Virginie Bourion
Phenotyping feeds plant models
prod ?EASPEBAPGEAPSIGESTADINRA; Phenotyping feeds plant models. 6th IEEE International Symposium on Plant Growth Modeling Visualization and Application
Selection for root system architecture and nodulation in pea
Prod 2018-98b BAP GEAPSI INRA; National audience
Going back to roots: combining phenotyping, ecophysiology and molecular physiology
International audience
Sélection pour l'architecture racinaire et les interactions symbiotiques chez le pois
National audience; La culture des légumineuses, et en particulier du pois, présente le double intérêt de permettre une production de graines à haute valeur nutritionnelle sans nécessité d’un apport d’engrais azoté et ainsi d’assurer à la fois sécurité alimentaire et respect de l’environnement. La nutrition azotée des légumineuses dépend en effet majoritairement de la fixation symbiotique de l’azote atmosphérique réalisée par des bactéries du sol, les rhizobia, au sein des nodosités, et dans une moindre mesure, de l’assimilation de l’azote minéral du sol par les racines. Cependant, la nutrition azotée du pois peut être insuffisante dans certains environnements et limiter ainsi le rendement d…
Application du phénotypage haut débit à l'étude des interactions plante x microorganismes en conditions de stress
National audience
Membre d’un Comité d’experts HCERES (Campagne d’évaluation 2018-2019). Expertise de L'unité Génétique Quantitative et Évolution - Le Moulon
Quel impact de la génomique végétale sur l’innovation variétale : l’exemple du projet PeaMUST. Le génome du pois: vers de nouvelles strategies de sélection.
International audience; L’avancée des technologies « nouvelle génération » de séquençage de l’ADN permettent une connaissance de plus en plus poussée des génomes et de leur expression. Ces connaissances permettent d’approcher plus finement les déterminants moléculaires des traits phénotypiques et ouvrent des perspectives d’augmentation du progrès génétique dans le cadre de la sélection variétale. Le pois est une espèce modèle depuis les travaux de G. Mendel conduisant à la découverte des lois de l’hérédité. La séquence du génome de cette espèce longtemps délaissée des approches de génomique a récemment été obtenue par un consortium international piloté par l’INRAE (1,2). Dans le cadre du pr…
Rhizobium leguminosarum biovar viciae genotypes interact with pea plants in developmental responses of nodules roots and shoots
International audience; The variability of the developmental responses of two contrasting cultivars of pea (Pisum sativum) was studied in relation to the genetic diversity of their nitrogen-fixing symbiont Rhizobium leguminosarum bv. viciae. A sample of 42 strains of pea rhizobia was chosen to represent 17 genotypes predominating in indigenous rhizobial populations, the genotypes being defined by the combination of haplotypes characterized with rDNA intergenic spacer and nodD gene regions as markers. We found contrasting effects of the bacterial genotype, especially the nod gene type, on the development of nodules, roots and shoots. A bacterial nod gene type was identified that induced very…
Variabilité génétique pour la morphologie du système racinaire du pois. Impact sur la nutrition azotée
Recherche des meilleurs couples pois-rhizobia. Premiers résultats et perspectives
La culture de légumineuses, et en particulier du pois, présente le double intérêt de permettre une production de graines à haute valeur nutritionnelle sans nécessité d’un apport d’engrais azoté. Cependant, la nutrition azotée du pois, et en particulier la fixation symbiotique de l’azote atmosphérique, peut être insuffisante dans certains environnements et limiter ainsi le rendement de la culture. L’établissement de la symbiose entre pois et rhizobium nécessite une reconnaissance mutuelle spécifique entre les deux partenaires, et une coordination de l'expression de nombreux gènes, indispensable à la mise en place des importantes modifications racinaires permettant la formation des organes sy…
BAP et les Métaprogrammes – séquence 1 : HOLOFLUX
Phenotyping in Agroecology
International audience
Plant acclimation to high temperatures and water deficit: a comparative study determining independent and combined effects in four grain legume species
National audience; Four grain legumes species (Pea, Faba bean, Lentil and Lupin) were evaluated for their responses to high temperatures (HT) and soil water deficit (WD), applied independently or jointly. We characterized both nodulated root development and growth, as well as nodulated root performance in terms of water and N uptake. To that aim, plants inoculated with rhizobium were grown up to four weeks, corresponding to their vegetative stage, in innovative RhizoTubes© on the 4PMI high throughput phenotyping platform. Most of the traits, including overall plant performance illustrated by plant biomass, were more impacted by combined HT and WD than when these stresses were applied separa…
