Isabelle Gierczynski
Development and optimisation of an APCI source coupled to an ion trap mass spectrometer for in-vivo flavour release analyses during food consumption
National audience
An atmospheric pressure chemical ionization-ion-trap mass spectrometer for the on-line analysis of volatile compounds in foods: a tool for linking aroma release to aroma perception
An atmospheric pressure chemical ionization ion-trap mass spectrometer was set up for the on-line analysis of aroma compounds. This instrument, which has been successfully employed for some years in several in vitro and in vivo flavour release studies, is described for the first time in detail. The ion source was fashioned from polyether ether ketone and operated at ambient pressure and temperature making use of a discharge corona pin facing coaxially the capillary ion entrance of the ion-trap mass spectrometer. Linear dynamic ranges (LDR), limits of detection (LOD) and other analytical characteristics have been re-evaluated. LDRs and LODs have been found fully compatible with the concentra…
Aroma perception in dairy products: the roles of texture, aroma release and consumer physiology. A review
Aroma perception is a determinant factor in food choices and acceptability by consumers. To be perceived, aroma compounds must be released in the mouth during food breakdown, transferred into the nasal cavity to reach the olfactory receptor and then be perceived. So, in order to control aroma perception, knowledge of the main factors that can influence in-mouth aroma release is of major importance. Focusing on dairy products, this review article investigates the factors due to: (i) food products, and mainly the influence of food composition and structure on aroma retention and release; (ii) the inter-individual variability of subjects, mainly chewing behaviour, saliva rate and composition a…
Analysis of aroma compounds by APCI-ION TRAP MS : construction and validation of an interface for in vivo analysis of human breath volatile content
International audience
Inter-individual differences in breath-by-breath aroma release data
International audience
Texture-aroma interactions in dairy products: Do in-vivo and in-vitro aroma release explain sensory perception?
International audience; The influence of the texture on perceived aroma intensity and on in-vivo and in-vitro aroma release was investigated on three types of dairy products, prepared with different textures. Aroma release depends on in mouth breakdown of the product. The consequences of a textural modification on aroma perception were not the same for the different products. In the case of liquid to semi-liquid products (yogurt and custard dessert), in-vivo aroma release decreased when viscosity increased. For firm gels (model cheeses) in-vivo aroma release was found to increase when cheese hardness increased, but inverse results were obtained in in-vitro conditions. Thus, aroma release co…
Effet de la texture de gels riches en protéines sur la libération et la perception des arômes / Modification de la structure et impact sur la libération et la perception des arômes. Application à des systèmes fromagers modèles
Partenaires industriels : Fromageries Bel / Soredab / Aromalyse; L’objectif de notre travail est d’étudier les interactions texture-arôme au sein de matrices riches en protéines. Pour cela, nous avons mis au point trois matrices type « fromage frais » de compositions identiques mais ayant des textures significativement différentes. Ces matrices, à base de protéines de lait, sont obtenues par gélification lactique ou mixte avec différentes doses de présure, et sont aromatisées avec un arôme « fromage » contenant dix composés. A partir de ces matrices caractérisées rhéologiquement, une étude « Nosespace » a été réalisée par APCI-MS (Spectrométrie de Masse avec Ionisation Chimique à Pression …
Étude des interactions texture-arômes dans des matrices fromagères: approche physicochimique et sensorielle
National audience