Francesca Mazza

Evolution of Free Amino Acids, Histamine and Volatile Compounds in the Italian Anchovies (Engraulis encrasicolus L.) Sauce at Different Ripening Times

In this study, the evolution of the safety, nutritional, and volatile profile of a traditional Italian anchovy sauce with protected designation of origin (PDO), called “colatura di alici di Cetara”, is investigated after 12, 24, and 48 months of aging in wooden barrels. Some physicochemical parameters, free amino acids, volatile compounds, and histamine contents were evaluated during the aging of the samples. Glutamate, which together with aspartate is responsible for the umami taste, was the predominant free amino acid in the tested fish sauce, with a significant increase during the 48 months of maturation. The total amino acid content of the anchovy sauce increased from 24 to …

research product

Effects of a split 48-h doe-litter separation on productivity of free-nursing rabbit does and their litters

To prevent the weight loss of litters, and the distress of both rabbit does and their litters due to doe-litter separation (DLS), without losing its beneficial effects on fertility, the DLS, lasting 48 h before artificial insemination (AI), was split into two periods of 24 h with a short controlled suckling. Initially, 105 does of different parity were divided into three groups. During the post partum, the free-nursing does were treated as follows: regular DLS (R-DLS), the nest-box was closed for 48 h, from days 9 to 11, before AI; split DLS (S-DLS), the nest-box was closed for 24 h and, after suckling, for other 24 h before AI; control, does had free access to the nest-box. Fertility impro…

research product

Legume grain-based supplements in dairy sheep diet: Effects on milk yield, composition and fatty acid profile

With the aim to find protein sources that are free of genetically modified organisms, the effects of legume grain-based concentrates, used as alternatives of a mixed concentrate feed containing soybean, were evaluated on sheep milk production. Twelve lactating ewes were divided into four groups, fed hay and, according to a 4 × 4 Latin square design, supplied with 800 g/day of a commercial mixed concentrate feed (MCF) containing maize and soybean, or the same amount of isoprotein concentrates consisting of chickpea (CH), faba bean (FB), or pea (PE) mixed with barley. The ewes ingested more of the concentrates with legume grains than the MCF (702, 702, 678 vs 587 g/day DM for CH, FB, PE and M…

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Valutazione bioagronomici e qualitativa di germoplasma autoctono di Avena sativa L. in Sicilia

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Composizione minerale dei grumoli di Finocchio in un terrazzo alluvionale gestito in irriguo con acque salmastre in agro di Licata (AG)

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Influenza del tipo di salatura sulle caratteristiche del Pecorino Siciliano DOP

research product

A 3-week feed restriction after weaning as an alternative to a medicated diet: effects on growth, health, carcass and meat traits of rabbits of two genotypes

Feed restriction after weaning is widely used in meat rabbit farms to promote health and reduce mortality, but this practice impacts negatively on rabbit growth and slaughter performance. This study compared a 3-week post-weaning feed restriction with ad libitum medicated feeding, evaluating effects on feed intake, growth, health, carcass and meat quality of rabbits of two genotypes: Italian White pure breed and Hycole hybrid×Italian White crossbred. A total of 512 rabbits at 36 days of age, of both sexes and two genotypes, were divided into four homogeneous groups assigned, from 36 to 57 days of age, to different feeding programmes (FP): restricted non-medicated (R-N), ad libitum non-medic…

research product

Preliminary results on the donkey salami made in Sicily

In a dairy jennet farm the meat, which can be produced using the foals in excess, could be another profitable income. Equine meat is very thin and with high protein content; above all, the fatty acids are unsaturated, being a monogastric animal product. The donkey meat processed products are sold in niche market and are very appreciated by the European consumers. A study on the characteristics of the donkey salami made in Sicily was carried out using a 12 months old foal derived from Ragusano breed. Two different mixes were compared: only donkey meat (A thesis) and donkey meat plus the 10% of Nero Siciliano pig fat (AS thesis). The meat was husked of fat and nerves and mixed with 3.5 kg/q o…

research product

Effetto della frequenza di mungitura sulla produzione quanti-qualitativa di latte d'asina.

research product

Effects of adding solid and molten chocolate on the physicochemical, antioxidant, microbiological, and sensory properties of ewe's milk cheese.

