Raúl Juárez-vela
Coagulation Parameters: An Efficient Measure for Predicting the Prognosis and Clinical Management of Patients with COVID-19
Background. COVID-19 is an ongoing global pandemic. Since the detection of the first cases of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) in Wuhan, China, the current pandemic has affected more than 25.3 million people worldwide. The aim of this study was to evaluate the relationship between coagulation abnormalities and prognosis in a cohort of patients with COVID-19. Methods. We performed a retrospective cohort study of 3581 patients admitted to Hospital La Paz (Madrid, Spain) due to respiratory infection by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus from the beginning of the current pandemic to 15 July 2020. Results. Of the 3581 study patients, 48.94% were men, and 19.80% were healthcare work…
Outcomes of hospitalized patients with COVID-19 according to level of frailty
Background The complications from coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) have been the subject of study in diverse scientific reports. However, many aspects that influence the prognosis of the disease are still unknown, such as frailty, which inherently reduces resistance to disease and makes people more vulnerable. This study aimed to explore the complications of COVID-19 in patients admitted to a third-level hospital and to evaluate the relationship between these complications and frailty. Methods An observational, descriptive, prospective study was performed in 2020. A sample of 254 patients from a database of 3,112 patients admitted to a high-level hospital in Madrid, Spain was analyzed. …
Psychological Impact on the Nursing Professionals of the Rioja Health Service (Spain) Due to the SARS-CoV-2 Virus
Background: The COVID-19 pandemic is a public health emergency that has affected health professionals around the world, causing physical and mental exhaustion with a greater probability of developing mental disorders in professionals who provide healthcare. Objective: The objective of this study was to know the psychological impact of the SARS-CoV-2 virus on the nursing professionals working for the Rioja Health Service. Methods: We conducted an observational and descriptive cross-sectional study. The nursing staff at the Rioja Health Service were invited to respond to a self-administered questionnaire between June and August 2020. Results: A total of 605 health professionals participated i…
Validation of a questionnaire designed to measure nursing student satisfaction with practical training
Objective: to validate an instrument designed to assess practical training and measure nursing student satisfaction with clinical practice modules. Method: cross-sectional study (academic year 2014-2015). Validation of the self-administered, anonymous, 17-item Nursing Student Satisfaction with Practical Training Questionnaire, developed by consensus by eight practical training experts in three nominal group sessions. Exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses were performed to assess internal consistency and validity. Student satisfaction was measured in relation to each module and all modules as a whole. Results: 174 responses. High item-test correlation (≥0.90); Cronbach’s alpha = 0.91;…
Motivations, Beliefs, and Expectations of Spanish Nurses Planning Migration for Economic Reasons: A Cross‐Sectional, Web‐Based Survey
Purpose Migration of nurses is not a new or recent event. During the past few decades, nursing migration flows have been a constant trend worldwide. The main objective of this study was to explore the motivations, beliefs, and expectations that Spanish nurses had when considering migration to another country in the near future. Design Cross-sectional, Internet survey of Spanish nurses planning migration for professional reasons. Methods Ad hoc, web-based questionnaire following the Nurses Early Exit Study guidelines. Findings One hundred seventy-two nurses responded. Fifty percent of the participants intended to emigrate in the following 6 months and had chosen the United Kingdom as their d…
Care Dependency in Patients with Heart Failure: A Cross-Sectional Study in Spain.
Background: Heart failure (HF) is a progressive and debilitating condition that represents an ever-growing problem for health systems worldwide. HF patients feel that they are a burden on their families, they feel socially isolated and have a low perception of their health. Accordingly, the objectives of this study were to: (1) to explore the profile of care dependency in a representative sample of Spanish HF patients through the Care Dependency Scale (CDS), and (2) to identify correlates of care dependency in this population. Material and Methods: We performed a cross-sectional study of 187 patients admitted for HF decompensation to the Hospital Clínico of Zaragoza (Spain). Results: Only 1…
Essential elements of professional nursing environments in Primary Care and their influence on the quality of care.
