Gaspare Gulotta
Could a variant structural form of thymidylate synthase gene of metastatic colorectal cancer patients be related with the poor response to 5 Fu treatment?
Background: Thymidylate synthase (TS) catalyzes methylation of dUMP to dTMP and is the target of 5-fluorouracil (5-Fu). TS levels vary considerably among tumors and the response to 5-FU is influenced by the intratumoral activity of the enzyme, with high levels generally being associated with a poor response. Response to 5-FU also depends on TS structure and some researchers showed that variant structural forms of TS in tumour cell lines confer resistance to fluoropyrimidines so the aim our study is to analyze the whole coding regions of the TS gene to evaluate a possible mechanism of 5 Fu resistance. Materials and Methods: We performed the TS-DNA gene sequence in 68 colorectal cancer (CRC) …
Evaluating the efficacy of current treatments for reducing postoperative ileus: a randomized clinical trial in a single center.
AIM: Postoperative ileus has been considered an inevitable consequence of abdominal surgery. The aim of the study was to investigate the efficacy of same treatments in resolving postoperative ileus in various surgical approaches. METHODS: A total of 360 patients underwent abdominal surgery, and was divided into four groups: videolaparoscopic cholecystectomy, laparotomic colo-rectal surgery, laparotomic Hartmann procedure, laparotomic gastric surgery. In each group, patients received different postoperative treatments: chewing gum, olive oil, both, and water. Each group was compared with a control group. RESULTS: In patients who underwent videolaparoscopic cholecystectomy, median postoperati…
Two cases of monomicrobial intraabdominal abscesses due to KPC - 3 Klebsiella pneumoniaeST258 clone
Abstract Background Knowledge of the etiology of pyogenic liver and pancreatic abscesses is an important factor in determining the success of combined surgical and antibiotic treatment. Literature shows geographical variations in the prevalence and distribution of causative organisms, and the spread of Klebsiella pneumoniae carbapenemase-producing bacteria is an emerging cause of abdominal infections. Case presentation We herein describe two cases of intra-abdominal abscesses due to monomicrobial infection by Klebsiella pneumoniae Sequence Type 258 producing K. pneumoniae carbapenemase 3 (KPC-Kp). In case 1, a 50-year-old HIV-negative Italian woman with chronic pancreatitis showed infection…
Quantification of the risk of relapses after thyroid loboisthmusectomy for benign thyroid nodules
AIM OF THE STUDY: To evaluate correlations between pre-operating epidemiological, clinical and diagnostic data and relapses concerning to patients operated on for benign thyroid nodules. MATERIAL AND METHODS: The AA. carried out a new ultrasonographic exam in 155 patients selected at random among 1012 treated by thyroid lobectomy between September 1976 and December 2002; 107 relapses were found (69%). The obtained data are analysed by chi2 test and a significant correlation between recurrence and data preceding first operation was found: non-homogeneous thyroid structure, multiple nodules, presence of peri-lesional halo, anti-thyroid antibodies, and non-adenomatous histological structure. C…
Robotic Pancreaticoduodenectomy: Technical Considerations
Robotic surgery can help to overcome some technical limitations of laparoscopic pancreaticoduodenectomy thanks to EndoWrist instrumentations and the 3D view. Despite the potential benefits, its employment is still low and controversial. We focused on some important technical details crucial for a safe robotic pancreatectomy. After performing 52 robotic pancreatic resections that included 10 pancreatoduodenectomies, the authors describe their technique. The review of literature on robotic and laparoscopic duodenopancreatectomy is also performed in order to evaluate possible benefits of the robotic platform. We describe the step-by-step surgical procedure, analyzing all possible troubleshooti…
A 3D totally absorbable synthetic mesh in antireflux surgery: Gore Bio-A tissue reinforcement for hiatal hernia repairing
Introduction Hiatal hernia, defined as “transitory or stable dislocation of a part of the stomach in mediastinum through the diaphragmatic crura delimiting esophageal hiatus”. Its appearance presupposes anatomic anomalies or weakening of structures and mechanisms able to maintain esophago-gastric junction and stomach in the abdominal cavity [1]. Classically hiatal hernia was classified in four types using Hill’s classification: Type 1 hiatal hernia is associated with GERD in 50-90% of cases, in facts its presence gradually compromises esophago-gastric junction’s continence favouriting the backwater of acid secretion and its reflux in contact with esophageal mucosa during transient relaxatio…
The prevalence of post-thyroidectomy chronic asthenia: a prospective cohort study
Chronic asthenia (CA) is complained by some patients that have undergone thyroid surgery. We evaluate its impact in patients undergoing unilateral or bilateral thyroidectomy, the trend during a 1-year follow-up, and the possible risk factors. A prospective, cohort study was carried out on 263 patients scheduled for thyroidectomy from 2012 and 2014. Exclusion criteria were as follows: Graves’ disease, malignancies requiring radioiodine therapy, post-surgical hypoparathyroidism, laryngeal nerve palsy, abnormal pre- and post-operative thyroid hormone levels, and BMI outside the normal range. Demographics; smoking and alcoholism addiction; cardiac, pulmonary, renal, and hepatic failure; diabete…
Bowel perforation in Crohn's Disease: correlation between CDAI and Clavien-Dindo scores
Background Many studies have elaborated different kind of activity indices for Crohn's Disesase (CD) with the endpoint of univocally measure and evaluate the gravity of its lesions and symptoms. Aim Purpose of this work is to study and define the correlation that runs between the preoperative score obtained at the Crohn's Disease Activity Index, the occurrence of postoperative complications that will require re-intervention and the severity of the postoperative lesions evaluated using the Clavien-Dindo score. Patients and methods We have collected and analyzed data from 23 patients (12 males, 11 females) that in a period that spans from 2010 to 2016 had been recovered in our Operative Unit …
Whipple's pancreaticoduodenectomy: Surgical technique and perioperative clinical outcomes in a single center
Abstract Introduction Pancreatic cancer is the fourth cause of death from cancer in Western countries. The radical surgical resection is the only curative option for this pathology. The prevalence of this disease increases with age in population. The causes of pancreatic cancer are unknown, but we consider risk factors like smoke and tobacco usage, alcohol consumption coffee, history of diabetes or chronic pancreatitis. In this study we report our experience in the treatment of resectable pancreatic cancer and periampullary neoplasms with particular attention to evaluate the evolution of surgical technique and the clinical postoperative outcomes. Methods In our Department between January 20…
The non-surgical management for hemorrhoidal disease. A systematic review
The non-surgical treatments for hemorrhoids are cost and time-saving techniques usually performed in patients suffering early hemorrhoidal disease. The most used are rubber band ligation (RBL), injection sclerotherapy (IS), and infrared coagulation (IRC). We performed a systematic review in order to evaluate: do these procedures really help to avoid further more aggressive treatments? What are the common harms? What are the rare harms? How many recurrences there are? A total of 21 RCTs were included in this review: 12 on RBL, 4 on IRC and 5 on IS. In RBL bleeding stops in up to 90% and III degree hemorrhoids improves in 78%-83.8%. IV degree prolapse should have a more invasive treatment. Th…
Analysis of the Thymidylate Synthase Gene Structure in Colorectal Cancer Patients and lts Possible Relation with the S-Fluorouracil Drug Response
Thymidylate synthase (TS) catalyzes methylation of dUMP to dTMP and it is the target for the 5-Fluorouracil (5-FU) activity*. Barbour et al. showed that variant structural forms of TS in tumour cell lines confer resistance to fluoropyrimidines. We planned to perform the whole TS gene structure by means of sequencing techniques in human colorectal cancer (CRC) san-rples to try to identify the presence of any possible TS variant form that could be responsible of fluoropyrimidines drug resistance and of the worse prognosis. We performed the TS-DNA gene sequence in 68 CRC from patients of A, B, and C Dukes' stages and different histological grade, but we did not find any mutation in the TS-DNA …
The coexistence of primary hyperparathyroidism and thyroid nodules: Should the preoperative work-up of the parathyroid and the thyroid diseases be specifically adjusted?
Introduction and objectives. Primary hyperparathyroidism (PHPT) can be found in concomitance with thyroid disease (TD) in a high frequency of cases. In this context the diagnostic exams for localizing the enlarged parathyroid(s) gland(s) could be less reliable or nonconclusive. Moreover, the thyroid carcinoma seems to be more frequent compared to that isolated thyroid desease and, therefore, carefully investigated. The main goal of the present study is to evaluate which diagnostic tool (US, MIBI) is more reliable for localizing the site of the PTH hypersecretion and to confirm if it is always advantageous a combination of both exams. Besides, we evaluated the incidence of thyroid carcinoma …
Robotic pancreatic surgery: old concerns, new perspectives.
Background: Described for the first time in 2003, the robotic pancreatic surgery shows interesting results. The evaluation of post-operative outcomes is necessary once we describe an innovative surgical approach. Methods: We have performed a retrospective analysis of a prospectively maintained database on robotic pancreatic surgery including malignant and benign indications for surgery. Results: A total of 50 consecutive patients underwent robotic pancreatic surgery (26 pancreatico duodenectomy and 24 distal pancreatectomy) between January 2012 and July 2015 in a single centre. The overall operative time was 425 (390–620) min. In a subgroup of highly selected malignant tumours, we were able…
4843delC of the BRCA1 gene is a possible founder mutation in Southern Italy (Sicily).
Various studies have been published in Italy regarding the different BRCA1 mutations, but only the BRCA1-5083del19 mutation is recurrent and specific to individuals of Italian descent with a founder effect on the Calabrian population. In our previous study, BRCA1-5083del19 mutation carriers were found in four index cases of 106 Sicilian patients selected for familial and/or hereditary breast/ovarian cancers. The high frequency rate of this mutation identified in the Sicilian population led us to perform haplotype analysis in all family carriers. Five highly polymorphic microsatellite markers were used (D17S1320, D17S932, D17S1323, D17S1326, D17S1325) to establish whether or not all these fa…
Dolore anale: quando è una urgenza?
Deep seroma after incisional hernia repair. Case reports and review of the literature.
Wound-related complications are common after incisional hernia repair with mesh; seroma formation is the most frequent problem. The formation of a deep seroma has been rarely reported in the literature.In one year, September 2012-2013, 136 patients underwent surgery for incisional hernia repair, both elective and urgent.The following complications were observed: one dislocation of polypropylene prosthesis, a massive relapsed seroma and two deep seromas described in this article. A 63- years-old female underwent open incisional hernia repair with an intraperitoneal PTFE patch. She developed recurrent seroma under the mesh drained percutaneously, and finally the prosthesis was removed. A 72- …
Hemoperitoneum following mild blunt abdominal trauma: First presentation of Crohn's disease
Introduction: Inflammatory bowel diseases are heterogeneous in their presentation. Crohn's disease (CD) has been described as an unusual cause of massive lower gastrointestinal bleeding. We present a patient with CD whose first presentation was hemoperitoneum following mild blunt abdominal trauma Case presentation: A 54-year-old woman came to the emergency room with a blunt abdominal trauma. The patient underwent an abdominal CT scan with i.v. contrast medium injection, which showed hemoperitoneum with stenotic strictures of the small bowel and active massive bleeding from ileocolic artery. The rapid anemia onset and the CT report induced us to perform blood transfusion and an emergency exp…
Muscle degeneration in inguinal hernia specimens.
BACKGROUND: There are few articles in the literature reporting the histological changes of groin structures affected by inguinal hernia. A deeper knowledge of this matter could represent an important step forward in the identification of the causes of hernia protrusion. This study aimed to recognise the pathological modifications of muscular structures in autopsy specimens excised from tissues surrounding the hernia orifice. METHODS: Inguinal hernia was identified in 30 autopsied cadavers, which presented different varieties of hernia, including indirect, direct and mixed. Tissue specimens were resected for histological study from structures of the inguinal area surrounding the hernia openi…
A phase 2 study of oxaliplatin (o) – Capecitabine (X) chemiotherapy in metastatic breast cancer (MBC) patients pretreated whit anthracyclines an taxanes.
