Fred Espen Benth
Cross-Commodity Spot Price Modeling with Stochastic Volatility and Leverage For Energy Markets
Spot prices in energy markets exhibit special features, such as price spikes, mean reversion, stochastic volatility, inverse leverage effect, and dependencies between the commodities. In this paper a multivariate stochastic volatility model is introduced which captures these features. The second-order structure and stationarity of the model are analyzed in detail. A simulation method for Monte Carlo generation of price paths is introduced and a numerical example is presented.
We consider the non-Gaussian stochastic volatility model of Barndorff-Nielsen and Shephard for the exponential mean-reversion model of Schwartz proposed for commodity spot prices. We analyze the properties of the stochastic dynamics, and show in particular that the log-spot prices possess a stationary distribution defined as a normal variance-mixture model. Furthermore, the stochastic volatility model allows for explicit forward prices, which may produce a hump structure inherited from the mean-reversion of the stochastic volatility. Although the spot price dynamics has continuous paths, the forward prices will have a jump dynamics, where jumps occur according to changes in the volatility p…
A critical view on temperature modelling for application in weather derivatives markets
In this paper we present a stochastic model for daily average temperature. The model contains seasonality, a low-order autoregressive component and a variance describing the heteroskedastic residuals. The model is estimated on daily average temperature records from Stockholm (Sweden). By comparing the proposed model with the popular model of Campbell and Diebold (2005), we point out some important issues to be addressed when modelling the temperature for application in weather derivatives market.
A Multivariate Non-Gaussian Stochastic Volatility Model with Leverage for Energy Markets
Spot prices in energy markets exhibit special features like price spikes, mean-reversion inverse, stochastic volatility, inverse leverage effect and co-integration between the different commodities. In this paper a multivariate stochastic volatility model is introduced which captures these features. Second order structure and stationary issues of the model are analysed. Moreover the implied multivariate forward model is derived. Due to the flexibility of the model stylized facts of the forward curve as contango, backwardation and humps are explained. Moreover, a transformed-based method to price options on the forward is described, where fast and precise algorithms for price computations ca…
Dynamic copula models for the spark spread
We propose a non-symmetric copula to model the evolution of electricity and gas prices by a bivariate non-Gaussian autoregressive process. We identify the marginal dynamics as driven by normal inverse Gaussian processes, estimating them from a series of observed UK electricity and gas spot data. We estimate the copula by modeling the difference between the empirical copula and the independent copula. We then simulate the joint process and price options written on the spark spread. We find that option prices are significantly influenced by the copula and the marginal distributions, along with the seasonality of the underlying prices.
A critical empirical study of three electricity spot price models
We conduct an empirical analysis of three recently proposed and widely used models for electricity spot price process. The first model, called the jump-diffusion model, was proposed by Cartea and Figueroa (2005), and is a one-factor mean-reversion jump-diffusion model, adjusted to incorporate the most important characteristics of electricity prices. The second model, called the threshold model, was proposed by Roncoroni (2002) and further developed by Geman and Roncoroni (2006), and is an exponential Ornstein–Uhlenbeck process driven by a Brownian motion and a state-dependent compound Poisson process. It is designed to capture both statistical and pathwise properties of electricity spot pri…
Pricing of forwards and other derivatives in cointegrated commodity markets
Abstract We analyze cointegration in commodity markets, and propose a parametric class of pricing measures which preserves cointegration for forward prices with fixed time to maturity. We present explicit expressions for the term structure of volatility and correlation in the context of our spot price models based on continuous-time autoregressive moving average dynamics for the stationary components. The term structures have many interesting shapes, and we provide some empirical evidence from refined oil future prices at NYMEX defending our modeling idea. Motivated from these results, we present a cointegrated forward price dynamics using the Heath–Jarrow–Morton approach. In this setting, …
Analysis and modelling of wind speed in New York
In this paper we propose an ARMA time-series model for the wind speed at a single spatial location, and estimate it on in-sample data recorded in three different wind farm regions in New York state. The data have a three-hour granularity, but based on applications to financial wind derivatives contracts, we also consider daily average wind speeds. We demonstrate that there are large discrepancies in the behaviour of daily average and three-hourly wind speed records. The validation procedure based on out-of-sample observations reflects that the proposed model is reliable and can be used for various practical applications, like, for instance, weather prediction, pricing of financial wind cont…
Modeling Term Structure Dynamics in the Nordic Electricity Swap Market
We analyze the daily returns of Nordic electricity swaps and identify significant risk premia in the short end of the market. On average, long positions in this part of the swap market yield negative returns. The daily returns are distinctively non-normal in terms of tail-fatness, but we find little evidence of asymmetry. We investigate if the flexible four-parameter class of normal inverse Gaussian (NIG) distributions can capture the observed stylized facts and find that this class of distributions offers a remarkably improved fit relative to the normal distribution. We also compare the fit with that of the four-parameter class of stable distributions; the NIG law outperforms the stable la…
Pricing of Forwards and Options in a Multivariate Non-Gaussian Stochastic Volatility Model for Energy Markets
In Benth and Vos (2013) we introduced a multivariate spot price model with stochastic volatility for energy markets which captures characteristic features, such as price spikes, mean reversion, stochastic volatility, and inverse leverage effect as well as dependencies between commodities. In this paper we derive the forward price dynamics based on our multivariate spot price model, providing a very flexible structure for the forward curves, including contango, backwardation, and hump shape. Moreover, a Fourier transform-based method to price options on the forward is described.
