Francesco Pace

La relazione tra coinvolgimento lavorativo e benessere: un'indagine condotta su diverse categorie professionali

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Benefits of Yoga practice on body posture and on psychological and cognitive functions in children aged 8-10 years

Background. Many authors have reported benefits related to yoga practice. In particular, the scientific literature showed the influences of yoga on physical performance and cognitive functions. However, only few researches have examined the role of this training practice in children. For this reason, the purpose of the present study was to investigate the effects on body posture and features as self-esteem and attention in children aged 8-10 years. Materials and method. Sixty-five subjects (male n=28, female n=37) aged 8-10 years and attending primary school were enrolled for the study and randomly assigned into an experimental group (EG) which included 28 participants and a control group (…

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Alexithymia and coping style in women going to visit in a breast cancer center.

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Controllo psicologico genitoriale e caratteristiche di personalità nello sviluppo dell’indecisionalità.

Introduzione. L’indecisionalità viene definita come una cronica incapacità di prendere decisioni in diversi ambiti della vita (Saka et al., 2008). Tale condizione ha un impatto negativo sul comportamento degli individui durante il processo di decision-making (Frost & Shows, 1993). Diversi studi hanno mostrato come lo sviluppo di adeguate capacità decisionali sia legato a caratteristiche di personalità (quali ad esempio l’ansia e l’autostima, Germeijs & Verschueren, 2011; Bacanli, 2006), ma anche a fattori familiari (quali ad esempio la comunicazione familiare, Lo Cascio et al., in press). Una linea di ricerca corrente ha evidenziato come il controllo psicologico genitoriale, inteso …

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Connessioni e livelli di sovrapponibilità tra attitudini, personalità ed interessi professionali

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L’incremento del senso di autoefficacia in seguito ad un intervento di bilancio di competenze

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Gender Differences in the Relationship between Work–Life Balance, Career Opportunities and General Health Perception

Although gender equality is increasingly promoted both in the workplace and in society, and women have now fully entered the workforce, the issue of gender differences in relation to career advancement still seems open. Although gender roles no longer clearly define who is responsible for home care and who is responsible for job duties, some research shows that the conflict between family and work life appears to be a greater problem for women than for men. The aim of this study was to examine the relationship between career opportunities, work–life balance, and well-being perception separately in both female (n = 499) and male (n = 557) respondents in order to shed light on the role …

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Variation of the Effect of Surface Acting on General Health and Need for Recovery Based on the Frequency of Interactions at Work: A Multi-Group Analysis.

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Adattamento sulla popolazione italiana dello SVIB e dello SCII

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The Relationship among Paternal and Maternal Psychological Control, Self-Esteem, and Indecisiveness across Adolescent Genders

The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship among adolescents’ indecisiveness, adolescents’ self-esteem, and maternal and paternal psychological control by focusing on the differences in the relationship among these variables across adolescent genders. A total of 381 Italian adolescents (215 boys and 166 girls), aged from 13 to 17 years, completed self-report measures of parental psychological control, self-esteem and indecisiveness. Since previous studies have highlighted indirect relations between family characteristics and indecisiveness, structural equation modeling (SEM) methods were used for testing self-esteem as a possible mediator. In particular, a multiple group anal…

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Risorse psicosociali e re-impiegabilità dopo lunghi periodi di inoccupazione: il caso degli operai ex-FIAT di Termini Imerese

Nel dibattito nazionale relativo al difficile equilibrio tra le esigenze delle organizzazioni lavorative e le politiche di tutela dei diritti dei lavoratori, certamente il caso del destino dello stabilimento FIAT di Termini Imerese (PA) ha avuto negli ultimi anni un ruolo di primo piano. Il presente lavoro rappresenta il primo contributo di un accordo siglato tra il Dipartimento SPPF dell'Università di Palermo, la azienda interessata al reinserimento dei lavoratori ex-FIAT (BLUTEC) e la società di consulenza incaricata di occuparsi di questo delicato processo di transizione. Tra finalità dell'accordo c'è quella di svolgere una attività di ricerca volta ad esplorare le variabili psicosociali…

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Academic Workload, Well-Being and Workaholism in Italian Universities

As suggested by Romainville (1996), universities are the only organizations focussed on dual core functions of knowledge creation and knowledge transmission through the processes of research and teaching. University academic staff do complex work in an increasingly demanding environment, so the workaholism risk seems to be higher than in other professions. Although this type of work behavior seems to be culturally approved by the academic community, it constitutes an element of risk for the health and well being of those who have chosen this type of profession on the basis of different expectations, especially in pace, amount, and independence at work. A very interesting line of research (w…

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The need for recovery scale

Abstract Introduction Need for Recovery scale is one of the main scales used to assess work-induced fatigue and quality of workers’ recovery time. In fact, need for recovery is considered relevant as a precursor of prolonged fatigue or psychological distress, an indicator of work stress, and a mediating or moderating characteristic in the etiology of work-related health problems, sick leave and work disability. Objective The purpose of the present study is to translate the Need for Recovery scale into Italian, and to adapt it to Italian culture; until now there has been no comparable valid instrument made for the Italian language that measures the need for recovery of employees. The stabili…

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La rappresentazione della professionalità dello psicologo in ambito giuridico. Un contributo di ricerca.

Nonostante negli ultimi anni ci sia stata una evoluzione ed una sistematizzazione normativa in merito alla professione dello psicologo, tuttavia essa è da sempre attraversata da una crisi d’immagine. Come afferma Perussia (1994), il problema dell’immagine pubblica dello psicologo incide su vari aspetti, tra i quali: autostima e immagine di sè da parte del professionista, attese del pubblico, ruolo assunto nei contesti lavorativi, disponibilità di fondi pubblici, ecc. Proprio per questi motivi, varie sono le ricerche dedicate a questo argomento (Guest, 1948; Nunnally & Kittross 1958; Webb & Speer, 1985; Carli, 2001; Bosio, 2004). I dati fin qui emersi mettono in evidenza come nel tempo si si…

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Casteldaccia eye study: prevalence of cataract in the adult and elderly population of a Mediterranean town.

Prevalence of cataract was studied in a population based survey performed in adults aged 40 years or more living in Casteldaccia, a small Sicilian town. Lens opacities of moderate or severe grade (type II or worse, according to the Lens Opacity Classification System II) were found at the following rates: nuclear opalescence in 18.5%, cortical cataract in 12.9%, posterior subcapsular cataract in 10.8%. All these types of cataract were much more frequent in the elderly population and were about 1.5 times more common in women than in men. Late cataract was found in about 1/3 of subjects aged 60 to 69 years, in 2/3 of subjects aged 70 or more, but rarely under 60 years of age. However, early ca…

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Emotional expression and coping style in female breast cancer.

