Costanza Argiroffi
The EM(T) of stellar coronae
Studying the solar corona, due to its vicinity, is the starting point to understand stellar activity. The emission measure distribution vs temperature, EM(T), is a useful tool to study coronal plasmas, in fact it allows: to investigate the energy balance of coronal plasmas, to easily compare different stars, and also to compare the solar corona to that of other active stars irrespective of the very different observing techniques. The EM(T) of the solar corona differs significantly, in terms of average plasma temperatures, peak temperatures, and total emission measure, with respect to that of active stars. In this work it is discussed how the evaluation of the EM(T) of the solar corona, and …
Supersaturation and activity-rotation relation in PMS stars: the young Cluster h Per
The magnetic activity of late-type MS stars is characterized by different regimes, and their activity levels are well described by Ro, the ratio between P_rot and the convective turnover time. Very young PMS stars show, similarly to MS stars, intense magnetic activity. However they do not show clear activity-rotation trends, and it still debated which stellar parameters determine their magnetic activity levels. To bridge the gap between MS and PMS stars, we studied the activity-rotation relation in the young cluster h Per, a ~13 Myr old cluster, that contains both fast and slow rotators, whose members have ended their accretion phase and have already developed a radiative core. It offers us…
Radiative accretion shocks along nonuniform stellar magnetic fields in classical T Tauri stars
(abridged) AIMS. We investigate the dynamics and stability of post-shock plasma streaming along nonuniform stellar magnetic fields at the impact region of accretion columns. We study how the magnetic field configuration and strength determine the structure, geometry, and location of the shock-heated plasma. METHODS. We model the impact of an accretion stream onto the chromosphere of a CTTS by 2D axisymmetric magnetohydrodynamic simulations. Our model takes into account the gravity, the radiative cooling, and the magnetic-field-oriented thermal conduction. RESULTS. The structure, stability, and location of the shocked plasma strongly depend on the configuration and strength of the magnetic f…
High Energy Emission from Shocks Due to Jets and Accretion in Young Stars with Disks: Combining Observations, Numerical Models, and Laboratory Experiments
High energy emission from young stars with disks, with all their components due to accretion and outflow activity, can have a deep impact on the evolution of their disks and on the formation of exo-planetary systems. An inter-disciplinary approach, which combines multi-wavelength observations, magnetohydrodynamical models, and laboratory experiments, allows us to get a more complete description of the accretion/ejection phenomena characterizing young stars. We discuss the case of the HH 154 jet, its X-ray emission localized at the base of the jet and its complex morphology, comparing observations, models, and laser experiments. We present the comparison between magnetohydrodynamical models …
Hydrodynamic Modeling of Accretion Shock on CTTSs
High resolution (R ~ 600) X-ray observations of some classical T Tauri stars (CTTSs) (TW Hya, BP Tau, V4046 Sgr, MP Mus and RU Lupi) have shown the presence of X-ray plasma at T ~ 2–3 × 106 K and denser than n e ~ 1011 cm-3 [1, 2, 3, 4, 5], which suggests an origin different from the coronal one (n e ~ 1010 cm_3). Stationary models demonstrated that X-ray emission from CTTSs could also be produced by the accreting material [6]. We address this issue with the aid of a time-dependent hydrodynamic numerical model describing the impact of an accretion stream onto the chromosphere of a CTTS (see [7] for more details). Our simulations include the effects of gravity, radiative losses from opticall…
Laboratory evidence for asymmetric accretion structure upon slanted matter impact in young stars
Aims. Investigating the process of matter accretion onto forming stars through scaled experiments in the laboratory is important in order to better understand star and planetary system formation and evolution. Such experiments can indeed complement observations by providing access to the processes with spatial and temporal resolution. A previous investigation revealed the existence of a two-component stream: a hot shell surrounding a cooler inner stream. The shell was formed by matter laterally ejected upon impact and refocused by the local magnetic field. That laboratory investigation was limited to normal incidence impacts. However, in young stellar objects, the complex structure of magne…
Rotationally modulated X-ray emission from the accretion shock in CTTS
To study the accretion shocks of classical T Tauri stars (CTTS) we obtained high-resolution X-ray spectra of two CTTS, V2129 Oph and V4046 Sgr, to look for phase-resolved X-ray signatures of shock-heated plasma. The 200 ks Chandra/HETGS observation of V2129 Oph (a 1.35 M sun star, rotating in 6.5 d) covered 0.5 stellar rotation. The 360 ks XMM/RGS observation of V4046 Sgr (a binary system, with two 0.9 M sun components, synchronously rotating in 2.42 d) monitored 2.2 system rotations. The stellar photosphere, magnetic field, and accretion geometry of both stars were constrained by quasi-simultaneous optical monitoring (photometry, spectroscopy, and spectropolarimetry). The cool plasma compo…
Accretion in young stars: measure of the stream velocity of TW Hya from the X-ray Doppler shift
High-resolution X-ray spectra are a unique tool to investigate the accretion process in young stars. In fact X-rays allow to investigate the accretion-shock region, where the infalling material is heated by strong shocks due to the impact with the denser stellar atmosphere. Here we show for the first time that it is possible to constrain the velocity of the accretion stream by measuring the Doppler shift of the emitted X-rays. To this aim we analyzed the deep Chandra/HETGS observation of the accreting young star TW Hya. We selected a sample of emission lines free from significant blends, fitted them with gaussian profiles, computed the radial velocity corresponding to each line, and average…
