Christine Achilleos

Screening contact allergens from cosmetics using an optical biosensor

research product

Measuring dynamics of odorant binding to odorant binding protein under physiological conditions

International audience

research product

In vivo sodium release and saltiness perception in solid lipoprotein matrices. 2. Impact of oral parameters

This study aimed to investigate the relationships between sodium release, saltiness, and oral parameters during the eating of lipoprotein matrices (LPM). Sodium release and saltiness relative to 10 LPM were recorded during normal mastication by five subjects with differing oral parameters (chewing efficiency and salivary flow rate). The LPM samples varied in composition (dry matter, fat, salt, and pH levels) and represented a broad range of hardness. Mastication was recorded using electromyography simultaneously with sensory assessment. Differences in chewing behavior could explain most of the variability in sodium release and saltiness among subjects. Subjects with a higher chewing force a…

research product

Sodium release and saltiness perception in dairy product systems: influence of food composition and oral parameters

 9. Wartburg Symposium on Flavour Chemistry and Biology (Eisenach (GER), April 13th-16th, 2010); International audience

research product

Sodium release and saltiness perception in dairy product systems: influence of food composition and oral parameters

International audience

research product

Screening of lactic acid bacteria based on their reduction kinetics

Lactic Acid bacteria (LAB) are widespread in the dairy industry for their use as starters and probiotics. They are able to reduce redox potential (E h) of food matrices, influencing oxidation-reduction reactions involved in the organoleptic quality of the product and also preventing the development of undesired microflora. Amongst LAB, some species are able to reduce E h below negative values while others do not [1]. This diversity of reducing activity found in LAB allows the use of selected strains providing optimal reduction values necessary to the overall quality of food dairy products. Currently, there are different ways to compare LAB based on their reducing properties. Cachon et al., …

research product

Structure and composition of model cheeses influence sodium NMR mobility, kinetics of sodium release and sodium partition coefficients

International audience; The mobility and release of sodium ions were assessed in model cheeses with three different lipid/protein ratios, with or without added NaCl. The rheological properties of the cheeses were analysed using uniaxial compression tests. Microstructure was characterised by confocal laser scanning microscopy. (23)Na nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy was used to study the molecular mobility of sodium ions in model cheeses through measurements of the relaxation and creation times. Greater mobility was observed in cheeses containing a lower protein content and with added NaCl. The kinetics of sodium release from the cheese to an aqueous phase was correlated with th…

research product

Screening of Lactococcus lactis starters with Absorbance Reduction Activity Method (ARAm)

Lactococcus lactis is one of the most used species in the dairy industry. This species has the ability to reduce to very negative values the redox potential (Eh) of food matrices, making it one of the most reducing Lactic Acid Bacteria (LAB) [1]. This reducing activity influences oxidation-reduction reactions involved in the organoleptic quality of the product and prevents the undesired microorganisms development [2–4]. The main mechanism involved are exofacial thiol groups, NoxE NADH Oxidase and the Electron Transport Chain mechanism [5-7]. For Eh measurement, the commonly used method consists of a redox probe placed in a liquid medium or food matrix [8]. With this probe, Cachon et al. (20…

research product

Influence of composition and texture on in-mouth sodium release and saltiness perception during consumption of semi-hard cheeses

Sodium content in human diet being excessive in many industrialized country, health authorities recommended its progressive reduction in food products in order both to improve public health and to decrease health cost (1). Cheese is one of the most important sodium vectors. However, salt (NaCl) is not only responsible for saltiness but is also implied in other functionalities such as flavour enhancement, texture, preservation (2). Keeping a good acceptability of food by the consumer at lower sodium chloride concentration is a real challenge for cheese industry to avoid negative consequences. To reach this goal, it is necessary to understand the role of cheese structure and composition on th…

research product

Criblage des bactéries lactiques en fonction de leur cinétique de réduction : approche méthodologique

Les bactéries lactiques (BL) sont des micro-organismes importants dans l'industrie alimentaire pour la fabrication de produits fermentés ou comme probiotiques. Parmi les BL, certaines espèces sont capables de réduire le potentiel d’oxydoréduction (Eh) jusqu’à des valeurs négatives alors que d'autres non [1]. Cette diversité d'activité réductrice retrouvée chez les BL permet l'utilisation de souches sélectionnées apportant des valeurs de réduction optimales nécessaires à la qualité globale des produits laitiers [2–6]. Les principaux mécanismes impliqués sont les groupes thiol exofaciaux, la NoxE NADH Oxydase et le mécanisme mettant en jeu la chaîne de transport d'électrons [7,8,9].Actuelleme…

research product