Gérard Duc
Ex situ evaluation of grain yield in local landraces of faba bean (Vicia faba L.) from Serbia
International audience; Faba bean (Vicia faba L.) originated in Central Asian centre of diversity. Faba bean is one of the most ancient cultivated plant species in the world, along with several other grain legumes, and cereals. Numerous archaeobotanical fi ndings, supported by rich linguistic evidence (1), witness its early and rapid distribution during Neolithic from Near East to Europe, North Africa and Central and East Asia and an important role it had in everyday diets of the ancestors of modern Old World nations. Today, faba bean is one of the most important annual legume crops for human consumption, animal feeding and for non-food purposes. Conservation and sustainable utilisation of …
La transition vers des systèmes agro-alimentaires durables : quelle place et qualification pour les légumineuses à graines ?
Projet BILAG : une bibliométrie de la littérature scientifique mondiale sur les légumineuses à graines pour comprendre la dynamique de la recherche sur ces espèces
Quel poids ont les différentes disciplines scientifiques dans la recherche mondiale sur les légumineuses à graines ? Quelles sont les espèces les plus étudiées et sur quels sujets ? Comment évoluent les champs de connaissance de la recherche sur les légumineuses à graines ? Quels champs de connaissances émergent et se restructurent ? Quelle est la place des différents instituts de recherche dans ce maillage, et tout particulièrement ceux des pays francophones ? Pour répondre à ces questions, un groupe d'experts interdisciplinaires sur les légumineuses et d'ingénieurs de l'information scientifique, a moissonné/collecté un corpus d'articles scientifiques sur les légumineuses à graines (telles…
Grain legume seed filling in relation to nitrogen acquisition: A review and prospects with particular reference to pea
International audience; Seed filling depends not only on the instantaneous supply of C and N, but also on their remobilisation from vegetative organs. C supply during seed filling depends mostly on current photosynthesis, but N assimilation and N$_2$ fixation decline during seed filling, with newly acquired N generally insufficient for the high seed demand. As seeds are strong sinks for mobilised nutrients, seed growth becomes metabolically closely associated with N remobilisation. N remobilisation from vegetative tissues to filling seeds interacts with photosynthesis since it induces senescence, which reduces the seed filling period. Hence improved grain legume seed filling requires either…
Breeding grain legumes: a must to develop agroecology, but also a need for further investments after LEGATO and EUROLEGUME projects
Prod 2019-12c BAP GEAPSI INRA
Rhizobium leguminosarum biovar viciae genotypes interact with pea plants in developmental responses of nodules roots and shoots
International audience; The variability of the developmental responses of two contrasting cultivars of pea (Pisum sativum) was studied in relation to the genetic diversity of their nitrogen-fixing symbiont Rhizobium leguminosarum bv. viciae. A sample of 42 strains of pea rhizobia was chosen to represent 17 genotypes predominating in indigenous rhizobial populations, the genotypes being defined by the combination of haplotypes characterized with rDNA intergenic spacer and nodD gene regions as markers. We found contrasting effects of the bacterial genotype, especially the nod gene type, on the development of nodules, roots and shoots. A bacterial nod gene type was identified that induced very…
High-density genotyping of pea and faba bean diversity panels using exome capture
International audience; Genome-wide association studies (GWAS) represent a powerful tool to decipher the geneticdeterminism of complex traits in crop plants and to identify responsible genes. As GWAS require large diversitypanels segregating for the traits of interest, one faba bean and three pea collections were constituted toaddress different questions in the PeaMUST project. The faba bean panel comprises 248 accessions comingfrom five continents and displaying the phenotypic diversity of the species. The first pea collection includes239 accessions that represent the species diversity for aerial and root architecture and for biotic and abioticstress responses. The second and third pea pan…
Effet de la variété sur les teneurs en métabolites secondaires dans les farines de pois
National audience
Agroécologie, génétique végétale et amélioration des plantes
Variabilité génétique pour la morphologie du système racinaire du pois. Impact sur la nutrition azotée
Phenotyping in Agroecology
International audience
Optimizing response to abiotic stress
International audience
Study of the adaptative response of N2 fixation to a root pruning in peas using environmental and genetic variations