Background: The study of the relationship of emotional status and tumor etiology has been investigated in order to elaborate a multifactorial model able to provide an answer integrating the different disciplines on cancer. The aim of this work is to investigate the knowledge on the alexithymia construct, exploring the presence of such trait in women affected by mammary carcinoma and analyzing the used coping strategies. The study has also examined personal thoughts related to event control (locus of control). Method: The Toronto Alexithymia Scale, Coping Orientation to Problems Experienced, and Locus of Control questionnaires were administered to a group of 86 women aged 31-55 years (mean =…

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Using the QEEW to evaluate the organizational climate in Italian work contexts

Our research work aims to evaluate the possible use of the questionnaire on the experience and evaluation of work (QEEW; van Veldhoven & Meijman, 1994) in Italian work contexts. The QEEW was modeled to evaluate a) job demands and job resources, to collect relevant information on the amount of exposure to environmental and psychological job characteristics; b) outcome measures, such as job enjoyment and need for recovery. The QEEW is wide used in north Europe to test a theoretical model useful to understand the workers wellbeing (the job demands-resources model, Bakker, van Veldhoven and Xanthopoulou, 2010). The research was conducted in 3 different work contexts (public hospital, public…

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Benessere, fonti di stress e strategie di coping in un campione di medici oncologi

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L'influenza del Bisogno di Chiusura cognitiva sugli stili decisionali: evidenze da un gruppo di studenti dell'ultimo anno di scuola superiore

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Un contributo alla taratura italiana del Differential Aptitude Test (DAT-5)

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Chancre of the eyelid as manifestation of primary syphilis, and precocious chorioretinitis and uveitis in an HIV-infected patient: a case report

Abstract Background Ocular syphilis is often difficult to diagnose because of the wide variation in clinical features. HIV co-infection may further complicate the picture. Case presentation Herein the authors report an unusual primary syphilitic ocular lesion in a 45-year-old Italian HIV-infected bisexual man who presented with a unilateral eyelid lesion. Associated precocious signs and symptoms in the posterior segment of both eyes, bilateral chorioretinitis and uveitis, are described. Intravenous penicillin and steroid treatment produced a rapid improvement in clinical status and complete resolution. Conclusions Careful questioning about sexual behavior is crucial for unmasking unusual fe…

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Deep sclerectomy versus punch trabeculectomy: effect of low-dosage mitomycin C.

<i>Purpose:</i> To compare IOP behavior after deep sclerectomy (DS) and trabeculectomy with the Crozafon-De Laage Punch (TP), using low-dosage intraoperative mitomycin C (MMC) in both techniques. <i>Methods:</i> The study was a prospective randomized clinical trial. All patients met inclusion and exclusion criteria, and were scheduled for glaucoma surgery. Forty patients were randomized to undergo either a nonpenetrating DS with MMC (DSMMC) (19 eyes) or a TP with MMC (TPMMC) (21 eyes). Postoperative examinations were performed at the 1st day, the 1st, 2nd and 3rd weeks and the 1st, 3rd, 6th, 9th and 12th months. Postoperative complications, number of antiglaucoma med…

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Coloro i quali hanno maturato una esperienza, anche piccola, presso una struttura di assistenza sociale e di cura, sanno quanto sia importante che gli operatori che la compongono siano dotati di alcune competenze che caratterizzano tale mestiere. Ci riferiamo alle cosiddette competenze sociali e relazionali, che unite alle conoscenze teoriche ed applicative completano il quadro delle richieste dell’ambiente lavorativo in questione. Il possesso di tali competenze consente il doppio vantaggio di agire correttamente con la propria utenza nell’erogare l’aiuto di cui necessita, e allo stesso tempo di preservare il lavoratore stesso da stati di forte stress legati ad una mansione che, senza gli “…

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The Italian Version of the Career Factors Inventory

This study attempted to examine the validity of the Italian version of the Career Factors Inventory (CFI), a psychometric tool widely used in the assessment of cognitive and personal–emotional dimensions of career indecision, among a sample of 2,060 Italian students attending high school and university. Recurring to both exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses, the original four-factor structure was confirmed and returned, in line with the literature, satisfactory reliability indices; moreover, CFI subscales showed intercorrelations consistent with previous studies, albeit lower in some cases. Subsequently, convergent validity between the four CFI subscales and other scales via zero-o…

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Introduzione Il benessere affettivo nei luoghi di lavoro è un tema a lungo trascurato a causa del susseguirsi di modelli teorici razionalistici di comprensione del rischio psicosociale. Il modello sviluppato da Warr (2007) si basa su un concetto di benessere psicologico definito in termini affettivi, ossia basato sulla tipologia di emo- zioni sperimentate dall’individuo. Nello specifico, l’autore ipo- tizza un modello multidimensionale di benessere che viene rappresentato da due dimensioni ortogonali (piacevolezza e attivazione mentale), ma misurato da tre dimensioni (piacevo- lezza, ansia-comfort, depressione-entusiasmo). Obiettivi e Metodi Scopo del presente contributo è valutare la strut…

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Un bilancio sul bilancio. Analisi di una esperienza biennale con utenti del COT dell’Università di Palermo

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Le motivazioni al volontariato all’interno dei contesti organizzativi: differenze/similarità tra Italia e Svizzera

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Integrating work and vocational psychology to evaluate the effectiveness of career interventions

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La psicologia dell’orientamento professionale fa ormai ampio affidamento su un modello che, oltre a conoscenze ed abilità, considera anche aspetti legati al carattere ed al temperamento, guardando a questi ultimi come presupposto per una prestazione efficace. Sono questi gli aspetti su cui si concentrano prevalentemente gli interventi degli orientatori. Ma se è relativamente semplice richiamare, negli utenti di una attività di orientamento, la riflessione sulle competenze possedute quando essi hanno vissuto seppur brevi esperienze lavorative, più arduo è consentire lo stesso spazio di riflessione ai giovani diplomandi che si apprestano alla scelta di un corso universitario, soprattutto all’…

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Introduzione. La gestione e la regolazione delle proprie emozioni all’interno dei luoghi di lavoro assumono un’importanza fondamentale soprattutto per quei lavoratori che sono costantemente a contatto diretto con le persone. La dissonanza emotiva è intesa come una discrepanza tra le emozioni sperimentate e quelle richieste dall’organizzazione nel contesto di lavoro (Zapf, 2002). Gli antecedenti della dissonanza emotiva possono essere individuati in alcune caratteristiche del lavoro (es. bassa autonomia, Johnson & Spector, 2007). Inoltre, diversi studi sostengono che la tensione e il conflitto che derivano dalla dissonanza emotiva sono associati e predicono l’esaurimento emotivo (Lewig & Dol…

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Il benessere nei luoghi di lavoro: il ruolo dei fattori “di contenuto” e “di contesto”.