OBJECTIVES: Nursing work environments are key determinants of care quality. Our study aimed to evaluate the characteristics of nursing environments in primary care settings in the Canary Islands, and identify crucial components of such environments to improve quality. METHOD: We conducted a cross-sectional study in primary care organisations using the Practice Environment Scale - Nursing Work Index tool. We collected sociodemographic variables, scores, and selected the essential items conducive to optimal care. Appropriate parametric and non-parametric statistical tests were used to analyse relations between variables (CI = 95%, error = 5%). RESULTS: One hundred and forty-four nurses partic…
The prevalence of depression, anxiety and stress and their associated factors in college students
Aim: To estimate the prevalence of symptoms of depression, anxiety, stress and associated factors in a population of college students. Method: Cross-sectional study of psychological distress measured through the Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scale (DASS-21) in a sample of 1074 college students. Results: We found a moderate prevalence of depression (18.4%), anxiety (23.6%) and stress (34.5%) symptoms in our study population. Being <
Resilience Scale Psychometric Study. Adaptation to the Spanish Population in Nursing Students
Nursing students and professionals are exposed to highly stressful clinical situations. However, when confronted with stress, which is exacerbated by academic and professional situations, there is a great disparity between those who do not know how to respond suitably to the demands from patients or teachers due to a lack of competence and personal resistance, and those who are more resilient and develop a greater range of strengths. This research aims to analyse the validity and psychometric characteristics of a questionnaire on resilience adapted to Spanish nursing bachelor’s degree students. The participants were 434 undergraduate nursing students from the province of Valencia (Spain) be…
Physical activity in health care professionals as a means of primary prevention of cardiovascular disease: A STROBE compliant cross-sectional study
ABSTRACT: The aim of this study was to assess the physical activity level of health care professionals, as well as the differences by sex, age, academic background, and among different health care professions.This is an cross-sectional study.Health care settings in the Valencian Community, Spain.A total of 647 health care professionals.Physical activity was assessed with the European Health Interview Survey-Physical Activity Questionnaire (EHIS-PAQ) that includes the assessment of work-related physical activity, transport-related physical activity, health-enhancing physical activity, muscle-strengthening physical activity, and total physical activity.93.51% of all health care professionals …
Risk of falling and associated factors in older adults with a previous history of falls
Falls in the elderly are one of the main geriatric syndromes and a clear indicator of fragility in the older adult population. This has serious consequences, leading to an increase in disability, institutionalization and death. The purpose of this cross-sectional study was to analyze the prevalence of risk of falling and associated factors in a population of 213 non-institutionalised, able older adults with a history of falling in the previous year. We used the following assessment tools: Questionnaire of the WHO for the study of falls in the elderly, Geriatric Depression Scale and Tinetti’s Gait and Balance Assessment Tool. Age, using ambulatory assistive devices, polymedication, hospital …
Relationship between Determinants of Health, Equity, and Dimensions of Health Literacy in Patients with Cardiovascular Disease
Background: Health literacy (HL) has been linked to empowerment, use of health services, and equity. Evaluating HL in people with cardiovascular health problems would facilitate the development of suitable health strategies care and reduce inequity. Aim: To investigate the relationship between different dimensions that make up HL and social determinants in patients with cardiovascular disease. Methods: Observational, descriptive, cross-sectional study in patients with cardiovascular disease, aged 50&ndash
Nursing interventions of choice for the prevention and treatment of suicidal behaviour: The umbrella review protocol
Abstract Aim To determine which interventions, from a nursing perspective, can be considered as the interventions of choice for the prevention and treatment of suicidal behaviour. In this way, the umbrella review attempts to identify nursing interventions from the Nursing Interventions Classification (NIC) taxonomy with evidence for this purpose. Design Descriptive study protocol. Methods This umbrella review will consist of an extensive, systematic search of published systematic reviews and meta‐analyses of studies examining interventions of choice for the prevention and treatment of suicidal behaviour. A systematic search of papers indexed in PubMed, CINAHL, Cochrane Database of Systemati…
Transcultural adaptation and validation of the spanish version of the sexual satisfaction scale for women (SSS-W-E)
Background: Sexual satisfaction is a complex and multidimensional concept. It encompasses physical, emotional, relational and cultural dimensions, and constitutes an essential component of sexual health, as well as an indicator of quality of life and wellbeing. The Sexual Satisfaction Scale for Women (SSS-W) was designed in the United States, and it is a valid and reliable tool to measure women’s sexual satisfaction. Aim: The aim of this study was to culturally adapt and translate the SSS-W into Spanish and analyze its psychometric properties. Methods: First, the original instrument was culturally adapted and translated from English to Spanish. Then, we tested the psychometric properties of…
Importance of nutritional assessment tools in the critically ill patient: A systematic review
BackgroundAmong the risks of the critically ill patient, one of the aspects to be taken into account is the high probability of occurrence of malnutrition risk (40–50%). This process leads to increased morbimortality and worsening. The use of assessment tools allows the individualization of care.ObjectiveTo analyze the different nutritional assessment tools used during the admission of critically ill patients.MethodsSystematic review of the scientific literature related to the nutritional assessment of critically ill patients. Between January 2017 and February 2022, articles were rescued from the electronic databases “Pubmed,” “Scopus,” “CINAHL” and “The Cochrane Library”; which will analyz…
