Maiju Peura
From deception to frankness: Benefits of ontogenetic shift in the anti-predator strategy of alder moth Acronicta alni larvae
Abstract Animals can avoid prédation by masquerading as objects that are not food to their predators. Alder moth Acronicta alni larvae go through an impressive ontogenetic change from masquerade to highly conspicuous appearance: early larval stages resemble bird droppings but in the last instar the larval coloration changes into striking yellow-and-black stripes. We hypothesized that such a change may be driven by differential prédation favoring dissimilar anti-predator strategies in different life stages. We show with a series of laboratory assays that larvae are distasteful to birds regardless of their developmental stage, suggesting that ontogenetic color change is not driven by the diff…
The effect of buffer strip width and selective logging on streamside polypore communities
Preserving streamside forest habitats or buffer strips is considered to reduce forestry-related biodiversity loss in commercial forest landscapes. However, it is still unclear what type of management in and near streamside forests can be undertaken without compromising their biodiversity and natural change through succession. Using a before–after, control–impact study design, we tested the impacts of forested buffer strips (15 or 30 m wide, with or without selective logging), preserved after clear-cutting, on the changes of polypore communities in streamside boreal forests in Finland. Manipulations in 28 sites produced four treatment classes, the community compositions of which were compar…
Metsienkäsittely keruutuotesatojen ja puutulojen samanaikaiseen tuottamiseen metsämaisemassa
Tutkimusseloste artikkelista: Peura,M,, Triviño, M., Mazziotta, A., Podkopaev, D., Juutinen, A., Mönkkönen, M. (2016). Managing boreal forests for the simultaneous production of collectable goods and timber revenues. Silva Fennica vol. 50 no. 5 article id 1672. http://dx.doi.org/10.14214/sf.1672 nonPeerReviewed
Changing forest stakeholders’ perception of ecosystem services with linguistic nudging
This paper explores whether the perceptions of forest owners and professionals could be nudged towards more sustainable management practices by adjusting a policy text's metaphorical content. Recent research has demonstrated a link between information interventions and preference change, but there is a need to further explore individuals' reactions to information on forest-based ecosystem services and to link these to the design of policy instruments. We contribute to narrowing this gap by nudging the content of a policy text comparing rotation forest management (RFM) and continuous cover forestry (CCF), and exposing it to forest stakeholders. The research is carried out in Finland, the so-…
Puronvarsimetsien suojavyöhykkeiden vaikutus kasvi- ja kääpälajistoon, pienilmastoon ja tuulenkaatoihin
Jatkuvapeitteisen metsänkäsittelyn ympäristö- ja talousvaikutukset : Luontopaneelin yhteenveto ja suositukset luontopolitiikan suunnittelun ja päätöksenteon tueksi
Raportin yhteenveto LUONTOPANEELIN KESKEISET HUOMIOT JA SUOSITUKSET • Jatkuvapeitteisen metsänkäsittelyn osuutta kannattaa merkittävästi kasvattaa taloudellisista syistä. Valtaosa suomalaisista ja pohjoismaisista jatkuvapeitteistä ja jaksollista metsänkäsittelyä vertailevista tutkimuksista koskee puuntuotantomäärää metsänkäsittelyn taloudellisen tuloksen sijaan. Mahdollisimman suuri puuntuotannon määrä voi olla edullista puun ostajalle, mutta se ei välttämättä ole taloudellisesti paras vaihtoehto maanomistajan eli puun tuottajan eikä myöskään puun tuottajien ja ostajien yhteenlasketun taloudellisen tuloksen eli kansantalouden näkökulmasta. Vaikka hakkuukertymät voivat jatkuvapeitteisessä me…
Managing boreal forests for the simultaneous production of collectable goods and timber revenues
Timber Production is an economically important provisioning ecosystem service in forests, but is often in conflict with the provision of other ecosystem services. In multifunctional forestry, the production of timber and non-timber ecosystem services should coexist in the same landscape. To this end, we explored the capacity of a boreal landscape to simultaneously produce collectable goods − bilberry (Vaccimium myrtillus L.), cowberry (Vaccinium vitis-idaea L.) and cep (Boletus edulis Bull.) − alongside timber revenues. We also identified optimal forest management plans to achieve this. Furthermore, we analyzed trade-offs between collectable good yields and timber production, as well as bet…