Holobionte chez Pisum spp.: des Rhizobia à la rhizosphère
Optimizing response to abiotic stress
International audience
Etude du déterminisme génétique pour le choix du partenaire symbiotique en vue d’améliorer la fixation d’azote chez le pois
Prod 2018-276 BAP GEAPSI INRA; National audience
Plant resistance and architecture for protection of pulses against pathogens
Prod 2019-213c BAP GEAPSI INRA; National audience
Les génotypes best-off : effets du stress hydrique
National audience
Vers des variétés de légumineuses à graines mieux adaptées à l’alimentation humaine
National audience; Les légumineuses font partie des aliments de l’homme depuis les premiers âges de l’agriculture et sont très présentes dans les repas des pays en développement. Outre un apport en réserves carbonées qui selon les espèces sont à dominante d’amidons ou de lipides, ces graines riches en protéines enrichissent les régimes en acides aminés très complémentaires de ceux des céréales. L’aptitude des racines de légumineuses à établir une symbiose avec des bactéries rhizobiacées qui leur permet d’utiliser l’azote de l’air comme principale ressource d’azote, combinée à une consommation directe par l’homme de ces graines qui permet de diminuer la consommation de viandes, constituent u…
Membre du comité d'organisation scientifique
National audience
Non destructive nodulated root phenotyping of pea recombinant inbred lines
National audience
Key Note speaker Plant resistance and architecture for protection of pulses against biotic stresses
Prod 2019-88l BAP GEAPSI INRA DOCT; National audience; Major diseases and pests, such as root rots, ascochyta blights and aphids, are limiting factors to cool season pulse production in many countries worldwide, especially in Europe. In the context of pesticide reduction, plant genetic resistance and architecture are main traits that can be mobilised in breeding for disease and pest management. Knowledge of quantitative resistance to major diseases and pests of pea and faba bean in France has benefited from the development of sequenced genomes and massive SNP markers [1], which have recently been highly valuable to identify candidate genes controlling resistance. Fine mapping and sequencing…
Comparative genome-wide-association mapping identifies common loci controlling root system architecture and resistance to Aphanomyces euteiches in pea
BAP GEAPSI INRA; International audience; Plant architecture can contribute to decrease plant susceptibility to pathogens by favoring mechanisms leading to infection escape or increased tolerance. Combining genetic resistance with architectural traits that can negatively impact disease development is thus a strategy of great interest to reduce epidemics. Until now, most strategies exploiting plant architecture have focused on the aerial parts of plants. Few studies have been done on the identification of root system architecture (RSA) traits limiting root disease development and even less on their use in breeding. Aphanomyces euteiches, a soil-borne pathogen infecting roots, is a major limit…
Can LCO and mycorrhiza mitigate the impact of water deficit on pea growth in co-inoculations with rhizobium? A preliminary assessment
National audience; Water stress is a major factor limiting production of legumes in Europe, but could be mitigated by improving interactions between plant roots and soil microbial communities, including symbiotic rhizobia and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi. These two microbes produce lipochitooligosaccharide (LCO) signals, which stimulate symbiotic interactions and lateral root formation [1, 2]. While N2-fixation by rhizobia fulfills the plants N requirement [3], mycorrhizal fungi can improve mineral nutrition (P, N, S, K, Zn, Cu…) and water uptake [4- 5]. We have investigated in pea plants grown in interaction with a rhizobium strain, to what extent the negative impact of water deficit could…
High-throughput phenotyping of key legumes (and others) root traits
International audience
High throughput phenotyping : associated tools and methods to assess determinisms of plant and microbiome interactions
Determinisms of plant and microbiome interactions : a multidisciplinary approach involving high-throughput phenotyping
International audience
Looking back to roots: phenotyping facilities and applications. Web broadcast conference
The pea genome... Now and After
Having a genome sequence available is a critical step towards unravelling functional diversity and establishing genome-enabled breeding. The recently generated pea genome sequence represents a great tool for genomicists, geneticists and breeders not only for the pea community but also for legume research. In the genome project, re-sequencing data revealed the considerable diversity present in the Pisum genus. In the PeaMUST and GRASP project, an unprecedented effort was made to genotype large pea collections using the exome capture technology. This high density SNP data was exploited in genome-wide association studies (GWAS) on a large number of traits related to yield, symbiose, as well as…