International audience; Pea is the first grain legume grown in Europe for its seeds rich in protein. As a legume, it has the ability to fix atmospheric N2 by the symbiosis with Rhyzobium bacteria. Still, N nutrition can be a limiting factor of pea yield, due to a high sensitivity of symbiotic N2 fixation to biotic stress like Aphanomyces that leads to root rots. The consequences of root damage on nodules and their N2 fixing activity and the possible adaptive response of plants still remain unknown. Root pruning could be an innovative experimental way to study these effects, resulting both in nodules and N2 deprivation. Still, researches described the adaptive responses of plants to a local …
Vers des variétés de légumineuses à graines mieux adaptées à l’alimentation humaine
National audience; Les légumineuses font partie des aliments de l’homme depuis les premiers âges de l’agriculture et sont très présentes dans les repas des pays en développement. Outre un apport en réserves carbonées qui selon les espèces sont à dominante d’amidons ou de lipides, ces graines riches en protéines enrichissent les régimes en acides aminés très complémentaires de ceux des céréales. L’aptitude des racines de légumineuses à établir une symbiose avec des bactéries rhizobiacées qui leur permet d’utiliser l’azote de l’air comme principale ressource d’azote, combinée à une consommation directe par l’homme de ces graines qui permet de diminuer la consommation de viandes, constituent u…
Non destructive nodulated root phenotyping of pea recombinant inbred lines
National audience
2000-2009 Publication metrics reveal world trends of grain legume research
Identifiant ProdInra 271566 BAP SAR CICAP GEAPSI pas de classement CT scientifiqueIdentifiant ProdInra 271566BAPSAR CICAPGEAPSIpas de classement CT scientifique; Grain legumes grown in Europe produce protein-rich seeds of good nutritional value. They can partially replace imported soybean amounting to about 35 Mt in 2010. Legumes also fix N2 naturally with the help of rhizobiaceae bacteria, resulting in fossil energy saving and reduction of glasshouse gas emissions risks. Strength and weaknesses of grain legume research in Europe and other nations are not well known. Therefore we studied 2000-2009 worldwide publications on grain legumes using the CAB database. We built a world corpus of 161…
Combining molecular microbial ecology with ecophysiology and plant genetics for a better understanding of plant-microbial communities' interactions in the rhizosphere.
18 pages; International audience
Genetic diversity for partner choice in a core collection of pea accessions inoculated by a mix of five Rhizobium leguminosarum bv. viciae genotypes
National audience
PSDR 4 : Un programme d’aide a la structuration des filières protéines végétales en Bourgogne-Franche Comté
BAPGEAPSIGESTADAGROSUPINRA; International audience; Afin de répondre aux enjeux actuels (réduction des intrants, circuits courts, changement climatique…) les acteurs chercheurs-professions-politiques de Bourgogne et Franche Comté, engagés sur la production de protéines végétales et leur utilisation en alimentation animale et humaine, ont convenu de construire une action PSDR 4 (Pour et Sur le Développement Régional ) visant le développement et la triple performance économique-environnementale- sociale de cette filière importante pour l'activité de ce territoire. L’ambition de ce programme est de répondre aux principales questions que se posent actuellement les différents acteurs de la filiè…
RésiLens: A research project aiming at identifying bruchid and root rot resistance sources in lentil (Lens culinaris)
National audience; Introducing legumes in modern cropping systems increases crop diversity and reduces the use of external inputs. It thus contributes to achieving sustainable food and feed production. Lentil (Lens culinaris Medik.) is an environmentally friendly, nutritious, protein-rich legume food crop. It is grown in a wide range of climatic conditions and fixes atmospheric nitrogen through bacterial symbiosis. In France, lentil cultivated areas are continuously increasing but are still largely inferior to the areas cultivated with cereals or other legumes such as pea and faba bean. One of the most serious problems for lentil cultivation is due to the insect pests known as seed beetles …
Comparative analysis of Medicago truncatula mutants deficient in NCR peptides essential for symbiotic nitrogen fixation
Medicago truncatula, belonging to the inverted repeat-lacking clade (IRLC) of legumes is able to establish one of the most effective nitrogen-fixing symbiotic interaction with the symbiotic partner Sinorhizobium spp. In the infected cells of the M. truncatula nodules, rhizobial genome undergo morphological and metabolic transformation. This differentiation is irreversible in species belonging to the IRLC legumes and this process is driven by the family of the nodule-specific cysteine rich (NCR) peptides produced by the plant. In the M. truncatula genome, approximately 700 genes encode NCR peptides. The high number of genes can imply that the function of NCR peptides may overlap or partially…
Impact de la diversité génétique sur la construction des parois dans une collection de graines de légumineuses
National audience
Development of new plant resources (genetic resources and ril populations) in [i]Vicia faba[/i] L. for genetic studies
La sterilite male nucleo-cytoplasmique chez la feverole Vicia faba L. :2. Etude cytologique et biochimique de particules de type viral associees a la sterilite male.