Abstract: A novel dairy product, namely “chocolate cheese”, was produced with two typical Sicilian food products: Pecorino cheese, processed from ewe's milk, and Modica chocolate. The cheese, manufactured with 0%, 5%, 10%, and 15% (w/w) solid or molten chocolate, was evaluated after 0, 2, 4, and 6 weeks of vacuum storage for its nutritional and health properties. The addition of chocolate reduced the pH, protein, fat, and ash; the addition of 5% or 10% molten chocolate reduced hardness (N/mm2). The addition of either solid or molten chocolate resulted in a slight increase (P < 0.1038) in the total polyphenol content, a higher oleic acid content, and less oxidative stability. The microbio…

research product

Sulla (Hedysarum coronarium L.) as Potential Feedstock for Biofuel and Protein

Although sulla (Hedysarum coronarium L.) has many interesting features that could support the production of biofuels (e.g., a high yield and soluble sugar content, N-fixation capacity, low input requirements for its cultivation), no study has assessed the possibility of its use for that purpose. Our objective was to evaluate the potential value for energy production of sulla cut at various stages of growth. Furthermore, the potential of sulla as a dual purpose crop (energy and feed) was investigated. The crop was grown in rainfed conditions in a typical Mediterranean environment (over two complete 2-year crop cycles) and was cut at four different phenological stages. The biomass was divided…

research product

The effects of slaughter age and restricted feeding on growth, carcass and meat quality traits of dairy breed lambs

This experiment aimed to investigate the possibility to raise the carcass weight of lambs of dairy breed and produce low-fat meat by increasing the slaughter age and applying strategies to reduce feeding level. At 35d of age, 70 weaned lambs of Valle del Belice breed were divided into 2 groups and adapted to housing in multiple boxes and experimental diets over a 10-d period. The groups received ad libitum pelleted alfalfa hay and concentrates differing in the 20% inclusion of durum wheat bran (0WB, 20WB) used to reduce cost and energy level. After 45d of experiment, both groups were divided into 3 subgroups; 2 of them with 15 lambs were slaughtered at 90d of age (90L), whereas the other 4 …

research product

Body condition score and related productive responces in rabbit does.

A simplified 3-point scale method for in vivo scoring body condition is proposed as an useful and rapid tool to support experimental and on-farm management of nutrition and reproduction of rabbit does. The productive responses of lactating rabbit does scored and inseminated at 11 days post partum (pp) are verified, as well as performance of non-pregnant does scored and re-inseminated at 32 days pp when non-lactating. After their first parturition, 96 New Zealand White rabbit does were checked for 126 days over three successive 42-day reproductive cycles. The body condition scoring was based on feel by hand the loin and the rump for bone protrusions and muscle fullness. The loin was evaluate…

research product

Impiego di granelle di leguminose in alternativa alla soia nella produzione di carne ovina biologica

Use of legume grains in substitution of soybean meal in organic lamb meat production. This study aimed to evaluate the effects of replacing soybean meal in the diet with alternative legume grains without GMO presence and at low aflatoxin risk, on the growth and carcass and meat quality traits of lambs. After weaning at 66±6 d of age, 28 male Comisana lambs were divided into 4 groups and gradually adapted to diets over a 15-d period. Until slaughter at 129±6 d of age, each group received ad libitum pelleted alfalfa hay and concentrates differing for the protein source: chickpeas (CP), faba beans (FB), peas (PE) and soybean meal (SM). Lambs growth and carcasses weight were not modified by the…

research product

Qualità delle produzioni orticole irrigate con acque salmastre al variare della gestione colturale in ambiente semiarido.