MHD Modeling of Accretion Processes in Young Stars with the PLUTO Code
As shown by observations, many young stars (age<5-10 Myr) harbor a circumstellar disk and accrete material from it through the star-disk magnetosphere. Despite the large amount of observational data in the infrared, optical and X-ray bands, different issues regarding star-disk interactions are still yet open. Many of these issues need detailed physical models of the star-disk system for a better insight. To this end, we are developing a model describing the interaction between the accreting material and the star atmosphere, using the 3D Magneto-HydroDynamical (MHD) code PLUTO developed at the University of Torino. We plan to perform a set of demanding simulations on the PI2S2 Grid infrastru…
High Resolution X-ray Spectroscopy of Pre-Main-Sequence Stars: TWA 5 and PZ Tel
We report on the analysis of high resolution X-ray spectra of two pre-main-sequence stars: TWA 5 (observed with XMM-Newton) and PZ Telescopii (observed with Chandra/HETGS). TWA 5 is a classical T Tauri star in the TW Hydrae association while PZ Tel is a rapidly rotating weak-lined T Tauri star in the beta-Pictoris moving group. For both stars we have reconstructed the emission measure distribution and derived the coronal abundances to check for possible patterns of the abundances related to the first ionization potential of the various elements. We have also derived estimates of the plasma density from the analysis of the He-like triplets. We compare the characteristics of our targets with …
Testing the Ability of Field Extrapolation Models to Predict the X-ray Emission Properties of Pre-Main Sequence Stars
By extrapolating from observationally derived magnetic surface maps, obtained through Zeeman-Doppler imaging, models of stellar magnetospheres can be constructed. By assuming that the plasma trapped along the closed field lines is in hydrostatic equilibrium, coronal X-ray emission properties, such as the global X-ray emission measure and the amount of rotational modulation of X-ray emission, can be predicted. For pre-main sequence magnetospheres the analysis can be extended to incorporate accretion flows, and predict the amount of softer X-ray emission from accretion spots that would be observed. I will detail the preliminary results of an ambitious multi-wavelength, multi-observing site, a…
CSI 2264: Simultaneous optical and X-ray variability in pre-main sequence stars. I. Time resolved X-ray spectral analysis during optical dips and accretion bursts in stars with disks
Pre-main sequence stars are variable sources. In stars with disks, this variability is related to the morphology of the inner circumstellar region (<0.1 AU) and that of the photosphere and corona, all impossible to be spatially resolved with present day techniques. This has been the main motivation for the Coordinated Synoptic Investigation of NGC 2264. In this paper, we focus on the stars with disks. We analyze the X-ray spectral properties extracted during optical bursts and dips in order to unveil the nature of these phenomena. We analyze simultaneous CoRoT and Chandra/ACIS-I observations to search for coherent optical and X-ray flux variability in stars with disks. Then, stars are an…
XMM-Newton observations of the Upper Scorpius association
The Gaia-ESO Public Spectroscopic Survey
The Gaia-ESO Public Spectroscopic Survey has begun and will obtain high quality spectroscopy of some 100000 Milky Way stars, in the field and in open clusters, down to magnitude 19, systematically covering all the major components of the Milky Way. This survey will provide the first homogeneous overview of the distributions of kinematics and chemical element abundances in the Galaxy. The motivation, organisation and implementation of the Gaia-ESO Survey are described, emphasising the complementarity with the ESA Gaia mission. Spectra from the very first observing run of the survey are presented.
Activity and Rotation in the Young Cluster h Per
We study the stellar rotation-activity relation in the crucial age at which stars reach the fastest rotation. To this aim we have analyzed data of the young cluster h Per, very rich and compact, located at 2300 pc, that at an age of 13 Myr should be mainly composed of stars that have ended their contraction phase and that have not lost significant angular momentum viamagnetic breaking. To constrain the activity level of h Per members we have analyzed a deep Chandra/ACIS-I observation. Rotational periods of h Per members have been derived by Moraux et al. (2013) in the framework of the MONITOR project (Aigrain et al. 2007; Irwin et al. 2007). In the Chandra observation we have detected 1010 …
Non-stationary dynamo and magnetospheric accretion processes of the classical T Tauri star V2129 Oph
We report here the first results of a multiwavelength campaign focussing on magnetospheric accretion processes of the classical T Tauri star V2129 Oph. In this paper, we present spectropolarimetric observations collected in 2009 July with ESPaDOnS at the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope and contemporaneous photometry secured with the SMARTS facility. Circularly polarized Zeeman signatures are clearly detected, both in photospheric absorption and accretion-powered emission lines, from time-series of which we reconstruct new maps of the magnetic field, photospheric brightness and accretion-powered emission at the surface of V2129 Oph using our newest tomographic imaging tool - to be compared wi…
X-ray emission from the old CTTS MP Muscae
We study the properties of X-ray emitting plasma of MP Mus, an old classical T Tauri star. XMM-Newton/RGS spectra allow us to measure the plasma electron density, which probes whether X-ray emission is produced in the accretion process. X-ray emission from MP Mus originates from high density cool plasma but a hot flaring component is also present, suggesting that both coronal magnetic activity and accretion contribute to the observed X-ray emission. From the soft part of the X-ray emission from MP Mus, mostly produced by plasma heated in the accretion shock, we derive the accretion parameters and the characteristics of the shock-heated plasma.