Validação de um questionário de satisfação sobre a formação prática de estudantes de enfermagem
Objetivo: validar un instrumento para valorar la formación práctica y la satisfacción con las asignaturas de Practicum de los estudiantes de Enfermería. Método: estudio observacional, descriptivo, transversal (curso 2014-2015). Validación de un cuestionario autoadministrado y anónimo (17 ítems) de Satisfacción sobre el Practicum en Estudiantes de Enfermería, elaborado por consenso de ocho expertos en formación práctica (en tres sesiones de grupo nominal). Se realizó análisis factorial y confirmatorio, estimándose la consistencia interna para determinar su validez. Se calculó la satisfacción de los estudiantes en cada asignatura y en su totalidad. Resultados: 174 respuestas. Alta correlación…
Women's satisfaction with maternity care during preterm birth
Background Women's satisfaction with maternity care is strongly influenced by their sociodemographic characteristics, values, and attitudes. The arrival of a preterm baby is often a traumatic time, with unique factors involved. The Spanish Preterm Birth Experience and Satisfaction Scale (P-BESS) is a robust instrument capable of assessing women's satisfaction during preterm birth. The purpose of this study was to assess women's satisfaction with maternity care during labor and birth with preterm babies in a Spanish-speaking population. Methods This is a cross-sectional study. Participants were 182 women who gave birth within 37 weeks' gestation. Factors associated with satisfaction were stu…
Sleep Quality in Patients with Heart Failure in the Spanish Population: A Cross-Sectional Study
Background: Heart failure is a major problem in western societies. Sleep Disorders maintain a bidirectional relationship with heart failure, as shown by studies conducted in other countries. This study aims to describe the quality of sleep in Spanish patients with heart failure. Materials and methods: We carried out a cross-sectional study to analyze the quality of sleep in a sample of 203 patients with a diagnosis of heart failure admitted to an Internal Medicine Service. The Pittsburg Sleep Quality Index (PSQI) was used to evaluate sleep quality in our sample over a one-month period. Results: 75% of the sample presented sleep disorders. The most common problems included the interruption o…
Results of nurse case management in primary heath care: Bibliographic review
Background: The new characteristics of today&rsquo
Development of a short questionnaire based on the Practice Environment Scale-Nursing Work Index in primary health care
BackgroundProfessional nursing environments determine the quality of care and patient outcomes. Assessing the quality of environments is essential to improve and obtain better health outcomes. Simplifying and shortening the way to evaluate environments reliably is also important to help nurses better understand the strengths and weaknesses of their environments. In that sense, identifying essential elements of nursing environments would allow the construction of short assessment tools to improve such environments.ObjectiveTo construct a short tool to assess primary health care (PHC) nursing environments based on the Practice Environment Scale-Nursing Work Index (PES-NWI) questionnaire.Metho…
Epidemiología de la transfusión sanguínea en los Servicios de Medicina Intensiva en España: «Transfusion Day»
Objective To describe the transfusion practice in the ICUs in Spain, according to national and international recommendations (guidelines).DesignProspective, cross-sectional, multi-centre study.ScopeData collection was carried out by means of a questionnaire sent electronically to the Heads of Service of 111 ICUs in Spain.Participants1,448 patients were included, aged 61.8 (SD 15.7) years, 66.2% male, with an SOFA of 4.7 ± 3.8 and average stay of 10.62 ± 17.49 days.VariablesDemographic and clinical variables of the patients were collected, as well as variables related to the transfusion act.ResultsOf the 1,448 patients, 9.9% received al least one transfusion of any blood product, 3.7% fresh …
Perceived stress in relation to quality of life and resilience in patients with advanced chronic kidney disease undergoing hemodialysis
Background: Patients with chronic kidney disease undergo various stages of therapeutic adaptation which involve lifestyle modifications, physical changes, and adjustment to renal replacement therapy. This process produces adaptive stress. Objective: To identify how resilience, health- related quality of life, and sociodemographic, clinical, and hemodialysis routine-related variables are related to perceived stress in patients with chronic kidney disease receiving hemodialysis for more than six months. Methods: This was a multicenter and cross-sectional study involving 144 patients from the Valencian Community (Spain). The assessment scales used for the study were the Perceived Stress Scale …
Healthy lifestyle and academic performance in middle school students from the region of Aragón (Spain)
A healthy lifestyle is important to the present and future development and health of school age people. This study aims to analyze the relationship between daily lifestyle habits and academic performance in a sample of adolescents from the autonomous community of Aragon (Spain). We performed a cross-sectional study to analyze the lifestyle habits and academic performance of a total of 1745 7th and 8th grade middle school students during the academic year 2018–2019
Study of the Strengths and Weaknesses of Nursing Work Environments in Primary Care in Spain
Background: Nursing work environments are defined as the characteristics of the workplace that promote or hinder the provision of professional care by nurses. Positive work environments lead to better health outcomes. Our study aims to identify the strengths and weaknesses of primary health care settings in Spain. Methods: Cross-sectional study carried out from 2018 to 2019. We used the Practice Environment Scale of the Nursing Work Index and the TOP10 Questionnaire of Assessment of Environments in Primary Health Care for data collection. The associations between sociodemographic and professional variables were analyzed. Results: In total, 702 primary care nurses participated in the study. …
The definition, screening, and treatment of postpartum anemia: A systematic review of guidelines.
