Peter Dendooven
Beta Decay of 111Tc to 111Ru
The β-decay of the very neutron-rich 111Tc nucleus has been observed. A partial decay scheme of 111Ru is presented, complementing the high-spin levels earlier reported in spontaneous fission work.
First on-line laser spectroscopy of radioisotopes of a refractory element
The first fully on-line isotope shift measurement of a radioactive refractory element is reported. Collinear laser-induced fluorescence measurements were made on the radioactive isotopes ${}^{170,172,173,174}\mathrm{Hf}$ produced with a flux of $2--3\ifmmode\times\else\texttimes\fi{}{10}^{3}$ ions per second from an ion-guide fed isotope separator. The method may be applied to all elements and isomers with lifetimes as short as 1 ms. The systematics of the new charge radii measurements are well reproduced by theory, with the maximum deformation in the chain occurring significantly below the midshell.
Neutron yield from a thick target irradiated by 90MeV protons
In the context or the design of an intense source of low and intermediate energy, neutrons, the angular and energy distributions of neutrons produced in the interaction of 90 MeV protons in a C-12 target, in which the protons are stopped, have been measured by time-of-flight and activation techniques, As compared to C-12 the yield is less than a factor two higher, while it is somewhat less than for a Be-9 target. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Precision measurement of the half-life and the decay branches of 62Ga
In an experiment performed at the Accelerator Laboratory of the University of Jyvaskyla, the beta-decay half-life of 62Ga has been studied with high precision using the IGISOL technique. A half-life of T1/2 = 116.09(17)ms was measured. Using beta-gamma coincidences, the gamma intensity of the 954keV transition and an upper limit of the beta-decay feeding of the 0+_2 state have been extracted. The present experimental results are compared to previous measurements and their impact on our understanding of the weak interaction is discussed.
First decay scheme of 113Tc and identification of 113Ru m
Very neutron–rich fission products of the mass chain A=113 obtained from the IGISOL on–line mass separator have been investigated by γγ coincidence techniques and γ-spectra multiscaling. Gamma–rays following β–decay of 113Tc have been observed for the first time and a new 0.5 s isomeric state has been found in 113Ru.
Status report of the Jyvaskyla ion guide isotope separator on-line facility
The ion guide isotope separator facility IGISOL of the University of Jyvaskyla has been moved to the new K-130 heavy ion cyclotron laboratory. The totally reconstructed facility is described in detail. The primary beams and targets, helium pumping, separator beam line construction and separator beam diagnostics are discussed. The spectroscopy stations are introduced with illustrative examples from the research program, including beta-delayed proton and neutron spectroscopy, gamma-ray spectroscopy with and without arrays, conversion electron spectroscopy, collinear laser spectroscopy and nuclear level lifetime spectroscopy.
Precise Determination of the UnperturbedB8Neutrino Spectrum
A measurement of the final state distribution of the B-8 beta decay, obtained by implanting a 8B beam in a double-sided silicon strip detector, is reported here. The present spectrum is consistent with a recent independent precise measurement performed by our collaboration at the IGISOL facility, Jyvaskyla [O. S. Kirsebom et al., Phys. Rev. C 83, 065802 ( 2011)]. It shows discrepancies with previously measured spectra, leading to differences in the derived neutrino spectrum. Thanks to a low detection threshold, the neutrino spectrum is for the first time directly extracted from the measured final state distribution, thus avoiding the uncertainties related to the extrapolation of R-matrix fi…
Production of refractory elements close to the Z=N line using the ion-guide technique
Production of neutron-deficient isotopes of refractory elements in the A = 80-88 region was studied using the IGISOL technique and the 165 MeV Si-32 + Ni-nat reaction. Radioactive isotopes of Y through Mo could be produced up to the M-T = + 1 line. New information on the decay of the A = 82 and 85 nuclei, including a more detailed decay scheme and more accurate half-life for Y-82, was obtained. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
First observation of β decay ofNb108toMo108
The \ensuremath{\beta}-delayed \ensuremath{\gamma} decay of $^{108}\mathrm{Nb}$ has been studied using the on-line mass-separator technique. The measured \ensuremath{\beta}-decay half-life 0.20\ifmmode\pm\else\textpm\fi{}0.03 s agrees with the previous measurement based on \ensuremath{\beta}-delayed neutron detection. The lifetime of the first ${2}^{+}$ state in $^{108}\mathrm{Mo}$ was measured to be 0.5\ifmmode\pm\else\textpm\fi{}0.3 ns, which is consistent with a deformation \ensuremath{\beta}\ensuremath{\approxeq}0.4. Spin and parity of ${2}^{+}$ are suggested for the ground state of $^{108}\mathrm{Nb}$. \textcopyright{} 1996 The American Physical Society.
The nuclear structure of states in 12 C have been a subject of interest for both theory and experiment since the early days of nuclear physics. Many open questions remain, especially concerning the existence and properties of 0+ and 2+ states in the triple alpha continuum. A series of experiments have been performed using β-decay of 12 N and 12 B to probe these states. The latest experiment was performed at KVI using an implantation method, measuring the sum energy of the three α-particles directly. Preliminary results from this experiment will be presented.
Production of neutron deficient rare isotope beams at IGISOL; on-line and off-line studies
This article reports on recent on-line yield measurements employing the light-ion and heavy-ion reaction-based ion guide systems and new results on a-recoil ion transport properties in ion guides with and without electric fields. In addition, the presently used ion guide designs for fusion evaporation reactions are introduced. The present study investigated different schemes for ion extraction from the gas cell. The addition of an extra ring electrode between the traditional skimmer electrode and the exit hole led to transmission independent of the primary beam intensity as opposed to strong intensity dependence observed earlier with the plain skimmer only. Furthermore, the mass resolving p…
Intruder states in even-even neutron-rich Pd isotopes
The decays of 112Rh g and 112Rh m obtained as on-line mass separated fission products have been investigated by standard β and γ spectroscopic techniques and γ-γ angular correlations. Low-lying 0+ and 2+ states are identified in the daughter nucleus 112Pd. Systematics suggests the existence of an intruder band which is the lowest in 110Pd, i.e. two neutrons before the midshell.
