Giuseppe Runza

Incidentally discovered thyroid nodules: incidence, and greyscale and colour Doppler pattern in an adult population screened by real-time compound spatial sonography

Purpose. Our aim was to assess the incidence and ultrasound features of thyroid nodules in an adult population screened by means of high-resolution ultrasonography (HRUS) and to evaluate the contribution of real-time spatial compound sonography (CS) in terms of image quality. Materials and methods. A total of 704 consecutive patients (400 women, 304 men) without thyroid disease underwent HRUS and CS examination of the thyroid gland. Number, size, location, echotexture and colour Doppler pattern of detected nodules were assessed. Two radiologists also assessed image quality of the two techniques. Results. Seven hundred and eleven thyroid nodules (size range 0.18-4.1 cm; mean: 1.1 cm) were de…

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Prevalence and characteristics of coronary artery disease in a population with suspected ischaemic heart disease using CT coronary angiography: correlations with cardiovascular risk factors and clinical presentation

Purpose. This study was undertaken to describe the correlation between the distribution of coronary artery disease (CAD) in a symptomatic population with suspected ischaemic heart disease, cardiovascular risk factors (RF) and clinical presentation. Materials and methods. We studied 163 patients (mean age 65.5 years; 101 men and 62 women) referred for multidetector computed tomography coronary angiography (MDCT-CA) to rule out CAD. The patients had no prior history of revascularisation or myocardial infarction. We analysed how the characteristics of CAD (severity and type of plaque) can change with the increase in RF and how they are related to different clinical presentations. Results. Pati…

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Cineradiografia digitale della deglutizione nei pazienti sottoposti a laringectomia parziale o totale

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Usefulness of Contrast-enhanced Ultrasonography in the Monitoring and follow-up of Treatment Response in Patients with Crohn’s Disease

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Valutazione della risposta al trattamento con termoablazione percutanea con radiofrequenza dell’epatocarcinoma: ruolo dell’ecografia con mezzo di contrasto

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Valutazione dei parametri volumetrici e funzionali cardiaci

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Valutazione quantitativa tridimensionale del parenchima polmonare affetto da fibrosi cistica : risultati preliminari

Purpose. The aim of this study was to assess the feasibility of three-dimensional (3D) reconstructions and quantitative analysis of the volume of each component of the lung with cystic fibrosis (CF). Materials and methods. Twenty-two patients with CF (mean age 17±8 yeas) were included in the study. The patients underwent an unenhanced single-slice spiral computed tomography (CT) chest scan with the following parameters: collimation 3 mm, table feed 6 mm×rot-1, reconstruction interval 1 mm, soft tissue reconstruction kernel. Four image data sets were obtained: native axial slices, cine-mode display, virtual bronchographic volumerendered images with algorithm for tissue transition display and…

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Influence of the heart rate in the selection of the optimal reconstruction phase in clinical routine Multislice Coronary Angiography

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Contrast-enhanced versus baseline ultrasonography in the characterization of benign focal hepatic lesions

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Image assessment with multislice CT coronary angiography

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Atypical liver hemangiomas: characterization with SonoVue and pulse-inversion US

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Diagnostic accuracy of 64-slice computed tomography coronary angiography in patients with low-to-intermediate risk

Purpose. Our aim was to evaluate the diagnostic accuracy of 64- slice computed tomography coronary angiography (MSCT-CA) for detecting significant stenosis (≥50% lumen reduction) in a population of patients at low to intermediate risk. Materials and methods. We studied 72 patients (38 men, 34 women, mean age 53.9±8.0 years) with atypical or typical chest pain and stratified in the low- to intermediate risk category. MSCT-CA (Sensation 64 Cardiac, Siemens, Germany) was performed after IV administration of 100 ml of iodinated contrast material (Iomeprol 400 mgI/ml, Bracco, Italy). Two observers, blinded to the results of conventional coronary angiography (CAG), assessed the MSCT-CA scans in c…

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Influence of image reconstruction parameters on cardiovascular risk reclassification by Computed Tomography Coronary Artery Calcium Score

Objective: To investigate the influence of different CT reconstruction parameters on coronary artery calcium scoring (CACS) values and reclassification of predicted cardiovascular (CV) risk. Methods: CACS was evaluated in 113 patients undergoing ECG-gated 64-slice CT. Reference CACS protocol included standard kernel filter (B35f) with slice thickness/increment of 3/1.5 mm, and field-of-view (FOV) of 150–180 mm. Influence of different image reconstruction algorithms (reconstructed slice thickness/increment 2.0/1.0–1.5/0.8–3.0/2.0–3.0/3.0 mm; slice kernel B30f-B45f; FOV 200–250 mm) on Agatston score was assessed by Bland-Altman plots and concordance correlation coefficient (CCC) ana…

