Pilvikki Heikinaro-johansson
Exploring in-class physical activity levels during physical education lessons in Finland
This research aimed to measure in-class physical activity levels during physical education in grades seven to nine, and to determine the influence of gender and lesson content on such activity levels. Data was collected from 96 lessons across 14 secondary schools. Heart rate data consisted of 821 valid measurements. The mean heart rate across the data set was 135 beats per minute and students engaged in moderate-to-vigorous physical activity 41% of lesson time. Students were most active during game lessons and there was an evident gender difference, with boys being more active. However, when the impact of lesson content and gender on physical activity were tested simultaneously by multi-lev…
Preparing physical and health education pre-service teachers to support students’ physical activity and wellbeing during the school day
Increasingly, physical education teachers are expected to become the cog in an ever-expanding physical activity (PA) promotion wheel. This requires such teachers to be equipped with new knowledge a...
Video-reflektoinnin ja observointimenetelmien hyödyntäminen liikunnanopettajakoulutuksessa
Liikunnanopettajalta edellytetään pedagogisia ja didaktisia taitoja sekä herkkyyttä reagoida vaihteleviin opetustapahtumiin. Oman työn kehittäminen ja ongelmallisten tilanteiden ratkaiseminen vaatii opettajalta taitoa reflektoida opetusta ja muuttaa tarvittaessa opetuskäyttäytymistään. Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoitus oli selvittää, miten liikunnanopiskelijat reflektoivat omaa opetuskäyttäytymistään Tutkiva opettaja -kurssilla, jossa analysoidaan omaa opetuskäyttäytymistä erilaisia observointimenetelmiä ja videoita apuna käyttäen. Tavoitteena oli ohjata opiskelijaa reflektoimaan omaa toimintaansa liikunnan opetustilanteessa ja sitä kautta vahvistaa opiskelijan käsitystä itsestään opettajana vahv…
Cardiorespiratory performance and physical activity in normal weight and overweight Finnish adolescents from 2003 to 2010
We investigated changes in cardiorespiratory performance, BMI and leisure-time physical activity among Finnish adolescents from 2003 to 2010. In addition, we compared cardiorespiratory performance levels between normal weight and overweight adolescents, grouped according to their physical activity. Participants were a national representative samples of 15-16-year-old adolescents in their final (ninth) year of comprehensive school in 2003 (n = 2258) and in 2010 (n = 1301). They performed an endurance shuttle run test and reported their height and weight and leisure time physical activity on a questionnaire. Results showed no significant secular changes in cardiorespiratory performance from 2…
Use of the Perceived Physical Competence Scale with Adolescents with Disabilities
The construct validity and reliability of the 1987 Perceived Physical Competence Scale of Lintunen were examined to assess the applicability of the instrument for use with adolescents with disabilities. Subjects were 51 girls and 34 boys ( M age = 15.1 yr.) from several schools in central Finland. Principal component factor analysis with varimax rotation yielded the same two factors for adolescents with disabilities as reported for nondisabled adolescents in the related literature. Cronbach alphas for the two factors were .89 and .56. It was concluded that the scale is an appropriate measure for adolescents with disabilities. Statistical analysis indicated no gender differences for adolesc…
Physical education student teachers' perceptions of applying knowledge and skills about emotional understanding studied in PETE in a one-year teaching practicum
Background: Recently, there has been growing interest in the emotional aspects of teaching and learning in general education and in physical education (PE). Scholars have argued that high-quality teaching and learning depend on a teacher's knowledge of students' emotions (Hargreaves 1998, 2000, 2002; McCaughtry 2004; McCaughtry and Rovegno 2003; Owens and Ennis 2005; Poulou 2007; Sutton and Wheatley 2003). To this end, three course modules in social and emotional learning (SEL) were added to the degree programme for PE students in Finland. Purpose: The purpose of this study was to examine student teachers' retrospective perceptions of implementing social and emotional strategies to build em…
Lasten ja nuorten liikuntakäyttäytyminen Suomessa : LIITU-tutkimuksen tuloksia 2018
Fundamental movement skills in adolescents : secular trends from 2003 to 2010 and associations with physical activity and BMI
The aim of this study was to examine the secular trends in fundamental movement skills (FMS) among 15- to 16-year-old adolescents at 2 assessment points scheduled in 2003 and 2010 and to investigate the associations between FMS, physical activity (PA), and body mass index (BMI). In 2003, self-reported PA, weight and height, and objective FMS scores were collected from 2390 students, and in 2010, similar data were generated from a second sample of 1346 students. FMS were assessed during both assessment phases using 3 identical objective FMS tests that were figure 8 dribbling, jumping laterally, and coordination track tests. This study indicated that the sum index of FMS did not change among …