Continuous cover forestry is a cost-efficient tool to increase multifunctionality of boreal production forests in Fennoscandia
Earlier research has suggested that the diversification of silvicultural strategies is a cost-efficient tool to ensure multifunctionality in production forests. This study compared the effects of continuous cover forestry and conventional rotation forestry on ecosystem services and biodiversity in boreal forests in Finland. We simulated over 25,000 commercial forest stands for 100 years under continuous cover and rotation forest management. Forests without management were used as a reference. We compared the effects of silvicultural practices over space and time on ecosystem services, biodiversity indicators and multifunctionality. Our results revealed that continuous cover forestry was bet…
Mapping a ‘cryptic kingdom’: Performance of lidar derived environmental variables in modelling the occurrence of forest fungi
Abstract Fungi are crucial to forest ecosystem function and provide important provisioning, regulating, supporting, and cultural ecosystem services. As major contributors to biomass decomposition, fungi are important to forest biogeochemical cycling and maintenance of vertebrate animal diversity. Many forest plant species live in a symbiotic relationship with a fungal partner that helps a host plant to acquire nutrients and water. In addition, edible fungi are recreationally as well as economically valuable. However, most fungi live in very cryptic locations (e.g. in soils and interior plant tissues) and are only visible when their ephemeral fruiting bodies are produced, making fungal occur…
Windthrow in streamside key habitats: Effects of buffer strip width and selective logging
Abstract Streamside forests are preserved from clear-cut logging in production forests and protected with uncut buffer strips in many countries. However, buffer strips often remain narrow due to economic reasons and, therefore, provide weak protection against adverse edge effects of clear-cuts and are vulnerable to windthrow. Selective logging of buffer strips is sometimes allowed to reduce their costs, but the decreased tree density may expose the buffer to higher occurrence of windthrow. We used a replicated two-factor experiment to assess the effects of buffer width (15 m or 30 m) and selective logging (0% or 30% of the basal area removed) on the risk of windthrow in boreal streamside fo…
Jyväskylän yliopiston ylioppilaskunnan hiili- ja luontojalanjälki
Tässä hankkeessa laskettiin Jyväskylän yliopiston ylioppilaskunnan (JYY) merkittävimpien toimintojen vuoden 2021 hiili- ja luontojalanjälki eli ilmasto- ja luontohaitat. Menetelmä perustuu pääosin muun muassa EXIOBASE ja LC-IMPACT-tietokantoihin, joiden avulla pystytään talouskirjanpitoon perustuen selvittämään eri tuotteiden ja palveluiden aiheuttamat ilmasto- ja luontohaitat sekä niiden maantieteelliset sijainnit. JYY:n vuoden 2021 hiilijalanjälki oli 2017 t CO2e, maaekosysteemeihin kohdistuva luontojalanjälki oli 8,30E-09 PDF (globaali osuus lajeista, jotka ovat riskissä kuolla sukupuuttoon), makean veden ekosysteemeihin kohdistuva luontojalanjälki oli 1,42E-09 PDF ja meriekosysteemeihin…
The effect of buffer strip width and selective logging on riparian forest microclimate
Riparian forests have cool and humid microclimates, and one aim of leaving forested buffer strips between clear-cut areas and streams is to conserve these microclimatic conditions. We used an experimental study set up of 35 streamside sites to study the impacts of buffer strip width (15 or 30 m) and selective logging within the buffer strips on summer-time air temperature, relative air humidity and canopy openness 12 years after logging. The buffer strip treatments were compared to unlogged control sites. We found that 15-meter buffer strips with or without selective logging and 30-meter buffer strips with selective logging were insufficient in maintaining temperature, relative humidity and…
Continuous cover forestry is a cost-efficient tool to increase multifunctionality of boreal production forests in Fennoscandia
Abstract Earlier research has suggested that the diversification of silvicultural strategies is a cost-efficient tool to ensure multifunctionality in production forests. This study compared the effects of continuous cover forestry and conventional rotation forestry on ecosystem services and biodiversity in boreal forests in Finland. We simulated over 25,000 commercial forest stands for 100 years under continuous cover and rotation forest management. Forests without management were used as a reference. We compared the effects of silvicultural practices over space and time on ecosystem services, biodiversity indicators and multifunctionality. Our results revealed that continuous cover forestr…
