Outi Uusitalo

Ethical consumerism: a view from Finland

Business ethics and corporate social responsibility have gained more attention in recent years. However, the consumers’ perspective on ethics is still a little researched area. This study reports a survey ( n = 713) on the views of Finnish consumers about ethics in trade. Consumers’ willingness to promote business ethics as well as the obstacles to ethical consumption are investigated. The results of the study show that while the majority of the respondents regard business ethics as important, this attitude does not translate into their choice behaviour. Consumers are uncertain about which products and firms follow ethical rules and which do not. The most important obstacles to ethical cons…

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Yritysten ja kuluttajien osallistuminen biodiversiteetin suojeluun : tavoitteet, esteet ja ehdot

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Towards sustainable servicescape : tourists’ perspectives of accommodation service attributes

The study uses content analysis to identify the sustainable attributes in 678 accommodation reviews from Finnish and Russian tourists published on the Tripadvisor website and examines the sustainability perceptions of these tourist groups. The servicescape framework was applied to the structuring of the attributes indicating sustain-ability in accommodation services. The sustainable attributes highlighted in the reviews were more frequently in the physical rather than in the social servicescape factor. The tourists also reported environmental sustainability attributes more often than those related to social, cultural and economic sustainability. Overall, the sustainable attributes were perc…

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The beer market and advertising expenditure

PurposeThe purpose of this paper is to examine the impacts of advertising expenditure on brands' market shares, utilizing a novel four‐week advertising‐sales data from the highly competitive oligopolistic Finnish beer market in which price competition among the homogeneous larger‐type beer brands is not allowed during the period of the study.Design/methodology/approachCompetition is modelled using the Lanchester model. The impacts of advertising on market shares are estimated using the impulse‐response functions from vector autoregression, and the full information maximum likelihood and advertising elasticities.FindingsSome new insights into beer market dynamics are obtained. First, the imp…

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From Scarcity to Abundance : Food Waste Themes and Virtues in Agrarian and Mature Consumer Society

Uusitalo and Takala address the food waste problem as a societal phenomenon and examine ethical virtues, values linked to them and food practices in two different time periods: agrarian society (1885–1917) and mature consumer society (2008–2017), in Finland. They use data from newspapers to uncover how ethical principles can underpin understanding of the food waste phenomenon. The study shows how the virtues adopted by food chain actors guide their practices towards sustainable ways of handling excess food. While societal themes of food waste are changing, virtues and food practices are changing as well, but some deep-rooted societal virtues and values persist. The chapter concludes with re…

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Täsmäratkaisuja kestävään tulevaisuuteen : suosituksia planetaarisen hyvinvoinnin tukemiseen poliittisessa ohjelmatyössä

Peer reviewed

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An alternative view of relationship marketing: a framework for ethical analysis

At present, a continuing widespread debate on the moral nature of business is widely recognized. However, it seems that the ethical evaluation of business practices is not very common in the area of relationship marketing. Analyses relationship marketing from the viewpoint of ethical theories. The theories applied are deontology, utilitarianism, virtue ethics, and emotivism. Reviews and analyses studies on relationship marketing issues in order to construct a framework for the ethical analysis of relationship marketing principles. Finally presents a framework for ethical analysis in the form of a constructive solution. Includes a model or code of business ethics for relationship marketers. …

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Lompakolla äänestäminen ei riitä – myös tuotteiden ja palvelujen tarjoajien on tartuttava luontokadon pysäyttämiseen

Kuluttajilla on valmiuksia ja halua toimia luonnon kanssa sopusointuisella tavalla, mutta myös yhteiskunnan sekä kulttuuriarvojen, normien ja ihanteiden tulee tukea nykyistä kestävämpiä kulutustapoja, professori Outi Uusitalo Jyväskylän yliopistosta kirjoittaa. nonPeerReviewed

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Mapping Critical Factors in Brand Management Contributing to Innovation

The purpose of this paper is to analyse how branding contributes to innovation, by identifying different ways of connecting with changing markets and emerging consumer needs. This is clarified by strategic approaches found in the marketing management literature. While orientation to customer needs has always been crucial in marketing communication more attention is paid nowadays to customer and market intelligence in detecting relevant trends. A focus on the company’s own distinctive vision is advocated, as the choices to be made need to fit the strengths and capabilities of the company. Co-creation of value needs an intensive dialogue with customers about the brand as community property. I…