Uusia ajatuksia liikunnanopettajuuteen nousevan auringon maasta
Vapaa-ajan fyysisen aktiivisuuden ja sukupuolen yhteys liikuntatunnin kuormittavuuteen yläkouluikäisillä
Liikunnan ja fyysisen aktiivisuuden terveysvaikutuksista tiedetään laajalti ja lukuisia toimenpiteitä koulupäivän aikaisen fyysisen aktiivisuuden lisäämiseen on toteutettu niin Suomessa kuin useimmissa länsimaissa. Toistaiseksi haasteena on ollut tavoittaa ne nuoret, joiden arkielämään ei kuulu säännöllinen liikunnan harrastaminen. Koulun liikuntatunneille osallistuvat kuitenkin kaikki oppilaat, myös vapaaajallaan vähän liikkuvat. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää, millä sykealueella yläkoulun oppilaat liikkuvat liikuntatunnilla ja kuinka suuren osan tunnista sykkeet ovat terveyttä edistävällä tasolla. Lisäksi tarkasteltiin oppilaan vapaa-ajan fyysisen aktiivisuuden ja sukupuolen yhteyt…
Nuorten liikuntakäyttäytyminen Suomessa : LIITU-tutkimuksen tuloksia 2020
Factorial Validity and Reliability of the Curricular Goals in Physical Education Questionnaire
This study aimed to examine the validity and reliability of an instrument designed to measure student perceptions of curricular goals in physical education, the Curricular Goals in Physical Education Questionnaire. Participants were 879 Finnish students from grades 7 to 9 (412 girls, 467 boys; mean age 13.81). An exploratory factor analysis was performed on Sample 1 (n = 287), revealing a four-factor solution and suggesting that factor structure be cross-validated with confirmatory factor analysis in Sample 2 (n = 592). Confirmatory factor analysis demonstrated an acceptable fit and supported the four-factor model. Tests for gender invariance supported configural, metric, and scalar invaria…
Physical education teacher educators’ views regarding the purpose(s) of school physical education
The aim of this paper was to gain an understanding of the views of a group of physical education teacher educators on the purpose(s) of school physical education and whether, how and why these views have changed over time. Semi-structured individual interviews were carried out with thirteen physical education teacher educators; a fourteenth participant responded to interview questions in writing. Participants were based in seven countries: Belgium, Finland, Germany, Ireland, New Zealand, Switzerland and the USA. A relative consensus on the overarching purpose of physical education was evident, centred on physical education preparing young people for a lifetime of physical activity. The fram…
Equal-Status Relationships in the Gym
Abstract Strategies for developing equal-status relationships through reciprocal modeling, tutoring. and caring may guide teachers as they help children with disabilities make the transition from special education programs back to regular classes.
Liikunnanopetus ja opetuksen analysointi
Physical education teacher educators: A 25-year scoping review of literature
Abstract This paper presents a scoping review of literature on physical education teacher educators (1990–2014). The intent is to map research to date on this population and provide a useful context for the design and conduct of future scholarly inquiry. A total of 96 papers were included in the review. The included articles emerged from 15 countries and 25 journals. While much is known about US physical education teacher educators, there are many knowledge gaps regarding this population in other countries. The conclusions highlight a need for a co-ordinated approach to future research on physical education teacher educators.
Research lives of physical education teacher educators
This paper aims to provide insights into the research worlds of an international group of mid- and late-career physical education teacher educators. Specifically, it explores participants’ motives for research engagement and choices, and investigates what challenges and facilitates their research efforts. Two rounds of individual in-depth semi-structured interviews were conducted with 14 physical education teacher educators across 7 countries. Findings point to a distinction between research motives. Embarking on formal theses or specific funded projects was often motivated by practical and contextual drivers, such as job requirements or a wish for promotion, and was associated with feeling…
An exploration of the influence of professional relationships on the career pathways of physical education teacher educators
This paper focuses on the professional journeys of 14 mid- and late-career teacher educators in seven countries in the subject area of physical education. Data was gathered through two rounds of semi-structured interviews and revealed a strong emphasis on the professional relationships impacting upon participants’ entry to and development within the profession. Career interest development, career choice and career performance were all affected by the people with whom participants formed relationships throughout their careers. The findings are discussed with reference to the role of teacher educators in selecting, encouraging and supporting their teacher education colleagues.