Valentina Lo Cascio

Controllo psicologico genitoriale e caratteristiche di personalità nello sviluppo dell’indecisionalità.

Introduzione. L’indecisionalità viene definita come una cronica incapacità di prendere decisioni in diversi ambiti della vita (Saka et al., 2008). Tale condizione ha un impatto negativo sul comportamento degli individui durante il processo di decision-making (Frost & Shows, 1993). Diversi studi hanno mostrato come lo sviluppo di adeguate capacità decisionali sia legato a caratteristiche di personalità (quali ad esempio l’ansia e l’autostima, Germeijs & Verschueren, 2011; Bacanli, 2006), ma anche a fattori familiari (quali ad esempio la comunicazione familiare, Lo Cascio et al., in press). Una linea di ricerca corrente ha evidenziato come il controllo psicologico genitoriale, inteso …

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The Relationship among Paternal and Maternal Psychological Control, Self-Esteem, and Indecisiveness across Adolescent Genders

The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship among adolescents’ indecisiveness, adolescents’ self-esteem, and maternal and paternal psychological control by focusing on the differences in the relationship among these variables across adolescent genders. A total of 381 Italian adolescents (215 boys and 166 girls), aged from 13 to 17 years, completed self-report measures of parental psychological control, self-esteem and indecisiveness. Since previous studies have highlighted indirect relations between family characteristics and indecisiveness, structural equation modeling (SEM) methods were used for testing self-esteem as a possible mediator. In particular, a multiple group anal…

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Occupational stress is considered to be one of the ten leading work-related health problems. Several research showed that stress consequences have a negative impact on the worker in several way. Moreover, literature have shown that the work environment can have a major effect on employee work-related stress. For this reason, occupational health psychology is increasingly focused on identifying the relationships between job characteristics and psychological well-being. In light of these considerations, the central aim of this dissertation was to give a significant contribution to the understanding of work-related stress. Specifically, the main aims of the present dissertation were: (a) to pr…

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La rappresentazione della professionalità dello psicologo in ambito giuridico. Un contributo di ricerca.

Nonostante negli ultimi anni ci sia stata una evoluzione ed una sistematizzazione normativa in merito alla professione dello psicologo, tuttavia essa è da sempre attraversata da una crisi d’immagine. Come afferma Perussia (1994), il problema dell’immagine pubblica dello psicologo incide su vari aspetti, tra i quali: autostima e immagine di sè da parte del professionista, attese del pubblico, ruolo assunto nei contesti lavorativi, disponibilità di fondi pubblici, ecc. Proprio per questi motivi, varie sono le ricerche dedicate a questo argomento (Guest, 1948; Nunnally & Kittross 1958; Webb & Speer, 1985; Carli, 2001; Bosio, 2004). I dati fin qui emersi mettono in evidenza come nel tempo si si…

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Using the QEEW to evaluate the organizational climate in Italian work contexts

Our research work aims to evaluate the possible use of the questionnaire on the experience and evaluation of work (QEEW; van Veldhoven & Meijman, 1994) in Italian work contexts. The QEEW was modeled to evaluate a) job demands and job resources, to collect relevant information on the amount of exposure to environmental and psychological job characteristics; b) outcome measures, such as job enjoyment and need for recovery. The QEEW is wide used in north Europe to test a theoretical model useful to understand the workers wellbeing (the job demands-resources model, Bakker, van Veldhoven and Xanthopoulou, 2010). The research was conducted in 3 different work contexts (public hospital, public…

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Il ruolo della famiglia e delle modalità di problem solving nell’utilizzo di alcol tra gli adolescenti.

Introduzione L’abuso di alcol è uno dei principali problemi in Italia, soprattutto se si considera la sua incidenza tra i più giovani. In letteratura, vi è la tendenza a descrivere quattro diverse categorie di bevitori tra gli adolescenti: non bevitori, bevitori sociali, binge e heavy drinker (D'Alessio, et al., 2006). Fattori di rischio psicosociali connessi con l’uso di alcol sono oggi considerati le strategie di coping evitanti e il funzionamento familiare. Scopo della presente ricerca è quello di valutare l’impatto di queste variabili sull’insorgenza di abuso di alcol in adolescenza. Metodo Hanno preso parte alla ricerca 930 adolescenti tra i 14 e i 17 anni. Ai soggetti sono stati sommi…

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The Italian Version of the Career Factors Inventory

