Ana Esplugues
Valoración de un programa piloto de prescripción de actividad física en atención primaria en la Comunitat Valenciana
Resumen: Objetivo: Valorar el proceso de prescripción y la mejora de la autoestima y la calidad de vida relacionada con la salud en un estudio piloto de prescripción de activos de actividad física durante 3 meses. Método: Estudio cuasiexperimental antes-después sin grupo control, para la valoración del proyecto piloto (noviembre de 2017 y mayo de 2018) del programa Conecta Actius per a la Salut en seis centros de salud de la Comunitat Valenciana. Quienes aceptaron participar cumplimentaron un cuestionario con datos sociales, la escala de autoestima de Rosemberg y el cuestionario de calidad de vida EQ-5D al inicio (T0) y a los 3 meses (T1). Se realizó un análisis descriptivo por sexo, nivel …
Prenatal Exposure to NO2 and Ultrasound Measures of Fetal Growth in the Spanish INMA Cohort
This study was funded by grants from the European Union: NEWGENERIS FP6-2003- Food-3-A-016320, FP7-ENV-2011 cod 282957, HEALTH.2010.2.4.5-1; and by grants from Spain: Instituto de Salud Carlos III (Red INMA G03/176, CB06/02/0031, and FIS-FEDER PI03/1615, PI04/1509, PI04/1112, PI04/1931, PI04/2018, PI04/1436, PI05/1079, PI05/1052, PI06/1213, PI07/0314, PI08/1151, PI09/02647, PI09/02311, PI11/01007, PI11/02591, PI11/02038, PI13/1944, PI13/02429, PI14/0891, PI14/1687, and Miguel Servet CP11/00178 and MS13/00054), Conselleria de Sanitat Generalitat Valenciana, Generalitat de Catalunya (CIRIT 1999SGR 00241), Diputación Foral de Guipúzcoa (DFG/004), Departamento de Sanidad y Consumo Gobierno Vasc…
Urban environment during early-life and blood pressure in young children
Background: The urban environment is characterised by many exposures that may influence hypertension development from early life onwards, but there is no systematic evaluation of their impact on child blood pressure (BP). Methods: Systolic and diastolic blood pressure were measured in 4,279 children aged 4-5 years from a multi-centre European cohort (France, Greece, Spain, and UK). Urban environment exposures were estimated during pregnancy and childhood, including air pollution, built environment, natural spaces, traffic, noise, meteorology, and socioeconomic deprivation index. Single- and multiple-exposure linear regression models and a cluster analysis were carried out. Results: In multi…
Interaction between filaggrin mutations and neonatal cat exposure in atopic dermatitis
Atopic dermatitis (AD) is a prevalent inflammatory skin disease. Loss-of-function mutations in filaggrin gene (FLG) represent the strongest genetic risk factors for AD, being strongly associated with early disease onset and persistence into adulthood.1 The epidermis of individuals with mutations in FLG is fundamentally different from normal skin being characterized by increased penetration of allergens.2 Recent birth cohort studies showed a significant interaction between cat ownership at birth and mutations in FLG (R501X, 2282del4) on the development of early-onset AD.3 This finding was replicated for the 2282del4 FLG mutation in a Dutch cohort study, and extended to further associate with…
Maternal complications in pregnancy and wheezing in early childhood: a pooled analysis of 14 birth cohorts
Background: Evidence on the effect of maternal complications in pregnancy on wheezing in offspring is still insufficient. Methods: A pooled analysis was performed on individual participant data from fourteen European birth cohorts to assess the relationship between several maternal pregnancy complications and wheezing symptoms in the offspring. Exposures of interest included hypertension and preeclampsia, diabetes, as well as pre-pregnancy overweight (body mass index between 25 and 29.9) and obesity (body mass index >= 30) compared with normal weight (body mass index between 18.5 and 24.9). Outcomes included both ever and recurrent wheezing from birth up to 12-24 months of age. Cohort-speci…
Prevalencias de exposición a riesgos laborales en trabajadoras embarazadas (proyecto INMA-Valencia)
ResumenObjetivoDescribir las prevalencias de exposición declarada a riesgos laborales en mujeres embarazas y analizar su relación con características sociodemográficas y laborales a partir de la información recogida en la cohorte INMA-Valencia.MétodosLa cohorte INMA-Valencia se inicia en 2004 con 855 mujeres embarazadas residentes en la provincia de Valencia. En la semana 32 de gestación se recogió información, mediante entrevista personal con cuestionario estructurado, sobre características sociodemográficas (edad, nivel de estudios, país de nacimiento), condiciones de empleo (actividad, ocupación, tipo de contrato, tipo de jornada) y exposición laboral autorreferida a carga física y riesg…
