Takumi Yada
International Master’s Degree Students’ Well-being at a Finnish University During COVID-19
The rapid developments and consequences of the COVID-19 crisis for university students' well-being are presently being studied across the world. This study contributes to the growing discourse on university students' well-being by exploring changes in international Master's degree students' well-being in relation to the move to online teaching and learning at a Finnish university during the COVID-19 pandemic. The study draws on 37 answers to an open-ended question about remote teaching and learning at the end of a survey on university students' stress. The text data were analysed conducting a preliminary quantitative content analysis and a more detailed thematic analysis, from which two the…
Child-Centered and Teacher-Directed Practices in Two Different Countries: A Descriptive Case Study in Finnish and Japanese Grade 1 Classrooms
This descriptive case study examined how teaching practices were evidenced in Grade 1 classrooms in two different cultural and educational contexts, Finland and Japan. Teachers’ teaching practices were video-recorded in 53 classrooms in Finland and six classrooms in Japan and rated with the Early Childhood Classroom Observation Measure by trained investigators. Four Finnish teachers and two Japanese teachers having the highest scores in either child-centered or teacher-directed practices were selected for a descriptive case study to take a closer look at how teaching practices in terms of management, climate, and instruction are evidenced in authentic classroom situations. The analysis reve…
教員 21 世紀型スキルに資するグローバル教員研修に関する実践的研究 ― Edu21st 尺度による自己効力感の変容に着目してー [Teachers’ self-efficacy on 21st century skills : A case study of an in-service teacher training focusing on international educational reforms]
本研究の目的は,大学教員養成におけるグローバル教員研修が,大学院生(現 職教員・大学生)の「教員 21 世紀型スキル」に関する自己効力感にどのような変容を もたらすかを明らかにすることである。研修は,1 . 対話型ボトムアップ研修,2 .フィン ランドの教育改革研修,及び,3 .教科連携の CLIL・STEAM に拠る授業訪問を特徴 とする。次世代の児童・生徒が,学びを実社会へ転移するような教育を実現する教員の 21 世紀型スキルとは何か,国際間比較をとおした俯瞰的な研修を目指す。研究方法は, 『Edu 21st:教員 21 世紀型スキルの自己効力感尺度』の 47 質問項目をもちいた事前 と事後の変容,およびポートフォリオ記述分析である。その結果,Edu21st(3 因子構 造)で差が認められ,「分析的デザイン思考能力」で最も変化が大きいことが明らかにな り,異分野連携の協働中に起こる異質な考えに対する葛藤への価値付けが見られた。 peerReviewed
Principal self-efficacy and school climate as antecedents of collective teacher efficacy
The importance of collective teacher efficacy (CTE) has been increasingly emphasised, but few studies have focused on how it can be enhanced. Since CTE is assumed to be related to factors that differ between schools, the belief-shaping sources of CTE could be related to principals’ beliefs of their efficacy. Moreover, a school climate that centralises teachers’ attempts to improve student learning could enhance CTE. This paper examines a proposed analytical model that links principal self-efficacy (PSE) to CTE, as mediated by the school climate. The model is tested via a multilevel analysis with data from 70 Finnish schools and 767 educators. The analysis revealed that PSE is partially and …
Principals’ perceptions about collective competences in shared leadership contexts
This article aims to understand how principals perceive collective competences in their schools’ shared leadership contexts. Collective competences are crucial in shared leadership but have not been widely explored within educational leadership studies. This study investigates collective competences through two intersected models: attribute and relational models. The data comprise interviews conducted with 12 Finnish principals in comprehensive and secondary schools who practiced shared modes of leadership. Due to the Finnish school culture emphasising collaboration, the principals were expected to be able to broadly consider the collective side of competences in their schools. The data wer…
フィンランドの段階的支援としてのプロコウルプロジェクトの展開と実践 [The Deployment and Practice of Three Tier Support System 'Prokoulu' for Children with Special Educational Needs in Finland]
The purpose of this paper is to overview Prokoulu project in Finland that has been introduced to overcome severe school conditions. We scrutinized lecture materials about Prokoulu written by a principal related Iiterature and results of a visit survey. The data revealed that Prokoulu is a three-tier support system that enhances children's behavior by "positive feedback". Before implementing the project for children, teachers are required to change the relationships among colleagues positively in order to become models for children. Teachers, children and parents share fundamental values, and write up desirable behavior The set of goal behavior is clearly indicated to children in positive fo…
