Simona Bacarella
5.7 Il giacimento meridionale
The Wine Influencers: Exploring a New Communication Model of Open Innovation for Wine Producers—A Netnographic, Factor and AGIL Analysis
Wine Influencers (WIs) represent a new type of independent third party endorsers that are progressively establishing themselves within social networks. This study analyzes the characteristics of the activity of WIs and the communication model used via Instagram. Netnographic Analysis, Factor Analysis and AGIL methods were applied. The results show five Key-findings within specific relationships established during discussions: advice from Wine Influencers and generalized reciprocity in relationships
Wine Consumer Preferences and Attitude in Colombia
During the last third of the twentieth century the world wine market became significantly competitive. Consumption declined in the traditional wine producing and consuming countries, while competition emerged from such 'New World' nations as the United States, Australia and Chile, and prosperous consumers chose quality rather than quantity in consumption (Bisson L. F. et al., 2002). Over the last decade, the wine industry has become increasingly globalized (Velikova N. et al., 2013). Global outlook of wine market is characterized by a supply higher than demand, which results in an even more competitive environment. Many wine producers look for new opportunities to increase their sales and e…
Varietà locali di cipolle sul podio della qualità
Importance of food labeling as a means of information and traceability according to consumers
Consumption patterns have considerably changed over recent years. We are witnessing more and more frequently to a lack of information (i.e. information asymmetry) between food producers and consumers, this generate in the consumer the latter need to access information related to processes of production of food and food distribution. Decisionmaking, in absence of further information, leads consumers to pay attention to food labeling. Food labels become the only tool for consumers to acquire additional information about products in order to make the purchase decision. In today’s modern and globalized market, labels limitations can be partially overcome by using Mobile Marketing tools, such as…
Assessing preferences of some predefined consumer profiles for attributes of small fruit
Small fruit (commonly referred to as berries), represents a potential high-value niche-market crop in Italy. This fruit grows naturally in many localities of northern Italy, but favorable environmental conditions for this crop can be found also in southern regions where this production may support local farmers' incomes. According to literature and to official statistics, small fruit's health benefiting properties are well known in the international market, but little is known about the reason of a low commercialization rate of fresh small fruit in Italy. The objective of this study was to assess, in the domestic market, consumer preferences for small fruit according to consumer rankings ap…
2.4 Il commercio con l'estero
Analisi della produzione e del mercato dei prodotti di IV gamma in Italia
Il volume si articola in due parti: la prima approfondisce l’analisi della produzione e del mercato in Europa, con particolari specificazioni e approfondimenti sulla situazione produttiva e organizzativa esistente in Francia: Paese, come sopra specificato, dove nacque e dov’è più diffuso il comparto della produzione e della commercializzazione dei prodotti di IV gamma; la seconda si diffonde sull’analisi della produzione e del mercato in Italia, con particolare attenzione alla situazione siciliana.
Nuovi scenari della vitivinicoltura siciliana
Planting Date and Different N-Fertilization Rates Differently Modulate Agronomic and Economic Traits of a Sicilian Onion Landrace and of a Commercial Variety
The onion is one of the most widespread bulb vegetables worldwide. Onion cultivation is common in Sicily, as is the use of local genotypes. Cultivation practices are of particular interest in optimizing yield, quality, and profits. The aim of this study was to assess the agronomic response of a Sicilian landrace (Bianca Calda di Comiso, coded L1) and a commercial variety (Bianca di Maggio, coded V1) to different planting dates and N fertilization rates. An economic appraisal was also performed. The two genotypes were assessed using an experimental split-split-plot design with four levels of nitrogen rates (0, 80, 160, and 220 kg N ha−1) and two different planting dates (8 October 2005…
I vantaggi della subirrigazione per produrre più turioni
5.4 Il giacimento occidentale.
2.2 L'industria
Produzione cerealicola e della pasta
4. Le imprese agroalimentari marketing oriented
2.1 La produzione
3.1 Le superfici e i vitigni
3.3 Le distillazioni e il magazzinaggio privato
6. Consumption of pasta in Italy: factors affecting preferences
Study of Wine Producers' Marketing Communication in Extreme Territories - Application of the AGIL Scheme to Wineries Websites Features
This study measures the communication ability of wineries in two extreme territories of Southern Italy, Mount Etna and the island of Pantelleria. The evaluation of four dimensions of web communication was carried out by the AGIL Scheme (i.e. adaptation, goal-attainment, integration, latent pattern maintenance). The study provides a generalizable model to be applied in other similar studies. Also, focus groups of experts were carried out. The method proved to be suitable to measure the communication effectiveness of wineries through websites. Extreme territories may add value to the wine, regardless of the brand. The heroic wines may become the symbol of these territories helping environment…
3.4 Il mercato all'origine dei vini da tavola e Doc-Docg
Circular economy and agritourism: a sustainable behavioral model for tourists and farmers in the post-COVID era.