Beta decay of $^{56}$Cu
AbstractThe proton-rich isotope 56 Cu was produced at the GSI On-Line Mass Separator by means ofthe 28 Si( 32 S, p3n) fusion–evaporation reaction. Its β -decay properties were studied by detecting β -delayed γ rays and protons. A half-life of 93± 3 ms was determined for 56 Cu. Compared to theprevious work, six new γ rays and three new levels were assigned to the daughter nucleus 56 Ni. Themeasured Gamow–Teller strength values for five 56 Ni levels are compared toshell-model predictions. 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. PACS: 21.10.-k; 23.40.-s; 21.60.Cs; 27.40.+zKeywords: R ADIOACTIVITY 56 Cu ( β + ) [from 28 Si( 32 S, p3n)]; Measured E γ , I ; Deduced β -intensity and β -st…
Production of zero energy radioactive beams through extraction across superfluid helium surface
A radioactive Ra-223 source was immersed in superfluid helium at 1.2-1.7 K. Electric fields transported recoiled Rn-219 ions in the form of snowballs to the surface and further extracted them across the surface. The ions were focussed onto an aluminium foil and alpha particle spectra were taken with a surface barrier spectrometer. This enabled us to determine the efficiency for each process unambiguously. The pulsed second sound wave proved effective in enhancing the extraction of positive ions from the surface. Thus we offer a novel method for study of impurities in superfluid helium and propose this method for production of zero energy nuclear beams for use at radioactive ion beam facilit…
Collective structure of the neutron-rich nuclei, 110Ru and 112Ru
Abstract The collective structure of 110 Ru and 112 Ru has been studied at the IGISOL facility through the beta decay of 110 Tc and 112 Tc. Neutron-rich technetium isotopes were produced by the 238 U(p, f) reaction at 20 MeV bombarding energy. The new isotope 112 Tc was found to decay with a half-life of 280(30) ms. The observed energies of the 2 + and 4 + ground state band levels in 108,110,112 Ru are almost the same. However, a steady energy decrease of the proposed gamma band head is observed with increasing neutron number, suggesting importance of triaxiality in these nuclei. In fact, only in 192 Os the second 2 + state has been observed at lower excitation than in 112 Ru. The static de…
Isotope shifts in natural cerium
High resolution crossed beam resonance fluorescence laser spectroscopy has been performed on an atomic beam of naturally occurring cerium, and isotope shifts have been measured in several transitions. Changes in mean square charge radius, δ〈r 2〉, have been extracted using the King plot technique and show the characteristic increase at the N = 82 neutron shell closure. The measurements form the basis for further investigations of radioactive isotopes and isomers on both sides of the shell closure.
Cryogenic helium as stopping medium for high-energy ions
We have investigated the survival and transport efficiency of Ra-219 ions emitted by a Ra-223 source in high-density cryogenic helium gas, with ionisation of the gas induced by a proton beam. The combined efficiency of ion survival and transport by an applied electric field was measured as a function of ionisation rate density for electric fields up to 160 V/cm and for three temperature and density combinations: 77 K, 0.18 mg/cm(3), 10 K, 0.18 mg/cm(3) and 10 K, 0.54 mg/cm(3). At low beam intensity or high electric field, an efficiency of 30%, is obtained, confirming earlier results. A sharp drop in efficiency is observed at a "threshold" ionisation rate density which increases with the squ…
On-line laser spectroscopy of refractory radioisotopes at the JYFL IGISOL facility
A major objective of the laser-IGISOL program has been realized with the first ever on-line observation of collinear laser induced fluorescence from an ion of a refractory element. The measurements demonstrate that the IGISOL can be operated in a mode that produces ion beams of good emittance with reasonable extraction efficiency. The technique has been used to study the neutron-deficient Hf isotopes.
A new isomer in 125La
Levels in 125La have been studied via β+/EC decay of on-line mass-separated 125Ce using the HIGISOL technique. A new (390 ± 40) ms isomer is definitely attributed to 125La by conversion electron measurements of the 107 keV E3 isomeric transition.
Neutron yields from a thick 13C target irradiated by 30 MeV protons
Abstract Total neutron yields resulting from the proton bombardment of a thick 13 C target have been measured for 30 MeV protons. Absolute intensities, angular distributions and energy spectra of neutrons have been obtained by the time-of-flight technique where the detectors provided continuous coverage from 0° to 120°. Resonances have been found, some of which can be attributed to known states in 14 N. A total yield of 0.022(3) n/p was observed with a slight angular anisotropy towards forward angles. The measured yields are compared to the neutron yields produced by using deuterons on thick 12 C and 9 Be targets.
Design, construction and cooling system performance of a prototype cryogenic stopping cell for the Super-FRS at FAIR
A cryogenic stopping cell for stopping energetic radioactive ions and extracting them as a low energy beam was developed. This first ever cryogenically operated stopping cell serves as prototype device for the Low-Energy Branch of the Super-FRS at FAIR. The cell has a stopping volume that is 1 m long and 25 cm in diameter. Ions are guided by a DC field along the length of the stopping cell and by a combined RF and DC fields provided by an RE carpet at the exit-hole side. The ultra-high purity of the stopping gas required for optimum ion survival is reached by cryogenic operation. The design considerations and construction of the cryogenic stopping cell, as well as some performance character…
β-delayed neutron decay of 104Y, 112Tc, 113Tc and 114Tc: test of half-life predictions for neutron-rich isotopes of refractory elements
Abstract Beta-decay gross properties of neutron-rich isotopes 104Y and 112,113,114Tc produced in 25 MeV proton-induced fission of 238U have been measured. Decays of 104Y with a half-life of 180±60 ms and of 114Tc with a half-life of 150±30 ms are reported for the first time. Beta-delayed neutron emission probabilities of 112,113,114Tc are determined as (1.5±0.2)%, (2.1±0.3)% and (1.3±0.4)%, respectively. Comparison of the observed Pn values with a recent theoretical calculation based on deformed quasiparticle random phase approximation (QRPA) shows good overall agreement for Tc isotopes. However, comparison of beta-decay half-lives of neutron-rich isotopes of Y to Rh with the QRPA model and…
Neutron and fragment yields in proton-induced fission of 238U at intermediate energies
The primary fission fragment mass and kinetic energy distributions, and neutron multiplicities as function of fragment mass have been measured in the proton-induced fission of 238 U at energies Ep ¼ 20, 35, 50 and 60 MeV using time-of-flight technique. Pre-scission and post-scission neutron multiplicities have been extracted from double differential distributions. The fragment mass dependence of the post-scission neutron multiplicities reveals the gross nuclear shell structure effect even at the higher proton energies we measured. The yields ofneutron-rich fission products in the fission of 238 U by 25 MeV protons were measured using an ion guide-based isotope separator technique. The resul…
Rate capability of a cryogenic stopping cell for uranium projectile fragments produced at 1000 MeV/u
At the Low-Energy Branch (LEB) of the Super-FRS at FAIR, projectile and fission fragments will be produced at relativistic energies, separated in-flight, energy-bunched, slowed down and thermalized in a cryogenic stopping cell (CSC) filled with ultra-pure He gas. The fragments are extracted from the stopping cell using a combination of DC and RF electric fields and gas flow. A prototype CSC for the LEB has been developed and successfully commissioned at the FRS Ion Catcher at GSI. Ionization of He buffer gas atoms during the stopping of energetic ions creates a region of high space charge in the stopping cell. The space charge decreases the extraction efficiency of stopping cells since the …
New information on 12C states from the decays of 12N and 12B
Abstract The properties of states in 12 C above the 3α-threshold are of high current interest for nuclear astrophysics and for the nuclear many-body problem in general. We have initiated a series of experiments aimed at elucidating this region by using the β-decays of 12 N and 12 B. By applying the ISOL method for producing these radioactive isotopes, in combination with modern segmented charged particle detectors, our approach has significant advantages over previous studies of this region.