Vitamin D status during pregnancy and wheezing and asthma during childhood
Background: Maternal vitamin D can have a protective role on child’s respiratory health, but the results from prospective studies are still inconsistent. We examined whether maternal circulating vitamin D levels during pregnancy are associated with wheezing and asthma during childhood in a Spanish birth cohort. Methods: Maternal circulating 25(OH)D3 levels were measured during the first trimester of pregnancy. Information on active wheezing (wheezing episodes plus medication), wheezing patterns (early, late-onset, and persistent wheeze), and physician-diagnosed asthma ever was obtained from parental questionnaires administered from 1 to 7 years in new cohorts(N=1964) and from 1 to 9 years i…
Water hardness and eczema at 1 and 4 y of age in the INMA birth cohort.
Abstract Background: Exposure to hard water has been suggested as a risk factor for eczema in childhood, based on limited evidence from two ecologic and two cross-sectional studies. Objectives: We evaluate this hypothesis for the first time in early infancy using prospective data from a mother–child cohort study. Methods: We used data from the INMA cohorts in Gipuzkoa, Sabadell and Valencia, Spain (N=1638). Current and ever eczema, bathing frequency and duration and covariables were collected by questionnaires at 14 months (14 m) and 4 years (4 y). Calcium carbonate (CaCO3) level in municipal water was assigned to home addresses at birth, 14 m and 4 y. We calculated Odds Ratio (OR) of eczem…
Urinary Arsenic Species and Methylation Efficiency During Pregnancy: Concentrations and Associated Factors in Spanish Pregnant Women
Background: Arsenic (As) is considered to be toxic for humans, the main routes of exposure being through drinking water and the diet. Once ingested, inorganic arsenic can be methylated sequentially to monomethyl and dimethyl arsenicals. Several factors can affect both As exposure and methylation efficiency. Objectives: To describe the urinary concentrations of the different As species and evaluate the methylation effi-ciency during pregnancy, as well as their associated factors in a birth cohort of pregnant Spanish women. Methods: Participants in this cross-sectional study were 1017 pregnant women from two areas of Spain who had taken part in the INMA (Environment and Childhood) project (20…
Outdoor, but not indoor, nitrogen dioxide exposure is associated with persistent cough during the first year of life
Background and aims: Because their lungs and immune system are not completely developed, children are more susceptible to respiratory disease and more vulnerable to ambient pollution. We assessed the relation between prenatal and postnatal nitrogen dioxide (NO2) levels and the development of lower respiratory tract infections (LRTI), wheezing and persistent cough during the first year of life. Methods: The study population consisted of 352 children from a birth cohort in Valencia, Spain. Prenatal exposure to NO2, a marker of traffic related air pollution was measured at 93 sampling sites spread over the study area during four different sampling periods of 7 days each. It was modeled for eac…
Trihalomethanes in swimming pool water in four areas of Spain participating in the INMA project
ResumenObjetivoLa natación es uno de los deportes más practicados en España, por personas de todas las edades y condiciones físicas. También es una vía de exposición a subproductos de la desinfección, compuestos potencialmente tóxicos. Su concentración en el agua de las piscinas no está legislada y es poco conocida. El objetivo de este trabajo es describir la concentración de trihalometanos en el agua de piscinas de los municipios de cuatro cohortes del estudio INMA.MétodosEn julio de 2009 se analizaron los trihalometanos en el agua de piscinas (n=27) de Asturias, Granada, Valencia y Sabadell.ResultadosLa concentración media de trihalometanos totales fue de 42,7μg/l (desviación estándar [DE…
Prevalencias de exposición a riesgos laborales en trabajadoras embarazadas (proyecto INMA-Valencia) Prevalence of exposure to occupational risks in pregnant Spanish workers (the INMA Project-Valencia)
Objetivo: Describir las prevalencias de exposición declarada a riesgos laborales en mujeres embarazas y analizar su relación con características sociodemográficas y laborales a partir de la información recogida en la cohorte INMA-Valencia. Métodos: La cohorte INMA-Valencia se inicia en 2004 con 855 mujeres embarazadas residentes en la provincia de Valencia. En la semana 32 de gestación se recogió información, mediante entrevista personal con cuestionario estructurado, sobre características sociodemográficas (edad, nivel de estudios, país de nacimiento), condiciones de empleo (actividad, ocupación, tipo de contrato, tipo de jornada) y exposición laboral autorreferida a carga física y riesgos…
