Gilberto Bini
On GIT quotients of Hilbert and Chow schemes of curves
The aim of this note is to announce some results on the GIT problem for the Hilbert and Chow scheme of curves of degree d and genus g in P^{d-g}, whose full details will appear in a subsequent paper. In particular, we extend the previous results of L. Caporaso up to d>4(2g-2) and we observe that this is sharp. In the range 2(2g-2)<d<7/2(2g-2), we get a complete new description of the GIT quotient. As a corollary, we get a new compactification of the universal Jacobian over the moduli space of pseudo-stable curves.
A closer look at mirrors and quotients of Calabi-Yau threefolds
Let X be the toric variety (P1)4 associated with its four-dimensional polytope 1. Denote by X˜ the resolution of the singular Fano variety Xo associated with the dual polytope 1o. Generically, anticanonical sections Y of X and anticanonical sections Y˜ of X˜ are mirror partners in the sense of Batyrev. Our main result is the following: the Hodge-theoretic mirror of the quotient Z associated to a maximal admissible pair (Y, G) in X is not a quotient Z˜ associated to an admissible pair in X˜ . Nevertheless, it is possible to construct a mirror orbifold for Z by means of a quotient of a suitable Y˜. Its crepant resolution is a Calabi-Yau threefold with Hodge numbers (8, 4). Instead, if we star…
Big Vector Bundles on Surfaces and Fourfolds
The aim of this note is to exhibit explicit sufficient criteria ensuring bigness of globally generated, rank-$r$ vector bundles, $r \geqslant 2$, on smooth, projective varieties of even dimension $d \leqslant 4$. We also discuss connections of our general criteria to some recent results of other authors, as well as applications to tangent bundles of Fano varieties, to suitable Lazarsfeld-Mukai bundles on four-folds, etcetera.
Transitive factorizations in the hyperoctahedral group
The classical Hurwitz enumeration problem has a presentation in terms of transitive factor- izationsin the symmetric group. This presentationsuggestsageneralizationfromtypeAto otherfinite reflection groups and, in particular, to type B.W e study this generalization both from ac ombinatorial and a geometric point of view, with the prospect of providing am eans of understanding more of the structure of the moduli spaces of maps with an S2-symmetry. The type A case has been well studied and connects Hurwitz numbers to the moduli space of curves. W ec onjecture an analogous setting for the type B case that is studied here. 1I ntroduction Transitive factorizations of permutations into transposit…
A topological look at human trabecular bone tissue
Bone quality is affected by trabecular architecture at microscopic level. Various abnormalities of bone tissue lead to altered strength and to an increased susceptibility to fracture, such as Osteoporosis and Osteoarthritis, two major health burdens of our society. These are two complex musculoskeletal diseases that mainly concern bone tissue. In the last twenty years, there has been a growing interest in finding an appropriate topological model for the micro-architecture of trabecular bone tissue. In particular, we prove that these models involve general topological spaces. The appropriate notion to deal with is that of CW-complex.
The varieties of bifocal Grassmann tensors
AbstractGrassmann tensors arise from classical problems of scene reconstruction in computer vision. In particular, bifocal Grassmann tensors, related to a pair of projections from a projective space onto view spaces of varying dimensions, generalize the classical notion of fundamental matrices. In this paper, we study in full generality the variety of bifocal Grassmann tensors focusing on its birational geometry. To carry out this analysis, every object of multi-view geometry is described both from an algebraic and geometric point of view, e.g., the duality between the view spaces, and the space of rays is explicitly described via polarity. Next, we deal with the moduli of bifocal Grassmann…
Some families of big and stable bundles on $K3$ surfaces and on their Hilbert schemes of points
Here we investigate meaningful families of vector bundles on a very general polarized $K3$ surface $(X,H)$ and on the corresponding Hyper--Kaehler variety given by the Hilbert scheme of points $X^{[k]}:= {\rm Hilb}^k(X)$, for any integer $k \geqslant 2$. In particular, we prove results concerning bigness and stability of such bundles. First, we give conditions on integers $n$ such that the twist of the tangent bundle of $X$ by the line bundle $nH$ is big and stable on~$X$; we then prove a similar result for a natural twist of the tangent bundle of $X^{[k]}$. Next, we prove global generation, bigness and stability results for tautological bundles on $X^{[k]}$ arising either from line bundles…
On the Rational Cohomology of Moduli Spaces of Curves with Level Structures
We investigate low degree rational cohomology groups of smooth compactifications of moduli spaces of curves with level structures. In particular, we determine $H^k(\sgbar, \Q)$ for $g \ge 2$ and $k \le 3$, where $\sgbar$ denotes the moduli space of spin curves of genus $g$.