This study attempted to examine the validity of the Italian version of the Career Factors Inventory (CFI), a psychometric tool widely used in the assessment of cognitive and personal–emotional dimensions of career indecision, among a sample of 2,060 Italian students attending high school and university. Recurring to both exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses, the original four-factor structure was confirmed and returned, in line with the literature, satisfactory reliability indices; moreover, CFI subscales showed intercorrelations consistent with previous studies, albeit lower in some cases. Subsequently, convergent validity between the four CFI subscales and other scales via zero-o…

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Introduzione. La gestione e la regolazione delle proprie emozioni all’interno dei luoghi di lavoro assumono un’importanza fondamentale soprattutto per quei lavoratori che sono costantemente a contatto diretto con le persone. La dissonanza emotiva è intesa come una discrepanza tra le emozioni sperimentate e quelle richieste dall’organizzazione nel contesto di lavoro (Zapf, 2002). Gli antecedenti della dissonanza emotiva possono essere individuati in alcune caratteristiche del lavoro (es. bassa autonomia, Johnson & Spector, 2007). Inoltre, diversi studi sostengono che la tensione e il conflitto che derivano dalla dissonanza emotiva sono associati e predicono l’esaurimento emotivo (Lewig & Dol…

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Il benessere nei luoghi di lavoro: il ruolo dei fattori “di contenuto” e “di contesto”.

Dal momento della fondazione dell’approccio della Psicologia Positiva e dei suoi obiettivi e metodi di ricerca si è sempre più rafforzato l’interesse, nel campo della Psicologia del Lavoro e delle organizzazioni, per la ricerca e lo studio di quei fattori psicologici in grado di rappresentare adeguatamente la condizione di benessere nei luoghi di lavoro (Schaufeli e Bakker, 2006). Ad esempio Luthans (2002) ha cercato di richiamare l’attenzione verso lo studio “delle risorse umane orientate positivamente, i punti di forza e le capacità psicologiche che possono essere misurate, sviluppate e gestite in modo efficace per migliorare le prestazioni nei luoghi di lavoro” (p. 698). Il presente stud…

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Are there similar or divergent transitions to adulthood in a Mediterranean context? A cross-national comparison of Italy and Spain

The purpose of this study was to examine the differences and similarities between Italy and Spain in regard to emerging adults’ perceptions of identity status, autonomy, attachment, and life satisfaction. The goal was to verify whether a Mediterranean model of transitions from adolescence to adulthood exists. Three hundred and forty undergraduate students (171 Italians and 169 Spanish) ranging in age from 19 to 22 completed measures of identity status, emotional autonomy, attachment style, and life satisfaction. Multiple correspondence analyses provided a graphic synthesis of results. The results indicate that no common model of young adult development exists in Spain and Italy and that Ita…

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Does a Mediterranean Model of Family Functioning in the Perception of Italian and Spanish Adolescents Exist? A Cross-National Study

The current study explored the influence of belonging to a different areas, South of Italy and Spain, on perception of parenting and family functioning adolescents in order to highlight the similarities and differences among two samples and verify if Mediterranean model of family exists”. Empirical evidence of the existence of a Mediterranean family model has been conducted to verify which common and differentiating features exist in the perception of family ties among adolescents. Data highlighted that adolescents belonging to these areas report similar levels in different component of familial ties that can be defined as “Links and Roles”: On the contrary, important differences were under…

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Well-being of physicians who work in oncology unit and in BMT unit: analysis of protective factors from work stress

Background. Recently a great deal of attention has been given on doctors' work related stress and possibility of improving their quality of life. Several studies report that oncologists are overloaded psychologically. Contact with serious diseases, excessive working pressure, structural weaknesses, are some of the factors that predispose oncologists to stress. In 2008, at the ASPHO annual meeting, pediatric hematologists/oncologists noted burnout (considered as a result of protracted stress at work) was a significant challenge in their lives. To date, no studies have extensively ruled out on protective factors from work stress among pediatric oncologists. Aims. Our research investigates the…

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The Role of Individual and Relational Characteristics on Alcohol Consumption among Italian Adolescents: A Discriminant Function Analysis

The aim of the present study was to explore the association between family functioning, coping strategies, peer influences and alcohol use among Italian adolescents. Nine hundred and sixty-three Italian adolescents, aged from 14 to 17 years, completed self-report measures assessing alcohol use, family functioning, and coping strategies. According to previous research, adolescents were categorized into non-drinkers, social, binge and heavy drinkers. Results showed that adolescents belonging to groups characterized by alcohol misuse differ in terms of coping strategies, family functioning dimensions, and typology of friends. In particular, heavy drinkers appeared to have more friends who drin…

