S. Ong
Global age-sex-specific fertility, mortality, healthy life expectancy (HALE), and population estimates in 204 countries and territories, 1950–2019: a comprehensive demographic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019
Background Accurate and up-to-date assessment of demographic metrics is crucial for understanding a wide range of social, economic, and public health issues that affect populations worldwide. The Global Burden of Diseases, Injuries, and Risk Factors Study (GBD) 2019 produced updated and comprehensive demographic assessments of the key indicators of fertility, mortality, migration, and population for 204 countries and territories and selected subnational locations from 1950 to 2019. Methods 8078 country-years of vital registration and sample registration data, 938 surveys, 349 censuses, and 238 other sources were identified and used to estimate age-specific fertility. Spatiotemporal Gaussian…
Evidence for Strange-Quark Contributions to the Nucleon’s Form Factors atQ2=0.108 (GeV/c)2
We report on a measurement of the parity violating asymmetry in the elastic scattering of polarized electrons off unpolarized protons with the A4 apparatus at MAMI in Mainz at a four momentum transfer value of ${Q}^{2}=0.108\text{ }(\mathrm{GeV}/c{)}^{2}$ and at a forward electron scattering angle of $30\ifmmode^\circ\else\textdegree\fi{}l{\ensuremath{\theta}}_{e}l40\ifmmode^\circ\else\textdegree\fi{}$. The measured asymmetry is ${A}_{LR}(\stackrel{\ensuremath{\rightarrow}}{e}p)=[\ensuremath{-}1.36\ifmmode\pm\else\textpm\fi{}0.29(\mathrm{stat})\ifmmode\pm\else\textpm\fi{}0.13(\mathrm{syst})]\ifmmode\times\else\texttimes\fi{}{10}^{\ensuremath{-}6}$. The expectation from the standard model as…
A Monte-Carlo method to analyze the electromagnetic form factors of the nucleon
Parity violating elastic electron-nucleon scattering allows to determine the vector stangeness content of the nucleon. The final uncertainty on the strange form factors is limited, among other parameters, by the uncertainty on the electromagnetic form factors. These are usually fitted with a functional form constrained by boundary conditions at Q 2= 0 and at large Q 2. These conditions induce huge correlations between parameters which are not taken into account to full extent by purely statistical methods. We describe here a Monte-Carlo method which accounts for correlations between parameters to all orders. We also propose a method for taking into account some systematical errors induced b…
Study of Two-Photon Exchange via the Beam Transverse Single Spin Asymmetry in Electron-Proton Elastic Scattering at Forward Angles over a Wide Energy Range
We report on a new measurement of the beam transverse single spin asymmetry in electron-proton elastic scattering, $A^{ep}_{\perp}$, at five beam energies from 315.1 MeV to 1508.4 MeV and at a scattering angle of $30^{\circ} < \theta < 40^{\circ}$. The covered $Q^2$ values are 0.032, 0.057, 0.082, 0.218, 0.613 (GeV/c)$^2$. The measurement clearly indicates significant inelastic contributions to the two-photon-exchange (TPE) amplitude in the low-$Q^2$ kinematic region. No theoretical calculation is able to reproduce our result. Comparison with a calculation based on unitarity, which only takes into account elastic and $\mathrm{\pi N}$ inelastic intermediate states, suggests that there are ot…
Measurement of the parity violating asymmetry in the quasielastic electron-deuteron scattering and improved determination of the magnetic strange form factor and the isovector anapole radiative correction
A new measurement of the parity-violating asymmetry in the electron-deuteron quasielastic scattering for backward angles at $⟨{Q}^{2}⟩=0.224\text{ }\text{ }{(\mathrm{GeV}/c)}^{2}$, obtained in the A4 experiment at the Mainz Microtron accelerator (MAMI) facility, is presented. The measured asymmetry is ${A}_{PV}^{d}=(\ensuremath{-}20.11\ifmmode\pm\else\textpm\fi{}0.8{7}_{\mathrm{stat}}\ifmmode\pm\else\textpm\fi{}\phantom{\rule{0ex}{0ex}}1.0{3}_{\mathrm{sys}})\ifmmode\times\else\texttimes\fi{}{10}^{\ensuremath{-}6}$. A combination of these data with the proton measurements of the parity-violating asymmetry in the A4 experiment yields a value for the effective isovector axial-vector form facto…
Measurement of the Transverse Beam Spin Asymmetry in Elastic Electron Proton Scattering and the Inelastic Contribution to the Imaginary Part of the Two-Photon Exchange Amplitude
