Daniele Faenzi
Surfaces of minimal degree of tame representation type and mutations of Cohen–Macaulay modules
We provide two examples of smooth projective surfaces of tame CM type, by showing that any parameter space of isomorphism classes of indecomposable ACM bundles with fixed rank and determinant on a rational quartic scroll in projective 5-space is either a single point or a projective line. For surfaces of minimal degree and wild CM type, we classify rigid Ulrich bundles as Fibonacci extensions. For the rational normal scrolls S(2,3) and S(3,3), a complete classification of rigid ACM bundles is given in terms of the action of the braid group in three strands.
Triple planes with $p_g=q=0$
We show that general triple planes with p_g=q=0 belong to at most 12 families, that we call surfaces of type I,..., XII, and we prove that the corresponding Tschirnhausen bundle is direct sum of two line bundles in cases I, II, III, whereas is a rank 2 Steiner bundle in the remaining cases. We also provide existence results and explicit constructions for surfaces of type I,..., VII, recovering all classical examples and discovering several new ones. In particular, triple planes of type VII provide counterexamples to a wrong claim made in 1942 by Bronowski.
Homological Projective Duality for Determinantal Varieties
In this paper we prove Homological Projective Duality for crepant categorical resolutions of several classes of linear determinantal varieties. By this we mean varieties that are cut out by the minors of a given rank of a n x m matrix of linear forms on a given projective space. As applications, we obtain pairs of derived-equivalent Calabi-Yau manifolds, and address a question by A. Bondal asking whether the derived category of any smooth projective variety can be fully faithfully embedded in the derived category of a smooth Fano variety. Moreover we discuss the relation between rationality and categorical representability in codimension two for determinantal varieties.
Logarithmic bundles of deformed Weyl arrangements of type $A_2$
We consider deformations of the Weyl arrangement of type $A_2$, which include the extended Shi and Catalan arrangements. These last ones are well-known to be free. We study their sheaves of logarithmic vector fields in all other cases, and show that they are Steiner bundles. Also, we determine explicitly their unstable lines. As a corollary, some counter-examples to the shift isomorphism problem are given.
Rank two aCM bundles on the del Pezzo fourfold of degree 6 and its general hyperplane section
International audience; In the present paper we completely classify locally free sheaves of rank 2 with vanishing intermediate cohomology modules on the image of the Segre embedding $\mathbb{P}^2$ x $\mathbb{P}^2 \subseteq \mathbb{P}^8$ and its general hyperplane sections.Such a classification extends similar already known results regarding del Pezzo varieties with Picard numbers 1 and 3 and dimension at least 3.
Moduli spaces of rank two aCM bundles on the Segre product of three projective lines
Let P^n be the projective space of dimension n on an algebraically closed field of characteristic 0 and F be the image of the Segre embedding of P^1xP^1xP^1 inside P^7. In the present paper we deal with the moduli spaces of locally free sheaves E on F of rank 2 with h^i(F,E(t))=0 for i=1,2 and each integer t.
A remark on hyperplane sections of rational normal scrolls
We present algebraic and geometric arguments that give a complete classification of the rational normal scrolls that are hyperplane section of a given rational normal scrolls.
A construction of equivariant bundles on the space of symmetric forms
We construct stable vector bundles on the space of symmetric forms of degree d in n+1 variables which are equivariant for the action of SL_{n+1}(C), and admit an equivariant free resolution of length 2. For n=1, we obtain new examples of stable vector bundles of rank d-1 on P^d, which are moreover equivariant for SL_2(C). The presentation matrix of these bundles attains Westwick's upper bound for the dimension of vector spaces of matrices of constant rank and fixed size.
The Coble Quadric
Given a smooth genus three curve $C$, the moduli space of rank two stable vector bundles on C with trivial determinant embeds in $\mathbb{P}^8$ as a hypersurface whose singular locus is the Kummer threefold of $C$; this hypersurface is the Coble quartic. Gruson, Sam and Weyman realized that this quartic could be constructed from a general skew-symmetric fourform in eight variables. Using the lines contained in the quartic, we prove that a similar construction allows to recover SU$_C(2, L)$, the moduli space of rank two stable vector bundles on C with fixed determinant of odd degree L, as a subvariety of $G(2, 8)$. In fact, each point $p \in C$ defines a natural embedding of SU$_C(2, \mathca…
On stability of logarithmic tangent sheaves. Symmetric and generic determinants
We prove stability of logarithmic tangent sheaves of singular hypersurfaces D of the projective space with constraints on the dimension and degree of the singularities of D. As main application, we prove that determinants and symmetric determinants have stable logarithmic tangent sheaves and we describe an open dense piece of the associated moduli space.
Truncated modules and linear presentations of vector bundles
We give a new method to construct linear spaces of matrices of constant rank, based on truncated graded cohomology modules of certain vector bundles as well as on the existence of graded Artinian modules with pure resolutions. Our method allows one to produce several new examples, and provides an alternative point of view on the existing ones.
Ulrich bundles on K3 surfaces
We show that any polarized K3 surface supports special Ulrich bundles of rank 2.
On the derived category of the Cayley plane II
We find a full strongly exceptional collection for the Cayley plane OP2, the simplest rational homogeneous space of the exceptional group E6. This collection, closely related to the one given by the second author in [J. Algebra, 330:177-187, 2011], consists of 27 vector bundles which are homogeneous for the group E6, and is a Lefschetz collection with respect to the minimal equivariant embedding of OP2.