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Hepatocellular cancer response to radiofrequency ablation: contrast-enhanced ultrasound

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Clinical value of Multislice CT Coronary Angiography in a cohort of asymptomatic high risk patients with dysmetabolic syndrome

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Diagnostic accuracy with non-invasive 64-slice CT coronary angiography

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Use of saline chaser in the intravenous administration of contrast material non invasive coronary angiography with 16 row multislice CT

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Real-Time Spatial Compound Sonography versus conventional US of the Achilles Tendon in patients with Heterozygous Familial Hypercholesterolemia

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RUOLO DELL'ECOGRAFIA CON MEZZO DI CONTRASTO NELLA MALATTIA DI CROHN Nome del convegno: 41° Congresso Nazionale SIRM Luogo del convegno: Palermo Anno del convegno: MAGGIO 2004 Dettaglio tipologia d'Ateneo: 10 - Abstract di Comunicazioni o Poster di Congressi nazionali pubblicati (anche on line)

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Ecografia convenzionale versus ecografia integrata con “compound digitale” nello studio del tendine d’achille in pazienti con ipercolesterolemia familiare eterozigotica

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Angiomi epatici atipici: aspetti contrastografici con ecografia ad inversione di impulso e SH U 508A

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Imaging quantitativo dell’aterosclerosi coronarica in-vivo con software dedicato: TC multistrato vs. Ecografia intracoronarica

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The Know-how to Apply an Appropriate Reconstruction Filtering in MSCT Coronary Angiography.

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Prognostic outcome of atherosclerotic plaques in patients with suspected coronary artery disease assessed with Multislice Computed Tomography Coronary Angiography: a 30-month follow-up study

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Coronary plaque imaging with multislice computed tomography: technique and clinical applications.

The composition of an atherosclerotic lesion, rather than solely the degree of stenosis, is considered to be an important determinant of acute coronary events. Whereas until recently only invasive techniques have been able to provide clues about plaque composition with consistent reproducibility, several recent studies have revealed the potential of multislice computed tomography (MSCT) for noninvasive plaque imaging. Coronary MSCT has the potential to detect coronary plaques and to characterize their composition based on the X-ray attenuating features of each structure. MSCT may also reveal the total plaque burden (calcified and noncalcified components) for individual patients with coronar…

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Diagnostic value of hypoenanced miocardial region observed in MSCT-CA: comparison with other diagnostic tools

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64-MDCT coronary angiography in women: a critical issue?

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CT and CT angiography scan technique.

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Tumori gastrointestinali stromali: aspetti con tomografia computerizzata multidetettore (40-strati)

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Relazione tra decorsi miocardici e carico aterosclerotico coronarico studiata mediante angiografia coronarica con TC a 64 strati (AC-TCMS)

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Digital cineradiographic study of swallowing in infants with neurologic disease. Our experience

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Esame radiologico del torace nell’invecchiamento cardiaco

L’invecchiamento e un processo fisiologico, definito omeostenosi caratterizzato da un progressivo declino dell’omeostasi di diversi organi e apparati in assenza di segni e/o sintomi di malattia. Le modificazioni anatomo-patologiche a carico dell’apparato cardiocircolatorio iniziano a comparire gia dalla terza decade di vita con incremento del grasso pericardico, progressivo irrigidimento delle valvole cardiache con segni di insufficienza e/o stenosi. Nella parete cardiaca si puo documentare ipertrofia del miocardio con incremento volumetrico delle fibrocellule muscolari lisce, prevalentemente a carico del distretto sinistro. Analoghe modificazioni sono riscontrabili nella parete vasale del …

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Role of multidetector-CT enteroclysis (MSCT-E) in complications of advanced Crohn's disease (CD) patients

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contrast enhanced versus conventional ultrasonography in the characterization of benign focal hepatic lesions

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Comprehensive cardiovascular ECG-gated MDCT as a standard diagnostic tool in patients with acute chest pain

Acute myocardial infarction, pulmonary embolism, and aortic dissection are diseases associated with acute chest pain and may lead to severe morbidity and mortality. These diseases may not be trivial to diagnose in the settings of emergency room. ECG-gated multi-detector computed tomography (MDCT), already established for the assessment of pulmonary embolism and aortic dissection, provides reliable information regarding the triage of patients with acute coronary syndrome in the emergency room. MDCT recently appeared to be logistically feasible and a promising comprehensive method for the evaluation of cardiac and non-cardiac chest pain in emergency department patients. The possibility to sca…

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Centrifugal (inside-out) enhancement pattern of liver hemangiomas on contrast-enhanced US

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The role of MRI in traumatic rupture of the diaphragm. Our experience in three cases and review of the literature.