National audience
Genetic variability of root morphology in pea : relationship with the seed protein content
National audience
L'amélioration de la qualité de la graine dans toutes ses dimensions, par le levier génétique
Les légumineuses sont capables d’accumuler des quantités importantes de protéines dans leurs graines même en l’absence d’engrais azoté, ce qui fait d’elles des espèces à haut potentiel pour relever les défis alimentaires et accompagner la transition agroécologique. Des avancées génétiques ont permis de réduire la présence de certains facteurs « anti-nutritionnels » dans les graines de pois et de féverole (exemple des variétés pauvres en tanins, en inhibiteurs trypsiques, ou en vicine et convicine). Afin de promouvoir l’utilisation de ces graines en alimentation humaine, il est nécessaire d’aller plus loin dans l’amélioration de leur valeur nutritionnelle, en termes de teneur et composition …
In situ preservation of local landraces of faba bean (Vicia faba L.) and utilisation of their food products in central regions of Serbia
International audience; Today, faba bean (Vicia faba L.) in Serbia is almost completely replaced with Phaseolus beans and has become a neglected crop with no official data. A recently launched action of the Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops and the Faculty of Agriculture in Novi Sad is aimed at the identification of the regions in Serbia where faba bean, known in Serbian as bob, could still be found. This was essentially enhanced by the multilateral project ECO-NET 18817 Search for new genetic variability in pea (Pisum sativum) and faba bean (Vicia faba L.) to support the development of sustainable agricultures, with duration in 2008 and 2009 and involving partners from France, Bulgari…
Vers une maitrise du caractère de la stérilité mâle nucleocytoplasmique (SMC) ?
National audience
New developments in CMS in Vicia faba L.
International audience
Co-concepdes variétés de féveroles à valeur nutritionnelle améliorée pour l'homme et l'animal : cible de la sélection réaliste, permise par la variabilité génétique disponible et par les outils moléculaires développés en appui à la selection variétale
National audience
Genetic diversity of nodulated root structure and nitrogen nutrition in a core collection of pea
Pea (Pisum sativum) is the third most important grain legume worldwide, and the increasing demand for protein-rich raw material for animal feed or human nutrition has led to a greater interest in this crop as a protein source. Moreover, legumes do not need nitrogen (N) fertilizers, thanks to their natural ability to use, as main N resource, the atmospheric N2 from symbiosis in nodules with Rhizobiaceae spp. However, N nutrition can still be a limiting factor of yield and seed quality in legumes because nodules are very sensitive to their local environment, in particular to nitrate, and root systems of N2 fixing legumes are poorly developed, which makes them unable to explore a large soil vo…
Co-conception des critères de sélection variétale des légumineuses à graines
National audience
Breeding annual legumes for sustainable agricultures must target for new and more complex variety ideotypes
International audience; Although yield and total biomass produced by annual legumes remain major objectives for breeders, environment-friendly, resource use efficient including symbiotic performance, resilient production in the context of climate change, adaptation to sustainable cropping systems (reducing leaching and glasshouse gas emissions), adaptation to diverse uses (seeds for feeds foods, non-food, forage or green manures), and finally new ecological services such as pollinator protection, imply the development of innovative genotypes, definition of new ideotypes and acceptance of their commercialisation. Taken as a whole, this means more complex and integrated objectives for breeder…
A new journal on the legume research horizon - Legume Perspectives; Legume Perspectives Editorial Board
