Giuseppe Mazza
MOESM7 of Histone macroH2A1.2 promotes metabolic health and leanness by inhibiting adipogenesis
Additional file 7. Figure S6. Histogram representing the distance and the frequency of macroH2A1.2-binding regions from transcriptional starting site (TSS), genome-wide.
MOESM2 of Histone macroH2A1.2 promotes metabolic health and leanness by inhibiting adipogenesis
Additional file 2. Figure S1. Representative images of wild-type and macroH2A1.2 transgenic (Tg) mice adipose tissue (VAT) sections immunostained for macroH2A1.2 (red). Nuclei were counterstained with Hoechst (blue), while perilipin was immunostained to define adipose cell membranes (green). macroH2A1.2 expression was detected only in the VAT of Tg animals but not in wild-type animals (white arrows).
In Vitro Bioavailability of Phenolic Compounds from Five Cultivars of Frozen Sweet Cherries (Prunus aviumL.)
The bioavailability of phenolic compounds from five cultivars of frozen sweet cherries was assessed by a digestion process involving pepsin-HCl digestion (to simulate gastric digestion) and pancreatin digestion with bile salts (to simulate small intestine conditions) and dialyzed to assess serum- and colon-available fractions. After pepsin digestion, the % recovery of total phenolics, relative to the original starting material, increased, whereas the % anthocyanins did not change. Following pancreatic digestion and dialysis, the total phenolics in the IN (serum-available) fraction was about 26–30% and the OUT (colon-available) fraction was about 77–101%. The anthocyanin content in the IN fr…
MOESM3 of Histone macroH2A1.2 promotes metabolic health and leanness by inhibiting adipogenesis
Additional file 3. Figure S2. Increased glucose clearance because of enhanced insulin sensitivity in the muscle, liver and adipose tissue. Mice fed a chow diet were injected with insulin (INS, 0.75 U kg − 1) 15 min before being killed, after which phosphorylation status of AKT (Ser473) was determined by western blot. Representative immunoblots are shown in the skeletal muscle, liver and adipose tissue. Immunoblots were quantified by densitometry and normalized against total protein levels of AKT. *P
MOESM6 of Histone macroH2A1.2 promotes metabolic health and leanness by inhibiting adipogenesis
Additional file 6. Figure S5. Representative images of liver (left panels) and heart (right panels) sections immunostained for macroH2A1.1 or for macroH2A1.2 (green). Both isoforms appear to be highly expressed in hepatocytes, whereas there a strong reduction in expression pattern of macroH2A1.2 is observed in mouse heart tissue. Nuclei were counterstained with DAPI.
MOESM4 of Histone macroH2A1.2 promotes metabolic health and leanness by inhibiting adipogenesis
Additional file 4. Figure S3. MacroH2A1.1 and macroH2A1.2 expression in 3T3-L1 pre-adipocytes and adipocytes. 3T3-L1 pre-adipocytes with lentiviral-mediates stable expression of GFP, macroH2A1.1-GFP and macroH2A1.2-GFP were induced to differentiate into mature adipocytes as in Fig. 6. At the 1st, 5th and 15th day of differentiation, histones were extracted and processed for immunoblotting with anti-macroH2A1.1, macroH2A1.2 and anti-H3-specific antibodies. Representative blots are shown, together with MW ladder.