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Anxiety and self-esteem as mediators of the relation between family communication and indecisiveness in adolescence

Abstract In this study, we explored the unique and common contributions of anxiety, self-esteem, and family communication on indecisiveness among adolescents. Three hundred and fifty pupils from 13 to 16 years of age completed selfreport measures on indecisiveness, quality of family communication, trait anxiety, and self-esteem. The findings in this study showed that students’ indecisiveness is predicted by family communication mediated by anxiety and self-esteem. These results have important implications for practice as it stresses the importance of anxiety and self-esteem. Nevertheless, the counselors could also focus on enhancing relationship-building skills by introducing the adolescent…

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I possibili predittori della performance accademica: validità dei test selettivi ed implicazioni per le politiche di orientamento di atenei e scuole superiori

Le procedure selettive costituiscono, nei diversi paesi del mondo, un normale passaggio per coloro i quali intendono iscriversi ad un corso universitario. Ciò accade sia nei paesi di cultura anglosassone che in paesi come la Spagna o la Francia, dove tra l’altro le procedure di selezione si rifanno soltanto in parte ai programmi scolastici, richiamandosi piuttosto a test psicoattitudinali, strumenti volti cioè ad esplorare le abilità degli individui a manipolare simboli (verbali, spaziali, numerici), al fine di valutarne non solo la preparazione ma anche le potenzialità ancora inespresse. In Italia le procedure selettive sono quasi sempre differenti tra gli Atenei, e spesso lo sono all’inte…

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Personality characteristics and family functioning on alcohol use in Italian adolescents.

Several psychosocial factors are associated with increase in risk of alcohol use in adolescence: personality factors and environment characteristics seem to play a key role (Nation & Heflinger, 2006). Psychological studies on possible predictors of drinking have emphasized the relationship between self-esteem, coping strategies and alcohol use, but findings are not completely coherent (Hamdan-Mansour et al., 2007; Laukkanen et al., 2001). Furthermore, studies of the family environment have shown that family functioning characteristics are related to alcohol use (Clark et al., 2011). The purpose of the present research was to examine the impact of personal and familiar variables on adole…

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Le caratteristiche del lavoro come possibili predittori della ‘necessità di recupero’

Introduzione. La necessità di recupero (quel periodo di tempo di cui un individuo ha bisogno per ritornare ad un livello normale di funzionamento in seguito allo stress sperimentato durante la giornata lavorativa; Craig et al., 1992) è stata considerata indicatore di stress lavorativo e caratteristica rilevante di mediazione/moderazione nell’eziologia della fatica. Lo “sforzo” lavorativo prolungato provoca sensazioni di fatica e una serie di reazioni che cessano quando lo sforzo si ferma. Quando la normale possibilità di recupero non è sufficiente, si rischia l’avvio di un processo cumulativo (Kompier, 1988) che implica l’impiego di uno sforzo supplementare al fine di riequilibrare lo stato…

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La forma ridotta del Questionnaire on Experience and Evaluation of Work (QEEW)

La promozione del benessere nei luoghi di lavoro, oggi, è un obbligo di Legge (cfr. D.Lgs. 81/2008). Per le organizzazioni di successo, oltre ad essere un adempimento legislativo, l'attenzione verso il benessere dei lavoratori diviene una leva strategica per la produttività e la crescita. In diversi paesi europei, la promozione del benessere lavorativo e la valutazione dei rischi psicosociali trovano riscontro nel contesto culturale e sono, ormai, realtà consolidate. Diversi studi mostrano che alcune caratteristiche del lavoro possono avere un profondo impatto sul benessere dei lavoratori; in particolare, il Job Demands and Resources Model (JD-R) (Demerouti, Bakker, Nachreiner & Schaufeli, …

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Introduzione. Questo studio esplora l'importanza delle esperienze affettive dei lavoratori nel settore dei servizi, partendo dall’ipotesi di ricerca: come possono le esperienze affettive sul luogo di lavoro contribuire a spiegare gli esiti dello stress lavorativo? L’Affective Events Theory (AET) costituisce il fondamento teorico di partenza. Obiettivi e Metodi. In particolare, l’obiettivo principale del presente studio è stato quello di indagare il ruolo che gli stati affetti positivi e negativi sperimentati sul luogo di lavoro giocano come mediatori della relazione tra le caratteristiche del lavoro e gli esiti del processo dello stress lavorativo. A partire dal modello JD-R, è stato testat…

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The role of personality characteristics and family process on indecisiveness on Italian adolescents.