Laparoscopic treatment for esophageal achalasia: experience at a single center
Background. Achalasia is a not frequent esophageal disorder cha- racterized by the absence of esophageal peristalsis and incomplete re- laxation of the lower esophageal sphincter (LES). Its cause is unknown. The aim of treatment is to improve the symptoms. We report the results of the treatment of this condition achieved in one center. Patients and methods. We conducted a retrospective study of pa- tients with esophageal achalasia. In the period 2010-2012 we observed 64 patients, of whom 19 were referred for medical treatment. Three of Introduction Achalasia is a not frequent esophageal motor disor- der that affects both the body of the esophagus and the lower esophageal sphincter (LES). It…
Bisphosphonate-associated femoral fracture: implication for management
Studies carried out on individuals being treated long term with bisphosphonates have provoked considerable interest and perplexity about the effect that these drugs have on bone turnover in the long run. In fact the experiences reported by numerous researchers tend to highlight how treatment with high doses of bisphosphonates over many years, of individuals with osteoporosis complicated by or secondary to neoplastic pathologies, causes a suppression of bone turnover that over time predisposes the bone to the accumulation of micro damage that can then result in complicated fractures, as in the case described here.
Surgeon volume and hospital volume in endocrine neck surgery: how many procedures are needed for reaching a safety level and acceptable costs? A systematic narrative review
The relationship between quality of care and provider's experience is well known in all fields of surgery. Even in thyroidectomies and parathyroidectomies, the emphasis on positive volume-outcome relationships is believed. It led us to an evaluation of volume activity's impact in terms of quality of care. A systematic narrative review was performed. According to the PRISMA criteria, we selected 87 paper and, after the study selection was performed, 22 studies were finally included in this review. All articles included were unanimous in attributing to activity volume of surgeons as well as centers a substantial importance. Some differences in outcomes between these investigated categories ha…
Biologic Response of Inguinal Hernia Prosthetics: A Comparative Study of Conventional Static Meshes Versus 3D Dynamic Implants
Despite improvements in prosthetics and surgi- cal techniques, the rate of complications following inguinal hernia repair remains high. Among these, discomfort and chronic pain have become a source of increasing concern among surgeons. Poor quality of tissue ingrowth, such as thin scar plates or shrinking scars—typical results with con- ventional static implants and plugs—may contribute to these adverse events. Recently, a new type of 3D dynami- cally responsive implant was introduced to the market. This device, designed to be placed fixation-free, seems to induce ingrowth of viable and structured tissue instead of regressive fibrotic scarring. To elucidate the differences in biologic respo…
Galectin-3 immunodetection for improving the performance of conventional thyroid cytology: preliminay results
Introduction: Most of differentiated thyroid carcinomas should be easily revealed by fine-needle aspiration cytology but sometimes preoperative diagnosis is doubtful. Galactin-3 is a carbohydrate –binding protein with affinity for beta-galactosides that plays a significant role in cell-cell and cell matrix adhesion, growth, neoplastic transformation and metastasis. Moreover, galectin-3 immunodetection is related to follicular thyroid malignancies. Our aim is to test Galectin-3 as potential preoperative marker for follicular and papillary carcinomas. Methods: Expression of galectin -3 was tested by fluorescence staining on 40 fresh cytological thyroid samples obtained preoperatively; the sam…
Laparoscopic treatment of a large pedunculated hemangioma of the liver: a case report
Hepatic hemangiomas are the most common benign tumors of the liver, often asymptomatic and discovered incidentally. A 62-year-old woman was referred to our Institution under the suspicion of having an 8 cm-sized GIST. Due to the atypical features of the lesion on TC scan, a biopsy was performed. We report the case of pedunculated hepatic hemangioma with the aim to discuss the diagnostic approach, the possible causes of misdiagnosis and the opportunity of the laparoscopic approach.
L’uso del hrTSH nel follow up del microcarcinoma tiroideo in pazienti sottoposti a tiroidectomia totale
Bone morphogenetic protein 4 induces differentiation of colorectal cancer stem cells and increases their response to chemotherapy in mice.
BACKGROUND & AIMS: The limited clinical response observed in many patients with colorectal cancer may be related to the presence of chemoresistant colorectal can- cer stem cells (CRC-SCs). Bone morphogenetic protein 4 (BMP4) promotes the differentiation of normal colonic stem cells. We investigated whether BMP4 might be used to induce differentiation of CRC-SCs and for therapeutic purposes. METHODS: CRC-SCs were isolated from 25 tumor samples based on expression of CD133 or using a selection culture medium. BMP4 expression and activity on CRC-SCs were evaluated in vitro; progeny of the stem cells were evaluated by immunofluorescence, immuno- blot, and flow cytometry analyses. The potential …
CD44v6 is a marker of constitutive and reprogrammed cancer stem cells driving colon cancer metastasis.
SummaryCancer stem cells drive tumor formation and metastasis, but how they acquire metastatic traits is not well understood. Here, we show that all colorectal cancer stem cells (CR-CSCs) express CD44v6, which is required for their migration and generation of metastatic tumors. CD44v6 expression is low in primary tumors but demarcated clonogenic CR-CSC populations. Cytokines hepatocyte growth factor (HGF), osteopontin (OPN), and stromal-derived factor 1α (SDF-1), secreted from tumor associated cells, increase CD44v6 expression in CR-CSCs by activating the Wnt/β-catenin pathway, which promotes migration and metastasis. CD44v6− progenitor cells do not give rise to metastatic lesions but, when…
Surgical Emergencies in Crohn’s Disease
Crohn’s disease, as a chronic inflammatory disease of unknown etiology that can affect any part of the alimentary canal from the mouth to the anus, has a highly variable course and a very unpredictable evolution. Even surgery does not cure CD, it has however a relevant role in its treatment in combination to medical therapy during the large course of the disease; indeed almost each patient is submitted to a surgical intervention during his life. Nowadays, surgery is considered the last treatment to use whenever medical therapy is insufficient to control symptoms; this choice involves an intervention on more serious patients with more surgical complications. Surgery finds in the Crohn’s dise…
Correction to: Robotic Pancreaticoduodenectomy: Technical Considerations
In the originally published article, the name of the first author was given as Marco Marino only. It should be Marco Vito Marino, which is presented correctly above.
Diagnostic role of ultrasound-guided fine-needle aspiration biopsy (FNAB) in infracentimetric thyroid nodules.
A phase II study of capecitabine oxaliplatin chemotherapy in metastatic breast cancer patients pretreated with anthracyclines and taxanes
3D laparoscopic surgery: a prospective clinical trial
Since it's introduction, laparoscopic surgery represented a real revolution in clinical practice. The use of a new generation three-dimensional (3D) HD laparoscopic system can be considered a favorable "hybrid" made by combining two different elements: feasibility and diffusion of laparoscopy and improved quality of vision. In this study we report our clinical experience with use of three-dimensional (3D) HD vision system for laparoscopic surgery. Between 2013 and 2017 a prospective cohort study was conducted at the University Hospital of Palermo. We considered 163 patients underwent to laparoscopic three-dimensional (3D) HD surgery for various indications. This 3D-group was compared to a r…
Dedifferentiated retroperitoneal large liposarcoma and laparoscopic treatment: Is it possible and safe? The first literature case report
Highlights • We describe a case report of large retroperitoneal dedifferentiated liposarcoma totally treated by laparoscopic surgery. • In literature we found few cases of laparoscopic treatment only for Well-Differentiated liposarcoma. • To our knowledge this is the first description of Dedifferentiated liposarcoma completely treated with laparoscopic technique. • Literature review was performed to identify outcomes and advantages of laparoscopic approach for.
Nerve degeneration in inguinal hernia specimens
BACKGROUND: The histological study of the herniated inguinal area is rare in the literature. This report is focused on the detection of structural changes of the nerves within tissues bordering the inguinal hernia of cadavers. Their physiopathological consequences are hypothesized. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Primary inguinal hernia was diagnosed in 30 fresh cadavers. Tissue specimens from the inguinal region close to and around the hernia opening were excised for histological examination. A control of the data was achieved through tissue samples excised from equivalent sites of the inguinal region in 15 cadavers without hernia. RESULTS: The detected nerves in the inguinal area demonstrated path…
Histological findings in direct inguinal hernia
Abstract BACKGROUND: The study is focused on recognizing the histological changes of the structures close to and around the hernia opening in patients having direct inguinal hernia. METHODS: In 15 patients with primary bilateral direct inguinal hernia who underwent a Stoppa open posterior inguinal hernia repair, tissue specimens from the abdominal wall surrounding a direct hernia border were excised for histological examination. These findings in patients with direct inguinal hernia were compared with tissue specimens excised from the fossa inguinalis media of cadavers without hernia. RESULTS: Significant degenerative modifications such as fibrohyaline degeneration and fatty substitution of…
Achalasia Secondary to Submucosal Invasion by Poorly Differentiated Adenocarcinoma of the Cardia, Siewert II: Consideration on Preoperative Workup.
Secondary achalasia due to submucosal invasion of cardia by gastric cancer is a rare condition. We report a case of pseudoachalasia, secondary to the involvement of gastroesophageal junction by poorly differentiated gastric cancer, initially mistaken as idiopathic form. We focus on the difficulty to establish differential diagnosis only on the basis of routine exams and we stress the necessity of “second level” instrumental exams; EUS in routine workup in selected patients should be considered. We support that routine workup based on history, clinical presentation, radiological and endoscopic findings, and certainly manometry could be insufficient for a correct differential diagnosis betwee…
Rectal bleeding and prolapse… not always benign diseases rather anal cancer. The importance of a correct decision making since primary care
Rectal bleeding is very common in general population with a prevalence of 10-20 %. Primary care physicians have to stratify patients basing on urgency and on the colo-rectal cancer risk and to conduct a decision making for the correct management. We report a case of a 61-years-old woman, complaining rectal bleeding and an anal mass attended to their family doctor who does a visit but without a digital rectal examination and diagnosed a hemorrhoidal prolapse suggesting medical therapy. For the persistence of symptoms she comes to our service from emergency attention. Inspection and digital rectal examination revealed an anal mass. CT scan was performed showing a large anal mass involving hal…
Association of oral lichen planus with thyroid disease in a Finnish population: A retrospective case-control study: "A different finding from a Mediterranean area".