Introduction: In recent years, issues related to environmental and ecosystem protection have been given greater consideration than in the past. The goal of adopting sustainable development models is vigorously pursued in the European Union and is reflected concretely in the new Common Agricultural Policy 20232027. The circular economy can certainly be an emerging economic response that can eectively replace growth models centered on a linear view. Agriculture and tourism are two crucial sectors where the “green transition” should be encouraged to help achieve sustainability goals through economic circularity. Agritourism’s activity may be relevant in contributing to a behavioral change based…
4. Il vivaismo ornamentale
Il comparto vivaistico in Italia riveste un ruolo fondamentale per le diverse filiere dell’agroalimentare, collocandosi a monte del sistema produttivo, ne rappresenta un momento strategico; la qualità e le caratteristiche delle produzioni finali dipendono, in larga misura, da quelle possedute dal materiale di base utilizzato per la propagazione. In Sicilia, come nel resto del paese, l’attività vivaistica cerca di rispondere alle esigenze ed alle peculiarità della produzione agricola regionale, fondata principalmente sui comparti agrumicolo, olivicolo, ortofrutticolo e vitivinicolo. In tale quadro si colloca, ed assume particolare importanza il vivaismo ornamentale che presenta una vasta gam…
Economic and structural aspects of vitiviniculture in Sicily
World wine market is among the most dynamic in the agro-food sector and in the last few years it has undergone deep changes concerning production, consumption and trade. The growing presence of new wine-producing countries and the reform of the vitivinicultural Common Market Organization (CMO) have strongly contributed to the changes occurred in this sector. Accounting for 49% of world wine supply, Italy, France and Spain are the three main wine producers in the world. Italian situation is characterised by few wine-producing regions which altogether represent the major part of cultivated areas and wine production. In this scenario Sicily, according to 2004 ISTAT data, is the Italian region …
Le moderne consommateur de vin: enquete dans la ville de Palerme
Negli ultimi anni, i cambiamenti dei valori individuali e della società hanno contribuito a modificare i modelli di consumo in generale; così, l’evoluzione del consumo e del comportamento del consumatore obbediscono ad un insieme di nuove realtà socioeconomiche. Il moderno consumatore assume sempre più comportamenti complessi; è più esigente, critico, selettivo, mira ad affermare la propria personalità e presta sempre maggiore attenzione alla qualità, alla genuinità, alla sanità, alla freschezza dei prodotti, oltre che alla varietà e diversificazione dei tempi, modi, luoghi e beni di consumo. Con lo sviluppo economico e sociale, cambia anche il ruolo dell’alimentazione divenendo più comples…
1 - Il contesto italiano
Il “Sistema” agricolo siciliano da tempo ha individuato nella conservazione dei prodotti dell’agricoltura siciliana (lavorazione, trasformazione, confezionamento) un percorso quasi obbligato per la migliore valorizzazione dei prodotti a veloce deperibilità: frutta e verdure. In tale quadro, grande importanza rivestono i prodotti di IV gamma realizzati al fine di conservare, per il tempo necessario al raggiungimento del consumatore, la freschezza del prodotto. Le loro caratteristiche tecniche, tipologiche e di packaging sono sempre in continua evoluzione specialmente per i prodotti orticoli, ma una intensa ricerca è rivolta anche ai prodotti frutticoli. In Italia, così come in Europa dove es…
Traceability and Labelling of Food Products from the Consumer Perspective
Traceability of food products plays an important role in improving value chain processes of businesses and their reputation in the marketplace. In the past few years, consumers' concerns about food quality and personal health have been closely related to a continuous improvement of traceability systems and government regulation. Labeling of food products is a very important tool for consumers to acquire information about the quality of food, particularly at the purchase decision stage of the buying process. The objective of this research is to know consumers' preferences in regards to information contained in food labels. More particularly, this study focuses on what information is required…
Estimation of Role of Sicilian Region on Production of Quality Wines. A Comparison between the Best Sicilian and Italian Wines by Using Influential Wine Guides
Abstract Sicilian region (Southern Italy) has always been the larger Italian wine producer, because of their terroir (i.e. climate, soil and cultivar) and the extension of the vineyard area. For a long time, in the past, Sicilian vineyards produced only wine for blending or for bulk wine consumption. However, the quality of wine production in the Sicilian region has raised significantly over the past years, due to numerous factors, including, primarily, the development of manufacturing techniques, the major business investments of wineries, and the better legislation for protection of quality wines. These factors, combined with producers' targeted marketing strategies and actions, have grea…
Italian Consumers’ Preferences for Pasta and Consumption Trends: Tradition or Innovation?
