Anna Scialabba

Il progetto “Laboratorio Sistema Madonie” strumento per la conservazione e la valorizzazione del germoplasma locale

research product

Assessment of interspecific variability in Helichrysum populations by AFLP

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Reactive oxygen species release, vitamin E, fatty acid and phytosterol contents of artificially aged radish (Raphanus sativus L.) seeds during germination

Abstract Seeds of Raphanus sativus L. subjected to accelerated ageing were investigated for reactive oxygen species (ROS) release and for content of vitamin E (tocopherol, TOC, and tocotrienol, TOC-3), fatty acids and phytosterols in seed coats, cotyledons and embryonic axes during germination. In unaged seeds, ROS release occurred mainly in seed coats of non-imbibed seeds and in seedlings (48 h of imbibition). TOC and TOC-3 were mainly represented by the c-isoform, abundant in embryonic axes. Fatty acids were mainly found in cotyledons. In seed coat and embryonic axis, phytosterols consisted mainly of sitosterols. The effects of ageing were mainly visible in embryonic axes at 48 h of imbib…

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Quanto è utile la conservazione ex situ per quella in situ?

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Caratterizzazione morfologica del polline dei taxa siciliani del genere Pyrus (Rosaceae)

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Microwave effects on germination and growth of radish (Raphanus sativus L.) seedlings

Germination of radish seeds was delayed and reduced by low-power microwave exposure at 10.5 and 12.5 GHz. Irradiation decreased also hypocotyl growth rate. These effects were increased by rising of the microwave power and by the vertically polarised electromagnetic field. When the irradiation was suspended the seedling growth recovered.

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Contributo alla caratterizzazione morfologica del polline di Prunus avium L.

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Diversity, relationships and conservation of Sicilian wild taxa of Brassica: an overview

Although lots of studies have been carried out through various analytical approaches and at different taxonomic levels, this overview reveals that actually a comprehensive biosystematic survey on the Mediterranean wild populations of Brassica oleracea group is still lacking.

research product

Ecotoxicity of halloysite nanotube-supported palladium nanoparticles inRaphanus sativusL

Halloysite nanotubes (HNTs) are natural nanomaterials that are biocompatible and available in large amounts at low prices. They are emerging nanomaterials with appealing properties for applications like support for metal nanoparticles (NPs). The potential environmental impacts of NPs can be understood in terms of phytotoxicity. Current research has been focusing on HNT applications in cell or animal models, while their use in plants is limited so their ecotoxicological impact is poorly documented. To date there are no studies on the phytotoxic effects of functionalized halloysites (functionalized-HNTs). To develop a quantitative risk assessment model for predicting the potential impact of H…

research product

Evaluation of the DNA barcoding approach to develop a reference data-set for the threatened flora of Sicily

The Mediterranean Basin is one of the most significantly altered World Biodiversity Hotspots with extensive habitat loss and fast genetic population erosion, for which urgent biodiversity reconnaissance and preservation actions are required. In particular, Sicily has about 600 taxa classified as threatened or near-threatened. The correct recognition and identification of such biodiversity is required for supporting further activities. The objective of this work is to assess the ability of the DNA barcoding approach to identify different taxonomic groups from a collection of the most threatened plant taxa, throughout natural Sicilian populations. The evaluation of the DNA barcoding core mark…

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Esperienze e prospettive della banca del germoplasma dell'Orto botanico di Palermo

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La gestione del nucleo delle collezioni in un genebank

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Genetic diversity in Sicilian populations of Quercus ilex (Fagaceae)

Raimondo, F. M., Scialabba, A., Guarino, R. & Spallino, R. E.: Genetic diversity in Sicilian populations of Quercus ilex (Fagaceae). — Fl. Medit. 23: 245-253. 2013. — ISSN: 1120-4052 printed, 2240-4538 online. Recent studies on the genetic structure of the Italian populations of Quercus ilex demonstrated their high diversity, particularly in the Sicilian metapopulation. In order to check if the holm oak stands in the mountains of NW Sicily could have some relationship with Q. ilex subsp. ballota (distributed in Spain and NW Africa), 26 specimens from the Sicilian most distinctive Q. ilex populations have been compared with some representative populations of the Italian Peninsula, North Afri…