The Rank of Trifocal Grassmann Tensors
Grassmann tensors arise from classical problems of scene reconstruction in computer vision. Trifocal Grassmann tensors, related to three projections from a projective space of dimension k onto view-spaces of varying dimensions are studied in this work. A canonical form for the combined projection matrices is obtained. When the centers of projections satisfy a natural generality assumption, such canonical form gives a closed formula for the rank of the trifocal Grassmann tensors. The same approach is also applied to the case of two projections, confirming a previous result obtained with different methods in [6]. The rank of sequences of tensors converging to tensors associated with degenerat…
Quotients of the Dwork Pencil
In this paper we investigate the geometry of the Dwork pencil in any dimension. More specifically, we study the automorphism group G of the generic fiber of the pencil over the complex projective line, and the quotients of it by various subgroups of G. In particular, we compute the Hodge numbers of these quotients via orbifold cohomology.
An unbounded family of log Calabi–Yau pairs
We give an explicit example of log Calabi-Yau pairs that are log canonical and have a linearly decreasing Euler characteristic. This is constructed in terms of a degree two covering of a sequence of blow ups of three dimensional projective bundles over the Segre-Hirzebruch surfaces ${\mathbb F}_n$ for every positive integer $n$ big enough.
A-Codes from Rational Functions over Galois Rings
In this paper, we describe authentication codes via (generalized) Gray images of suitable codes over Galois rings. Exponential sums over these rings help determine--or bound--the parameters of such codes.
Chern classes of the moduli stack of curves
Here we calculate the Chern classes of ${\bar {\mathcal M}}_{g,n}$, the moduli stack of stable n-pointed curves. In particular, we prove that such classes lie in the tautological ring.
Finite Commutative Rings and Their Applications
Finite Commutative Rings and their Applications is the first to address both theoretical and practical aspects of finite ring theory. The authors provide a practical approach to finite rings through explanatory examples, thereby avoiding an abstract presentation of the subject. The section on Quasi-Galois rings presents new and unpublished results as well. The authors then introduce some applications of finite rings, in particular Galois rings, to coding theory, using a solid algebraic and geometric theoretical background.
On the birational geometry of the universal Picard variety
We compute the Kodaira dimension of the universal Picard variety P_{d,g} parameterizing line bundles of degree d on curves of genus g under the assumption that (d-g+1,2g-2)=1. We also give partial results for arbitrary degrees d and we investigate for which degrees the universal Picard varieties are birational.
Symmetric locally free resolutions and rationality problems
We show that the birationality class of a quadric surface bundle over $\mathbb{P}^2$ is determined by its associated cokernel sheaves. As an application, we discuss stable-rationality of very general quadric bundles over $\mathbb{P}^2$ with discriminant curves of fixed degree. In particular, we construct explicit models of these bundles for some discriminant data. Among others, we obtain various birational models of a nodal Gushel-Mukai fourfold, as well as of a cubic fourfold containing a plane. Finally, we prove stable irrationality of several types of quadric surface bundles.
Mirror quintics, discrete symmetries and Shioda maps
In a recent paper, Doran, Greene and Judes considered one parameter families of quintic threefolds with finite symmetry groups. A surprising result was that each of these six families has the same Picard Fuchs equation associated to the holomorphic 3-form. In this paper we give an easy argument, involving the family of Mirror Quintics, which implies this result. Using a construction due to Shioda, we also relate certain quotients of these one parameter families to the family of Mirror Quintics. Our constructions generalize to degree n Calabi Yau varieties in (n-1)-dimensional projective space.