Proposal of a tool for selection of peas both on productivity and duration of seed set period
International audience
Genetic diversity for partner choice in a core collection of pea accessions inoculated by a mix of five Rhizobium leguminosarum bv. viciae genotypes
National audience
Phenotyping, ecophysiology and molecular physiology to characterize plant root system architecture and plant-plant and plant-microorganisms interactions
International audience; Agriculture is facing the challenges to improve performance and crop adaptation to climate change towards reducing negative impacts of associated abiotic stresses on crop yield and contributing to its mitigation. Climate change comprises more frequent and ample abiotic stresses that plants have to cope with, such as drought, the most important limitation to yield stability and plant harvest product quality which often lead to hydromineral nutritional stress. The capacity of plants to extract nutrients and water from a given volume of soil depends on root system architecture and on intrinsic factors such as the production of root exudates and the efficiency for resour…
Améliorer et utiliser les associations bénéfiques plantes x microorganismes
Le sol est considéré comme l’habitat majeur de la biosphère terrestre. Les microorganismes représentent une partie importante de la biodiversité du sol. Certains champignons et bactéries interagissent de façon bénéfique, directement ou indirectement, avec les plantes. Ces microorganismes du sol apparaissent comme des acteurs clés de ces services écosystémiques rendus par la nature à la société humaine. Les champignons mycorhiziens à arbuscules (CMA) jouent un rôle essentiel dans l’absorption d’éléments nutritifs de la plupart des espèces végétales, dans la séquestration du carbone, dans l’agrégation des particules dans le sol, et la tolérance des plantes vis à vis des stress biotiques et ab…
Genetic variability of root morphology in pea : relationship with the seed protein content
National audience
Research of genetic and molecular determinants involved in the nodulated root system architecture of legumes and contributing to improved nitrogen nutrition
Grain legume pulse crops are of great interest to allow a production of seeds high nutritional value without any contribution of nitrate fertilizer. The nitrogen nutrition of legumes depends indeed mainly on the fixation in nodules of atmospheric dinitrogen through the plant-rhizobium symbiosis, and to a lesser extent, absorption by roots of soil mineral nitrogen.A better understanding has been obtained on the genetic control of the development of roots and nodules and on their impact on nitrogen nutrition. High genetic variability of these characters has been detected, and the existence of genetic correlations between them demonstrated. A quantitative genetic approach has identified severa…
GRaSP project Genetics of Rhizobia Selection by Pea
Prod 2019-88aa; National audience; Because of their ability to fix nitrogen in symbiosis with soil bacteria, legumes such as peas have an important role to play in the development of a sustainable agriculture. However, in the field, biological nitrogen fixation (BNF) could be suboptimal as natural Rhizobium leguminosarum viciae (Rlv) populations are quantitatively and qualitatively heterogeneous, with strains varying in their competitiveness and efficiency of BNF [1,2]. There is a general agreement concerning the interest of Rlv inoculation for improving BNF and thus pea yield [3]. However, even when pea seeds are inoculated by efficient Rlv strains these can be outcompeted by indigenous rh…
Etude de l'architecture racinaire et du choix des partenaires symbiotiques
Phénotypage racinaire haut débit et ses applications à l'étude des interactions plante x microorganisme
Prod 2019-83f BAP EA SPE GEAPSI SERRES GESTAD INRA; National audience; De nombreuses innovations ont été développées afin de caractériser le fonctionnement des plantes modèles ou cultivées. Ces innovations comprennent de nouvelles méthodes et équipements dédiés à l’analyse des plantes et la gestion des données associées. Ils permettent d’analyser dans des conditions climatiques variées la morphologie, la phénologie et le fonctionnement physiologique des plantes résultant de l’expression de leurs gènes, ce que l’on appelle le « phénotype » d’une plante. Ceci est réalisé à « haut débit » par le biais de la caractérisation non destructive, dynamique et automatisée des phénotypes de milliers de…
Genetic diversity of nodulated root structure and nitrogen nutrition in a core collection of pea
