Emilie Ginon
Impact of a nutritional logo on mid-afternoon snack choices in mother-child dyads
National audience
Logos indicating environmental sustainability in wine production: An exploratory study on how do Burgundy wine consumers perceive them
Corrigendum to “Logos indicating environmental sustainability in wine production: An exploratory study on how do Burgundy wine consumers perceive them”Food Research International, Volume 66, December 2014, Page 515; Logos on environmental sustainability could consist of an effective strategy to provide consumers with accurate, understandable and trustworthy information to encourage them to buy environmentally sustainable wines. However, the large number of different logos indicating environmental sustainability available in the market raises the question of whether their associated messages are successfully conveyed to consumers. In this context, the aim of the present exploratory study was…
Logos on environmental sustainability in wine production: How do Burgundy consumers perceive them?
Logos on environmental sustainability in wine production: How do Burgundy consumers perceive them?. 134.EAAE Seminar. Labels on sustainability: an issue for consumers, producers, policy makers, and NGOs
Impact of reducing fat, salt and sugar in commercial foods on consumer acceptability and willingness to pay in real tasting conditions: A home experiment
International audience; Decreasing obesity or cardiovascular disease can be achieved by eating healthier foods with reduced contents of fat, salt and sugar. However, these ingredients have a significant impact on the sensory quality of the food products that contain these ingredients, especially cooked sausage, chorizo, dry sausage, cheese and muffins. In this study, consumer appreciation of these five commercialized products (non reformulated versions) and their respective reformulated versions with reduced contents of salt, fat and sugar was tested. An original home experiment was performed to assess consumer appreciation in natural consumption conditions. The experiment was divided into …
Evaluating consumers' sustainable choice of wine: A store experiment
Poster (1 page) ; http://www.pangborn2013.com/; International audience; In order to develop successful environmentally sustainable policies that help consumers to change their consumption patterns, it is necessary to better understand consumers' choice criteria and the potential impact of an information campaign. As hypothetical methods are often criticized and as Smith (1980) and Lewitt and List (2007) have shown that laboratory behavior is a good indicator of actual behavior, an experiment was conducted in an experimental store. This option makes possible to control the range of proposed wines and their prices and thus to study the impact of production process, price on purchase and to ev…
How do French consumers perceive organic labels in wine?
International audience
What do we learn from comparing hedonic scores and willingness to pay data? [O8.2]
Hedonic measurements are generally conducted in a blind condition and thus evaluate consumer reactions to the sensory characteristics of the products whereas auctions are generally conducted to determine consumer valuation of extrinsic characteristics. In the last 10 years these two approaches were combined to reveal consumer preferences. Thus, tasting was introduced in the auction procedures. However, only two papers reported a comparison of these two approaches (Lange et al., 2002 with a between-subject design and Noussair et al., 2004 with a within-subject design). The aim of this paper is to present such a comparison on four data sets collected in our laboratory for different food produ…
Apports des mesures de consentement à payer dans l’étude de l’acceptabilité de produits alimentaires bénéficiant d’informations nutritionnelles
Used in a laboratory or survey setting, the declarative methods are very widely used to estimate the consumers preferences. The experimental economic incentive methods allows to make up for hypothetical bias which can affect purely declarative methods. This work sets out several experiments based on methodological comparisons allowing to test the inter-methods validity and to begin external measure validity question. In line with literature previous works, this work allows to highlight assets and limits of the non-hypothetical measures (BDM mechanism and real choice experiment), first one relative to another, second relative to hedonic measures. Two major results were obtained. First, the B…
Demand for french baguette: do BDM and real choice experiment give similar results?
International audience; The aim of this study was to compare two non-hypothetical approaches commonly used to reveal consumer willingness to pay. The accordance between these two methods can be examined at an aggregate level by comparing demand curves. One hundred and seventy-seven participants tested 4 baguettes in each task. For the real choice experiment, participants were faced to 17 scenarios. In each scenario, consumers chose between the four baguettes at various prices and a „no purchase‟ option. To compare data obtained with both methods we estimated demand curves for each baguette. We observed small differences between demand for French baguette obtained with the BDM mechanism and …
Evaluating consumers' willingness to buy environmentally friendly wines: A store experiment
poster + communication courte confidentiels; The French program Ecophyto 2018 aims at achieving a 50% reduction in pesticide use by 2018. The vine-growing sector being the second largest user of pesticides in France, there is a strong need for French vine-growers to engage in more environmentally sustainable practices. However, they will do so if they are sure that consumers are ready to buy environmentally friendly wines. Thus, the two main objectives of this study were to identify consumers' willingness to buy environmentally friendly wines and to estimate the impact of an information campaign. 220 wine consumers participated in the study. Each consumer came twice, at a 3-week interval, i…
Impact d'un logo nutritionnel sur les choix de goûters au sein de la dyade mère-enfant
National audience; Introduction et But de l'étude : L'étiquetage nutritionnel peut constituer un levier pour orienter les choix alimentaires en faveur d'aliments sains. A notre connaissance, aucune étude n'a évalué l'impact du logo Nutri-Score sur les choix de goûter au sein de la dyade mère-enfant. Notre objectif est de comparer la qualité nutritionnelle des goûters choisis avant et après étiquetage des produits avec le logo Nutri-score afin de mesurer son impact et d'évaluer le coût hédonique généré par un éventuel changement de choix. Matériel et Méthodes : 95 dyades mère-enfant (CE2, CM1, CM2) ont participé à une étude conduite en laboratoire où chaque mère et chaque enfant choisissaien…
Identifying motives underlying wine purchase decisions: Results from an exploratory free listing task with Burgundy wine consumers
Abstract To better understand consumer decision making processes while purchasing wine it is important to identify which attributes consumers actually rely on and how they perceive and weight them in order to reach a final decision. The aims of the present work were to identify motives underlying wine purchase decisions and to identify consumer segments with different drivers of wine purchase. One hundred and twenty seven Burgundy wine consumers were asked to complete a free listing task. Relevance of each category of elicited terms was estimated by Smith's and Cognitive saliency indices. Hierarchical cluster analysis was performed on individual Smith's saliency indices. In the free listing…
Does an intervention based on the pleasure of eating healthy foods could favour a positive relationship between food liking and perceived healthiness in children?