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The Structure and Formation of Customer value in B-to-B Services

This study investigates the hierarchical construct and the formation of customer value of b-to-b services. In-depth understanding of the construction of customer value and the effects of service quality on customer value are the key to effective development of b-to-b services. This quantitative study was conducted through the structured interview method among Finnish business organizations in early 2009. The data consisted of 90 qualified questionnaires. The customer value of b-to-b services was found to be composed of attribute and consequence levels. The dimensions of service quality influenced to differing degrees the formation of the attribute and consequence levels of the customer valu…

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From places to platforms : Examining the transformation of servicescapes

Place represents one of the underlying elements of the marketing mix. However, due to ongoing digitalisation, places have undergone substantial changes in recent years. With the transition from physical shopping environments towards intangible Internet spaces and digital platforms, how places affect consumer behaviour and how consumers use places are rapidly changing. This transition challenges the existing conceptualisation of place as a physical environment. In the online environment, consumers can no longer rely on physical and tangible cues to complement their shopping experience. Instead, they have to learn the logic of technological platforms and the rules of interaction in digital sp…

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Lemmikin, kuluttajan ja ympäristön hyvinvointi

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Competitive reactions to market entry

Grocery retailing markets are becoming more open and international. Finland is an example of a previously closed and restricted market which has recently opened its borders to foreign food products as well as food retailers. This paper describes the competitive dynamics and actions of the domestic retailers that took place when the first foreign grocery retailer entered the market. The paper concludes that the main competitive moves were related to the price of food products and to changes in product ranges. The domestic retailers imitated the concept of the entrant and added new low‐priced own brands into their product mixes. The roles of the market actors were reversed during the entry pr…

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Pakkauksen arvo kilpailuedun lähteenä

PAKKI on laaja pakkausteknologian tutkimushanke, joka on toteutettu vuosina 2009-2010. Hankkeeseen osallistui viisi tutkimusosapuolta sekä kahdeksan yrityspartneria. Projektin johdosta ja koordinoinnista vastasi Jyväskylän yliopisto. Muut tutkimusosapuolet olivat Maa- ja elintarviketalouden tutkimuskeskus MTT, Tampereen yliopisto, Aalto-yliopisto ja Lappeenrannan teknillinen yliopisto. Hankkeeseen osallistuneet yritykset edustivat monipuolisesti pakkausketjun eri vaiheita ja olivat: materiaalitoimittajat M-real ja Stora Enso, pakkaustoimittajat Suominen, SCA Packaging Finland ja Huhtamäki, ja brändinomistajat Atria ja Nokia. Vähittäiskauppaa edusti S-ryhmän hankinta- ja logistiikkayritys In…

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Measuring the financial capability of investors

PurposeThe purpose of this paper is to provide further understanding of the financial capability of mutual fund investors, and compare internet and branch office investors. It seeks to examine mutual fund investors' abilities and awareness of the terms and risks of mutual fund investments using a novel measurement instrument.Design/methodology/approachAbility measurement techniques adapted from educational and psychological studies were applied in the paper. Empirical survey data were collected in Finland.FindingsThere were differences between different types of investors in terms of financial knowledge. The channel used by the investors in making investments differentiated the more knowled…

research product

How the unbanked cope with financial exclusion: Evidence from Pakistan

This article investigates both the coping strategies employed by low-income unbanked consumers in Pakistan and the consequences of those strategies. Qualitative data were gathered from low-income unbanked consumers through in-depth interviews. The findings suggest that unbanked consumers utilize their respective social networks and various market and personal resources to cope with financial exclusion. The utilization of social network resources to cope with financial exclusion typically enabled participants to fulfill their obligations in a positive manner and enhanced solidarity and trust among group members, whereas the use of market and personal resources tended to produce more negative…

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Beliefs affecting additional investment intentions of mutual fund clients

In this article, we aim to examine mutual fund investors’ behaviour in decision-making situations and to analyse future investment decisions via a path model approach. Investors were divided into different groups based on the risk and distribution channel used, and the differences in their investment intentions were examined. The study used empirical survey data collected from the clients of a mutual fund company owned by a Finnish banking group. Loyalty to the common banking group dominated the explanation in the whole model. The safety of the investment was important for branch office investors, whereas obtaining a good return was important for internet investors. Ultimately, explanatory …