X-ray optical depth diagnostics of T Tauri accretion shocks
In classical T Tauri stars, X-rays are produced by two plasma components: a hot low-density plasma, with frequent flaring activity, and a high-density lower temperature plasma. The former is coronal plasma related to the stellar magnetic activity. The latter component, never observed in non-accreting stars, could be plasma heated by the shock formed by the accretion process. However its nature is still being debated. Our aim is to probe the soft X-ray emission from the high-density plasma component in classical T Tauri stars to check whether this is plasma heated in the accretion shock or whether it is coronal plasma. High-resolution X-ray spectroscopy allows us to measure individual line f…
Role of local absorption on the X-ray emission from MHD accretion shocks in classical T Tauri stars
Accretion processes onto classical T Tauri stars (CTTSs) are believed to generate shocks at the stellar surface due to the impact of supersonic downflowing plasma. Although current models of accretion streams provide a plausible global picture of this process, several aspects are still unclear. For example, the observed X-ray luminosity in accretion shocks is, in general, well below the predicted value. A possible explanation discussed in the literature is in terms of significant absorption of the emission due to the thick surrounding medium. Here we consider a 2D MHD model describing an accretion stream propagating through the atmosphere of a CTTS and impacting onto its chromosphere. The m…
The Voyage of Metals in the Universe from Cosmological to Planetary Scales: the need for a Very High-Resolution, High Throughput Soft X-ray Spectrometer
Metals form an essential part of the Universe at all scales. Without metals we would not exist, and the Cosmos would look completely different. Metals are primarily born through nuclear processes in stars. They leave their cradles through winds or explosions, and then start their journey through space. This can lead them in and out of astronomical objects on all scales, ranging from comets, planets, stars, entire galaxies, groups and clusters of galaxies to the largest structures of the Universe. Their wanderings are fundamental in determining how these objects, and the entire universe, evolve. In addition, their bare presence can be used to trace what these structures look like. The scope …
CSI2264: Simultaneous optical and X-ray variability in the pre-main sequence stars of NGC2264. II: Photometric variability, magnetic activity, and rotation in classIII objects and stars with transition disks
Pre-main sequence stars are variable sources. In diskless stars this variability is mainly due to the rotational modulation of dark photospheric spots and active regions, as in main sequence stars even if associated with a stronger magnetic activity. Aims. We aim at analyzing the simultaneous optical and X-ray variability in these stars to unveil how the activity in the photosphere is connected with that in the corona, to identify the dominant surface magnetic activity, and to correlate our results with stellar properties, such as rotation and mass. Methods. We analyzed the simultaneous optical and X-ray variability in stars without inner disks (e.g., class III objects and stars with transi…
Laboratory disruption of scaled astrophysical outflows by a misaligned magnetic field
The shaping of astrophysical outflows into bright, dense, and collimated jets due to magnetic pressure is here investigated using laboratory experiments. Here we look at the impact on jet collimation of a misalignment between the outflow, as it stems from the source, and the magnetic field. For small misalignments, a magnetic nozzle forms and redirects the outflow in a collimated jet. For growing misalignments, this nozzle becomes increasingly asymmetric, disrupting jet formation. Our results thus suggest outflow/magnetic field misalignment to be a plausible key process regulating jet collimation in a variety of objects from our Sun’s outflows to extragalatic jets. Furthermore, they provide…
Activity-rotation relation in the young cluster h Per
The activity-rotation relation in PMS stars is still an open issue. To bridge the gap between the well constrained case of MS stars and the puzzling case of very young PMS stars, we studied the activity-rotation relation in the young cluster h Persei. Because of its age (˜13 Myr) h Per contains both fast and slow rotators, allowing us therefore to test the different regimes of stellar dynamo. We analyzed a deep Chandra/ACIS-I observation to constrain the activity level of h Per members. Rotational periods were derived by tet{MorauxArtemenko2013}. From the comparison of the 1002 detected X-ray sources, and the 586 h Per members with measured rotational period, we obtained a final catalog of …
The Close T Tauri Binary System V4046 Sgr: Rotationally Modulated X-Ray Emission from Accretion Shocks
We report initial results from a quasi-simultaneous X-ray/optical observing campaign targeting V4046 Sgr, a close, synchronous-rotating classical T Tauri star (CTTS) binary in which both components are actively accreting. V4046 Sgr is a strong X-ray source, with the X-rays mainly arising from high-density (n_e ~ 10^(11-12) cm^(-3)) plasma at temperatures of 3-4 MK. Our multiwavelength campaign aims to simultaneously constrain the properties of this X-ray emitting plasma, the large scale magnetic field, and the accretion geometry. In this paper, we present key results obtained via time-resolved X-ray grating spectra, gathered in a 360 ks XMM-Newton observation that covered 2.2 system rotatio…
High Energy Emission and its Variability in Young Stellar Objects
Young stars show a variety of highly energetic phenomena, from accretion and outflow processes to hot coronal plasmas confined in their outer atmosphere, all regulated by the intense stellar magnetic fields. Many aspects on each of these phenomena are debated, but, most notably, their complex mutual interaction remains obscure. In this work I report how these phenomena are simultaneously responsible for the high-energy emission from young stars, with a special focus on the expected and observed variability in the X-ray band. Investigating variations in the X-ray emission from young stars allows us to pose constraints on flare and coronal plasma properties, coronal heating, accretion stream …
X-rays from accretion shocks in classical T Tauri stars: 2D MHD modeling and the role of local absorption
AbstractIn classical T Tauri stars (CTTS) strong shocks are formed where the accretion funnel impacts with the denser stellar chromosphere. Although current models of accretion provide a plausible global picture of this process, some fundamental aspects are still unclear: the observed X-ray luminosity in accretion shocks is order of magnitudes lower than predicted; the observed density and temperature structures of the hot post-shock region are puzzling and still unexplained by models.To address these issues we performed 2D MHD simulations describing an accretion stream impacting onto the chromosphere of a CTTS, exploring different configurations and strengths of the magnetic field. From th…
Multi-wavelength diagnostics of accretion in an X-ray selected sample of CTTSs
