C. Ferrara
EXPA, Galleria di Architettura, Grafica e Design
EXPA é l'acronimo di Exhibition Palermo, un esplicito riferimento alla principale attività che si svolge nella galleria, quella espositiva, e alla sua precisa identità territoriale. La Galleria di architettura, grafica e design, é posta lungo la via Alloro nel quartiere storico della Kalsa. La sua collocazione geografica è uno dei fattori determinanti la scelta del caso, in quanto, insieme al complesso delle attività culturali' che vi si svolgono, costituisce i due aspetti non separabili del processo di valorizzazione e di diffusione della cultura del design, che si sviluppa attraverso una sinergia di collaborazioni tra enti pubblici e privati, dipartimenti e facoltà, studenti, laureati, pr…
Is there a lack of information on HPV vaccination given by health professionals to young women?
Objective: The aim of this survey is to compare the main sources of information about vaccination against Human papillomavirus (HPV) of young women aged over-18 and under-18 years.Methods: A multicenter study was carried out in Italy through the administration of a questionnaire. Univariate analyses were conducted to evaluate possible differences between age groups and different locations (chi-square test and Fisher test where possible).Results: The sample consisted of 987 young women. The main sources of information about HPV vaccination are represented by magazines/books (23.1%) and TV (20.5%) for the over-18s, while for the under-18s the sources are general practitioners (22.6%) and pedi…
Alessandro Costariol. 永远的视觉设计师 / Alessandro Costariol. Remote future visual designer
永远的视觉设计师 如果用一个词来简洁鲜明的概括一个人的话,我认 为永恒一词是最佳选择。这个词是个近代词汇, 始创于20世纪,表达出一种时代特性。在逻辑学 和语言学领域重复出现。它标志着客体和时间连 续性的中断。并赋予客体以特权, 跨越时间的限 制,忽略时间发展的顺序和速度,使客体处于一种 独立的暂停状态。永恒所表达的含义如同一个现代 人穿了一件古时的衣服,这种古时和现代的不同风 格常常冲突不断,就像一道糖醋口味的菜肴中,一 个口味偏咸的人却意外的品尝到了甜味。 If you could define a person with only one term, to have a concise, sharp and lapidary picture of him, then I think the word I'd choose to refer to Alessandro Costariol, is timeless. This is a rather recent term, coined in the twentieth century, expression of contemporaneity, recurrent in the philosophical and linguistic fields, which marks a break in continuity between object and time, giving the first a privileged status that allows it to cross the second, ign…
Giovanni Pintori. 乔凡尼·皮托瑞 / Giovanni Pintori. Dots, Lines, Surfaces
这是一张Ugo Mulas摄于Bocca di Magra充满 渴望的照片:照片上的Giovanni Pintori侧着身, 逆光打在他的小船上,显现出迷人的几何图案, 驶向充满雾气的公海的小船,主船桅像未出鞘的 剑,帆被风吹得肿肿地鼓了起来。他是一个瘦小 的男人,然而大海非常广阔,显得很不相称,不 过他一点也不畏惧。他与生俱来的勇气使他有魄 力提着行李箱离开撒丁岛,所有的都是从一位岛 上居民那儿听来的,就像要剪断母亲的脐带一样 令人痛苦和不可阻挡。当他离开的时候,他还是 个年轻的孩子,但他凭借一贯的自信成功地走上 了职业设计师的道路,并从不放弃任何一个偶然 得来的机会。 There is a longing photo taken by Ugo Mulas at Bocca di Magra on which Giovanni Pintori, photographed in profile and against the light on his small boat showing a charming geometric décor, moves towards the open sea in the foggy background, with the mainmast which is unsheathed like a sword and without a sail to be swollen by the wind. He is a little and small-boned person, whereas the sea is wide and inco…
Evaluation of the effects of a program of "homework" for the maintenance of the outcomes achieved at three months after discharge from integrated home care | Analisi degli obiettivi raggiunti e mantenuti a tre mesi dalla dimissione dall'assistenza domiciliare integrata in pazienti con i "compiti a casa"