Dal momento della fondazione dell’approccio della Psicologia Positiva e dei suoi obiettivi e metodi di ricerca si è sempre più rafforzato l’interesse, nel campo della Psicologia del Lavoro e delle organizzazioni, per la ricerca e lo studio di quei fattori psicologici in grado di rappresentare adeguatamente la condizione di benessere nei luoghi di lavoro (Schaufeli e Bakker, 2006). Ad esempio Luthans (2002) ha cercato di richiamare l’attenzione verso lo studio “delle risorse umane orientate positivamente, i punti di forza e le capacità psicologiche che possono essere misurate, sviluppate e gestite in modo efficace per migliorare le prestazioni nei luoghi di lavoro” (p. 698). Il presente stud…

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Experimental Performance Evaluation of Cloud-Based Analytics-as-a-Service

An increasing number of Analytics-as-a-Service solutions has recently seen the light, in the landscape of cloud-based services. These services allow flexible composition of compute and storage components, that create powerful data ingestion and processing pipelines. This work is a first attempt at an experimental evaluation of analytic application performance executed using a wide range of storage service configurations. We present an intuitive notion of data locality, that we use as a proxy to rank different service compositions in terms of expected performance. Through an empirical analysis, we dissect the performance achieved by analytic workloads and unveil problems due to the impedance…

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Imprenditorialità ed aziende familiari

In Italia, le imprese familiari sembrano ancora essere saldamente il cuore pulsante dello sviluppo economico. Nel contesto degli studi dedicati al tema dell'imprenditorialità, la specificità espressa delle imprese familiari appare evidente, in particolare per quel che riguarda il tema del passaggio generazionale, vero punto debole di molte realtà del nostro Paese. Tale passaggio va ovviamente considerato bidirezionale, in quanto processo dinamico inserito in un contesto socio-economico in continua evoluzione: i processi psicologici implicati sono spesso considerati meno importanti delle procedure formali che vengono messe in atto nei momenti di passaggio, creando le condizioni per un peggio…

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A first examination of the structure of the Utrecht Work Engagement Scale in an Italian sample

Work Engagement is defined by Schaufeli and colleagues as a positive, fulfilling work-related state of mind that is characterized by Vigor, Dedication and Absorption. A questionnaire (UWES) was developed in different versions and languages, to be used in organizational contexts. We tried to confirm the factorial structure of the scale (either about the 9 and 17 items’ versions) using responses from an overall sample of 1080 Italian workers. Results confirmed the good structure of the UWES, consistent to Schaufeli’s findings. Concluding, the UWES can be used as a good measure of work engagement in Italian organizational contexts as well.

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Meccanismi cognitivi ed influenze sociali degli adolescenti nello sviluppo della scelta di carriera

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Disoccupazione e percezione di efficacia nelle scelte di carriera

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Internship as occasion for occupational socialization: some evidences about the role of self-efficacy and proactivity

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Teachers’ Work-Related Well-Being in Times of COVID-19: The Effects of Technostress and Online Teaching

Following the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, one of the first measures implemented in Italy was the transition from frontal teaching to online teaching. The sudden need to use technologies to perform their job has added a source of stress to teachers’ work: so-called technostress. The difficulties experienced in this transition may also have affected the perception of work-related well-being, although other variables, such as the perception of the meaningfulness of work, could alleviate this sense of uneasiness. The study aims to examine the relationships between technostress, online teaching, pleasure in working, and meaningful work perceptions among 219 teachers from different school …

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The influence of platform switching on the biomechanical aspects of the implant-abutment system. A three dimensional finite element study

Objective: To evaluate the biomechanical scenario of platform switching geometric implant-abutment configuration relative to standard configurations by means of finite element analysis.Study Design: A 3D Finite Element Analysis (FEA) was performed on 3 different implant-abutment configurations: a 3.8 mm implant with a matching diameter abutment (Standard Control Design, SCD), a 5.5 mm implant with matching diameter abutment (Wider Control Design, WCD), and a 5.5mm implant with a 3.8 mm abutment (Experimental Design, ED). All the different experimental groups were discretized to over 60000 elements and 100000 nodes, and 130N vertical (axial) and 90N horizontal loads were applied on the coron…

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Il progetto Mentori per la Didattica dell’Università degli Studi di Palermo: l’estensione del numero dei partecipanti, la figura del Mentore Senior e le esperienze di innovazione didattica

L’esperienza del Progetto Mentore (PM) nasce nel 2013 dalla percezione, da parte di diversi docenti dell’Ateneo di Palermo, che l’Accademia italiana stesse abbandonando a sé stessa la funzione didattica, confidando di fatto nelle capacità di ognuno di organizzarsi, aggiornarsi e valutarsi (Felisatti, Scialdone, Cannarozzo, & Pennisi, 2019; Caradonna, Morale, Pace, Scargiali, Scialdone, & Auteri, 2020). Tale impressione era tra le altre cose basata sul fatto che nessuno dei sistemi di valutazione dei docenti universitari (il processo di abilitazione scientifica nazionale, ma anche la stessa valutazione della qualità dei corsi di studio) mettesse enfasi sulla necessità da parte del do…

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Il Progetto “Mentori per la didattica” e le altre iniziative dell’Università di Palermo

L’Ateneo di Palermo sta portando avanti diverse iniziative di miglioramento della qualità della didattica. In particolare, il progetto “Mentori per la didattica” nasce nel 2013 su iniziativa di alcuni docenti di ingegneria con l’obiettivo di migliorare la qualità della didattica dei partecipanti grazie a due strumenti chiave: l’aiuto dei mentori e una serie di incontri di riflessione e approfondimento. Ogni docente (mentee) che aderisce al progetto ha due mentori che hanno il compito di aiutarlo a migliorare la qualità della sua didattica. Inoltre, egli stesso svolge il ruolo di mentore a favore di altri due colleghi, cosicché ciascuno è mentore e mentee allo stesso tempo. I mentori assisto…

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Well-being of physicians who work in oncology unit and in BMT unit: analysis of protective factors from work stress

Background. Recently a great deal of attention has been given on doctors' work related stress and possibility of improving their quality of life. Several studies report that oncologists are overloaded psychologically. Contact with serious diseases, excessive working pressure, structural weaknesses, are some of the factors that predispose oncologists to stress. In 2008, at the ASPHO annual meeting, pediatric hematologists/oncologists noted burnout (considered as a result of protracted stress at work) was a significant challenge in their lives. To date, no studies have extensively ruled out on protective factors from work stress among pediatric oncologists. Aims. Our research investigates the…

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Attitudini e valori professionali. Una indagine esplorativa.