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The Genebank database of Palermo's Botanical Garden

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Ecophysiology of germination in Sicilian population of Ferula communis (Umbelliferae)

Ferula communis L. is an umbelliferous plant widespread in the Mediterranean basin and particularly abundant in Sicily and Sardinia islands (Italy). In this species, two chemotypes have been distinguished: one is poisonous and responsible of hemorrhagic syndrome of livestock, known as ferulosis, while the other one (non- poisonous) has anticancer activity due to the presence of daucane esters. In Sicily the dry stem of this plant has commercial applications in special manufactured products. The object of the research was to investigate the germination ecophysiology of nine Sicilian populations of F. communis, in order to establish the correct germplasm conservation of the chemotypes economi…

research product

Ecotoxicity of halloysite nanotube–supported palladium nanoparticles in Raphanus sativus L

Halloysite nanotubes (HNTs) are natural nanomaterials that are biocompatible and available in large amounts at low prices. They are emerging nanomaterials with appealing properties for applications like support for metal nanoparticles (NPs). The potential environmental impacts of NPs can be understood in terms of phytotoxicity. Current research has been focusing on HNT applications in cell or animal models, while their use in plants is limited so their ecotoxicological impact is poorly documented. To date there are no studies on the phytotoxic effects of functionalized halloysites (functionalized-HNTs). To develop a quantitative risk assessment model for predicting the potential impact of H…

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In Sicily, the academic botanical gardens of Catania, Messina and Palermo have been historically exerting a multiplicity of activities ranging from maintenance of ex situ collections to plant conservation policy, practice and ecological restoration, along with more traditional functions related to education and academic research. In the last decade’s, two new botanical gardens the “Nuova Gussonea” and the “Bernardino da Ucria, were created in Sicily, with the aim to play more delimited, yet modern and complementary roles. The garden “Nuova Gussonea”, within the Etna Natural Park, is mostly devoted to collect and preserve the native flora of the Mount Etna, with a special focus on endemic an…

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Distribution of flavonoids in Helichrysum populations

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Conservazione genetica delle piante rare negli orti botanici

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Microwave effects on germination and growth of radish (Raphanus sativusL.) seedlings

Abstract Germination of radish seeds was delayed and reduced by low-power microwave exposure at 10.5 and 12.5 GHz. Irradiation decreased also hypocotyl growth rate. These effects were increased by rising of the microwave power and by the vertically polarised electromagnetic field. When the irradiation was suspended the seedling growth recovered.

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Contenuto di tocoferolo in semi deteriorati di Raphanus sativus L.

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Caratterizzazione genetica di Genista gasparrini e G. demarcoi (Leguminosae) endemiche siciliane.

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The stomach in liver cirrhosis

Abstract The stomachs of cirrhotic patients are frequently subject to a number of alterations, detectable by endoscopy, the presence of which indicates a disturbance in the mucosa. Several investigators believe that portal hypertension plays an etiopathogenetic role. Three groups of subjects were studied prospectively: 83 cirrhotic patients with portal hypertension, 53 cirrhotic patients without portal hypertension, and 135 control subjects. Snake skin, scarlatina rash, and petechia were the most frequent endoscopic findings in the cirrhotic patients with portal hypertension ( P

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Caratteristiche agronomiche ed ornamentali di alcune specie selvatiche del genere Helichrysum

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The Seedbank database of the Hortus Botanicus Panormitanus

A database for the management of the Seedbank of the Palermo’s Botanical Garden has been set up. Its structure and functioning are illustrated. Since November 2010 about 2000 records relating to 460 taxa have been inputted and are accesible via web. Links with other seedbank databases and with the database of the Herbarium Mediterraneum Panormitanum and of the Palermo’s Botanical Garden are explained.

research product

Diversity Assessment and DNA-Based Fingerprinting of Sicilian Hazelnut (Corylus avellana L.) Germplasm