Social contagion of autonomous motivation among professional educators : as a resource of leadership in schools
Enhancement of motivation among members in educational organizations is a crucial aspect for leaders to make the organizations more effective. However, when leadership is considered as a process, which makes leadership accessible to every member in an educational organization, the previous studies are still based on the thought that leaders determine leadership styles that motivate fol-lowers. While distributed leadership suggest some implications, it is still un-clear how each member takes on autonomous motivation and it is distributed. Social contagion is the concept that the motivation of the model person spreads to the perceiver. The purpose of this study is to reveal social contagion o…
フィンランドのネウボラの視察から見えたわが国の利用者支援事業の課題 -ケースの視察及び利用者インタビューから- [Issues Related to Japan's User Support Project for Children and Childcare Support System Discovered by Visiting Neuvola in Finland]
The aim of this article is to introduce Neuvola, a childrearing support service in Finland, and to discuss issues related to Japanʼs User Support Project for Children and Childcare Support System. The authors visited and sat in on Neuvola sessions for three clients, and they conducted interviews with a client between October 4 and 8, 2015. Clients and Neuvola nurses were relaxed, and clients initiated the topics discussed during the visit. There was rapport between clients and Neuvola nurses, and clients seemed to be at ease in receiving the service. During the interviews, the client mentioned that she was able to talk about sensitive issues because the nurses would help the family to move …
A systematic narrative review of prosociality in educational leadership
Organizational scholars have vigorously and long studied being prosocial in defining ‘prosociality’ as motivation, behavior, and impact to help or benefit others. This study attempts to provide an overview of previous studies that have approached the elements of being prosocial in educational leadership contexts. However, most of the prosocial elements in education are not explicitly defined as prosociality and have not yet been systematically studied. Thus, this study explored the research questions: (a) What elements could be involved in prosociality within educational leadership? (b) Who could be involved in the process of prosociality in educational leadership? The final corpus of this …
Examining the relationships between teacher self-efficacy, professional learning community, and experiential learning in Japan
This study investigated the relationships between professional learning communities (PLCs), teacher self-efficacy, and experiential learning. A conceptual model that connects PLC components, including shared vision, interactive reflection, and collegiality, to teacher self-efficacy was proposed, as mediated by experiential learning. The data comprised 3,604 teachers from 204 primary schools and 787 teachers from 90 lower secondary schools in Japan. First, a multigroup confirmatory factor analysis confirmed that the same constructs of PLC, teacher self-efficacy, and experiential learning were measured at different school levels. Second, multigroup structural equation modelling revealed that …
Prosociality as a mediator between teacher collaboration and turnover intention
PurposeThe purpose of this paper is to investigate the mediating role of prosociality, which is defined in terms of helping and benefitting others, between teacher collaboration and their turnover intentions. Prosociality was measured as prosocial impact and prosocial motivation.Design/methodology/approachThis study was conducted through a cross-sectional survey of 260 elementary and junior high school teachers in Japan. A structural equational model was employed to examine the mediating roles of prosocial impact and prosocial motivation in the relationships between teacher collaboration and their turnover intention.FindingsThe results, first, supported the hypotheses: the high perception o…
共主体が育まれる学習環境の検討 ~フィンランドにおける対話による示唆~[What is a learning environment that creates co-agency? : Implications from dialogue in Finland]
本研究の目的は,保育の場で,OECD(経済協力開発機構)が示すco-agencyをモデルとした共主体が育 まれる学習環境についての検討を行うことである.そこで,フィンランドの福祉・健康・教育システムを支 えるネウボラとパイヴァコティ(デイケア)で,ネウボラナース(保健師及び助産師),保育者,保護者, 子どもが対話を通して共主体として機能していることを明らかにした.また,モノやコト,人が発信する情 報を人が受け取ることで,そこに価値を見いだして行動することができる場や状況が学習環境として有用で あることが示唆された. nonPeerReviewed