Pathways towards a sustainable future envisioned by early-career conservation researchers
Scientists have warned decision-makers about the severe consequences of the global environmental crisis since the 1970s. Yet ecological degradation continues and little has been done to address climate change. We investigated early-career conservation researchers' (ECR) perspectives on, and prioritization of, actions furthering sustainability. We conducted a survey (n = 67) and an interactive workshop (n = 35) for ECR attendees of the 5th European Congress of Conservation Biology (2018). Building on these data and discussions, we identified ongoing and forthcoming advances in conservation science. These include increased transdisciplinarity, science communication, advocacy in conservati…
Solving Conflicts among Conservation, Economic, and Social Objectives in Boreal Production Forest Landscapes: Fennoscandian Perspectives
This chapter discusses challenges and possibilities involved in preserving biological diversity and the diversity of ecosystem services in the boreal zone and yet at the same time maintaining intensive timber extraction in boreal forests. Our focus is on Fennoscandian forests at the landscapes level, and we consider economic, social and ecological in the sustainability of forest management. We provide an outlook to boreal forest ecosystems and their history, and an overview of the forestry practices and policies that aim to ensure multi-functionality of Fennoscandian forests, i.e. diversity of efforts on sustaining biodiversity, timber production and other ecosystem services from forest lan…
Väliraportti : S-ryhmän luontojalanjälki
S-ryhmän luontojalanjälki -hanke käynnistyi vuoden 2022 alussa ja tässä väliraportissa esitellään ensimmäisiä välituloksia. S-ryhmän arvoketjun ja oman toiminnan luontojalanjälki on laskettu käyttäen Jyväskylän yliopiston resurssiviisausyhteisön, JYU.Wisdomin, kehittämää laskentamenetelmää. Väliraportissa kuvataan laskentamenetelmän perusteet. Tulokset on raportoitu erikseen päivittäistavarakaupalle, käyttötavarakaupalle, tavaratalokaupalle, polttoaineille ja matkailu- ja ravintola-alalle vuodelta 2020 sekä organisaation omalle toiminnalle vuodelta 2021. Luontojalanjäljen mittarina käytetään osuutta lajeista, jotka ovat riskissä kuolla sukupuuttoon globaalisti (potentially disappeared fract…
Managing a boreal forest landscape for the simultaneous production of collectable goods and timber revenues
Are wide but selectively logged buffer strips better than narrow ones?
The microclimate of streamside habitats are protected from the effects of logging with buffer strips of retained trees. However, these buffer strips are often narrow due to their financial loss. Wi...
Jatkuvapeitteisen metsänkäsittelyn vaikutukset luonnon monimuotoisuuteen, vesistöihin, ilmastoon, virkistyskäyttöön ja metsätuhoriskeihin
Sekä jatkuvapeitteistä että jaksollista metsänkäsittelyä tehdään eri voimakkuuksilla ja erilaisin hakkuutavoin. Ei ole olemassa yksiselitteistä sääntöä, jolla voitaisiin todeta, kuuluuko jokin tietty hakkuutapa jatkuva-peitteiseen vai jaksolliseen käsittelyyn (avohakkuita lukuun ottamatta). Esimerkiksi yläharvennuksia tehdään molemmissa käsittelytavoissa. Kaikkien metsänkäsittelytapojen aiheuttama häiriö on tyypillisesti sitä voimakkaampi, mitä voimakkaampi hakkuu tehdään. Avohakkuut aiheuttavat suurimman haitallisen vaikutuksen sekä luontoon että moniin metsien tarjoamiin ekosysteemipalveluihin. Yhteiskunnan kokonais-edun kannalta jatkuvapeitteisen käsittelyn osuuden lisääminen puuntuotann…
Ecological and economic consequences of aggregating conservation sites and multiuse forests
Intensive forest management has fragmented forest landscapes and decreased biodiversity and crucial ecosystem services. Current conservation and management efforts have not been sufficient and more efficient landscape level planning is needed to maintain biodiversity and ecosystem services in forest landscapes. One efficient way to improve the species survival and the maintenance of multiple benefits in forest landscapes may be applying an approach where a part (e.g. third or half) of the total area is managed as multiuse landscapes within which e.g. a third of the area is be protected [third-of-third (1), or third-of-half (2)]. Aggregated networks of protected habitats are expected to safe…