The characterization of plant genetic resources is a precondition for genetic improvement and germplasm management. The increasing use of molecular markers for DNA-based genotype signature is crucial for variety identification and traceability in the food supply chain. We collected 75 Sicilian hazelnut accessions from private and public field collections, including widely grown varieties from the Nebrodi Mountains in north east Sicily (Italy). The germplasm was fingerprinted through nine standardized microsatellites (SSR) for hazelnut identification to evaluate the genetic diversity of the collected accessions, validating SSR discrimination power. We identified cases of homonymy and synonym…

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Direct Organogenesis from Cotyledons in Cultivars of Citrus clementina Hort. ex Tan

An efficient protocol to induce shoot buds regeneration in Citrus clementina cultivars (“Monreal”, “SRA 63” and “SRA 64”) by direct organogenesis has been developed using cotyledons as explants. Cotyledons transversely cut in three segments and entire ones were cultured on Murashige and Skoog (1962) solidified medium containing vitamins, 500 mg·l−1 malt extract, 50 g·l−1 sucrose and supplemented with three different concentrations of BAP (8.8, 13.2 and 17.6 μM). In all three cultivars the entire cotyledons showed more shoot morphogenic potential than transversely cut ones and after 60 incubation days the optimum BAP concentration was 17.6 μM in “Monreal” (50% ± 2.89% of frequency regenerati…

research product

Crioconservazione dei semi del frassino monumentale di Puntaloro (Fraxinus angustifolia).

Il frassino di Puntaloro, riferito a Fraxinus angustifolia Vahl (Oleaceae) è localizzato nel territorio di Petralia Sottana in provincia di Palermo, all‘interno del Parco delle Madonie. Si tratta di un ragguardevole individuo di 28 m di altezza, con una circonferenza a petto d‘uomo di circa 8 m e di oltre 400 anni di età (Schicchi & Raimondo, 2007). Il presente studio si propone la salvaguardia del germoplasma di questo individuo, indebolito da avversità meteoriche e parassitarie, utilizzando tecniche integrate di conservazione ex situ e in situ realizzate mediante la crioconservazione dei semi e la reintroduzione in natura delle piante ottenute dalle semine effettuate. Le samare di Fraxinu…

research product

Salvaguardia della biodiversità

DOCENTI AISN LA BIODIVERSITÀ: UNA RISORSA ESSENZIALE DELLA NATURA. CONOSCENZA E VALORIZZAZIONE ATTRAVERSO LA SCUOLA Orto Botanico Palermo - 18 febbraio 2011 LA SALVAGUARDIA DELLA BIODIVERSITÀ VEGETALE Anna Scialabba Dipartimento di Biologia Ambientale e Biodiversità, Via Archirafi, 38. 90123 Palermo La diversità biologica - ovvero l’insieme delle differenze esistenti a livello di ecosistemi, specie e geni - era, sino a pochi decenni fa, un campo indagato quasi esclusivamente dai biologi; è infatti solo in tempi relativamente recenti che la presa di coscienza del progressivo impoverimento del patrimonio biologico mondiale ha posto una serie di problemi etici, giuridici, economici e politici …

research product

Tocopherol, fatty acid and phytosterol content in seeds of nine wild taxa of Sicilian Brassica (Cruciferae)

The purpose of this study was to determine tocopherol (Toc), fatty acid and phytosterol content in dry seeds of nine wild taxa of Sicilian Brassica sect. Brassica. Analyses were performed by gas chromatography (GC)-mass spectroscopy (MS). The biochemical analysis of dry seeds showed that in the nine taxa examined, α - and γ -Toc were the major isomers, δ - Toc was present in traces and β -Toc was never found. All taxa had a similar fatty acid composition with C 16:0 (357.2 mg kg − 1 DW), C 18:1 (393.94 mg kg − 1 DW) and C 22:1 (618.29 mg kg − 1 DW) acids present in higher amount. Unsaturated fatty acids (52.5–66.5%) were more abundant than saturated (33.5–47.5%) ones relative to the total f…