Findings from several studies underlined that career indecision and indecisiveness are two separate constructs even if indecisiveness is associated with decision making process (Germeijs & Boeck, 2002). Authors discussed the relationships between indecisiveness and personality characteristics: indecision has been related to external locus of control, trait anxiety, and low self-esteem (Bacanli, 2006), but findings were not completely coherent. Furthermore, recent research have pointed out the relationship between family process and career decision making (Nota et al., 2007), but the role that family process could play in the emergence of generalized indecision has been weakly studied. The p…

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A socio-ecological perspective on alcohol use in adolescence

Alcohol use among adolescents has become a public health problem(Morawska & Oei,2005). Although the frequency and the amount of alcoholic beverages consumed vary greatly from different countries and cultures, in two thirds of the ESPAD countries the vast majority of the students (15-16 years) have drank alcohol at least once in their lifetime. Moreover, in half of the participating countries, 47% of the students had consumed at least one glass of alcohol at the age of 13 or younger, and 14% had been drunk at that age. These changing patterns of consumption are associated with a variety of negative outcomes (Coleman & Cater, 2003). In a socio-ecological perspective, many studies (Nation & He…

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Background: Several studies have highlighted that some professional categories, called: ‘helping professions’, appear, more than other professions, to be subjected to sources of stress and the connected risks of burn-out. In particular personnel working in oncology face potentially stressful situations and having to deal daily with the needs and concerns of the patients and their families. It is therefore necessary to understand the variables that can limit the impact of stress. This research seeks to explore the degree of personal well-being of the oncologists interviewed, taking into consideration some possible predictors, such as the age and specific trainings (i.e. in diagnosis communic…

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Factor Structure and Convergent Validity of the Long and Abbreviated Versions of the Multidimensional Students’ Life Satisfaction Scale in an Italian Sample

We examined the psychometric characteristics of the long and abbreviated versions of the Multidimensional Students’ Life Satisfaction Scale (MSLSS) in the Italian contexts. In study 1 we assessed the factorial validity and reliability of the long and abbreviated versions of the MSLSS among Italian adolescents, while in study 2 we assessed the convergent validity of the abbreviated Italian version of the MSLSS by examining the associations between life satisfaction and well-established measures of adjustment. Furthermore, we explored the effect of adolescent gender and age on life satisfaction. Participants in the study 1 were 996 adolescents (48 % males) from 14 to 18 years of age (M = 16.0…

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Using the Questionnaire on Experience and Assessment of Work with the Italian Population

The assessment of work-related stress has been an issue that has attracted attention of Italian psychologists for a long time, but only in recent years it has been remarked in the laws protecting workers. In fact, it has just been recalled the need, in a legislative decree, to place special emphasis on psychological well-being of the worker and not just on his security. The Italian professionals (Work, Organizational or Personnel Psychologists) who worked on the assessment of psychological risks of work-related stress, used instruments to assess the organizational climate primarily, by integrating qualitative m ethodologies (such as focus group) with quantitative instruments. These instrume…

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Psychometric Properties and Convergent Validity of the Dependency-Oriented and Achievement-Oriented Psychological Control Scale (DAPCS) with Italian Adolescents

This study is aimed to validate the Italian version of the dependency-oriented and achievement-oriented psychological control scale (DAPCS), a self-report questionnaire designed to assess the adolescent’s perception of the two dimensions of psychological control. In Study 1, we assessed factorial validity and reliability of the Italian version of DAPCS with a sample of adolescents. In Study 2, we examined the convergent validity of the Italian version of the DAPCS analyzing the associations between the two domains of psychological control and well-established measures related to them such as strictness/supervision, overprotection, non dependency on parents, and family functioning. Confirmat…

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Introduzione. Le imprese familiari sono i maggiori contributori allo sviluppo economico, alla crescita in tutte le economie mondiali. Diversi studi sulle imprese familiari riportano risultati ricchi di contraddizioni, di certo, una delle peculiarità delle imprese familiari riguarda la sovrapposizione tra le istituzioni “famiglia” e “impresa”. Alcuni studi mostrano che essere lavoratore e membro della famiglia al contempo, può configurarsi come punto di forza o di debolezza, può inasprire la percezione delle domande lavorative oppure rappresentare una risorsa, soprattutto in termini di supporto sociale. Obiettivi e Metodi. Il presente studio si propone di esplorare le percezioni delle caratt…

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