Rosa María Cibrián Ortiz De Anda
Aplicación del KAHOOT para la mejora de la adquisición de los objetivos del aprendizaje en el alumnado de Fisiología de los órganos del lenguaje y la audición
[EN] One of the most used applications as a strategy of gamification in the classroom for the improvement of the learning process is KAHOOT. However, there are not many studies that have evaluated the repercussion of the application of sessions of this game at the end of the subject in the results of the final evaluation. In this way, the application of two complete sessions of KAHOOT was carried out at the end of the subject "Physiology of the Organs of Language and Hearing" of the Degree in Speech Pathology of the Universitat de València (course 2016-2017), with the objective of reviewing the contents related to the learning objectives of the subject. Two questionnaires, one for each sess…
Quantification of topographic changes in the surface of back of young patients monitored for idiopathic scoliosis: correlation with radiographic variables.
Idiopathic scoliosis requires a close follow-up while the patient is skeletally immature to detect early progression. Patients who are monitored by radiographs are exposed to high doses of ionizing radiation. The purpose of this study is to evaluate if an optic noninvasive method of back surface topography based on structured light would be clinically useful in the follow-up of young patients with idiopathic scoliosis. This could reduce the number of radiographs made on these children. Thirty-one patients with idiopathic scoliosis were submitted twice to radiograph and our topographic method at intervals of 6 months to 1 year. Three topographical variables were applied horizontal plane defo…
Correlation between Topographic Parameters Obtained by Back Surface Topography Based on Structured Light and Radiographic Variables in the Assessment of Back Morphology in Young Patients with Idiopathic Scoliosis
<sec><title>Study Design</title><p>Optical cross-sectional study.</p></sec><sec><title>Purpose</title><p>To study the correlation between asymmetry of the back (measured by means of surface topography) and deformity of the spine (quantified by the Cobb angle).</p></sec><sec><title>Overview of Literature</title><p>The Cobb angle is considered the gold standard in diagnosis and follow-up of scoliosis but does not correctly characterize the three-dimensional deformity of scoliosis. Furthermore, the exposure to ionizing radiation may cause harmful effects particularly during the growth stage, includi…
Effect of in-class group clicker-quiz competition on student final exam performance.
Study between anb angle and wits appraisal in cone beam computed tomography (cbct)
Objectives: To analyse the ANB and Wits values and to study correlations between those two measurements and other measurements in diagnosing the anteroposterior maxilo-mandibular relationship with CBCT. Study Design: Ninety patients who had previously a CBCT (i-CAT ® ) as a diagnostic register were selected. A 3D cephalometry was designed using one software package, InVivo5 ® . This cephalometry included 3 planes of reference, 3 angle measurements and 1 linear measurement. The means and standard deviations of the mean of each measurement were assessed. After that, a Pearson's correlation coefficient has been performed to analyse the significance of each relationship. Results: When classifyi…
A new 3D method for measuring cranio-facial relationships with cone beam computed tomography (CBCT)
Objectives: CBCT systems, with their high precision 3D reconstructions, 1:1 images and accuracy in locating cephalometric landmarks, allows us to evaluate measurements from craniofacial structures, so enabling us to replace the anthropometric methods or bidimensional methods used until now. The aims are to analyse cranio-facial relationships in a sample of patients who had previously undergone a CBCT and create a new 3D cephalometric method for assessing and measuring patients. Study Design: 90 patients who had a CBCT (i-Cat®) as a diagnostic register were selected. 12 cephalometric landmarks on the three spatial planes (X,Y,Z) were defined and 21 linear measurements were established. Using…
Displacement measurements in structural elements by optical techniques
Speckle metrology and holographic interferometry (HI) have been used in several civil engineering applications. We present the results obtained by applying speckle photography (SP) to the study of two quadratic shearwalls with different boundary conditions, and the potential of the technique in the study of this kind of structures is described. The analysis of Young's fringes obtained with this technique at certain points on each shearwall provides the whole field of displacement measurements. HI has been used to measure the three components of absolute displacement, verifying that the bulging phenomenon does not affect the in-plane components when the applied load remains on the same plane…
Evaluation of the validity of the Bolton Index using cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT)