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Differences in the activity and distribution of peroxidases from three different portions of germinating Brassica oleracea seeds

Peroxidase (POD, EC activity, cellular localization and isozyme patterns were investigated in the seed integument, cotyledon and embryo axis of Brassica oleracea cv. Cappuccio during pregermination and seedling growth. Seeds started to germinate after 24 h of imbibition. POD activity was localized in the pigmented layer of the integument and in procambial strands of the cotyledon and embryo axis in the first 24 h of imbibition. It was localized in the integumental cells of palisade, pigmented and aleurone layers and in epidermal, meristematic, procambial cells and xylem elements of the root and hypocotyl after 48 h of imbibition. POD activity increased during germination and early…

research product

Monitoraggio della longevità dei semi di Brassica villosa subsp drepanensis conservati a lungo termine

Le banche dei semi costituiscono un ottimo metodo per la preservazione delle risorse genetichè e della diversità biologica ma i processi di campionamento, conservazione, monitoraggio, rigenerazione, etc. possono causare erosione genetica, La longevità del seme è una caratteristica della specie e varia con il tempo e le condizioni di conservazione, I diversi livelli di dormienza delle specie selvatiche non consentono un corretto monitoraggio della qualità del seme, poiché una bassa risposta germinativa può dipendere dallo stato di dormienza e/o dalla perdita del vigore, Pertanto una buona pratica di valutazione della longevità nel tempo deve prevedere la conoscenza dello stato fisiologico de…

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Genetic variations in the endangered Sicilian endemic Brassica rupestris: proposals for a conservation strategy

Brassica rupestris Raf. is a chasmophyte species that includes two subspecies, both endemic to Central-Western Sicily (Italy). Inter-Simple Sequence Repeat (ISSR) markers were used to detect genetic diversity within and among eight populations representative of the species' distribution range. High levels of genetic diversity were revealed both at the population (PPB = 53.88%, HS = 0.212, Sh = 0.309) and at the species level (PPB = 96.55%, HT = 0.307, Sh = 0.464). The correlation between genetic and geographical distances was negative (Mantel test, r = -0.06, P < 0.95). The two subspecies of B. rupestris, subsp. rupestris and subsp. hispida, showed remarkable genetic similarity and molec…

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Indagini per la caratterizzazione dei complessi ibridogeni di Pistacia L.

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La biodiversità varietale delle specie frutticole negli agro-ecosistemi tradizionali delle Madonie.

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Analisi molecolare in popolazioni di Prunus mahaleb s.l. (Rosaceae) della Sicilia

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Giri di parole

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Caratteristiche agronomiche ed ornamentali di alcune specie spontanee del genere Helichrysum

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Studio morfoanatomico di Erysimum bonannianum ed E. metlesicsii (Crucuferae) endemiche della Sicilia

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Genetic variation in the Sicilian endangered populations of Brassica rupestris.

Boll. Mus. Ist. Biol. Univ. Genova, 73, 2011 106° Congresso Società Botanica Italiana – Genova 21-23 settembre 2011 163 GENETIC VARIATION IN THE SICILIAN ENDANGERED BRASSICA RUPESTRIS F.M. RAIMONDO1, A. SCIALABBA1, G. ZECCA2, F. GRASSI2, G. CASAZZA3, L. MINUTO3 1 Department of Environment Biology and Biodiversity, University of Palermo, Via Archirafi 38, I-90123 Palermo, Italy. raimondo@unipa.it; germas@unipa.it; 2 Botanical Garden, Department of Biology, Università di Milano, Via Celoria 26, 20133 Milano, Italy. giovanni.zecca@gmail.com; fabrizio.grassi@guest.unimi.it; 3Department for the Study of Territory and its Resources, University of Genova, Corso Dogali 1M, I-16136 Genova, Italy. ga…