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Il benessere organizzativo degli operatori penitenziari: i cambiamenti normativi e la trasformazione dei ruoli

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Academic Workload, Workaholism e benessere individuale: uno studio esplorativo su effetti e conseguenze del sovraccarico lavorativo in accademia

La cosiddetta "dipendenza da lavoro" sembra essere uno stato sempre più diffuso all'interno delle professioni ad alta responsabilità: sebbene essa sia in qualche modo giustificata, in quanto approvata socialmente e culturalmente, non va dimenticato che essa è pur sempre una situazione in grado, a lungo termine, di produrre stati di malessere diffusi nelle persone che ne sono coinvolte. Tale condizione di continuo e persistente stato di impegno professionale è tipico di coloro i quali lavorano presso strutture accademiche: esiste un interessante filone di ricerca che ha esplorato il persistente aumento di richieste lavorative che affligge il mondo accademico occidentale, e che sovrappone ad …

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Teachers’ work-related well-being in times of covid-19: the effects of technostress and distance learning

Following the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, one of the first measures implemented in Italy was the transition from frontal teaching to e-learning. The sudden need to use technologies to perform their job has added a source of stress to teachers’ work, the so-called technostress. The difficulties experienced in this transition may also have affected the perception of work-related well-being, although other variables, such as the perception of the meaningfulness of work, could alleviate this sense of uneasiness. The study aims to examine the relationships between technostress, distance learning, pleasure in working and meaningful work perceptions among 219 teachers from different school …

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Uno strumento per la esplorazione dei fabbisogni di orientamento negli studenti universitari: il Career Resources Questionnaire

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Well-being among Italian medical oncologists: An exploratory study

<b><i>Background:</i></b> Recently, attention has been focused on physicians' stress and quality-of-life improvement. Due to their relationship with patients, oncologists in particular are overloaded physically, emotionally and psychologically. Previous studies showed that training of communication skills improves the satisfaction and well-being of physicians and patients. <b><i>Aims:</i></b> Our research investigates the relationship between work stress and engagement and personal well-being in physicians working in Italian hospitals. <b><i>Materials and Methods:</i></b> 176 physicians were included. Doctors filled out…

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Human Resources Management Practices Perception and Extra-Role Behaviors: The Role of Employability and Learning at Work

Human Resource Management (HRM) processes are considered the beating heart of any successful organization. Recently, several studies have highlighted how organizations can use commitment-oriented HR practices to generate organizational and individual effectiveness. The aim of this study was to verify whether the perception of HRM practices could be able to elicit extra-role behaviors and, at the same time, whether this relationship could be mediated by employability and learning conditions. The analyses were carried out on a sample of 1219 Italian workers using Structural Equation Models. The structural model yielded good fit indices and the results showed a significant and positive effect …

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The relation between workload and personal well-being among university professors

The aim of the present study was to explore the level of perceived workload of university professors and to evaluate related psychosocial risks, such as addiction to work, psychological distress, and work–life conflicts. A total of 252 professors, balanced for gender (Mean age = 48.1; DS: 5.1) from 10 different universities across Europe participated in the research. Participants completed the University’s Work Environment Survey, the Dutch Workaholism Scale, and The General Health Questionnaire. The results showed that workload, when linked to bureaucratic university practices, is a predisposing factor to a negative perception of work-related well-being among university professors.

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Orientamento universitario, carriera accademica e benessere. Una valutazione sugli esiti di diverse esperienze di orientamento

La accurata valutazione dell’esito di una azione costituisce uno dei punti essenziali nel determinare la “salute” di un servizio offerto; a ciò non si sottraggono le attività di orientamento, soprattutto quando esse sono inserite all’interno di servizi pubblici quali Università, Scuole, Centri per l’Impiego, ecc. Negli scorsi anni il dibattito sui temi della valutazione di una azione di orientamento ha visto numerosi contributi da parte di studiosi ed esperti del settore (si veda ad esempio Fraccaroli, 2004): La maggior parte di essi ha concentrato la propria attenzione sulla modificazione, nei soggetti interessati, della rappresentazione del problema della scelta, in termini di auto-effica…

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Anxiety and self-esteem as mediators of the relation between family communication and indecisiveness in adolescence

Abstract In this study, we explored the unique and common contributions of anxiety, self-esteem, and family communication on indecisiveness among adolescents. Three hundred and fifty pupils from 13 to 16 years of age completed selfreport measures on indecisiveness, quality of family communication, trait anxiety, and self-esteem. The findings in this study showed that students’ indecisiveness is predicted by family communication mediated by anxiety and self-esteem. These results have important implications for practice as it stresses the importance of anxiety and self-esteem. Nevertheless, the counselors could also focus on enhancing relationship-building skills by introducing the adolescent…

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I possibili predittori della performance accademica: validità dei test selettivi ed implicazioni per le politiche di orientamento di atenei e scuole superiori

Le procedure selettive costituiscono, nei diversi paesi del mondo, un normale passaggio per coloro i quali intendono iscriversi ad un corso universitario. Ciò accade sia nei paesi di cultura anglosassone che in paesi come la Spagna o la Francia, dove tra l’altro le procedure di selezione si rifanno soltanto in parte ai programmi scolastici, richiamandosi piuttosto a test psicoattitudinali, strumenti volti cioè ad esplorare le abilità degli individui a manipolare simboli (verbali, spaziali, numerici), al fine di valutarne non solo la preparazione ma anche le potenzialità ancora inespresse. In Italia le procedure selettive sono quasi sempre differenti tra gli Atenei, e spesso lo sono all’inte…

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An Examination of the Structure of the Career Decision Self-Efficacy Scale (Short Form) Among Italian High School Students

This study aims to evaluate the factor structure of Career Decision Self-Efficacy scale-short form in a sample of Italian high school adolescents. confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) was used to test the degree to which a one-factor structure and a five-factor structure provided the best fit. In view of available research the five-factor structure was expected to provide the best fit. Moreover, factorial invariance in males and females was tested. It was expected to be invariant across groups. As expected the five-factor structure showed a better fit than the one-factor model and the factorial invariance resulted invariant across boys and girls.

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GLP-1 receptor agonists, carotid atherosclerosis and retinopathy

It is known that diabetes is associated with the development of premature atherosclerosis and microvascular complications and consequently increased cardiovascular (CV) morbidity and mortality. In ...