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Consumer perceptions of grocery retail formats and brands

Grocery retailers are operating in a slow‐growth market. The pursuit of market share is one of the main concerns for retail managers. The retail structure is becoming increasingly standardized and homogenous because of concentration of the ownership of stores. Cultural differences remain, however, between different European countries. Cultural factors influence the success of a positioning strategy. This study examined how consumers perceive grocery retail formats and brands in Finland. Data from personal interviews were used in highlighting the consumer perspective. Consumers perceive meaningful differences in various store formats, meanwhile store brands are seen as quite similar. Consume…

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Eudaimonia and temperance : A pathway to a flourishing life

The concept of planetary well-being rests on the idea that since human activities are among the root causes of the ecological crisis threatening the well-being of human and nonhuman nature, accordingly, solutions lie in transforming human behaviour and shifting the prevailing paradigm towards embracing enhanced visions of the “good life.” The ongoing ecological crisis has evoked profound questions regarding the nature of the good life, requiring consciousness and reflection of scholars’ paradigmatic worldviews. This chapter adopts the lenses of transformative consumer research (TCR) and positive psychology, emphasizing individual, societal, and environmental well-being—challenging the assum…

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Added Value of Intangibles for Organizational Innovation

The purpose of this paper is to present the theoretical basis for a measurement and improvement system that will help organizations create a more innovative climate. The role of intangible assets in contributing to organizational innovativeness is clarified within six hypotheses on the basis of a cross-disciplinary literature review combining studies from psychology, human resources management, communication, information technology, and marketing. These factors range from the individual level to interaction with the environment surrounding the organization, and involve (a) individual psychological flexibility, (b) institutional and interpersonal trust, (c) diverse human resources, (d) strat…

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‘Interesting but scary’ : Customers' perceived value of MyData

Digitalisation has facilitated saving data in various warehouses. While Big Data is a new form of capital that is often considered an asset for organisations, the potential value of data to customers has seldom been addressed. This chapter discusses MyData (personified and personalised data) and aims to increase our understanding of its benefits and the value created when customers use their own data. The empirical data for this paper were collected from customers of a large retail organisation that adopted the practice of sharing data with customers. This study has found that value accruing from customer’s shopping data is multifaceted and can be either positive (creating value) or negativ…

research product

Experiencing ethical retail ideology in the servicescape

Studies of the ideological underpinnings of retail stores have improved our understanding of consumers’ retail experiences in brand and national ideology contexts. In retailing, ideology is manifested in retail spatial settings through tangible and intangible cues in servicescapes. This study expands our knowledge on ethical retail ideology by exploring how servicescapes convey cues that shape consumption experiences and foster ethical consumption. Data from an ethnographic study highlight how consumption experiences in physical retail spaces embedding a particular ethical ideology can be thematised as aesthetics, nostalgia and care. We show that the material and discursive aspects in servi…

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Kauppa asuinalueen keskuksena : kyläkaupasta yksityisten ja julkisten palveluiden käyttöliittymä -hankkeen loppuraportti

Alueiden rakennemuutoksen myötä palvelut keskittyvät keskusalueille. Toisaalta samanaikaisesti etenkin maaseudun väestön ikääntyminen on lisännyt tarvetta lähipalveluille. Verkkopalvelut, lähikauppa ja tässä hankkeessa tutkitut pelkistetyt palvelukonseptit yhdessä mahdollistavat kuitenkin arjen palvelujen tuotannon myös reuna- ja haja-asutusalueille, mikäli paikallinen ostovoima riittää ylläpitämään kauppaa. Jotta kyläkaupoilla olisi paljon tarjottavaa myös tulevaisuudessa, käynnistettiin maaliskuussa 2013 kaksivuotinen hanke "Kyläkaupasta yksityisten ja julkisten palveluiden käyttöliittymä". Projektia rahoitti Hämeen ELY-keskus. Hanke liittyi Manner-Suomen Maaseudun kehittämisohjelman 2007…

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Asumisnormit vai yksilölliset haaveet? Asumistoiveet eri elämänvaiheissa

