María Jesús Lerma García
Aplicación de la metodología Comunica’t a la mejora de la competencia Comunicación Oral Efectiva de los alumnos del Máster de Gestión de la Seguridad Alimentaria y la Calidad de la UPV
[ES] Desarrollar el resultado estudiantil de "Comunicación oral efectiva" es una nueva estrategia dentro de los estudios universitarios, tanto en licenciatura como en másteres. Para alcanzar este objetivo, se creó la metodología Comunica’t en 2017 dentro de un Proyecto de Innovación y Mejora Educativa. (PIME) en la Universitat Poliècnica de València. El proyecto tiene como objetivo fundamental que el estudiante, después de realizar un test de autodiagnóstico, pueda mejorar su comunicación oral efectiva a través de un itinerario de autoaprendizaje. De esta manera, el estudiante, a partir de su nivel inicial de competencia en términos de comunicación oral efectiva, sigue un itinerario autofor…
Desarrollo de métodos de caracterización y autentificación de aceites de oliva y de otros aceites vegetales
Se han desarrollado métodos rápidos y sensibles para la caracterización de aceites vegetales en función de su origen botánico, y para la caracterización y autentificación de aceites de oliva en relación a su calidad, origen genético y geográfico. En primer lugar, se establecieron los contenidos de tocoferoles y tocotrienoles en aceites de distinto origen botánico mediante electrocromatografía capilar (CEC) y nano cromatografía líquida (LC), y los contenidos de esteroles mediante cromatografía líquida ultra-rápida (UPLC) y CEC. Por otro lado, se aplicaron herramientas quimiométricas como el análisis discriminante lineal (LDA), con el fin de desarrollar métodos capaces de clasificar los aceit…
Development of Methods for the Classification of EVOOs According to Their Geographical Origin
The aim of this work was to obtain the phenolic profiles of EVOOs by using a CEC method, and to evaluate the use of these profiles in the prediction of the geographical origin of these EVOO samples. For this purpose, monolithic columns containing LA and BDDA monomers were constructed.
Development of Methods for Olive Oil Quality Evaluation
In this work, a simple and quick method for olive oil classification according to its quality grades, based on direct infusion ESI–MS and LDA, was developed. Moreover, mixtures of EVOO and VOO, and binary mixtures of these two oils with olive oils of lower quality grade have been also evaluated using this methodology and MLR and PLS data treatment.
Objectives and Work Plan
The objective of this PhD thesis was the development of fast and sensitive methods for the characterization of vegetable oils according to their botanical origin, and for the characterization and authentication of olive oils in relation to their quality, genetic variety and geographical origin. For this purpose, oils selected considering each and every one of the factors discussed in the introduction section will be used.
Development of Methods for the Classification of EVOOs According to Their Genetic Variety
The aim of this work was to construct an LDA model able to classify EVOOs according to their genetic variety by using FTIR data.
Development of Methods for the Evaluation of Olive Oil Oxidation
In this work, the chemical changes produced in an EVOO sample, both in the presence and absence of its phenolic fraction during an accelerated ageing treatment have been studied. The changes produced in phenolic compound concentrations, jointly with the changes observed in free acidity, peroxide value, UV absorbance, fatty acid composition, OSI and T content, were monitored. In addition, transformation of phenolic compounds during the accelerated ageing treatment in EVOO samples with phenolic fraction was also studied.
Development of Methods for the Determination of Ts, T3s and Sterols in Vegetable Oils
In this work, a CEC method using methacrylate ester-based monolithic columns was developed to determine Ts and T3s present in edible oils. The potential of this method to evaluate olive oil adulteration with lower-cost oils of a different botanical origin was also investigated. For these purposes, the following vegetable oils were used: soybean, sunflower, grapeseed, EVOO (Coosur), hazelnut (Guinama), corn (Hacendado) and red palm (Blue Bay).
Development of Methods for the Classification of Vegetable Oils According to Their Botanical Origin
The aim of this work was to construct an LDA model able to classify vegetable oils according to their botanical origin using FTIR spectroscopy data. Also, FTIR data treatment by MLR was used to detect and quantify EVOO adulteration with other low cost edible oils. For these purposes, the vegetable oils shown in Table 5.1 were used. The FTIR spectra of these 30 oil samples were then measured. In all cases, at least two spectra were recorded for each sample. As indicated in this table, four samples of each botanical origin were used to construct a training set in the classification studies, while the remaining samples of each category were employed to evaluate the prediction capability of the…
Satisfaction analysis of 'food safety and quality management' master degree's students with the 'comunicat' methodology for the enhancement of the 'effective oral comunication' student outcome
The main goal of the present study is to analyze the satisfaction level of the students from the master degree "Food Safety and Quality Management" with the "ComunicaT" methodology, which was applied to improve the mastery level of the "Effective Oral Communication" student outcome. This methodology is being developed under an innovative and educational improvement research project funded by the Universitat Politècnica de València, and the general idea behind it is that the student, after performing an auto-diagnosis test, becomes capable to autonomously improve its oral communication skills. Thereby, the student, starting from his initial mastery level on this student outcome, follows a se…