High resolution X-ray spectroscopy has revealed soft X-rays from high density plasma in Classical T-Tauri stars (CTTSs), probably arising from the accretion shock region. However, the mass accretion rates derived from the X-ray observations are consistently lower than those derived from UV/optical/NIR studies. We aim to test the hypothesis that the high density soft X-ray emission is from accretion by analysing optical accretion tracers from an X-ray selected sample of CTTSs in a homogeneous manner. We analyse optical spectra of a sample of CTTSs and calculate the accretion rates based on measuring optical emission lines. These are then compared to the accretion rates derived from the X-ray…
Collisionless shock heating of heavy ions in SN 1987A
Astrophysical shocks at all scales, from those in the heliosphere up to the cosmological shock waves, are typically "collisionless", because the thickness of their jump region is much shorter than the collisional mean free path. Across these jumps, electrons, protons, and ions are expected to be heated at different temperatures. Supernova remnants (SNRs) are ideal targets to study collisionless processes because of their bright post-shock emission and fast shocks. Although optical observations of Balmer-dominated shocks in young SNRs showed that the post-shock proton temperature is higher than the electron temperature, the actual dependence of the post-shock temperature on the particle mass…
The enigmatic young brown dwarf binary FU Tau: accretion and activity
FU Tau belongs to a rare class of young, wide brown dwarf binaries. We have resolved the system in a Chandra X-ray observation and detected only the primary, FU Tau A. Hard X-ray emission, presumably from a corona, is present but, unexpectedly, we detect also a strong and unusually soft component from FU Tau A. Its X-ray properties, so far unique among brown dwarfs, are very similar to those of the T Tauri star TW Hya. The analogy with TW Hya suggests that the dominating soft X-ray component can be explained by emission from accretion shocks. However, the typical free-fall velocities of a brown dwarf are too low for an interpretation of the observed X-ray temperature as post-shock region. O…
Optical spectroscopy of X-ray sources in the Taurus molecular cloud: discovery of ten new pre-main sequence stars
We have analyzed optical spectra of 25 X-ray sources identified as potential new members of the Taurus molecular cloud (TMC), in order to confirm their membership in this SFR. Fifty-seven candidates were previously selected among the X-ray sources in the XEST survey, having a 2MASS counterpart compatible with a PMS star based on color-magnitude and color-color diagrams. We obtained high-resolution optical spectra for 7 of these candidates with the SARG spectrograph at the TNG telescope, which were used to search for Li absorption and to measure the Ha line and the radial and rotational velocities; 18 low-resolution optical spectra obtained with DOLORES for other candidate members were used …
Observational diagnostics of accretion on young stars and brown dwarfs
I present a summary of recent observational constraints on the accretion properties of young stars and brown dwarfs with focus on the high-energy emission. In their T Tauri phase young stars assemble a few percent of their mass by accretion from a disk. Various observational signatures of disks around pre-main sequence stars and the ensuing accretion process are found in the IR and optical regime: e.g. excess emission above the stellar photosphere, strong and broad emission lines, optical veiling. At high energies evidence for accretion is less obvious, and the X-ray emission from stars has historically been ascribed to magnetically confined coronal plasmas. While being true for the bulk of…
Surface and Atmospheric Structure on the T Tauri Star V2129 Oph
We provide an overview of a multi-wavelength observing campaign focusing on the accretion and coronal processes in the young star V2129 Oph. V2129 Oph is a classical T Tauri star with a 6.5 day rotation period in the ρ Oph star forming region. On 27-29 June 2009 we obtained two 100 ksec Chandra HETG exposures, aiming at opposite hemispheres of the star. We discuss the X-ray data elsewhere. In order to place the coronal X-ray emission in context, we obtained contemporaneous optical and near-IR photometry and high dispersion optical spectroscopy. The photometry shows the existence of dark photospheric spots. The Hα line profiles show a modulation of the mean Hα velocity and the presence of re…
The magnetosphere of the close accreting PMS binary V4046 Sgr
V4046 Sagittarii AB is a close short-period classical T Tauri binary. It is a circularised and synchronised system accreting from a circumbinary disk. In 2009 it was observed as part of a coordinated program involving near-simultaneous spectropolarimetric observations with ESPaDOnS at the Canada-France-Hawai'i Telescope and high-resolution X-ray observations with XMM-Newton. Magnetic maps of each star were derived from Zeeman-Doppler imaging. After briefly highlighting the most significant observational findings, we present a preliminary 3D model of the binary magnetosphere constructed from the magnetic maps using a newly developed binary magnetic field extrapolation code. The large-scale f…
The large-scale magnetic field of the eccentric pre-main-sequence binary system V1878 Ori
We report time-resolved, high-resolution optical spectropolarimetric observations of the young double-lined spectroscopic binary V1878 Ori. Our observations were collected with the ESPaDOnS spectropolarimeter at the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope through the BinaMIcS large programme. V1878 Ori A and B are partially convective intermediate mass weak-line T Tauri stars on an eccentric and asynchronous orbit. We also acquired X-ray observations at periastron and outside periastron. Using the least-squares deconvolution technique (LSD) to combine information from many spectral lines, we clearly detected circular polarization signals in both components throughout the orbit. We refined the orbita…
The GAPS programme at TNG
Understanding stellar activity in M dwarfs is fundamental to improving our knowledge of the physics of stellar atmospheres and for planet search programmes. High levels of stellar activity (also with flare events) can cause additional variations in the stellar emission that contaminate the signal induced by a planet and that need to be corrected. The study of activity indicators in active stars can improve our capability of modelling this signal. Our aim is to understand the behaviour of stellar chromospheres of M stars, studying the more sensitive chromospheric activity indicators, characterising their variability and on finding the correlations among these indicators to obtain information…
Deep X-ray view of the Class I YSO Elias 29 with XMM-Newton and NuSTAR