Aiempien tutkimusten perusteella eri-ikäiset suomalaiset toivovat asumiseltaan samankaltaisia asioita. Yhtenäisiä asumisen toiveita on selitetty kulttuurisidonnaisilla normeilla, jotka perustuvat paitsi virallisiin säädöksiin myös vähitellen normaaleiksi muodostuneisiin käsityksiin. Normit luovat yksilöille ymmärrystä siitä, mitä asumiselta tulisi toivoa. Yleisen ihanteen alle kätkeytyy normeista poikkeavia asumisen toiveita, haaveita ja intohimoja, jotka kytkeytyvät esimerkiksi yksilöiden elämänvaiheeseen, arvoihin ja ikään. Tämä tutkimus tarkastelee nuorten ja myöhäiskeskiikäisten aikuisten asumistoiveita sekä normien ja haaveiden ilmenemistä näissä toiveissa. Tutkimuksen aineisto kerätti…

research product

First foreign grocery retailer enters the Finnish market—a stakeholder model

Abstract Finnish grocery retailing has until recently been dominated by four major domestic retail groups. The first totally foreign grocery retailer, hard discount chain Lidl, was the first entrant into the Finnish market. This paper describes and analyses the entry process of Lidl from the perspective of the stakeholder groups in the host market. The stakeholder model of foreign retailer entry is used as a framework in exploring the stages of the entry as well as the reactions, roles and motives of the relevant stakeholders. Secondary data was collected from articles published in newspapers and business magazines and minutes of the municipal board meetings. The three stakeholder attribute…

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The impacts of competitive entry on pricing in the Finnish retail grocery market

PurposeThe purpose of this paper is to explore the impacts that a new retailer entering a previously stable market has on the domestic retailers' pricing behaviour. The paper describes and analyses the context of the entry of the hard discounter chain Lidl into the Finnish market.Design/methodology/approachTo illustrate the effects of competitive entry on pricing behaviour of competitors, prices of 20 grocery items were collected from three different chains and three market areas in three different points of time. Based on these data the pricing initiatives of the entrant and the reactions of the domestic competitors are described and analysed in terms of four dimensions: competition, geogr…

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Young people's perceptions of the responsibilities of organizations promoting financial capability

Today's changing market environment demands financial capability even from young consumers. This article concentrates on the perceptions of young people on the roles and responsibilities of school, public, private and non-profit sector actors in promoting financial capability among the young. The qualitative data were collected via focus group discussions among young people aged 15–26 in schools and education institutions across Finland. Educational institutions play an important role in the everyday lives of the young but tend to focus on macro-finance issues in financial education. Banks are seen as professional actors promoting financial capability to the young, but their activities are …

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Does the digitalization of retailing disrupt consumers’ attachment to retail places?

This study breaks new ground in the marketing domain by extending the concept of place attachment to the study of the online retail environment. We provide empirical evidence that consumers can establish strong attachments not only with traditional offline places but also with online retail stores. Moreover, we assessed how distinct dimensions of the place affect the formation of consumers’ attachment and their behavioral loyalty. Our findings show that while consumers who feel a strong sense of attachment toward the place engage in spreading positive word-of-mouth regardless of the environment, their attachment to the store does not prevent them from switching to another provider, especial…

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Digital Technologies and Generational Identity

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How is social capital formed across the digital-physical servicescape?

This study examines how consumers create social capital in interactions with other customers and service personnel while shopping in retail stores that consist of both physical and digital locations. We draw on servicescape literature to explore the role of social capital in determining the social realm in digital-physical servicescapes using data from focus group discussions. We demonstrate how customers utilize both the digital and physical servicescapes in a convergent manner to form the social realm of the servicescape with the other people in service encounters. The implications provide guidelines on how the integration of digital and physical channels facilitates trust, human contact,…

research product

Retailers' professional and professio-ethical dilemmas: The case of Finnish retailing business

The main purpose of this paper is to put forth the concept of ethics, present ethical theories and, finally, consider some business ethics issues in the context of retailing practices. In the first part of this paper we seek to motivate the research task. The importance of conducting ethical analysis is stressed. In the second part of the paper several ethical theories: utilitarianism, deontology and virtue ethics are presented. This part serves as a basis for research interviews, e.g. it is possible to examine retailers' opinions about their professional virtues, and try to position these opinions in relation with utilitarianism and deontology. In the third part the empirical findings abou…

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Advocacy participation and brand loyalty in virtual brand communtity

