective content of aflatoxin B1 (AFB1) and M1 (AFM1) to evidence any possible indirectmycotoxin contamination risk to the consumer. Analyses using HPLC and fluorescence detection were performed afterimmunoaffinity column sample extraction and cleanup; AFM1 was detected in 30% of the milk samples at levels rangingfrom 4 to 23 ng/l and in 13% of the cheeses from 21 to 101 ng/kg; in the feed the AFB1 ranged from None of the contaminated samples exceeded the legal limits set down by the European Union for milk (50 ng/l) and feed(5 μg/kg ), or tha…
Consumi energetici in diverse tipologie di minicaseifici
Recent regulations about the food health and safety and methods of milk processing obliged most sheep farmers not to process it on their own. Therefore, in Sicily most sheep breeders sold their milk to some small dairies. On the contrary, if sheep breeders had modern plants for processing also small amounts of milk in some suitable farm rooms, they could earn the additional value, due to cheese and ricotta sale. The agricultural Mechanics and Food Industry Sections of the Department of Engineering and Technologies in Agriculture and Forestry (ITAF) of Palermo University measured and assessed the consumptions of fuel electrical energy in some small dairies of 200 and 300 l capacity, in order…
Table olives contamination by mycotoxin
Aspetti sulla qualità microbiologica delle olive da mensa commercializzate sfuse
Il consumo delle olive da mensa in questi ultimi anni è notevolmente aumentato. Lo scopo del lavoro è stato quello di andare ad investigare la qualità microbiologica e la sicurezza d uso di olive.
Variazioni qualitative dei frutti di diverse cultivar di pistacchio nel corso della conservazione
Sicilian extra virgin olive oils: characterisics, packaging and shelf life
La qualità delle olive non peggiora con alte produzioni
Presenza di ocratossina A in prodotti a base di cacao
Supramolecular organization of triglycerides in extra-virgin olive oils as assessed by high and low field NMR spectroscopies
Roquefortine C occurrence in blue cheese.
Several strains of Penicillium are used for the production of mold-ripened cheeses, and some of them are able to produce mycotoxins. The aims of the research were the determination of roquefortine C and PR toxin in domestic and imported blue cheeses, the identification of the penicillia used as starter, and the investigation of their capacity for producing toxins in culture media. Roquefortine C was always found in the cheeses at levels ranging from 0.05 to 1.47 mg/kg, whereas the PR toxin was never found. The identification of the fungal strains present in the domestic cheeses included Penicillium glabrum, Penicillium roqueforti, and Penicillium cyclopium in the Gorgonzola "dolce" and Peni…
Energy consumptions in different mini dairy plants
Using modern plants, suitable for processing also small amounts of milk, sheep breeders, instead to sell their milk to some dairies, could earn the additional income due to cheese and ricotta sale. The fuel and electrical energy consumptions were measured and evaluated in some mini dairy plants. The results show that mini dairy plants powered by diesel fuel consume less energy per processed milk volume unit than those powered by liquid propane gas.
Il settote delle "ptoduzioni bio-energetiche" rappresenta oggl un valido strumento per rendere competitive aree che per motlvazioni economiche o perché inquinate, sono state abbandonate. Uutl\zzo di energy crop, proprio in relazione alla crescente richiesta da parte del mercato, potrebbe determinare ricadute assolutamente positive sia sul piano economico che per l'attuazione di adeguati ed efficaci programmi pet la salvaguardia e valorizzazione di parte del territorio delle regioni meditetranee, già struttutalmente in conrlizioni di estrema fragflttà,a mbientale.L o scopo della presente ricerca è di produrre bioetanolo a basso costo risanando contemporaneamente I'ambiente. Infatti i1 fico d…