Nella piana alluvionale di Licata (Sicilia meridionale), sotto un clima semiarido, vengono irrigati suoli con acque saline del fiume Salso e di falda (C5-S1) per la produzione di colture orticole. I dati analitici evidenziano processi di salinizzazione e sodicizzazione del suolo. La concentrazione salina dei suoli influenza la risposta quantitativa e qualitativa delle colture. Gli Autori, attraverso la composizione ionica di estratti acquosi di ceneri di zucchino e finocchio (Cucurbita pepo e Foeniculum vulgare) descrivono la qualità delle produzioni ottenute.

research product


The aim of this study was to evaluate the sheep milk yield and quality as affecting by concentrate dietary supplements prepared on farm by mixing locally produced barley and legume grains, used as alternative to a commercial feed. A total of twelve milking ewes, averaging 92±9 days in milking and 56±6 kg of live weight, were housed in individual pens and divided homogeneously into four groups. Each group was fed ad libitum with a grass-legume hay and received, according to a 4x4 Latin square design with periods comprised of 21 days, one of the following isonitrogenous concentrates: 500 g chickpea and 300 g barley (CP); 450 g faba bean and 350 g barley (FB); 550 g pea and 250 g barley (PE); …

research product

Effetto della tecnica di pascolamento sulla produzione di latte ovino

research product

Effects of αs1-casein and k- casein genotypes on nutrient intake and milk production in Girgentana goats: a further investigation

The influence of polymorphism at αs1-casein locus (CSN1S1) on goat milk properties is adequately known, whereas the knowl- edge is limited on the effects of κ-casein gene variants (CSN3), C-093 and the association between variants of CSN1S1 and CSN3 Milking technique in jenny: effects on milk production genes. This study aimed to investigate the effect of some CSN1S1-CSN3 composite genotypes (CG) on feed intake and milk production of 95 Girgentana goats from 6 experiments (551 Rossella Di Palo, Diana Neri, Barbara Ariota, Rosanna Serafini, observations). Goats, genotyped using specific PCR protocols at DNA level and IEF technique at milk protein level, were equal at αs2-casein and β-casein …

research product

Effetti della dieta sul profilo acidico del latte di capre con diverso genotipo per l’αs1-CN.

research product

Meat production from dairy breed lambs due to slaughter age and feeding plan based on wheat bran

This experiment aimed to investigate the possibility to increase the carcass weight of dairy breed lambs and produce moderate-fat meat by applying inexpensive feeding strategies based on restriction and through the use of a fibrous byproduct such as the durum wheat bran (DWB). Sixty-five 45-day-old lambs of the Valle del Belice breed, divided into 6 groups, were fed alfalfa hay supplemented with concentrate feeds including DWB at 0% or 20% (DWB0, DWB20), supplied ad libitum (L) or restricted at 75% (R), and slaughtered at 90 or 120 days of age. The groups were as follows: DWB0-90L (n = 14), DWB20-90L (n = 14), DWB0-120R (n = 10), DWB20-120R (n = 9), DWB0-120L (n = 9), DWB20-120L (n = 9). Th…

research product

Integrazione con granelle di leguminose per la produzione di latte ovino biologico

research product

Analisi degli isotopi stabili e della composizione acidica per l’identificazione dei formaggi ovini biologici

research product

Effects of ewes grazing sulla or ryegrass pasture for different daily durations on forage intake, milk production and fatty acid composition of cheese

Sulla (Sulla coronarium L.) forage is valued for its positive impact on ruminant production, in part due to its moderate content of condensed tannin (CT). The duration of daily grazing is a factor affecting the feed intake and milk production of ewes. In this study, the effects of grazing sulla pasture compared with annual ryegrass, and the extension of grazing from 8 to 22 h/day, were evaluated with regard to ewe forage intake and milk production, as well as the physicochemical properties and fatty acid (FA) composition of cheese. During 42 days in the spring, 28 ewes of the Comisana breed were divided into four groups (S8, S22, R8 and R22) that grazed sulla (S) or ryegrass (R) for 8 (0800…

research product

Transfer of milk fatty acids to Pecorino Siciliano cheese

In previous studies it was observed that milk fatty acid (FA) composition is mainly affected by diet, and when ruminants graze pasture the percentages of polyunsaturated FA and conjugated linolenic acid (CLA) are higher than in milk from preserved forage. The maintenance in the cheese of the beneficial FA profile of milk from grazing ruminants is advisable. Little number of study exists concerning the effect of milk processing conditions on cheese FA profile, but no study was done with regard to Pecorino Siciliano cheese. The aim of this study was to evaluate the transfer of FA from ewes milk to cheese manufactured according to the Pecorino Siciliano technology, in order to verify if the ch…

research product

Prickly Pear By-Product in the Feeding of Livestock Ruminants: Preliminary Investigation