Brand owners use virtual communities to strengthen brand loyalty by engaging consumers in active content creation activities. Personal and reciprocal communication and consumers’ participation in virtual brand communities are the main sources through which communities contribute to brand loyalty formation. This research examines the antecedents and consequences of advocacy participation in virtual brand communities. The results show that the VBC members’ advocacy participation is strongly contributed by the community’s ability to promote reciprocal and personal use experience, which also directly affects the members’ brand satisfaction. The results further show that advocacy participation a…

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Consumption and planetary well-being

This chapter considers sustainable marketing and consumption from the perspective of planetary well-being (PW). While marketing is commonly associated with unsustainability, sustainable marketing can create, communicate, and deliver value to consumers in ways that ensure and restore the urgent needs of nature. Sustainable consumption at the acceptable threshold of disturbance on needs satisfaction globally requires critical reflection on the current norms and practices alongside thoughtful solutions for guiding action. The firstpart of the chapter presents the problematization of marketing and consumption against sustainability from the PW angle. It critically discusses the drivers of and b…

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Exploring the everyday retail experience: The discourses of style and design

In contrast to earlier studies focusing on spectacular retail store environments, this study concentrates on examining ordinary retail stores and everyday retail experiences. The article explores how different sorts of retail environments influence consumers' experience and behaviour. The research uses a comparative case study and employs the theoretical framework of geosemiotics. Investigating three different stores from the perspective of architectural style reveals that cultural meanings are firmly attached to interior style design, and these can be traced in customers' retail experiences. Our findings suggest, firstly, that stores' focusing solely on functional aspects such as the effic…

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Kuluttajat kiertotaloudessa : Kiertotalouden kuluttajapalvelut -työpajan havaintoja

Tässä luvussa tarkastelemme Helsingin yliopiston Kuluttajatutkimuskeskuksen, Kulutustutkimuksen seuran ja ympäristöministeriön yhdessä järjestämän työpajan ”Kiertotalouden kuluttajapalvelut” havaintoja. Työpaja järjestettiin Helsingissä Kulutustutkimuksen seuran kevätseminaarin yhteydessä 5.5.2022. Siihen kutsuttiin akateemisia tutkijoita, joiden pääasiallinen tutkimusala on kulutustutkimus. Työpajaan osallistui yhteensä yhdeksän tutkijaa neljästä eri suomalaisesta yliopistosta ja kaksi tutkijataustaista kiertotalouden asiantuntijaa ympäristöministeriöstä. Osallistujien asiantuntemus liittyi monipuolisesti kuluttajakysymyksiin, markkinointiin, kestävyyteen ja kiertotalouskysymyksiin useista…

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Identifying potential sources of value in a packaging value chain

Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to propose a process approach for identifying potential sources of customer value of a package in a packaging value chain and illustrate the approach through interview data. Design/methodology/approach – The proposed process approach is a synthesis of customer value theories presented in marketing literature and packaging functions presented in packaging-related literature. Packaging value chain members were interviewed to illustrate the critical packaging-related processes among their business processes and to reveal value in the level of packaging attributes and packaging functions/consequences in use situations. Findings – Interviews with packaging …

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Kestävyys vastakkainasettelun lähteenä kuluttajien keskusteluissa ja mahdollisuutena kiertotalouden liiketoimintamalleissa

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Introducing a sensemaking perspective to the service experience

PurposeMost recent service experience research considers customers as sensemakers and sensemaking as a focal process in experience construction. Despite this, the sensemaking theory engendered in organization studies has not been applied in the quest for an in-depth understanding of the service experience. This study introduces a sensemaking perspective to the service experience and develops a conceptualization of how customers construct their experiences cognitively through sensemaking.Design/methodology/approachThe service experience literature is dominated by a focus on firms implementing service experiences for customers. This study, in contrast, investigates service experience and its …

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Positiivinen psykologia viestinnän voimavarana

Positiivisen psykologian merkitys on kasvanut viime vuosien aikana tieteellisessä keskustelussa, työelämässä, opetussuunnitelmissa, koulutusohjelmissa ja mediassa. Positiivinen psykologia keskittyy onnellisuuden, hyvinvoinnin ja vahvuuksien – kukoistavan elämän – edistämiseen ja tieteelliseen tutkimiseen. Tässä artikkelissa tarkastellaan positiivista psykologiaa poikkeusajan viestinnän ja tunnejohtamisen voimavarana. Artikkelissa keskitytään kolmeen positiivisen psykologian ydinteemaan: hyveajatteluun, luonteenvahvuuksiin ja resilienssiin. Hyveet tarjoavat toiminnan ohjenuoran, luonteenvahvuudet muodostavat ammattitaidon perustan ja resilienssi luo kestävyyttä. Yhdessä nämä tukevat viestinn…

