Daniel Heestermans Svendsen
Physics-Aware Machine Learning For Geosciences And Remote Sensing
Machine learning models alone are excellent approximators, but very often do not respect the most elementary laws of physics, like mass or energy conservation, so consistency and confidence are compromised. In this paper we describe the main challenges ahead in the field, and introduce several ways to live in the Physics and machine learning interplay: encoding differential equations from data, constraining data-driven models with physics-priors and dependence constraints, improving parameterizations, emulating physical models, and blending data-driven and process-based models. This is a collective long-term AI agenda towards developing and applying algorithms capable of discovering knowled…
Statistical biophysical parameter retrieval and emulation with Gaussian processes
Abstract Earth observation from satellites poses challenging problems where machine learning is being widely adopted as a key player. Perhaps the most challenging scenario that we are facing nowadays is to provide accurate estimates of particular variables of interest characterizing the Earth's surface. This chapter introduces some recent advances in statistical bio-geophysical parameter retrieval from satellite data. In particular, we will focus on Gaussian process regression (GPR) that has excelled in parameter estimation as well as in modeling complex radiative transfer processes. GPR is based on solid Bayesian statistics and generally yields efficient and accurate parameter estimates, a…
Physics-Aware Gaussian Processes for Earth Observation
Earth observation from satellite sensory data pose challenging problems, where machine learning is currently a key player. In recent years, Gaussian Process (GP) regression and other kernel methods have excelled in biophysical parameter estimation tasks from space. GP regression is based on solid Bayesian statistics, and generally yield efficient and accurate parameter estimates. However, GPs are typically used for inverse modeling based on concurrent observations and in situ measurements only. Very often a forward model encoding the well-understood physical relations is available though. In this work, we review three GP models that respect and learn the physics of the underlying processes …
Joint Gaussian processes for inverse modeling
Solving inverse problems is central in geosciences and remote sensing. Very often a mechanistic physical model of the system exists that solves the forward problem. Inverting the implied radiative transfer model (RTM) equations numerically implies, however, challenging and computationally demanding problems. Statistical models tackle the inverse problem and predict the biophysical parameter of interest from radiance data, exploiting either in situ data or simulated data from an RTM. We introduce a novel nonlinear and nonparametric statistical inversion model which incorporates both real observations and RTM-simulated data. The proposed Joint Gaussian Process (JGP) provides a solid framework…
Multioutput Automatic Emulator for Radiative Transfer Models
This paper introduces a methodology to construct emulators of costly radiative transfer models (RTMs). The proposed methodology is sequential and adaptive, and it is based on the notion of acquisition functions in Bayesian optimization. Here, instead of optimizing the unknown underlying RTM function, one aims to achieve accurate approximations. The Automatic Multi-Output Gaussian Process Emulator (AMO-GAPE) methodology combines the interpolation capabilities of Gaussian processes (GPs) with the accurate design of an acquisition function that favors sampling in low density regions and flatness of the interpolation function. We illustrate the promising capabilities of the method for the const…
Active emulation of computer codes with Gaussian processes – Application to remote sensing
Many fields of science and engineering rely on running simulations with complex and computationally expensive models to understand the involved processes in the system of interest. Nevertheless, the high cost involved hamper reliable and exhaustive simulations. Very often such codes incorporate heuristics that ironically make them less tractable and transparent. This paper introduces an active learning methodology for adaptively constructing surrogate models, i.e. emulators, of such costly computer codes in a multi-output setting. The proposed technique is sequential and adaptive, and is based on the optimization of a suitable acquisition function. It aims to achieve accurate approximations…
Deep Gaussian processes for biogeophysical parameter retrieval and model inversion
Parameter retrieval and model inversion are key problems in remote sensing and Earth observation. Currently, different approximations exist: a direct, yet costly, inversion of radiative transfer models (RTMs); the statistical inversion with in situ data that often results in problems with extrapolation outside the study area; and the most widely adopted hybrid modeling by which statistical models, mostly nonlinear and non-parametric machine learning algorithms, are applied to invert RTM simulations. We will focus on the latter. Among the different existing algorithms, in the last decade kernel based methods, and Gaussian Processes (GPs) in particular, have provided useful and informative so…
Integrating Physics Modelling with Machine Learning for Remote Sensing
L’observació de la Terra a partir de les dades proporcionades per sensors abord de satèl·lits, així com les proporcionades per models de transferència radiativa o climàtics, juntament amb les mesures in situ proporcionen una manera sense precedents de monitorar el nostre planeta amb millors resolucions espacials i temporals. La riquesa, quantitat i diversitat de les dades adquirides i posades a disposició també augmenta molt ràpidament. Aquestes dades ens permeten predir el rendiment dels cultius, fer un seguiment del canvi d’ús del sòl com ara la desforestació, supervisar i respondre als desastres naturals, i predir i mitigar el canvi climàtic. Per tal de fer front a tots aquests reptes, l…
Deep Gaussian Processes for Geophysical Parameter Retrieval
This paper introduces deep Gaussian processes (DGPs) for geophysical parameter retrieval. Unlike the standard full GP model, the DGP accounts for complicated (modular, hierarchical) processes, provides an efficient solution that scales well to large datasets, and improves prediction accuracy over standard full and sparse GP models. We give empirical evidence of performance for estimation of surface dew point temperature from infrared sounding data.
Physics-aware Gaussian processes in remote sensing
Abstract Earth observation from satellite sensory data poses challenging problems, where machine learning is currently a key player. In recent years, Gaussian Process (GP) regression has excelled in biophysical parameter estimation tasks from airborne and satellite observations. GP regression is based on solid Bayesian statistics, and generally yields efficient and accurate parameter estimates. However, GPs are typically used for inverse modeling based on concurrent observations and in situ measurements only. Very often a forward model encoding the well-understood physical relations between the state vector and the radiance observations is available though and could be useful to improve pre…
Integrating Domain Knowledge in Data-Driven Earth Observation With Process Convolutions
The modelling of Earth observation data is a challenging problem, typically approached by either purely mechanistic or purely data-driven methods. Mechanistic models encode the domain knowledge and physical rules governing the system. Such models, however, need the correct specification of all interactions between variables in the problem and the appropriate parameterization is a challenge in itself. On the other hand, machine learning approaches are flexible data-driven tools, able to approximate arbitrarily complex functions, but lack interpretability and struggle when data is scarce or in extrapolation regimes. In this paper, we argue that hybrid learning schemes that combine both approa…
Adaptive Sequential Interpolator Using Active Learning for Efficient Emulation of Complex Systems
Many fields of science and engineering require the use of complex and computationally expensive models to understand the involved processes in the system of interest. Nevertheless, due to the high cost involved, the required study becomes a cumbersome process. This paper introduces an interpolation procedure which belongs to the family of active learning algorithms, in order to construct cheap surrogate models of such costly complex systems. The proposed technique is sequential and adaptive, and is based on the optimization of a suitable acquisition function. We illustrate its efficiency in a toy example and for the construction of an emulator of an atmosphere modeling system.
Joint Gaussian Processes for Biophysical Parameter Retrieval
Solving inverse problems is central to geosciences and remote sensing. Radiative transfer models (RTMs) represent mathematically the physical laws which govern the phenomena in remote sensing applications (forward models). The numerical inversion of the RTM equations is a challenging and computationally demanding problem, and for this reason, often the application of a nonlinear statistical regression is preferred. In general, regression models predict the biophysical parameter of interest from the corresponding received radiance. However, this approach does not employ the physical information encoded in the RTMs. An alternative strategy, which attempts to include the physical knowledge, co…