Pea (Pisum sativum) is the third most important grain legume worldwide, and the increasing demand for protein-rich raw material for animal feed or human nutrition has led to a greater interest in this crop as a protein source. Moreover, legumes do not need nitrogen (N) fertilizers, thanks to their natural ability to use, as main N resource, the atmospheric N2 from symbiosis in nodules with Rhizobiaceae spp. However, N nutrition can still be a limiting factor of yield and seed quality in legumes because nodules are very sensitive to their local environment, in particular to nitrate, and root systems of N2 fixing legumes are poorly developed, which makes them unable to explore a large soil vo…
Breeding annual legumes for sustainable agricultures must target for new and more complex variety ideotypes
International audience; Although yield and total biomass produced by annual legumes remain major objectives for breeders, environment-friendly, resource use efficient including symbiotic performance, resilient production in the context of climate change, adaptation to sustainable cropping systems (reducing leaching and glasshouse gas emissions), adaptation to diverse uses (seeds for feeds foods, non-food, forage or green manures), and finally new ecological services such as pollinator protection, imply the development of innovative genotypes, definition of new ideotypes and acceptance of their commercialisation. Taken as a whole, this means more complex and integrated objectives for breeder…
Holobionte : concept et enjeux pour la biologie des plantes et la génétique
National audience
Architecture racinaire, interactions symbiotiques, stress
Prod 2018-322 BAP EA GEAPSI INRA; National audience
Assessing plant and microorganisms interactions using high throughput phenotyping
International audience
Genetic control of the interactions between legumes and favorable micro-organisms
Phylogeny and gene expression analyses of ammonium transporters (AMT) induced by mycorrhization and nodule symbiosis among Papilionoideae subfamily
The study of plant-microbe associations through nutrient exchanges has significantly improved our understanding of plant microbiome. Legume plants establish mutualistic associations with both rhizobial bacteria and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi [1]. These symbioses improve mineral plant nutrition and increase plant resistance against biotic and abiotic stresses. Plant-microbe associations provide key features for the current agricultural and environmental challenges [2]. Translocation mechanisms of nitrogen from the fungal and rhizobial symbiotic interfaces to the plant are not well-defined yet. In Poaceae plant, inductions of specific ammonium transporters (AMT) genes [3, 4] and nitrogen/pe…
Les défis méthodologiques du phénotypage Haut Débit - Expectations of plant high throughput phenotyping and associated tools and methods
Challenges and opportunities for innovative research on legume nutrition and stress adaptation: an ecophysiologist’s and phenotyping point of view
International audience; Agroecology needs to reconcile agronomy and ecology, preserving and valorizing plant and microbe biodiversity. Legumes have merits for agroecology considering their ecological services. They constitute a protein source and their production relocation give merits for feed and food. However, they are still under represented due to both biotic and abiotic constraints. Research need to increase their profitability through higher and more stable yield and protein content, and new uses in a fluctuating environment [2]. Mechanisms which control nutrient use efficiency have to be highlighted i) considering nutrient acquisition, storage, remobilization [3] ii) under various c…
Root system architecture, nodulation and nitrogen nutrition in pea
National audience
Criteria for selecting productive and stable pea cultivars
International audience
Etude du coaching d’un directeur de recherche de l’INRAE. Soutenu publiquement le 9 janvier 2023. Diplôme d’Université « Coaching & Management ». Parcours « Praticien de l’Executive Coaching »
The world of public research seems at first sight to be very little concerned by themanagement issues of the business world in which the right decisions must be taken and forwhich there is an obligation to perform. The very idea of coaching researchers seemsincongruous. The purpose of this study is to challenge this idea, by describing precisely whatthe profession of researcher is in the world of public research - their belonging to very complexstructures and the demanding challenges they have to face - then by studying thecontributions of cognitive-behavioural coaching methodologies. The analysis of the practiceshows that coaching based on constructivist psychology can lead to a better pra…
Genetic variability of development rates in pea (Pisum sativum L.)