PURPOSE: To evaluate the role and effectiveness of Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) in blunt diaphragmatic injuries by reviewing the literature and our experience in three cases. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We reviewed the medical records and MRI findings of three patients with diaphragmatic injury due to blunt abdominal trauma. All patients were previously examined with chest X-ray and CT and later with MRI at our institution. Coronal and sagittal SE TI-w and fast SE T2-w sequence images were acquired. All patients underwent surgery. RESULTS: MRI showed a 5.5 cm tear in the left hemidiaphragmatic dome with herniation of the stomach and colon into the thoracic cavity in the first case; a 1 cm te…

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Riscontro incidentale di noduli tiroidei: incidenza, aspetti B-mode e color Doppler in una popolazione adulta studiata con "real-time compound sonography"

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Riscontro incidentale di noduli tiroidei: incidenza, aspetti B-mode e color Doppler in una popolazione adulta studiata con “real-time compound sonography

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Prognostic value at 24 months of Multislice Computed Tomography Coronary Angiography in patients with atypical chest pain.

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Utility of Multi-Slice Computed Tomography Coronary Angiography to Evaluate Coronary Artery Bypass Graft Patency

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Varianti anatomiche dell’albero coronarico visualizzate mediante angiografia coronarica con TC a 64 strati

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Influence of increasing convolution filters on plaque imaging with multislice CT using an ex-vivo model of Coronary Artery

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Graft patency and late outcomes for patients with ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction who underwent coronary surgery

Objective: The aim of our study was to assess the long-term clinical outcomes and the grafts patency rates of patients with ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) who underwent urgent or emergency coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG). Materials: Participants in two previous studies comprising 207 STEMI patients undergoing on-pump (145 patients) or off-pump (62 patients) coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) surgery in our institution were prospectively followed to assess late mortality, graft patency, and major adverse cardiac-related event (MACE) rates. Graft patency was evaluated by multi-detector computed tomography angiography 64-slice scan. Mean times of graft implantation…

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Diagnostic accuracy of 64-slice CT in the assessment of coronary stents

PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to assess the diagnostic accuracy of 64-slice computed tomography (64-CT) coronary angiography in the detection of coronary in-stent restenosis. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Ninety-five patients (72 men and 23 women, mean age 58+/-8 years) with previous percutaneous coronary intervention with stenting and suspected restenosis underwent 64-CT (Sensation 64, Siemens). The mean time between stent deployment and 64-CT was 6.1+/-4.2 months. The scan parameters were: slices 32 x 2, individual detector width 0.6 mm, rotation time 0.33 s, feed 3.84 mm/rotation, 120 kV, 900 mAs. After the intravenous administration of iodinated contrast material (Iomeprol 400 mgI/ml,…

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Hepatic angiomyolipoma: contrast-enhanced pulse inversion US in a case

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Profilo di accettabilità dell’angiografia coronarica non invasiva mediante TC Multistrato: per una medicina dalla parte del paziente

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Three-year follow-up of patients at intermediate probability of coronary artery disease assessed with Multislice Computed Tomography Coronary Angiography

Purpose Methods and Materials Results Conclusion References Personal Information

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Prevalence of coronary artery intramyocardial course in a large population of clinical patients detected by multislice computed tomography coronary angiography

Background: Intramyocardial course, an inborn coronary anomaly, is defined as a segment of a major epicardial coronary artery that runs intramurally through the myocardium; in particular, we distinguish myocardial bridging, in which the vessel returns to an epicardial position after the muscle bridge, and intramyocardial course, which is described as a vessel running and ending in the myocardium. Purpose: To evaluate the prevalence of myocardial bridging and intramyocardial course of coronary arteries as defined by multidetector computed tomography (MDCT) angiography. Material and Methods: The study population consisted of 242 consecutive patients (211 men, 31 women; mean age 59±6 years) w…

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Role of 64-slice CT Multiplanar Reconstructions in Acute Mechanichal Bowel Obstruction

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Imaging techniques for the vulnerable coronary plaque

The goal of this article is to illustrate the main invasive and noninvasive diagnostic modalities to image the vulnerable coronary plaque, which is responsible for acute coronary syndrome. The main epidemiologic and histological issues are briefly discussed in order to provide an adequate background. Comprehensive coronary atherosclerosis imaging should involve visualization of the entire coronary artery tree and plaque characterization, including three-dimensional morphology, relationship with the lumen, composition, vascular remodelling and presence of inflammation. No single technique provides such a comprehensive description, and no available modality extensively identifies the vulnerab…

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Long-term prognosis of patients with a zero calcium score assessed by Multislice Computed Tomography Coronary Angiography.

