Jacques Gautier
How to develop strategies of adaptation to climate change based on a foresight exercise?
Context and purpose of the study ‐ Prospective studies raise a real intellectual interest for those who contribute to them or take cognizance of it. But they are often considered too difficult to operationalize, and most of the prospective exercises are not followed by action plans, particularly at value chain level. To overcome this difficulty in linking the work of experts and the decisions of stakeholder of value chains, a particular effort was made to operationalize the outcomes from a prospective study on the French vine and wine industry in the context of climate change. The approach consisted in collecting and using the feed‐back of professionalsfrom the wine industry about these out…
The french vineyard in the face of climate change: Developing an adaptation strategy based on prospective scenarios
International audience
La fabrique d’une stratégie nationale viti-vinicole d’adaptation au changement climatique
Using foresight exercise to design adaptation policy to climate change: The case of the French wine industry
Foresight studies are regularly conducted at sectoral or geographical scales, in order to help policy makers and economic actors to define their strategy of adaptation to climate change (CC). Some studies are rather “quick exercises”, in which a panel of experts is consulted to define the expected impacts of CC and to identify adaptation leviers for future policy. In other cases, a true foresight methodology is developed, leading to the building of scenarios based on : i) a systemic and participatory approach, ii) the definition of key variables, iii) the choice of assumptions and the coherent relations between these assumptions, the narrative description of scenarios. This participatory di…
The profession’s proposals to the minister to prepare for climate change: what contributions from research to the strategy presented by the profession?
A quoi pourrait ressembler la filière vigne et vin française en 2050 ? Une mobilisation concertée pour répondre à cet enjeu
Le vignoble français face au changement climatique : l'élaboration d’une stratégie d’adaptation à partir de scénarios de prospective
National audience
Quel avenir pour les appellations d'origine ? Histoire de la labellisation des produits des terroirs
International audience