Julie Le Gallo

A Spatial Econometric Analysis of Convergence Across European Regions, 1980–1995

The convergence of European regions has been largely discussed in the macroeconomic and the regional science literature during the past decade. Two observations are often emphasized. First, the convergence rate among European regions appears to be very slow in the extensive samples considered (Barro and Sala-iMartin 1991, 1995; Armstrong 1995a; Sala-i-Martin 1996a, 1996b). Second, as shown in Ertur and Le Gallo (see Chap. 2), the geographical distribution of European per capita GDP is highly clustered.

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Disparités géographiques et convergence des régions européennes : une approche par l'économétrie spatiale

The aim of this dissertation is to analyze the convergence process between European regions by taking into account spatial patterns of economic activities. First, with the help of literature reviews on theoretical and empirical analyses of growth and convergence and on economic geography models, we show in chapter 1 why geographic disparities should be introduced in the study of convergence between economies. Next, the spatial statistic and econometric tools allowing to reach this goal are detailed in chapter 2. Finally, three empirical studies of the convergence process in presence of geographic disparities are carried out. They are based on a sample for per capita GDP of 138 regions, belo…

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La valeur économique des paysages des villes périurbanisées

La recherche présentée ici propose une méthode de description et d’évaluation des caractéristiques d’un paysage qui combine la géographie quantitative et l’économétrie des modèles hédoniques. Un modèle géographique produit des indices caractérisant les paysages à partir d’une reconstitution de la vue depuis le sol, en tenant compte des effets du relief et des masques que les objets hauts opposent à la vue. Il décrit la quantité de paysage vu par un observateur au niveau du sol en la répartissant entre 13 types d’occupations du sol. Les variables produites par le modèle géographique sont utilisées dans des régressions hédoniques qui permettent d’évaluer l’impact des attributs paysagers ain…

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The European regional convergence process, 1980-1995 : Do spatial dependence and spatial heterogeneity matter ?

International audience

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The European Regional Convergence Process, 1980-1995: Do Spatial Regimes and Spatial Dependence Matter?

International audience; The authors show that spatial dependence and spatial heterogeneity matter in the estimation of the ß-convergence process among 138 European regions over the 1980 to 1995 period. Using spatial econometrics tools, the authors detect both spatial dependence and spatial heterogeneity in the form of structural instability across spatial convergence clubs. The estimation of the appropriate spatial regimes spatial error model shows that the convergence process is different across regimes. The authors also estimate a strongly significant spatial spillover effect: the average growth rate of per capita GDP of a given region is positively affected by the average growth rate of …

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Hétérogénéité spatiale : principes et méthodes

Spatial Heterogeneity : Principles and Methods This article has a dual purpose . First , it describes the main econometric specifications which can be used to represent spatial heterogeneity , reflected in an instability of parameters in space and / or a heteroscedasticity of error terms . Only the specifications valid in cross-section are examined . Second , it explains the links between spatial heterogeneity and autocorrelation , the other major feature of localised data , defined by the absence of independence between geographical observations . In particular , we look at the extent to which traditional tests of heteroscedasticity or instability need to be amended to take account of spat…

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The spatial dimension of the French private rental markets: Evidence from microgeographic data in 2015

International audience; This article draws on data collected by local rental observatories in 12 French urban units in 2015 to analyze the spatial dimension of hedonic rental prices in the private rental market through (i) the spatial heterogeneity between urban units and (ii) the wide variety of contextual and locational characteristics (socio-economic, environmental (dis)amenity, and accessibility) and flexible specifications to capture their potential non-linear influence on rent. Based on a joint test of equality of coefficients across all urban units, we find that hedonic prices differ for 75% of the characteristics, thereby justifying a detailed analysis of heterogeneity. Lyon, Nice, …

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Beyond GDP: an analysis of the socio-economic diversity of European regions

International audience; This paper aims to analyze the socioeconomic diversity of the European Union (EU-28) regions from a dynamic perspective. For that purpose, we combine a series of exploratory space-time analysis approaches to multiple Factor Analysis (MFA) applied to a large range of indicators collected at the NUTS-2 level for the period 2000–2015 for the EU-28. First, we find that the first factor of MFA, interpreted as economic development (ECO-DEV), is spatially clustered and that a moderate convergence process is at work between European regions from 2000 to 2015. Second, when comparing these results with those obtained for Gross Domestic Product (GDP) per capita, we show that th…

