Sacha Helfenstein
Everyday Appropriations of Information Technology: A Study of Creative Uses of Digital Cameras
Repurposive appropriation is a creative everyday act in which a user invents a novel use for information technology (IT) and adopts it. This study is the first to address its prevalence and predictability in the consumer IT context. In all, 2,379 respondents filled in an online questionnaire on creative uses of digital cameras, such as using them as scanners, periscopes, and storage media. The data reveal that such creative uses are adopted by about half of the users, on average, across different demographic backgrounds. Discovery of a creative use on one's own is slightly more common than is learning it from others. Most users discover the creative uses either completely on their own or wh…
Emotional Business Intelligence : Enabling experience-centric business with the FeelingsExplorer
The domain of Emotional Business Intelligence (EBI) aims to support business-relevant emotional and emotionaware decisions in addition to rational decision making. EBI originates from three root domains: Emotional Business, Emotional Intelligence and Business Intelligence (BI). In this paper we emphasize emotional empowerment of the traditional BI function; outline its main characteristics as a business working model of an emotionally smart, continuously learning organization; and introduce a first candidate of the EBI Toolkit, the FeelingsExplorer (FE). FE is a mash-up browser based on 4i (“ForEye”) technology, capable of visualizing objects in an emotional semantic space and thereby suppo…
Agora Center on yliopiston monitieteinen projektitoimisto
Agora Centerin missio on ihmistä palvelevan teknologian sovellusten ja yhteiskuntaa hyödyttävien innovaatioiden kehittäminen ja tutkimus. Kansainvälisiä läpimurtoja tai vaikuttavia tutkimustuloksia on saatu mm. oppimisvaikeuksiin, teollisiin prosesseihin, sosiaali- ja terveyssektorin kehittämiseen sekä turvallisuuteen liittyvillä alueilla. Tutkimuksen kohteena ovat maailmanlaajuiset ihmiskuntaa koskettavat toimintamallit ja innovaatiot. nonPeerReviewed
Emotional Business Intelligence
The domain of Emotional Business Intelligence (EBI) aims to support business-relevant emotional and emotion-aware decisions in addition to rational decision making. EBI originates from three root domains: Emotional Business, Emotional Intelligence and Business Intelligence (BI). In this paper we emphasize emotional empowerment of the traditional BI function; outline its main characteristics as a business working model of an emotionally smart, continuously learning organization; and introduce a first candidate of the EBI Toolkit, the FeelingsExplorer (FE). FE is a mash-up browser based on 4i (“ForEye”) technology, capable of visualizing objects in an emotional semantic space and thereby supp…
Social Psychology Of Persuasion Applied To Human-agent Interaction
A bstract: This paper discusses and evaluates the application of a social psychologically enriched, user-centered approach to agent architecture design. The major aim is to facilitate human‐agent interaction () by making agents not only algorithmically more i ntelligent but also socially more skillful in communicating with the user. A decision-making model and communicative argumentation strategies have been incorporated into the agent architecture. In the presented content resource management experiments, enhancement of human task performance is demonstrated for users that are supported by a persuasive agent. This superior performance seems to be rooted in a more trusting collaborative rel…
Considering Learners’ Perceptions in Designing Effective 21st Century Learning Environments for Basic Education in Finland
Focusing on so called Key Competences or 21st Century Skills urges educational organizations to redesign their psychosocial and physical learning environments. Inspired by studies indicating that considering learners’ perceptions of learning environments can have a positive impact on learning and wellbeing, our study aims at developing design principles for involving learners in the learning environment design. This pilot case study analyzed 7- to 14-years old Finns’ (n = 80) perceptions by using web questionnaires and design workshops. The results are in line with research indicating that Finnish learners value aspects such as safety and peacefulness, the possibilities for rest and physica…
Product Meaning, Affective Use Evaluation, and Transfer:
The first part of this investigation explored the multidimensional nature of product meaning, referring to the variety of connotations and functions a consumer associates with a particular product category. The subsequent experiment examined the moderation effects of product meaning and other attributes of the user on (a) the affective evaluation of an obstructed use interaction, and (b) the transfer of emotion between devices presented as being either of the same or a different brand. Although the failure experience essentially caused frustration, this reaction varied substantially among consumers depending on product meaning, age, and gender. The results also showed that the emotion dimen…
Increasingly emotional design for growingly pragmatic users? A report from Finland
Researchers and practitioners in the field of information and communication technologies (ICT) have for a while been embracing the concepts of user and consumer experience as well as emotions in design, encouraging the industry to emphasise hedonic and symbolic qualities of products and services, over and beyond their utilitarian characteristics. However, the idea that mobile phone users, for instance, seek increasingly experience-rich, personalised products can not be taken for granted. Therefore, it is valuable to investigate the degree to which users really share designers' increasingly socio-emotional stances. The presented longitudinal study investigated users' mobile phone-related pro…
How cyber breeds crime and criminals
Understanding how cyber breeds novel crime and new criminals is a contribution to criminological models with significant applied value. It is highly important for law enforcement and particularly pivotal for preventive intervention. In this paper we propose a human rights-based crime definition, present explanatory models for cybercrime, and outline future arenas and drivers to suggest to the stakeholder community prevention focuses and priorities. The presented work ultimately aims towards supporting two crime preventive design initiatives, one targeted at accounting for and narrowing the cybercriminal space of means, opportunities, and motives; the other aiming at augmenting early and pro…
Transfer : review, reconstruction, and resolution
Siirtovaikutus- eli transfertutkimus tarkastelee sitä, kuinka ihmisen käyttäytyminen riippuu hänen aikaisemmista kokemuksistaan. Tutkimus on kehittynyt voimakkaasti sen jälkeen, kun aihetta koskevat ensimmäiset psykologiset tutkimukset esitettiin 1900-luvun alkupuolella. Alan tutkimuksissa on kuitenkin runsaasti teoreettisia mielipide-eroja. Sacha Helfenstein tekee väitöstutkimuksessaan laajan katsauksen siirtovaikutustutkimuksen eri suuntauksiin ja näkökulmiin. Hän selvittää, millaisissa olosuhteissa transferia tapahtuu, mitä informaatiota sen aikana siirtyy, ja kuinka tämä informaation siirtyminen välitetään oppimis- ja transfertilanteiden välillä. Tästä lähtökohdasta hän rekonstruoi koko…