Pierre Combris
Impact of the information provided to consumers on their willingness to pay for Champagne : comparison with hedonic scores
International audience; L'étude a été effectuée afin de comparer deux mécanismes destinés à révéler les préférences des consommateurs : une enchère Vickrey qui mesure la disposition à payer, et un test hédonique classique. A travers ces deux méthodes, l'objectif était d'estimer les effets respectifs des caractéristiques sensorielles et de l'information externe sur l'évaluation de cinq champagnes brut non millésimés. Cent-ving-trois consommateurs ont été assignés au hasard aux deux groupes et ont utilisé l'une des méthodes. Quelle que soit la méthode, ils ont évalué les champagnes à l'aveugle, puis sur la base d'une présentation des bouteilles et, enfin, après l'observation de la bouteille e…
Rapport du groupe de travail "SHS et santé" de l'alliance Athéna
Le groupe de travail « SHS et santé » de l’alliance Athéna est chargé d’une mission anticipatrice portant sur les thématiques de Sciences Humaines et Sociales concernant la santé afin de stimuler et faire évoluer la recherche de SHS sur ce domaine, et d’en assurer l’ouverture internationale. Ce travail de prospective vise tout à la fois à énoncer des recommandations de l’alliance Athéna en direction de l’ANR et à doter l’alliance d’orientations et d’actions dans ce domaine pour sa propre stratégie scientifique et pour a nourrir les échanges avec ses partenaires, notamment l’alliance Aviesan.Selon une approche de type matriciel, le groupe a identifié 4 lignes de questionnement sur des thèmes…
Using economic and sensory experiments to test for stability in preference for fish
International audience
What do we learn from comparing hedonic scores and willingness to pay data? [O8.2]
Hedonic measurements are generally conducted in a blind condition and thus evaluate consumer reactions to the sensory characteristics of the products whereas auctions are generally conducted to determine consumer valuation of extrinsic characteristics. In the last 10 years these two approaches were combined to reveal consumer preferences. Thus, tasting was introduced in the auction procedures. However, only two papers reported a comparison of these two approaches (Lange et al., 2002 with a between-subject design and Noussair et al., 2004 with a within-subject design). The aim of this paper is to present such a comparison on four data sets collected in our laboratory for different food produ…
Impact of information and in-home sensory exposure on liking and willingness to pay: The beginning of Fairtrade labeled coffee in France.
This study was conducted to assess how the Fairtrade label interacts with the perception of intrinsic product characteristics on liking and purchase decisions and to estimate the evolution of this interaction after exposure to the coffees and/or exposure to ethical information. In a first session, 119 consumers gave liking scores for 2 regular and 2 Fairtrade coffees under a blind tasting condition. Then, they were asked to indicate the maximum price they would pay for each product in 2 auctions taking place under different information conditions. In the first auction, participants saw the packaging but did not taste the coffee; in the second auction, they could both taste the coffee and se…
Demand for french baguette: do BDM and real choice experiment give similar results?
International audience; The aim of this study was to compare two non-hypothetical approaches commonly used to reveal consumer willingness to pay. The accordance between these two methods can be examined at an aggregate level by comparing demand curves. One hundred and seventy-seven participants tested 4 baguettes in each task. For the real choice experiment, participants were faced to 17 scenarios. In each scenario, consumers chose between the four baguettes at various prices and a „no purchase‟ option. To compare data obtained with both methods we estimated demand curves for each baguette. We observed small differences between demand for French baguette obtained with the BDM mechanism and …
What does it matter for consumers: sensory pleasure or health? A willingness to exchange approach
International audience; Sensory pleasure and health concerns are two often conflicting dimensions of food choices. Consequently, it is important to develop methods to assess the relative importance of immediate sensory pleasure and future health benefits in consumers’ decisions. In the present experiment, the impact of sensory characteristics and nutritional labelling was examined for a snack product: chips. Three variants of chips were used: a regular recipe, a low salt version, and a low fat one. They were presented to 124 consumers in three different conditions: blind condition where consumers tasted the chips, product’s label (the expected liking was evaluated), and full information con…
Product information, hedonic evaluation, and purchase decision: an experimental study of orange juice
AbstractTwo randomly sampled groups of subjects were endowed with real budgets and placed in 5 different budget/price situations. In each situation they had to evaluate 6 orange juices and complete a demand table. At the end of the experiment, one demand table was randomly selected and participants had to buy the corresponding products. In one group, participants choose after looking at the packaging in the other they could also taste the products. Results show that participants who chose without tasting, made quicker decisions, selected a larger number of variants and were more influenced by prices than those who could taste the products. Although choices appeared very heterogeneous, most …
Information nutritionnelle, choix et caractéristiques des consommateurs
Consumers’ food decisions are based on the information they receive and on their own individual characteristics. This paper is based on an experiment using experimental economics and sensory evaluation to measure individual characteristics of participants and to analyze the impact of nutritional information relative to orange juice. The aim is to explore the potential link between specific characteristics (risk aversion, time preference) and the reactions of consumers to nutritional information. The results show that participants react significantly to this information supplied, positively for the pure orange juice and a negatively for orange nectars. In addition, “risk averse” individuals …
Vegetable texture preference of 8 to 11 year-old children
Fichier pdf/ Biblio AS (par année) / poster presentation
[Qualité attendue contre qualité perçue : arbitrage avec les prix]
International audience; Cet article rend compte d'une étude menée afin de comparer le comportement des consommateurs qui doivent choisir des produits sous contrainte économique, selon deux conditions différentes : quand la qualité perçue est basée sur une attente générée par des images fabriquées et, à l'inverse, quand la qualité perçue est basée sur l'expérience sensorielle en présence d'images fabriquées. Les participants de l'expérience ont été choisis au hasard, dotés d'un budget réel et placés dans cinq situations différentes de prix/budget. Ils ont formulé leurs choix parmi six jus d'orange dans chaque situation prix/budget. Ce travail a été réalisé pour les deux conditions différente…
Assessing the effect of information on the reservation price for Champagne: what are consumers actually paying for?
AbstractTwo series of Vickrey auctions have been performed to assess the effect of packaging information (bottle and label) on the reservation prices of ordinary consumers for five brut non-vintage Champagnes. As in other studies on wine tasting, packaging information is found to explain much more of the variation in willingness to pay than sensory information. Participants are unable, or unwilling, to put different values on the Champagnes after blind tasting, but significant differences in reservation prices appear when labels are disclosed. Detailed analysis of choices reveals a large heterogeneity in individual behaviors and valuations of the Champagnes included in this study. (JEL Clas…
Are decisions in a real choice experiment consistent with reservation prices elicited with BDM 'auction'? The case of French baguettes
Abstract The aim of this study was to compare consumer choices observed in a real choice experiment and their reservation prices elicited with the BDM mechanism in order to assess the rationality of participant behaviors. One hundred and seventy-seven participants tested four French baguettes in each task. For the real choice experiment, participants were faced with 17 scenarios (17 × 4 baguette-price combinations). In each method, participants could select a “no purchase” option. Comparing choices and reservation prices made it possible to assess the rationality of participant behaviors. From a strict economic standpoint, 50% of observed choices were fully rational. When one baguette was a…
Consumer acceptance of nutritional innovation in traditional cheeses: effect of omega-3 information on hedonic scores and valuation
International audience
Impact of the information provided to the consumers on their willingness to pay : comparison of two methods applied on Champagne
National audience