The aim of this study is to know Italian consumers’ preferences for Pasta and consumption habits. Food culture and concerns about food security and product innovation were investigated. A sample of Italian consumers was interviewed. Consumer’ profile, motivations and purchasing behavior were described. Relationships between observed variables and the latent constructs that explain the preferences were highlighted. There is asymmetric information between consumers and producers. Consumers believe Pasta is made with Italian grains, and therefore it is healthy and safe, although that’s not always the case. Intrinsic and extrinsic high quality, which derives from growing and production technolo…
La selta del biologico tra crisi economica e crisi alimentare: il caso del mercato di Palermo
Abstract A partire dalla seconda metà del 2008 la crisi finanziaria che ha colpito l’economia mondiale, ha determinato la stagnazione dei consumi alimentari e un cambiamento nel comportamento di acquisto dei consumatori. La preoccupazione per il futuro e la riduzione del reddito disponibile, che limita la capacità di acquisto delle famiglie, hanno determinato variazioni sulla spesa alimentare in relazione sia ai quantitativi che alla composizione del paniere. Alla preoccupazione per la crisi economica, si accompagna quella per la contaminazione dei cibi causata dal susseguirsi nel tempo di numerosi scandali alimentari (mucca pazza, influenza aviaria, melamina nel latte cinese, formaggi cont…
5.2 Le imprese agroalimentari nei comuni prescelti.
3.2.1 I vini a denominazione di origine
Is Environmental Sustainability Also “Economically Efficient”? The Case of the “SOStain” Certification for Sicilian Sparkling Wines
The Italian wine industry is strongly committed to sustainability. Among the numerous sustainability certifications and programs implemented in Italy for the wine sector, SOStain is the oldest at the regional level. The SOStain Foundation promotes the voluntary application of a sustainability program, developed in 2010 in Sicily (Southern Italy). The requirements of the SOStain specifications are connected to the new CAP 2023–2027 objectives; therefore, companies preparing for the new challenges of future winemaking might be interested in joining the SOStain Foundation for greening production practices. The objective of this study was to learn producers’ and consumers’ opinions about motiva…
3.2 La produzione
La filiera siciliana della pasta: un'applicazione della netchain analysis
The system of Sicilian durum wheat is facing, as indeed is happening to the entire food system, the evolution of consumption patterns toward higher quality requirements: health-wise, primarily, but also including some intangible requirements. Recent acquisitions in the field of healthy food, have called attention to some specific characteristics of Sicilian durum wheat. The durum wheat sector represents a major landmark for regional agriculture, being by far the most widespread arable crop in Sicily; a crop that, over the past 30 years, has evolved considerably, due to the impact of EU regulations. Currently, the whole Sicilian cereal-pasta chain shows shortcomings in organization and size,…
Interactions between Street Food and Food Safety Topics in the Scientific Literature—A Bibliometric Analysis with Science Mapping
Street food (SF) consists of ready-to-eat food prepared and sold on the street. This food constitutes the food traditions of local populations in many countries of the world. SF characterizes a large number of cities around the world, from New York to Paris, from Palermo to cities of North Africa, China, India and Japan. SF is inexpensive and prepared following traditional methods that meet local consumer preferences, culinary culture and lifestyles. Moreover, SF allows a unique experience for tourists who also want to experience a destination through traditional food consumed on the street together with the locals. Nevertheless, SF is linked to several health hazards. Hence, several studie…
2. I risultati dell'indagine in Sicilia
Visitor’s Motivational Framework and Wine Routes’ Contribution to Sustainable Agriculture and Tourism
Wine Routes develop inside the larger context of wine tourism (WT), which is increasingly important for rural communities. Italy is one of the most important countries in the world for wine production and tourism. Sicily is one of the leading regions in Italy for wine production and wine tourists. This study focuses on the Sicilian wine routes (SWRs) and gives an excursus of their development during the last ten years, highlighting strengths and weaknesses. Moreover, the study wants to make an attempt to bridge the existing gap in the literature and highlight the nature and extent of the contribution of the SWR to the development of the WT ‘product’ from the perspective of the increasingly …
Consumer acceptance and primary drivers of liking for small fruits