Aims: To evaluate the reliability and reproducibility of calculating the Bolton Index using cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT), and to compare this with measurements obtained using the 2D Digital Method. Material and Methods: Traditional study models were obtained from 50 patients, which were then digitized in order to be able to measure them using the Digital Method. Likewise, CBCTs of those same patients were undertaken using the Dental Picasso Master 3D® and the images obtained were then analysed using the InVivoDental programme. Results: By determining the regression lines for both measurement methods, as well as the difference between both of their values, the two methods are shown t…
Estudio de las deformidades de la columna vertebral mediante la topografía de superficie de la espalda basada en luz estructurada
Actualmente, la prueba “gold estándar” para el diagnóstico de la escoliosis y otras deformidades de la columna vertebral es la radiografía de raquis completo (ángulo de Cobb), pero este método presenta una serie de limitaciones ya que no caracteriza completamente la deformidad tridimensional del raquis y puede conllevar, en dosis repetidas, graves riesgos para la salud. Por estos motivos, se presenta un nuevo método óptico, no invasivo, de topografía de superficie de espalda basada en luz estructurada para el estudio de las deformidades vertebrales, que permite cuantificar las asimetrías de la forma de la espalda en los tres planos del espacio mediante tres variables topográficas: DHOPI, PO…
Insights on the use of thermography in human physiology practical classes
Determination of strain and stress distribution on shearwalls by using the speckle photography technique
Abstract Speckle photography (SP) is a powerful tool that is adequate to determine small displacements in micrometer range. This information shows other characteristics of structure deformation under loads and can be determined as stress and strain distribution. In this paper we present the results of the application of the SP technique used to study the behaviour of discontinuities in a shearwall model. These structural elements are very important to the stability of buildings. The displacement whole field around the discontinuities and loading points was determined using the pointwise method. This allows us to determine stress distribution at the point of interest by means of the suitable…
Métodos no radiológicos para la valoración de las deformidades del raquis
La escoliosis y otras deformidades de la columna vertebral clásicamente son evaluadas para su diagnóstico y seguimiento mediante métodos radiográficos. El problema radica en los efectos nocivos de dosis repetidas de radiación ionizante en los pacientes en crecimiento, así como en el hecho de que el método de Cobb radiográfico no caracteriza por sí solo la deformidad vertebral, ya que depende de otros factores. Se presenta una revisión actualizada sobre nuevas técnicas no invasivas que han surgido a lo largo de los últimos veinte años para la evaluación de las deformidades vertebrales con el objetivo de complementar y sustituir, al menos parcialmente, los estudios radiográficos Scoliosis and…
Displacements measurement in a building model using the speckle photography technique
The use of reduced scale models in civil engineering has made it possible to study large structures such as buildings. Using non-destructive optical techniques such as double-exposure speckle photography, extremely valuable results can be obtained, where mathematical methods are often not very exact. This work studies the model of an eighteen-storey building in which displacements can be measured at each storey of each view. It also presents a comparison of the displacement field, which was obtained with the Finite Element Method.
Revisión y actualización de la eficacia del screening o cribado en la escoliosis idiopática del adolescente.
La escoliosis idiopática del adolescente es el tipo más frecuente de escoliosis. Actualmente, la realización rutinaria de un "screening" o cribado para la escoliosis resulta ser un tema controvertido puesto que existen dudas sobre su eficacia real en disminuir la tasa de cirugía en estos pacientes y supone una importante tasa de falsos positivos. Se realiza, por ello, una revisión y actualización sobre el tema del "screening" en la escoliosis idiopática del adolescente. Adolescent idiopathic scoliosis is the most common type of scoliosis. Nowadays, routine screening in scoliosis turns out to be controversial as to there are doubts about its actual effectiveness in reducing the rate of surge…
Evolution of dental arches characteristics in two age groups
Introducción: Se comparan las características dimensionales de las arcadas dentarias entre dos grupos de edades diferentes, adolescentes y adultos jóvenes, para analizar las variaciones asociadas a la edad, sexo y a la influencia del tratamiento ortodóncico. Material y método: Se utilizaron dos muestras: 88 pares de modelos de escayola de adolescentes (edad media 14,05 años) y 65 de adultos (edad media 22,15 años). Se usó un método digital para la medición de los diámetros mesiodistales de los dientes, distancias intercaninas e intermolares, longitudes de las arcadas y se obtuvo el apiñamiento dentario inferior. Para el análisis estadístico se agruparon las muestras de cada grupo de edad po…
Digital diagnosis records in orthodontics. An overview.