Purpose Methods and Materials Results Conclusion References Personal Information

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Valore prognostico della TC coronarica nella routine clinica: follow-up a 24 mesi in 166 pazienti con sospetta o nota aterosclerosi coronarica.

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La cineradiografia digitale nella diagnosi e nel trattamento chirurgico dei disordini motori della giunzione faringo-esofagea

The aim of the study was to report our experience with the use of radiology in functional disorders of the cricopharyngeal muscle and their surgical therapy using digital cineradiology. Five-hundred and seventy dysphagic patients underwent dynamic study of the oral and pharyngeal phases of swallowing (Videofluoroscopic Swallowing Study, VFSS). A motor disorder of the cricopharyngeal muscle was diagnosed by videofluorography in 19 patients: the disorder was mild in 8, moderate in 7 and severe in 4. Two of these underwent cricopharyngeal myotomy, with an improvement in their dysphagia and swallowing mechanisms. VFSS provides a morphological and functional view of the aero-digestive tracts: th…

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Liver haemangiomas undetermined at grey-scale ultrasound: Contrast-enhancement patterns with SonoVue and pulse-inversion US

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Cardiac Magnetic Resonance with Delayed Enhancement of the Right Ventricle in patients with Left Ventricle primary involvement: diagnosis and evaluation of functional parameters.

: Cardiac Magnetic Resonance (CMR) allows an accurate Right Ventricle (RV) assessment that could be of great relevance in diseases causing inflammation or fibrosis. The aim of this study was to evaluate the concomitant involvement of the RV in patients with delayed enhancement (DE) of the Left Ventricle (LV-DE) using CMR. We retrospectively enrolled 95 (male n. 66; age 55±18years; BMI 26±5kg/m2) consecutive patients with LV-DE who underwent a CMR (Achieva 1.5 T, Philips) for different indications: post-ischemic dilated cardiopathy (PDM), hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM), myocardial infarction (MI), myocarditis/pericarditis (MP) and congenital heart disease (CD). We assessed the presence an…

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Quantitative analysis of coronary arteries with computer tomography coronary angiography: Methodology and preliminary results using intracoronary ultrasound as reference standard using a software prototype (QCT)

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Thoracic cardiovascular imaging with 16 row multislice computed tomography and retrospective ECG-gating.Technical note

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Can ECG-gated MDCT be considered an obligatory step to plan and manage a new chest-pain unit?

The recent improvements in multi-detector computed tomography technology and its application in cardiac field allow to consider this non-invasive imaging technique as a promising comprehensive method for detecting significant coronary stenoses in a chest-pain unit. The possibility to use the ECG-synchronisation acquisition protocol, normally limited to the cardiac volume, for the entire thoracic vascular system should have the remarkable potential to reduce invasive and non-invasive procedures actually used to investigate acute chest pain and the number of unnecessary hospital admissions without reducing appropriate admissions in patients with chest pain.

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CT anatomy of the heart and classification in coronary segments.

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Anatomia TC del cuore e classificazione in segmenti coronarici

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causes of false positive interpretation for hepatocellular carcinoma in cirrhosis

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Principi tecnici ed applicazioni dei filtri di ricostruzione in angiografia coronarica mediante TC Multistrato

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3D reconstruction techniques made easy: know-how and pictures

Three-dimensional reconstructions represent a visual-based tool for illustrating the basis of three-dimensional post-processing such as interpolation, ray-casting, segmentation, percentage classification, gradient calculation, shading and illumination. The knowledge of the optimal scanning and reconstruction parameters facilitates the use of three-dimensional reconstruction techniques in clinical practise. The aim of this article is to explain the principles of multidimensional image processing in a pictorial way and the advantages and limitations of the different possibilities of 3D visualisation.

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Prevalenza e valore prognostico a 2 anni delle placche aterosclerotiche coronariche in 123 pazienti sottoposti ad Angiografia Coronarica mediante Tomografia Computerizzata Multistrato

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Heart Rate Sequential Analysis During Multidetector Computed Tomography Coronary Angiography: What Factors Do You Take Into Account In Understanding Its Variability?

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Myocardial blood flow quantification for evaluation of coronary artery disease by computed tomography

During the last decade coronary computed tomography angiography (CTA) has become the preeminent non-invasive imaging modality to detect coronary artery disease (CAD) with high accuracy. However, CTA has a limited value in assessing the hemodynamic significance of a given stenosis due to a modest specificity and positive predictive value. In recent years, different CT techniques for detecting myocardial ischemia have emerged, such as CT-derived fractional flow reserve (FFR-CT), transluminal attenuation gradient (TAG), and myocardial CT perfusion (CTP) imaging. Myocardial CTP imaging can be performed with a single static scan during first pass of the contrast agent, with monoenergetic or dual…

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Impact of coronary calcium score on diagnostic accuracy for the detection of significant coronary stenosis with multislice computed tomography angiography.

