Jorge Matías-guiu

Coexpresión de NG2/GFAP tras la diferenciación en células transfectadas con las mutaciones de GFAP y en células procedentes de gliomas indiferenciados

Resumen: Introducción: La enfermedad de Alexander es una enfermedad rara causada por mutaciones en el gen que codifica la proteína glial ácida fibrilar (GFAP). En un estudio previo hemos observado que la diferenciación de neuroesferas transfectadas con estas mutaciones genera un tipo celular que comparte la expresión de GFAP y NG2. Objetivos: Determinar el efecto de las mutaciones en marcadores moleculares en comparación con células de glioma diferenciados que expresan simultáneamente GFAP y NG2. Métodos: Se utilizaron muestras de glioblastoma humana (GLM) y neuroesferas procedentes de rata transfectadas con mutaciones de GFAP para el análisis de la expresión tras diferenciación de GFAP y N…

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Alexander Disease Mutations Produce Cells with Coexpression of Glial Fibrillary Acidic Protein and NG2 in Neurosphere Cultures and Inhibit Differentiation into Mature Oligodendrocytes

Background Alexander disease (AxD) is a rare disease caused by mutations in the gene encoding glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP). The disease is characterized by presence of GFAP aggregates in the cytoplasm of astrocytes and loss of myelin. Objectives Determine the effect of AxD-related mutations on adult neurogenesis. Methods We transfected different types of mutant GFAP into neurospheres using the nucleofection technique. Results We find that mutations may cause coexpression of GFAP and NG2 in neurosphere cultures, which would inhibit the differentiation of precursors into oligodendrocytes and thus explain the myelin loss occurring in the disease. Transfection produces cells that diff…

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An Online Observational Study of Patients With Olfactory and Gustory Alterations Secondary to SARS-CoV-2 Infection

Introduction: Since the beginning of the Covid-19 epidemic produced by SARS2-Cov virus, olfactory alterations have been observed at a greater frequency than in other coronavirus epidemics. While olfactory alterations may be observed in patients with rhinovirus, influenza virus, or parainfluenza virus infection, they are typically explained by nasal obstruction with mucus or direct epithelial damage; in the case of SARS-CoV-2, olfactory alterations may present without nasal congestion with mucus. We performed a study of patients presenting olfactory/gustatory alterations in the context of SARS-CoV-2 infection in order to contribute to the understanding of this phenomenon. Material and Method…

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Exosomal HSP70 for Monitoring of Frontotemporal Dementia and Alzheimer’s Disease: Clinical and FDG-PET Correlation

We aimed to study the expression of circulating heat-shock protein HSP70 and exosomes in plasma of a cohort of patients with Alzheimer's disease (AD) and frontotemporal dementia (FTD) at different stages. We performed correlations with clinical scales and FDG-PET. HSP70 levels were higher within exosomes than free in plasma. Moderate correlations were found between exosomal HSP70 and CDR, FTLD-CDR, and extension of hypometabolism. Our results suggest modifications in the level of exosomal HSP70 during the course of neurodegeneration, regardless of AD or FTD, and therefore HSP70 could have a potential role in the follow-up of these disorders.

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Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis modifies progenitor neural proliferation in adult classic neurogenic brain niches.

Background Adult neurogenesis persists through life at least in classic neurogenic niches. Neurogenesis has been previously described as reduced in neurodegenerative diseases. There is not much knowledge about is adult neurogenesis is or not modified in amyotrophy lateral sclerosis (ALS). All previous publications has studied the ALS SOD1 (superoxide dismutase) transgenic mouse model. The purpose of this study is to examine the process of adult neurogenesis in classic niches (subventricular zone [SVZ] and subgranular zone [SGZ] of the dentate gyrus) in patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), both with (ALS-FTD) and without associated frontotemporal dementia (FTD). Methods We stud…

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The Adult Macaque Spinal Cord Central Canal Zone Contains Proliferative Cells And Closely Resembles The Human

The persistence of proliferative cells, which could correspond to progenitor populations or potential cells of origin for tumors, has been extensively studied in the adult mammalian forebrain, including human and nonhuman primates. Proliferating cells have been found along the entire ventricular system, including around the central canal, of rodents, but little is known about the primate spinal cord. Here we describe the central canal cellular composition of the Old World primate Macaca fascicularis via scanning and transmission electron microscopy and immunohistochemistry and identify central canal proliferating cells with Ki67 and newly generated cells with bromodeoxyuridine incorporation…

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Additional file 1: Table S1. of Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis modifies progenitor neural proliferation in adult classic neurogenic brain niches

Antibodies used in the immunohistochemical study. Table S2. Summary of patient characteristics. Table S3. Immunohistochemical studies used in ALS diagnosis. Values for TDP-43 and ubiquitin are expressed in inclusions per field; %pTDP-43 represents the percentage of phosphorylated TDP inclusions out of the total. Table S4. Description of neurogenesis patient to patient. Table S5. Neurogenesis findings in the subgranular zone of the hippocampal dentate gyrus, by patient. Table S6. Summary of results in the SVZ. Table S7. Summary of results in the hippocampus. (DOC 302 kb)

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La alteración de la mielina en la enfermedad de Alexander

Resumen: Introducción: La enfermedad de Alexander (AxD) es una leucodistrofia. Su base patológica, junto a la pérdida de mielina, es la aparición de los cuerpos de Rosenthal, que son inclusiones citoplasmáticas en células astrocitarias. Mutaciones en el gen que codifica la GFAP se han identificado como una base genética para AxD. Sin embargo, no se conoce el mecanismo por el cual estas variantes producen la enfermedad. Desarrollo: La hipótesis más extendida es que AxD se desarrolla por un mecanismo por ganancia de función debido al incremento de GFAP. Sin embargo, este mecanismo no explica la pérdida mielínica, dado que los modelos experimentales que expresan GFAP normal o mutada no generan…

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NG2 and GFAP co-expression after differentiation in cells transfected with mutant GFAP and in undifferentiated glioma cells

Introduction: Alexander disease is a rare disorder caused by mutations in the gene coding for glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP). In a previous study, differentiation of neurospheres transfected with these mutations resulted in a cell type that expresses both GFAP and NG2. Objective: To determine the effect of molecular marker mutations in comparison to undifferentiated glioma cells simultaneously expressing GFAP and NG2. Methods: We used samples of human glioblastoma (GBM) and rat neurospheres transfected with GFAP mutations to analyse GFAP and NG2 expression after differentiation. We also performed an immunocytochemical analysis of neuronal differentiation for both cell types and dete…

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Subventricular zone in motor neuron disease with frontotemporal dementia.

Investigate how the subventricular proliferation and organisation is modified in a patient with FTLD-ALS. We studied the subventricular zone (SVZ) of a patient with FTLD-ALS immunohistochemical and histologically. We found an increase of Ki-67 positive cells and neuroblast in the subventricular zone, suggesting an activation of proliferating activity in response to FTD-ALS. This proliferation can act as a compensatory mechanism for rapid neuronal death and its modulation could provide a new therapeutic pathway in ALS. These results suggest a modification of neurogenesis in FTD-ALS. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

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