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Nell’ambito delle attività di promozione della conservazione della biodiversità vegetale in Sicilia, l’Orto Botanico di Palermo ha sviluppato una serie di progetti, alcuni dei quali in collaborazione con gli enti gestori di aree protette. Fra di essi rientra la realizzazione di una banca vivente del germoplasma vegetale, organizzata ad Ucria, in provincia di Messina, in collaborazione con il Parco regionale dei Nebrodi. Oltre a una considerevole collezione di fruttiferi anticamente coltivati e reperiti nelle campagne siciliane, il patrimonio di agrobiodiversità della Banca, comprende varietà di piante ortive tra cui emerge la collezione di fagioli, risultato di una attenta esplorazione del …

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Analisi delle popolazioni siciliane di Helichrysum: propagazione in vitro e indagini fitochimiche

The Sicilian populations of Helichisum have got a germoplasm from which it is possible to select ornamental plants to be placed in a mediterranean and/or dry climate. The in vitro trials show an attitude for microprapagation and multiplication for commerciaI productions that can be used also for the re·introduction in the natural habitat. The highest multiplication rate belongs to three genotypes: H. hyblaeum (clone S6), H. nebrodense (Clone Cli) and H. rupestre var. rupestre (clone S2, S11). The height and the feature of the vitro plants are pecuIiar for each different clone. The clone S11 is suitable for the production of pot plants or bushes, the clone S2 and S6 for garden edge. The clon…

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Characterization of Brassica fruticulosa seeds

The structure and vitamin E (tocopherol and tocotrienol), fatty acid and phytosterol content and composition of seeds of Brassica fruticulosa Cyr. (Brassicaceae) were characterized. Seed size and elevated content of γ-tocotrienol, and γ- tocopherol and low of α- tocopherol can be useful for distinguishing seeds of B. fruticolosa from those of Sicilian Brassica sect. Brassica. The concentration of the tocotrienol is about one third of the vitamin E content. This profile makes this wild species worth to be recovered as food source and its germplasm preserved in a gene bank.

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Development of Sicilian bean core collection using morphological descriptors

Different species and varieties of bean, spread in Sicily, are representative of local agricultural practices, as result of a careful exploration. Many landraces have become obsolete due to the spread of commercial varieties, but are still cultivated in small areas of Nebrodi Mountains (ME-Italy) and are endangered. The Sicilian bean landraces are often poorly known but represent a genetic heritage to be preserve and to enhance. The ex situ conservation of Sicilian bean landraces was carried out in “Living Plants Germplasm Bank” of Ucria (ME-Italy), founded by the Nebrodi Regional Park, and in “Sicilian Plant Germplasm Repository” of STEBICEF Department - University of Palermo. Within ex si…

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Chemical composition, antimicrobial and antioxidant activity of the essential oils from Pimpinellatragium Vill. subsp. glauca (C. Presl.) C. BrulloBrullo (Apiaceae) growing wild in Sicily.

The essential oils from flowers, leaves and stems hydrodistilled from Pimpinella tragium Vill, subsp. glauca were characterised by GC and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry analysis. The C-12 nor-sesquiterpenes are the principal class of metabolites (56.6-70.6%) among which geijerene (28.9÷49.3%) and pregeijerene (10÷19.1%) predominate. Antimicrobial and antioxidant activities were evaluated. The minimum inhibitory concentration values indicate that oil obtained from the stems is the most active for antimicrobial activities and the sample with the biggest antioxidant capacity is the flower oil.

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Seed cryopreservation of Fraxinus angustifolia Vahl

Fraxinus angustifolia is used for afforestation and for production of both valuable timber and manna , a substance with pharmacological applications. The aim of this research was to establish the optimized condition for cryopreservation of F. angustifolia seeds, in order to protect the germplasm of this species. Germination percentage and mean time of germination of non-treated seeds (control) and liquid nitrogen-treated seeds were established in water or in 10 -6 M gibberellic acid (GA 3 ). The seeds could be cryopreserved with 3% of moisture content (MC) and germinated easily in water (70.0 ± 5.0%), while seeds cryopreserved with 6% MC showed a physiological dormancy. This state could be …

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Biodiversità e formazione universitaria.

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Tocopherols, fatty acids and phytosterols content in Brassica fruticulosa seeds

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Effects of ageing on peroxidase activity and localization in radish (Raphanus sativus L.) seeds.