Not available
Right diaphragmatic injury and lacerated liver during a penetrating abdominal trauma: case report and brief literature review
Introduction: Diaphragmatic injuries are rare consequences of thoracoabdominal trauma and they often occur in association with multiorgan injuries. The diaphragm is a difficult anatomical structure to study with common imaging instruments due to its physiological movement. Thus, diaphragmatic injuries can often be misunderstood and diagnosed only during surgical procedures. Diagnostic delay results in a high rate of mortality. Methods: We report the management of a clinical case of a 45-old man who came to our observation with a stab wound in the right upper abdomen. The type or length of the knife used as it was extracted from the victim after the fight. CT imaging demonstrated a right hem…
Biliary microbiota in pancreatic cancer
The most common microorganisms were Pseudomonas spp. (P < 0.0001) and E. coli (P < 0.0001), which were negatively correlated to PDAC and positively correlated to cholangiocarcinoma by both univariate and multivariate analysis. Gram-negative bacteria are linked to a tumor-associated inflammatory status
Vacuum-Assisted Wound Closure with Mesh-Mediated Fascial Traction Achieves Better Outcomes than Vacuum-Assisted Wound Closure Alone: A Comparative Study
Background Open abdomen (OA) permits the application of damage control surgery principles when abdominal trauma, sepsis, severe acute peritonitis and abdominal compartmental syndrome (ACS) occur. Methods Non-traumatic patients treated with OA between January 2010 and December 2015 were identified in a prospective database, and the data collected were retrospectively reviewed. Patients’ records were collected from charts and the surgical and intensive care unit (ICU) registries. The Acosta ‘‘modified’’ technique was used to achieve fascial closure in vacuum-assisted wound closure and mesh-mediated fascial traction (VAWCM) patients. Sex, age, simplified acute physiology score II (SAPS II), ab…
Retrospective Analysis of 29 Patients with Multiple Pulmonary Metastases from Colorectal Carcinoma Resected by a 1318-nm Laser
NO Abstract
Percutaneous Tibial Nerve Stimulation for Treatment of Idiopathic Faecal Incontinence: Mid-term Results from a Single Center
Abstract Objective: Percutaneous tibial nerve stimulation is a recent and minimally invasive treatment for faecal incontinence (FI). The aim of this study is to evaluate the mid-term results in patients with idiopathic faecal incontinence (IFI). Methods: Fifty one patients (42 female and 9 male) were prospectively recruited. Patients were treated twice a week for 6 weeks as per study protocol. We have assessed the degree of fecal incontinence using the Cleveland Clinic faecal incontinence (CCF-FI) score at baseline, at 6 weeks, at 6 months and at 1 year. Also the anorectal manometric data (mean resting pressure (MRP), squeeze pressure (SP) and, rectal sensation) at baseline, at 6 weeks and …
Total Thyroidectomy Performed With the Starion Vessel Sealing System Versus the Conventional Technique: A Prospective Randomized Trial
Meticulous dissection and accurate hemostasis are required in thyroid surgery. The authors recently performed a number of thyroidectomies using a new device that combines heat and pressure for sealing and cutting tissue. A prospective randomized trial was conducted on 98 patients subjected to total thyroidectomy for benign disease: 49 patients (group A) with the Starion tissue welding system and 49 (group B) with the clamp-and-tie technique. The 2 groups were comparable in mean age, gender, thyroidal volume (20-60 mL), incision length (<35 mm), and pathology. The authors evaluated operative time, postoperative serum calcemia, dosage and length of postoperative calcium and vitamin D trea…
KPC-3 Klebsiella pneumoniae ST258 clone infection in postoperative abdominal surgery patients in an intensive care setting: analysis of a case series of 30 patients
Objective: We studied the clinical course, Intensive Care Unit (ICU) and hospital outcomes of 30 postoperative abdominal surgery patients who showed severe infections caused by Klebsiella pneumoniae Sequence Type 258 producing K. pneumoniae carbapenemase 3 (KPC-Kp). Methods: Patients with at least two positive blood cultures for KPC-Kp after admission to the ICU were recruited for a 12-month period and treated with a combination regimen of colistin plus tigecycline. They were started on a high-dose (initial dose of 200 mg then 100 q12) of tigecycline combined with colistin, taking into account intra-abdominal abscess severity and MCIs for tigecycline. Results: The average age of the patient…
The abdominal wall hernia in cirrhotic patients: A historical challenge
Abstract Background The incidence rate of abdominal wall hernia is 20–40% in cirrhotic patients. A surgical approach was originally performed only if complication signs and symptoms occurred. Several recent studies have demonstrated the usefulness of elective surgery. During recent decades, the indications for surgical timing have changed. Methods Cirrhotic patients with abdominal hernia who underwent surgical operation for abdominal wall hernia repair at the Policlinico “Paolo Giaccone” at Palermo University Hospital between January 2010 and September 2016 were identified in a prospective database, and the data collected were retrospectively reviewed; patients’ medical and surgical records…
KPC - 3 Klebsiella pneumoniae ST258 clone infection in postoperative abdominal surgery patients in an intensive care setting: analysis of a case series of 30 patients.
Background: Abdominal surgery carries significant morbidity and mortality, which is in turn associated with an enormous use of healthcare resources. We describe the clinical course of 30 Intensive Care Unit (ICU) patients who underwent abdominal surgery and showed severe infections caused by Klebsiella pneumoniae sequence type (ST) 258 producing K. pneumoniae carbapenemase (KPC-Kp). The aim was to evaluate risk factors for mortality and the impact of a combination therapy of colistin plus recommended regimen or higher dosage of tigecycline. Methods: A prospective assessment of severe monomicrobial KPC-Kp infections occurring after open abdominal surgery carried out from August 2011 to Augus…
Objective: Laparoscopic adrenalectomy is today considered the gold standard treatment for all benign adrenal tumors. The aim of this study is to evaluate the results of laparoscopic adrenalectomy in a single centre. Methods: We reviewed clinical data on 32 adrenalectomies performed at our istitution from 2009 to 2012. The average age of patients was 47 years (range 38-68); 18 were men and 14 women. For the clinical analysis, patients were divided into the nonfunctioning tumor group (n = 20) and the functioning tumor group (n = 12). All operations were performed via transperitoneal lateral access. Results: All laparoscopic adrenalectomy were finished successfully and no open surgery was nece…
Pathological anatomy of hernia disease
Short stay thyroid surgery: a personal experience
Introduction: In spite of a low incidence of complications during thyroidectomy, there is a widespread tendency to extend hospitalization at least until postoperative second day. The need of a rebalancing between costs and profits had led us to revise the hospitalization’s duration. Methods: We reviewed our early experience (129 patients candidated to total thyroidectomy as ordinary hospitalization from 2001 to 2002) identifying the causes of hospitalization’s delay both preoperatively and in discharge. We excluded from our analysis re-operations, substernal goitre requiring sternotomy, carcinomas needing a systematic lymphadenectomy and some cases of internal medical interest. Between June…
Tumorigenic and metastatic activity of human thyroid cancer stem cells
Abstract Thyroid carcinoma is the most common endocrine malignancy and the first cause of death among endocrine cancers. We show that the tumorigenic capacity in thyroid cancer is confined in a small subpopulation of stem-like cells with high aldehyde dehydrogenase (ALDHhigh) activity and unlimited replication potential. ALDHhigh cells can be expanded indefinitely in vitro as tumor spheres, which retain the tumorigenic potential upon delivery in immunocompromised mice. Orthotopic injection of minute numbers of thyroid cancer stem cells recapitulates the behavior of the parental tumor, including the aggressive metastatic features of undifferentiated thyroid carcinomas, which are sustained by…
Metastasi della tiroide e alla tiroide
“Relaparoscopic” management of surgical complications: The experience of an Emergency Center
Background/aim: Laparotomy has been the approach of choice for re-operations in patients with surgical complications. The aim of this retrospective analysis was to evaluate the feasibility and the safety of laparoscopic approach for the management of general abdominal surgery complications. Materials and methods: We report a retrospective review of 75 patients who underwent laparoscopic evaluation for postoperative complications over a 4-year period. Primary outcomes (resolution rate by exclusive laparoscopic approach, conversion rate, further surgery rate) and secondary outcomes (mortality, hospitalization, prolonged ileus, wounds problems and median operative time) were evaluated. Results…
An investigation of bedside laparoscopy in the ICU for cases of non-occlusive mesenteric ischemia
Background: Acute mesenteric ischemia is a rare affection with high related mortality. NOMI presents the most important diagnostic problems and is related with the higher risk of white laparotomy. This study wants to give a contribution for the validation of laparoscopic approach in case of NOMI. Methods: Thirty-two consecutive patients were admitted in last 10 years in ICU of Paolo Giaccone University Hospital of Palermo for AMI. Diagnosis was obtained by multislice CT and selective angiography was done if clinical conditions were permissive. If necrosis was already present or suspected, surgical approach was done. Endovascular or surgical embolectomy was performed when necessary. Twenty N…
Objective: Cancers of the small intestine are rare pathologies. They occur with vague and unspecific symptoms and cause many problems in differential diagnosis. Methods: A 64-years-old man, smoker, suffered inappetence, nausea and vomit over about 20 days until the presence of melena led to his admission to our hospital. His history included diabetes mellitus and moderate alcohol intake. The objective examination showed a hard-inelastic swelling in epi-mesogastric region. Laboratory data showed an increase of leukocytes and elevated level of CA 19-9. Esophagogastroduodenoscopy showed a duodenal vegetans neoformation, subjected to examination biopsy and bacterial culture. Computed tomography…
Traumatic Isolated Intramural Duodenal Hematoma Causing Intestinal Obstruction
A 21-year-old man was admitted 36 hours after a blunt abdominal trauma occurred during a sporting competition. He complained of colic epigastric abdominal pain, nausea, and vomiting. He was hemodynamically stable; blood counts and metabolic panel were normal. Abdominal CT showed an intestinal obstruction caused by an 8 x 6 x 11 cm hematoma on the right lateral duodenal wall without signs of active bleeding (Figure 1). He underwent gastric decompression and started total parenteral nutrition and intravenous pump inhibitors. Esophagogastroduodenoscopy (EGD) performed 48 hours after the diagnosis showed an extrinsic compression by a bluish obstruction in the first part of the duodenum resembli…
Aminobisphosphonates as new weapons for gammadelta T Cell-based immunotherapy of cancer.
BACKGROUND: Activated V gamma 9 V delta 2 T cells are able to kill most tumour cells because of recognition by T cell receptor and natural killer receptors. OBJECTIVE: We discuss the possibility that the intentional activation of gammadelta T cells in vivo by aminobisphosphonates may represent a promising target for the design of novel and highly innovative immunotherapy in cancer patients. METHODS: The antitumoral effects of gammadelta T cells both in vitro and in vivo have been demonstrated suggesting a new therapeutic approach for translation into the clinical setting. RESULTS/CONCLUSION: V gamma 9 V delta 2 T lymphocytes represent a particularly interesting target for immunotherapeutic …
Corrigendum to “Hiatal Hernia Repair with Gore Bio-A Tissue Reinforcement: Our Experience”
Type I hiatal hernia is associated with gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) in 50-90% of cases. Several trials strongly support surgery as an effective alternative to medical therapy. Today, laparoscopic fundoplication is considered as the procedure of choice. However, primary laparoscopic hiatal hernia repair is associated with upto 42% recurrence rate. Mesh reinforcement of the crural closure decreases the recurrence but can lead to complications, above all nonabsorbable ones. We experiment a new totally absorbable mesh by Gore. Case. We present a case of a 65-year-old female patient with a 6-year classic history of GERD. Endoscopy revealed a large hiatal hernia and esophagitis. pH stu…
Surgical pathology and the diagnosis of invasive visceral yeast infection: two case reports and literature review
Invasive mycoses are life-threatening opportunistic infections that have recently emerged as a cause of morbidity and mortality following general and gastrointestinal surgery. Candida species are the main fungal strains of gut flora. Gastrointestinal tract surgery might lead to mucosal disruption and cause Candida spp. to disseminate in the bloodstream. Here we report and discuss the peculiar clinical and morphological presentation of two cases of gastrointestinal Candida albicans lesions in patients who underwent abdominal surgery. Although in the majority of cases reported in the literature, diagnosis was made on the basis of microbiological criteria, we suggest that morphological feature…
Swallowing disorders after thyroidectomy: What we know and where we are. A systematic review.