Hedging of Spatial Temperature Risk with Market-Traded Futures
The main objective of this work is to construct optimal temperature futures from available market-traded contracts to hedge spatial risk. Temperature dynamics are modelled by a stochastic differential equation with spatial dependence. Optimal positions in market-traded futures minimizing the variance are calculated. Examples with numerical simulations based on a fast algorithm for the generation of random fields are presented.
Stochastic modeling of Supramax spot and forward freight rates
We conducted an empirical analysis of Supramax spot rates and propose a continuous time process to model the dynamics. The model incorporates features relevant for shipping freight rates, freight rate volatility that varies over time, sudden, big freight rate movements, and short-term, mean-reverting price trends. This suggests some degree of short-term predictability of Supramax spot rates, making shipping different from traditional asset markets, like stocks and currencies, and also most commodity markets. However, this does not imply that arbitrage profits are easily picked up in this market, as, financially speaking, spot freight rates are not traded assets. We instead focus on the rela…
Futures pricing in electricity markets based on stable CARMA spot models
We present a new model for the electricity spot price dynamics, which is able to capture seasonality, low-frequency dynamics and the extreme spikes in the market. Instead of the usual purely deterministic trend we introduce a non-stationary independent increments process for the low-frequency dynamics, and model the large uctuations by a non-Gaussian stable CARMA process. The model allows for analytic futures prices, and we apply these to model and estimate the whole market consistently. Besides standard parameter estimation, an estimation procedure is suggested, where we t the non-stationary trend using futures data with long time until delivery, and a robust L 1 -lter to nd the states of …
The Risk Premium and the Esscher Transform in Power Markets
In power markets one frequently encounters a risk premium being positive in the short end of the forward curve, and negative in the long end. Economically it has been argued that the positive premium is reflecting retailers aversion for spike risk, wheras in the long end of the forward curve the hedging pressure kicks in as in other commodity markets. Mathematically, forward prices are expressed as risk-neutral expectations of the spot at delivery. We apply the Esscher transform on power spot models based on mean-reverting processes driven by independent increment (time-inhomogeneous Levy) processes. It is shown that the Esscher transform is yielding a change of mean-reversion level. Moreov…
Ambit processes and stochastic partial differential equations
Ambit processes are general stochastic processes based on stochastic integrals with respect to Levy bases. Due to their flexible structure, they have great potential for providing realistic models for various applications such as in turbulence and finance. This papers studies the connection between ambit processes and solutions to stochastic partial differential equations. We investigate this relationship from two angles: from the Walsh theory of martingale measures and from the viewpoint of the Levy noise analysis.
Multivariate modeling and analysis of regional ocean freight rates
Abstract In this paper, we propose a new multivariate model for the dynamics of regional ocean freight rates. We show that a cointegrated system of regional spot freight rates can be decomposed into a common non-stationary market factor and stationary regional deviations. The resulting integrated CAR process is new to the literature. By interpreting the common market factor as the global arithmetic average of the regional rates, both the market factor and the regional deviations are observable which simplifies the calibration of the model. Moreover, forward contracts on the market factor can be traded in the Forward Freight Agreement (FFA) market. We calibrate the model to historical spot r…
In this paper, we present a multi-factor continuous-time autoregressive moving-average (CARMA) model for the short and forward interest rates. This model is able to present an adequate statistical description of the short and forward rate dynamics. We show that this is a tractable term structure model and provides closed-form solutions to bond prices, yields, bond option prices, and the term structure of forward rate volatility. We demonstrate the capabilities of our model by calibrating it to a panel of spot rates and the empirical volatility of forward rates simultaneously, making the model consistent with both the spot rate dynamics and forward rate volatility structure.
Weather Derivatives and Stochastic Modelling of Temperature
We propose a continuous-time autoregressive model for the temperature dynamics with volatility being the product of a seasonal function and a stochastic process. We use the Barndorff-Nielsen and Shephard model for the stochastic volatility. The proposed temperature dynamics is flexible enough to model temperature data accurately, and at the same time being analytically tractable. Futures prices for commonly traded contracts at the Chicago Mercantile Exchange on indices like cooling- and heating-degree days and cumulative average temperatures are computed, as well as option prices on them.
A critical view on temperature modelling for application in weather derivatives markets
Author's version of an article published in the journal: Energy Economics. Also available from the publisher at: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.eneco.2011.09.012 In this paper we present a stochastic model for daily average temperature. The model contains seasonality, a low-order autoregressive component and a variance describing the heteroskedastic residuals. The model is estimated on daily average temperature records from Stockholm (Sweden). By comparing the proposed model with the popular model of Campbell and Diebold (2005), we point out some important issues to be addressed when modelling the temperature for application in weather derivatives market.
Stochastic dynamical modelling of spot freight rates
Based on empirical analysis of the Capesize and Panamax indices, we propose different continuous-time stochastic processes to model their dynamics. The models go beyond the standard geometric Brownian motion, and incorporate observed effects like heavy-tailed returns, stochastic volatility and memory. In particular, we suggest stochastic dynamics based on exponential Levy processes with normal inverse Gaussian distributed logarithmic returns. The Barndorff-Nielsen and Shephard stochastic volatility model is shown to capture time-varying volatility in the data. Finally, continuous-time autoregressive processes provide a class of models sufficiently rich to incorporate short-term persistence …