Peroxidase activity was assayed in crude extracts of integument, cotyledons and embryo axis of radish seeds, deteriorated under accelerated ageing conditions. Over five days of ageing, in which germination decreased from 100 to 52%, the enzyme activity in integument was higher than that in other seed parts, increasing in the first days of ageing and then decreasing sharply in extremely aged seeds. Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis analysis showed four peroxidase isoenzymes with MM of 98, 52.5, 32.8 and 29.5 kDa in the embryo axis of unaged seeds, and only the 32.8 and 29.5 kDa MM isoforms in the integument and cotyledons. In these parts of the seed, only the 29.5 kDa MM isoenzyme increased…

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Alterazioni biochimiche indotte dal deterioramento in semi a riserva oleaginosa.

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Dehydration induces oxidative stress in Brassica seeds

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Monitoraggio e analisi del polline

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Application of AFLP marker techniques for sampling genetic variation in wild germplasm collections

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Preserving Biodiversity in Marginal Rural Areas:Assessment of Morphological and Genetic Variabilityof a Sicilian Common Bean Germplasm Collection

The historical cultivation of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) has resulted in the development of local populations/cultivars in restricted Italian rural areas. Many common bean landraces, still cultivated in small mountain areas from Sicily, have become outdated and endangered due to the commercial varieties spreading. These accessions are poorly known but often represent a genetic heritage to be preserved and enhanced. The ex situ conservation of fifty-seven Sicilian common bean landraces was carried out at the &ldquo

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Potenziale germinativo dei semi di Abies nebrodensis (Pinaceae).

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Indagini preliminari di crioconservazione in embrioni isolati di Abies nebrodensis (Lojac.) Mattei

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Nanotechnologies and nanomaterials are increasingly involved in the production of fillers, opacifiers, catalysts, semiconductors, cosmetics, microelectronic components and drug carriers with improved properties. Nevertheless, the production, use and disposal of nanomaterials, will inevitably lead to their release into the soil, with potential phytotoxicity on plants and negative impacts on economy, society and environment (1). In the last years halloysite nanotubes (HNT) emerged as promising materials with appealing perspective for technological applications. We have recently reported the generation of HNT derivatives carrying octylimidazolium moieties on the external surface (HNT supported…

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La visione di Elifaz

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Monitoraggio e analisi del polline di Abies.

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Chemical composition of the essential oils of three endemic species of Anthemis sect. Hiorthia (DC.) R.Fern. growing wild in Sicily and chemotaxonomic volatile markers of the genus Anthemis L.: an update.

The chemical composition of the essential oils isolated from the aerial parts of Anthemis pignattiorum Guarino, Raimondo & Domina and A. ismelia Lojac. and the aerial parts and flowers of Anthemis cupaniana Tod. ex Nyman , three endemic Sicilian species belonging to the section Hiorthia, was determined by GC-FID and GC/MS analyses. (Z)-Muurola-4(14),5-diene (27.3%) was recognized as the main constituent of the A. pignattiorum essential oil, together with isospathulenol (10.6%), sabinene (7.7%), and artemisyl acetate (6.8%), while in the oil obtained from the aerial parts of A. ismelia , geranyl propionate (8.8%), bornyl acetate (7.9%), β-thujone (7.8%), neryl propionate (6.5%), and t-muurol…

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Una banca del DNA della flora della regione mediterranea

Come è noto, la ricerca biologica nei vari campi fa sempre più riferimento alla struttura genetica degli urganismi, L'estrazione e il sequenziamento del DNA sono pratiche ormai di routine e. in tante secli "cientifiche, al riguardo, esistono laboratori ben attrezzati. In particolare. la moderna ricerca sistematica fa ampio riferimento alla caratterizzazione genetica degli organismi, Purtroppo, il DNA totale estratto. una volta utilizzato nelle indagini molecolari. spesso viene scartato per mancanza di un centro di deposito abilitato alla sua conservazione: questo rende impossibile-soprattutto quando nessun reperto de\l'organismo di riferimento è disponibile -sia la verifica della correttezz…

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Conservazione della diversità genetica delle piante rare negli orti botanici.

