Noemi Conill Tobías

Consideraciones sobre la otitis externa aguda para un tratamiento optimizado

Resumen Introduccion y objetivo Evaluar el tratamiento idoneo de la otitis externa aguda difusa mediante un nuevo sistema de estadiaje basado en hallazgos clinicos y otoscopia. Metodos Seguimiento de los casos de otitis diagnosticados en nuestro centro durante los ultimos 21 meses (n=1.026). Recuento del numero de pacientes que acudieron a una segunda visita urgente o programada. Estadiaje de la otitis externa si la obstruccion del conducto auditivo externo presentaba obstruccion inferior al 25% (tipo I, n=174), entre el 25–75% (tipo II, n=277), mayor del 75% (tipo III, n=359), u obstruccion completa con edema organizado (tipo iv , n=216). Resultados La aspiracion y el mechado del conducto …

research product

Deterioro auditivo en pacientes con artritis reumatoide

Objetivo Valorar la relacion de la hipoacusia con la arthritis reumatoide (AR). Pacientes y metodo Estudio comparativo de casos y controles equiparados en edad y sexo, de 194 pacientes con AR y 107 sujetos sanos. Se efectuo en todos valoracion mediante audiometria tonal y determinacion de parametros inflamatorios y Western blot de anticuerpos anticocleares. Resultados El 42,7 % de los pacientes con AR presentaron hipoacusia (el 15,9 % de los controles; p Western blot positivo. No se detecto ninguno en los controles. Conclusiones Hay una predisposicion a la hipoacusia en los sujetos con AR, principalmente neurosensorial. Esta prevalencia obliga a la revision audiologica de este grupo e inten…

research product

Considerations on acute otitis externa for its optimized treatment

Abstract Introduction and objectives To evaluate the optimal treatment for diffuse acute otitis externa (DAOE) by means of a new staging system based on clinical and otoscopic findings. Methods Monitoring of otitis cases diagnosed at our centre over the last 21 months (n = 1026), taking into account those who returned for a second visit, either via the emergency room or with a prior appointment. Staging of otitis externa by degree of obstruction of the external auditory canal (EAC): under 25% (type I, n = 174); between 25% and 75% (type II, n = 277); over 75% (type III, n = 359); total obstruction due to organized oedema (type IV, n = 216). Results In most cases at an advanced stage, the ca…

research product

[Hearing impairment in patients with rheumatoid arthritis].

To evaluate the characteristics of hearing loss (HL) in patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA).A comparative case-control study was performed with 194 patients and 107 healthy subjects. All of them were submitted to pure-tone audiometry and detection of inflammatory parameters and Western blot for anticochlear antibodies.HL was detected in 42.7 % of patients with RA (15.9 % in controls; P.001). This was sensorineural in 38.6 %. Three or more altered blood parameters appeared in 28.9 % of patients with RA (17.6 % in controls; P.01). We observed positive Western blot in 12 % of patients with RA and HL and none among healthy controls.There is a predisposition to HL, mainly sensorineural, in R…

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