Simple Summary The question of sustainability of animal nutrition has become a popular topic. The gains made by recycling safe, yet otherwise valueless, by-products and wastes from human food and fiber production (green feeds) may lessen the competition between humans and animals for crops and decrease the environmental impact of food production. In this context, prickly pear by-product, which results from Opuntia ficus-indica (L.) Mill. fruits processed for juice extraction, could be an optimum by-product to ruminant feeding. This study evaluates the nutritional characteristics and its stability during storage using potassium metabisulfite as a preservative agent. This preliminary investig…

research product

Effects of restricted feeding during rearing, combined with a delayed first insemination, on reproductive activity of rabbit does.

research product

The effects of different milking intervals and milking times per day in jennet milk production

Abstract In their first 150 days of lactation, nine Ragusana jennets were investigated at the ‘Istituto Sperimentale Zootecnico per la Sicilia’ (ISZS) in Palermo, to study the effects of different milking typologies on milk production. The jennets were kept in a paddock and were fed hay ad libitum and concentrate (3.5 kg jennet/day). From post-foaling day 21, every 3 weeks individual milk amounts were recorded, and individual milk samples were collected and analyzed for the main qualitative parameters. The compared theses were: two daily milking times with 6- and 3-h intervals; and two, three and eight daily milking times with 3-h interval. The jennets were manually milked. The foals were s…

research product

Persistence of disease flares is associated with an inadequate colchicine dose in familial Mediterranean fever: A national multicenter longitudinal study.

Familial Mediterranean fever (FMF) is characterized by self limited episodes of fever and polyserositis.1 MEFV gene en codes for a protein named Pyrin, which plays a pivotal role in the activation and secretion of IL-1.2 Daily colchicine is highly effective in preventing attacks in this disorder in a dose-related fashion.3 Many definitions of colchicine resistance are available in the literature. The European League Against Rheumatism (EULAR) guidelines defined resistance as one or more attacks per month in compliant patients who had been receiving the maxi mally tolerated dose for at least 6 months.4 A similar definition was confirmed by a recent consensus among experts.5 In the present na…

research product

Effects of diet on casein and fatty acid profiles of milk from goats differing in genotype for αS1-casein synthesis

This study investigated the interactions between nutrition and the genotype at αS1-CN loci (CSN1S1) in goats, evaluating the impact of fresh forage-based diets and an energy supplement on the casein and fatty acid (FA) profiles of milk from Girgentana goats. Twelve goats were selected for having the same genotype at the αS2-CN, β- CN, and κ-CN loci and differing in the CSN1S1 genotype: homozygous for strong alleles (AA) or heterozygous for strong and weak alleles (AF). Goats of each genotype were divided into three groups and, according to a 3 × 3 Latin square design, fed ad libitum three diets: sulla fresh forage (SFF), SFF plus 800 g/day of barley (SFB), and mixed hay plus 800 g/day of ba…

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Comportamento alimentare al pascolo per 8 o 24 ore in funzione della risorsa utilizzata

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Assessment of a method for evaluating the body condition of lactating rabbit does: preliminary results

research product

Impact of packaging on the microbiological, physicochemical and sensory characteristics of a “pasta filata” cheese

Abstract The present study evaluated the effects of four packaging technologies (vacuum, 2 types of modified atmosphere packaging [MAP1 = 70% N2/30% CO2; MAP2 = 100% N2] and paraffin) on the microbiological, chemical, physical and volatile organic composition, and the sensory characteristics of typical Sicilian stretched raw milk PDO (Protected Destination of Origin) Vastedda della Valle del Belice (VdB) cheese. The packaging applied did not affect the microbiological profiles of the cheeses. Of the chemical and physical parameters, only pH and water activity (aw) were statistically different among the trials. In particular, the cheeses wrapped in paraffin showed the highest pH value while …

research product

In vivo evaluation of the body condition of lactating rabbit does and relations to reproductive performance and body traits

research product

Qualitative characteristics of four Sicilian monofloral honeys from Apis mellifera ssp. sicula