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Spatial Convergence Clubs and the European Growth Process, 1980-1995

Bernard Fingleton

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Does Airbnb Disrupt the Private Rental Market? An Empirical Analysis for French Cities

This article evaluates whether Airbnb rentals affect the rents in the private rental sector in eight cities in France. We estimate a hedonic equation for each city on individual data for apartments, allowing for heteroscedasticity and spatial error autocorrelation of unknown forms and using a large variety of structural and contextual characteristics of the apartments. We show that the density of Airbnb rentals puts upward pressure on rents in Lyon, Montpellier, and Paris, whereas it has no significant effect in other cities. If we restrict the analysis to the professional business of Airbnb rentals, which we define as the lodgings owned by an investor who rents either several “entire home…

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Spatial Autocorrelation in Econometric Land Use Models: An Overview

International audience; This chapter provides an overview of the literature on econometric land use models including spatial autocorrelation. These models are useful to analyze the determinants of land use changes and to study their implications for the environment (carbon stocks, water quality, biodiversity, ecosystem services). Recent methodological advances in spatial econometrics have improved the quality of econometric models allowing them to identify more precisely the determinants of land use changes and make more accurate land use predictions. We review the current state of the literature on studies which account explicitly for spatial autocorrelation in econometric land use models …

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On the property of diffusion in the spatial error model.

International audience; The aim of this paper is to illustrate the property of global spillover effects in the first-order spatial autoregressive error model and the associated diffusion process of spatial shocks. An application is provided on a sample of 145 regions over 1989–1999 and highlights the most influential regions.

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Convergence of European regions (an approach by spatial econometrics)

The aim of this paper is the analysis of spatial dependence in convergence processes applied to European regions. First, we apply the recently developed exploratory spatial data analysis (Anselin, 1996) in order to describe more precisely the geographical dynamics of European regional income growth patterns. New insights are brought to the usual cr-convergence measure, which hides geographical patterns that may fluctuate over time. Second, we test the presence of spatial autocorrelation in /^-convergence models by using spatial econometrics methods (Anselin, 1988 ; Anselin and Florax, 1995). We compare the results with and without spatial autocorrelation in order to assess the effect of geo…

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Fonds structurels, effets de débordement géographique et croissance régionale en Europe.

Les fonds structurels constituent l’un des instruments financiers de la politique regionale europeenne les plus intensement utilises afin de promouvoir la convergence entre les regions des pays membres de l’Union europeenne. Cependant, de nombreuses divergences theoriques et empiriques existent dans la litterature quant a leur capacite a encourager la croissance economique des regions les plus defavorisees. Par consequent, cet article se propose de proceder a des estimations complementaires en integrant des elements nouveaux : tout d’abord, nous adoptons une approche par l’econometrie spatiale afin de prendre en compte de possibles effets de debordement geographique entre regions ; ensuite,…

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Space-time analysis of GDP disparities among European regions : a Markov chains approach

The purpose of this paper is to study the evolution of the disparities between 138 European regions over the 1980-1995 period. We characterize the regional per capita GDP cross-sectional distribution by means of nonparametric estimations of density functions and we model the growth process as a first-order stationary Markov chain. Spatial effects are then introduced within the Markov chain framework using regional conditioning (Quah, 1996b) and spatial Markov chains (Rey, 2001). The results of the analysis indicate the persistence of regional disparities, a progressive bias toward a poverty trap and the importance of geography to explain the convergence process.