Outdoor, indoor and personal distribution of BTEX in pregnant women from two areas in Spain - Preliminary results from the INMA project
Volatile organic compounds (VOCs), which are habitually found in both outdoor and indoor environments, may represent a significant health risk. In this context, pregnancy is a critical period since foetuses are more vulnerable than adults to exposure to toxic compounds. The objective of this study is to present the preliminary results of a series of measurements of outdoor (O), indoor (I) and personal exposure (P) to benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, o-xylene and m,p-xylene (BTEX) in 107 pregnant women from two areas in Spain, namely Valencia and Sabadell. BTEX samplers were installed for 48 hours both inside and outside of the women’s homes, along with personal samplers. In addition, the tes…
The spatial distribution of population exposure to outdoor air pollution in Valencia (Spain) and its association with a privation index
Objetivo: Evaluar la variación espacial de la exposición a dióxido de nitrógeno (NO2) en la ciudad de Valencia y su relación con la privación socioeconómica y la edad. Métodos: La población por sección censal (SC) procede del Instituto Nacional de Estadística. Los niveles de NO2 se midieron en 100 puntos del área de estudio, mediante captadores pasivos, en tres campañas entre 2002 y 2004. Se utilizó regresión por usos del suelo (LUR) para obtener el mapa de los niveles de NO2. Las predicciones del LUR se compararon con las proporcionadas por: a) el captador más cercano de la red de vigilancia, b) el captador pasivo más cercano, c) el conjunto de captadores en un entorno y d) kriging. Se asi…
Descriptive analysis of mobile phone applications on breastfeeding
Exposure to ambient air pollution during pregnancy and preterm birth: A Spanish multicenter birth cohort study
Background and objective: Preterm birth is a major determinant of infant mortality and morbidity. Air pollution has been suggested as a risk factor for preterm delivery; however, the scientific evidence on this impact remains inconsistent. We assessed the association between residential exposure to air pollution during pregnancy and preterm birth (gestational age at delivery <37 weeks) in Spain. Methods: This study was based on 2409 pregnant women participating in the INMA birth cohorts in Asturias, Gipuzkoa, Sabadell and Valencia. Ambient levels of nitrogen dioxide (NO2) and benzene were estimated for each woman's residence for each trimester and for the whole pregnancy, using temporally a…
The Development of the MeDALL Core Questionnaires for a Harmonized Follow-Up Assessment of Eleven European Birth Cohorts on Asthma and Allergies
Background: Numerous birth cohorts have been initiated in the world over the past 30 years using heterogeneous methods to assess the incidence, course and risk factors of asthma and allergies. The aim of the present work is to provide the stepwise proceedings of the development and current version of the harmonized MeDALL-Core Questionnaire (MeDALL-CQ) used prospectively in 11 European birth cohorts. Methods: The harmonization of questions was accomplished in 4 steps: (i) collection of variables from 14 birth cohorts, (ii) consensus on questionnaire items, (iii) translation and back-translation of the harmonized English MeDALL-CQ into 8 other languages and (iv) implementation of the harmoni…
Evolución de los riesgos ambientales en el contexto de la crisis económica. Informe SESPAS 2014
ResumenNuestro objetivo es analizar el impacto de la crisis económica-financiera en los determinantes ambientales de la salud. La Organización Mundial de la Salud estima que entre un 13% y un 27% de la carga de enfermedad de los países podría prevenirse mejorando el medio ambiente. Los efectos son de mayor magnitud en poblaciones más vulnerables, en especial entre los más pobres. En la última década, la contaminación atmosférica exterior (el riesgo ambiental más relevante, en términos de salud, para la mayoría de los países europeos) se ha reducido moderadamente, sobre todo por las políticas europeas de reducción de emisiones y por la disminución de la actividad con la crisis económica. En …
Análisis descriptivo de aplicaciones móviles sobre lactancia materna
Urban environment during early-life and blood pressure in children
Background. The urban environment is characterised by many exposures that may influence hypertension development, but studies evaluating multiple urban exposures from pregnancy onwards are lacking....