Four monofloral honeys, obtained from the Sicilian black bee by foraging on thistle, sulla, chestnut and eucalyptus, were studied. Results showed that the phenolic composition of chestnut honey was the highest (316 mg gallic acid equivalent GAE/kg), while that of sulla honey was the lowest (122 mg GAE/kg). Data confirmed a correlation between the total phenol content and colour intensity in chestnut honey, which was the darkest of the four samples. Sulla honey showed the highest antioxidant activity, while eucalyptus honey had the highest mineral content (K, Ca, Mg, and Na). Thistle honey showed the most intense floral and fruity aromas, as well as an intense -yellow colour. Principal compo…

research product

Effects of foal presence at milking and dietary extra virgin olive oil on jennet milk fatty acids profile

TwelveRagusanajennetswerestudiedtoinvestigatetheeffectsof dietaryextra Twelve Ragusana jennets were studiedtoinvestigatetheeffectsof dietaryextra studied to investigatetheeffectsof dietaryextra the effects of dietaryextra dietary extra virgin olive oil and thepresenceofthefoal duringmilkingonmilkfattyacids(FA)profile.At20, 50 thepresenceofthefoal duringmilkingonmilkfattyacids(FA)profile.At20, 50 he presence of the foal during milking on milk fatty acids (FA) profile. At 20, 50 and 90 days post-foaling, each jennet was milked 4 times per day. The feeding system and the milking procedures are given by Alabiso et al. (2009). FA profiles of the composites from milkings without foals (1MNF+3MNF)…

research product

Effect of the inclusion of fresh lemon pulp in the diet of lactating ewes on the properties of milk and cheese

This study investigated the effects of fresh lemon pulp (FLP), as a natural antioxidant in the diet, on the intake of feed and the production of milk and cheese of Valle del Belice lactating ewes during the hot summer in Sicily. A total of 15 second-lambing ewes, kept individually in 3 × 3 m pens, were divided into 3 homogeneous groups fed with 3 diets in a 3 × 3 Latin square design, with 3 experimental phases of 21 days each. The diets were: mixed hay ad libitum plus 600 g/day of concentrate (FLP0); mixed hay ad libitum plus 400 g/day of concentrate and 1 kg/day of FLP (FLP1); and mixed hay ad libitum plus 200 g/day of concentrate and 2 kg/day of FLP (FLP2). Nine experimental Pecorino chee…

research product

Effects of nutritional level on lactating response of Girgentana goats with different CSN1S1 genotype

Goat polymorphism at αs1-casein loci (CSN1S1) influences milk yield and composition. Milk of goats with strong alleles associated to high αs1-casein shows higher fat and casein, longer coagulation time, firmer curds and variation in fatty acids than milk from goats with weak alleles linked to low αs1-casein. Since these milk properties are also affected by nutrition, the aim of this study was to investigate the impact of nutritional level on milk production traits of Girgentana goats with different CSN1S1 genotype. From a group of goats genotyped using PRC protocols at DNA level, 12 goats having the same genotype at αs2, β and κ- casein loci and differing for CSN1S1 genotype were selected: …

research product

Fast field cycling NMR relaxometry as a tool to monitor Parmigiano Reggiano cheese ripening.

