Giuseppe Tringali
Bem estar familiar e acolhimento de genitores”
"Education therapeutique en oncologie: du corps refuse au corps revècu".
“La colazione dimenticata: comportamenti e influenza di fattori socio familiari relativi al consumo della prima colazione in un campione di popolazione scolastica della Sicilia Occidentale”.
Motivazione e Burnout
Working activities are subjected to different relationship and motivational dynamics which may cause stress and behavioural disorders. Burnout syndrome was indicated as strictly related to motivation and satisfaction in socio sanitary activities.
Un'indagine sulla pratica scolastica relativa all'educazione alla salute in un campione di insegnanti della provincia di Palermo
Planning promotional interventions in health education appears inadeguate, in spite of the great number of legislative and theoric statements. Few Schools, in fact, are capable of realizing activities in health education, either for lack of human and material resources in the school, as well as for difficulties in links and communication with the territory. In front of scholastic presences well developed and competent in health education, coesist an elevated number of schools which consider healt education as an additional work for teachers, giving as acquaired in the family or in other specific courses the relative notions.
"Internacionalização e saude: ambiente, estilo de vita, Educação e patologias correlacionadas".
Sorveglianza nutrizionale ed educazione alimentare per la prevenzione dell'obesità in età evolutiva
DHA protects PC12 cells against oxidative stress and apoptotic signals through the activation of the NFE2L2/HO-1 axis
Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) is an omega‑3 polyunsaturated fatty acid, derived mainly from fish oil. It is well known that DHA is present in high concentrations in nervous tissue and plays an important role in brain development and neuroprotection. However, the molecular mechanisms underlying its role remain to be fully elucidated. In this study, to enhance our understanding of the pathophysiological role of DHA, we investigated the possible neuroprotective mechanisms of action of DHA against hydrogen peroxide (H2O2)‑induced oxidative damage in a rat pheochromocytoma cell line (PC12). Specifically, we evaluated the viability, oxidation potential, and the expression and production of antioxida…
“Conoscenze e comportamenti nei riguardi delle pratiche di tatuaggio e piercing in un campione di studenti universitari di Facoltà umanistiche e scientifiche”
“Conoscenze attitudini e pratiche di controllo per la precoce individuazione dei tumori cutanei in un campione di studenti e docenti universitari”.
Fattori di rischio per la salute nell’abuso di Internet
Pyrazolobenzotriazinones Derivatives as COX Inhibitors: Synthesis Biological Activity and Molecular Modeling Studies
Pyrazolylbenzotriazinones are endowed with structural analogy with the COX-2 selective inhibitor celecoxib. Considering that our research group has long been interested in the 3-pyrazolyl-substituted benzotriazinones as anti-inflammatory agents, six new pyrazolylbenzotriazinone derivatives 16a-c and 18a-c have been prepared by reacting the opportune ethyl 5-(2-aminobenzamido)-1-(pyridin-2-yl)-1H-pyrazole-4-carboxylate or 5-(2-aminobenzamido)-1-(pyridin-2-yl)-1H-pyrazole-4-carboxyic acid with sodium nitrite in glacial acetic acid. The biological studies revealed a good pharmacological profile for some pyrazolylbenzotriazinones and, in the case of the ethyl 5-(4-oxo-1,2,3-benzotriazin-3(4H)-y…
Evidence for the neuronal origin of immunoreactive interleukin-1 beta released by rat hypothalamic explants.
In this study, we have investigated the release of immunoreactive interleukin-1 beta (irIL-1 beta) from the rat hypothalamus in vitro. It was found that (1) tissue explants release sizable amounts of irIL-1 beta (ranging from 0.43 to 0.52 pg/mg of wet tissue) in 20 min incubations; (2) basal release in significantly increased by depolarization induced with 56 mM KCl; (3) K(+)-induced irIL-1 beta release is inhibited by the specific blocker of N-type calcium channels, omega-conotoxin, and by verapamil, but not by nifedipine; (4) K(+)-induced release is also inhibited by the Na+ channel blockers tetrodotoxin and lidocaine; (5) irIL-1 beta release is significantly increased by noradrenalin; su…
Binge-like alcohol exposure in adolescence: behavioural, neuroendocrine and molecular evidence of abnormal neuroplasticity … and return
Binge alcohol consumption among adolescents affects the developing neural networks underpinning reward and stress processing in the nucleus accumbens (NAc). This study explores in rats the long-lasting effects of early intermittent exposure to intoxicating alcohol levels at adolescence, on: (1) the response to natural positive stimuli and inescapable stress
Educacao Terapeutica e Crianca Hemofilica
“Attitudini delle studentesse di medicina all’educazione tra pari per la prevenzione dell’AIDS”
An investigation was carried out aimed to define the alimentary habit and rate of growth in two groups of students in Trapani and Milan. Information on alimentary habit was obtained by a multiple choice questionnaire; the rate of growth was evaluated determining auxological and nutritional status. A control system defined as "nutritional monitoring program" at national level, will determine the condition for a national multicenter program of obesity prevention.
