Thomas Becher
On the Structure of Infrared Singularities of Gauge-Theory Amplitudes
A closed formula is obtained for the infrared singularities of dimensionally regularized, massless gauge-theory scattering amplitudes with an arbitrary number of legs and loops. It follows from an all-order conjecture for the anomalous-dimension matrix of n-jet operators in soft-collinear effective theory. We show that the form of this anomalous dimension is severely constrained by soft-collinear factorization, non-abelian exponentiation, and the behavior of amplitudes in collinear limits. Using a diagrammatic analysis, we demonstrate that these constraints imply that to three-loop order the anomalous dimension involves only two-parton correlations, with the possible exception of a single c…
Massive Boson Production at Small qT in Soft-Collinear Effective Theory
We study the differential cross sections for electroweak gauge-boson and Higgs production at small and very small transverse-momentum qT. Large logarithms are resummed using soft-collinear effective theory. The collinear anomaly generates a non-perturbative scale q⁎, which protects the processes from receiving large long-distance hadronic contributions. A numerical comparison of our predictions with data on the transverse-momentum distribution in Z-boson production at the Tevatron and LHC is given.
Dynamical threshold enhancement and resummation in Drell-Yan production
Partonic cross sections for the production of massive objects in hadronic collisions receive large corrections when the invariant mass of the initial-state partons is just above the production threshold. Since typically the center-of-mass energy of the hadronic collision is much higher than the mass of the heavy objects, it is not obvious that these contributions translate into large corrections to the hadronic cross section. Using a recent approach to threshold resummation based on effective field theory, we quantify to which extent the fall-off of the parton densities at high x leads to a dynamical enhancement of the partonic threshold region. With the example of Drell-Yan production, we …
Effective Field Theory for Jet Processes
Processes involving narrow jets receive perturbative corrections enhanced by logarithms of the jet opening angle and the ratio of the energies inside and outside the jets. Analyzing cone-jet processes in effective field theory, we find that in addition to soft and collinear fields their description requires degrees of freedom which are simultaneously soft and collinear to the jets. These collinear-soft particles can resolve individual collinear partons, leading to a complicated multi-Wilson-line structure of the associated operators at higher orders. Our effective field theory provides, for the first time, a factorization formula for a cone-jet process, which fully separates the physics at …
Factorization and NNLL Resummation for Higgs Production with a Jet Veto
Using methods of effective field theory, we derive the first all-order factorization theorem for the Higgs-boson production cross section with a jet veto, imposed by means of a standard sequential recombination jet algorithm. Like in the case of small-q_T resummation in Drell-Yan and Higgs production, the factorization is affected by a collinear anomaly. Our analysis provides the basis for a systematic resummation of large logarithms log(m_H/p_T^veto) beyond leading-logarithmic order. Specifically, we present predictions for the resummed jet-veto cross section and efficiency at next-to-next-to-leading logarithmic order. Our results have important implications for Higgs-boson searches at the…
Factorization and resummation for jet broadening
Jet broadening is an event-shape variable probing the transverse momenta of particles inside jets. It has been measured precisely in e+e- annihilations and is used to extract the strong coupling constant. The factorization of the associated cross section at small values of the broadening is afflicted by a collinear anomaly. Based on an analysis of this anomaly, we present the first all-order expressions for jet-broadening distributions, which are free of large perturbative logarithms in the two-jet limit. Our formulae reproduce known results at next-to-leading logarithmic order but also extend to higher orders.
Flavor physics in the quark sector
218 páginas, 106 figuras, 89 tablas.-- arXiv:0907.5386v2.-- Report of the CKM workshop, Rome 9-13th Sep. 2008.-- et al.
Correction: The landscape of epilepsy-related GATOR1 variants
International audience; The original version of this article contained an error in the spelling of the author Erik H. Niks, which was incorrectly given as Erik Niks. This has now been corrected in both the PDF and HTML versions of the article.
The landscape of epilepsy-related GATOR1 variants
Purpose:\ud \ud To define the phenotypic and mutational spectrum of epilepsies related to DEPDC5, NPRL2 and NPRL3 genes encoding the GATOR1 complex, a negative regulator of the mTORC1 pathway.\ud \ud Methods:\ud \ud We analyzed clinical and genetic data of 73 novel probands (familial and sporadic) with epilepsy-related variants in GATOR1-encoding genes and proposed new guidelines for clinical interpretation of GATOR1 variants.\ud \ud Results:\ud \ud The GATOR1 seizure phenotype consisted mostly in focal seizures (e.g., hypermotor or frontal lobe seizures in 50%), with a mean age at onset of 4.4 years, often sleep-related and drug-resistant (54%), and associated with focal cortical dysplasia…
Origin of the Large Perturbative Corrections to Higgs Production at Hadron Colliders
The very large K-factor for Higgs-boson production at hadron colliders is shown to result from enhanced perturbative corrections of the form (C_A\pi\alpha_s)^n, which arise in the analytic continuation of the gluon form factor to time-like momentum transfer. These terms are resummed to all orders in perturbation theory using the renormalization group. After the resummation, the K-factor for the production of a light Higgs boson at the LHC is reduced to a value close to 1.3.