We report on a measurement of the asymmetry in the scattering of transversely polarized electrons off unpolarized protons, A$_\perp$, at two Q$^2$ values of \qsquaredaveragedlow (GeV/c)$^2$ and \qsquaredaveragedhighII (GeV/c)$^2$ and a scattering angle of $30^\circ < ��_e < 40^\circ$. The measured transverse asymmetries are A$_{\perp}$(Q$^2$ = \qsquaredaveragedlow (GeV/c)$^2$) = (\experimentalasymmetry alulowcorr $\pm$ \statisticalerrorlow$_{\rm stat}$ $\pm$ \combinedsyspolerrorlowalucor$_{\rm sys}$) $\times$ 10$^{-6}$ and A$_{\perp}$(Q$^2$ = \qsquaredaveragedhighII (GeV/c)$^2$) = (\experimentalasymme tryaluhighcorr $\pm$ \statisticalerrorhigh$_{\rm stat}$ $\pm$ \combinedsyspolerrorhi…
Five insights from the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019
The Global Burden of Diseases, Injuries, and Risk Factors Study (GBD) 2019 provides a rules-based synthesis of the available evidence on levels and trends in health outcomes, a diverse set of risk factors, and health system responses. GBD 2019 covered 204 countries and territories, as well as first administrative level disaggregations for 22 countries, from 1990 to 2019. Because GBD is highly standardised and comprehensive, spanning both fatal and non-fatal outcomes, and uses a mutually exclusive and collectively exhaustive list of hierarchical disease and injury causes, the study provides a powerful basis for detailed and broad insights on global health trends and emerging challenges. GBD …
Measurement of Strange-Quark Contributions to the Nucleon's Form Factors atQ2=0.230 (GeV/c)2
We report on a measurement of the parity-violating asymmetry in the scattering of longitudinally polarized electrons on unpolarized protons at a Q2 of 0.230 (GeV/c)(2) and a scattering angle of theta (e) = 30 degrees - 40 degrees. Using a large acceptance fast PbF2 calorimeter with a solid angle of delta omega = 0.62 sr, the A4 experiment is the first parity violation experiment to count individual scattering events. The measured asymmetry is A(phys)=(-5.44+/-0.54(stat)+/-0.26(sys))x10(-6). The standard model expectation assuming no strangeness contributions to the vector form factors is A(0) = (-6.30+/-0.43) x 10(-6). The difference is a direct measurement of the strangeness contribution t…
Real-time calibration of the A4 electromagnetic lead fluoride (PbF2) calorimeter
Abstract Sufficient energy resolution is the key issue for the calorimetry in particle and nuclear physics. The calorimeter of the A4 parity violation experiment at MAMI is a segmented calorimeter where the energy of an event is determined by summing the signals of neighboring channels. In this case, the precise matching of the individual modules is crucial to obtain a good energy resolution. We have developed a calibration procedure for our total absorbing electromagnetic calorimeter which consists of 1022 lead fluoride (PbF 2 ) crystals. This procedure reconstructs the single-module contributions to the events by solving a linear system of equations, involving the inversion of a 1022×1022…
Measurement of Strange Quark Contributions to the Vector Form Factors of the Proton atQ2=0.22 (GeV/c)2
A new measurement of the parity violating asymmetry in elastic electron scattering on hydrogen at backward angles and at a four momentum transfer of Q{sup 2}=0.22 (GeV/c){sup 2} is reported here. The measured asymmetry is A{sub LR}=(-17.23{+-}0.82{sub stat}{+-}0.89{sub syst})x10{sup -6}. The standard model prediction assuming no strangeness is A{sub 0}=(-15.87{+-}1.22)x10{sup -6}. In combination with previous results from measurements at forward angles, it is possible to disentangle for the first time the strange form factors at this momentum transfer, G{sub E}{sup s}=0.050{+-}0.038{+-}0.019 and G{sub M}{sup s}=-0.14{+-}0.11{+-}0.11.
New Measurements of the Beam Normal Spin Asymmetries at Large Backward Angles with Hydrogen and Deuterium Targets
International audience; New measurements of the beam normal single spin asymmetry in the electron elastic and quasielastic scattering on the proton and deuteron, respectively, at large backward angles and at ⟨Q2⟩=0.22 (GeV/c)2 and ⟨Q2⟩=0.35 ( GeV/c)2 are reported. The experimentally observed asymmetries are compared with the theoretical calculation of Pasquini and Vanderhaeghen [Phys. Rev. C 70, 045206 (2004).PRVCAN0556-281310.1103/PhysRevC.70.045206]. The agreement of the measurements with the theoretical calculations shows a dominance of the inelastic intermediate excited states of the nucleon, πN and the Δ resonance. The measurements explore a new, important parameter region of the exc…