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Strong-Campbell Interest Inventory

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MOTIVAZIONE ED IDENTITA' PROFESSIONALE. La teoria di Holland e gli strumenti per esplorare la corrispondenza tra persona ed ambiente lavorativo

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Il Card Sort di Sviluppo di Carriera: presentazione di uno strumento per l’orientamento in età evolutiva

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Emotional Demands and Emotional Dissonance in the workplace: effects on well-being and workplace mood

Theoretical background. The connection between work-related stress and psychosocial risks and workers’ health and safety has been confirmed in a wide range of studies all over the world. According EU-OSHA (2016), "while acknowledging the role of individual dispositions and general life circumstances, it has been shown that stress stemming from work-related factors may significantly affect workers’ functioning in and outside work". In the same report, focused on emerging risks, it is stated that "every job has some degree of pressure involved, but with proper monitoring, the allocation of adequate resources and support, workers should be in a position to deal with these pressures while remai…

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The relation between socio-relational self-efficacy and work engagement in an Italian sample of social workers

This study examined how much in social workers the confidence about perceived socio-relational competencies is related to work engagement. We used a questionnaire delevoped to assess the socio- relational self-efficacy (according to the Bandura’s theory), and the UWES (Schaufeli & Bakker, 2003), a measure of work engagement, defined as a positive, fulfilling work-related state of mind. Subjects were interviewed in therapeutic commu- nities (for drug addicts, for abused women etc.) or family communities. It was found that some aspects of relational competence (like to feel able to understand others’ feelings) are strongly related to work engagement.

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Alexithymia and copyng style in women going to visit in a breast cancer center

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Protection from work stress and burnout in Italian oncologists

Oncology is a field of medicine with an high psychological investment and therefore at high risk for burnout (Gandey, 2006). Is possible to identify the causes of burnout in the complex combination of environmental stressors, including factors that are closely related to oncology and elements of the personality of the subjects (Guarino, 2006). This work aims to explore burnout risk, job satisfaction, quality of life and coping styles in a sample of physicians that works in some Italian oncological units. We used the Health Professions Stress and Coping Scale, the Utrecht Work Engagement Scale, the General Health Questionnaire and a scale that explore the socio-relational perceived skills. T…

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Personality characteristics and family functioning on alcohol use in Italian adolescents.

Several psychosocial factors are associated with increase in risk of alcohol use in adolescence: personality factors and environment characteristics seem to play a key role (Nation & Heflinger, 2006). Psychological studies on possible predictors of drinking have emphasized the relationship between self-esteem, coping strategies and alcohol use, but findings are not completely coherent (Hamdan-Mansour et al., 2007; Laukkanen et al., 2001). Furthermore, studies of the family environment have shown that family functioning characteristics are related to alcohol use (Clark et al., 2011). The purpose of the present research was to examine the impact of personal and familiar variables on adole…

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One-Year Outcomes with New-Generation Multifocal Intraocular Lenses

Purpose: To compare new-generation multifocal intraocular lenses (IOLs) with monofocal IOLs. Design: Randomized prospective clinical trial. Participants: Sixty-two consecutive patients with cataract, seen between January of 2005 and January of 2006 at the Department of Ophthalmology of Palermo University Hospital in Italy, were bilaterally implanted with monofocal (AR 40, Advanced Medical Optics [AMO], Santa Ana, CA; 15 patients), multifocal refractive (Array SA40N, AMO; 16 patients), multifocal refractive (ReZoom, AMO; 15 patients), or multifocal diffractive pupil-independent (Tecnis ZM900, AMO; 16 patients) IOLs. Intervention: Bimanual phacoemulsification. Main Outcome Measures: Primary o…

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A five-year retrospective study of the epidemiological characteristics and visual outcomes of patients hospitalized for ocular trauma in a Mediterranean area

Abstract Background To determine the epidemiological characteristics and visual outcome of ocular trauma in southern Italy. Methods All cases of ocular trauma admitted to Department of Ophthalmology of Palermo University, Italy, from January 2001–December 2005 were retrospectively reviewed for open- or closed-globe injury (OGI or CGI). Data extracted included age, sex, residence, initial and final visual acuity (VA), cause and treatment of injury, hospitalization. The injuries were classified by Ocular Trauma Classification System (OTCS) and Birmingham Eye Trauma Terminology (BETT). We also referred to the Ocular Trauma Score (OTS) in evaluating the final visual outcome. Results Of the 298 …

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Background: As result of the recent developments in DNA testing and the knowledge that cancer can be hereditary, it is now possible to offer genetic counselling to people within identified “cancer families”, and to inform them about their assumed increased risk for developing cancer. The aim of this study was to test the role of psychological aspect in oncogenetic counselling. The primary purpose of the research was to evaluate the difference between Anxiety Trait and Anxiety State in subjects going to oncogenetic counselling. The secondary aim was to explore the relationships between alexithymia, personality trait, coping style, psychological distress, in subjects attending genetic counsel…

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Le caratteristiche del lavoro come possibili predittori della ‘necessità di recupero’

Introduzione. La necessità di recupero (quel periodo di tempo di cui un individuo ha bisogno per ritornare ad un livello normale di funzionamento in seguito allo stress sperimentato durante la giornata lavorativa; Craig et al., 1992) è stata considerata indicatore di stress lavorativo e caratteristica rilevante di mediazione/moderazione nell’eziologia della fatica. Lo “sforzo” lavorativo prolungato provoca sensazioni di fatica e una serie di reazioni che cessano quando lo sforzo si ferma. Quando la normale possibilità di recupero non è sufficiente, si rischia l’avvio di un processo cumulativo (Kompier, 1988) che implica l’impiego di uno sforzo supplementare al fine di riequilibrare lo stato…

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Il Progetto “Mentori per la didattica” dell’Università di Palermo dopo sei anni dalla nascita e le iniziative future

L’Ateneo di Palermo sta portando avanti diverse iniziative di miglioramento della qualità della didattica. In particolare, il progetto “Mentori per la didattica” nasce nel 2013 su iniziativa di alcuni docenti di ingegneria con l’obiettivo di migliorare la qualità della didattica dei partecipanti grazie a due strumenti chiave: l’aiuto dei mentori e una serie di incontri di riflessione e approfondimento. Ogni docente (mentee) che aderisce al progetto ha due mentori che hanno il compito di aiutarlo a migliorare la qualità della sua didattica. Inoltre, egli stesso svolge il ruolo di mentore a favore di altri due colleghi, cosicché ciascuno è mentore e mentee allo stesso tempo. I mentori assisto…

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Il volume intende riflettere sul riassetto organizzativo che ha influenzato la quotidianità sia dei ristretti sia degli operatori penitenziari dopo la condanna che la Corte Europea dei Diritti Umani ha inflitto all’Italia alla luce della sentenza Torreggiani, che puntava l’indice sul trattamento inumano e sul sovraffollamento degli istituti penali.