Abstract Introduction Dysphagia and hoarseness are possible complications that can be observed in patients undergoing thyroidectomy or other neck surgery procedures. These complaints are usually related to superior and inferior laryngeal nerves dysfunction, but these can appear even after uncomplicated surgical procedure. Methods We reviewed the current literature available on MEDLINE database, concerning the swallowing disorders appearing after the thyroidectomy. The articles included in the review reported pathophysiology and diagnostic concerns. Results Twenty articles were selected for inclusion in the review. Depends on the possible causes of the difficulty swallowing (related to nerve…
Fixation free prosthetic repair of large umbilical hernia granting a broad defect overlap
lntroduction: Umbilical hernia is a common surgical disease, accounting for l0-147o of all hernias and having many therapeutic options. Pure tissue repair is affected by a recurrence tp to 40Vo. Prosthetic mesh repair is now widely utilized with a decrease of recurrences up to 107o. Nevertheless, if large defect are present, assuring a wide overlap and a fixation-free technique still represent an issue. In this report we describe the outcomes of an umbilical hernia repair technique via a new implant with radiating straps at its boundary. Material and methods: A light weight, large porous polypropylene implant having a central body of 12x15 cm in diameter and eight radiating straps was used …
Dynamic autostatic implant for inguinal hernia repair. Early results in an explorative cohort of patients
Acknowledging the need to further improve outcomes and reduce complications in inguinal hernia repair, our group has been developing new surgical implants for this condition. Our primary considerations are to reduce complications associated with invasive fixation, and improve the quality of the tissue ingrowth within the implant. We have developed a new type of 3D dynamic, self retaining implant to achieve these effects. This newly designed implant was previously experimentally tested in porcine model, showing excellent outcomes. Above all, the results concerning the quality of tissue ingrowth and the nearby absence of shrinkage in the long term were excellent. In this report we describe th…
Prognostic significance of standardized AgNOR analysis and Ki-67 immunostaining in gastrointestinal stromal tumors
Abstract OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the prognostic utility of argyrophilic nucleolar organizer region (AgNOR) protein parameters and Ki-67-immunostained growth fraction (Ki-67 labelling index) and to correlate AgNORs with Ki-67 LI and the main clinicopathologic parameters in gastrointestinal stromal tumors (GISTs). STUDY DESIGN: On 55 patients with surgically excised GISTs, visualization and quantification of AgNORs were performed as specified in the guidelines of the Committee on AgNOR Quantification. RESULTS: AgNOR protein area (NORA) ≥5.28 μm2 was statistically associated with mitotic rate ≥5x10 high-power fields (hpfs) (P <.001) and presence of necrosis (P <.001); Ki-67 LI ≥9.69% was signif…
Minimally Invasive Video-Assisted Thyroidectomy: Analysis of Complications From a Systematic Review
Background. Nowadays, minimally invasive video-assisted thyroidectomy (MIVAT) is considered a safe and effective option. However, its complication rate has not been specifically discussed yet. The aim of this systematic review was enrolling a large number of studies to estimate early and late complications (transient and definitive, uni- and bilateral laryngeal nerve palsy; transient and definitive hypocalcemia; cervical hematoma; hypertrophic or keloid scar) of MIVAT compared with conventional technique. Methods. The review was performed according to PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses) criteria in PubMed and Embase. Search terms were “minimally inva…
Physiopathology of hernia disease
The genesis of inguinal hernia still represents a dilemma. Deryite innovation in surgical matenals and techniques, no care has lrccn eler concerning the etiology of hernia. Following a specific Erlnù tissue samples were excised in 30 fresh male cadavers with iÉr.l lsnias, from structures close to the hemia orifice. for histological study. 15 cadavers without hernia served as conffol. The tissue excised demonstrated several histological changes. Among these, fibrohyaline degeneration and fatty dystrophy of the myocytes. Besides limpho-histiocytic and plasmacellular clusters, we found also vein fibrosis and congestion. The arterial structrres showed thicken- ing of the media due to Lyperplade…
The abdominal wall incisional hernia repair in cirrhotic patients
BACKGROUND: The incidence of abdominal wall hernia in cirrhotic patients with ascites is between 20 and 40%. Controversies regarding the treatment modality and surgical timing of abdominal wall incisional hernia repair in cirrhotic patients remain. The study proposed wants to analyze the abdominal incisional hernia repair in cirrhotic patients with ascites performed in a single center to determine post-operative morbidity, mortality and complication rate. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Cirrhotic patients with abdominal incisional hernia that underwent surgical operation for abdominal wall hernia repair at the "Policlinico Paolo Giaccone" at Palermo University Hospital between January 2015 and Decemb…
Role of interleukin-4 on colon cancer stem cell survival
Chemioterapia di II linea nel carcinoma epiteliale dell'ovaio. Studio di Fase II
Chemioterapia di II linea nel carcinoma epiteliale dell'ovaio. Studio di Fase II.
Efficient Killing of Human Colon Cancer Stem Cells by γδ T Lymphocytes
Abstract Colon cancer comprises a small population of cancer stem cells (CSC) that is responsible for tumor maintenance and resistant to cancer therapies, possibly allowing for tumor recapitulation once treatment stops. We previously demonstrated that such chemoresistance is mediated by autocrine production of IL-4 through the up-regulation of antiapoptotic proteins. Several innate and adaptive immune effector cells allow for the recognition and destruction of cancer precursors before they constitute the tumor mass. However, cellular immune-based therapies have not been experimented yet in the population of CSCs. Here, we show that the bisphosphonate zoledronate sensitizes colon CSCs to Vγ9…
Laparoscopic, three-port and SILS cholecystectomy: a retrospective study.
Introduction. The aim of this study was to compare the results of classic laparoscopic, three-port and SILS cholecystectomy. Materials and methods. We conducted a retrospective study of da- ta collected between January 2010 and December 2012 pertaining to 159 selected patients with symptomatic gallstones. 57 underwent lapa- roscopic cholecystectomy, 51 three-port cholecystectomy and 48 SILS cholecystectomy. We then compared the groups with respect to mean ope- rating time, intraoperative complications, postoperative pain, duration of hospitalization and final aesthetic result. Introduction The first laparoscopic cholecystectomy was carried out in 1987 in France by Philippe Mouret (1). The p…
Laparoscopic adrenalectomy for large adrenal masses: Single team experience
Abstract Introduction Laparoscopic adrenalectomy is today considered the standard treatment for benign small adrenal tumors. An open question is the use of laparoscopy for large adrenal masses because of technical limitations and increased risk of malignancy. In this study we report our experience in laparoscopic adrenalectomy for adrenal masses larger than 6 cm. Methods Between January 2010 and December 2013 we performed 41 laparoscopic adrenalectomy. Fourteen of 41 patients (34,1%) were submitted to laparoscopic adrenalectomy for lesion >6 cm in size. All patients were submitted routinely to radiological and hormonal tests to indentify tumors characteristics. Results The patients treated …
Prognostic vs predictive molecular biomarkers in colorectal cancer: is KRAS and BRAF wild type status required for anti-EGFR therapy?
An important molecular target for metastatic CRC treatment is the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR). Many potential biomarkers predictive of response to anti-EGFR monoclonal antibodies (cetuximab and panitumumab) have been retrospectively evaluated, including EGFR activation markers and EGFR ligands activation markers. With regard to the "negative predictive factors" responsible for primary or intrinsic resistance to anti-EGFR antibodies a lot of data are now available. Among these, KRAS mutations have emerged as a major predictor of resistance to panitumumab or cetuximab in the clinical setting and several studies of patients receiving first and subsequent lines of treatment have sho…
Terminal or truncal ligation of the inferior thyroid artery during thyroidectomy? A prospective randomized trial.
Abstract Introduction Thyroidectomy is a common procedure in general and endocrine surgery. The technique of ligation of inferior thyroid artery (ITA) has been invoked as a possible cause of appearance of postoperative hypocalcemia. Methods We performed a prospective randomized study involving 184 patients undergoing total thyroidectomy to evaluate the differences of truncal ligation versus distal ligation of ITA in terms of postoperative hypocalcemia, vocal fold palsy, voice and swallowing impairment. The patients were divided into group A (trunk ligation of ITA) and group B (terminal branches ligation of ITA). Results We evaluated postoperative PTH and calcemia (immediate, 6 and 12 months…
Colon Cancer Stem Cells Dictate Tumor Growth and Resist Cell Death by Production of Interleukin-4
A novel paradigm in tumor biology suggests that cancer growth is driven by stem-like cells within a tumor. Here, we describe the identification and characterization of such cells from colon carcinomas using the stem cell marker CD133 that accounts around 2% of the cells in human colon cancer. The CD133(+) cells grow in vitro as undifferentiated tumor spheroids, and they are both necessary and sufficient to initiate tumor growth in immunodeficient mice. Xenografts resemble the original human tumor maintaining the rare subpopulation of tumorigenic CD133(+) cells. Further analysis revealed that the CD133(+) cells produce and utilize IL-4 to protect themselves from apoptosis. Consistently, trea…
Comparison of minimally invasive parathyroidectomy under local anaesthesia and minimally invasive video-assisted parathyroidectomy for primary hyperparathyroidism: a cost analysis
Background: Primary hyperparathyroidism (PHPT) origins from a solitary adenoma in 70-95% of cases. Moreover, the advances in methods for localizing an abnormal parathyroid gland made minimally invasive techniques more prominent. This study presents a micro-cost analysis of two parathyroidectomy techniques. Patients and methods: 72 consecutive patients who underwent minimally invasive parathyroidectomy, video-assisted (MIVAP, group A, 52 patients) or "open" under local anaesthesia (OMIP, group B, 20 patients) for PHPT were reviewed. Operating room, consumable, anaesthesia, maintenance costs, equipment depreciation and surgeons/anaesthesiologists fees were evaluated. The patient's satisfactio…
Chirurgia generale Metodologia - Patologia - Clinica Chirurgica
Nell''ambito della patologia chirurgica gli autori hanno realizzato una completa trattazione delle varie patologie chirurgiche sino alla traumatologia.
Laparoscopic drainage of liver abscess: case report and literature review.
Aim To evaluate the safety and efficacy of the minimally invasive surgical approach (laparoscopic drainage) of liver abscesses in selected cases. Case report Male, 58 years old, from a rural area, presented with epigastric abdominal pain, fever, weight loss, loss of appetite, a palpable mass in the epigastrium and neutrophilic leukocytosis. CT revealed a complex multiloculated liver abscess in segments 2-3. Systemic antibiotic therapy alone was ineffective; percutaneous drainage was excluded due to the characteristics of the lesion. Result Given the complexity of the lesion, a laparoscopic approach was chosen involving complete drainage of the abscess, debridement and irrigation; the cavity…
Outpatient Treatment of Hemorrhoidal Disease: The Alternative Way to Treat Hemorrhoidal Disease in a Simple, Safe and Effective Manner.
Background:: Hemorrhoidal disease is a widespread problem in healthy working patients. The traditional surgical approaches cause a loss of several working days related to the post-- operative course that is often painful. To avoid these problems while offering a symptoms resolution in patients with low degrees hemorrhoids, the non-surgical treatments are nowadays largely proposed in proctological clinics. Methods: We resume the recent literature on the issue to offer a practical and easy to use guide for clinicians. Results: Rubber band ligation, injection sclerotherapy and infrared coagulation are cost effective, safe and effective treatments for patients with II- and III-degree hemorrhoi…
Overexpression of cyclin D1 and interaction between p27Kip1 and tumour thickness predict lymph node metastases occurrence in lower lip squamous cell carcinoma
We have attempted to identify those subgroups of patients most likely to develop lymph node metastases from squamous cell carcinoma of the lower lip (LLSSC). A total of 97 subjects, who did not undergo elective neck dissection, were recruited into the 60-month disease-free survival study. After univariate analysis, tumour size, histological grading, maximal thickness, perineural invasion and immunoreactivity to cyclin D1 and p27Kip1 proteins proved to be significant factors. Tests of the effect of interaction between p27Kip1 LI and tumour thickness yielded that the impact of tumour thickness on the risk of lymph node metastases was modified by the percentage of p27Kip1 positive cells. Subse…
Arterial stiffness, endothelial and cognitive function in subjects with type 2 diabetes in accordance with absence or presence of diabetic foot syndrome
BACKGROUND: Endothelial dysfunction is an early marker of cardiovascular disease so endothelial and arterial stiffness indexes are good indicators of vascular health. We aimed to assess whether the presence of diabetic foot is associated with arterial stiffness and endothelial function impairment. METHODS: We studied 50 subjects with type 2 diabetes mellitus and diabetic foot syndrome (DFS) compared to 50 diabetic subjects without diabetic foot, and 53 patients without diabetes mellitus, by means of the mini mental state examination (MMSE) administered to evaluate cognitive performance. Carotid-femoral pulse wave velocity (PWV) and augmentation index (Aix) were also evaluated by Applanation…
Endothelial function, adipokine serum levels and white matter hyperintesities in subjects with diabetic foot syndrome.