International audience
Recherche de déterminants génétiques et moléculaires impliqués dans l’architecture racinaire et nodulaire des légumineuses et contribuant à une amélioration de la nutrition azotée
La culture de Légumineuses présente le double intérêt de permettre une production de graines à haute valeur nutritionnelle sans nécessité d’un apport d’engrais azoté. La nutrition azotée des légumineuses dépend en effet majoritairement de la fixation symbiotique de l’azote atmosphérique réalisée par des bactéries du sol, les rhizobia, au sein des nodosités, et dans une moindre mesure, de l’assimilation de l’azote minéral du sol par les racines. Une meilleure compréhension a été acquise, par ce travail de thèse, sur le contrôle génétique de la mise en place des racines et des nodosités et sur leur impact sur la nutrition azotée. Une grande variabilité génétique pour ces caractères a été mise…
Recherche des meilleurs couples pois-rhizobia. Premiers résultats et perspective
Prod 2019-83g BAP GEAPSI INRA; National audience; La culture de légumineuses, et en particulier du pois, présente le double intérêt de permettre une production de graines à haute valeur nutritionnelle sans nécessité d’un apport d’engrais azoté. Cependant, la nutrition azotée du pois, et en particulier la fixation symbiotique de l’azote atmosphérique, peut être insuffisante dans certains environnements et limiter ainsi le rendement de la culture. L’établissement de la symbiose entre pois et rhizobium nécessite une reconnaissance mutuelle spécifique entre les deux partenaires, et une coordination de l'expression de nombreux gènes, indispensable à la mise en place des importantes modifications…
Projet ANR GRASP : Caractérisation du déterminisme génétique du choix du partenaire symbiotique pour une amélioration de la symbiose fixatrice d'azote chez le pois
Utiliser les symbiotes des Légumineuses pour favoriser la réduction du gaz à effet de serre N2O dans les sols
Le système racinaire nodulé du pois : un rôle pivot pour sa stabilité sous contraintes hydriques fluctuantes
National audience; Dans le contexte du changement climatique, des épisodes de stress hydrique plus fréquents sont attendus, entraînant des modifications de nutrition, de croissance des plantes, et donc des pertes de rendements. Chez les plantes légumineuses, telles que le pois protéagineux, un stress hydrique du sol diminue drastiquement l’acquisition de l’azote (N) par la fixation symbiotique du N2 atmosphérique, conduisant à une carence azotée de la plante et pouvant diminuer le rendement de 30 à 60% suivant les variétés. Il apparait donc nécessaire de sélectionner des génotypes de pois mieux adaptés à la sécheresse. Dans cette étude, les réponses architecturales, physiologiques et transc…
ILS3 highlighted nice results and challenging opportunities for innovative research on grain legume. Legume Perspective
From simple visualization to detailed understanding of plant and microbes interactions, using ‘pheno’ methods and models
International audience
Genetic diversity of nodulated root structure in a very diverse pea collection
National audience; The root system is responsible for nitrogen (N) acquisition, which in legumes, combines mineral acquisition and symbiotic fixation in nodules. Despite these two complementary pathways, N nutrition may be a limiting factor of legumes yield because nodules are very sensitive to their local environment and N fixing legume root system is poorly developed which may limit soil exploration [1]. Pea establishes in root nodules a symbiotic association with Rhizobium leguminosarum sv viciae bacteria (Rlv) [2]. This study assessed the potential of naturally occurring genetic variability of nodulated root structure and functioning traits to improve yield pea performance. Two successi…
NatAdGES : a project dedicated to the mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions (N2O) by soils
International audience
Pea in the genomic era
Pea in the genomic era. Séminaire IFR AIB (Agrobiosciences, Interactions & Biodiversité)
Combining plant genetic, ecophysiological and microbiological approaches to enhance nitrogen uptake in legumes
International audience
Root growth and development under heat and water stresses: a comparative study determining independent and combined effects in four grain legume species
International audience; hanks to their ability to fix atmospheric dinitrogen in symbiosis with soil bacteria, grain legumes provide a sustainable way to ensure food and nutritional security. Unfortunately, these crops are highly susceptible to environmental constraints such as heat or water stresses which leads to fluctuating yields as compared to cereals. In the context of climate change, more frequent episodes of heat stress, concomitant (or not) with water stress are expected. This emphasizes the need to identify key plant traits towards a better yield stability under stressful conditions.
High-throughput phenotyping : characterizing physiological and genetic determinants of key traits of the root system
International audience
Tâche 4 : Effet des combinaisons de QTL sur la plante
Etude de la variabilité génétique du système racinaire chez le pois et interactions avec les souches de Rhizobium
Comité d'évaluation HCERES Unité BAGAP -Biodiversity, agroecology and landscape management under the supervision of the following Institutions and research bodies: Institut national de recherche pour l'agriculture, l'alimentation et l'environnement -INRAE Institut Agro -Agrocampus Ouest -École nationale des sciences agronomiques, agroalimentaires, horticoles et du paysage Groupe ESA -École Supérieure d'Agricultures Angers Loire EVALUATION CAMPAIGN 2020-2021 GROUP B
Under the decree No.2014-1365 dated 14 November 2014, 1 The president of Hcéres "countersigns the evaluation reports set up by the experts committees and signed by their chairman." (Article 8, paragraph 5); 2 The evaluation reports "are signed by the chairman of the experts committee". (Article 11, paragraph 2).