The $\beta$-delayed one- and two-proton emission of $^{27}$S
In an experiment performed at the GANIL LISE3 facility, radioactive 27S isotopes have been produced by projectile fragmentation of a 95 AMeV 36Ar primary beam. After selection by means of the LISE3 separator, the isotope of interest was implanted in a silicon-detector telescope where its half-life ( T 1/2 = 15.5(15) ms) and its main decay branches were measured.
The 1+→0+ Gamow–Teller strength of the 58Cug.s.→58Nig.s. transition
The ground-state branch in the beta decay of Cu-58 has been remeasured by using gamma-ray detection combined with ion-guide-based on-line mass separation. The measured value 80.8(7)% is three times more precise and in agreement with the earlier reported value. The deduced Gamow-Teller strength of this transition, to be used for the calibration of the charge-exchange reactions, is 0.0821(7). (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Beta decay of $^{61}$Ga
The β decay of 61Ga to its mirror nucleus 61Zn has been measured for the first time by using on-line mass separation and β-delayed gamma-ray spectroscopy. The observed decay strength to the ground state implies superallowed character in accordance with the systematics of the mirror decays in the sd and fp shell. The β feedings observed to four excited states in 61Zn are consistent with earlier spin-parity assignments based on in-beam experiments. The ground-state spin and parity for 61Ga were determined to be 3/2−.
Characterization of a cryogenic ion guide at IGISOL
A small volume cryogenic ion guide has been characterized at the IGISOL facility, Jyvaskyla, as a prototype to verify whether there are any major obstacles to the use of high-density cryogenic helium gas for the stopping and extraction of high-energy ions from a large volume cryogenic ion catcher. The expected temperature scaling of the mass flow through the ion guide has been confirmed, showing that for the same helium density, the differential pumping requirements are less stringent for cryogenic operation. At 90 K a clear reduction in the mass-analyzed impurities is achieved, although lower temperatures are required to freeze out oxygen and nitrogen. This is supported by the reduction in…
Clarification of the Three-Body Decay of 12C (12.71 MeV)
Using β decays of a clean source of 12 N produced at the IGISOL facility, we have measured the breakup of the 12 C (12.71 MeV) state into three α particles with a segmented particle detector setup. The high quality of the data permits solving the question of the breakup mechanism of the 12.71 MeV state, a longstanding problem in few-body nuclear physics. Among existing models, a modified sequential model fits the data best, but systematic deviations indicate that a three-body description is needed. peerReviewed
The development and status of the IGISOL technique
Abstract The development of the IGISOL technique since its earliest beginnings at the University of Jyvaskyla in the early '80s is reviewed. The processes involved in ion survival in the ion guide are discussed. The design and performance of ion guides for different types of reactions is summarised. The mass-separated beam quality for different skimmer systems is compared.
Decay of the neutron-rich isotope 113Ru to 113Rh
The decay of neutron-rich isotope 113Ru obtained as on-line mass separated product of proton-induced fission has been investigated by γγ coincidence and spectrum multiscaling measurements. Decay schemes for both low- and high-spin isomers of 113Ru have been constructed. The level scheme of 113Rh is considerably extended. Systematics of the lowest-lying rhodium levels is smooth. The picture of shape coexistence established for neutron-rich Rh isotopes near-neutron midshell is confirmed with the observation of a K = 1/2 deformed band, with its 3/2+ state at 600 keV being the lowest-lying level and of probable 7/2+ and 5/2+ band members. A large fraction of β feeding is found to populate high-…
A new 400 ms isomer in125Ce→125La
By using the IGISOL technique, adapted for the study of products of heavy ion induced fusion-evaporation reactions, it has been possible to identify a new isomer in the mass chainA=125.
Laser spectroscopy of neutron deficient zirconium isotopes
The first optical measurements of the neutron deficient isotopes, 87-89Zr, and also the two long-lived isomers, 87m,89mZr, have been performed using the new technique of collinear laser spectroscopy of cooled, bunched ion beams. Nuclear mean-square charge radii, spins, magnetic moments and quadrupole moments spanning the N = 50 shell closure are reported. The \"kink\" in the charge radii trends at the neutron shell closure is the most pronounced obsd. for any element in the region. [on SciFinder (R)]
Transport and extraction of radioactive ions stopped in superfluid helium
A new approach to convert a high energy beam to a low energy one, which is essential for the next generation radioactive ion beam facilities, has been proposed and tested at Jyvaskyla, Finland. An open Ra-223 alpha-decay-recoil source has been used to produce radioactive ions in superfluid helium. The alpha spectra demonstrate that the recoiling Rn-219 ions have been extracted out of liquid helium. This first observation of the extraction of heavy positive ions across the superfluid helium surface was possible thanks to the high sensitivity of radioactivity detection. An efficiency of 36% was obtained for the ion extraction out of liquid helium. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights res…
Radioactive Beams for Image-Guided Particle Therapy : The BARB Experiment at GSI
Several techniques are under development for image-guidance in particle therapy. Positron (β+) emission tomography (PET) is in use since many years, because accelerated ions generate positron-emitting isotopes by nuclear fragmentation in the human body. In heavy ion therapy, a major part of the PET signals is produced by β+-emitters generated via projectile fragmentation. A much higher intensity for the PET signal can be obtained using β+-radioactive beams directly for treatment. This idea has always been hampered by the low intensity of the secondary beams, produced by fragmentation of the primary, stable beams. With the intensity upgrade of the SIS-18 synchrotron and the isotopic separati…
Investigation of a gas-catcher/ion guide system using alpha-decay recoil products
Abstract 219Rn recoils from the alpha decay of 223Ra have been used to study the efficiency and delay time distributions of a gas-catcher/ion guide system. Ions with charge states up to +4 were coming out of the gas cell. Combining efficiency and delay time measurements, ion survival times in plasma free conditions can be deduced.
Total absorption spectroscopy of 58Cu decay
The β decay of 58Cu has been studied by means of total absorption γ-ray spectroscopy. The β feeding to the 58Ni states has been measured, and the strength of the 58Cu(1+) →58Ni(0+) Gamow-Teller transition has been determined with improved accuracy.