One hundred twenty patients in sinus rhythm with suspected coronary artery disease who underwent multislice computed tomography of the heart and conventional coronary angiography were retrospectively selected. The population was divided into 2 groups depending on their calcium score (CS) (e.g., low CS and high CS). The diagnostic accuracy of multislice computed tomographic scans for detecting significant lesions (>50% lumen reduction) in both groups was compared with quantitative coronary angiography. The sensitivity and specificity of multislice computed tomography were 90% and 92%, and 97% and 91% for low and high CS groups, respectively.

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Analisi della funzione ventricolare sinistra (FVS) in cardio-TC: influenze dell’intervallo di ricostruzione e dello spessore di strato sull’accuratezza diagnostica e sul time-consuming

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Forty-slice Computer Tomography in arrhytmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy

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This study was undertaken to define the role of electrocardiographically (ECG)-gated multidetector computed tomography (MDCT) in the assessment of the postoperative ascending aorta. From November 2006 to June 2007, 21 patients, [11 men, ten women; age +/- standard deviation (SD): 62.7 +/- 10.8 years] with a history of ascending aorta replacement underwent ECG-gated MDCT and were prospectively included in our study. Ascending aorta replacement had been performed with different surgical techniques: Bentall-De Bono (four patients, 19%), Tirone-David (five patients, 23%), and modified Tirone-David with creation of aortic neosinuses (12 patients, 57%). Two patients were excluded from MDCT evalua…

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Acceptance of non-invasive Multislice CT Coronary Angiography: is it a real patient-friendly technique?

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ECG-gated Multidetector Computed Tomography as a Standard Tool before Aortic Surgery

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The use of contrast-enhanced ultrasonography in the diagnosis and follow-up of Crohn's Disease

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Qualitative and quantitative evaluation of solitary thyroid nodules with contrast-enhanced ultrasound: initial results

To assess the feasibility of contrast-enhanced ultrasound (CEUS) of the thyroid gland and to evaluate the potential of this method for characterising solitary thyroid nodules.18 patients affected by solitary thyroid nodules (size range: 0.6 to 3.6 cm; mean: 1.8 cm) confirmed by surgery (nine papillary carcinomas, four follicular carcinomas, three hyperplasias, one follicular adenoma and one Plummer’s adenoma) underwent pulse inversion US at low M.I. (0.06 to 0.08) after i.v. injection of a 2.4-mL bolus of SonoVue. Baseline echogenicity and the dynamic enhancement pattern of each nodule, in comparison with adjacent thyroid parenchyma, were assessed. Signal intensity values on grey-scale imag…

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64-detector computed tomography in preoperative assessment of vascular anatomy of middle colic artery in left-sided colon cancer

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Heart anatomy

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Valore della TC coronarica nella stratificazione dei pazienti con dolore toracico cronico

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Il referto in angiografia coronarica con TC a 64 strati: una nuova sfida per il radiologo

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64-slice computed tomography assessment of left ventricular volumetric and functional parameters

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Usefulness of multislice computed tomography to assess patency of coronary artery stents versus conventional coronary angiography

BACKGROUND: The aim of the present study was to assess the in-stent restenosis and occlusion of coronary artery stents by multislice computed tomography (MSCT) compared with conventional coronary angiography in patients with atypical chest pain and not practicable/non-conclusive stress test. METHODS: Between December 2004 and March 2006, 81 patients were scheduled and of these 72 (65 men, mean age 61 years) with 90 stents underwent MSCT angiography using a 16-slice scanner, Toshiba Aquilion 16, 8-12 months after stent placement. RESULTS: Of the 90 stents, 71 (79%) could be assessed and 19 (21%) were excluded because the image quality at the stent level was incompatible with diagnostic asses…

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Myocardial bridging and related coronary atherosclerotic burden by 64-slice CT coronary angiography

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Myocardial bridging and associated coronary atherosclerosis studied by 64-slice CT Coronary Angiography.

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Spectrum of collateral findings in multislice CT coronary angiography.

Purpose. The aim of the study was to investigate the prevalence of the noncardiac collateral findings during multislice computed tomography coronary angiography (MSCT-CA). Materials and methods. Six hundred and seventy patients undergoing MSCT-CA with 16-slice and 64-slice CT scanners for suspected atherosclerotic disease of the coronary arteries were retrospectively reviewed. All data sets obtained with a large field of view (FOV) were analysed by two radiologists using standard mediastinal and lung window settings. Collateral findings were divided according to clinical importance into nonsignificant, remarkable and compulsory to be investigated. Results. Eighty-five percent of patients re…

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Retrospective comparison of MDCT-CA and SPECT to detect significant coronary artery disease

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Assessment of left main coronary artery atherosclerotic burden using 64-slice CT coronary angiography: correlation between dimensions and presence of plaques.