Abstract Context No study has analyzed the prevalence of white matter hyperintensities (WMHs) in subjects with diabetic foot syndrome (DFS) and their relationship to adipokine serum levels and indexes of endothelial and cognitive performance. Objective To evaluate omentin and vaspin serum levels and the prevalence of WMHs in subjects with DFS and to analyze their relationship with other endothelial, arterial stiffness, and cognitive functions. Design Case-control study enrolling 40 subjects with DFS, 40 diabetic subjects without foot complications, 40 controls with foot lesions without diabetes, and 40 patients without diabetes mellitus. Main Outcome Measures Pulse wave velocity (PWV), augm…
Comparison of anti-transglutaminase ELISAs and an anti-endomysial antibody assay in the diagnosis of celiac disease: A prospective study
Abstract Background: Most studies of anti-transglutaminase (anti-tTG) assays have considered preselected groups of patients. This study compared the sensitivity, specificity, and predictive value of an immunofluorescence method for anti-endomysial antibodies (EmAs) and two anti-tTG ELISAs, one using guinea pig tTG (gp-tTG) and the other human tTG (h-tTG) as antigen, in consecutive patients investigated for suspected celiac disease (CD). Methods: We studied 207 consecutive patients (99 men, 108 women; age range, 17–84 years) who underwent intestinal biopsy for suspected CD. Patients presented with one or more of the following: weight loss, anemia, chronic diarrhea, abdominal pain, dyspepsia,…
Neuroendocrine tumor of the common bile duct: case report
Neuroendocrine tumors (NET) are a very heterogeneous group of neoplasms; in recent years we have seen an increase in their incidence (3.65 /100.000/year). They can be associated with hereditary endocrine syndromes (MEN, Von Hippel Lindau); they can occur at any age and the incidence is slightly higher in men than women. The aetiology of the neuroendocrine tumors is unclear; in most cases, inflammation of the bile ducts may be the underlying cause and for this reason, the initial patient's evaluation should be focused on the different aspects concerning the oncological one and the possible sequelae of the biliary obstructions that can evolve in biliary sepsis. All neuroendocrine tumors have …
Three-dimensional (3D) versus two-dimensional (2D) laparoscopic adrenalectomy: A case-control study
Abstract Introduction Laparoscopic adrenalectomy is today considered the gold standard of treatment for adrenal tumors. The development of high definition cameras does not eliminate the major limitation of two-dimensional (2D) laparoscopy: lack of depth perception and loss of spatial orientation. Tree-dimensional (3D) HD laparoscopy was developed as an alternative to conventional 2D laparoscopy. Methods We report our experience with use of 3D vision system for laparoscopic adrenalectomy. Between January 2009 and March 2015 we performed a total of 52 laparoscopic adrenalectomies. In this case-control study we considered 13 laparoscopic adrenalectomies performed with three-dimensional (3D) vi…
Recherche de la mutation B-RAF V600E sur materiel preleve par citopontion de nodule thyroidiens: utilitè diagnostique et valeur prognostique
Is it really useful the Harmonic scalpel in axillary dissection for locally advanced breast cancer? A case series.
Background. The seroma is one of the most common complications in the axillary lymph nodal dissection (different surgical approaches have been tried to reduce the seroma incidence). In our study we evaluate the outcome of patients using or not the ultrasonic scalpel (Harmonic scalpel) according to a standardized surgical technique. Patients and Methods. From January 2011 to December 2015 120 patients underwent axillary dissection for breast cancer. Patients were divided in two groups: patients belonging to the first group underwent Harmonic scalpel dissection and patients belonging to the second group underwent classical dissection. Each group consisted of 60 patients. Quadrantectomy (QUAD)…
Pulmonary Laser Metastasectomy by 1318-nm Neodymium-Doped Yttrium-Aluminum Garnet Laser: A Retrospective Study About Laser Metastasectomy of the Lung
Background. The lungs are among the first organ affected by remote metastases from many primary tumors. The surgical resection of isolated pulmonary metastases represents an important and effective element of therapy. This is a retrospective study about our entire experience with pulmonary resection for metastatic cancer using 1318-nm neodymium-doped yttrium-aluminum garnet laser. Method. In this single-institution study, we retrospectively analyzed a group of 209 patients previously treated for primary malignant solid tumors. We excluded 103 patients. The number and location of lesions in the lungs was determined using chest computed tomography and positron emission tomography-computed tom…
Variabili cliniche nella casistica del policlinico di Palermo nell’ambito del registro dei tumori della tiroide in Sicilia: Età, sesso, autoimmunità, tipo, dimensionilesionali e coinvolgimento delle stazioni linfonodali della tiroide
Candida spp. infections after abdominal urgent surgery: comparative analysis of histologic data for which microbiological results were positive for Candida spp.
EV0515 ePoster Viewing Diagnostic/laboratory methods other than molecular Candida spp. infections after abdominal urgent surgery: comparative analysis of histologic data for which microbiological results were positive for Candida spp. V. Rodolico1, G. Gulotta1, L. Montana1, G. Salamone1, D.C. Paola1 1Department of Sciences for Health Promotion and Mother Child Care, Palermo, Italy Objectives: Microbiological identification is justified when the yeast is isolated from a sterile site, the potential clinical impact of identified isolates from non sterile sites such as intra- abdominal organs don’t help the clinicians to determine whether the strain isolate represents contamination, colonizatio…
Systemic schistosomiasis and large bowel perforation: An unexpected surgical urgency. Report of a case and literature review
Key Clinical Message In the presence of suggestive clinical picture (high eosinophil count and multiple CT scan granuloma‐like lesions), schistosomiasis should be taken into account in case of suspected bowel perforation even if common risk factors are not identified through anamnesis.
Successful treatment of KPC-3 Klebsiella Pneumoniae ST258 clone with a combination of high-dose tigecycline and colistin in ICU: a case series report.
Analysis of the Thymidylate Synthase Gene Structure in Colorectal Cancer Patients and Its Possible Relation with the 5-Fluorouracil Drug Response
Thymidylate synthase (TS) catalyzes methylation of dUMP to dTMP and it is the target for the 5-Fluorouracil (5-FU) activity. Barbour et al. showed that variant structural forms of TS in tumour cell lines confer resistance to fluoropyrimidines. We planned to perform the whole TS gene structure by means of sequencing techniques in human colorectal cancer (CRC) samples to try to identify the presence of any possible TS variant form that could be responsible of fluoropyrimidines drug resistance and of the worse prognosis. We performed the TS-DNA gene sequence in 68 CRC from patients of A, B, and C Dukes' stages and different histological grade, but we did not find any mutation in the TS-DNA str…
Innovation in endocrine surgery: robotic versus laparoscopic adrenalectomy. Meta-analysis and systematic literature review.
Several studies in the last years demonstrated the better surgical outcome of laparoscopic approach to adrenal gland. Laparoscopic surgery is more difficult to learn and requires different psychomotor skills than open surgery, especially with regard to complex maneuvers requiring precision and dexterity. The development of robotic platform with three-dimensional vision and increased degrees of freedom of the surgical instruments has the aim to overcome these problems. We performed a systematic literature review with meta-analysis to evaluate preoperative data and surgical outcomes of robotic adrenalectomy compared with laparoscopic technique. In September 2016 we performed a systematic lite…
Endometrial cancer: Robotic versus Laparoscopic treatment. Preliminary report
Laparoscopic approach is today the standard treatment for benign and malignant gynecological pathologies. To traditional laparoscopic surgery in the last 10 years we can add the possibility to use a robotic platform. The adoption of this system allows undoubted advantages as the three-dimensional vision, the absence of the physiological tremor with enhanced ergonomics and possibility of using articulable tools. In this study we analyzed the results of 18 patients with endometrial cancer (Stage I) treated with robotic approach. The results were compared with a selected sample of 26 patients, with the same characteristics, treated with traditional laparoscopic approach in the same period by t…
Adrenal gunshot wound: Laparoscopic approach. Report of a case
introduction: Although there is no debate that patients with peritonitis or hemodynamic instability should undergo urgent laparotomy after penetrating abdominal injury, it is also clear that certain stable patients may be managed without operation. Controversy persists regarding use of laparoscopy. PRESENTATION OF CASE: We report a case of gunshot wounds with bullet in left adrenal gland and perirenal subcapsular hematoma. The patients had no signs of peritonitis but in the observation period we noted a significative blood loss, so we performed an exploratory laparoscopy. DISCUSSION: We found the bullet in adrenal parenchyma. The postoperative period was regular and the patient was discharg…
Technical characteristics can make the difference in a surgical linear stapler. Or not?
Background Anastomotic leak (AL) after gastrointestinal surgery is a severe complication associated with relevant short- and long-term sequelae. Most of the anastomosis are currently performed with a surgical stapler that is required to have appropriate characteristics to guarantee good performances. The aim of our study was to evaluate, in the laboratory, pressure resistance and tensile strength of anastomosis performed with different surgical linear staplers, available in the market. Materials and methods We have been studying three linear staplers, with diverse cartridges and staple heights, of three different companies, used for gastrointestinal anastomosis and gastric or intestinal clo…
Large cavernous hemangioma of the adrenal gland: Laparoscopic treatment. Report of a case
Highlights • Identify the preoperative radiologic features of adrenal hemangioma. • We examine the better surgical approach for adrenal tumors and adrenal hemangioma. • Controindication to laparoscopic adrenalectomy.
Bowel wall thickening: inquire or not inquire? Our guidelines
Introduction Bowel wall thickening is not an uncommon finding among patient undergoing abdomen CT scan. It may be caused by neoplastic, inflammatory, infectious or ischaemic conditions but also be a normal variant. Although specific radiologic patterns may direct to a precise diagnosis, occasionally misidentification may occur. Thus, in the absence of guidelines, further and not always needed diagnostic procedures (colonoscopy, esophagogastroduodenoscopy or capsule endoscopy) are performed. Patients and methods We conducted a retrospective study on data collected from May 2016 to June 2017. We selected 40 adult patients, admitted in Emergency Department with "abdominal pain" and undergone a…
Gemcitabine and oxaliplatin combination chemotherapy in advanced biliary tract cancers
Background Biliary tract cancers are uncommon tumors with a poor prognosis and most patients present with invasive and inoperable disease at diagnosis. Chemotherapy represents a palliative treatment, with poor response rates and a median survival of less than 6 months. Oxaliplatin and gemcitabine have shown an interesting activity as single agents in this group of patients. Patients and methods We carried out a multicenter phase II study to evaluate the efficacy and safety of combined oxaliplatin and gemcitabine in locally advanced and metastatic biliary tract carcinoma. The schedule of chemotherapy included oxaliplatin 100 mg/m2 on day 1 and gemcitabine 1000 mg/m2 on days 1 and 8, every 21…
Fully robotic left hepatectomy for malignant tumor: technique and initial results
Robotic liver surgery has been considered as a unique opportunity to overcome the traditional limitations of laparoscopy; thus, it can potentially extend the indications of minimally invasive liver surgery. From April 2015 to May 2017, 35 patients underwent fully robotic left hepatectomy. The mean operative time was 315 min (200-445 min) and the mean estimated blood loss was 245 ml (125-628 ml). Pringle maneuver was required in six cases. Cancer was the indication for surgery in all patients (14 liver metastases, 18 hepatocellular carcinomas and 3 cholangiocarcinomas). There were one to four lesions in a patient and the mean lesion size was 39.2 mm (15-85 mm). The average length of hospital…
A method of reconstruction after pancreaticoduodenectomy for pancreatic malignancies in very young children: Two cases reports
Abstract Pancreatic tumors are very rare diseases in very young children. Most information about those diseases in children was published in cases reports. Due to the rare nature of pancreatic tumors in children, there remains the absence of diagnostic algorithms, clear radiographic and morphological assessments as well as evidence based best treatment options. Because of the young age of patients and the rare occurrence of pancreatic neoplasms, tumor detection remains poor. For malignancies affecting the head of the pancreas the only possibility for achieving clear surgical margins is performing a pancreaticoduodenectomy (PD). We describe two cases of diagnostic and treatment of pancreatic…
Laparoscopic approach in abdominal emergencies: a 5-year experience at a single center.
Background. Laparoscopy is ever more common in both elective and emergency surgery. In fact, in abdominal emergencies it enables the resolution of preoperative diagnostic doubts as well as treatment of the underlying disease. We present a retrospective study of the results of a 5-year experience at a single center. Patients and methods. Between September 2006 and August 2011, 961 patients were treated via laparoscopy, including 486 emergency cases (15 gastroduodenal perforation; 165 acute cholecystitis; 255 acute appendicitis; 15 pelvic inflammatory disease and non-specific abdominal pain [NSAP]; 36 small bowel obstruction). All procedures were conducted by a team trained in laparoscopic su…
Detection and quantification of mammaglobin in the blood of breast cancer patients: can it be useful as a potential clinical marker? Preliminary results of a GOIM (Gruppo Oncologico dell'Italia Meridionale) prospective study.