Background: Postpartum anemia can negatively affect maternal health and interfere with early parenting. Thus, it is important to have clear, evidence-informed recommendations on its diagnosis and treatment. Objective: To compare global recommendations regarding the appropriate management of postpartum anemia and to highlight similarities and differences. Methods: Systematic searches were conducted in the databases PubMed, CINAHL, LILACS, TRIP database, and Scopus, and in the websites of health institutions and scientific societies. Search terms were related to anemia and the postpartum period. Two hundred and eighty papers were identified; the full texts of 30 sets of guidelines were review…
Blood Donations and Transfusions during the COVID-19 Pandemic in Spain: Impact According to Autonomous Communities and Hospitals
Worldwide, the COVID-19 pandemic has caused a decline in blood donations, between 30% and 70% in some of the most affected countries. In Spain, during the initial eight weeks after the State of Emergency was decreed on 14 March 2020, in the weekly reports of the Health Ministry, an average decrease of 20% was observed between 11 and week 25 compared with the 2018 donation. We aimed to investigate the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on blood donations and blood distribution in four autonomous communities, and to explore the evolution of the consumption of blood components (BCs) in ten hospitals of six autonomous communities. We performed a prospective study of grouped cohorts on the donation…
Essential elements of professional nursing environments in Primary Care and their influence on the quality of care
Objectives Nursing work environments (NWE) are key determinants of care quality. Our study aimed to evaluate the characteristics of nursing environments in primary care settings in the Canary Islands, and identify crucial components of such environments to improve quality. Method We conducted a cross-sectional study in primary care organisations using the Practice Environment Scale - Nursing Work Index (PES-NWI) tool. We collected sociodemographic variables, PES-NWI scores, and selected the essential items conducive to optimal care. Appropriate parametric and non-parametric statistical tests were used to analyse relations between variables (CI = 95%, error = 5%). Results 144 nurses particip…
Association between Life Skills and Academic Performance in Adolescents in the Autonomous Community of Aragon (Spain).
Background: Learning and socio-emotional development is promoted through the creation and nurturing of an optimal school climate. This study aims to analyze the relationship between life skills and academic performance in a large sample of adolescents from the autonomous community of Aragón (Spain). Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted on the life skills and academic performance of a sample of 7th and 8th grade middle school students during the academic year 2018–2019. A sample of 43 middle schools were randomly selected
Transcultural Adaptation and Theoretical Models of Validation of the Spanish Version of the Self-Care of Heart Failure Index Version 6.2 (SCHFI v.6.2)
Background: Heart failure (HF) is a major and growing public health problem worldwide. Across the world, heart failure is associated with high mortality, high hospitalization rates, and poor quality of life. Self-care is defined as a naturalistic decision-making process involving the choice of behaviors that maintain physiologic stability, the response to symptoms when they occur, and the ability to follow the treatment regimen and control symptoms. One instrument used to measure self-care is the Self Care of Heart Failure Index. Aim: The purpose of this study was to test the psychometric properties of the Spanish version of the Self Care of Heart Failure Index v.6.2 (SCHFI v.6.2). Methodol…
Qualitative analysis by experts of the essential elements of the nursing practice environments proposed by the TOP10 questionnaire of assessment of environments in primary health care
Background: A short TOP10 scale based on the Practice Environment Scale-Nursing Work Index questionnaire measures the characteristics of nursing work environments. Positive environments result in better quality care and health outcomes. Objective: To identify a small number of core elements that would facilitate more effective interventions by nurse managers, and compare them with the essential elements proposed by the TOP10. Method: Qualitative research by a nominal group of eight experts. The content analysis was combined with descriptive data. Results: Ten most important items were selected and analyzed by the expert group. A high level of consensus in four items (2, 15, 20, 31) and an a…
The Association between Nutritional Status and In-Hospital Mortality of COVID-19 in Critically-Ill Patients in the ICU
Background: Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) has become one of the leading causes of death worldwide. The impact of poor nutritional status on increased mortality and prolonged ICU (intensive care unit) stay in critically ill patients is well-documented. This study aims to assess how nutritional status and BMI (body mass index) affected in-hospital mortality in critically ill COVID-19 patients Methods: We conducted a retrospective study and analysed medical records of 286 COVID-19 patients admitted to the intensive care unit of the University Clinical Hospital in Wroclaw (Poland). Results: A total of 286 patients were analysed. In the sample group, 8% of patients who died had a BMI withi…