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An Exploratory Spatial Data Analysis of European Regional Disparities, 1980–1995

European integration has stimulated numerous studies of regional economic convergence within the European Union in recent macroeconomic and regional science literature (e.g. Abraham and Von Rompuy 1995; Armstrong 1995a; Neven and Gouyette 1995; Martin 2001). Most of the time, the empirical methods that have been used are identical to the methods employed in international studies. However, spatial effects, particularly spatial autocorrelation and spatial heterogeneity, must be taken into account when analyzing the convergence process at regional scale. There are number of factors — trade between regions, technology, knowledge diffusion and more generally regional spillovers — that lead to ge…

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Valorisation des paysages et qualité de l'information géographique

National audience

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Impact of structural funds on regional growth : How to reconsider a 9-year-old black box

International audience

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Changes in Spatial and Sectoral Patterns of Employment in Ile-de-France, 1978-97

This paper investigates the spatial distribution of employment in the region of Ile-de-France in 1978 and 1997. Exploratory spatial data analysis is used to identify employment centres and a sectoral analysis of the central business district (CBD) and sub-centres is performed. The results highlight a process of suburbanisation of employment in Ile-de-France between 1978 and 1997. A more polarised space emerges in 1997 than in 1978, with several employment centres specialised in different activities. Moreover, even if the spatial influence of the CBD declines over the study period, the CBD maintains its economic leadership by concentrating a large variety of high-order producer services.

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The Local versus Global Dilemma of the Effects of Structural Funds

This paper extends the analysis by Dall'erba and Le Gallo dealing with the impact of structural funds on the growth process of European regions. Like most of the other 18 contributions assessing the efficiency of structural funds, our article was based on a global model of b-convergence: one coefficient pertaining to the structural funds variable was estimated for the whole sample. In this paper, we extend this approach by performing local estimations, where one coefficient is estimated for each region, so that the impact of structural funds can be regionally differentiated. As in the previous contribution, the presence of spatial spillover effects is taken into account using spatial econom…

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Nonlinear impact estimation in spatial autoregressive models

International audience; This paper extends the literature on the calculation and interpretation of impacts for spatial autoregressive models. Using a Bayesian framework, we show how the individual direct and indirect impacts associated with an exogenous variable introduced in a nonlinear way in such models can be computed, theoretically and empirically. Rather than averaging the individual impacts, we suggest to graphically analyze them along with their confidence intervals calculated from Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC). We also explicitly derive the form of the gap between individual impacts in the spatial autoregressive model and the corresponding model without a spatial lag and show, in…

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Agglomeration and dispersion of economic activities in and around Paris: An exploratory spatial data analysis

The agglomeration patterns of twenty-six manufacturing and service sectors in and around Paris in 1999 are analysed. The method used measures the intensity of spatial agglomeration and identifies the location patterns of economic sectors. First the locational Gini coefficient and Moran’s I statistics of global spatial autocorrelation are computed. These provide different but complementary information about the spatial agglomeration of the sectors under study. Then exploratory spatial data analysis tools are applied. Moran scatterplots and local indicators of spatial association statistics reveal great diversity in location patterns across sectors.

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Estimation des effets de proximité dans le processus de convergence régionale : une approche par l'économétrie spatiale sur 92 régions européennes (1980-1995)

L'objectif de cet article est d'examiner les conséquences de la dépendance spatiale sur la croissance régionale et le processus de convergence. Sur un échantillon de 92 régions européennes sur la période 1980-1995, nous montrons que le modèle de b-convergence absolue doit être re-spécifié en raison de la présence d'auto-corrélation spatiale. Les méthodes de l'économétrie spatiale nous orientent vers une spécification avec erreurs spatialement auto-corrélées qui nous permet de mettre en évidence un effet de débordement géographique. Nous montrons ainsi que le taux de croissance d'une région est influencé positivement par les taux de croissance des régions contiguës.

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Clubs de convergence et effets de débordements géographiques : une analyse spatiale sur données régionales européennes, 1980-1995

Our article offers an econometric model of spatial interactions for the empirical analysis of growth in European regions over the period 1980-1995. The model detects spatial spillover effects and makes it possible to take account of the European economy’s strong polarization. More specifically, by factoring in both spatial autocorrelation and spatial heterogeneity, we characterize the economic polarization pattern in European regions, identify convergence clubs, and model them as spatial regimes. We estimate a two-regime model with spatially autocorrelated errors and show that the convergence process differs between the two regimes. We find a strongly significant spatial spillover effect : …