Beta-Decay Half-Lives and Neutron-Emission Probabilities of Very Neutron-Rich Y to Tc Isotopes
Neutron-rich {sub 39}Y to {sub 43}Tc isotopes have been produced by fission of uranium with a 50MeV H{sub 2}{sup +} beam. Beta-decay half-lives, delayed neutron-emission probabilities, and production yields have been measured and compared with theory. Beta decay of 4 new isotopes is reported, and the {beta}-delayed neutron-emission mode has been discovered for 12 isotopes of the elements niobium and technetium. The results compared to quasiparticle random phase approximation predictions indicate the increasing importance of fast {beta} transitions to high-lying states of nuclei with large neutron excess. {copyright} {ital 1996 The American Physical Society.}
The FRS Ion Catcher
At the FRS Ion Catcher at GSI, projectile and fission fragments are produced at relativistic energies, separated in-flight, range-focused, slowed down and thermalized in a cryogenic stopping cell. A multiple-reflection time-of-flight mass spectrometer (MR-TOF-MS) is used to perform direct mass measurements and to provide an isobarically clean beam for further experiments, such as mass-selected decay spectroscopy. A versatile RF quadrupole transport and diagnostics unit guides the ions from the stopping cell to the MR-TOF-MS, provides differential pumping, ion identification and includes reference ion sources. The FRS Ion Catcher serves as a test facility for the Low-Energy Branch of the Sup…
News on 12C from beta-decay studies
We discuss the importance of the spectroscopic properties of the resonances of 12C just above the 3α-threshold, and review the existing experimental information of this region with emphasis on O+ and 2+ states. A new experimental approach for studying the β-decays of 12B and 12N is presented based on techniques developed in the context of Radioactive beam (rare isotope) physics. Finally preliminary results from an ongoing analysis of two recent experiments are given. © 2004 Published by Elsevier B.V.
Decays of110Rhand112Rhto the near neutron midshell isotopes110Pdand112Pd
The decays ${}^{110}\mathrm{Rh}$ and ${}^{112}\mathrm{Rh}$ have been investigated using on-line mass separation with the ion-guide technique. Extended decay schemes have been constructed for both the low- and high-spin states in ${}^{112}\mathrm{Rh}$. Mixing ratios for the collective transitions from the ${2}_{2}^{+}$ and ${3}_{1}^{+}$ states in ${}^{112}\mathrm{Pd}$ have been measured by $\ensuremath{\gamma}\ensuremath{-}\ensuremath{\gamma}$ angular correlation. The presence of two sets of ${0}^{+}$ and ${2}^{+}$ states in the 1.1\char21{}1.4 MeV range suggests the existence of an intruder band, the energy of which is the lowest in ${}^{110}\mathrm{Pd}$ with two neutrons fewer than the mid…
Studying exotic nuclides close to the N = Z line at the HIGISOL facility
The ion guide [1, 2] for heavy-ion fusion-evaporation reactions (HIGISOL) which was developed by Beraud et al. [3] has been implemented at the IGISOL facility in Jyvaskyla [4]. This system was modified over the past 5 years. Figure 1 shows the present set-up. The HIGISOL takes advantage of the different angular distributions of primary beam and reaction products: the primary beam is stopped in front of the stopping chamber and the reaction products enter the stopping chamber through a thin foil passing the beam stop. This so called “shadow” method removes the plasma effect since the primary beam is not ionising the stopping gas. In order to improve ion optical properties, mainly to reduce t…
R-matrix analysis of theβdecays ofN12andB12
The β decays of 12N and 12B have been studied at KVI and JYFL to resolve the composition of the broad and interfering 0+ and 2+ strengths in the triple-α continuum. For the first time a complete treatment of 3α decay is presented including all major breakup channels. A multilevel, many-channel R-matrix formalism has been developed for the complete description of the breakup in combination with the recently published separate analysis of angular correlations. We find that, in addition to the Hoyle state at 7.65 MeV, more than one 0+ and 2+ state is needed to reproduce the spectra. Broad 03+ and 22+ states are found between 10.5 and 12 MeV in this work. The presence of β strength up to the 12…
First spatial separation of a heavy ion isomeric beam with a multiple-reflection time-of-flight mass spectrometer
Physics letters / B 744, 137 - 141 (2015). doi:10.1016/j.physletb.2015.03.047
First collinear laser spectroscopy measurements of radioisotopes from an IGISOL ion source
Abstract The standard Doppler-free technique of collinear laser spectroscopy has been successfully applied to radioisotopes from the ion-guide isotope separator (IGISOL) at the University of Jyvaskyla. The laser resonance fluorescence signals for the 140,142,144 Ba radioisotopes show that the ion beam energy spread is less than 6 eV, allowing the laser technique to have both high resolution and a sensitivity comparable with the best obtained at conventional facilities.
Medium-spin structure of neutron-rich Pd and Cd isotopes
Cadmium isotopes are traditionally considered as good examples of nearly spherical, vibrational nuclei, which can be described by quadrupole vibrators in the collective model, as well as the U(5) dynamical symmetry in the interacting boson model (IBM). However, the shape coexistence of more deformed intruder states originating from proton 2p–4h excitation across the Z = 50 major shell is another interesting structural aspect, whose presence in Pd-isotopes has also been demonstrated [1,2].
Beta decay of neutron-rich 118Rh and the lowest excited states in 118Pd
Beta decay of a refractory isotope 118Rh produced in symmetric fission and mass separated by the ion guide technique has been applied for the study of low-lying excited states of 118Pd. The yrast band in 118Pd has been observed up to a 6+ state and the lowest states of the asymmetric γ-band have been identified. The measured half-life of 118Rh is (300±60)ms. The systematics of the excited states in neutron-rich Pd-isotopes implies the saturation towards an O(6) symmetry at N = 70.
Measurement of the IAS resonance strength in 23Mg
Abstract Beta decay of 23 Al to excited states in 23 Mg has been studied using low-energy proton and high-energy gamma-ray detection combined with ion-guide-based on-line mass separation. For the first time, a T =3/2 isobaric analogue state, at 7801(2) keV, was observed to decay by both proton and gamma emission, with a proton branching of 0.17(8)%. The deduced resonance strength ωγ =2.2(10) meV is in agreement with upper limits reported from 22 Na(p, γ ) reaction studies. Shell-model calculations are incorporated.
Transport of ions in ion guides under flow and diffusion
Abstract A model for ion transport simulations in the ion guide stopping chamber is introduced. Computed transport time distributions are compared to the experimental data obtained in on- and off-line conditions. It is shown that millisecond transport times are feasible and that diffusion of ions is an important mechanism in transport.
Level structure of 99Nb
The β decay of 97Sr to 97Y has been investigated using ion-guide on-line mass separation and a 10 Ge-detector array to record γ−γ coincidences to a detection limit well below that of former studies. Similarities are found in the β-decay patterns of 99Zr and of its isotone 97Sr and also in the γ-ray decay rates and branchings of the corresponding levels in their respective daughters 99Nb and 97Y. This indicates a persisting influence of the d5/2 neutron shell closure for 99Nb. The level structure of 99Nb and the β-feeding pattern are discussed in the frame of the interacting boson-fermion plus broken pair model and the microscopic quasiparticle phonon model.