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Varttuneet kuluttajat, digitalisoituva arki ja kulutusympäristöjen muutos : digi 50+ -hankkeen loppuraportti

Väestön ikääntymisen ja palveluympäristöjen digitalisoitumisen seurauksena varttuneista kuluttajista on tullut yhä tärkeämpi kohderyhmä digitaalisille palveluille ja tuotteille. Ikääntyvien kuluttajien tarpeita, toiveita ja palveluiden käyttötottumuksia ei kuitenkaan usein oteta huomioon yritysten liiketoiminnassa, markkinoinnin suunnittelussa tai palvelumuotoilussa. Tässä tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan varttuneiden, noin 50–65-vuotiaiden, kuluttajien kokemuksia digitaalisissa palveluympäristöissä. Tutkimustulokset osoittavat, että varttuneet kuluttajat kohtaavat erityisiä haasteita mutta myös uusia mahdollisuuksia digitaalisten palveluympäristöjen käyttäjinä. Vaikka yli 50- vuotiaat kuluttaja…

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Vulnerability of the unbanked : evidence from a developing country

Financial exclusion is an apparent phenomenon globally, the majority of people without bank accounts living in the developing countries. Those who lack access to financial services could experience vulnerability. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to unfold the vulnerability of the low-income unbanked consumers in a Pakistani context. Qualitative data were gathered from low-income unbanked consumers through in-depth interviews. The findings suggest that unbanked consumers are vulnerable in many ways. The participants faced several negative consequences due to their financial exclusion, which resulted into their personal, economic and social detriment. Based on our study findings, we p…

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Conflicting values of ethical consumption in diverse worlds - A cultural Approach

This paper examines the plurality of ethical consumption and aims to illustrate how consumers cope with its complexity in the context of everyday food consumption. This study seeks to outline the tensions that consumers inevitably face when pursuing ethical choices and to shed light on the various ways in which they solve these tensions in the rhythms of everyday life. The research applies Boltanski and Thévenot's theory of orders of worth as an interpretive framework. The research data has been collected from Finnish online discussion forums in which consumers debate various aspects of ethical food consumption. The analysis indicates that the participants in the discussions recognize vario…

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Exploring message themes in antismoking advertising targeted at teenagers

PurposePrevious studies have indicated that antismoking advertising potentially prevents or reduces smoking among teenagers. However, not all message themes of antismoking advertising have proved effective. This study aims to explore the effects of different message themes on teenagers' intention to smoke. Attitude towards the advertisement and attitude towards the act (smoking) are proposed as mediating variables between the message theme and smoking intentions. The paper also aims to examine effect of three themes, namely health effects, mental effects and social effects on smoking/not smoking.Design/methodology/approachThe data consist of 325 Finnish high school students aged between 13 …

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Banks’ unfairness and the vulnerability of low-income unbanked consumers

This paper’s objective was to explore low-income unbanked consumers’ perceptions of bank fairness and the way these perceptions were linked to consumer experiences of vulnerability. Qualitative data were used to analyse low-income consumers’ perceptions about banks’ services and communications. The study finds that although consumers’ financial inclusion is partially hindered by their personal circumstances, the perceived unfair treatment by banks has an even more negative impact on their financial inclusion. Low-income unbanked individuals report banks avoiding them, discriminating against them and impeding their financial inclusion. Banks’ perceived unfairness towards low-income consumers…

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Vulnerability of the unbanked: evidence from a developing country

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A risk to privacy or a need for security? : Digital domestic technologies in the lives of young adults and late middle-agers

This chapter discusses the ways young adults and late middle-agers define their relationship with digital technologies in the contexts of housing and living. By analysing data from eight (8) focus group discussions, this chapter identifies socially shared ideals regarding consumption of digital technologies typical of young adults and late middle-agers as well as ideals that connect people over generational and life course boundaries. Young adults interpret digital technologies through concepts of time management, self-control and privacy. For late middle agers, technologies are conceptualised with meanings related to personal skills, social relationships and security. All participants nego…

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Pääkirjotus : Vaatteiden tanssia ja muotoilun kulutuksen tutkimusta

Ei abstraktia

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