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Environmental expenditure interactions among OECD countries, 1995-2017

International audience; How do countries respond to other countries when setting the level of their environmental expenditures? Using data from 1995-2017 on a sample of 28 OECD countries, we examine the nature and extent of strategic interactions in environmental expenditures among OECD countries using a spatial Durbin model including economic and political control variables and both economic and spatial weight matrices reflecting several interaction mechanisms. The results show the existence of significant positive spatial dependence in environmental spending suggesting that OECD countries consider their neighbors' behavior when making policy choices related to environmental expenditures. …

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Tax Competition with Intermunicipal Cooperation

We study local tax competition when municipalities can voluntarily cooperate with neighboring jurisdictions. In France, the strongest form of cooperation among municipalities occurs by forming an “establishment for inter-municipal cooperation” (EIMC). We study how interjurisdictional policy interdependence differs between competing municipalities within the same EIMC and competing municipalities outside of the cooperative unit. We apply the estimation strategy of Kelejian and Piras (2014) to resolve the endogeneity of the decision to cooperate with other municipalities. We find that strategic interactions among peer members of the same EIMC are less intense than strategic interactions with …

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Économétrie spatiale : l'autocorrélation spatiale dans les modèles de régression linéaire

Spatial Econometrics : Automatic Spatial Correlation in Linear Regression Models. The aim of this article is to describe the tools necessary to factor in automatic spatial correlation determined by the absence of independence between geographical observations, within the framework of linear regression models. While it is often accepted that spatial data in cross-sections are independent, this assumption is rarely justified. On the contrary, it needs to be tested systematically. After explaining the ways in which to model automatic spatial correlation, we therefore describe estimation and inference procedures geared to econometric models that factor in this effect explicitly. Lastly, we prop…

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What Geographical Concentration of Industries in the Tunisian Sahel? Empirical Evidence Using Distance‐Based Measures

International audience; This paper examines the location patterns of manufacturing industries within the most developed regions of Tunisia, the Sahel. We use detailed micro-geographic data and the distance-based approach of Duranton and Overman. While the textile industry shows a high degree of geographical concentration, the high-tech industries are also among the most concentrated, meaning that the Tunisian Sahel gathers a specialised pool in these industries. We further analyse the location patterns of manufacturing sub-sectors: totally and partially exporting plants and domestic, mixed and foreign plants and show that totally exporting plants and foreign and mixed plants exhibit strong …

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Exploratory spatial data analysis of the distribution of regional per capita GDP in Europe, 1980-1995

The aim of this paper is to study the dynamics of European regional per capita product over time and space. This purpose is achieved by using the recently developed methods of Exploratory Spatial Data Analysis. Using a sample of European regions over the 1980-1995 period, we find strong evidence of global and local spatial autocorrelation in per capita GDP throughout the period. The detection of clusters of high and low per capita products during the period is an indication of the persistence of spatial disparities between European regions. This analysis is finally refined by the investigation of the spatial pattern of regional growth. Key words:exploratory spatial data analysis; distributi…

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Identifier la localisation des activités économiques : une approche par les outils de l'analyse exploratoire des données spatiales

International audience

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Spatial econometrics (1, Spatial autocorrelation)

Spatial econometric methods aim at taking into account the two special characteristics of spatial data: spatial autocorrelation, which is the lack of independence between geographical observations, and spatial heterogeneity, which is related to the differentiation of variables and behaviors in space. These techniques have been mostly developed the last ten years and are more often applied in empirical studies with geographical data.The aim of this article is to present the way spatial autocorrelation and spatial heterogeneity can be incorporated in regression relationships and to present the estimation and inference procedures adapted to the models incorporating these two effects. This arti…

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sj-pdf-1-epb-10.1177_2399808320977877 - Supplemental material for The spatial dimension of the French private rental markets: Evidence from microgeographic data in 2015

Supplemental material, sj-pdf-1-epb-10.1177_2399808320977877 for The spatial dimension of the French private rental markets: Evidence from microgeographic data in 2015 by Kassoum Ayouba, Marie-Laure Breuillé, Camille Grivault and Julie Le Gallo in Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science