[Abridged] We investigated the X-ray characteristics of the Class I YSO Elias 29 with joint XMM-Newton and NuSTAR observations of 300 ks and 450 ks, respectively. These are the first observations of a very young (<1 Myr) stellar object in a band encompassing simultaneously both soft and hard X-rays. In addition to the hot Fe complex at 6.7 keV, we observed fluorescent emission from Fe at $\sim6.4$ keV, confirming the previous findings. The line at 6.4 keV is detected during quiescent and flaring states and its flux is variable. The equivalent width is found varying in the $\approx 0.15--0.5$ keV range. These values make unrealistic a simple model with a centrally illuminated disk and sug…
Mass Accretion Impacts in Classical T Tauri Stars: A Multi-disciplinary Approach
Accretion of matter is a process that plays a central role in the physics of young stellar objects. The analysis of the structure by which matter settles on the star can unveil key information about the process of star formation by providing details on mass accretion rates, stellar magnetic field configurations, possible effects of accretion on the stellar coronal activity, etc. Here we review some of the achievements obtained by our group by exploiting a multi-disciplinary approach based on the analysis of multi-dimensional magnetohydrodynamic simulations, multi-wavelength observations, and laboratory experiments of accretion impacts occurring onto the surface of classical T Tauri stars (C…
X-ray emission from an adolescent classical T Tauri star
Coordinated Optical/X-ray observations of the CTTS V2129 Oph The Chandra View
Young low-mass accreting stars (classical T Tauri stars; CTTSs) possess strong magnetic fields that are responsible for the regulation of the accretion and outflow processes, and the confinement and heating of coronal plasma. Understanding the physics of CTTS magnetospheres and of their interaction with circumstellar disks can elucidate the history and evolution of our own Sun and Solar System, at the stage when planets were being formed. In June 2009 we have conducted an extensive multi-wavelength observing campaign of V2129 Oph, a K5 CTTS in the ρ Ophiuchi molecular cloud, with the goal of obtaining a synoptic view of its photosphere, magnetic field, coronal plasma, and of its accretion s…
Multiwavelength diagnostics of accretion in an X-ray selected sample of CTTSs
Context. High resolution X-ray spectroscopy has revealed soft X-rays from high density plasma in classical T Tauri stars (CTTSs), probably arising from the accretion shock region. However, the mass accretion rates derived from the X-ray observations are consistently lower than those derived from UV/optical/NIR studies. Aims: We aim to test the hypothesis that the high density soft X-ray emission originates from accretion by analysing, in a homogeneous manner, optical accretion indicators for an X-ray selected sample of CTTSs. Methods: We analyse optical spectra of the X-ray selected sample of CTTSs and calculate the accretion rates based on measuring the Hα, Hβ, Hγ, He ii 4686 Å, He i 5016 …
On coronal structures and their variability in active stars: The case of Capella observed with Chandra/LETGS
In this paper we present a detailed analysis of two X-ray spectra of Capella, taken eleven months apart with the Low Energy Transmission Grating Spectrometer (LETGS) of the Chandra Observatory. We have studied variability of the coronal emission over different time scales, both in the whole X-ray band and in narrow temperature ranges identified by lines. The comparison of the two observations shows that the whole coronal emission of Capella in March 2000 was 3% higher than in February 2001; there also appears to be a tendency, albeit a marginal one, for the hottest lines to show the largest changes between the two observations. A detailed search for short-term variability (on time scales ra…
Redshifted X-rays from the material accreting onto TW Hya: evidence of a low-latitude accretion spot
High resolution spectroscopy, providing constraints on plasma motions and temperatures, is a powerful means to investigate the structure of accretion streams in CTTS. In particular, the accretion shock region, where the accreting material is heated to temperatures of a few MK as it continues its inward bulk motion, can be probed by X-ray spectroscopy. To attempt to detect for the first time the motion of this X-ray-emitting post-shock material, we searched for a Doppler shift in the deep Chandra/HETGS observation of the CTTS TW Hya. This test should unveil the nature of this X-ray emitting plasma component in CTTS, and constrain the accretion stream geometry. We searched for a Doppler shift…
A stellar flare-coronal mass ejection event revealed by X-ray plasma motions
Coronal mass ejections (CMEs), often associated with flares, are the most powerful magnetic phenomena occurring on the Sun. Stars show magnetic activity levels up to 10^4 times higher, and CME effects on stellar physics and circumstellar environments are predicted to be significant. However, stellar CMEs remain observationally unexplored. Using time-resolved high-resolution X-ray spectroscopy of a stellar flare on the active star HR 9024 observed with Chandra/HETGS, we distinctly detected Doppler shifts in S XVI, Si XIV, and Mg XII lines that indicate upward and downward motions of hot plasmas (~10-25 MK) within the flaring loop, with velocity v~100-400 km/s, in agreement with a model of fl…
Modeling accretion shocks on CTTSs and their X-ray emission
Recent high spectral resolution X-ray observations of some CTTSs show the presence of high density plasma (ne=10^{11}-10^{13} cm^{-3}) at temperature T=2-3 MK. This plasma is likely heated up by an accretion shock on the star surface. We investigate this issue by an accurate modelling of the impact of an accretion stream onto the stellar chromosphere. Specifically, we present a large set of 1D hydrodynamical simulations aimed at investigating the physical properties of the system as a function of the density, and the velocity of the accretion stream and of the abundances of the heavy elements. We also synthesize the plasma X-ray emission from the simulations results, in order to link the ob…
New view of the corona of classical T Tauri stars: Effects of flaring activity in circumstellar disks
Classical T Tauri stars (CTTSs) are young low-mass stellar objects accreting mass from their circumstellar disks. They are characterized by high levels of coronal activity as revealed by X-ray observations. This activity may affect the disk stability and the circumstellar environment. Here we investigate if an intense coronal activity due to flares occurring close to the accretion disk may perturb the inner disk stability, disrupt the inner part of the disk and, possibly, trigger accretion phenomena with rates comparable with those observed. We model a magnetized protostar surrounded by an accretion disk through 3D magnetohydrodinamic simulations. We explore cases characterized by a dipole …
Simbol-X capability of detecting the non-thermal emission of stellar flares.
We investigate the capability of detecting, with Simbol-X, non-thermal emission during stellar flares, and distinguishing it from hot thermal emission. We find that flare non-thermal emission is detectable when at least ~20 cts are detected with the CZT detector in the 20-80 keV band. Therefore Simbol-X will detect the non-thermal emission from some of the X-ray brightest nearby stars, whether the thermal vs. non-thermal relation, derived for solar flares, holds.