Infants' indoor and outdoor residential exposure to benzene and respiratory health in a Spanish cohort.
Benzene exposure represents a potential risk for children's health. Apart from being a known carcinogen for humans (group 1 according to IARC), there is scientific evidence suggesting a relationship between benzene exposure and respiratory problems in children. But results are still inconclusive and inconsistent. This study aims to assess the determinants of exposure to indoor and outdoor residential benzene levels and its relationship with respiratory health in infants. Participants were 1-year-old infants (N = 352) from the INMA cohort from Valencia (Spain). Residential benzene exposure levels were measured inside and outside dwellings by means of passive samplers in a 15-day campaign. Pe…
Air pollution exposure during pregnancy and reduced birth size: a prospective birth cohort study in Valencia, Spain
Abstract Background Maternal exposure to air pollution has been related to fetal growth in a number of recent scientific studies. The objective of this study was to assess the association between exposure to air pollution during pregnancy and anthropometric measures at birth in a cohort in Valencia, Spain. Methods Seven hundred and eighty-five pregnant women and their singleton newborns participated in the study. Exposure to ambient nitrogen dioxide (NO2) was estimated by means of land use regression. NO2 spatial estimations were adjusted to correspond to relevant pregnancy periods (whole pregnancy and trimesters) for each woman. Outcome variables were birth weight, length, and head circumf…
Exposure to mercury among 9-year-old children and neurobehavioural function
Abstract Mercury (Hg) is an environmental neurotoxicant whose main route of exposure in humans is the consumption of seafood. The aim of this study was to explore the relationship between Hg exposure at 9 years old and behaviour assessed at 9 and 11 years old. Study subjects were mother–child pairs participating in the INMA (Environment and Childhood) Project in Valencia (Spain). Total Hg (THg) was measured in hair samples from the children at 9 years old. Behaviour and emotions were assessed at 9 (n = 472) years and 11 (n = 385) years of age using the Child Behaviour Checklist test (CBCL) and the Conners Parents Rating Scale-Revised: Short Form (CPRS-R:S). Furthermore, the attention functi…
Pre and postnatal exposure to mercury and respiratory health in preschool children from the Spanish INMA Birth Cohort Study
Effects of mercury on maturing immune system have been reported, however the association with respiratory and allergy problems during infancy remains unclear. The aim of this study is to evaluate the association between pre and postnatal mercury exposure and respiratory and allergy problems among preschool children and to examine the role of potential modifying factors. Study subjects were children participant in Spanish Childhood and Environment Project (INMA, 2003-2008). We measured total mercury levels in cord blood (n = 1868) and hair at 4 years of age (n = 1347). Respiratory outcomes (wheezing, severe wheezing, chestiness, persistent cough, eczema and otitis) were obtained by questionn…
Prenatal arsenic exposure, arsenic methylation efficiency, and neuropsychological development among preschool children in a Spanish birth cohort.