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Employment Density in Ile-de-France: Evidence from Local Regressions

In recent decades, cities have experienced a particularly intense phase of urban sprawl. Urban growth has been characterized by the spatial concentration of population in urban areas and the concomitant extension of those urban areas (Nechyba and Walsh 2004). Urban sprawl has also been accompanied by major reorganizations of urban areas with regard to the location choices of households and firms. More specifically, most cities in developed countries have experienced several waves of suburbanization of economic activities: “an economic definition of suburbanization is a reduction in the fraction of a metropolitan area’s population or employment that is located in the central city (correspond…

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Empirical tests of the multicentric urban models

Since the seventies the effects of city size growth and diversification of economic activities on the multipolarisation of economic activities have questioned the theoretical and empirical appropriateness of the monocentric urban pattern to explain and describe the spatial organization of the modern metropolitan areas. New assumptions were based on multicentric and nonmonocentric urban economics models, which have become the core of new economic geography analysis during the nineties. At the same time, a lot of empirical studies have attempted to describe the urban economic patterns of North American metropolitan areas. Using this empirical literature, the aim of this paper is to propose a …

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Secret versus public reserve price in an “outcry” English procurement auction: Experimental results

Abstract In a set of human experiments, we analyze the impact of the buyer׳s reserve price policy in an online open outcry reverse auction. We measure the impact of revealing or not the reserve price on the buyer׳s expected cost when suppliers may be risk-averse. Results confirm that the optimal public reserve price policy dominates for the buyer when the lowest cost supplier is weakly risk-averse but in contrast with theory, the secret reserve price policy does not dominate when he becomes very risk-averse. Analysis of strategic suppliers׳ bidding behavior shows, in conformity with theory, that they react to the secret reserve price and are more aggressive when they are more risk-averse. T…

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Changes in spatial and sectoral patterns of employment in Ile-de-France, 1978-1997

International audience; This paper investigates the spatial distribution of employment in the region of Ile-de-France in 1978 and 1997. Exploratory spatial data analysis is used to identify employment centres and a sectoral analysis of the central business district (CBD) and sub-centres is performed. The results highlight a process of suburbanisation of employment in Ile-de-France between 1978 and 1997. A more polarised space emerges in 1997 than in 1978, with several employment centres specialised in different activities. Moreover, even if the spatial influence of the CBD declines over the study period, the CBD maintains its economic leadership by concentrating a large variety of high-orde…

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Spatial Convergence Clubs and the European Regional Growth Process,1980–1995

In international cross-country studies, evidence for club convergence has often been found using different methodologies (Baumol 1986; Durlauf and Johnson 1995; Quah 1996a, 1997). In the case of the European regions, Ertur and Le Gallo (see Chap. 2) and Le Gallo et al. (see Chap. 3) have shown that the convergence rate among European regions is slow and that GDP disparities seem to be persistent despite the European economic integration process and higher growth rates of some poorer regions, as highlighted as well in the European Commission reports (1996, 1999). Moreover, over the 1980–1995 period, Ertur and Le Gallo (see Chap. 2) found that the geographical distribution of European regions…

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Climate and agriculture: empirical evidence for countries and agroecological zones of the Sahel

International audience; ow heterogenous is the impact of climate change across space and the type of agricultural production? In this paper, we investigate the relationship between climate change and variability, measured by temperature and rainfall, and agricultural production at the country and agroecological zone levels of the Sahel. We consider a crop production index and five cereals (maize, millet, sorghum, wheat and rice). Based on an original climate database and an agricultural production function estimated for the period 1961–2016, we show that average rainfall and temperature during the growing season indeed have highly heterogeneous effects on agricultural production, depending …

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The local vs global dilemma of the effects of structural funds

International audience

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Supplemental Material, Appendices_IRSR - Does Airbnb Disrupt the Private Rental Market? An Empirical Analysis for French Cities

Supplemental Material, Appendices_IRSR for Does Airbnb Disrupt the Private Rental Market? An Empirical Analysis for French Cities by Kassoum Ayouba, Marie-Laure Breuillé, Camille Grivault, and Julie Le Gallo in International Regional Science Review

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