Shape coexistence near the double-midshell nucleus 111Rh
The decay of 111Ru obtained from fast on-line chemical and mass separation has been investigated by β-γ-t and γ-γ coincidence techniques. Earlier spin and parity assignments of 111Rh levels based on extrapolations of level systematics are confirmed. In particular, the K=1/2 intruder band is supported by the hindrance of E2 transitions between deformed and spherical states and enhancement of intraband E2 transitions. The excitation energies of intruder band members in Rh isotopes show a minimum at 109Rh64, with two neutrons less than 111Rh at the N=66 midshell. This trend, which differs from the one in the higher-Z neighbouring elements Ag and Cd with minima at N=66, follows the evolution of…
Laser spectroscopy of cooled zirconium fission fragments
The first on-line laser spectroscopy of cooled fission fragments is reported. The $^{\mathrm{96}\mathrm{--}\mathrm{102}}\mathrm{Z}\mathrm{r}$ ions, produced in uranium fission, were extracted and separated using an ion guide isotope separator. The ions were cooled and bunched for collinear laser spectroscopy by a gas-filled linear Paul trap. New results for nuclear mean-square charge radii, dipole, and quadrupole moments are reported across the $N=60$ shape change. The mean-square charge radii are found to be almost identical to those of the Sr isotones and previously offered modeling of the radial changes is critically reviewed.
βdecay of neutron-rich118Agand120Agisotopes
$\ensuremath{\beta}$ decays of on-line mass-separated neutron-rich ${}^{118}\mathrm{Ag}$ and ${}^{120}\mathrm{Ag}$ isotopes have been studied by using $\ensuremath{\beta}\ensuremath{-}\ensuremath{\gamma}$ and $\ensuremath{\gamma}\ensuremath{-}\ensuremath{\gamma}$ coincidence spectroscopy. Extended decay schemes to the ${}^{118,120}\mathrm{Cd}$ daughter nuclei have been constructed. The three-phonon quintuplet in ${}^{118}\mathrm{Cd}$ is completed by including a new level at 2023.0 keV, which is tentatively assigned the spin and parity of ${2}_{4}^{+}.$ The intruder band in ${}^{118}\mathrm{Cd}$ is proposed up to the ${4}^{+}$ level at 2322.4 keV. The measured $\ensuremath{\beta}$-decay half…
The β-decay approach for studying 12C
6 pags., 3 figs. -- 9th International Conference on Clustering Aspects of Nuclear Structure and Dynamics (CLUSTERS'07) 3–7 September 2007, Stratford upon Avon, UK
Influences on the triple alpha process beyond the Hoyle state
7 pags., 3 figs. -- International Symposium on Nuclear Astrophysics - Nuclei in the Cosmos - IX, 25-30 June 2006, CERN
Production of neutron-rich nuclei in fission induced by neutrons generated by the p + 13C reaction at 55 MeV
Cross-sections for the production of neutron-rich nuclei obtained by neutron-induced fission of natural uranium have been measured. The neutrons were generated by bombarding a 13C target with 55 MeV protons. The results, position of the maximum in the (Z, A)-plane, width and magnitude, are very comparable with those where the neutrons are generated by bombardment of natural 12C graphite with 50 MeV deuterons. Depending on the geometry of the converter/target assembly the isotope yields, however, are a factor of 2-3 lower due to less efficient production of neutrons per primary projectile, especially at small forward angles.
New interpretation of shape coexistence in99Zr
Levels in ${}^{99}\mathrm{Zr}$ populated by $\ensuremath{\beta}$ decay of on-line mass separated ${}^{99}$Y have been studied by $\ensuremath{\gamma}$-ray spectroscopic methods, including $\ensuremath{\gamma}$-$\ensuremath{\gamma}$ coincidences recorded with an array of ten Ge detectors and level-lifetime measurements. The formerly reported strongly collective character of the 53-keV transition turns out to be questionable. This implies a revision of the experimental evidence for shape coexistence in ${}^{99}\mathrm{Zr}.$ Transition rates and $\ensuremath{\gamma}$-ray branching ratios make a new level at 679 keV with ${t}_{1/2}=9$ ns another candidate for a deformed state.
Independent and cumulative yields of very neutron-rich nuclei in 20 MeVp- and 18–41 MeVd-induced fission ofU238
Independent and cumulative yields in nearly symmetric fission have been measured for the first time by bombarding $^{238}\mathrm{U}$ with 20-MeV protons and with 18-, 25-, and 41-MeV deuterons. Isobaric charge dispersion has been determined in the A=110, A=112, and A=114 mass chains and, from asymmetric fission, in the A=80 mass chain. The average isobaric charges in the p+U reaction were 44.01\ifmmode\pm\else\textpm\fi{}0.20 (A=110), 45.15\ifmmode\pm\else\textpm\fi{}0.15 (A=112), and 45.74\ifmmode\pm\else\textpm\fi{}0.15 (A=114). The widths (standard deviations) of the charge dispersion curves were 0.82\ifmmode\pm\else\textpm\fi{}0.08 (A=112) and 0.54\ifmmode\pm\else\textpm\fi{}0.08 (A=114…
Character of an 8− isomer of 130Ba
Abstract The static moments and isomer shift of the J π = K π =8 − isomeric state in 130 56 Ba have been measured using the technique of collinear laser spectroscopy. The isomer has been found to have a magnetic dipole moment of −0.043(28) μ N and a static quadrupole moment of +2.77(30) b. These values have been used to assign the state as a two neutron 7 2 + [404]⊗ 9 2 − [514] configuration corresponding to a prolate shape. The half-life of the isomer has been confirmed as 9.54(14) ms. The change in the mean square charge radius was found to be 〈 r 2 〉 130m −〈 r 2 〉 130g–s =−0.0473(30) fm 2 .
$\beta$ - decay of the M$_{T}$=-1 nucleus $^{58}$Zn studied by selective laser ionization
$\beta$ - decay of $^{58}$Zn has been studied for the first time. A new laser ion-source concept has been used to produce mass-separated sources for $\beta$ and $\gamma$ - spectroscopy. The half-life of $^{58}$Zn was determined to be 86(18) ms. Comparisons are made with previous data from charge-exchange reactions. Our Gamow-Teller strength to the 1$^{+}$ state at 1051 keV excitation in $^{58}$Cu agrees well with the value extracted from a recent ($^{3}$He, t) study. Extensive shell-model calculations are presented.
Beta-delayed neutron spectroscopy by the TOF technique at IGISOL: 95Rb as a test case
Nuclides with a large neutron excess have high Q β values, making it possible to extract the β-strength function (SF) over a large energy range using β-decay spectroscopy. However, because of the low neutron binding energies, neutron emission from excited states will occur and β-delayed neutron spectroscopy is required to determine the SF over the full Q β window.