Abstract Background Prenatal arsenic (As) exposure could negatively affect child neuropsychological development, but the current evidence is inconclusive. Objectives To explore the relationship between prenatal urinary total As (TAs) concentrations, the As species and the methylation efficiency, and child neuropsychological development in a Spanish birth cohort. We also studied the effect modification produced by sex and several nutrients and elements. Materials and methods Study subjects were 807 mother–child pairs participating in the INMA (Childhood and Environment) Project. Urinary TAs and its metabolites, monomethylarsonic acid (MMA), dimethylarsinic acid (DMA), inorganic As (iAs) and …
Early childhood growth is associated with lung function at 7 years: a prospective population-based study
Previous studies have related early postnatal growth with later lung function but their interpretation is limited by the methods used to assess a child's growth. We aimed to assess the association of early childhood growth, measured by body mass index (BMI) trajectories up to 4 years, with lung function at 7 years.We included 1257 children from the Spanish Infancia y Medio Ambiente population-based birth cohort. Early childhood growth was classified into five categories based on BMI trajectories up to 4 years previously identified using latent class growth analysis. These trajectories differed in birth size ("lower", "average", "higher") and in BMI gain velocity ("slower", "accelerated"). W…
Associations between air pollution and pediatric eczema, rhinoconjunctivitis and asthma: A meta-analysis of European birth cohorts
Background: Uncertainly continues to exist regarding the role of air pollution on pediatric asthma and allergic conditions, especially as air pollution levels have started to decrease in recent decades. Objective: We examined associations of long-term air pollution levels at the home address with pediatric eczema, rhinoconjunctivitis and asthma prevalences in five birth cohorts (BIB, EDEN, GASPII, RHEA and INMA) from seven areas in five European countries. Methods: Current eczema, rhinoconjunctivitis and asthma were assessed in children aged four (N = 6527) and eight years (N = 2489). A multi-morbidity outcome (≥2 conditions versus none) was also defined. Individual outdoor levels of nitrog…
Pre- and postnatal exposure to tobacco smoke and respiratory outcomes during the first year
The different role of prenatal and postnatal exposure to tobacco smoke in respiratory outcomes in infants has not yet been clearly established. Our objective is to assess the effects of these exposures on the risk of respiratory outcomes during the first year of life of infants from a Spanish multicenter cohort study. A total of 2506 women were monitored until delivery. About 2039 infants made up the final population. The outcomes were caused by the occurrence of the following: otitis, cough persisting for more than 3 weeks, lower respiratory tract symptoms (wheezing or chestiness), and lower respiratory tract infections (bronchitis, bronchiolitis, or pneumonia). The relationship between pr…
Exposición ambiental a dióxido de nitrógeno y salud respiratoria a los 2 años en la Cohorte INMA-Valencia
Resumen: Objetivo: Analizar la relación entre la exposición a dióxido de nitrógeno (NO2) en las etapas prenatal y posnatal y la incidencia de problemas respiratorios en niños/as hasta los 2 años de edad. Método: La población consistió en 624 niños/as de la cohorte INMA-Valencia. Se estimó la exposición individual al NO2 en el exterior de la vivienda durante el periodo prenatal y hasta los 2 años de edad, a partir de la combinación de datos empíricos y el desarrollo de métodos geoestadísticos. Se aplicó un cuestionario para obtener la información sobre los síntomas respiratorios a los 2 años. La asociación entre la exposición al NO2 y los eventos respiratorios se realizó mediante regresión l…
Socioeconomic status and exposure to multiple environmental pollutants during pregnancy: evidence for environmental inequity?