Abstract It is widely recognized that the longer the ageing, the more valuable Parmigiano Reggiano (PR) cheese becomes, due to the improvement of its sensorial and nutritional properties. Up to now, the evaluation of PR properties has been performed on samples mainly aged up to 40 months. For this reason, this study was aimed at collecting information about the chemical-physical characteristics of PR cheeses after ageing at 24, 48 and 84 months. The basic analyses on water amount, protein content and volatile organic compounds (VOC) revealed that PR ageing is associated to the decomposition of the organic components into smaller units. This drives water molecules closer to the aforementione…

research product

Both 48-hour doe-litter separation and 2-day controlled suckling improved fertility of 11-day lactating does similarly to 20 IU of PMSG

research product

Use of green sulla forage for feeding 2. Effects on lamb carcass and meat quality

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Latte bovino, ovino e caprino congelato: variazione dei parametri fisici, chimici e tecnologici

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Effect of refrigerated storage on microbiological, chemical and sensory characteristics of a ewes’ raw milk stretched cheese

This study aimed to describe the effects of refrigerated storage up to 180 days on microbiological, chemical, physical, and sensory characteristics of a PDO ewes’ raw milk stretched cheese. To this aim, a total of 224 cheeses were manufactured in four consecutive production weeks, and series of 32 of them were examined before packaging and after 15, 30, 60, 90, 120, and 180 d of storage at 4 ± 2 °C in the dark, respectively. Lactic acid bacteria cocci displayed the highest levels (7.8 Log CFU*g−1) during early storage and decreased progressively over time (7.4 Log CFU*g−1), while the opposite trend was observed for lactic acid bacteria rods (from 6.5 to 7.3 Log CFU*g−1). TMC and enterocci s…

research product

Effect of farming system and cheesemaking technology on the physicochemical characteristics, fatty acid profile, and sensory properties of Caciocavallo Palermitano cheese

Abstract Caciocavallo Palermitano is a typical stretched-curd cheese that has been produced over the centuries in Sicily according to traditional cheesemaking technology and using raw milk from autochthonous cow breeds reared at pasture. The objective of this experiment was to evaluate the effects of the farming system and processing technology on the characteristics of Caciocavallo Palermitano cheese, with particular regard to the fatty acid profile. The farming system was either extensive, using autochthonous cows fed a pasture-based diet, or intensive, with specialized dairy cow breeds fed mainly hay and concentrate. The cheese-processing technology was either artisanal, using traditiona…

research product

Effect of farming system and cheese making technology on quality traits and fatty acid profile of Caciocavallo Palermitano cheese at different ripening time

The Caciocavallo Palermitano is a typical stretched curd cheese made from cow milk, mainly in the Western Sicily. The aim of this investigation was to verify the influence of farming system and cheese making process (traditional with wood tools and natural endemic flora vs. innovative with modern stainless steel tools and selected lactic bacteria) on qualitative characteristics, including fatty acid (FA) profile, of Caciocavallo Palermitano at different ripening time. Cheeses were obtained from bulk milk from two farms: one extensive rearing a local breed fed at pasture and one intensive rearing a specialized dairy breed fed mainly hay and concentrate. Milk and cheese properties and FA prof…

research product

Effect of saffron addition on the microbiological, physicochemical, antioxidant and sensory characteristics of yoghurt

The impact of added saffron on the characteristics of yoghurt was evaluated during storage. The fat content was lower in the saffron yoghurt. All colour variables were significantly affected by saffron and storage. From the 15th day of storage, bacterial numbers in the saffron yoghurt were higher than those of the control yoghurt. Sensory analysis data suggested that colour, odour and texture impacted consistently on the overall acceptability of the saffron yoghurt. Saffron addition significantly increased polyphenol content and antioxidant activity, providing evidence that the enrichment of natural yoghurt with saffron yields an innovative fermented product useful for supplementing antioxi…

research product

L’impiego alimentare di orzo germinato nella produzione di latte ovino biologico

Food use of barley sprouts in organic sheep milk production. Hydroponic forage, used when fresh forage is scarce, represents a good alternative feed for milking ruminants, also in organic farming systems, where it can reduce the forage/concentrate ratio. This study evaluated the effect of barley sprouts (BS) in the diet on nutrients utilization and milk production from organic ewes. Eighteen ewes were divided into 3 groups and fed with 3 diets. Animals was fed with hay ad libitum and supplemented by: 0.6 kg/d of concentrate and 4 kg/d of BS (B100); 0.9 kg/d of concentrate and 2 kg/d of BS (B50); 1.2 kg/d of concentrate (C). Supplied and residual feeds and milk yield were recorded and sample…

research product