Clarification of the Three-Body Decay ofC12(12.71 MeV)
Using $\ensuremath{\beta}$ decays of a clean source of $^{12}\mathrm{N}$ produced at the IGISOL facility, we have measured the breakup of the $^{12}\mathrm{C}$ (12.71 MeV) state into three $\ensuremath{\alpha}$ particles with a segmented particle detector setup. The high quality of the data permits solving the question of the breakup mechanism of the 12.71 MeV state, a longstanding problem in few-body nuclear physics. Among existing models, a modified sequential model fits the data best, but systematic deviations indicate that a three-body description is needed.
High-resolution studies of beta-delayed proton emitters at IGISOL facility
Beta-decays of23Al and41Ti have been studied by applying ion guide techniques, gamma detection and a gas-Si telescope for charged-particle detection. The experimental beta-decay strength of41Ti was found to be quenched by a factor ofq2 = 0.64 compared to our shell model calculations below 8 MeV excitation energy in41Sc. This result is in line with the generally accepted value ofq = 0.77. The isobaric analogue state of the41Ti ground state was measured to contain 10(8)% isospin impurity. This relatively high value could be well reproduced by the shell model calculation in thesdfp space. Gamma-decay of theT = 3/2 isobaric analogue state in23Mg was observed together with its decay by proton em…
Precise branching ratios to unbound 12C states from 12N and 12B β-decays
6 pages, 2 tables, 4 figures.--PACS nrs.: 21.45.-v; 23.40.-s; 27.20.+n; 21.60.De.--Printed version published Aug 3, 2009
Fission product yields at intermediate energy
The results of experimental and theoretical studies of fission product yields in proton-induced fission of 238U are presented. The yields of neutron-rich Ni, Cu, Zn, Ga and Ge—isotopes were measured by 25 MeV protons and the ion guide-based isotope separator technique. The pre-neutron emission fragment mass distributions were measured by protons at energies Ep=20, 35, 50 and 60 MeV using time-of-flight method. The results indicate enhancement for superasymmetric mass division at intermediate excitation energy of the fissioning nucleus. A model calculation of fission products yields for fission of 238U by protons and neutrons is presented which predicts the formation cross sections for neutr…
Independent yields of neutron-rich nuclei in charged-particle induced fission
Abstract Yields of fission products have been studied at the recently upgraded IGISOL facility in Jyvaskyla using 50 MeV H2+ beam (Ep = 25 MeV) and thin natTh and natU targets. The independent yields of fission products in the mass regions A = 99−112 (elements Y, Nb and Tc) and A = 127−134 (elements Sn, Sb and Te) have been obtained. Comparisons of the experimental isotopic distributions with theoretical ones are presented. Enhancement of the production rate of the doubly magic 132Sn is observed in the experimental yield curve.
Production of plutonium tracers in 237Np nuclear reactions with 3He-ions in the energy range from 26 to 60 MeV
Cross-sections for the reaction Np-237 + He-3 --> Pu-236,Pu-237,Pu-238 at He-3 bombarding energies from 26 to 60 MeV were measured. Thick-target yields, based on the measured and previously known cross-sections were constructed. The results are discussed and compared with Ether reactions leading to the formation of the same final nuclei. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science S.A.
Beta-decay strength and isospin mixing studies in the sd and fp-shells
We have studied beta decays of MT<0 nuclei in sd and fp shells. The decay of 41Ti shows a large, 10(8) %, isospin mixing of IAS and the Gamow-Teller strength is observed to be quenched by a factor of q2=0.64. These results can be reproduced qualitatively in our shell model calculations. We have observed for the first time proton and gamma decay of the isobaric analogue state in 23Mg. Our results on the isospin mixing of the isobaric analogue state agrees well with the shell model calculations. The obtained proton branch of the IAS is used to extract the transition strength for the reaction 22Na(p,γ)23Mg.
Status of HIGISOL a new version equipped with SPIG and electric field guidance
A new HIGISOL chamber devoted to the study of short-lived products from heavy-ion-induced fusion-evaporation reactions is proposed. It enables, via the extraction of ions by means of a SPIG (SextuPole rf Ion Guide), to improve the mass resolving power by a factor 2.5 compared to the previous system using a skimmer-ring assembly. The gas cell was also equiped with an electric field for faster transportation of recoiling ions to the nozzle where they are ejected with the gas jet. The first results obtained both with a radioactive α-source and cyclotron beam will be reported.
Collinear laser spectroscopy of radioisotopes of zirconium
Isotope shifts and hyperfine structures have been measured for radioisotopes of ionic zirconium using on-line laser spectroscopy at the IGISOL facility in Jyvaskyla, where the installation of an ion beam cooler/buncher has significantly improved the experimental sensitivity. Measurements have been made on all the neutron-deficient isotopes from 87Zr to 90Zr, including the isomers 87m,89mZr, and the neutron-rich isotopes from 96Zr to 102Zr. The change in mean square charge radii between the isotopes and the nuclear moments of the odd isotopes have been extracted. The data show a sudden increase in the mean square charge radius at mass A = 100, consistent with an onset of nuclear deformation …
First experimental results of a cryogenic stopping cell with short-lived, heavy uranium fragments produced at 1000 MeV/u
A cryogenic stopping cell (CSC) has been commissioned with U-238 projectile fragments produced at 1000 MeV/u. The spatial isotopic separation in flight was performed with the FRS applying a monoenergetic degrader. For the first time, a stopping cell was operated with exotic nuclei at cryogenic temperatures (70 to 100K). A helium stopping gas density of up to 0.05mg/cm(3) was used, about two times higher than reached before for a stopping cell with RF ion repelling structures. An overall efficiency of up to 15%, a combined ion survival and extraction efficiency of about 50%, and extraction times of 24ms were achieved for heavy a-decaying uranium fragments. Mass spectrometry with a multiple-r…
Decays of theY97isomers to the single neutron nucleusZr97
The decays of the 9/2(+) and of the three-quasiparticle high spin isomer in Y-97 have been investigated following on-line mass separation with the ion-guide technique. Spins and parities for several of the lowest-lying levels in the daughter nucleus Zr-97 are revised and configurations are proposed. In particular, the 2264 keV level is identified as the h(11/2) single-neutron level. The population of a cascade on top of the h(11/2) level provides evidence for Gamow-Teller beta decay of the high-spin Y-97 isomer. Levels and transition rates are qualitatively well reproduced by regarding Zr-97 as a single-neutron nucleus with respect to the doubly closed Zr-96 core.