Variable X-ray emission from the accretion shock in the classical T Tauri star V2129 Ophiuchi
The soft X-ray emission from high density plasma in CTTS is associated with the accretion process. It is still unclear whether this high density cool plasma is heated in the accretion shock, or if it is coronal plasma fed/modified by the accretion process. We conducted a coordinated quasi-simultaneous optical and X-ray observing campaign of the CTTS V2129 Oph (Chandra/HETGS data to constrain the X-ray emitting plasma components, and optical observations to constrain the characteristics of accretion and magnetic field). We analyze a 200 ks Chandra/HETGS observation of V2129 Oph, subdivided into two 100 ks segments, corresponding to two different phases within one stellar rotation. The X-ray …
High Performance Computing on the COMETA Grid Infrastructure
We present the High Performance Computing (HPC) projects jointly developed at the INAF - Osservatorio Astronomico di Palermo and at the DSFA - Universita` di Palermo which benefits of the Grid infrastructure of COMETA. We have contributed to setup the infrastructure in order to run HPC applications on the Grid. We report on our experience regarding to porting HPC applications to the Grid and to the first HPC simulations performed. The most demanding simulations describe the interaction of a magnetized supernova shock wave with an interstellar gas cloud. We discuss the resources required for the simulations, the performance and the scalability of our code on the Grid, and present first resul…
Hydrodynamic Modeling of Accretion Impacts in Classical T Tauri Stars: Radiative Heating of the Pre-shock Plasma
Context. It is generally accepted that, in classical T Tauri stars, the plasma from the circumstellar disc accretes onto the stellar surface with free-fall velocity and the impact generates a shock. The impact region is expected to contribute to emission in different spectral bands; many studies have confirmed that the X-rays arise from the post-shock plasma but, otherwise, there are no studies in the literature investigating the origin of the observed UV emission which is apparently correlated to accretion. Aims: We investigated the effect of radiative heating of the infalling material by the post-shock plasma at the base of the accretion stream, with the aim to identify in which region a …
XMM-Newton survey of two upper Scorpius regions
We study X-ray emission from young stars by analyzing deep XMM-Newton observations of two regions of the Upper Scorpius association, having an age of 5 Myr. Based on near infrared and optical photometry we identify 22 Upper Scorpius photometric members among the 224 detected X-ray sources. We derive coronal properties of Upper Scorpius stars by performing X-ray spectral and timing analysis. The study of four strong and isolated stellar flares allows us to derive the length of the flaring loops. Among the 22 Upper Scorpius stars, 13 are identified as Upper Scorpius photometric members for the first time. The sample includes 7 weak-line T Tauri stars and 1 classical T Tauri star, while the na…
V4046 Sgr: X-rays from accretion shock
AbstractWe present results of the X-ray monitoring of V4046 Sgr, a close classical T Tauri star binary, with both components accreting material. The 360 ks long XMM observation allowed us to measure the plasma densities at different temperatures, and to check whether and how the density varies with time. We find that plasma at temperatures of 1–4 MK has high densities, and we observe correlated and simultaneous density variations of plasma, probed by O VII and Ne IX triplets. These results strongly indicate that all the inspected He-like triplets are produced by high-density plasma heated in accretion shocks, and located at the base of accretion flows.
Magnetohydrodynamic Modeling of the Accretion Shocks in Classical T Tauri Stars: The Role of Local Absorption in the X-Ray Emission
We investigate the properties of X-ray emission from accretion shocks in classical T Tauri stars (CTTSs), generated where the infalling material impacts the stellar surface. Both observations and models of the accretion process reveal several aspects that are still unclear: the observed X-ray luminosity in accretion shocks is below the predicted value, and the density versus temperature structure of the shocked plasma, with increasing densities at higher temperature, deduced from the observations, is at odds with that proposed in the current picture of accretion shocks. To address these open issues we investigate whether a correct treatment of the local absorption by the surrounding medium …
The flaring and quiescent components of the solar corona
The solar corona is a template to understand stellar activity. The Sun is a moderately active star, and its corona differs from active stars: active stellar coronae have a double-peaked EM(T) with the hot peak at 8-20 MK, while the non flaring solar corona has one peak at 1-2 MK. We study the average contribution of flares to the solar EM(T) to investigate indirectly the hypothesis that the hot peak of the EM(T) of active stellar coronae is due to a large number of unresolved solar-like flares, and to infer properties on the flare distribution from nano- to macro-flares. We measure the disk-integrated time-averaged emission measure, EM_F(T), of an unbiased sample of solar flares analyzing u…
3D YSO accretion shock simulations: a study of the magnetic, chromospheric and stochastic flow effects
AbstractThe structure and dynamics of young stellar object (YSO) accretion shocks depend strongly on the local magnetic field strength and configuration, as well as on the radiative transfer effects responsible for the energy losses. We present the first 3D YSO shock simulations of the interior of the stream, assuming a uniform background magnetic field, a clumpy infalling gas, and an acoustic energy flux flowing at the base of the chromosphere. We study the dynamical evolution and the post-shock structure as a function of the plasma-beta (thermal pressure over magnetic pressure). We find that a strong magnetic field (~hundreds of Gauss) leads to the formation of fibrils in the shocked gas …
X-ray emission from dense plasma in classical T Tauri stars: hydrodynamic modeling of the accretion shock
Context: High spectral resolution X-ray observations of classical T Tauri stars (CTTSs) demonstrate the presence of plasma at temperature T~2-3×10^6 K and density n_e~10^11-10^13 cm^-3, which are unobserved in non-accreting stars. Stationary models suggest that this emission is due to shock-heated accreting material, but do not allow us to analyze the stability of the material and its position in the stellar atmosphere. Aims: We investigate the dynamics and stability of shock-heated accreting material in classical T Tauri stars and the role of the stellar chromosphere in determining the position and thickness of the shocked region. Methods: We perform one-dimensional hydrodynamic simulation…
Simultaneous Kepler/K2 and XMM-Newton observations of superflares in the Pleiades
Flares are powerful events ignited by a sudden release of magnetic energy. With the aim of studying flares in the 125-Myr-old stars in the Pleiades observed simultaneously in optical and X-ray light, we obtained new XMM-Newton observations of this cluster during the observations of Kepler K2 Campaign 4. Our objective is to characterize the most powerful flares observed in both bands and to constrain the energy released in the optical and X-ray, the geometry of the loops, and their time evolution. We aim to compare our results to existing studies of flares occurring in the Sun and stars at different ages. We selected bright X-ray/optical flares occurred in 12 known members of the Pleiades fr…
Effects of radiation in accretion regions of classical T Tauri stars
Models and observations indicate that the impact of matter accreting onto the surface of young stars produces regions at the base of accretion columns, in which optically thin and thick plasma components coexist. Thus an accurate description of these impacts requires to account for the effects of absorption and emission of radiation. We study the effects of radiation emerging from shock-heated plasma in impact regions on the structure of the pre-shock downfalling material. We investigate if a significant absorption of radiation occurs and if it leads to a pre-shock heating of the accreting gas. We developed a radiation hydrodynamics model describing an accretion column impacting onto the su…
Time-resolved Spectroscopy of DROXO X-ray Sources: Flares and Fe Kα emission
We present a systematic search for Fe Kα emission from young stellar objects of the ρ Ophiuchi star forming region observed in the Deep Rho Ophiuchi XMM-Newton Observation.