Actualmente la tecnología digital es una realidad que cada vez se impone más en todos los ámbitos clínicos y, por tanto, existe una incorporación también de los ortodoncistas a la digitalización de los registros ortodóncicos diagnósticos. En este trabajo queremos hacer una valoración sobre las ventajas y desventajas, del uso de la radiografía digital, la fotografía digital así como de la última incorporación, los modelos de estudio digitalizados. Basados en encuestas previas, mostraremos la situación actual en nuestro país en cuanto al número de profesionales que utilizan estos registros digitales de manera sistemática. Digital technology is becoming day by day a more important procedure in…
Clinical application of back surface topography by means of structured light in the screening of idiopathic scoliosis
We present the results of the clinical validity in the screening of idiopathic scoliosis with a nonharming method of back surface topography by means of structured light projection. A total of 155 patients were evaluated (mean age 13.3 years). They were divided into two groups: pathologic patients (scoliosis) and nonpathologic patients (control and asymmetries). An analytical case-control study was carried out. Our topographic method obtained 92% sensitivity and 74% specificity as a screening test in identifying patients with scoliosis (P=0.05). We could quantify the vertebral deformity of scoliosis in the three spatial planes by means of three topographic variables, Horizontal Plane Deform…
La acetabuloplastia de Staheli en el tratamiento de la enfermedad de Legg-Calvé-Perthes en mayores de 6 años. Estudio preliminar
Objetivo: Valorar los resultados funcionales y radiográficos de la acetabuloplastia de Staheli como alternativa terapéutica en el tratamiento quirúrgico de la enfermedad de Legg-Calvé-Perthes de debut tardío.Material y método: Estudio retrospectivo de 7 pacientes con enfermedad de Legg-Calvé-Perthes tratados mediante acetabuloplastia de Staheli con un tiempo de seguimiento medio de tres años y tres meses. Se analizan parámetros clínicos (movilidad prequirúrgica y al final del seguimiento) así como parámetros radiográficos (clasificación de Herring, índice acetábulo-cabeza de Heyman-Herndon y el ángulo centro-borde de Wiberg) previos al tratamiento quirúrgico, tras el tratamiento quirúrgico …
Un procedimiento para la determinación no lesiva de la rugosidad de la piel mediante correlación de speckles laser
Application of infrared thermography as a complementary technique to conventional imaging techniques in paediatrics: case studies
The use of infrared thermography has been shown to be useful in several areas. Its applicability in medicine is based on the fact that the skin emits spontaneously and continuously infrared radiati...
Introduction: Historical Perspective of Infrared Thermography and Its Application in Sport Science
Within the various chapters of this book, the methodology and different applications of infrared thermography in sport science will be discussed. But what are the origins of infrared thermography? What has its development been like in sport science? The present introductory chapter of the book aims to show the historical developments of infrared thermography and, fundamentally, its application in sport science.
Physics Principles of the Infrared Thermography and Human Thermoregulation
Although it is easy to capture a thermal image with infrared thermography, it is necessary to have the basic knowledge about how it works and the physical laws relating to it, as well as the radiative characteristics of the different bodies, and how heat is transferred between space and bodies. This knowledge is essential to establishing a logical hypothesis, using the camera rigorously, and interpreting the thermal data correctly. The aim of this chapter is to present the basic physical principles of infrared thermography, heat transfer and human thermoregulation.
Measurement of Young's modulus of cementitious materials using an electro-optic holographic technique
Abstract The electro-optic holographic technique has already been used to determine Young's dynamic modulus in homogeneous materials based on the resonance frequency of the analysed samples. This paper shows a modification of the determination method of this frequency that speeds up this process thus obtaining Young's modulus. Based on the visualisation of real time fringes drawn by exciting the rods at the 1000–10,000 Hz range, the proposed method allows us to determine their resonance frequencies. This procedure has been used in the analysis of non-homogeneous materials such as mortar and concrete. The results obtained by this method show good correlation with those determined by the conv…
Association between physiological stress and skin temperature response after a half marathon
OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study was to determine the association between skin temperature response and the physiological stress after a half marathon. APPROACH: Seventeen runners were measured 48 h before, 24 h before, 24 h after and 48 h after completing a half marathon. The measurements on each day of testing included blood markers (creatine kinase [CK] and glutamate oxaloacetate transaminase [GOT]), perception of pain and fatigue (using a visual analogue scale), skin temperature (using infrared thermography), and jump performance (using countermovement jump test). MAIN RESULTS: CK (p 1.0) increased 24 h after the half marathon, whereas jump performance decreased (p < 0.01 a…
Effects of the cycling workload on core and local skin temperatures
[EN] Purpose: The aim of the study was to determine the influence of cycling workload on the variation of core and skin temperature of the different body regions, and the relationship between both temperature variables. Method: Fourteen cyclists performed two 45-min cycling tests at 35% and 50% of peak power output on different days. The cadence was constant in both tests (90 rpm). Core temperature was measured continuously throughout the test and local skin temperature was recorded before, immediately after and 10 min after finishing the cycling test. Differences in variation of the core and skin temperature and in the effort perception and body mass loss due to different cycling workload …