β-decay ofO13
The beta decay of O-13 has been studied at the IGISOL facility of the Jyvaskyla accelerator centre (Finland). By developing a low-energy isotope-separated beam of O-13 and using a modern segmented charged-particle detector array an improved measurement of the delayed proton spectrum was possible. Protons with energy up to more than 12 MeV are measured and the corresponding log(ft) values extracted. A revised decay scheme is constructed. The connection to molecular states and the shell model is discussed.
New levels in 118Pd observed in the beta-decay of very neutron-rich 118Rh isotope
We investigate the β decay of very neutron-rich 118Rh isotope using on-line mass-separated sources which are produced by applying 25 MeV proton induced symmetric fission of natural uranium at the IGISOL facility. The β–γ and γ–γ coincidence spectroscopy is employed to establish the level scheme of daughter nucleus 118Pd. Five low-lying new levels are identified for the first time with tentative spin and parity assignments based on the even-mass Pd systematics.
High-resolution study of the beta decay of 41Ti
Abstract An improved high-resolution study of the beta decay of 41 Ti, produced in the 40 Ca( 3 He, 2n) reaction at 40 MeV, has been performed at the Ion Guide Isotope Separator On-Line (IGISOL) facility. The beta-delayed radiation was detected by a low-energy charged-particle detector and a large Ge detector for gamma rays. The experimental beta-decay strength and its distribution, extracted from delayed-proton data, are compared with results of shell-model calculations in the sdfp space. The lowest J π = 3 2 + , T = 3 2 state in 41 Sc, the isobaric analogue state of the 41 Ti ground state, is estimated to contain 10% isospin impurity.
Spectroscopic studies of neutron-deficient light nuclei: decay properties of 21Mg, 25Si and 26P
Neutron‐deficient nuclei with Tz equals to −3/2 and −2 have been produced at the GANIL/LISE3 facility in fragmentation reactions of a 95 MeV/u 36Ar primary beam in a 12C target. For the first time, β‐delayed proton and β‐γ emission has been simultaneously observed in the decay of 21Mg, 25Si and 26P. The decay scheme of the latter is proposed and the Gamow‐Teller strength distribution in its β decay is compared to shell‐model calculations based on the USD interaction. The B(GT) values derived from the absolute measurement of the β‐branching ratios are in agreement with the quenching factor of about 60% obtained for allowed Gamow‐Teller transitions in this mass region. A precise half‐life of …
Nuclear moments and charge radii of the171Hf ground state and isomer
The magnetic moment, quadrupole moment and mean-square charge radial changes, relative to 172Hf, have been measured for the 171Hf ground state and the ½-[521] isomeric state, using on-line laser spectroscopy. The magnetic moments of the isomer and ground states are found to be + 0.526(16)µn and -0.674(12)µn, respectively. The spectroscopic quadrupole moment of the ground state is found to be +3.463(27) b. No change in mean-square charge radius is observed between the ground state and isomeric state. The observation of an inversion in the odd-even staggering at 171Hf is consistent with the suggested deformation trends.
Improved ion guide for heavy-ion fusion-evaporation reactions
The ion guide for heavy-ion-induced reactions developed originally for the SARA facility in Grenoble has been implemented at the Jyvaskyla IGISOL facility. For the Cd-116(Ar-40, 6n)Dy-150 reaction an efficiency of 0.5% relative to the number of reaction products entering the stopping chamber was obtained. This is 3.5 times higher than previously obtained at SARA and corresponds to a yield of about 100 ions/(p mu C mb). Mass-separated yields for the Ar-36 + Mo-92 and Ar-36 + Mo-94 reactions were measured. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
First observation of nonyrast levels inZr103and level systematics ofN= 63 Sr, Zr, and Mo isotones
The {beta} decay of the very-neutron-rich nucleus {sup 103}Y has been studied at the isotope separator IGISOL, allowing for the first time the observation of nonyrast levels in its daughter {sub 40}{sup 103}Zr{sub 63}. The level structure is similar to that of its isotones {sup 101}Sr and {sup 105}Mo, suggesting a large ground-state deformation of {beta}{approx_equal} 0.4. Level systematics allows for new level assignments in both {sup 103}Zr and {sup 105}Mo. {copyright} {ital 1996 The American Physical Society.}
New Neutron-Rich Nuclei and Isomers Produced in Symmetric Fisson
The novel method for rapid on-line mass separation, the IGISOL, is described. The method has been shown applicable to mass separation of short-lived proton-induced fission products without any chemical dependence on radionuclide. Recent results on isomeric states with half-lives of the order of milliseconds produced directly in proton-induced fission of 238U and separated with the IGISOL are presented. The future plans for connection of the new K-130 cyclotron of the University of Jyvaskyla with the IGISOL are reviewed.
Isomeric state of 80Y and its role in the rp-process
The HIGISOL facility has been used to investigate carefully the isomeric transition 228.5 keV in 80Y. We have measured the electron internal conversion coefficient for this transition αK = 0.50 ± 0.07 which gives the value for half-life of “bare” isomeric state T 1/2 = 6.8 ± 0.5 s. The isomeric state should play an important role in the rp-process calculations.
Branching ratios in theβdecays ofN12andB12
Absolute branching ratios to unbound states in C-12 populated in the beta decays of N-12 and B-12 are reported. Clean sources of N-12 and B-12 were obtained using the isotope separation on-line (ISOL) method. The relative branching ratios to the different populated states were extracted using single-alpha as well as complete kinematics triple-alpha spectra. These two largely independent methods give consistent results. Absolute normalization is achieved via the precisely known absolute branching ratio to the bound 4.44 MeV state in C-12. The extracted branching ratios to the unbound states are a factor of three more precise than previous measurements. Branching ratios in the decay of Na-20 …
First measurement of radioisotopes by collinear laser spectroscopy at an ion-guide separator
The first successful application of an ion-guide separator (IGISOL) for collinear laser spectroscopy of radioisotopes has achieved an efficiency comparable with the best obtained with catcher-ionizer facilities. The ion beam energy spread was determined to be less than 6 eV, allowing laser fluorescence resonance signals for the Ba-140,Ba-142,Ba-144 radioisotopes to be detected with high resolution and sensitivity. Applications of this technique to measuring nuclear properties of refractory elements and short lived isomers promises to be particularly advantageous.