BACKGROUND: Mammaglobin is expressed mainly in mammary tissue, overexpressed in breast cancer (BC) and rarely in other tissue. The aim of this study was to assess the sensitivity and specificity of transcript MGB1 detection and to evaluate the role of MGB1 as potential clinical marker for the detection of disseminated cancer cells in the blood of BC patients. PATIENTS AND METHODS: A consecutive series of 23 BC tissues, 36 peripheral blood BC samples and 35 healthy peripheral blood samples was prospectively recruited to investigate MGB1 expression by means of a quantitative Real Time RT-PCR assay. RESULTS: MGB1 overexpression in tissue samples of BC patients is significantly associated only …
Use of the KSVM-based system for the definition, validation and identification of the incisional hernia recurrence risk factors
BACKGROUND: Incisional hernia is one of the most common complications after abdominal surgery with an incidence rate of 11 to 20% post laparotomy. Many different factors can be considered as risk factors of incisional hernia recurrence. The aim of this study is to confirm and to validate the incisional hernia recurrence risk factors and to identify and to validate new ones. METHODS: In the period from July 2007 to July 2017, 154 patients were selected and subjected to incisional hernia repair. The surgical operations were conducted under general anaesthesia. Patients received antibiotic prophylaxis when indicated, according to the hospital prophylaxis scheme. Inclusion criteria of the study…
INTRODUCTION: myxoid liposarcoma approximately constitutes 20% of all mesenchymal malignancies preferably occurring in adults with prevalent localization in arts even if there are rare intra-abdominal locations: only 3 cases reported in the literature. We present a case of myxoid liposarcoma with colic localization outlining a diagnostic and therapeutic procedure through a literature’s review. CASE REPORT: We observed a 37 year-old man in January 2007 because of colic pain in the middle abdomen, dyspepsia and constipation. The CT with contrast agent showed a capsulated solid mass with net margins, lobules and adipose tissue component compressing and displacing small bowel. After incision we…
Acute appendicitis and endometriosis: Retrospective analysis in emergency setting
Introduction. The aim of this study is to evaluate the incidence of appendiceal and pelvic endometriosis in a population with diagnosis of acute appendicitis in an emergency setting. Materials and methods. We carried out a retrospective study in the period between January 2010 and October 2013. We performed 429 appendectomy including 233 in female subjects (54.3%). In all patients of childbearing age, we did β-hCG urine test to rule out the presence of an extra-uterine pregnancy. Results. 127 of 233 patients received a laparoscopic approach (54.5%). The median age was 29 years-old (range 17-68). The diagnosis of appendiceal and/or pelvic endometriosis was performed in 10 patients (4.3%): 9 …
Fine-Needle Aspiration (FNAB) Molecular Analysis for the Diagnosis of Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma through BRAFv600E mutation and RET/PTC rearrangement
Objective: To evaluate BRAFV600E mutation on consecutive fine-needle aspiration biopsy (FNAB) specimens in order to assess FNAB’s usefulness in preoperative papillary thyroid carcinoma (PTC) diagnosis with the contemporaneous analysis of RET=PTC1 and RET=PTC3 rearrangements obtained from ex vivo thyroid nodules. Design: Thyroid FNABs from 156 subjects with nodules and 49 corresponding surgical samples were examined for the presence of BRAF mutation by real-time allele-specific polymerase chain reaction, confirmed with the use of a laser pressure catapulting system. Samples were also examined for RET=PTC rearrangements. The results were compared with the cytological diagnosis and histopathol…
Does thyroid surgery for Graves' disease improve health-related quality of life?
Abstract PURPOSE: Graves' disease can induce alterations of the psychosocial well-being that negatively influence the overall well-being of patients. Among the current treatments, surgery has limited indications, and its impact on the health-related quality of life has not been well clarified. The aim of this study was to assess the impact of surgery on the quality of life. METHODS: Fifty-seven patients who underwent total thyroidectomy for Graves' disease in our surgical unit between April 2002 and December 2009 were administered a questionnaire concerning four issues: organic alterations and clinical manifestations, neurovegetative system disturbances, impairment of daily activities, psyc…
Efficacy of fibrin sealant in thyroid surgery. Is drainage still necessary?
The routinely use of drains in thyroid surgery is a traditional and well-defined method, even if there is no clear evidence of significant improvement in patients outcomes. Aim of our study is to define the feasibility, safety and cost- effectiveness of fibrin sealant in total thyroidectomy in order to overcome the use of drains.We enrolled 262 patients (45 men and 217 women, mean age 54.7 yrs) undergone total thyroidectomy in University Hospital of Palermo (Italy), between July 2015 and October 2017. We randomized patients into group A (drain) and group B (no drain, fibrin sealant application).We registered statistical difference between the two groups in mean operative time, visual analog…
New mesh shape and improved implantation procedure to simplify and standardize open ventral hernia repair: a preliminary report.
Introduction Issues in ventral hernia repair are represented by the need for mesh fixation and how to assure a sufficient mesh overlap of the defect. Aiming to resolve these problems, this study describes a modified technique for ventral and incisional hernia repair based upon a newly developed mesh with a special design. This new type of implant allows broader coverage of the abdominal wall and results in tension- and fixation-free repair. Materials and methods A unique geometrically shaped mesh consisting of a large central body and radiating arms was used to repair ventral or incisional hernia. The mesh was intended not to be point-fixated. The friction of the straps passing through the …
Mannheim Peritonitis Index (MPI) and elderly population: prognostic evaluation in acute secondary peritonitis
Introduction. Acute Secondary Peritonitis due to abdominal visceral perforation is characterized by high mortality and morbidity risk. Risk stratification allows prognosis prediction to adopt the best surgical treatment and clinical care support therapy. In Western countries elderly people represent a significant percentage of population Aim. Evaluation of Mannheim Peritonitis Index (MPI) and consideration upon old people. Patients and methods. Retrospective study on 104 patients admitted and operated for âAcute Secondary Peritonitis due to visceral perforationâ. MPI was scored. In our study we want to demonstrate efficacy of MPI and the possibility to consider older age an independent …
Intra-abdominal Candida spp infection in acute abdomen in a quality assurance (QA)-certified academic setting
AimsTo evaluate the contribution of light microscopy to detecting Candida spp infection in patients with complicated intra-abdominal infections (IAIs) admitted for acute abdomen to a quality assurance (QA)-certified surgical emergency ward.MethodsWe conducted a retrospective study (2008–2012) of 809 abdominal intraoperative or biopsy tissue specimens obtained from patients admitted with acute abdomen and microbiological samples positive for Candida spp. Demographic data, mortality, comorbidities, specimen type, microscopy results, special histological staining performed, antimicrobial therapy were collected and analysed. Any comments at the multidisciplinary team meeting was recorded in min…
Non-functioning parathyroid cystic tumour: malignant or not? Report of a case
Parathyroid carcinoma (PC) is a very rare endocrine tumour, usually characterized by symptoms such as a neck mass, dysphonia, severe hypercalcemia exceeding 140 mg/L and elevated serum parathyroid hormone levels, even more than 5 times the upper limit of normal. Non-functioning parathyroid cancer is extremely rare and, in this case, its pre-operative diagnosis is often difficult. A 54-year old female patient, referring dysphagia and dysphonia, underwent neck ultrasound and neck CT. A left thyroid nodule, probably cystic, was found. It presented caudal extent on anterior mediastinum causing compression of the left lateral wall of the trachea. The preoperative calcemia was into the normal ran…
Large retroperitoneal abscess extended to the inferior right limb secondary to a perforated ileal Crohn’s disease: the importance of the multidisciplinary approach
The typical complications of Crohn's disease concerns small and large bowel. The full thickness inflammation of the intestinal wall develops in strictures, fistulas and abdominal abscesses. Nowadays the most accepted therapeutic for intra-abdominal abscess option is antibiotic therapy and, in case of need, percutaneous drainage of the abscess. If the abscess passes through the pelvic foramen the abscess can involve the inferior limbs. We report a case a perforation of terminal ileum in Crohn's disease complicated by a large abscess of the right iliac fossa reaching the spaces between the anterior lateral muscles of the right thigh as far as the anterior lateral pre-tibial region. We discuss…
Fixation free open ventral hernia repair using a new mesh with integrated placement straps
23-hour observation endocrine neck surgery: lessons learned from a case series of over 1700 patients
Although the surgical procedures concerning the thyroid and the parathyroid glands are considered safe, the possible occurrence of complications (mainly hematoma and hypocalcemia) limit the short stay surgery. At our institution a 23-hour-surgery with overnight hospital stay for endocrine neck surgical procedures was introduced since 2004. The present case series analyses the institutional results. Over 1913 endocrine neck surgery procedures, 1730 patients (90,2%) were managed according to this model. Among these patients, 92 suffered from hypocalcemia, 12 from airways obstruction due to the hematoma, 5 from bilateral nerve palsy. 15 more patients had unpredictable general disease compromis…
Acute appendicitis: should the laparoscopic approach be proposed as the gold standard? Six-year experience in an Emergency Surgery Unit
Acute appendicitis is common in an Emergency Surgery Unit. Although the laparoscopic approach is a method accepted for its treatment, no strong data are available for determining how many procedures must an experienced surgeon carry out for obtaining all the advantages of this technique and if this approach can become the gold standard in the activity of a general emergency unit with senior surgeons variously skilled on the basic laparoscopy. 142 patients that underwent appendectomy (90 laparoscopic, 52 conventional) for acute appendicitis were enrolled in this institutional retrospective cohort study. The surgeons were classified with a descriptor-based grading and divided in two groups re…
Surgical complications in prophylactic central neck dissection: Preliminary findings from a retrospective cohort study
Aim. Papillary thyroid carcinoma (PTC) is the most frequent thyroid malignancy with an overall ten-year survival more than 90%. Total thyroidectomy (TT) is considered the gold standard for PTC, but not all the endocrine surgeons agree on central neck dissection except in case of known metastases. Methods. We enrolled 158 patients, that underwent, between January 1990 and September 2012 total thyroidectomy±prophylactic CND for PTC. 59 Patients (group A) had a preoperative diagnosis of PTC; 99 (group B) had a diagnosis of benign disease. We focused on possible complications. Results. In group A we had 4 patients who blamed a definitive RLN palsy, only 1 patient in group B, with an OR=7.12. De…
Uncommon localizations of hydatid cyst. Review of the literature
Introduction Hydatid disease is an endemic anthropozoonosis with usual localization in liver and lungs. Rarely it localizes in uncommon sites as spleen, skeleton, kidney, brain, cardiac muscle, peritoneum, sub cutis. Complications of uncommon localizations are the same that for usual ones. Material and methods Review of the literature on rare and atypical localization of hydatid cysts in soft tissues. Key-words used on Pub-Med [(echinococ OR hydatid) AND (soft tissue OR subcutaneous OR cutaneous)] without time limit. There were found 282 articles; 242 were excluded because of muscular or bone localizations. 40 were coherent. Results Different variables are taken into account: age, sex, geog…
Pegylated Liposomal Doxorubicin and weekly paclitaxel as first line treatment in metastatic breast cancer
Role and outcomes of laparoscopic cholecystectomy in the elderly.
Abstract Introduction : Laparoscopic cholecystectomy is the standard of treatment for gallstones disease and acute colecystitis. The prevalence of this disease increases with age and the population is aging in industrialized countries. So, in this study we report our experience in the treatment of gallstone disease in elderly patients, particularly analyzing the outcomes of laparoscopic approach. Methods : Between January 2010 and May 2014 we performed a total of 1227 cholecystectomies. In this retrospective study age group was the primary independent variable: 351 patients were 65–79 years of age and 65 were 80 years of age or older. Results : Only 65 patients (5.3%) of all population had …
A functional study of the esophagus in patients with non-cardiac chest pain and dysphagia.