Scent of Jasmine Attracts Alien Invaders and Records on Citizen Science Platforms: Multiple Introductions of the Invasive Lacebug Corythauma ayyari (Drake, 1933) (Heteroptera: Tingidae) in Italy and the Mediterranean Basin
Simple Summary The distribution of the lacebug Corythauma ayyari, a pest species associated to jasmine plants, has been updated using collections and citizen-science data. The path of introduction of this species in Italy has been inferred with molecular analysis. The results revealed an extent of occurrence in Italy wider than was previously known and the evidence of multiple introduction events. The work shows that citizen science can represent a further tool within the early warning information system for alien species introduction. Abstract The jasmine lacebug Corythauma ayyari is a pest of cultivated and ornamental plants mainly associated to Jasminum spp. This invasive insect is nativ…
New distributional data for the Mediterranean medicinal leech Hirudo verbana Carena, 1820 (Hirudinea, Hirudinidae) in Italy, with a note on its feeding on amphibians
Author(s): Marrone, Federico; Alfonso, Giuseppe; Barbagallo, Rosario; Brandmayr, Pietro; Bruni, Giacomo; Costa, Simone; Farina, Giovanni; Gerecke, Reinhard; Iannarelli, Angelina; Mazza, Giuseppe; Mazzei, Antonio; Menchetti, Mattia; Moretti, Valerio; Mori, Emiliano; Novaga, Riccardo; Pecoraro, Marco; Schifani, Enrico; Stoch, Fabio; Vecchioni, Luca | Abstract: Scarce data are currently available about the distribution of the Mediterranean medicinal leech Hirudo verbana in Italy, and most of the known occurrence localities are based on records collected in the nineteenth and the first half of the twentieth century, which were not confirmed in the last decades, mostly due to a lack of surveys. …
MOESM1 of Histone macroH2A1.2 promotes metabolic health and leanness by inhibiting adipogenesis
Additional file 1.
Aliens Coming by Ships: Distribution and Origins of the Ocellated Skink Populations in Peninsular Italy
The ocellated skink (Chalcides ocellatus) is a widespread lizard, naturally distributed between the Maghreb and coastal Pakistan, with few insular populations in the Mediterranean coastal area. Some populations of this species have also been recorded in peninsular Italy, Campania and Southern Tuscany due to accidental introductions via touristic and commercial routes. In this work, we conducted genetic analyses on mitochondrial DNA COXI, cytb and 16S mtDNA genes on a sample of Italian insular and peninsular populations. Differently from what previously suggested, the nucleus in Portici (Southern Italy) may have originated from Sardinia. The intense trade and touristic traffic between Sardin…
MOESM5 of Histone macroH2A1.2 promotes metabolic health and leanness by inhibiting adipogenesis
Additional file 5. Figure S4. Gene expression in 3T3-L1 adipocytes. 3T3-L1 pre-adipocytes with lentiviral-mediates stable expression of GFP, macroH2A1.1-GFP and macroH2A1.2-GFP were induced to differentiate into mature adipocytes as in Fig. 6. At the 15th day of differentiation, RNA was extracted and processed for qPCR analyses with specific primers. Results were normalized to pre-differentiation gene levels. Values are represented as means (N = 3) ± S.E.M. *P
Histone macroH2A1.2 promotes metabolic health and leanness by inhibiting adipogenesis
Background Obesity has tremendous impact on the health systems. Its epigenetic bases are unclear. MacroH2A1 is a variant of histone H2A, present in two alternatively exon-spliced isoforms macroH2A1.1 and macroH2A1.2, regulating cell plasticity and proliferation, during pluripotency and tumorigenesis. Their role in adipose tissue plasticity is unknown. Results Here, we show evidence that macroH2A1.1 protein levels in the visceral adipose tissue of obese humans positively correlate with BMI, while macroH2A1.2 is nearly absent. We thus introduced a constitutive GFP-tagged transgene for macroH2A1.2 in mice, and we characterized their metabolic health upon being fed a standard chow diet or a hig…
Antimicrobial activity of the red palm weevil Rhynchophorus ferrugineus
The red palm weevil, Rhynchophorus ferrugineus (Olivier) (Coleoptera Dryophthoridae), is an important pest of palms. Knowl- edge of both its natural enemies and its defensive mechanisms against predators and microorganisms is important to develop methods for an integrated pest control. Antimicrobial activity of the cuticular surface of adults and larvae, as well as of eggs, of this invasive species was investigated. This activity was tested against the Gram-positive bacteria Bacillus subtilis (Ehrenberg) Cohn and Bacillus thuringiensis Berliner, the Gram-negative bacterium Escherichia coli Escherich, and the entomopathogenic fungi Beauveria bassiana (Balsamo) Vuillemin and Metarhizium aniso…