International audience; Through the decades of research on various legume species and crops worldwide, its results have been published in an endless number of national and international journals and magazines dealing with various topics. It is certain that the articles on genetics, propelled by Mendel’s pioneering work, are among the most numerous, but it is also true that those on agronomy, agro-ecology, or stress tolerance were produced rather abundantly. So far, there has not been a journal devoted specifically to legume science, except Legume Research published by the Agricultural Research Communication Centre, India. We have published our articles in several crop-specific journals, suc…
Phylogeny and gene expression analyses of ammonium transporters (AMT) induced by mycorrhization and nodule symbiosis among Papilionoideae subfamily
The study of plant-microbe associations through nutrient exchanges has significantly improved our understanding of plant microbiome. Legume plants establish mutualistic associations with both rhizobial bacteria and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi [1]. These symbioses improve mineral plant nutrition and increase plant resistance against biotic and abiotic stresses. Plant-microbe associations provide key features for the current agricultural and environmental challenges [2]. Translocation mechanisms of nitrogen from the fungal and rhizobial symbiotic interfaces to the plant are not well-defined yet. In Poaceae plant, inductions of specific ammonium transporters (AMT) genes [3, 4] and nitrogen/pe…
Genetic diversity and trait genomic prediction in a pea diversity panel
Background Pea (Pisum sativum L.), a major pulse crop grown for its protein-rich seeds, is an important component of agroecological cropping systems in diverse regions of the world. New breeding challenges imposed by global climate change and new regulations urge pea breeders to undertake more efficient methods of selection and better take advantage of the large genetic diversity present in the Pisum sativum genepool. Diversity studies conducted so far in pea used Simple Sequence Repeat (SSR) and Retrotransposon Based Insertion Polymorphism (RBIP) markers. Recently, SNP marker panels have been developed that will be useful for genetic diversity assessment and marker-assisted selection. Resu…
Root system architecture, nodulation and nitrogen nutrition in pea
National audience
Cytoplasmic particles associated with CMS in Faba bean (Vicia faba L.)
International audience
Transition vers des systèmes agricole et agroalimentaire durables : quelle place et qualification pour les légumineuses à graines ?
Cet article propose une analyse historique du processus de verrouillage du système agroalimentaire en défaveur des légumineuses à graines, à l’aune des théories évolutionnistes. Plusieurs mécanismes d’autorenforcement permettent de comprendre pourquoi ces espèces sont de moins en moins cultivées en France face à un système agro-industriel qui s’est spécialisé en faveur des céréales, favorisant à l’amont l’usage d’engrais azotés de synthèse et limitant à l’aval les investissements pour les légumineuses en alimentation humaine. Cet article s’interroge alors sur les perspectives de déverrouillage.
Etude d'une sterilite male nucleo-cytoplasmique chez la feverole. Presence de particules cytoplasmiques contenant de l'ARN.
National audience
Supernodulation mutants of Pisum sativum and Medicago truncatula : characterization of the mutants and their symbiosis with Rhizobium and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi
International audience
L’avenir des légumineuses dans l’alimentation humaine : conclusion du Workshop
National audience; Face au défi de l’alimentation d’une population humaine mondiale croissante, il faut produire mieux en utilisant moins de ressources et en utilisant des stratégies plus respectueuses de l’environnement. Les légumineuses représentent un élément-clé pour une agriculture durable de par leur capacité de fixer l’azote atmosphérique et ainsi réduire l’utilisation des engrais de synthèse. D’autre part, les produits de légumineuses peuvent être des sources riches en protéines pour l’alimentation humaine, mais cette ressource est encore sous-utilisée et la plus grande partie de la production est utilisée pour l’alimentation animale. En outre, la filière protéagineuse européenne es…
Utiliser les symbiotes des Légumineuses pour favoriser la réduction du gaz à effet de serre N2O dans les sols
Frontiers in legumes breeding
Prod 2017-358c BAP GEAPSI INRA
RNA containing intracellular particles in cytoplasmic male sterile Faba bean.