Background/Aims: Nutcracker esophagus and non-specific motility disorders are the main causes of non-cardiac chest pain (NCCP), with gastroesophageal reflux in 60% of cases. Achalasia and diffuse esophageal spasm are the most frequent anomalies described in patients with dysphagia. The goal of this study was to evaluate the occurrence of esophageal body and lower esophageal sphincter motor abnormalities in patients with dysphagia, NCCP, or both. Materials and Methods: This study is a retrospective analysis of 716 patients with NCCP and/or dysphagia tested between January 1994 and December 2010. 1023 functional studies were performed, 707 of which were esophageal manometries, 225 esophageal …
Usefulness of ileostomy defunctioning stoma after anterior resection of rectum on prevention of anastomotic leakage A retrospective analysis
Anastomotic leakage is one of the major complications occurring after anterior resection of rectum. A defunctioning stoma is usually created routinely or on surgeons' discretion. The aim of this study was to investigate the usefulness of temporary ileostomy to prevent anastomotic leakage comparing the postoperative course of patients with and without defunctioning loop ileostomy.Patients that underwent anterior resection of rectum were recruited. 140 patients were enrolled and divided in two groups: patients without and with defunctioning loop ileostomy. Patients' characteristics and other useful data were recorded. A comparison between the two groups was made. The minimum follow-up was 11 …
Current advances in γδ T cell-based tumor immunotherapy
γδ T cells are a minor population (~5%) of CD3 T cells in the peripheral blood, but abound in other anatomic sites such as the intestine or the skin. There are two major subsets of γδ T cells: those that express Vd1 gene, paired with different Vγ elements, abound in the intestine and the skin, and recognize the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I-related molecules such as MHC class I-related molecule A, MHC class I-related molecule B, and UL16-binding protein expressed on many stressed and tumor cells. Conversely, γδ T cells expressing the Vδ2 gene paired with the Vγ9 chain are the predominant (50-90%) γδ T cell population in the peripheral blood and recognize phosphoant…
Laparoscopic management of adrenal tumors: A four-year experience in a single center
AIM: Today laparoscopy is considered the first choice treatment of many adrenal tumors, although its use is still controversial for large adrenal masses and incidentally found adrenal cortical carcinoma. METHODS: From January 2009 to February 2014 we performed 42 lateral transperitoneal laparoscopic adrenalectomies. The indications for surgery were non-functioning adenoma larger than 4 cm or rapid growth and hormone-secreting tumor. The diagnosis was confirmed in all cases with computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging and also metaiodobenzylguanidine scintigraphy if pheochromocytoma was suspected. In all cases we realized a complete preoperative hormonal study. We describe and ana…
Bactibilia in women affected with diseases of the biliary tract and pancreas. A STROBE guidelines-adherent cross-sectional study in Southern Italy.
Abstract Purpose. Bile is a hepatobiliary lipid-rich sterile solution, and its colonization by microorganisms defines the condition of bactibilia. In this study, we aimed to assess the bile microbiological flora and its potential link with comorbidity in women. Methodology. We performed a microbiologic investigation on 53 female patients with biliopancreatic diseases who granted consent, and we analysed the data using a MATLAB platform. Results. We found that the most frequent disease associated with bactibilia was pancreas head carcinoma (PHC) (P=0.0015), while the least frequent disease was gall bladder carcinoma (GBC) (P=0.0002). The most common microorganisms were Pseudomonas spp. (P<…
Esophageal Motility Changes after Thyroidectomy; Possible Associations with Postoperative Voice and Swallowing Disorders: Preliminary Results
Objective Swallowing and voice impairment are common after thyroidectomy. We evaluated short-term functional changes in esophageal motility in a series of patients who had undergone total thyroidectomy. Several studies have investigated these symptoms by means of interviews or questionnaires. Study Design Prospective study. Setting Academic research. Materials and Methods Thirty-six consenting patients were prospectively recruited. Eligibility criteria were thyroid volume ≤60 mL, benign disease, and age between 18 and 65 years. Exclusion criteria were previous neck surgery, severe thyroiditis, hyperthyroidism, and pre- or postoperative vocal cord palsy. Voice impairment score, swallowing im…
Bactibilia in diseases of the biliary tract and pancreatic gland in patients older than 80 years: a STROBE-retrospective cohort study in a teaching hospital in Italy
Bile is a lipid-rich sterile solution produced in the liver that can be infected resulting in bactibilia. A higher incidence of postoperative infectious complications has been seen in patients with bactibilia. Recently, gram-negative bacteria have been linked to a tumor-associated inflammatory status. This study is a retrospective cohort study of 39 patients, who are over 80 years of age only (53.85% males and 46.15% females), hospitalized with diseases of the biliopancreatic system in one teaching hospital in Italy from January 2011 to December 2012 with a follow-up of 5 years. The most common biliary diseases after surgery were pancreatic head cancer (p < 0.0001) and gallbladder cancer (p…
EGFR genomic alterations in cancer: prognostic and predictive values.
The role of EGFR in cancer development and progression has been recognized for long time in a variety of human malignancies including lung, head and neck, colon, breast, ovary and glioma. Recently its role as a target of antineoplastic agents has also been identified and a variety of EGFR-targeted drugs is already being used in a clinical setting and others are at present under investigation. Many data involving EGFR protein expression are now available for the choice of anti-EGFR monoclonal antibodies in colorectal cancer and with regard to EGFR gene mutations for the choice of tyrosine kinase inhibitors in lung cancer. Other EGFR-related molecular factors, including the EGFR gene copy num…
Laparoscopy in Acute Mesenteric Ischemia
Acute mesenteric ischemia (AMI) is a life-threatening vascular disease which often requires emergent surgical treatment. Early diagnosis and immediate intervention to adequately restore the mesenteric blood flow are mandatory to prevent bowel necrosis and patient death. The underlying cause is varied and the prognosis depends on pathologic findings [1, 2].
Open versus laparoscopic approach in the treatment of abdominal emergencies in elderly population
AIM: To evaluate the role of laparoscopy in the treatment of surgical emergency in old population. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Over-70 years-old patients submitted to emergency abdominal surgery from January 2013 to December 2014 were collected and grouped according to admission diagnoses. These accounted small bowel obstruction, colonic acute disease, appendicitis, ventral hernia, gastro-duodenal perforation, biliary disease. In each group it was analyzed the operation time (OT), the morbidity rate and the mortality rate comparing open and laparoscopic management using T-test and Chi-square test. RESULTS: 159 over 70-years-old patients underwent emergency surgery in the General and Emergency sur…
Diagnostic and Therapeutic Role of Endoscopy in Crohn’s Disease
Endoscopy plays a very important role in the management of Crohn’s disease (CD). It is an extremely important diagnostic tool in the period of symptoms onset, allowing the evaluation of the activity and of the extent of the disease; moreover, it is very useful in follow-up giving an evaluation of the response to the medical therapy, a detection of recurrences following surgery, and providing an oncological screening. Several procedures like traditional colonoscopy, single- and double-balloon enteroscopy, endocapsule examination, and endoscopic ultrasound are today available. CD can be diagnosed with endoscopy by a skilled gastroenterologist in the setting of a suggestive clinical presentati…
Monoclonal antibodies and antibody fragments: state of the art and future perspectives in the treatment of non-haematological tumors
Introduction: The use of monoclonal antibodies is one of the strategies for targeting the specific key points of the main pathways of cancer growth and survival, but only a few antibodies have offered a clear clinical benefit in the treatment of non-haematological malignancies. Areas covered: This review summarizes the general properties of monoclonal antibodies, including structure, nomenclature and production techniques. The antibodies approved for use in clinical practice for the treatment of non-haematological tumors and those antibodies still being developed in this setting are briefly described. The types of antibody fragments are also reported. Expert opinion: Monoclonal antibodies w…
Suppressor of cytokine signaling 3 sensitizes anaplastic thyroid cancer to standard chemotherapy
We previously showed that cancer cells from papillary, follicular, and anaplastic thyroid carcinomas produce interleukin-4 and interleukin-10, which counteract the cytotoxic activity of conventional chemotherapy through the up-regulation of antiapoptotic molecules. Here, we identify Janus kinase/signal transducers and activators of transcription (STAT) and phosphatidyl inositol 3-kinase (PI3K)/AKT as the down-stream pathways through which these cytokines confer resistance to cell death in thyroid cancer. We found that the absence of suppressors of cytokine signaling (SOCS) molecules allows the propagation of the survival signaling. Exogenous expression of SOCS1, SOCS3, and SOCS5 in the high…
Deep SSI after mesh-mediated groin hernia repair: Management and outcome in an Emergency Surgery Department
Aim. Mesh-mediated groin hernia repair is considered the goldstandard procedure. It has low recurrence rate. Rarely a deep Surgical Site Infection (SSI) is seen when a synthetic prosthesis is used. Case report. We describe a rare case of bilateral deep SSI after mesh- mediated groin hernia repair. Diagnosis was performed through the physical examination and radiological exams. Microbiological samples identified a methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus responsible of the infection. Target therapy was performed and re-operation performed in order to remove the infected prosthesis and to apply a biological one to create the fibrous scaffold. During follow-up time, right side recurrence wa…
Clinical strategies for the management of intestinal obstruction and pseudo-obstruction. A Delphi Consensus study of SICUT (Società Italiana di Chirurgia d'Urgenza e del Trauma)
Intestinal obstructions/pseudo-obstruction of the small/large bowel are frequent conditions but their management could be challenging. Moreover, a general agreement in this field is currently lacking, thus SICUT Society designed a consensus study aimed to define their optimal workout.The Delphi methodology was used to reach consensus among 47 Italian surgical experts in two study rounds. Consensus was defined as an agreement of 75.0% or greater. Four main topic areas included nosology, diagnosis, management and treatment.A bowel obstruction was defined as an obstacle to the progression of intestinal contents and fluids generally beginning with a sudden onset. The panel identified four major…
Skin-nipple-sparing mastectomy: The first approach in primary myxoid chondrosarcoma of the breast
Abstract The primary mammary chondrosarcoma corresponds to less than 0,5% of the mammary malignancies. For the period ranging from 1967 to 2014, only 18 cases were reported in the literature. A 41 year old woman found a hard nodule on her external right superior quadrant/axillary prolongation through breast self-examination. The vacuum-assisted core biopsy (VACB) revealed “high grade extra-skeletal myxoid chondrosarcoma”. A skin-nipple-sparing mastectomy with the insertion of a mammary expander was performed. A protocol of adjuvant radiotherapy was also indicated. Until 2013, the gold standard was the radical mastectomy. By 2014, there were two cases of conservative approach to quadrantecto…
Oligo-antigenic diet in the treatment of chronic anal fissures. Evidence for a relationship between food hypersensitivity and anal fissures.
Abstract OBJECTIVES: Patients with chronic constipation due to food hypersensitivity (FH) had an elevated anal sphincter resting pressure. No studies have investigated a possible role of FH in anal fissures (AFs). We aimed to evaluate (1) the effectiveness of diet in curing AFs and to evaluate (2) the clinical effects of a double-blind placebo-controlled (DBPC) challenge, using cow's milk protein or wheat. METHODS: One hundred and sixty-one patients with AFs were randomized to receive a "true-elimination diet" or a "sham-elimination diet" for 8 weeks; both groups also received topical nifedipine and lidocaine. Sixty patients who were cured with the "true-elimination diet" underwent DBPC cha…
TAS-102 in metastatic colorectal cancer (mCRC): efficacy, tolerability, and quality of life in heavily pretreated elderly patients: a real-life study
Background: TAS-102 is an oral monotherapy, combining trifluridine and tipiracil hydrochloride, indicated for the treatment of pretreated metastatic colorectal cancer (mCRC). The aim of this real-life study is to evaluate the efficacy and safety of TAS-102 in heavily pretreated elderly patients with mCRC whose disease has progressed with standard therapies. Methods: In this retrospective observational study, we enrolled 50 elderly patients >70 years of age (median age 78 years) with a diagnosis of mCRC who were previously treated or were not considered candidates for treatment with other available therapies. Patients aged >70 years with advanced colorectal cancer and with an ECOG perf…
Aminobisphosphonates as New Weapons for &#947; &#948; T Cell-Based Immunotherapy of Cancer
Several observations in mice and in humans have collectively laid the foundation for examining the potential of γ δ T cells to exert tumor immunotherapy. Human γ δ T cells can be activated in a non-MHC dependent fashion either by low molecular mass phosphoantigens, or by agents that provoke the accumulation of endogenous pyrophosphates such as isopentenylpyrophosphate. Among the latter, aminobisphosphonates are well-established in the clinic, and extensive data are available on the compounds antiangiogenic, antiosteolytic and pro-apoptotic properties. In this review we discuss on the possibility that the intentional activation of γ δ T cells in vivo by aminobisphosphonates may represent a p…
Modified fixation free plug technique using a new 3D multilamellar implant for inguinal hernia repair: a retrospective study of a single operator case series.