International audience; It is generally admitted that consumers perceived unhealthy foods as tastier than healthy foods. However, the opposite association was found in French adults (Werle et al., 2013). Moreover, Marty et al. (2018) found that French children liked healthy foods as much as unhealthy foods. However, the link between liking and perceived healthiness in children needs to be further investigated, in particular at the individual level. Thus, our study aims, first at assessing the link between liking and perceived healthiness in children and, second at determining whether this potential link was modified after an intervention promoting pleasure of consuming healthy foods. To do …
Effect of sensory education on food preferences in children
International audience; During an evaluation of the effects of a French sensory education program for 8-10 years old school children, an experiment was carried out to investigate the influence of the program on the development of children's preferences for stimuli differing in arousal potential (higher complexity and/or intensity). An experimental group (n = 101) who participated in the education program and a control group (n = 102) who did not, rated liking for five stimuli differing in arousal potential in each of three product categories (mashed potatoes, fruit yoghurts and compotes) at three moments: just before (T0) and after (T1) the education program and 10 months later (T2). Althou…
Evaluating consumers' sustainable choice of wine: An on-line shop experiment
Evaluating consumers' sustainable choice of wine: An on-line shop experiment. 143. EAAE / AAEA joint seminar. Consumer behavior in a changing world: food, culture, society
Le bien-être au coeur des réflexions alimentaires à Dijon
National audience
Are decisions in a real choice experiment consistent with reservation prices elicited with BDM 'auction'? The case of French baguettes
Abstract The aim of this study was to compare consumer choices observed in a real choice experiment and their reservation prices elicited with the BDM mechanism in order to assess the rationality of participant behaviors. One hundred and seventy-seven participants tested four French baguettes in each task. For the real choice experiment, participants were faced with 17 scenarios (17 × 4 baguette-price combinations). In each method, participants could select a “no purchase” option. Comparing choices and reservation prices made it possible to assess the rationality of participant behaviors. From a strict economic standpoint, 50% of observed choices were fully rational. When one baguette was a…
Are children more paternalistic than their mothers when choosing snacks?
International audience; This paper focuses on an experiment in which mothers and their child separately chose between relatively healthy foods (flasks of stewed apples) and relatively unhealthy foods (candy bars). Each participant first filled up a first bag for her/himself, and then, a second one for the other person of the dyad. A simple nutritional message on vitamins and sugar contents of foods was then provided, and subsequently each participant filled up a third bag for her/himself and a fourth one for the other person of the dyad. The results show that before revealing the nutritional message, mothers are, on average, "indulgent", which means that they choose a lower number of relati…
Consumer acceptance of nutritional innovation in traditional cheeses: effect of omega-3 information on hedonic scores and valuation
International audience
Amélioration de la teneur en acides gras polyinsaturés longue chaîne n-3 dans différentes viandes/chairs, détermination de leurs propriétés nutritionnelles chez un animal modèle et acceptabilité par les consommateurs
Le bien-être alimentaire du quotidien à l’institution hospitalière : de nouveaux enjeux normatifs.
Cet article interroge la façon dont les questions sanitaires jouent sur les normes en matière de santé. Dans une perspective diachronique et culturellement située, l’objectif de l’article sera, dans un premier temps, de montrer que le bien-être est une valeur évolutive aux prismes des attentes sociétales. D’un bien-être aux contours fermés et délimités, les enjeux sociaux et la forte médiatisation de la nutrition en font une valeur qui évolue, dont la qualification reste toujours difficile à saisir. Dans un second temps, l’article propose la construction d’un outil de mesure du bien-être alimentaire en contexte hospitalier afin d’intégrer des éléments subjectifs et actuels autour des attent…