Some Remarks on Calabi-Yau Manifolds
Here we focus on the geometry of the “mirror quintic” Y and its generalizations. In particular, we illustrate how to obtain new birational models of Y . The article under review can be regarded as an announcement of or supplement to results in forthcoming papers of the author and his collaborators concerning quintic threefolds, the Dwork pencil, and its natural generalization to higher dimensions [G. Bini, “Quotients of hypersurfaces in weighted projective space”, preprint, arxiv.org/ abs/0905.2099, Adv. Geom., to appear; G. Bini, B. van Geemen and T. L. Kelly, “Mirror quintics, discrete symmetries and Shioda maps”, preprint, arxiv.org/abs/0809. 1791, J. Algebraic Geom., to appear; G. Bini …
The Tautological Ring of Spin Moduli Spaces
We introduce the notion of tautological ring for the moduli space of spin curves. Moreover, we study some relations among tautological classes which are motivated by physics. Finally, we show that the Chow rings of these moduli spaces are tautological in low genus.
New fourfolds from F-theory
In this paper, we apply Borcea-Voisin's construction and give new examples of fourfolds containing a del Pezzo surface of degree six, which admit an elliptic fibration on a smooth threefold. Some of these fourfolds are Calabi-Yau varieties, which are relevant for the $N=1$ compactification of Type IIB string theory known as $F$-Theory. As a by-product, we provide a new example of a Calabi--Yau threefold with Hodge numbers $h^{1,1}=h^{2,1}=10$.
Quotients of Hypersurfaces in Weighted Projective Space
Abstract In [Bini, van Geemen, Kelly, Mirror quintics, discrete symmetries and Shioda maps, 2009] some quotients of one-parameter families of Calabi–Yau varieties are related to the family of Mirror Quintics by using a construction due to Shioda. In this paper, we generalize this construction to a wider class of varieties. More specifically, let A be an invertible matrix with non-negative integer entries. We introduce varieties XA and in weighted projective space and in , respectively. The variety turns out to be a quotient of a Fermat variety by a finite group. As a by-product, XA is a quotient of a Fermat variety and is a quotient of XA by a finite group. We apply this construction to som…
Euler Characteristics of Moduli Spaces of Curves
Let ${mathcal M}_g^n$ be the moduli space of n-pointed Riemann surfaces of genus g. Denote by ${\bar {\mathcal M}}_g^n$ the Deligne-Mumford compactification of ${mathcal M}_g^n$. In the present paper, we calculate the orbifold and the ordinary Euler characteristic of ${\bar {\mathcal M}}_g^n$ for any g and n such that n>2-2g.
Voisin's Conjecture for 0-cycles on Calabi-Yau varieties and their mirror
We study a conjecture, due to Voisin, on 0-cycles on varieties with pg = 1. Using Kimura’s finite dimensional motives and recent results of Vial’s on the refined (Chow–)Künneth decomposition, we provide a general criterion for Calabi–Yau manifolds of dimension at most 5 to verify Voisin’s conjecture. We then check, using in most cases some cohomological computations on the mirror partners, that the criterion can be successfully applied to various examples in each dimension up to 5.
Deformations of Calabi-Yau manifolds in Fano toric varieties
In this article, we investigate deformations of a Calabi-Yau manifold $Z$ in a toric variety $F$, possibly not smooth. In particular, we prove that the forgetful morphism from the Hilbert functor $H^F_Z$ of infinitesimal deformations of $Z$ in $F$ to the functor of infinitesimal deformations of $Z$ is smooth. This implies the smoothness of $H^F_Z $ at the corresponding point in the Hilbert scheme. Moreover, we give some examples and include some computations on the Hodge numbers of Calabi-Yau manifolds in Fano toric varieties.
Groups acting freely on Calabi-Yau threefolds embedded in a product of del Pezzo surfaces
In this paper, we investigate quotients of Calabi-Yau manifolds $Y$ embedded in Fano varieties $X$, which are products of two del Pezzo surfaces — with respect to groups $G$ that act freely on $Y$. In particular, we revisit some known examples and we obtain some new Calabi-Yau varieties with small Hodge numbers. The groups $G$ are subgroups of the automorphism groups of $X$, which is described in terms of the automorphism group of the two del Pezzo surfaces.