PURPOSE: The aim of this study was to correlate left main (LM) coronary artery dimensions with the presence of atherosclerosis by multidetector-row computed tomography (MDCT) coronary angiography (CA) and to assess coronary atherosclerotic plaques with a semiquantitative method. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Sixty-two consecutive patients (41 men, mean age 60+/-11) with suspected coronary artery disease underwent 64-MDCT coronary angiography. LM dimensions (length, ostial and bifurcation diameters), quantitative [location, Hounsfield unit (HU) attenuation] and qualitative (composition, shape) analysis of plaques within the LM were performed. All patients underwent conventional CA. RESULTS: Thirty …

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Myocardial bridging and related coronary atherosclerotic burden by 64-slice CT coronary angiography

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Influence of intracoronary attenuation on coronary plaque measurements using multislice computed tomogarphy : observation in an ex vivo model of coronary computed tomography angiography

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Contrast-enhanced versus baseline ultrasonography in the characterization of benign focal lesions.

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Digital cineradiographic study of swallowing in patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis

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Thyroid nodules: prevalence, gray-scale and color-doppler pattern in a random adult population screened by high resolution US.

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Ernia midollare transdurale toracica idiopatica: aspetti RM

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L’aterosclerosi nel tronco comune: relazione tra dimensioni e placche valutata mediante angiografia coronarica con TC a 64 strati

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64-MDCT ECG gating in the evaluation of pre and post-operative ascending aorta: what is essential to know and necessary to report?

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Ischemic Heart Disease, CT

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Performance diagnostica della TCMD a 64 strati ECG-GATED vs. GATED-SPECT in pazienti a rischio di malattia coronarica intermedio-alto con dolore toracico atipico

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Value of hypoenhanced myocardial region detected in MDCT-CA in comparison with other diagnostic tools to predict coronary artery disease

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Usefulness of SonoVue-enhanced Pulse-Inversion Ultrasonography to Assess Hepatocellular Carcinoma Response after Percutaneous Radiofrequency Thermal Ablation Therapy

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64-MDCT ECG gating in the evaluation of pre and post-operative ascending aorta: what is essential to know and necessary to report?

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Approccio diagnostico non invasivo con tomografia computerizzata multidetettore a 40 strati per lo studio della malattia aterosclerotica coronarica

Background. Multidetector computed tomography coronary angiography (MDCT-CA) is a non-invasive technique that clearly shows coronary anatomy and correctly identifies plaque location and morphology. In this study we assessed diagnostic accuracy of MDCT-CA in detectiong significant stenosis in patients with clinically relevant coronary tree disease. Methods. Fifty patients (38 males, 12 females, mean age 60.9 ± 9.2 years) with atypical chest pain, stable or unstable angina pectoris, or non-ST-elevation myocardial infarction underwent MDCT-CA (Brilliance 40, Philips Medical Systems, Cleveland, OH, USA) within 3 days before diagnostic conventional coronary angiography. Inclusion criteria were s…

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Stent Imaging: A Road Map To Overcome All The Factors Interferring With A Good Image Quality

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Filtering Impact On Stent Imaging: The Appropiate Application To Reduce The Blooming Effect

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Characterization of hypoechoic focal hepatic lesions in patients with fatty liver: diagnostic performance and confidence of contrast-enhanced ultrasound

The objective of this study was to assess the diagnostic performance of contrast-enhanced ultrasound (CEUS) to characterize hypoechoic focal hepatic lesions (HFHL) in fatty liver (FL). A study group of 105 patients with FL and 105 HFHLs (52 malignant and 53 benign) underwent CEUS after SonoVue administration. Two blinded readers independently reviewed baseline ultrasound (US) and CEUS scans and classified each lesion as malignant or benign on a five-point scale of confidence, and recorded whether further imaging work-up was needed. Sensitivity, specificity, areas under the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve (A (z)), and interobserver agreement were calculated. We observed that th…

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Collateral findings at 40-slices computed tomography enteroclysis

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High Iodine Concentration Contrast Material for Noninvasive Multislice Computed Tomography Coronary Angiography

OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study was to compare intracoronary attenuation on 16-row multislice computed tomography (16-MSCT) coronary angiography using 2 contrast materials (CM) with high iodine concentration. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Forty consecutive patients (29 male, 11 female; mean age, 61 ± 11 years) with suspected coronary artery disease were randomized to 2 groups to receive 100 mL of either iopromide 370 (group 1: Ultravist 370, 370 mg iodine/mL; Schering AG, Berlin, Germany) or iomeprol 400 (group 2: Iomeron 400, 400 mg iodine/mL; Bracco Imaging SpA, Milan, Italy). Both CM were administered at a rate of 4 mL/s. All patients underwent 16-MSCT coronary angiography (Sensation 16; …