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Infracyanine Green vs. Brilliant Blue G in Inverted Flap Surgery for Large Macular Holes: A Long-Term Swept-Source OCT Analysis

Background and Objectives: To compare the long-term toxicity of infracyanine green (IFCG) to brilliant blue G (BBG) in inverted internal limiting membrane flap surgery (I-ILMFS) for large, full-thickness macular holes (FTMHs). Materials and Methods: Prospective randomized study including 39 eyes with &ge

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Alternanza scuola-lavoro e sviluppo di competenze orientative: la sfida delle istituzioni scolastiche tra vincoli e possibilità

Come è noto, la legge di riforma n° 107/15 ha introdotto l’obbligo di organizzare periodi di alternanza scuola-lavoro per tutti gli alunni nell’ultimo triennio delle scuole secondarie di secondo grado, comprendendo specificamente, sebbene per un periodo più ridotto, i licei. Si tratta di una forma di esperienza già prevista dalla normativa scolastica degli ultimi 20 anni, consolidata negli istituti tecnici e professionali ma spesso trascurata (se non osteggiata) all’interno dei percorsi liceali. Non è affatto peregrino accostare queste forme di esperienza guidata allo sviluppo delle competenze orientative negli adolescenti: è di fatto lo stesso decreto a farne richiamo, quando al suo artico…

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La forma ridotta del Questionnaire on Experience and Evaluation of Work (QEEW)

La promozione del benessere nei luoghi di lavoro, oggi, è un obbligo di Legge (cfr. D.Lgs. 81/2008). Per le organizzazioni di successo, oltre ad essere un adempimento legislativo, l'attenzione verso il benessere dei lavoratori diviene una leva strategica per la produttività e la crescita. In diversi paesi europei, la promozione del benessere lavorativo e la valutazione dei rischi psicosociali trovano riscontro nel contesto culturale e sono, ormai, realtà consolidate. Diversi studi mostrano che alcune caratteristiche del lavoro possono avere un profondo impatto sul benessere dei lavoratori; in particolare, il Job Demands and Resources Model (JD-R) (Demerouti, Bakker, Nachreiner & Schaufeli, …

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Sovraccarico e rischi da dipendenza da lavoro negli accademici italiani: un'indagine conoscitiva

Negli ultimi anni in Italia si è assistito ad un cambiamento nel lavoro del docente universitario, che ha spinto ad aumentare la quota di tempo da dedicare alle diverse attività (molte delle quali inattese all'atto della assunzione) e che ha prodotto una sorta di giustificazione "culturale" di comportamenti che possono essere configurabili a margine del rischio workaholism. Esiste una ampia letteratura relativa al peso del sovraccarico lavorativo dei lavoratori del sistema dell'educazione, ed in particolare connessi al peso delle attività d'aula ed all'aumento del lavoro burocratico; le ricerche che si sono occupate della "higher education" hanno però perlopiù connesso il sovraccarico lavor…

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Lo studente in Psicologia tra idealità e professionalizzazione; come cambiano interessi e valori professionali nel corso degli studi universitari

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Career Decision Self-Efficacy Scale–Short Form: uno studio per l’adattamento italiano

La scelta scolastico-professionale è un compito decisionale complesso e per la sua gestione un ruolo significativo viene assunto dalle credenze di efficacia nelle proprie capacità decisionali. La Career Decision Self-Efficacy Scale_Short Form (CDSES-SF) messa a punto da Betz e Taylor è uno degli strumenti più utilizzati nel panorama internazionale proprio per analizzare l’autoefficacia nei confronti di tali capacità. In considerazione di ciò, pur esistendo in Italia anche altri strumenti che possono essere utilizzati per approfondire le credenze di efficacia sperimentate dagli adolescenti che si approcciano al compito di career decision making, si è deciso di analizzare i requisiti psicomet…

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Career Adaptability and re-employability after long periods of inactivity

There has recently been an increasing interest in stimulating re-employment of unemployed workers by so-called active labor market policies. In Italy, the Fiat factory in Termini Imerese (Sicily) is one of the most important business cases in the study of the relationship between economic and psycho-social needs of an entire area in relation to the theme of the work importance. This paper is the result of an agreement signed between our University Department, the company interested to reintegrate ex-FIAT workers (BLUTEC), and the consulting firm who have in charge with this delicate transition process. We want to explore the psychosocial variables related to the long period of inactivity, s…

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Deep sclerectomy versus punch trabeculectomy with or without phacoemulsification: a randomized clinical trial.

Purpose: To compare the efficacy of non-penetrating deep sclerectomy without implant with Crozafon-De Laage punch trabeculectomy, and to evaluate the effect of simultaneous temporal approach phacoemulsification on both techniques. Patients and Methods: Setting: Department of Ophthalmology of the University of Palermo. Design: Prospective randomized clinical trial. Patients and intervention procedures: Sixty-five patients (65 eyes) with primary open angle glaucoma (POAG) or pseudoexfoliative glaucoma (PEXG): 32 eyes underwent non-penetrating deep sclerectomy (NPDS), 17 as single procedure and 15 combined with phacoemulsification (phaco- NPDS), and 33 eyes underwent punch trabeculectomy (PT),…

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Introduzione. Questo studio esplora l'importanza delle esperienze affettive dei lavoratori nel settore dei servizi, partendo dall’ipotesi di ricerca: come possono le esperienze affettive sul luogo di lavoro contribuire a spiegare gli esiti dello stress lavorativo? L’Affective Events Theory (AET) costituisce il fondamento teorico di partenza. Obiettivi e Metodi. In particolare, l’obiettivo principale del presente studio è stato quello di indagare il ruolo che gli stati affetti positivi e negativi sperimentati sul luogo di lavoro giocano come mediatori della relazione tra le caratteristiche del lavoro e gli esiti del processo dello stress lavorativo. A partire dal modello JD-R, è stato testat…

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Background: In the field of career development and vocational psychology, E. K. Strong's measures of interests have a central role. Many studies propose these tests (Strong Vocational Interest Blank, Strong Interest Inventory) as a way to make use of human interests to explore cultural differences; this does not occur in Italy, where the difficulty in scoring (many extremely complex scales to evaluate, without computer support) an Italian SVIB version proposed by Sprini and Mineo (1967) caused their low diffusion. The aim of this study is the translation and validation of the Strong-Campbell Interest Inventory (SCII, form T325) in the Italian context. Methods: The SCII was translated and ba…

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The role of personality characteristics and family process on indecisiveness on Italian adolescents.