Small fruit grow naturally in northern Italy, but also in the Sicilian region (southern Italy) there are some areas with the essential climatic conditions for the development of this crop. Nevertheless, according to official statistics, the quantities of fresh small fruits placed on the Italian market are lower than in other European countries. The objective of this study was to assess consumer acceptance for sensory attributes and other intrinsic and extrinsic quality parameters of fresh small fruit, in order to know the primary drivers of liking and have a first understanding of reasons for the poor domestic consumption. Six focus groups with sensory test were carried out to assess consum…
Les entreprises vitivinicoles marketing oriented en Sicile
Pasta experience: Eating with the five senses - a pilot study
Dried pasta is the Italian food “par excellence”. Traditional foods have characteristics that can stimulate or evoke in the consumer sensorial stimuli and experiences, especially when these foods are consumed in a typical-traditional restaurant. Traditional restaurants can use sensory marketing as a promotional advantage, creating a unique and original atmosphere that can represent their main way of differentiation. The aims of this paper are to know consumer liking with regard to two high quality types of Sicilian pasta, common dried pasta, and whole-wheat pasta, consumed in three different venues of a typical-traditional Italian franchised restaurant, and to measure the influence of envir…
Consumption of spices and ethnic contamination in the daily diet of Italians - consumers’ preferences and modification of eating habits
AbstractCurrently, consumers appear to have diversified characteristics with regard to food tastes and consumption habits. The globalization of markets and the migration phenomenon contributed to the modification of food preferences of consumers who gradually introduce into their eating habits foods and recipes typical of the tradition of foreign countries. In this scenario, also in Italy, it is going to increase the use of “foreign products” with the consequent fusion of traditional cuisine techniques and recipes with ingredients that are typical of foreign countries and cultures. Foods and ingredients originally consumed in Asian or South American countries are increasingly consumed by It…
The communicative power of an extreme territory – the Italian island of Pantelleria and its passito wine
Purpose This paper aims to examine how Pantelleria’s wineries communicate the extreme territory of Pantelleria through its passito wine and whether this may be a value added for consumers. Specifically examines which dimensions of communication are effectively used by wineries to stimulate, in wine consumers, emotions that link passito wine with the territory of Pantelleria. Design/methodology/approach All websites of wineries producing passito wine in Pantelleria were analyzed using the adaptation, goal-attainment, integration and latent pattern maintenance (AGIL) scheme for measuring communication dimensions. Findings Results suggest that wineries and stakeholders should apply territory-…
Agricultural quality products for territorial evaluation and tourism development in Sicily: the Pantelleria case
The Agri-Food system is determined and conditioned by the effects of great phenomena, strictly related to territorial, environmental, social, political and economical aspects. Thus, agriculture has to carry out complex roles within the multi-functionality framework throughout production of healthy products, safeguard and protection of environment and territory, preservation and safeguard of bio-diversity, and by supplying goods and services to public, integrating with industry and agrifood distribution. Within such scenery, developed Countries, and in particular those of the EU, carry out strategies in order to adjust to new agrifood market conditions, and to respond to citizens-consumers i…
Quality Factors Influencing Consumer Demand for Small Fruit by Focus Group and Sensory Test
ABSTRACTThe market of berries is a niche of high value in Italy. Small fruit’s healthy properties are well known in the international market, but little is known about the reason for a low commercialization rate of fresh small fruit in Italy. The objective of this study was to assess consumer preferences in Italy for selected berry species. Moreover, the study aims to identify the relevant attributes of berries that affect the demand for this produce according to consumers and to compare these attributes. We assessed relevant attributes affecting the demand for fresh berries for different consumers’ profiles and compared berries’ attributes rankings. The results reveal high concordance betw…
Mediterranean Diet, Sustainability, and Tourism—A Study of the Market’s Demand and Knowledge
Globalization intensified competitiveness among agribusinesses worldwide in recent years. The European Commission focused on enhancing sustainable agriculture and food products’ territorial uniqueness for competing in the international market. The Mediterranean diet (MD) is a model of feeding and lifestyle belonging to the ancient Mediterranean culture, which also embodies a sustainable food system. Therefore, in 2010, UNESCO recognized the MD as Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity, and Sicily (southern Italy) is its official physical site. Despite its worldwide fame, the notion of the MD runs the risk of being mystified because it is described most often as something that does not cor…