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The conservation of the Italian Crop Wild Relatives in the RIBES seed-banks: first data to establish national inventories and conservation priorities.

The authors present the updated results of such census in the Italian Seed Bank Network for native species conservation (RIBES) with an analysis of the contribution to the conservation of the Italian FAO priority CWR. Finally, a national priority list for conservation of CWRs was drawn up and proposed here.

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A temporary endoscopic solution that significantly improves the prognosis of Bouveret’s syndrome

We report the case of a 73-year-old woman who was hospitalized for mild abdominal pain after her referral following a diagnostic assessment of acute lithiasic cholecystitis. After the spontaneus regression of her painful symptoms and fever and several days of well-being, her clinically acute abdominal features suddenly showed an obstruction of the upper gastrointestinal tract. An emergency esophagogastroduodenoscopy (EGDS) confirmed that a large gallstone completely obstructed the pylorus as previously demonstrated by an ultrasound examination of the gallbladder. During the course of endoscopy, removal of the gallstone from the duodenum was achieved by pulling it into the stomach; the patie…

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Conservazione e caratterizzazione del germoplasma di interesse agro-alimentare delle Madonie

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Cytogenetical test to predict the vigour potential in Brassica seeds under long-term storage.

Preservation of intraspecific diversity in seed banks is a common strategy to frontier the loss of biodi- versity, however long-term storage inevitably results in the loss of a certain percentage of seeds, there- fore causing the genetic erosion of a seed collection. For this reason seed quality monitoring is of out- standing importance to ensure that the regenerated genetic material is representative of the endemic nat- ural diversity once reintroduced in the environment, as well as to preserve the genetic biodiversity of species economically relevant for modern agriculture. Ageing amplification tests, in which seeds under- go osmotic stresses, enable to detect little differences in the vi…

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Organogenesi diretta da cotiledoni in cultivar di Citrus x clementina Hort. Ex Tan.

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Hortus Botanicus Panormitanus Seed Bank

Hortus Botanicus Panornitanus Seed Bank Anna SCIALABBA*& Francesco M. RAIMONDO Dipartimento di Biologia ambientale e Biodiversità, Università di Palermo, Via Archirafì 38 , 90123 Palermo, Italia E-mail dell’Autore per la corrispondenza: germas@unipa.it RIASSUNTO - Horlus Bolanicus Panormitanus Seed Bank - La Banca dei semi Hortus Botanicus Panormitanus (HPB) ha realizzato il progetto di conservazione ex situ di piante selvatiche dell'area mediterranea, inserendosi nel contesto delle attività e delle funzioni svolte dall'Orto botanico di Palermo. La banca ha lo scopo di preservare le risorse fitogenetiche, rivolgendo particolare attenzione alle specie rare o minacciate e alle piante selvatic…

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Stress integrated tests and cytological analyses reveal Brassica villosa subsp. drepanensis seed quality decrease upon long-term storage

Under stress integrated germination test (SIGT), seeds undergo osmo-saline stresses, which enable to detect differences in vigour of long-term stored seeds with high germination percentage (G%). The quality of Brassica villosa subsp. drepanensis seeds stored in a genebank (at -20°C for 16 years) was compared with seeds at harvest by standard germination tests (GT), SIGT and cytogenetic analysis. No differences were detected in G% and mean germination time under GT. Conversely, SIGT performed with NaCl -0.9MPa osmotic potential did not influence G% at harvest but reduced that of stored seeds, SIGT at -1.4MPa reduced G% of both. Cytogenetic analysis showed reduction of mitotic index, appearan…

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Seed mass variation and in vitro embryos culture of Abies nebrodensis (Lojac.) Mattei

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Conservation of wild plants genetic diversity in a genebank. In : Italian-Russian School of high education in Ecological Sciences Environmental Sciences and Natural Sciences.

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L'importanza delle banche del germoplasma per la conservazione e la valorizzazione delle risorse vegetali

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