Resummation of Super-Leading Logarithms
Jet cross sections at high-energy colliders exhibit intricate patterns of logarithmically enhanced higher-order corrections. In particular, so-called non-global logarithms emerge from soft radiation emitted off energetic partons inside jets. While this is a single-logarithmic effect at lepton colliders, at hadron colliders phase factors in the amplitudes lead to double-logarithmic corrections starting at four-loop order. This effect was discovered a long time ago, but not much is known about the higher-order behavior of these terms and their process dependence. We derive, for the first time, the all-order structure of these "super-leading logarithms" for generic $2\to l$ scattering processe…
Factorization and N3LLp+NNLO predictions for the Higgs cross section with a jet veto
We have recently derived a factorization formula for the Higgs-boson production cross section in the presence of a jet veto, which allows for a systematic resummation of large Sudakov logarithms of the form alpha_s^n ln^m(p_T^veto/m_H), along with the large virtual corrections known to affect also the total cross section. Here we determine the ingredients entering this formula at two-loop accuracy. Specifically, we compute the dependence on the jet-radius parameter R, which is encoded in the two-loop coefficient of the collinear anomaly, by means of a direct, fully analytic calculation in the framework of soft-collinear effective theory. We confirm the result obtained by Banfi et al. from a…
Infrared singularities of QCD amplitudes with massive partons
A formula for the two-loop infrared singularities of dimensionally regularized QCD scattering amplitudes with an arbitrary number of massive and massless legs is derived. The singularities are obtained from the solution of a renormalization-group equation, and factorization constraints on the relevant anomalous-dimension matrix are analyzed. The simplicity of the structure of the matrix relevant for massless partons does not carry over to the case with massive legs, where starting at two-loop order new color and momentum structures arise, which are not of the color-dipole form. The resulting two-loop three-parton correlations can be expressed in terms of two functions, for which some genera…
Infrared singularities of scattering amplitudes in perturbative QCD
An exact formula is derived for the infrared singularities of dimensionally regularized scattering amplitudes in massless QCD with an arbitrary number of legs, valid at any number of loops. It is based on the conjecture that the anomalous-dimension matrix of n-jet operators in soft-collinear effective theory contains only a single non-trivial color structure, whose coefficient is the cusp anomalous dimension of Wilson loops with light-like segments. Its color-diagonal part is characterized by two anomalous dimensions, which are extracted to three-loop order from known perturbative results for the quark and gluon form factors. This allows us to predict the three-loop coefficients of all 1/ep…
Automated NNLL+NLO Resummation for Jet-Veto Cross Sections
In electroweak-boson production processes with a jet veto, higher-order corrections are enhanced by logarithms of the veto scale over the invariant mass of the boson system. In this paper, we resum these Sudakov logarithms at next-to-next-to-leading logarithmic (NNLL) accuracy and match our predictions to next-to-leading order (NLO) fixed-order results. We perform the calculation in an automated way, for arbitrary electroweak final states and in the presence of kinematic cuts on the leptons produced in the decays of the electroweak bosons. The resummation is based on a factorization theorem for the cross sections into hard functions, which encode the virtual corrections to the boson product…
Updated Predictions for Higgs Production at the Tevatron and the LHC
We present updated predictions for the total cross section for Higgs boson production through gluon fusion at hadron colliders. In addition to renormalization-group improvement at next-to-next-to-next-to-leading logarithmic accuracy, we incorporate the two-loop electroweak corrections, which leads to the most precise predictions at present. Numerical results are given for Higgs masses between 115 GeV and 200 GeV at the Tevatron with \sqrt{s}=1.96 TeV and the LHC with \sqrt{s}=7-14 TeV.
Higgs-Boson Production at Small Transverse Momentum
Using methods from effective field theory, we have recently developed a novel, systematic framework for the calculation of the cross sections for electroweak gauge-boson production at small and very small transverse momentum q_T, in which large logarithms of the scale ratio m_V/q_T are resummed to all orders. This formalism is applied to the production of Higgs bosons in gluon fusion at the LHC. The production cross section receives logarithmically enhanced corrections from two sources: the running of the hard matching coefficient and the collinear factorization anomaly. The anomaly leads to the dynamical generation of a non-perturbative scale q_* ~ m_H e^{-const/\alpha_s(m_H)} ~ 8 GeV, whi…
Factorization and Momentum-Space Resummation in Deep-Inelastic Scattering
Renormalization-group methods in soft-collinear effective theory are used to perform the resummation of large perturbative logarithms for deep-inelastic scattering in the threshold region x->1. The factorization theorem for the structure function F_2(x,Q^2) for x->1 is rederived in the effective theory, whereby contributions from the hard scale Q^2 and the jet scale Q^2(1-x) are encoded in Wilson coefficients of effective-theory operators. Resummation is achieved by solving the evolution equations for these operators. Simple analytic results for the resummed expressions are obtained directly in momentum space, and are free of the Landau-pole singularities inherent to the traditional m…
Electroweak Gauge-Boson and Higgs Production at Small qT: Infrared Safety from the Collinear Anomaly
We study the differential cross sections for electroweak gauge-boson and Higgs production at small and very small transverse-momentum $q_T$. Large logarithms are resummed using soft-collinear effective theory. The collinear anomaly generates a non-perturbative scale $q_*$, which protects the processes from receiving large long-distance hadronic contributions. A numerical comparison of our predictions with data on the transverse-momentum distribution in Z-boson production at the Tevatron and LHC is given.