Breakup channels forC12triple-αcontinuum states
The triple-alpha-particle breakup of states in the triple-alpha continuum of C-12 has been investigated by way of coincident detection of all three alpha particles of the breakup. The states have been fed in the beta decay of N-12 and B-12, and the alpha particles measured using a setup that covers all of the triple-alpha phase space. Contributions from the breakup through the Be-8(0(+)) ground state as well as other channels-interpreted as breakup through excited energies in Be-8-have been identified. Spins and parities of C-12 triple-alpha continuum states are deduced from the measured phase-space distributions for breakup through Be-8 above the ground state by comparison to a fully symme…
Spin-flip? ? decay of even-even deformed nuclei110Ru and112Ru
Neutron-rich nuclides110Ru and112Ru produced in symmetric fission of238U by 20 MeV protons have been studied at the IGISOL facility by means ofβ-ray,γ-ray and conversion electron spectroscopy. A total of 12 and 6γ-transitions were observed in the decays of110Ru and112Ru, respectively. Multipolarities were determined for a few transitions. The beta decay half-life was determined to be 11.6±0.6 s for110Ru and 1.75±0.07 s for112Ru. As a side product, a new value of 2.1±0.3 s for theβ half-life of the112Rh 1+ state was obtained. The decay energy measured with the plastic scintillator was 2.81 ±0.05 MeV for110Ru and 4.52 ±0.08 MeV for112Ru. The beta decay schemes of110Ru and112Ru isotopes indica…
Beta-decay of 56Cu
Beta-decay studies of proton-rich isotopes near the doubly closed-shell nucleus 56Ni are of interest as (i) nuclei with a few nucleons outside a doubly-magic core are expected to represent comparatively simple configurations and thus be useful for testing nuclear shell-model predictions, and (ii) the large decay-energy window guarantees that a sizeable fraction of the strength of the allowed β-decay can be reached by the experiment. Moreover, nuclear structure properties of proton-rich N ~ Z isotopes are of astrophysical interest, e.g., concerning the EC cooling of supernovae and the astrophysical rp-process.
Superasymmetric fission at intermediate energy and production of neutron-rich nuclei with A < 80
Abstract The yields of neutron-rich Ni, Cu, Zn, Ga and Ge-isotopes were measured in 25 MeV proton induced fission of 238 U using the ion guide-based isotope separator technique. The results indicate enhancement for superasymmetric mass division at intermediate excitation energy of the fissioning nucleus and show the potential of this reaction for the production of neutron-rich exotic nuclei around Z = 28.
Radioactive Beams for Image-Guided Particle Therapy: The BARB Experiment at GSI
Several techniques are under development for image-guidance in particle therapy. Positron (β+) emission tomography (PET) is in use since many years, because accelerated ions generate positron-emitting isotopes by nuclear fragmentation in the human body. In heavy ion therapy, a major part of the PET signals is produced by β+-emitters generated via projectile fragmentation. A much higher intensity for the PET signal can be obtained using β+-radioactive beams directly for treatment. This idea has always been hampered by the low intensity of the secondary beams, produced by fragmentation of the primary, stable beams. With the intensity upgrade of the SIS-18 synchrotron and the isotopic separati…
A thirty second isomer in Hf
An isomer has been detected in Hf-171 with a half-life of T-1/2 = 29.5(9) s. The state was populated in the Yb-170(alpha,3n)Hf-171m reaction at a beam energy of E-alpha = 50 MeV in an on-line ion guide isotope separator. The isomeric Hf-17lm(+) beam was extracted from the ion guide, mass-analysed and implanted in the surface of a microchannel-plate. The half-life of the collected activity was measured from the decay of the microchannel-plate count rate. We associate the isomer with the first excited slate in Hf-171 with spin 1/2(-) at an excitation energy of 22(2) keV.
Isomeric state of $^{80}$Y and its role in the astrophysical rp-process
5 pages, 7 figures.-- PACS nrs: 21.10.Tg; 23.20.Nx; 27.50.+e.
Extraction of radioactive positive ions across the surface of superfluid helium: A new method to produce cold radioactive nuclear beams
Alpha-decay recoils 219Rn were stopped in superfluid helium and positive ions were extracted by electric field into the vapour phase. This first quantitative observation of extraction was successfully conducted using highly sensitive radioactivity detection. The efficiency for extraction across the liquid surface was 23 ± 4% at 1.60 K, the release time was 90 ± 10 ms at 1.50 K and the barrier for positive ions through a free superfluid-helium surface was 19.4 ± 4.5 K. The pulsed second sound proved to be effective in enhancing the extraction.
Beta decay of neutron-rich 118Ag and 120Ag isotopes
b decays of on-line mass-separated neutron-rich 118Ag and 120Ag isotopes have been studied by using b-g and g-g coincidence spectroscopy. Extended decay schemes to the 118,120Cd daughter nuclei have been constructed. The three-phonon quintuplet in 118Cd is completed by including a new level at 2023.0 keV, which is tentatively assigned the spin and parity of 24 1 . The intruder band in 118Cd is proposed up to the 41 level at 2322.4 keV. The measured b-decay half-life for the high-spin isomer of 120Ag is 0.4060.03 s. Candidates for the three-phonon states, as well as the lowest members of the intruder band in 120Cd, are also presented. These data support the coexistence of quadrupole anharmon…
Wien filter for cooled low-energy radioactive ion beams
A Wien filter for cooled radioactive ion beams has been designed at Ion Guide Isotope Separator On Line technique (IGISOL). The purpose of such device is to eliminate doubly charged ions from the mass separated singly charged ions, based on q=+2→q=+1 charge exchange process in an ion cooler. The performance of the Wien filter has been tested off-line with a discharge ion source as well as on-line with a radioactive beam. The electron capture process of cooled q=+2 ions has been investigated in a radiofrequency quadrupole ion cooler with varying partial pressures of nitrogen. Also, the superasymmetric fission production yields of 68<A<78 nuclei have been deduced.
Collinear laser spectroscopy of ZrII
A new technique involving collinear laser spectroscopy of ion bunches has been used to study the radio-isotopes 87,87m,88,89,89m Zr.
b-decay of 116Agm and the vibrational structure of 116Cd
The structure of near neutron midshell 116 Cd has been investigated via β decay of 116 Ag m by β-γ and γ-γ coincidence spectroscopy. The 116 Ag m activity was produced by symmetric fission of natural uranium induced by 25 MeV protons. The ion guide technique has been employed to produce online mass separated sources. The decay scheme of 116 Ag m has been considerably extended by adding 19 new excited states of 116 Cd . The newly identified 116 Cd state at 1869.7 keV, along with other four levels near 2 MeV, are interpreted as forming the complete three-phonon quintuplet. The vibrational structure of 116 Cd is discussed in the context of an anharmonic vibrator. peerReviewed
Production of neutron-rich isotopes in fission of uranium induced by neutrons of 20 MeV average energy
In the context of a parameter study conducted by several laboratories for future European radioactive beam facilities based on fast-neutron induced fission, in particular for the SPIRAL-II project at GANIL, we have measured the yields of neutron-rich isotopes in the mass range of 88 to 144. These nuclei were obtained as fission products of natural uranium bombarded by neutrons of 20 MeV average energy emitted by a thick carbon target irradiated by 50 MeV deuterons. Yields have been measured using on-line mass separation with the ion-guide method. Compared with proton-induced fission at 25 MeV the magnitude of cross-sections, except for the symmetric region, is similar. Z-distributions of is…