La vitiviniculture sicilienne par rapport au contexte international: évolution et perspective
Since the entrance of new producing countries and with the E.U. OCM wine reform, the world wine market has been subject to deep changes in its production, consumption and trade. These changes have determined an increasingly intense and dynamic competition among wine producers, both on a national and on an international level, and also a change in the offer which has become even more varied and connected with the areas of production (Chilean, Australian, Hungarian wines). For this reason, the research aims to illustrate the changes in the Sicilian wine production compared to the national context, analyzing the structural and organizational features. On an international level, it also shows t…
Vino e mercati emergenti: il caso della Colombia
Il vino, dal punto di vista economico, è uno dei prodotti più importanti e complessi dell’agricoltura; a livello internazionale, il mercato mondiale del vino è stato, negli ultimi anni, oggetto di profondi cambiamenti che hanno interessato la produzione ed il consumo. La produzione mondiale viene dai Paesi tradizionalmente produttori come la Francia, l’Italia e la Spagna, e dai nuovi produttori come gli USA, l’Australia, il Cile e l’Argentina. In Colombia, le prime indicazioni dell'arrivo del vino, risalgono al 12 ottobre dell'anno 1492 con Cristoforo Colombo; le prime importazioni di vino iniziarono già nell'anno 1534, ma subito dopo, sotto la pressione dei commercianti spagnoli che si ved…
Influence of Coherent Context for Positioning Distinctive and Iconic Sicilian Sparkling Wines: Effect of a Sensorial Experience on a Gulet
Spumante wines produced in Sicily region (southern Italy) have sensorial characteristics significantly different from those produced in other Italian regions, because of the great differences of terroir. Offering a product included in a coherent and consistent context allows consumers to differentiate in the marketplace. The aim of this study is to propose solutions for Sicilian wineries for positioning Sicilian Spumante in the market, based on empirical data. Moreover, it was investigated whether a positive experience in a context consistent with the Sicilian sparkling wines could influence consumers’ consumption intentions. A blind sensory test was performed by 146 expert wine tasters. Op…
1. La struttura del vivaismo in Italia ed in Sicilia
2.3 I consumi di vino nel mondo
Study of product repositioning for the Marsala Vergine DOC wine
Italian production of wine is very diversified and Sicily is one of the major regions with regards to quality and quantity of wine. The Marsala is the oldest fortified Sicilian wine, which is very valuable because of its organoleptic qualities and its production process. Marsala wine has been gaining for over a century in the Italian and foreign market, but, after a century of fame, it entered a long phase of decline because of inappropriate producers' decisions and new competitors. The objective of this study is to investigate strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and treats of Marsala Vergine DOC wine for repositioning the product in the market. The focus group and factor analysis were car…
Study of Wine Producers’ Marketing Communication in Extreme Territories–Application of the AGIL Scheme to Wineries’ Website Features
This study measures the communication ability of wineries in two extreme territories of Southern Italy, Mount Etna and the island of Pantelleria. The evaluation of four dimensions of web communication was carried out by the AGIL Scheme (i.e., adaptation, goal-attainment, integration, latent pattern maintenance). The study provides a generalizable model to be applied in other similar studies. Additionally, focus groups of experts were carried out. The method proved to be suitable to measure the communication effectiveness of wineries through websites. Extreme territories may add value to the wine, regardless of the brand. The heroic wines may become the symbol of these territories, helping e…
3.1.1 Le estirpazioni
Le vin sicilien entre histoire et technologie
Dans le marché vitivinicole, au niveau national et international, la compétition entre les producteurs est toujours plus intense et dynamique et, par conséquence, pour l'entreprise il est de plus en plus importante la communication de son image. En même temps l'évolution technologique qui détermine le continu changement dans la façon de faire communication, a ajouté aux chaines de communication traditionnelles celle d'Internet et les systèmes à lui joints. L'accès au Web maintenant n'est plus lié seulement à l'utilisation du personal computer mais, à présent, les usagers peuvent se connecter à tout instant et de n'importe quel lieu à travers les nouveaux systèmes reliés à la téléphonie mobi…