Mobbing: la prevenzione del disagio e la promozione del benessere in ambito lavorativo.
A survey on planning, expectations and factors influencing the stabilization process of migrating people in Palermo, Western Sicily
Background. Europe constitutes a major pole of attraction for the migratory fluxes. The migrating population is made up of many different individuals, carrying different projects of life and expectations. The consistence of the phenomena, in few decades, will be responsible for deep changes in the demographic structure of the European population. The purpose of this investigation was to attempt to draw an identikit of migrating people and to evaluate those factors which may be considered important to positively influence the process of stabilization. Moreover, the research tried to evaluate the differences among those migrating people who have recently arrived, still considering this countr…
La pediculosi a scuola: percorsi di prevenzione e di educazione alla salute
“Humanização, recxiprocidade e solidariedade na internacionalização da educação superior”
Mobbing: dalla malattia professionale alla promozione del benessere in ambito lavorativo
Supportive care in onco-haematologic service: therapeutic patient education and burnout prevention in health workers
L’educazione terapeutica del paziente è parte integrante dell’assistenza e del trattamento medico, volta ad aiutare il paziente, la sua famiglia a capire e convivere con la malattia e le cure. L’intervento di educazione terapeutica è di particolare necessità in contesti come il settore dell’oncoematologia pediatrica per la particolare strutturale fragilità dei pazienti e i problemi connessi alle terapie. Nei dipartimenti di oncologia per altro il personale sanitario è esposto alla possibilità di sviluppare una sindrome di burnout. Insieme ad elevati standard professionali e competenze tecniche al persoanle sanitario si richiedono pertanto capacità relazionali generalmente non incluse nel cu…
“Comportamenti e variabili culturali in relazione al consumo di frutta e verdura e alla attività fisica in un campione di adolescenti e di studenti universitari”.
A pilot study of internet usage patterns in a group of italian university students.
“Euthanasia: Health Promotion for the Quality of Death”
“Parassitosi intestinali: conoscenze, comportamenti e influenza di fattori socio familiari in un campione di alunni e docenti di Scuola Primaria”
Ethanol Modulates Corticotropin Releasing Hormone Release From the Rat Hypothalamus: Does Acetaldehyde Play a Role?
BACKGROUND AND METHODS Ethanol (EtOH) activates hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis, resulting in adrenocorticotropin hormone, glucocorticoid release, and in modifications of the response of the axis to other stressors. The initial site of EtOH action within the HPA system seems to be the hypothalamus. Thus, to determine the mechanisms responsible for these effects, we investigated: (i) whether EtOH was able to release corticotrophic releasing hormone (CRH) from incubated hypothalamic explants; (ii) whether acetaldehyde (ACD), its first metabolite formed in the brain by catalase activity, might play a role in EtOH activity. To this aim, rat hypothalamic explants were incubated with: (…
Prevalence, knowledge, attitudes and practices towards body art in university students: body art as an indicator of risk taking behaviours?
<p><strong>Background</strong>: Young people are attracted by body art and consider it as a way of being “different”. Body art (tattoos, piercing, etc.) represents an important socio-cultural phenomenon which is not risk free for health. Existing literature, moreover, points out that deviant behaviours and unhealthy lifestyles are significantly associated with body art.</p><p><strong>Objective and methods</strong>: The research was aimed to describe the knowledge, attitudes, and practices of university students towards body art, highlighting the association between body art and some demographic variables, deviant behaviours, unhealthy lifestyles, kn…
Il mobbing: dalla malattia professionale alla promozione del benessere sul lavoro
Insegnanti di sostegno: fattori di rischio per patologia psichiatrica? Una indagine nel nord e sud italia,
Il cibo come farmaco: probiotici, prebiotici, simbiotici
Enteric microflora represent a protective barrier against infectious viruses, bacteria and toxins. Nutritional supplements constituted of live germs, producing and maintaining a condition of enteric eubioses may offer therapeutic possibilities against different pathologies.
Valutazione psicopedagogica e riabilitazione educativa negli ospedali pediatrici
The hospital recovery has a fandamental role concerning the diagnosis and the following treatment. The hospitalised child is subjected to a psychological trauma, linked to different factors, such as age, pathology, social and family context where he lives. He feels happy if the structure pays attention not only at his disease but also if it can satisfy all his needs.