UV And X-Ray Emission from Impacts of Fragmented Accretion Streams on Classical T Tauri Stars
According to the magnetoshperic accretion scenario, during their evo- lution, Classical T Tauri stars accrete material from their circumstellar disk. The accretion process is regulated by the stellar magnetic eld and produces hot and dense post-shocks on the stellar surface as a result of impacts of the downfalling material. The impact regions are expected to strongly radiate in UV and X-rays. Several lines of evidence support the magnetospheric accretion scenario, especially in optical and infrared bands. However several points still remain unclear as, for instance,where the complex-pro le UV lines originate, or whether and how UV and X-ray emission is produced in the same shock region. Th…
X-ray emission from MP Muscae: an old classical T Tauri star
We study the properties of X-ray emitting plasma of MP Mus, an old classical T Tauri star. We aim at checking whether an accretion process produces the observed X-ray emission and at deriving the accretion parameters and the characteristics of the shock-heated plasma. We compare the properties of MP Mus with those of younger classical T Tauri stars to test whether age is related to the properties of the X-ray emission plasma. XMM-Newton X-ray spectra allows us to measure plasma temperatures, abundances, and electron density. In particular the density of cool plasma probes whether X-ray emission is produced by plasma heated in the accretion process. X-ray emission from MP Mus originates from…
Modeling X-ray Emission From The Coronae Of Low Mass Stars
By extrapolating from observationally derived surface magnetograms of low-mass stars we construct models of their coronal magnetic fields and compare the 3D field geometries with axial multipoles. AB Dor, which has a radiative core, has a very complex field, whereas V374 Peg, which is completely convective, has a simple dipolar field. We calculate global X-ray emission measures assuming that the plasma trapped along the coronal loops is in hydrostatic equilibrium and compare the differences between assuming isothermal coronae, or by considering loop temperature profiles. Our preliminary results suggest that the non-isothermal model works well for the complex field of AB Dor, but not for the…
GSC 07396-00759 = V4046 Sgr C[D]: A Wide-separation Companion to the Close T Tauri Binary System V4046 Sgr AB
We explore the possibility that GSC 07396-00759 (spectral type M1e) is a widely separated (~2.82', or projected separation ~12,350 AU) companion to the "old" (age ~12 Myr) classical T Tauri binary system V4046 Sgr AB, as suggested by the proximity and similar space motions of the two systems. If the two systems are equidistant and coeval, then GSC 07396--00759, like V4046 Sgr AB, must be a spectroscopic binary with nearly equal-mass components, and V4046 Sgr must be at least ~8 Myr old. Analysis of a serendipitous Chandra X-ray gratings spectrum and light curve as well as XMM-Newton light curves and CCD spectra of GSC 07396-00759 obtained during long exposures targeting V4046 Sgr AB reveals…
XMM-Newton spectroscopy of the metal depleted T Tauri star TWA 5
We present results of X-ray spectroscopy for TWA 5, a member of the young TW Hydrae association, observed with XMM-Newton. TWA~5 is a multiple system which shows Halpha emission, a signature typical of classical T Tauri stars, but no infrared excess. From the analysis of the RGS and EPIC spectra, we have derived the emission measure distribution vs. temperature of the X-ray emitting plasma, its abundances, and the electron density. The characteristic temperature and density of the plasma suggest a corona similar to that of weak-line T Tauri stars and active late-type main sequence stars. TWA 5 also shows a low iron abundance (~0.1 times the solar photospheric one) and a pattern of increasin…
X-ray emitting MHD accretion shocks in classical T Tauri stars. Case for moderate to high plasma-beta values
AIMS. We investigate the stability and dynamics of accretion shocks in CTTSs, considering the case of beta >= 1 in the post-shock region. In these cases the 1D approximation is not valid and a multi-dimensional MHD approach is necessary. METHODS. We model an accretion stream propagating through the atmosphere of a CTTS and impacting onto its chromosphere, by performing 2D axisymmetric MHD simulations. The model takes into account the stellar magnetic field, the gravity, the radiative cooling, and the thermal conduction (including the effects of heat flux saturation). RESULTS. The dynamics and stability of the accretion shock strongly depends on the plasma beta. In the case of shocks with…
Impacts of fragmented accretion streams onto Classical T Tauri Stars: UV and X-ray emission lines
Context. The accretion process in Classical T Tauri Stars (CTTSs) can be studied through the analysis of some UV and X-ray emission lines which trace hot gas flows and act as diagnostics of the post-shock downfalling plasma. In the UV band, where higher spectral resolution is available, these lines are characterized by rather complex profiles whose origin is still not clear. Aims. We investigate the origin of UV and X-ray emission at impact regions of density structured (fragmented) accretion streams.We study if and how the stream fragmentation and the resulting structure of the post-shock region determine the observed profiles of UV and X-ray emission lines. Methods. We model the impact of…
X-shooter spectroscopy of young stars with disks. The TW Hydrae association as a probe of the final stages of disk accretion
We investigate ongoing accretion activity in young stars in the TW Hydrae association (TWA, ~8-10 Myr), an ideal target to probe the final stages of disk accretion down to brown dwarf masses. Our sample comprises eleven TWA members with infrared excess, amounting to 85% of the total TWA population with disks, with spectral types between M0 and M9, and masses between 0.58 and 0.02 Msol. We employed homogeneous spectroscopic data from 300 to 2500 nm, obtained with X-shooter, to derive individual extinction, stellar parameters, and accretion parameters simultaneously. We then examined Balmer lines and forbidden emission lines to probe the physics of the star-disk interaction environment. We de…
3D numerical modeling of YSO accretion shocks
International audience; The dynamics of YSO accretion shocks is determined by radiative processes as well as the strength and structure of the magnetic field. A quasi-periodic emission signature is theoretically expected to be observed, but observations do not confirm any such pattern. In this work, we assume a uniform background field, in the regime of optically thin energy losses, and we study the multi-dimensional shock evolution in the presence of perturbations, i.e. clumps in the stream and an acoustic energy flux flowing at the base of the chromosphere. We perform 3D MHD simulations using the PLUTO code, modeling locally the impact of the infalling gas onto the chromosphere. We find t…
