F. Tomasello
Experimental investigations on a model of cryogenic edema.
The role of mechanisms underlying formation and progression of vasogenic brain edema is investigated. On this purpose, cerebral edema was produced by cortical freezing in two different brain situations in rabbits (with or without replacement of bone flap). BBB (Blood-Brain Barrier) breakdown was evaluated by observation of Evans blue extravation, while a histopathological evaluation was carried out by light and transmission electron microscopy. Water content of brain tissue was determined by the wet/dry weight ratio method. Comparison of extension and intensity of cerebral edema between these two groups of animals shows a statistically significant difference: there was evidence of higher wa…
A new computed-assisted technique for experimental sciatic nerve function analysis.
BACKGROUND: Peripheral nerve injury is a well-known experimental tool to evaluate the effect of various neurotrophic substances. Besides histological and electrophysiological techniques, nerve functional status has been assessed by means of the sciatic function index (SFI) and the static sciatic index (SSI). However, these techniques are still based on a complex and old-fashioned apparatus requiring a relatively long time of execution. This study aimed to assess a novel, rapid, computerized method for assessment of SSI in a rat model of sciatic nerve injury. MATERIAL/METHODS: Fourteen rats were used in this study. The left sciatic nerve was exposed and compressed for 2 minutes with an aneur…
Per un corpus dei marchi di cava punici e neopunici nell’edilizia della Tunisia. Prime note
Le ricerche avviate in Tripolitania (Leptis Magna e Sabratha) sulla tradizione edilizia locale esaminata attraverso i marchi di cava punici e neopunici hanno coinvolto altre regioni del Mediterraneo e più recentemente alcuni siti archeologici della Tunisia. Nel corso delle due prime campagne (2017, 2018) l’interesse si è concentrato sulle aree archeologiche di Cartagine e su alcuni siti di Capo Bon. Ci si propone di redigere un corpus dei marchi di cava, scarsamente documentati o inediti, al fine di incrementare il repertorio oggi noto e di porlo in relazione alle tecniche costruttive di tradizione punica. Presentiamo una breve rassegna della documentazione epigrafica raccolta e una sintesi…
Different methods for anatomical targeting.
AIM: Several procedures are used in the different neurosurgical centers in order to perform stereotactic surgery for movement disorders. At the moment no procedure can really be considered superior to the other. We contribute with our experience of targeting method. METHODS: Ten patients were selected, in accordance to the guidelines for the treatment of Parkinson disease, and operated by several methods including pallidotomy, bilateral insertion of chronic deep brain electrodes within the internal pallidum and in the subthalamic nucleus (18 procedures). Interventions: in each patient an MR scan was performed the day before surgery. Scans were performed axially parallel to the intercommissu…
Surgery of Parkinson's disease. Experience in Messina
No abstract
Pallidotomy improves quality of life in selected parkinsonian patients: an Italian report.
Pallidotomy has recently been reconfirmed as effective for otherwise intractable symptoms of Parkinson's disease. Nonetheless almost every aspect of its performance requires choices which are not fully established and may vary between centers. These include: 1) patient selection; 2) choice of imaging modality, 3) choice of anatomic landmarks for targeting the lesion, 4) choice of method for physiologic confirmation of location, 5) choice of lesion size and shape. We present two cases of pallidotomy procedures in Parkinsonian patients that in our knowledge are the first reported in Italy. Our experience and a careful review of the literature led to the following choices: 1) selection of Park…