Cytoprotective Effect of Idebenone through Modulation of the Intrinsic Mitochondrial Pathway of Apoptosis in Human Retinal Pigment Epithelial Cells Exposed to Oxidative Stress Induced by Hydrogen Peroxide
Idebenone is a ubiquinone short-chain synthetic analog with antioxidant properties, which is believed to restore mitochondrial ATP synthesis. As such, idebenone is investigated in numerous clinical trials for diseases of mitochondrial aetiology and it is authorized as a drug for the treatment of Leber’s hereditary optic neuropathy. Mitochondria of retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) are particularly vulnerable to oxidative damage associated with cellular senescence. Therefore, the aim of this study was to explore idebenone’s cytoprotective effect and its underlying mechanism. We used a human-RPE cell line (ARPE-19) exposed to idebenone pre-treatment for 24 h followed by conditions …
A survey on lifestyle and attitudes on fruit and vegetable consumption and participation in physical activity in a sample of secondary school and university students from Palermo, Western Sicily
<p><strong>Background</strong>: Fruit and vegetable (F&amp;V) consumption, and physical activity (PA), are thought to be some of the most important protective factors that can improve long-term health quality of life. Many epidemiological studies indicate, in fact, that F&amp;V consumption and PA are health-promoting and are correlated with the beneficial effects and positive outcomes such as preventing some chronic diseases. Evidence, however, indicates that large proportions of adolescents are not consuming the minimum servings of F&amp;V as recommended by experts and a high percentage of them have sedentary habits.</p><p><strong>Objective a…
Body Mass index, family lifestyle, physical activity and eating behaviour on a sample of primary school students in a small town of western Sicily.
<p><strong>Background</strong>: Obesity is actually a discernible issue in prosperous western society and is dramatically increasing in children and adolescents. Many studies indicate that obesity in childhood may become chronic disease in adulthood and, particularly, those who are severely overweight have an increased risk of death by cardiovascular disease. Understanding the determinants of life style and behavior in a person’s youth and making attempts to change children’s habits is considered a key strategy in the primary prevention of obesity. This study aims to find a correlation between Body Mass Index, (BMI), physical activity and eating behavior and to identify, e…
The endocannabinoid-alcohol crosstalk: Recent advances on a bi-faceted target
Increasing evidence has focusesed on the endocannabinoid system as a relevant player in the induction of aberrant synaptic plasticity and related addictive phenotype following chronic excessive alcohol drinking. In addition, the endocannabinoid system is implicated in the pathogenesis of alcoholic liver disease. Interestingly, whereas the involvement of CB1 receptors in alcohol rewarding properties is established, the central and peripheral action of CB2 signalling is still to be elucidated. This review aims at giving the input to deepen knowledge on the role of the endocannabinoid system, highlighting the advancing evidence that suggests that CB1 and CB2 receptors may play opposite roles i…
Immigrazione e progettualità: Professione lavavetro
Sessualità e disabilità: tra dimensione affettiva, tabù e ipocrisia
PROGETTO SALUTE: La refezione scolastica
“Body Mass Index, family lifestyle, physical activity and eating behavior in a sample of young adolescents in a small town of Western Sicily”.
Ehrlichioses and anaplasmoses: (re)emerging tickborne zoonoses in humans and in animals
Review No Summary
Adolescent binge-like alcohol exposure dysregulates NPY and CGRP in rats: Behavioural and immunochemical evidence.
Alcohol binge drinking during adolescence impacts affective behaviour, possibly impinging on developing neural substrates processing affective states, including calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) and neuropeptide Y (NPY). Here, we modelled binge-like alcohol exposure in adolescence, by administering 3.5 g/kg alcohol per os, within 1 h time, to male adolescent rats every other day, from postnatal day 35 to 54. The effects on positive and negative affective behaviour during abstinence were explored, including consummatory behaviour and weight gain; social behaviour in the modified social interaction test; thermal nociception in the tail-flick test; psychosocial stress coping in the reside…
“Perceived Quality and Healthcare Service Satisfaction of Patient in a General Hospital of Western Sicily”.
Educazione terapeutica del paziente oncologico
La refezione scolastica
Rehabilitation should be considered as a global process which as from the medical treatment is aimed also to social integration at all levels of the disable individual. The purpose is directed to intervene not when somethin is not functioning but to act before in a way to establishing the conditions for a better quality of lyfe. Such conceptual change was determined in the first place by OMS statements which are not anymore referred to a disease to be removed but to the health which must be protected and promoted by means of educational interventions.
Education Therapeutique en oncologie: du corps refusé au corps vecu
Detenzione minorile e ruolo dell'Educatore
Therapeutic patient education: from the cure to taking care
Tickborne zoonoses in the Mediterranean
Un'indagine sulla percezione del rischio di esposizione ai raggi solari in un campione di studenti della scuola secondaria superiore
Exposure to ultraviolet rays increases cutaneous cancer risk. Individual cumulative exposure depend largely on dura- tion of exposure on life, on the period of exposure, on the use of solar filter. Excessive exposure in young age, increases possibility of cutaneous cancer development. Exposure to ultraviolet rays must be gradual and protec- ted to obtain favourable positive effects on the state of well being