Aim: Implant fixation, mesh shrinkage and poor quality of tissue ingrowth are unresolved issues in modern hernia repair. Many complications reported in the literature such as bleeding, nerve entrapment, hematoma, pain, discomfort, and testicular complications, are considered to be a direct results of implant fixation. This article describes the outcomes of a procedure carried out using a handcrafted implant that addresses the issues consequent to point fixation. Methods: This was a retrospective study on the short, medium and long-term results of placing a-modified, fixation free three-dimensional polypropylene implant in 61 patients who underwent inguinal hernia repair using a novel delive…
Laparoscopic ileocecal resection in acute and chronic presentations of Crohn's disease. A single center experience
Introduction The terminal ileum is the most involved tract in Crohn's disease. The obstruction in this location is the most frequent complication. Acute or chronic presentations can occur. Surgery finds a role in the management of chronic strictures and in acute clinical presentations with complications not improving with conservative therapy. Patients and methods We investigate the outcome of patients with obstruction of the ileo-cecal bowel tract laparoscopically managed. It was analyzed the average operative time (OT), the conversion rate and the occurrence of re-operation due to surgical complications. Results 21 patients underwent an ileocecal resection for complicated Crohn's disease …
Comparative Study of the Initial Experience in Performing Robotic and Laparoscopic Right Hepatectomy with Technical Description of the Robotic Technique
<b><i>Background:</i></b> Despite potential benefits of robotic liver surgery, it is still considered a “development in progress” technique. <b><i>Methods:</i></b> The outcomes of 14 patients undergoing robotic right hepatectomy were analyzed and compared with the results of 20 laparoscopic right hepatectomies consecutively performed by the same young surgeon. <b><i>Results:</i></b> The overall mean operative time was less in robotic arm (425 ± 139 vs. 565.18 ± 183.73, <i>p</i> = 0.022) and the estimated blood loss was similar (335.15 ± 139.8 vs. 423.95 ± 205.15, <i>p</i> = 0.17); no blood transf…
The use of rh-TSH in the follow-up of thyroid microcarcinoma after total thyroidectomy
Minimally invasive video-assisted thyroidectomy: four-year experience of a single team in a General Surgery Unit.
Minimally invasive video-assisted thyroidectomy (MIVAT) is a surgical technique that has showed increasingly good results, particularly in endocrine surgery centers. The aim of this prospective, non-randomized study was to evaluate feasibility, advantages and critical aspects of MIVAT in a general surgery unit.Two hundred twenty-four patients underwent total thyroidectomy for benign thyroid disease from May, 2008 to April, 2011. They were divided into two groups: one underwent conventional thyroidectomy (CT), and the other underwent MIVAT. The inclusion criteria were thyroid volume ≤35 mL and main nodule size ≤35 mm. For each patient, socio-demographic variables, hospitalization data and ou…
PI3K-driven HER2 expression is a potential therapeutic target in colorectal cancer stem cells
ObjectiveCancer stem cells are responsible for tumour spreading and relapse. Human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2) expression is a negative prognostic factor in colorectal cancer (CRC) and a potential target in tumours carrying the gene amplification. Our aim was to define the expression of HER2 in colorectal cancer stem cells (CR-CSCs) and its possible role as therapeutic target in CRC resistant to anti- epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) therapy.DesignA collection of primary sphere cell cultures obtained from 60 CRC specimens was used to generate CR-CSC mouse avatars to preclinically validate therapeutic options. We also made use of the ChIP-seq analysis for transcriptional…
Multiparametric evaluation of risk factors associated to seroma formation in abdominal wall surgery
INTRODUCTION: Incisional hernia is one of the main topics in the general surgery since there is not a unanimous consensus concerning to the best surgical methodology to adopt. It seems that prosthetic surgery is the best technique, even if responsible for the development of periprosthetic seroma. The aim of this study is to assess whether the preoperative abnormalities of the bio-humoral parameters may be considered as risk factors for seroma. PATIENTS AND METHODS: From July 2016 to July 2017 at the "Policlinico Paolo Giaccone", Palermo, Department of Emergency Surgery, 56 patients included in this study, underwent laparotomic mesh repair. The inclusion criteria were: age > 18 years, inc…
Liver hydatidosis: reasoned indications of surgical treatment. Comparison between conservative and radical techniques Retrospective study.
Liver hydatidosis is a focal benign parasitic disease that still cause high rate of morbidity particularly in the Mediterranean area. A retrospective study comparing conservative and radical techniques in a General and Urgent Surgery operative unit was carried out in order to find signs of its surgical treatment. A total of 50 patients, 24 men and 26 women, who experienced a surgical treatment from 2000 to 2011, participated, and through the Fisher’s Exact Test characteristics of the cysts, post-operative complications and relapse were compared. As a result, 29 patients undertook conservative surgery, while 21 radical surgery. There was a relationship between characteristics of the cysts an…
BRCA1 genetic testing in 106 breast and ovarian cancer families from Southern Italy (Sicily): a mutation analyses.
PURPOSE: To evaluate the contribution of germline BRCA1 mutations in the incidence of hereditary and familial Breast Cancer (BC) and/or Ovarian Cancer (OC) in patients from Southern Italy (in the region of Sicily) and to identify a possible association between the higher frequency of BRCA1 mutations and a specific familial profile. EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN: A consecutive series of 650 patients with BC and/or OC diagnosed between 1999 and 2005 were recruited from the Southern Italian region of Sicily, after interview at the "Regional Reference Centre for the Characterization and Genetic Screening of Hereditary Tumors" at the University of Palermo. Genetic counselling allowed us to recruit a total…
<p>The microbiota of the bilio-pancreatic system: a cohort, STROBE-compliant study</p>
Background: The gut microbiota play an essential role in protecting the host against pathogenic microorganisms by modulating immunity and regulating metabolic processes. In response to environmental factors, microbes can hugely alter their metabolism. These factors can substantially impact the host and have potential pathologic implications. Particularly pathogenic microorganisms colonizing pancreas and biliary tract tissues may be involved in chronic inflammation and cancer evolution. Purpose: To evaluate the effect of bile microbiota on survival in patients with pancreas and biliary tract disease (PBD). Patients and Methods: We investigated 152 Italian patients with cholelithiasis (CHL), …
Topic: Inguinal Hernia - Joined guidelines.
An unusual presentation of breast tuberculosis: A case report
Abstract Primary breast tuberculosis is an uncommon disease, especially in nonendemic areas. Its presentation could mimic a cancer or an abscess, but this entity must be considered for differential diagnosis in women coming from endemic countries.
La fase ricostruttiva dopo duodenocefalopancreasectomia: l’anastomosi pancreatico-digiunale. Nostra esperienza.
Functional outcome of patients with uncomplicated acute sigmoid diverticulitis after conservative and surgical treatment: risk factors for recurrence.
Inguinal Hernia: Crossfire Between the Meshes.
The use of haemostatic agents in thyroid surgery: efficacy and further advantages. Collagen-Fibrinogen-Thrombin Patch (CFTP) versus Cellulose Gauze.
Abstract Aim: To assess the efficacy of two widely used topical haemostatic agents: oxidised regenerated cellulose gauze and Collagen-Fibrinogen-Thrombin Patch in patients undergoing total thyroidectomy. Material of study: This was a prospective, comparative, non-randomised study in which consecutive patients undergoing total thyroidectomy for benign disease received standard treatment with no haemostatic agent, cellulose gauze, or CFTP. Main outcome measures were drainage volume 24 hours after surgical procedure and the occurrence of post-operative complications (haematoma, seroma, surgical-site infection). Results: Two hundred seventy-one (271) patients undergoing total thyroidectomy for …
[Informed consent in thyroid and parathyroid surgery].
The Authors outline the law problems and the practice implications of thyroid and parathyroid surgery from the point of view of the informed consensus of the patient, and expose the criteria they usually adopt in their clinical practice for such procedures. This problem is particularly important because is exceptionally needed in emergency; therefore the preoperative information must be completed as possible, illustrating the risks of the procedure and the possible solutions alternative to surgery.
Non-occlusive mesenteric Ischemia (NOMI) in Parkinsonâs disease: Case report
Non-occlusive mesenteric ischemia (NOMI) is a severe pathological condition characterized by signs and symptoms of bowel obstruction, intestinal necrosis resulting from acute and/or chronic inadequate blood perfusion, in the absence of an organic vascular obstruction detectable by imaging techniques. A 64 years old man case with a history of Parkinsonâs disease in high-functioning levodopa treatment is presented. Clinical and radiological signs of intestinal obstruction were observed. He underwent surgical operation with total colectomy and terminal ileostomy for generalized secondary peritonitis due to perforation of sigmoid colon. Ischemic pancolitis was first suspected. In third post-o…
Prosthetic strap system for simplified ventral hernia repair. Its results in a porcine experimental model.
Abstract: Introduction Aiming to achieve a simplified ventral hernia repair, a proprietary shaped mesh was experimentally tested in the porcine model. The mesh is structured with a large central body and radiating straps. The friction of the straps passing through the tissues are hypothesized to be adequate to maintain the mesh in place during tissue ingrowth, avoiding classic point fixation while ensuring a wide coverage of the abdomen. Methods The mesh, having 6 radial straps, was placed using a sublay preperitoneal technique in 4 pigs. All straps were passed laterally through the abdominal wall and exteriorized from the skin. The straps were trimmed at the level of the skin, allowing the…
From Illusion to Reality: A Brief History of Robotic Surgery.
Purpose. Robotic surgery is currently employed for many surgical procedures, yielding interesting results. Methods. We performed an historical review of robots and robotic surgery evaluating some critical phases of its evolution, analyzing its impact on our life and the steps completed that gave the robotics its current popularity. Results. The origins of robotics can be traced back to Greek mythology. Different aspects of robotics have been explored by some of the greatest inventors like Leonardo da Vinci, Pierre Jaquet-Droz, and Wolfgang Von-Kempelen. Advances in many fields of science made possible the development of advanced surgical robots. Over 3000 da Vinci robotic platforms are ins…
Human bile microbiota: A retrospective study focusing on age and gender
Aims: The emerging biliary colonization of microorganisms in patients with biliary diseases may be devastating. Recent evidence suggests that age and gender may influence changes in the microbial composition of gut microbiota. To study the relationship between these parameters on bile microbiota, we retrospectively reviewed positive bile cultures following an endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) in a QA-certified academic surgical unit of a single institution. Methods: 449 positive bile cultures from 172 Italian patients with diseases of the biliopancreatic system hospitalized from 2006 through 2017 were investigated for aerobic, anaerobic, and fungal organisms. The patient…
P191 The robotic surgery in the treatment of Crohn's disease: our experience
Update in laparoscopic approach to acute mesenteric ischemia
AMI is an uncommon but serious disease often associated with a bad prognosis, associated with occlusion of Superior Mesenteric Artery (SMA) for embolism or thrombosis (67.2 %), mesenteric venous thrombosis (15.7 %), and non-occlusive mesenteric ischemia (15.4 %). Clinical markers are often aspecific and symptoms low suggestive. The gold standard for the diagnosis is multidetector CT Angiography (CTA) with sensibility of 93.3 % and specificity of 95.9 %. Abdominal exploration could be useful to confirm cases of AMI without signs of SMA occlusion at CTA. Few reports have been found on the diagnostic role of Exploratory Laparoscopy. To increase the sensibility of laparoscopy in the diagnosis o…
Dynamic inguinal hernia repair with a 3d fixation-free and motion-compliant implant: a clinical study.
Static solutions for highly motile structures such as the groin seem to represent a procedural incongruence. Another important issue in prosthetic hernia repair is related to the poor quality of tissue ingrowth within conventional flat meshes and plugs. These are all static, passive devices, and thus do not move in synchrony with the natural movements of the groin. In the literature there is a clear understanding of how conventional prostheses used for inguinal hernia repair are incorporated by rigid fibrotic tissue. The term "scar plate" well emphasizes this occurrence. The ingrowth of this kind of stiff fibrotic scar leads to mesh shrinkage and to the reduction of the mesh surface area. T…
La Ricerca in Chirurgia
Dalla nascita della chirurgia scientifica durante la metà del ‘700, anni in cui J. Hunter ricorreva alla corruzione di un becchino per studiare il caso del gigante Charles Byrne ad oggi, la pratica medico-chirurgica è molto cambiata; si affida, infatti, sempre di più alle evidenze basate sulla costruzione, sull’esecuzione e sull’analisi degli studi clinici sperimentali. Il CD multimediale,rivolto prevalentemente ai giovani (studenti, medici, specializzandi) ha lo scopo di guidarli nell'affascinante mondo della ricerca in ambito chirurgico.