M Stars in the TW Hya Association: Stellar X-rays and Disk Dissipation
To investigate the potential connection between the intense X-ray emission from young, low-mass stars and the lifetimes of their circumstellar, planet-forming disks, we have compiled the X-ray luminosities ($L_X$) of M stars in the $\sim$8 Myr-old TW Hya Association (TWA) for which X-ray data are presently available. Our investigation includes analysis of archival Chandra data for the TWA binary systems TWA 8, 9, and 13. Although our study suffers from poor statistics for stars later than M3, we find a trend of decreasing $L_X/L_{bol}$ with decreasing $T_{eff}$ for TWA M stars wherein the earliest-type (M0--M2) stars cluster near $\log{(L_X/L_{bol})} \approx -3.0$ and then $\log{(L_X/L_{bol…
Large Scale Properties of Coronal Heating along the Solar Cycle
We discuss various studies of the global properties of coronal heating. Some of them find power laws tying the X-ray luminosity with the magnetic flux of individual structures, of the whole Sun, and of active solar-type stars. Others are based on methods to model the Sun as an X-ray star. We also briefly discuss solar-like active stars and how the Sun fits in the whole scenario. We use a new model, including all flares, of the Sun as an X-ray star to describe the evolution of the corona along the solar cycle and the implications on the heating of closed coronal structures. We point out that, as activity increases, more heating is released into the confined coronal plasma and such a heating …
YSO accretion shocks: magnetic, chromospheric or stochastic flow effects can suppress fluctuations of X-ray emission
Context. Theoretical arguments and numerical simulations of radiative shocks produced by the impact of the accreting gas onto young stars predict quasi-periodic oscillations in the emitted radiation. However, observational data do not show evidence of such periodicity. Aims. We investigate whether physically plausible perturbations in the accretion column or in the chromosphere could disrupt the shock structure influencing the observability of the oscillatory behavior. Methods. We performed local 2D magneto-hydrodynamical simulations of an accretion shock impacting a chromosphere, taking optically thin radiation losses and thermal conduction into account. We investigated the effects of seve…
Simultaneous Kepler/K2 and XMM‐Newton observations of superflares in the Pleiades
Proceeding of a contributed talk given at the meeting: "TIME-DOMAIN ASTRONOMY: A HIGH ENERGY VIEW" held at ESAC, Madrid, 13 - 15 JUNE 2018 Together with coronal mass ejection, flares are the most energetic stellar magnetic events, ignited by a sudden release of magnetic energy, which triggers a cascade of interconnected phenomena, each resulting in emission in different bands. For this reason, flares are intrinsic multiwavelength phenomena. In particular, optical and soft X-ray emission probes two different events occurring during flares: the heating of plasma in the upper photosphere at the footpoints of the magnetic loops and the heating and cooling of the plasma confined in the loops in …
Laboratory unraveling of matter accretion in young stars
When matter accretes onto a young star, a shell of dense material can form around the impact, reducing its x-ray emission.
On the observability of T Tauri accretion shocks in the X-ray band
Context. High resolution X-ray observations of classical T Tauri stars (CTTSs) show a soft X-ray excess due to high density plasma (n_e=10^11-10^13 cm^-3). This emission has been attributed to shock-heated accreting material impacting onto the stellar surface. Aims. We investigate the observability of the shock-heated accreting material in the X-ray band as a function of the accretion stream properties (velocity, density, and metal abundance) in the case of plasma-beta<<1 in the post-shock zone. Methods. We use a 1-D hydrodynamic model describing the impact of an accretion stream onto the chromosphere, including the effects of radiative cooling, gravity and thermal conduction. We expl…
Inferring possible magnetic field strength of accreting inflows in EXor-type objects from scaled laboratory experiments
Aims. EXor-type objects are protostars that display powerful UV-optical outbursts caused by intermittent and powerful events of magnetospheric accretion. These objects are not yet well investigated and are quite difficult to characterize. Several parameters, such as plasma stream velocities, characteristic densities, and temperatures, can be retrieved from present observations. As of yet, however, there is no information about the magnetic field values and the exact underlying accretion scenario is also under discussion. Methods. We use laboratory plasmas, created by a high power laser impacting a solid target or by a plasma gun injector, and make these plasmas propagate perpendicularly to …
High‐Resolution X‐Ray Spectroscopy of the Post–T Tauri Star PZ Telescopii
We present an analysis of the Chandra High Energy Transmission Grating Spectrometer observation of the rapidly rotating P_(rot)=0.94 d post T Tauri (~20 Myr old) star PZ Telescopii, in the Tucana association. Using two different methods we have derived the coronal emission measure distribution, em(T), and chemical abundances. The em(T) peaks at log T = 6.9 and exhibits a significant emission measure at temperatures log T > 7. The coronal abundances are generally ~0.5 times the solar photospheric values that are presumed fairly representative of the composition of the underlying star. A minimum in abundance is seen at a first ionization potential (FIP) of 7-8 eV, with evidence for higher abu…
Time Resolved X-Ray Spectral Analysis of Class II YSOs in NGC 2264 During Optical Dips and Bursts
Pre-Main Sequence stars are variable sources. The main mechanisms responsible for their variability are variable extinction, unsteady accretion, and rotational modulation of both hot and dark photospheric spots and X-ray active regions. In stars with disks this variability is thus related to the morphology of the inner circumstellar region (<0.1 AU) and that of photosphere and corona, all impossible to be spatially resolved with present day techniques. This has been the main motivations of the Coordinated Synoptic Investigation of NGC2264, a set of simultaneous observations of NGC2264 with 15 different telescopes. We analyze the X-ray spectral properties of stars with disks extracted du…