When the rehabilitation treatment performed in the acute phase of illness is over, in our experience, the majority of patients do not continue the rehabilitation exercises thus risking a reduction in the ability retrieved and increasing disability. So despite the achievements with the rehabilitation treatment at home, discharge the patients could produce a worsening of their disability. In order to encourage patients to continue physical exercise after discharge from integrated home care, we proposed a personalized exercise program to be carried out at home. We evaluated after three months effectiveness in order to sustain the degree of self-sufficiency and the health reached at discharge
Sabina Era, 天才基因座和平面设计 / Sabina Era, genius loci and graphic design
随着“国际风格”的即将到来,很多人在建筑方 面显露出了优势,并遵照精确的原理完成了设 计,到哪儿都能重复;新兴建筑开始在其他建筑 中兴起,一排花园的顶部是一块巨大的玻璃,虽 然阳光会把它们加热,大雪会把它们覆盖。如果 我可以把概念从建筑转移到平面设计,那我将 会很乐意讲一讲关于Sabina Era的工作方式。她 总是对她的出生地怀着深深的感情和敬意。她 所挑选出来的工具,都是为了去识别,去表达, 去把它转化成图像……她在工作场所言行谨慎, 一点也不夸张,她不会像那些老女人一样化着艳 俗不雅的妆,但会处理得很得体。她喜爱所有被 认为因为时间的流逝而变得极其普通的特点,因 此,她总是很难被认出。我正在写关于她的种种 迹象,她经常使用什么,写些什么,一直关注什 么,就好像是在地上新挖的沟渠一样。 By the coming of the International Style many people reflected upon the positive strength of architecture and carried out that design, which – by following accurate principles – could be repeatable in any place; new architectures rose among the others, and they were provided with big glass surfaces, even though the sun would have heated them up, w…
Materiali sull'autoproduzione nella musica
Studiare il fenomeno dell’autoproduzione nella musica in Italia, comporta la conoscenza della storia e dei processi culturali che si sono sviluppati all’interno dei centri sociali, sorti in gran numero negli anni ’80. A Milano, come in altre città italiane, esistevano varie situazioni di aggregazione politica e sociale molto forti e produttive, che avevano elaborato un nuovo e proprio linguaggio, ed erano scaturite da ambiti punk anarchici, sul modello di esperienze simili elaborate in Inghilterra. Il gruppo dei Crass era il più radicale di tutta la scena, anarchico, pacifista, vegetariano, antisessista; i componenti vivevano insieme in una comune libertaria a Edding, poco lontano da Londra.
Raccolta iconografica
Comunicare il design italiano, inteso come prodotto Made in Italy, implica una singolare e duplice attività progettuale, ovvero quella che conduce attraverso le varie fasi sequenziali del design di comunicazione, alla realizzazione di un artefatto comunicativo nel tentativo ultimo di dare un nome, un volto, una voce, un sistema di segni riconoscibili a un artefatto di product design. Un rapporto stretto e biunivoco che si innesta tra i due in una relazione che lega a doppio filo forma e funzione, prima nel prodotto poi nella comunicazione, infine in un tutt’uno indissolubile, in cui il design soltanto, connotato dai suoi tanti nomi, diventa l’unica chiave di lettura dell’oggetto parlante. Q…
Luciano Perondi. 字母设计的攀登者 / Luciano Perondi. The Grimpeur of Alphabets
平面设计涉及广泛,其中字体设计是一项耗时而细 致的工作,但是在意大利由于没有一个特殊的印 刷文化背景,不论在专业上还是经济上,字体设计 都没有得到适当的认可,并常常会被忽视。然而, 在我们国家,这是拉丁字符的摇篮,在世界印刷史 上,有一些堪称里程碑标志的伟大人物。其中, 15世纪Francesco Griffo设计了一种当时平装书使 用的字体,到了18世纪Giovan Battista Bodoni认 为这种字体得到了最广泛的认可,其以严谨和谐的 几何比例为特点。 今天有很多(而且往往不为人所知)英国设计师在 一个不稳定的社会经济背景下工作。因为,除了 已前面提到的文化缺陷外,设计师并没有得到足够 的重视。从专业受欢迎度来说,排版设计无论是专 业的严谨性、可塑性、还是天赋直觉都不比其他的 专业逊色。Luciano Perondi尽管年轻,但是在为 报纸、出版物、标志和视觉识别系统进行字符设计 方面具有重要的经验。在理论研究领域,他创办了 EXP团体,成员涉及心理学家、传播理论家、设计 师、符号学家、平面设计师和语言学家,对写作和 阅读等相关主题进行研究。 In the extensive field of graphic design there are specialized areas, such as the type design, which require a long, careful and meticulous work, not always recognized and appreciated in an appropriate way both eco…
Fingerprint in User Authentication Process and Agent Ownership
Risk assessment in ginecology and obstetrics in Sicily: an approach based on Wolff's Criteria