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Studio della deglutizione mediante cineradiografia digitale nei bambini con alterazioni neurologiche: nostra esperienza

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Anomalie coronariche mediante angiografia coronarica con TC a 64 strati e relativo quadro angiografico convenzionale

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Digital cineradiographic study of swallowing in infants with neurologic disease: Our experience

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TCMD-64 strati ECG-GATED nella valutazione della funzione globale del ventricolo sinistro: quanto tempo è necessario e quanto sono attendibili i valori ottenuti?

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Atherosclerotic pattern of coronary myocardial bridging assessed with CT coronary angiography

The aim of our study was to evaluate the atherosclerotic pattern of patients with coronary myocardial bridging (MB) by means of CT Coronary Angiography (CT-CA). 254 consecutive patients (166 male, mean age 58.6 +/- A 10.3) who underwent 64-slice CT-CA according to current clinical indications were reviewed for the presence of MB and concomitant segmental atherosclerotic pattern. Coronary plaques were assessed in all patients enrolled. 73 patients (29%) presented single (90%) or multiple (10%) MB, frequently (93%) localized in the mid-distal left anterior descending artery. The MB segment was always free of atherosclerosis. Segments proximal to the MB presented: no atherosclerotic disease (n…

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Usefulness of SonoVue-enhanced Pulse-Inversion Ultrasonography to Assess Hepatocellular Carcinoma Response after Percutaneous Radiofrequency Thermal Ablation Therapy

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Evaluation of Cardiac Volumetric and Functional Parameters

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Prevalence and clinical relevance of collateral findings in a cohort of patients with suspected coronary artery disease assessed with Multislice Computed Tomography Coronary Angiography

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Descrizione degli aspetti qualitativi e quantitativi della placca aterosclerotica coronarica mediante angiografia coronarica con TC a 64 strati

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Influenza della frequenza cardiaca sulla valutazione della frazione di eiezione del ventricolo sinistro mediante tomografia computerizzata a 64 strati: studio sperimentale su modello animale vivente

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Forty-slice MDCT enteroclysis: evaluation after oral administration of isotonic solution in Crohn's disease.

Objective. The aim of this study was to evaluate the accuracy of multidetector computed tomography (MDCT) enteroclysis after oral hyperhydration with isotonic solution in detecting bowel wall alterations in patients with Crohn’s disease. Materials and methods. Twenty-eight patients with a diagnosis of Crohn’s disease established by ileocolonoscopy and histology were enrolled in the study; 15 patients with negative ileocolonoscopy served as controls. In all cases, MDCT enteroclysis was performed after oral administration of 2,000 ml of isotonic solution and intravenous administration of N-butylscopolamine. Axial, isotropic multiplanar and volume-rendered reconstructions were used to evaluate…

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40-slice computed tomography enteroclysis after oral hyperhydration with isotonic solution in comparison with ileocolonoscopy in patients with Crohn's disease

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Ruolo dell’angiografia TC Multistrato cardiosincronizzata nella valutazione dell’aorta ascendente dopo chirurgia conservativa della valvola aortica.

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Spectrum of non-cardiac collateral findings in patients with suspected coronary artery disease assessed with Multislice Computed Tomography Coronary Angiography

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Influence of convolution filtering on coronary plaque attenuation values: observations in an ex vivo model of multislice computed tomography coronary angiography.

Attenuation variability ( measured in Hounsfield Units, HU) of human coronary plaques using multislice computed tomography (MSCT) was evaluated in an ex vivo model with increasing convolution kernels. MSCT was performed in seven ex vivo left coronary arteries sunk into oil followingthe instillation of saline (1/infinity) and a 1/50 solution of contrast material ( 400 mgI/ml iomeprol). Scan parameters were: slices/ collimation, 16/0.75 mm; rotation time, 375 ms. Four convolution kernels were used: b30f-smooth, b36f-medium smooth, b46f-medium and b60f-sharp. An experienced radiologist scored for the presence of plaques and measured the attenuation in lumen, calcified and noncalcified plaques …

research product

Valore diagnostico dell’ipodensita’ miocardica riscontrata nell’AC-TCMS: confronto con altre tecniche strumentali

research product

La preparazione in angiografia coronarica mediante TC a 64 strati nelle donne: una “sfida” per il radiologo?

research product

Contrast-enhanced versus baseline US in the Characterization of benign focal hepatic lesions.

research product

Evaluation of Cardiac Volumetric and Functional Parameters

The milestone definition of “Cardiac Function” has to be attributed to William Harvey, the discoverer of the circulation, who in 1628 stated: “The movement of the blood is constantly in a circle, and is brought about by the beat of the heart” [1, 2]. From a modern point of view, the main function of the heart is the delivery of oxygen to metabolizing tissues. Since oxygen delivery is dependent on (1) the oxygen-carrying capacity of blood, (2) the flow output from the heart, and (3) regional distribution of flow, then the heart is nowadays regarded as a pump with the function of supplying flow in blood vessels [2].