Findings from several studies underlined that career indecision and indecisiveness are two separate constructs even if indecisiveness is associated with decision making process (Germeijs & Boeck, 2002). Authors discussed the relationships between indecisiveness and personality characteristics: indecision has been related to external locus of control, trait anxiety, and low self-esteem (Bacanli, 2006), but findings were not completely coherent. Furthermore, recent research have pointed out the relationship between family process and career decision making (Nota et al., 2007), but the role that family process could play in the emergence of generalized indecision has been weakly studied. The p…

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Academic Workload: quando il prof va in sovraccarico

La valutazione dello stress lavoro-correlato consiste probabilmente in una delle migliori occasioni per favorire lo sviluppo delle organizzazioni in direzione di un migliore riequilibrio tra gli obiettivi delle stesse e i bisogni di benessere dei lavoratori che le abitano. In Italia questa occasione di sviluppo, dalla attuazione del D.lgs. 81 del 2008, in effetti stenta un po' a prendere forma, soprattutto a causa di una certa ritrosia, da parte delle organizzazioni lavorative, a voler affrontare i cosiddetti rischi psicosociali che una valutazione approfondita consentirebbe di far emergere con chiarezza. Sono molti gli accademici che negli ultimi anni hanno prestato il loro contributo scie…

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Day care cataract surgery in Central and Southern Italy: a multicentric survey

Abstract Background Cataract day surgery has rapidly gained worldwide acceptance, because the new surgical techniques and costs are generally lower than those involved in ordinary hospitalization. Cataract surgery serves as a proxy indicator of the trend towards day surgery hospitalization in Italy and, therefore, of regional variability in health-care delivery and cost. The aim of this study was to update the diffusion of cataract day surgery through various surgical ophthalmological centers in central and southern Italy during 2005. Methods A two-stage stratified cluster sampling method was used to draw a sample of Cataract Surgery Unit from Ophthalmic Units of central and southern Italy.…

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L'approccio psicometrico: questionari e inventari messi a punto per la esplorazione degli interessi

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Gli interessi professionali nei diversi contesti dell’orientamento: loro uso e attendibilità

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A socio-ecological perspective on alcohol use in adolescence

Alcohol use among adolescents has become a public health problem(Morawska & Oei,2005). Although the frequency and the amount of alcoholic beverages consumed vary greatly from different countries and cultures, in two thirds of the ESPAD countries the vast majority of the students (15-16 years) have drank alcohol at least once in their lifetime. Moreover, in half of the participating countries, 47% of the students had consumed at least one glass of alcohol at the age of 13 or younger, and 14% had been drunk at that age. These changing patterns of consumption are associated with a variety of negative outcomes (Coleman & Cater, 2003). In a socio-ecological perspective, many studies (Nation & He…

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Background: Several studies have highlighted that some professional categories, called: ‘helping professions’, appear, more than other professions, to be subjected to sources of stress and the connected risks of burn-out. In particular personnel working in oncology face potentially stressful situations and having to deal daily with the needs and concerns of the patients and their families. It is therefore necessary to understand the variables that can limit the impact of stress. This research seeks to explore the degree of personal well-being of the oncologists interviewed, taking into consideration some possible predictors, such as the age and specific trainings (i.e. in diagnosis communic…

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The Role of Surface Acting in the Relationship between Job Stressors, General Health and Need for Recovery Based on the Frequency of Interactions at Work

The aim of the study was to verify whether the frequency of face-to-face interactions with the public at work can reveal differences in how people react to emotional regulation demands. In particular, we investigated the mediating role of surface acting (a strategy of dealing with emotional dissonance) in the relationship between two typical job stressors (workload and mental load) and two outcomes closely related to work-related well-being: employees’ general health and the need for recovery. Prior studies investigating the detrimental effects of emotional dissonance mostly focused on service workers. However, in light of a survey conducted by the European Agency for Safety and Health at W…

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Biodegradable collagen matrix implant versus mitomycin-C in trabeculectomy: five-year follow-up.

Background Clinical studies comparing trabeculectomy augmented with Ologen implant (OLO) versus trabeculectomy plus mitomycin-C (MMC) show contradictory results. To obtain long-term data, we report an extended 5-year follow-up trial evaluating the safety and efficacy of OLO as adjuvant compared to low-dosage MMC in trabeculectomy. Methods Forty glaucoma patients (40 eyes) assigned to trabeculectomy with MMC or Ologen. Primary outcome: target IOP at ≤21, ≤17 and ≤15 mmHg; complete and qualified success endpoint rates. Secondary outcomes: visual acuity (VA), mean deviation (MD), bleb evaluation, according to Moorfields Bleb Grading System (MBGS); spectral domain OCT (SD-OCT) bleb examination;…

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Meaningful work, pleasure in working, and the moderating effects of deep acting and COVID-19 on nurses' work

This study aims to verify the association between nurses' perception of the meaningfulness of their work and their pleasure in working, and whether this relationship may change based on the level of deep acting performed to cope with emotional regulation demands and the influence of the COVID-19 pandemic on the healthcare work.Nurses from both private and public Italian institutions (N = 239) completed an online questionnaire between June 2021 and January 2022. A moderated moderation model was tested through SPSS Process macro. The design is cross-sectional.The results show that the perception of meaningfulness of work is positively associated with pleasure in working, especially in conditi…

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The Effect of Emotional Dissonance and Mental Load on Need for Recovery and Work Engagement among Italian Fixed-Term Researchers

Although many studies have been conducted to evaluate the risk and protective factors on psychological health among academic staff, little attention has been paid to fixed-term researchers, the weakest figures in the academic context. By using the Job Demands&ndash

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Cambiamento di ruolo e soddisfazione lavorativa degli insegnanti

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University students’ career resources and the associations with perceived career control and decisional self-efficacy

In recent years, to better face university paths, the first approaches to the labor market, and then the actual transition, university students are asked to have broader skills, such as the ability to network, the involve- ment in career-related issues, and the ability to explore the characteristics of occupations as much as per- sonal ones. The aim of this study is to confirm the psychometric properties of the Italian translation of the Career Resources Questionnaire (Hirschi et al., 2018) and the relationships between its components and two outcomes, students’ perceived career control and decisional self-efficacy, among 311 university students. The results highlight differences in perceiv…

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The Effect of Lutein on Eye and Extra-Eye Health