Objectives To apply Wolff’s Criteria to hospital discharge records (HDR) in order to detect adverse events worthy of further study. Methods Gynecology and Obstetrics Units of three Sicilian hospitals were considered and HDR regarding ordinary and day hospital admissions in 2008 were collected. A matched case-control study was designed, by random selection of 10 controls at maximum for each case. Matching was performed on the variables age and speciality of admission (gynecology or obstetrics). Results Out of a total of 7011 HDR examined, 114 cases were identified with Wolff’s Criteria. Multivariate analysis confirmed a statistically significant association with the origin of admission, diag…
Relevant figures / Figures in relief
The identification, within the contemporary scenario of communication design, of those figures who have reached a level of excellence (due to professional itineraries, researches, experiments), is not a simple task: the difficulty is not knowing who these figures are, but the responsibility of offering, in a context such as Aiap Design Per, relevant personalities as well as a high level in the various workshops, where many areas of our disciplines are tackled, from typography to editorial design and graphic design for cultural goals. Riuscire a individuare nello scenario contemporaneo del design della comunicazione quelle figure che per percorsi professionali, ricerche, sperimentazioni, si …
米兰FM工作室 / STUDIO FM MILANO, visible cities
FM工作室, 很容易让人联想到调频收音机 (frequency modulation)的字母缩写,但实 际上FM是事务所创始人Barbara Forni和Sergio Mencichelli姓氏的首字母。FM事务所由Barbar Forni和Sergio Mencichelli在1996年创立,四年后 Cristiano Bottino加入了他们。 很难想象平面设计师这项带有明显的作者印记、有 时甚至非常自我的职业,竟能够包容团队合作,为 各种截然不同的个性找到平衡。这点对于一个包含 着各种多变的个人贡献的集合体来说并不简单。 FM事务所的每个人都有着与众不同的培训经历、 态度和兴趣,我认为正是这些使得FM事务所的作 品丰富多彩。另一个让设计过程更加复杂的不同之 处在于,就像七巧板的碎片,不同的个性需要找到 新的点和线之间的结合点,从而产生出新的创意和 设计逻辑,并被大家一同分享。尽管FM事务所还 很年轻,但他们的作品已获得国内外的认可,享有 了一定的知名度。这知名度完全来源于他们作品的 高质量,这使他们的作品在近年来越来越获得举足 轻重的地位。他们的工作是解决视觉传达问题的过 程,从时尚而简单的方法中抽离出来,严格而理性 地看待问题,这样才是真正的设计师 studio FM, recalls the initials printed on the radio frequency modulation, but actually combines the initial letters of the names of Barbara Forni and Sergio Meni…
Anagraphical relationships and crime specialization within Cosa Nostra
Abstract The aim of the present work is to investigate the relationships established within Cosa Nostra, by making use of networks and complex-systems methods. The analysis is performed at three different levels, that is, individuals, groups within mafia syndicates, and relationships amongst mafia syndicates. The reported empirical analysis is based on the criminal records of 632 affiliates to Cosa Nostra selected from a set of 125 judgements emitted by the Palermo courts from 2000 to 2014. According to the criminal records of the Palermo Prosecutor Office, such a dataset includes approximately 10% of the whole population of Cosa Nostra affiliates in western Sicily. Furthermore, the vital s…
On the road. Bob Noorda: il grafico del viaggio / On the road. Bob Noorda: travelling with a graphic designer
Quella che è raccontata nelle pagine del volume è una microstoria del graphic design in Italia, scritta da un olandese che del suo paese d’origine ha mantenuto molto, in primis la formazione, la cultura del progetto, l’accento e lo stile, e del nostro ha assimilato altrettanto, tutti aspetti che hanno contribuito a fare di lui, Bob Noorda, un progettista ad altissimo livello che ha scritto con la sua lunga e importante carriera professionale, parte della storia della disciplina progettuale. Una microstoria che lega il Touring Club Italiano (TCI) al graphic designer che ne ha ridisegnato il marchio, senza che il parlare di ridisegno possa assumere in alcun modo un’accezione riduttiva per il …