Background Inequities in the distribution of environmental exposures may add an extra burden to socially disadvantaged populations, especially when acting during vulnerable periods such as pregnancy and early life, but such inequities may be more complex and uncertain than is generally assumed. We therefore examine whether socioeconomic inequities exist in pregnancy exposures to multiple common environmental contaminants in air, water and food. Methods A Spanish population-based birth cohort study enrolled over 2000 pregnant women between 2004 and 2008. Questionnaires assessed parental education, occupation, country of birth, diet and many other factors. Environmental pollutant assessments …
Vitamin D Status in Pregnancy and Determinants in a Southern European Cohort Study
Background Population-based data on vitamin D status in pregnancy in southern European countries are scarce. We assessed the prevalence and determinants of vitamin D insufficiency and deficiency in pregnancy in Spain. Methods Plasma 25-hydroxyvitamin D3 (25(OH)D3) concentration was measured at the first trimester of gestation in 2,036 pregnant women from several geographical areas of Spain (latitude 39–42°N). Uni- and multivariable regression models were conducted to identify predictors of circulating 25(OH)D3 concentration and vitamin D insufficiency (20–30 ng/mL) and deficiency (<20 ng/mL). Results Thirty-one per cent and 18% of women were vitamin D insufficient and deficient, respectivel…
Preterm birth and exposure to air pollutants during pregnancy.
Background Research has shown that prenatal exposure to air pollutants may have a detrimental effect on fetal development with the strength of the relationship depending on the effect being studied The evidence to date however is insufficient to establish a direct causal link between such exposure and preterm delivery This study evaluates the specific effect of prenatal exposure to NO2 and benzene on preterm births Methods The population under study comprised 785 pregnant women who formed part of the INMA cohort in Valencia Spain (2003-2005) Multiple regression models were used for mapping outdoor nitrogen dioxide (NO2) and benzene levels throughout the area Individual exposure was assigned…
Social factors associated with nitrogen dioxide (NO2) exposure during pregnancy: The INMA-Valencia project in Spain
Numerous studies have focused on the effects of exposure to air pollution on health: however, certain subsets of the population tend to be more exposed to such pollutants depending on their social or demographic characteristics. In addition, exposure to toxicants during pregnancy may play a deleterious role in fetal development as fetuses are especially vulnerable to external insults. The present study was carried out within the framework of the INMA (Infancia y Medio Ambiente or Childhood and the Environment) multicenter cohort study with the objective of identifying the social, demographic, and lifestyle factors associated with nitrogen dioxide (NO2) exposure in the subjects in the cohort…
Personal Exposure to Ultrafine Particles According to Different Environments and Modes of Transport in Schoolchildren: Results from a Spanish Cohort in Valencia
Background Combustion, especially in diesel engines, emits a complex mixture of gases and particles that could be harmful for the respiratory and cardiovascular systems. Daily personal exposure to the smallest particulate matter (less than 0.1 µm and usually called nanoparticles or ultrafine particles – UFP) has been studied to a lesser extent compared to coarser particles. In this study we aim to assess personal exposure to UFP in different environments and transport modes among schoolchildren from a Spanish birth-cohort in the province of Valencia. Methods The study population consisted of 114 children aged 10-11 years. For each of them, personal exposure to UFP was measured continuously …
Prenatal and postnatal residential usage of insecticides in a multicenter birth cohort in Spain
Abstract: This study aimed to describe the residential use of insecticides in a birth cohort in Spain. Study subjects were 2 456 women enrolled into the INMA (Environment and Childhood) birth cohort followed prospectively during pregnancy and in the early postnatal period. The women were recruited at the beginning of their pregnancy between 2003 and 2008 in four regions of Spain. Socio-demographic, environmental and lifestyle information was obtained at two interviews during pregnancy, one at the first (mean:13.8 +/- 2.6 weeks of gestation) and the other at the third trimester (mean: 33.3 +/- 23 weeks of gestation). Information about prenatal use of indoor and outdoor insecticides (type, ti…
Shared DNA methylation signatures in childhood allergy: The MeDALL study