International audience
MOOC : "ProtéiNNOV : Protéines végétales et Innovation"
La prise de conscience d'une raréfaction des ressources en protéines animales dans les décennies à venir et la nécessité de produire plus durablement ces ressources alimentaires nous conduit à repenser aux autres sources de protéines, notamment les protéines d'origine végétale. Parmi les sources de protéines végétales, la plus employée comme substitut des protéines animales est le soja, mais le soja n'est pas la seule source de protéines végétales. Il est donc opportun de faire le point sur les autres sources de protéines végétales et sur leur utilisation. Le développement de nouveaux produits alimentaires riches en protéines végétales passe par la connaissance des atouts tant technologique…
Pea in the genomic era
Pea in the genomic era. Séminaire IFR AIB (Agrobiosciences, Interactions & Biodiversité)
Combining plant genetic, ecophysiological and microbiological approaches to enhance nitrogen uptake in legumes
International audience
Developing fall-sown pea cultivars as an answer to the challenges of climatic changes
Chapitre 4; International audience; Pea is considered rather well adapted to wide temperature ranges, with seedlings able to survive even -20 °C. From a physiological viewpoint, pea becomes tolerant to frost if first exposed to low non-freezing temperatures, causing the so-called cold acclimation. Delayed floral initiation helps some forage pea genotypes to escape the main winter freezing periods, as susceptibility to frost increases during the transition to the reproductive state. The oldest winter pea cultivars carry the dominant allele, Hr, although some bear hr. They are generally characterized by prominent winter hardiness and a long growing season, from sowing in early October until e…
Towards conservation of the local landraces of faba bean (Vicia faba) in Serbia.
International audience; Today, faba bean (Vicia faba L.) in Serbia is almost an extinct crop, without official data on harvested area or production for decades. However, faba bean survived in certain parts of the country, especially along the rivers Southern and Great Morava, in the centre, and in Backa, in the north. In these parts, faba bean is cultivated mostly to suit one's own needs and sporadically is brought to green markets. It is grown as a garden crop, with sowing either in spring or during winter in order to achieve faster growth in comparison to the first schedule. First steps towards the conservation of faba bean local landraces in Serbia have been made within the multilateral …
La génétique au service du goût : caractérisation de mutants pour l'accumulation de saponines et l'activité lipoxygènase dans la graines de pois (Pisum sativum)
International audience
Phosphorus tolerance of an hypermycorrhizal mutant of Medicago truncatula
International audience
In situ preservation of local landraces of faba bean (Vicia faba L.) and utilisation of their food products in central regions of Serbia
Today, faba bean (Vicia faba L.) in Serbia is almost completely replaced with Phaseolus beans and has become a neglected crop with no official data. A recently launched action of the Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops and the Faculty of Agriculture in Novi Sad is aimed at the identification of the regions in Serbia where faba bean, known in Serbian as bob, could still be found. This was essentially enhanced by the multilateral project ECO-NET 18817 Search for new genetic variability in pea (Pisum sativum) and faba bean (Vicia faba L.) to support the development of sustainable agricultures, with duration in 2008 and 2009 and involving partners from France, Bulgaria, Russia, Serbia and Re…
Aide à la structuration de filières végétales et animales en région Bourgogne-Franche Comté, par une offre et des usages innovants, durables et plus autonomes de protéines végétales
Les acteurs chercheurs-professions-politiques de Bourgogne et Franche Comté, engagés sur la production de protéines végétales et leur utilisation en alimentation animale et humaine, ont convenu de construire une action PSDR 4 visant le développement et la triple performance économique-environnementale-sociale de cette filière importante pour l’activité du territoire. Ce programme PSDR 4 possède deux projets : un projet sur l’adaptation pédoclimatique, impacts environnementaux et valeur économique des systèmes de culture durables producteurs de protéines (ProSys) et un projet sur la polyculture-élevage à l’échelle des exploitations et des territoires (POEETE). Une animation transversale cons…
Rapport final du projet COSELAG
L’usage de variétés de féveroles (Vicia faba L.) à faibles teneurs en vicine et convicine, réduit le risque du favisme chez l’homme hemizygote porteur d’une mutation de forte déficience en glucose-6-phosphate déshydrogénase (G6PD)
Low vicine and convicine content in faba bean seeds is under oligogenic control and can be easily monitored by breeding. Aim of the study was to show that new faba beans (FB) genotypes with low content of vicine and convicine (low V/C FB) produced by selection, are non-toxic and non-hemolytic even when ingested in large amounts by highly susceptible glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD)-deficient individuals. Evidence indicates that V/C, amino-pyrimidine derivatives present in high amounts in normal FB, are the causative agents of favism, ie severe oxidative damage and hemolysis occurring in G6PD-deficient subjects after FB ingestion. In vitro, micromolar V/C elicits oxidative damage in …