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Analisi sequenziale della frequenza cardiaca durante l’esecuzione di una Cardio-TC: quali fattori influenzano la sua variabilità?

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MDCT-CA volume rendering/auto track vs. MPR/MIP analysis to assess coronary artery stenosis

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Riempimento centrifugo (“inside-out”) degli angiomi epatici all’ecografia con mezzo di contrasto

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Esophageal cineradiography in patients affected by Sclerodermia

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Thyroid nodules: prevalence, grey-scale, and color doppler pattern in a random adult population screened by high-resolution US

research product

Coronary artery anomalies: incidence, pathophysiology, clinical relevance and role of diagnostic imaging

Conventional coronary angiography is the gold standard for the diagnosis of coronary artery anomalies. Coronary anomalies are relatively rare findings in patients undergoing conventional coronary angiography for suspected obstructive coronary artery disease. Recently, the increasing performance of diagnostic techniques, such as electron beam tomography (EBT), magnetic resonance (MR) and, more recently, multislice computed tomography (MSCT), has enabled their application to cardiac imaging. MSCT, in particular, has a prominent role in coronary imaging due to its spatial and temporal resolution and three-dimensional capabilities. We report the incidence and pathophysiology of coronary artery …

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Ecografia con mdc di II generazione versus ecografia di base nella caratterizzazione delle lesioni focali epatiche benigne.

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Caratterizzazione delle neoplasie epatiche benigne: ecografia ad inversione impulso con mezzo di contrasto di I e II generazione a confronto

research product

Ca-score nella valutazione del paziente a rischio intermedio di eventi cardiaci acuti: modificazioni del profilo di rischio

research product

Influence of heart rate in the selection of the optimal reconstruction window in routine clinical multislice coronary angiography

Purpose. The aim of our study was to assess the influence of heart rate on the selection of the optimal reconstruction window with 40-slice multidetector-row computed tomography (40-MDCT) coronary angiography. Materials and methods. We studied 170 patients (114 men, age 60 +/- 11.3 years) with suspected or known coronary artery disease with 40-MDCT coronary angiography. Patients [mean heart rate (HR) 62.9 +/- 9.3 bpm, range 42-94 bpm] were clustered in two groups (group A: HR <= 65 bpm; group B: HR >65 bpm). Multiphase reconstruction data sets were obtained with a retrospective electrocardiogram (ECG)-gated 40-MDCT coronary angiography scan from 0% to 95% every 5% of the R-R interval.…

research product

40 Slices MDCT Non-Invasive Diagnostic Approach to Coronary Artery Disease

research product

Riconoscere ed evitare i fattori che portano alla degradazione dell’immagine degli stent coronarici studiati mediante angiografia coronarica con Tomografia Computerizzata Multi Detettore (AC-TCMD)

research product

Prevalenza e rilevanza clinica dei reperti collaterali non coronarici in corso di Angiografia Coronarica mediante TCMS.

research product

Usefulness of coronary angiography with multidetector computed tomography in the evaluation of aorto-coronary bypass patency

research product

64-rows MSCT assessment of left ventricular functional parameters

research product

Improving diagnostic accuracy of MDCT coronary angiography in patients with mild heart rhythm irregularities using ECG editing

OBJECTIVE. The objective of our study was to compare diagnostic accuracy of MDCT coronary angiography in a population of patients with mild heart rhythm irregularities before and after editing the ECG. SUBJECTS AND METHODS. Thirty-eight patients who underwent MDCT coronary angiography and conventional coronary angiography were enrolled in the study. The inclusion criterion was the presence of mild heart rhythm irregularities (i.e., premature beats; atrial fibrillation; mistriggering; or low heart rate, defined as 40 beats per minute or less) during the scan. All patients underwent MDCT with the following parameters: 16 detectors; collimation, 0.75 mm; gantry rotation time, 375 msec; 120 kV;…

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[Forty-slice multidetector computed tomography for non-invasive diagnostic approach to coronary artery disease]

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Left Ventricular Function Analysis by MDCT: cardiac phase, slice thickness, and number of short-axis sections really change accuracy and time consuming?

research product

Diagnostic accuracy of 16-row multislice CT angiography in the evaluation of coronary segments

research product