Contains fulltext : 232514.pdf (Publisher’s version ) (Open Access) BACKGROUND: Differential DNA methylation associated with allergy might provide novel insights into the shared or unique etiology of asthma, rhinitis, and eczema. OBJECTIVE: We sought to identify DNA methylation profiles associated with childhood allergy. METHODS: Within the European Mechanisms of the Development of Allergy (MeDALL) consortium, we performed an epigenome-wide association study of whole blood DNA methylation by using a cross-sectional design. Allergy was defined as having symptoms from at least 1 allergic disease (asthma, rhinitis, or eczema) and positive serum-specific IgE to common aeroallergens. The discove…
Prenatal exposure to traffic-related air pollution and fetal growth in a cohort of pregnant women
Objectives Scant evidence is available on effects of air pollution on longitudinally measured fetal biometry, and thus it remains unclear as to whether there are critical windows of exposure or specificity of effects. Our objective was to examine the association between exposure to nitrogen dioxide (NO2) during pregnancy and fetal and neonatal anthropometry in a cohort of Spanish women. Methods Temporally adjusted land-use regression was used to estimate exposure to NO2 at home addresses. Biparietal diameter (BPD), abdominal circumference (AC), femur length (FL) and estimated fetal weight (EFW) were evaluated in each trimester by ultrasound. As neonatal outcomes, weight, length and head cir…
Prenatal exposure to cooking gas and respiratory health in infants is modified by tobacco smoke exposure and diet in the INMA birth cohort study
Background: Studies that have evaluated the association between exposure to gas appliances emissions at home with respiratory health in children obtained heterogeneous and limited results. The aim of this study is to analyze the association between the use of gas cooking at home during pregnancy and respiratory problems in children during their first year of life. Methods: In the years 2003 through 2008 pregnant women were enrolled in 4 Spanish areas and visited in different age-points following a common protocol. Outcomes studied (from a questionnaire) were any episode of lower respiratory tract infection (LRTI), wheezing, persistent cough, chestiness and otitis. The association between ex…
Variación espacial de la exposición a contaminación atmosférica en la ciudad de Valencia y su relación con un índice de privación The spatial distribution of population exposure to outdoor air pollution in Valencia (Spain) and its association with a privation index
Objetivo: Evaluar la variación espacial de la exposición a dióxido de nitrógeno (NO2) en la ciudad de Valencia y su relación con la privación socioeconómica y la edad. Métodos: La población por sección censal (SC) procede del Instituto Nacional de Estadística. Los niveles de NO2 se midieron en 100 puntos del área de estudio, mediante captadores pasivos, en tres campañas entre 2002 y 2004. Se utilizó regresión por usos del suelo (LUR) para obtener el mapa de los niveles de NO2. Las predicciones del LUR se compararon con las proporcionadas por: a) el captador más cercano de la red de vigilancia, b) el captador pasivo más cercano, c) el conjunto de captadores en un entorno y d) kriging. Se asi…
Exposure to nitrogen dioxide and respiratory health at 2 years in the INMA-Valencia cohort
Resumen Objetivo Analizar la relación entre la exposición a dióxido de nitrógeno (NO2) en las etapas prenatal y posnatal y la incidencia de problemas respiratorios en niños/as hasta los 2 años de edad. Método La población consistió en 624 niños/as de la cohorte INMA-Valencia. Se estimó la exposición individual al NO2 en el exterior de la vivienda durante el periodo prenatal y hasta los 2 años de edad, a partir de la combinación de datos empíricos y el desarrollo de métodos geoestadísticos. Se aplicó un cuestionario para obtener la información sobre los síntomas respiratorios a los 2 años. La asociación entre la exposición al NO2 y los eventos respiratorios se realizó mediante regresión logí…
Early-Life Exposure to Outdoor Air Pollution and Respiratory Health, Ear Infections, and Eczema in Infants from the INMA Study
Background: Prenatal and early-life periods may be critical windows for harmful effects of air pollution on infant health. Objectives: We studied the association of air pollution exposure during pregnancy and the first year of life with respiratory illnesses, ear infections, and eczema during the first 12–18 months of age in a Spanish birth cohort of 2,199 infants. Methods: We obtained parentally reported information on doctor-diagnosed lower respiratory tract infections (LRTI) and parental reports of wheezing, eczema, and ear infections. We estimated individual exposures to nitrogen dioxide (NO2) and benzene with temporally adjusted land use regression models. We used log-binomial regressi…