Andrea Cuccia
Building a sustainable city model comprising an integrated waste management system has become an indispensable choice, also in the light of increasingly stringent regulatory constraints. The core point of the paper is the implementation of a zero waste strategy in a small municipality in Sicily. Given that only the unceasing participation of citizens may ensure the persistence over time of such a policy, accountability process works letting citizens approach directly the end-results of their ongoing good practices. By building up a SD model framed by a DPM chart, it is possible to figure out how disclosure of public saving resulting from the decreasing amount of waste piled up in the landfi…
Community Land Trust e beni comuni. Le implicazioni della dimensione comunitaria e i risvolti applicativi in Italia
Il presente lavoro mira ad inquadrare la fattispecie del community land trust (CLT) da un punto di vista teorico-concettuale, nonché a calarlo nella realtà italiana tracciandone i risvolti applicativi. Una volta illustrato lo schema di funzionamento del CLT e le implicazioni in termini di responsabilità e governance dovute alla valorizzazione del momento dell’aggregazione comunitaria, il presente lavoro si prefigge di passare in rassegna le soluzioni di CLT proposte su iniziativa privata al fine di rigenerare spazi pubblici inutilizzati facenti capo al comune di Chieri, unico comune in Italia ad avere espressamente disciplinato il suddetto istituto in seno al proprio Regolamento dei beni co…
Accounting Meets Economics: Towards an 'Accounting View' of Money
This study lays the foundations of the 'Accounting View' of money. Using international accounting principles, the study argues that state and central bank monies are not debt, and that in fractional reserve regimes only a share of commercial bank money can be regarded as debt. The study determines how the seigniorage associated with the issuance of these monies should be accounted for in the financial statements of the issuing institutions, and examines what this implies for the correct understanding of money. The new view throws light into such issues as the true nature of central bank capital, commercial banks, and digital currencies. Drawing on it, new measurements of seigniorage are der…
Saving Process within a Zero Waste Strategy In Sicily: A System Dynamics Approach
Disposable society represents a way of living that is not sustainable anymore, mainly in a context like our planet where resources are really scarce. As theorized by Paul Connett, the guru of zero waste strategy, there is no waste until that material still contains a drop of usefulness. The core point of the paper is the implementation of a zero waste strategy in a small municipality in Sicily. By building up a SD model we can figure out how saving process connected to the decrease of amount of waste piled up in the landfoll, has been boosting this virtuous cycle, which is bound to cope with the citizens claims about environmental care and lower tax burden level.
Le Potenzialità del Trust come Veicolo Istituzionale Prescelto per Responsabilizzare il Terzo Settore nel Recupero e nella Valorizzazione del Patrimonio Culturale Degradato di Proprietà di un Comune (Untapped Potential of Trust As An Eligible Institutional Vehicle to Empower Third Sector Organizations in Recovering and Enhancing the Degraded Cultural Heritage)
Italian Abstract: In Italia, la tutela del patrimonio culturale e sempre stata demandata principalmente allo Stato o, piu in generale, al settore pubblico, soprattutto alla luce della naturale vocazione degli attori pubblici a perseguire interessi generali. Tuttavia, oggigiorno tale “automatismo burocratico” e stato messo in discussione da due macro-trends in atto: da un lato la fine del monopolio degli attori pubblici nella cura dell’interesse generale, in ragione dei crescenti vincoli di bilancio; dall’altro, la speculare emersione a livello comunale di iniziative di “cittadini attivi” disposti a farsi carico della tutela di interessi generali e del proposito di recupero e di valorizzazio…
"Public Governance of Cultural Heritage". Using the institution of Trust to recover the degraded cultural assets owned by a Municipality
In Italy, the cultural heritage care has always been charged primarily to the State or,more generally, to the Public Sector, especially in the light of its natural aptitude to pursue general interests. However, nowadays the primacy of the public actors (first and foremost the Municipalities, viewed more and more as main actors in charge for the care of cultural heritage), risks being questioned by increasingly stringent budgetary constraints. The latter have been compromising the capability to guarantee a fair and widespread protection and to make the cultural heritage available to the community, as witnessed by the progressive accumulation of degraded or abandoned cultural heritage over ti…