Lutein is a carotenoid with reported anti-inflammatory properties. A large body of evidence shows that lutein has several beneficial effects, especially on eye health. In particular, lutein is known to improve or even prevent age-related macular disease which is the leading cause of blindness and vision impairment. Furthermore, many studies have reported that lutein may also have positive effects in different clinical conditions, thus ameliorating cognitive function, decreasing the risk of cancer, and improving measures of cardiovascular health. At present, the available data have been obtained from both observational studies investigating lutein intake with food, and a few intervention tri…

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Adattabilità, benessere e ricerca attiva del lavoro nei giovani disoccupati

I cambiamenti nel mondo del lavoro, sempre più spesso, chiedono alle persone di adattarsi a nuove realtà e di gestire più efficacemente il proprio sviluppo professionale. Su questa scia acquisisce notevole importanza il costrutto di career adaptability, che viene definita da Savickas e Porfeli (2012) come la propensione ad affrontare in modo adeguato i compiti evolutivi per prepararsi e partecipare al ruolo lavorativo, e ad adattarsi alle richieste impreviste dovute ai cambiamenti del mondo del lavoro e delle condizioni lavorative. Saper anticipare le evoluzioni future, fronteggiare le richieste in maniera vantaggiosa, realizzare il proprio sé in una realtà in costante cambiamento, sembrano…

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Assessment of Career Decision Self Efficacy in an Italian guidance context

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E-PTFE (Gore-Tex) implant with or without low-dosage mitomycin-C as an adjuvant in penetrating glaucoma surgery: 2 year randomized clinical trial.

Purpose: To test the expanded polytetrafluoroethylene (ePTFE) as a new adjuvant in trabeculectomy. Methods: Consecutive glaucoma surgical inpatients were observed at the Department of Ophthalmology of Palermo University. Sixty patients (60 eyes) were randomly assigned to undergo trabeculectomy (T), trabeculectomy with mitomycin-C (TMMC), with ePTFE (TG) or with mitomycin-C and ePTFE (TGMMC). Postoperative visits were scheduled at 24 hr, 7 days, 1, 3, 6, 12, 18 and 24 months. Complete success and qualified success were assessed at two target intraocular pressure (IOP) levels – £21 and £17 mmHg – by Kaplan–Meier curves. Results: The postoperative IOP reduction was significant (P < 0.01) at th…

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Using the Questionnaire on Experience and Assessment of Work with the Italian Population

The assessment of work-related stress has been an issue that has attracted attention of Italian psychologists for a long time, but only in recent years it has been remarked in the laws protecting workers. In fact, it has just been recalled the need, in a legislative decree, to place special emphasis on psychological well-being of the worker and not just on his security. The Italian professionals (Work, Organizational or Personnel Psychologists) who worked on the assessment of psychological risks of work-related stress, used instruments to assess the organizational climate primarily, by integrating qualitative m ethodologies (such as focus group) with quantitative instruments. These instrume…

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La traiettoria evolutiva della scelta di carriera e il modello di Linda Gotfredson: applicabilità nel contesto italiano

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Work commitment and engagement in south Italian volunteers

Objectives. Recent research on volunteering has increased its interest in integrating different theoretical models such as motivational and socio-psychological ones. The current research replicates and extends a Swiss survey (Guntert, 2008) among a sample of Italian volunteers. The aim was to examine the antecedents (mainly in terms of motivational factors and identification) of outcomes such as commitment and engagement towards volunteering. Methods. To examine these antecedents and the outcomes, a questionnaire was administered to a sample of 165 young Italian adults who were engaged in various voluntary associations in south Italy (Campania and Sicilia). Results. Our analyses, underlinin…

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La valutazione di un percorso di "bilancio di risorse"

Per le loro finalità generali, le azioni di orientamento possono senza dubbio considerarsi interventi in ambito psicosociale, e come tali per esse può considerarsi imprescindibile il tema della valutazione (Fraccaroli e Vergani, 2004). Attraverso la verifica della qualità delle attività offerte e degli effetti che esse hanno sull’utenza, si può comprendere se tali interventi abbiano funzionato o meno, in che misura, in che modo e, con adeguate riflessioni a margine, perché. La valutazione di una azione di orientamento dovrebbe assumere come oggetto di analisi diverse dimensioni, non necessariamente convergenti (Ferrieux e Carayon, 1998; Tronti, 2002). Un serio problema nasce dal fatto che n…

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A New Academic Quality at Work Tool (AQ@workT) to Assess the Quality of Life at Work in the Italian Academic Context

Refereed/Peer-reviewed The present study provides evidence for a valid and reliable tool, the Academic Quality at Work Tool (AQ@workT), to investigate the quality of life at work in academics within the Italian university sector. The AQ@workT was developed by the QoL@Work research team, namely a group of expert academics in the field of work and organizational psychology affiliated with the Italian Association of Psychologists. The tool is grounded in the job demands-resources model and its psychometric properties were assessed in three studies comprising a wide sample of lecturers, researchers, and professors: a pilot study (N = 120), a calibration study (N = 1084), and a validation study …

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Deep sclerectomy versus trabeculectomy with low-dosage mitomycin C: four-year follow-up

&lt;i&gt;Aims:&lt;/i&gt; To compare the long-term effects of low-dosage mitomycin C (MMC) in both deep sclerectomy (DSMMC) and trabeculectomy (TPMMC) on intraocular pressure (IOP). &lt;i&gt;Methods:&lt;/i&gt; Analysis of extended follow-up of data from a prospective clinical trial. Forty patients were originally randomised to undergo either DSMMC (19 eyes) or TPMMC (21 eyes). Follow-up was performed at postoperative day 1, weeks 1, 2 and 3, as well as months 1, 3, 6, 9, 12, 18, 24, 36 and 48. Two- to three-week data were not included in the statistical analysis. Postoperative complications, number of antiglaucoma medications and IOP were recorded at each visit. Complete (no medications) and…

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Introduzione. Le imprese familiari sono i maggiori contributori allo sviluppo economico, alla crescita in tutte le economie mondiali. Diversi studi sulle imprese familiari riportano risultati ricchi di contraddizioni, di certo, una delle peculiarità delle imprese familiari riguarda la sovrapposizione tra le istituzioni “famiglia” e “impresa”. Alcuni studi mostrano che essere lavoratore e membro della famiglia al contempo, può configurarsi come punto di forza o di debolezza, può inasprire la percezione delle domande lavorative oppure rappresentare una risorsa, soprattutto in termini di supporto sociale. Obiettivi e Metodi. Il presente studio si propone di esplorare le percezioni delle caratt…

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