Giovanni Domenico Gentile
Influenza della concentrazione iodica dei mezzi di contrasto sulla caratterizzazione della placca aterosclerotica coronarica valutata mediante TC Multistrato in un modello umano ex-vivo
Aspetti normali e patologici delle valvole cardiache studiate mediante TC Multistrato cardiosincronizzata
Prognostic outcome of routine clinical noninvasive Multidetector row Computed Tomography Coronary Angiography in Patients with suspected coronary artery disease: a 2-years follow-up study.
The aim of the study was to assess the prognostic value of multidetector-row CT coronary angiography (MDCT-CA) in patients with suspected coronary artery disease (CAD) in a routine clinical context.A total of 125 patients (82 men, age 57.4±10.3 years) with suspected CAD underwent MDCT-CA. All patients were assessed for cardiovascular risk factors, symptoms and coronary calcium score. A 2-year follow-up study for the occurrence of major adverse cardiac events was performed.According to the Morise pretest score, 76 patients (60.8%) were at intermediate risk. Patients with suspected CAD presented the following prognostic outcome (p0.0001): in 41 patients with normal coronary arteries at MDCT-C…
Prognostic outcome of atherosclerotic plaques in patients with suspected coronary artery disease assessed with Multislice Computed Tomography Coronary Angiography: a 30-month follow-up study
Registro quinquennale dell’attività di un singolo centro in TC Coronarica: appropriatezza clinica e considerazioni prognostiche
Prognostic value at 24 months of Multislice Computed Tomography Coronary Angiography in patients with atypical chest pain.
Three-year follow-up of patients at intermediate probability of coronary artery disease assessed with Multislice Computed Tomography Coronary Angiography
Purpose Methods and Materials Results Conclusion References Personal Information
Imaging della coartazione aortica mediante angiografia con Tomografia Computerizzata Multistrato cardiosincronizzata
“Visual guidebook” of coronary atherosclerotic plaque features by Multislice CT Coronary Angiography
Long-term prognosis of patients with a zero calcium score assessed by Multislice Computed Tomography Coronary Angiography.
Purpose Methods and Materials Results Conclusion References Personal Information
Valore prognostico della TC coronarica nella routine clinica: follow-up a 24 mesi in 166 pazienti con sospetta o nota aterosclerosi coronarica.
Prevalenza e valore prognostico a 2 anni delle placche aterosclerotiche coronariche in 123 pazienti sottoposti ad Angiografia Coronarica mediante Tomografia Computerizzata Multistrato
A mistaken case of non-q wave acute infarction
Over the last few years, enormous progress has been made in Cardiovascular imaging. Myocarditis is today an underdiagnosed cause of acute sudden death, heart failure, and chronic dilated cardiomyopathy. Its diagnosis is frequently missed or delayed and it can simulate an acute coronary syndrome because of its clinical presentation and elevation of cardiac enzymes. Cardiac Magnetic Resonance has become the leading modality for its noninvasive diagnosis, and it often replaces endomyocardial biopsy in clinical practise.
Imaging evaluation of cardiac stem cells transplantation
Cardiovascular Disease is the number one cause of death in the World. Although advances in treatment and intervention have reduced the mortality rate in patients with coronary artery disease, the number of patients with refractory myocardial ischemia and congestive heart failure is rapidly increasing. “Cellular therapy” represents an important new approach in the treatment of cardiovascular disease and the scientific community needs to establish not only the appropriate type and timing of cellular administration but also the diagnostic gold standard to better enable the study of subjects before and after cellular therapy
“Handbook” per la valutazione preoperatoria con CardioRM dei pazienti con insufficienza mitralica post-ischemica.
Confronto tra mezzi di contrasto con differente concentrazione iodica nell’imaging di placca coronarica mediante Tomografia Computerizzata Multistrato in un modello ex-vivo
Comparison of iodinated contrast media for the assessment of atherosclerotic plaque attenuation values by CT coronary angiography: observations in an ex vivo model
Objective: To compare the influence of different iodinated contrast media with several dilutions on plaque attenuation in an ex vivo coronary model studied by multislice CT coronary angiography. Methods: In six ex vivo left anterior descending coronary arteries immersed in oil, CT (slices/collimation 64x0.625 mm, temporal resolution 210 ms, pitch 0.2) was performed after intracoronary injection of a saline solution, and solutions of a dimeric isosmolar contrast medium (Iodixanol 320 mgl ml(-1)) and a monomeric high-iodinated contrast medium (Iomeprol 400 mgl ml(-1)) with dilutions of 1/80 (low concentration), 1/50 (medium concentration), 1/40 (high concentration) and 1/20 (very high concent…